Bank account for sole proprietor without monthly fee. In which bank is it better to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur? Choosing the best bank for entrepreneurs

What is a current account and does a private entrepreneur need it, what are the differences between non-cash transfers through a current account and payments made using a personal bank card of an individual entrepreneur. Not always an entrepreneur can independently understand all the issues that relate to one of the most important aspects of business - financial. It is important to figure out which bank to choose, how much it costs to open an account and what documents will be needed.

What is a current account - application and structure

Settlement account (r / s) - an account in the bank system, which is designed to account for the financial transactions of the client, passing through non-cash business settlements, this includes:

The key difference between a current account for an individual entrepreneur and a personal account individual is to assign payments. The regulation distinguishes between these two categories. A business current account is a tool for maintaining commercial activities. Here the income of a private entrepreneur is concentrated, payment for materials and raw materials, rent of industrial premises can be made from the account, taxes to the state budget and contributions to off-budget funds etc.

In most cases, ruble accounts are used for IP business activities. Also, r / accounts can be in foreign currency, they are used in tandem with transit accounts and pass under the specialized control of the bank.

In order to identify the client, the credit institution assigns an individual number to each user account. This is the current account, for a commercial enterprise this number is an important part bank details, which are indicated in contracts, commercial forms and offers.

The structure of a business account consists of twenty digits, where:

  • the first 3 digits are the number of the section and the account of the first order;
  • the next 2 - the number of the account of the second order;
  • followed by 3 digits that define the currency code (RF code - 810);
  • control number;
  • in the tenth to thirteenth digits, the code of a bank branch that does not have a correspondent account is encrypted;
  • 7 subsequent digits - the number of the personal account of the individual entrepreneur (unique code).

Please note: when registering bank details in payment or legal documents IP is necessary, in addition to 20 digits r / s, in without fail indicate the name of the bank, c / s (correspondent account of the bank) and BIC (bank identification code). it important point, which insures against errors in the transfer of funds.

The current account always consists of 20 digits, in the details of the company, in addition to the account number, the bank (branch), C/C and BIC of the credit institution are indicated

What is the IP account for?

The legislation does not prohibit private businesses from operating without a bank account and making payments for cash(unlike legal entities that are required to have a cash account in their details).

The only limitation in this case is settlements of more than one hundred thousand rubles under one agreement with a counterparty - according to the sixth paragraph of the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3073-U “On cash settlements”, such transactions should be paid only by bank transfer.

When deciding to work without a current account, you need to take into account that when paying for goods and services in cash or using your personal physical account. face, a businessman bears certain risks and limits his business to a serious framework. If we briefly talk about the shortcomings of the work of an individual entrepreneur without a r / account, the following should be highlighted:

  • the entrepreneur is forced to work with a limited circle of suppliers and buyers, large transactions are not available to him (only up to 100 thousand rubles);
  • An individual entrepreneur cannot work with a part of clients who pay with debit and credit cards, make purchases on the Internet, pay for purchases through POS-terminals or electronic wallets (and today this is almost 50% of buyers in various distribution channels);
  • in the case when a businessman's personal account regularly receives significant amounts of money, he may fall under the sanctions of the anti-money laundering Federal Law No. 115, lose his physical card. persons and parts of funds;
  • expenses for business activities paid from a personal card are not taken into account when declaring taxes (clarifications of the Ministry of Finance No. 03-11-11 / 665);
  • An individual entrepreneur exposes his business to the risk of taxation on the amount received on his personal account, the Federal Tax Service can draw the balance on the card to desk audit, and if it turns out that business payments were made on the card (“for services” or goods), the tax authorities will include the entire amount that has passed on the card in the income of the individual entrepreneur and charge additional tax;
  • there are risks associated with holding cash;
  • in order to make a payment, you need to contact the bank or personally go to the counterparty with cash.

By opening a current account, an entrepreneur frees up time for business or personal affairs, and minimizes tax risks. Let's figure out why an entrepreneur may need a r / account, what services can be obtained by concluding a contract for banking services:

  • reception cashless payment from counterparties and private clients, including through the merchant acquiring system, and crediting funds to the IP account (without restrictions);
  • payment for raw materials and materials, rent, other services that are needed for doing business;
  • receiving cash from the account;
  • transfers of funds within the bank and interbank;
  • non-cash payment of interest on business loans (it is possible to set up auto payment);
  • payment of tax deductions and contributions to funds (no commission), despite the fact that an individual entrepreneur has the right to pay fees through the cash desk, but in practice there are problems with such payments, up to litigation with the Federal Tax Service;
  • cash delivery after the collection procedure and storage of proceeds in a bank account (many tariffs have a deposit accrual of interest on the balance);
  • at will, the client can connect POS-terminals of non-cash payment (trade acquiring);
  • mobile and internet banking;
  • salary project - transferring salaries to employees on cards;
  • provision of statements and supporting documents on the r / account.

Let's specify additional preferences for the entrepreneur, which gives the presence of a current account:

  • Efficiency of settlements and saving time - a business account makes it possible to control and manage your funds online without visiting the bank and institutions through the personal account of the account.
  • Additional income - most often the r / account is a deposit, interest is charged on the balance. There is a chance, receiving dividends, to cover the cost settlement and cash services.
  • Image component and additional. guarantees for business lending - counterparties are more willing to cooperate with individual entrepreneurs, and Bank statements increase the chances of obtaining a loan for investment in development.

A business has the right to have several checking accounts

What documents will be needed

Almost all credit organizations require from individual entrepreneurs the same package of documents for opening a current account:

  1. Applicant's passport. If the entrepreneur plans to involve a trusted person in working with payments, the main document of this individual will be needed. faces.
  2. Extract from the USRIP - the original and a copy certified by a notary or tax authorities. Official paper can be obtained remotely on the portal of the Federal Tax Service. This is done in 1 day: we form an application and send it online to the inspection. A certificate with an electronic signature of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation in pdf format can be downloaded within 5 days. Go to page tax authority you can follow this link.
  3. If an individual entrepreneur has been registered with the IFTS for more than three months, documents must be submitted to the bank confirming that the businessman is conducting business activities. It can be a choice of IP: annual or quarterly reporting IP, certified by tax authorities, book. reporting (balance sheet or financial result report) or a certificate from the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate that the individual entrepreneur has no debt for tax collection(not older than three months). Additionally, you can provide the bank with a copy auditor's report(if there is).
  4. If the type of IP activity requires licensing, a license is needed. If an entrepreneur works under the patent system of taxation - a patent.
  5. Application in the form of a bank. The form can be filled out when submitting documents or printed or entered all the data at home so as not to waste time.

At the meeting with the bank officer, you will need to sign the user card so that the bank has your original visa. Some banks ask you to have SNILS on hand when you open an account, you should take it with you.

You can provide the bank with letters of recommendation from the partners of the entrepreneur who cooperate with this credit institution or an extract from another bank in which the individual entrepreneur had or has a r / account. Such documents will increase the chance of opening an account.

Please note: banks may issue different requirements to copies of documents. Therefore, in order to avoid refusal, it is recommended to make copies of documents directly at the bank (even if this is a paid service). Calculate for yourself: the savings of 20-50 rubles is not worth the prospect of returning documents and refusal due to incorrect execution.

How to make the best choice of bank

There are a few key points that you need to know about settlement accounts.

Firstly, an entrepreneur has the right to open a cash account at any time when doing business, as soon as it is needed (as mentioned above, an individual entrepreneur can work without a cash account, especially when starting a business).

Secondly, this can be done in any region of the Russian Federation, the choice of a bank does not depend on the place of registration of an individual entrepreneur or his business activities. Maintaining a r / account can take place both with the help of stationary large or small banks, and through Internet banking. The competition in this sector is intensifying every year, so the options are plentiful.

The fastest and least time-consuming opening is in young ambitious online banks, such as Tinkoff, Tochka Bank, Modulbank. Here, the service takes place remotely through the payer's Personal Account, there are no branches and bureaucracy when opening an account. Such banks do everything for the convenience of customers, winning their market share. They are trying to keep up with advanced banks and well-known financial institutions with a long history.

The third point is that a current business account is opened for an indefinite period (unlike individual cards). You can close it by writing an application to the bank.

The fourth thing you need to know is that the current accounts of private entrepreneurs are insured by the state. Compensation operations for bank customers, deprived of a license, carried out by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), each deposit is insured for the amount of 1.4 million rubles.

And the last thing I would like to note is that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation does not limit business in the number of bank accounts.

The choice of a particular bank should be based on several basic parameters:

  1. The cost of opening a r / account and the monthly fee for maintaining an account is a key indicator for all users. The main thing that should be taken into account when assessing the total cost of a r / account for an individual entrepreneur is that the absence of a monthly payment is not always beneficial for the user. At the same time, if at first consideration the subscription fee may seem high, it is necessary to clarify the likely number of IP payments per month, it is possible that the total cost of transfers and replenishment that it includes will tip the scales in the direction of choosing this particular bank.
  2. Ability to replenish the account in cash: the number and availability of ATMs. It must be taken into account that third party banks they charge a fee for cash withdrawals, if you have to withdraw cash often, this can result in a significant amount. Daily limits on transfers and cash withdrawals are also important.
  3. Connectivity and ease of use of mobile and internet banking. Today, this parameter is important for operational payments and work outside the office.
  4. The reliability of the bank can be assessed by checking whether the bank is entered in the DIA register, to see the status of the bank (whether the bank is under the supervision or rehabilitation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation). It does not hurt to check where the bank is in the rating of independent agencies (for example, RusRating). Rating "A" and "B" will tell about the stability of the company, lower scores indicate a low level of creditworthiness and the possibility of revoking the license.

Obviously, due to competition in banking sector It is becoming increasingly easier for entrepreneurs to open business accounts today. Financial institutions are trying to develop, introduce new technologies, and be closer to their customers. Mobile and Internet banking is developing rapidly. New players are entering the market. The share of online banking is already almost 50% in the structure of the total settlement and cash services. It becomes easier for a private entrepreneur to purchase a prompt and easy-to-use banking service.

Choosing credit organization, it is recommended to compare at least 5-9 banks, look at customer reviews, ask the opinion of partners who are already working with the bank. A comparative table of large financial institutions, as well as the best in the ranking of advanced online banks, is given at the end of the chapter.
Choosing a bank for business is a Rubik's cube, you need to correctly add up all the components

Basic services for individual entrepreneurs - settlement services, acquiring, cash-card, etc.

When choosing a bank for business, it is necessary to evaluate the cost of the main package of services - CSC. Understand what additional specific options an individual entrepreneur may need when conducting a business, what can be waived, and what will need to be taken when concluding an agreement. Everything here is individual, and depends on the business activity.

Settlement and cash services - a complex of paid banking services, the base rate of which includes:

  • a fixed fee for opening a r / account of an individual entrepreneur - not available in many banks;
  • the amount for the service, the implementation of operations on current account charged per month;
  • the cost of making an electronic payment;
  • connection to online banking - paid one-time, there are banks where there is no such service;
  • fee for depositing cash into the account - a percentage of the amount.

When analyzing the tariffs of different banks, please note that some banks offer preferential months with zero account maintenance fees when opening an account for a private business, others periodically launch promotions for entrepreneurs, and still others give a preferential rate for annual service.

In addition to the basic tariff, almost all credit organizations provide additional services to businesses. To understand in detail the topic of choosing the optimal financial organization for individual entrepreneurs, consider those that may be needed for entrepreneurial activities.

Acquiring - POS-terminals, mobile and Internet acquiring

Banks can provide the acquiring service as part of the cash settlement package, or as a separate option.

Merchant acquiring - acceptance of non-cash payments by bank debit and credit cards of individuals. persons at the points of sale of the entrepreneur's products or at the points of provision of services. They are carried out using the so-called POS-terminals, they can be stationary or portable. Usually, acquiring terminals can either be immediately bought from the bank or rented. In this option, the bank will charge a commission on payment transactions that pass through the POS terminal. If the terminal is rented, payments will be made in fixed amounts towards the repayment of the rent. If a technical support redeemed by the entrepreneur, with each transaction there is a percentage determined by the bank.

Internet acquiring allows you to make payments when trading through Internet platforms (using an individual's card number and CVC code). Here, the amount of payment to the bank depends only on the volume, the commission is taken from each amount received on the current account of the entrepreneur. The commission of a credit institution for Internet acquiring is usually higher than a trading one.

The third type of acquiring offered by banks is mobile acquiring is a Pay-payment card reader that allows you to make online payments. Service transforms mobile phone or a tablet to an independent payment terminal, the receipt for the purchase comes to email owner.

For three types acquiring, a separate agreement is concluded for connecting software equipment: for receiving and transferring payments from cash desks - terminals, and for mobile and Internet commerce, specialized gateways are needed that transfer online payments - a software interface (API, LifePay).
Merchant acquiring is a necessary attribute retail and service industries

Corporate cash card

A cash card is an impersonal plastic card that is linked to a current account, it is unnamed, it can be transferred, the movement of funds on a corporate card can be tracked in the Entrepreneur's Personal Account. With a cash card, you can withdraw cash and replenish your account, pay in stores, etc. In general, act like any other card. When dealing with such a card, you need to know the tariff scale, as it differs from simple personal cards.

Almost all banks offer one or more impersonal corporate cards, most often this offer comes with standard package RKO. But, despite the fact that the card is included in the settlement and cash services, its maintenance is paid additionally, as a rule, annually.

A special r / account card is different from the cards that go under the salary project.

Payroll project for business

It is beneficial for credit institutions that the client uses as many additional commercial options as possible. Therefore, attracting new customers, and employees private company, who have personal accounts open, are new consumers of bank services that increase traffic and turnover of fin. institutions. Listing wages on employee cards, the entrepreneur and employees receive certain preferences from the bank: employees - loans on favorable terms, overdraft, etc., individual entrepreneurs - a preferential or zero tariff for transfers to the card. Usually such bank cards produced and delivered free of charge. It is not necessary to visit the bank to replenish the personal cards of employees, it is enough to send a register with the replenishment amounts to the bank. The salary is credited to the plastic card on the day the payment is sent.

Deposit on current account

If the entrepreneur has funds in the account from time to time, they can start to “work”. Banks charge more than favorable interest than to personal accounts of individuals. persons, as they are interested in clients keeping money on their current account, and business turnover is a more significant category for an institution.

Specific conditions for a deposit on a r / account are established by a credit institution, based on tariff plan service.

How to choose the best bank for IP

Let's say right away: there is no one ideal option for all entrepreneurs. The choice must be made based on the turnover of your own business, the number of monthly payments to counterparties, how often and in what volume the IP deposits (or withdraws) cash and much more.

To determine the best bank for yourself, it is recommended to make a table in excel or take a calculator in your hands and, taking the basic rates of five to ten banks as a basis, substitute the actual or planned figures for business activities and display the final amount:

  • how many payments will be made on the current account per month;
  • how much cash will be credited to the account every month, how much will be withdrawn;
  • whether acquiring will be used, in what form.

Without this procedure, believe me, it is difficult to adequately assess the final annual amount for banking services.

In the table below, we have selected 15 leading banks - leaders in terms of volume and customer reviews. Settlement accounts intended for start-up businesses with the lowest rates were taken. At the same time, if this affected the cost, rates were taken into account when opening an account remotely.

For each bank, the basic annual service (RKO) is calculated with a connection to online banking, provided that the individual entrepreneur makes 5 payments per month. At the same time, for obvious reasons, the amount that could be paid for the circulation of cash was not taken into account; acquiring is not included in the calculation.

The table shows that the most economical option for the same initial data will be: Modulbank, Tinkoff and Promsvyazbank. But who knows which of the banks below would come out ahead if the cash deposit fee was included in the calculation. For example, at Tinkoff Bank and the commission for each operation is almost 300 rubles, while the Tochka has 0 rubles. That is, it costs only 10 times to deposit cash, and Tinkoff will catch up with the Tochka in terms of the final cost.

This proves that it is wrong to focus only on service and the cost of opening a r / account. When choosing "your" bank, you need to consider all factors.

In the article we will figure out where to open a checking account in 2019. Let's consider the tariffs for opening, maintaining an account and the conditions of cash settlement services of popular banks. And you will also find out if a current account is needed for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, and who notifies the tax office of its opening.

Where to open a current account - comparison of tariffs

If you are faced with the task of choosing a bank to open an account, then you need to take into account many parameters: its reliability rating, range additional services, quality of service, etc. Service prices often play a decisive role.

We have prepared for you a table with tariffs for maintaining an account in popular banks:

Name of the bank Opening cost Maintenance cost
0 r.
  • TP "Simple" - 490 rubles.
  • TP "Advanced" - 1 990 rubles.
  • TP "Professional" - 4 990 rubles.
0 r.
  • TP "Required minimum" - 0 p.
  • TP " Golden mean"- 500 rubles.
  • TP "All the best at once" - 2,500 rubles.
0 r.
  • TP "Starting" - 0 rub.
  • TP "Optimal" - 490 rubles.
  • TP "Unlimited" - 4 900 rubles.
0 r.
  • TP "Economical" - 0 rub.
  • TP "Optimal" - 790 rubles.
  • TP "All inclusive" - ​​4 790 rubles.
0 r.
  • TP "Start" - 0 rub.
  • TP "Optima" - 990 rubles.
  • TP "Unlimited" - 4 990 rubles.
0 r.
  • TP "Tariff 1%" - 0 rub.
  • TP "Electronic" - 1 440 rubles.
  • TP "Success" - 2,100 rubles.
  • TP "Alfa-Business VED" - 3,200 rubles.
  • TP "Wholesaler" - 3 200 rubles.
  • TP "All you need" - 9 900 rubles.
0 r.
  • TP "Business start" - 0 rub.
  • TP "Pay less" - 399 rubles.
  • TP "Business light" - 1 050 rubles.
  • TP "Business 24×7" - 1 600 rubles.
  • TP "Business Check" - 2 290 rubles.
  • TP "My business" - 1 800 rubles.
0 r.
  • TP "Easy start" - 0 rub.
  • TP "Successful season" - 490 rubles.
  • TP "Good revenue" - 990 rubles.
  • TP "Active settlements" - 2 460 rubles.
  • TP "Great Opportunities" - 9 600 rubles.
0 r.
  • TP "Favorable start" - 0 p.
  • TP "Active growth" - 990 rubles.
  • TP "More opportunities" - 1 790 rubles.
  • TP "Reliable solution" - 3 100 rubles.
  • TP "Major League" - 7 590 rubles.
0 r.
  • S - free.
  • M - 990 rubles / month
  • L - 4 990 rubles / month
0 r.
  • TP "Your start" - 490 rubles.
  • TP "Your online" - 1 390 rubles.
  • TP "Your success" - 1 990 rubles.
  • TP "Your scale" - 3 190 rubles.
  • TP "Your World" - 4 290 rubles.
  • TP "Your Unlimited" - 8 990 rubles.
0 r.
  • TP "Startup" - 0 rub.
  • TP "Basic" - 399 rubles.
  • TP "Trading" - 1,500 rubles.
  • TP "All inclusive" - ​​3 000 rubles.
0 r.
  • TP "Everything is simple" - 0 p.
  • TP "Economy" - 500 rubles.
  • TP "ONLINE" - 700 rubles.
0 r.
  • TP "First step" - 0 rub.
  • TP "Fast growth" - 490 rubles.
  • TP "Own business" - 1,290 rubles.
  • TP "The whole world" - 1 990 rubles.
  • TP "Open Opportunities" - 7 990 rubles.
0 r.
  • TP "Start" - 490 rubles.
  • TP "Basic" - 1 900 rubles.
  • TP "Optimum" - 2 900 rubles.
  • TP "Maximum" - 7 500 rubles.
1 000 rubles
  • TP "Together" - 0 rub.
  • TP "Starting" - 650 rubles.
  • TP "Remote" - 1 150 rubles.
  • TP "Personal" - 1 850 rubles.
  • TP "Profitable" - 3,000 rubles.

And now let's take a closer look at the advantages of cash settlement services in each of the banks.

Tinkoff has received an A-level credit rating from ACRA and has repeatedly confirmed it. The operating day in it lasts from 01:00 to 20:00 (MSK). For an external payment, you need to pay from 19 to 49 rubles. depending on the connected service package. At the same time, on the TP "Simple" and "Advanced" the monthly fee already includes 3 and 10 free payments, respectively.

For cash withdrawals on the card, you will have to pay at least 1% of the amount plus 59 rubles. But on the other hand, individual entrepreneurs will be able to transfer from 400 thousand to 1 million rubles to their own Tinkoff cards without commission. For the remainder own funds You can receive up to 6% on your account.

When opening an account with Tinkoff, you will receive free bookkeeping, as well as the opportunity to use a huge number of additional services (free salary project, bank guarantees, acquiring, etc.). From 3 months of service, you can connect an overdraft.

Mobile and Internet banking in Tinkoff has repeatedly received high marks for efficiency. And any questions can be resolved with a personal manager via chat.


The dot is a project of FC Otkritie bank. At the Golden Mean TP, 10 free payments to other banks are provided, and at the All the Best at Once tariff there will already be 100 of them. If this amount is not enough, then you need to pay 60 or 15 rubles for each next transfer, respectively. At the TP "Required minimum" all transfers, including physical. individuals are free. External payments are processed from 00:00 to 20:00 (Moscow time), while internal bank payments operate around the clock.

You can withdraw cash without commission at the “Required minimum” tariff, as well as up to 100 thousand rubles. - with the connected package of services "All the best at once". In all other cases, you will have to pay at least 1.5% of the amount received.

Internet Banking Points can be easily integrated with any popular accounting software and services. A free mobile application is available to interact with the bank outside the office. On the “All the best at once” tariff, a 2% cashback is returned for paying taxes.


Modulbank specializes in servicing individual entrepreneurs and small companies. Payments are made from 01:00 to 20:45, and the cost of each payment is from 19 to 90 rubles. On the "Unlimited" tariff, all payments are free. You can withdraw up to 50 thousand rubles from a business card without commission. on the TP "Optimal" or up to 100,000 rubles. when using the "Unlimited" package. In other cases, the bank commission will be 2.5%.

Up to 7% per annum is accrued on the average monthly account balance. In Modulbank's Internet bank, you can not only manage your account, but also view analytics or connect additional services: acquiring, payroll project, accounting, online cash desk, etc. Modulbank's accounting services are free for individual entrepreneurs at the simplified tax system of 6%.

Expert Bank

Expert Bank is based in the Omsk region, but serves clients throughout Russia. His distinguishing feature- the most honest and open rates. The payment will cost from 0 to 85 rubles, and on the All Inclusive tariff, sending any payments is included in the tariff.

To withdraw cash and pay for household or travel expenses Expert Bank issues business cards free of charge. On the TP "Optimal" without charging a commission, you can withdraw from cards up to 100,000 rubles, and on the TP "Unlimited" - up to 700,000 rubles.


The cost of an external payment at the bank will be from 19 to 59 rubles. 0.6% is withheld for cash withdrawals to pay salaries. When receiving cash for other needs, the commission will be higher - from 3%. When you connect the "Unlimited" package, you can withdraw up to 300 thousand rubles from your account for a calendar month for free.

An individual entrepreneur can transfer up to 500 thousand per month from his account in Loko-Bank to his own account of an individual. persons without commission. Account replenishment is available throughout Russia both in Loko-Bank's own branches and through a partner network.

For account management, access to a convenient Internet banking system is provided. Free funds can be placed on deposits, and if there is a shortage of own money, Loko-Bank will issue a loan together with the SME corporation.

At present, DIA owns 100% of PSB shares, and in the future it is planned to create a base bank on its basis to service the State Defense Order.

Promsvyazbank's tariffs include from 3 to 30 free external payments. Each additional payment will cost 18 - 110 rubles. depending on the selected package. External payments are processed on the current day until 20:50.

Withdrawing cash from an account for an individual entrepreneur will cost at least 1.4%. Jur. funds from the account are issued to persons at a rate of 0.5%.

Alfa Bank

Alfa-Bank is one of the largest credit institutions in RF. The high level of its reliability is confirmed by the ACRA agency (rating AA). External payments are sent from 01:00 to 23:30 (Moscow time). The cost of the payment will be from 0 to 30 rubles. depending on the included package. Many service packages include 3 - 30 external payments.

Withdrawing cash from the card will cost at least 1.5% of the amount. In the tariffs "Wholesaler" and "All you need" you can cash out 150 and 500 thousand rubles, respectively, for free. Regardless of the connected service package, an individual entrepreneur can transfer up to 100 thousand rubles to a personal account for free.

You can deposit money into accounts and withdraw them through Alfa-Bank ATMs throughout the Russian Federation, and for the convenience of managing your account, a personal account is available on the website and the application. When concluding a cash settlement agreement, a credit institution gives gifts and discounts from partners in the amount of up to 150,000 rubles.

It is the oldest and largest bank in the Russian Federation. The controlling stake in the financial institution is owned by the state. Payments are made daily from 7:00 to 23:00. The cost of a payment is from 10 to 100 rubles. The tariffs include from 3 to 100 free payments.

Maintenance of a business card will cost 2,500 rubles. for the second year, and withdrawing money from an ATM using it - at least 1.4% of the amount received. Regardless of the chosen tariff, an individual entrepreneur can transfer to personal card in Sberbank up to 150,000 rubles. per month.

Sberbank will not only open an account for business, but will also offer many support services (online cash registers, accounting, guarantees, etc.). The account is managed through Sberbank Business Online, which integrates with any accounting software.

When concluding an agreement, Sberbank gives gifts from partners for a total amount of up to 100 thousand rubles.

BCS Bank (Sphere)

BCS Bank placed great emphasis on service legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. And he opened a separate service Sphere with very favorable rates. There is a free tariff, payments from 25 rubles, convenient internet banking and mobile application, reporting to the tax office, etc. The sphere will compete well with market leaders Tinkoff, Tochka and Modulbank.

SKB-bank (DeloBank)

SKB-Bank is a large bank based in Yekaterinburg and actively developing throughout Russia. As part of its online version - DeloBank - 5 tariffs are available with payments for 25 - 87 rubles. (0 rubles - at the Major League TP). At the conclusion of the contract, a business card is issued as a gift for depositing and withdrawing cash, as well as non-cash transactions. Getting money from an ATM on it will cost at least 2%.

All paid tariffs provide for the accrual of interest on the balance. It is also possible to open a deposit. In the Internet banking system, you can manage not only settlement, but also personal account physical faces.

Eastern Bank

KB Vostochny is registered in the Amur Region, but actively works with clients throughout Russia and is one of the leading banks Far East. The base cost of an external payment is 35 rubles. Many packages include free payments: 5 pcs. - in the tariff "Your start", 15 pcs. — “Your online”, 30 pcs. - "Your success", 60 pcs. - "Your Scale" and an unlimited number - in the "Your Unlimited" TP.

Cash withdrawals will cost at least 1.2% of the amount received. Without interest, you can withdraw from 10 to 500 thousand rubles. depending on the chosen tariff. There is no fee for using Internet banking, and when opening an account, Vostochny automatically approves an overdraft.

Vesta Bank

Vesta served only wealthy clients for a long time, but then switched to providing services to small businesses. Interbank transfer will cost 20 rubles (at the TP "Startup" - 89 rubles, at the TP "All Inclusive" - ​​200 payments are included in the tariff).

Commission for receiving cash on households. needs will be from 1%. Individual entrepreneurs can transfer money to personal accounts up to 500 thousand rubles without commission. (at TP "Startup" - 300 thousand rubles).

Access to Internet banking is provided free of charge. If necessary, you can connect a salary project, acquiring or open a foreign currency account.

UBRD - big bank from the TOP-50. The cost of the payment, depending on the tariff, will be 25 or 79 rubles. In addition, 10 payments are included in the Economy TP. On the current banking day, only external transfers sent before 18:00 are processed. IP without additional charge. commissions can transfer up to 300 thousand rubles to a personal account. per calendar month. Withdrawing funds from the account will cost at least 1.1% of the amount.

External payments in the bank are carried out from 00:00 to 20:00 (MSK). For each of them you will have to pay 25 - 100 rubles. The packages include from 3 and 15 free payments, and the "Open Opportunities" tariff plan does not charge for transfers.

To the accounts of physical persons can be transferred without commission up to 500 thousand rubles. per calendar month, regardless of the connected service package. For cash withdrawals, 1-10% is charged, depending on the connected tariff and the amount of the transaction.


Raiffeisenbank is part of a large Austrian holding and has excellent reliability indicators (ACRA rating - AAA). The cost of an external payment in excess of the number of services included in the package will be 25 rubles. This price is the same for all tariffs.

The commission at Raiffeisenbank for issuing cash for salaries will be 0.5% of the amount, and for all other purposes - at least 1.6%. At the expense of physical persons can be transferred free of charge up to 30 - 700 thousand rubles. depending on the rate.


Sovcombank is a large bank with a wide network of branches and good reliability indicators. According to ACRA, he was assigned an A rating. Making an external payment costs from 15 to 50 rubles.

Cash withdrawal for salary is possible with a commission of 0.5%. Upon receipt of cash on the household. needs and other purposes the tariff will be from 1.1 to 15%.

Where is the best place to open a bank account?

Here is a list of the best banks for opening an IP account:

  • Dot.
  • Modulbank.
  • Loco-Bank.
  • Expert Bank.
  • Sphere (BCS Bank).
  • Delo Bank (SKB Bank).

Where is the best place to open a bank account?

List of the best banks for opening an organization account:

  • Dot.
  • Modulbank.
  • Expert Bank.
  • Loco-Bank.
  • Alfa Bank.
  • Eastern Bank.

Banks that open a current account for free

The term for opening an account in many banks takes literally 1 hour. Thanks to modern technologies, this procedure is fast, and entrepreneurs do not need to visit bank branches. Through the Internet, you can reserve an invoice, a contract and other documents will be brought by a courier.

Such a simple procedure for opening an account is free of charge for businessmen. In the number of credit institutions that do not charge a fee for this operation, includes:

  • Dot.
  • Modulbank.
  • Expert Bank.
  • Loco-Bank.
  • Alfa Bank.
  • SKB-bank (DeloBank).
  • BCS Bank (Sphere).
  • Vesta Bank.
  • Eastern Bank.
  • Raiffeisenbank.
  • Sovcombank.

Modulbank, Tochka, Loko-Bank, Sfera, Delobank and others are also ready to offer tariffs without subscription fee. Other banks (for example, Tinkoff, Alfa-Bank) offer up to 2-3 months of free maintenance of a new account.

A package of documents for opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLC

When opening an account, a bank needs a certain package of papers. Training required documents won't take much of your time.

IP will need a passport and OGRNIP. If the account is opened by a representative, a power of attorney will be required.

Important! The possibility of opening an account by proxy must be clarified in advance with the selected bank. Not all banks open accounts through third parties.

List of documents for opening an LLC account:

  • Constituent documents (Charter, Memorandum of Association, decision on creation, etc.).
  • Documents for the head (passport, protocol or decision on appointment to the position).
  • Certificate of ownership or office lease agreement (not required by all banks).
  • Other documents at the request of the bank (certificate from the tax office or the latest accounting reports, etc.).

Is it necessary to open a checking account?

The legislation does not oblige an individual entrepreneur to open a current account, but an LLC is required. But doing business with it is much more convenient.

We must not forget about the limitation on maximum amount cash transactions in 100,000 rubles. Not all companies are ready to renegotiate contracts so as not to violate this rule, and most large suppliers refuse to accept payment for goods (services) in cash at all.

Should I notify the tax office about opening a current account?

Until May 2014, when opening an account for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. persons were required to submit to the IFTS and insurance funds relevant notice. But now this responsibility has passed to the banks. In fact, when opening an account, it is enough to submit an online application to the bank and prepare the documents. Bank employees will take care of the rest of the work.

We were happy to help you! If you have questions, please contact in the comments.

In the circle of individual entrepreneurs, conversations constantly turn to business. The topic is often discussed where to open a current account for individual entrepreneurs in 2018, in which bank, how to choose Best offer. Often pop up as the most reliable.

Naturally, every businessman closely monitors his offspring, for him there are no unimportant questions, and everything that concerns benefits, tariffs, credit conditions with a small percentage, is doubly interesting.

In this article, we do not undertake to compile ratings, we do not create nominations " best bank for individual entrepreneurs" or "the most unprofitable bank - 2018". The purpose of the material is to help you navigate the mass of offers coming from financial institutions ...

What questions does the article answer?

  • What is a good bank for sole proprietorship?
  • How to choose favorable tariff when opening an account?
  • What documents do you need to submit to the bank to open a current account?

Is it profitable for an individual entrepreneur to open a current account?

Why IP checking account?

and is it possible to do without it? In a number of cases, indeed, a bank account is not justified either by the nature of the business or its scale. If you are engaged, for example, in baking pies for retail sale, then it is difficult to imagine a situation in which you will need a checking account. But if you are a designer, webmaster or architect, then within the framework of the project you may well receive amounts in excess of 100 thousand rubles from the client. And this is only through a bank account.

Simple enough. you collect necessary kit documents, agree on a meeting time at the bank, come once to fill out an application and bank card, and after a few days you will be notified of the opportunity to use the services of the bank. What documents will you be asked to prepare? There are discrepancies in the requirements of different banks, but the required documents are determined by Art. 5 federal law No. 395-1 dated December 2, 1990 and Bank of Russia Instruction No. 153-I dated April 30, 2014.

What documents does the bank require?

  • Certificate of tax registration.
  • Printout from the Rosstat website about statistics codes.
  • Entrepreneur's passport.
  • Documents confirming the authority of trusted employees for operations with funds.
  • Licenses or patents, if required for your business.

You must check the full package of all documents at the bank by calling there first: one will answer that the documents listed above are enough, and the other will ask for a copy tax return or certificate of no debt. Large organizations usually post this information on their websites.

In which bank is it better to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur in 2018?

Now a few words about what is a "self-friendly" bank. This is a bank that is able to offer the client a package of services that best suits the scale and characteristics of his business. It is important for an individual entrepreneur to understand that he uses only those services that he really needs, and at the same time does not overpay for "magic opportunities", which are of little use to him personally.

Helping your client to calculate the tariff and choose the most suitable package for him, to become a smart adviser - this is the duty of a really good bank. The imposition of unnecessary or little used options, in turn, does not characterize a financial institution from the best side. Many banks (especially in Moscow) have already understood and accepted this postulate, therefore they offer a flexible approach and a wide range of options, including free ones for individual entrepreneurs.

Here are a few simple steps that will help you choose the “same bank” that best suits your business requirements:

Below we present a comparative table of offers of several large banks for start-up entrepreneurs. Carefully analyze it from the point of view of exactly your needs, because you will also have to decide in which bank it is better to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur in 2018. The stakes when choosing a bank are quite high: in the future, you can both enjoy cooperation and regret a wrong decision.

Let's compare the offers of banks:

Alfa-bank, Startup package Dot,
low cost package
Sberbank, package Minimum Modulbank, Starter package VTB-24, package
Business Start
Account openingis freeis freeis freeis free2500
Certification of sample cards
signatures and seals
first card
is free,
subsequent 590
no data500
for signature
no data200
for signature
Monthly maintenance cost1090 1250 1400 is free1200
Discounts for monthly service5450 (6 months),
9810 (1 year)
Payments in rubles to accounts
legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
5 payments
is free,
250 from transfer
5 payments
is free,
50 from transfer
5 payments
is free,
200 per payment
bank customers
is free,
other clients
90 per payment
5 payments
is free,
39 per payment
Payments in rubles to accounts of individualsup to 50000 per month
is free,
further 0.5-1%
up to 100000 per month
is free,
further 0.5%
1% up to 300000 per month
90 per payment,
over 300000
per month from 1 to 3%
from 0.6 to 3%
payment from account
IP to the individual's own account
up to 150000 per month
is free,
further 0.5%
up to 100000 per month
is free,
further 0.5%
1,4% no data6 rub.
Cashup to 30000
is free,
over 30,000 0.28%
is freeup to 50000
is free
is freeup to 50000
is free,
further 0.39%
Cash withdrawalfrom 0.6% (for wages),
up to 5.5% (for large
amounts for other purposes)
through ATMs: up to 100,000 free of charge, then 0.5%Excludedthrough ATMs
from 1 to 20%
from the sum
1% at bank ATMs
Internet banking connection990 one timeis free,
token price
for entry 2000 for 1 pc.
is free1 user
is free
SMS notifications about account transactionsfrom 0 to 200200 per monthno datais freeno data
SMS notifications about card transactions59 no datais freeis freeno data
Card issuefirst free,
subsequent 199
free of charge in any quantityis freeis free1200
Monthly card maintenance299 no data2500 is freeis free
Withdrawing cash from the cardfrom 2.2%
(up to
1 million rubles per month),
up to 10% (with the amount
from 10 million rubles per month)
no data1.4% through the cashier
or ATMs of Sberbank
no more than 100,000 per day1% at bank ATMs

Current offers of banks
in our bank rate calculator:

Move the "sliders", expand and select " Additional terms”, so that the Calculator selects the best offer for opening a current account for you. Leave a request and the bank manager will call you back: he will advise on the tariff and reserve a current account. Rates are constantly updated.

You can continue the above table yourself by analyzing the offers of other banks available in your area. Note that when choosing where it is more profitable to open an account, attention should also be paid to partnership programs and bank shares.

If the data in the table is out of date, make the calculation in bank calculator- information on tariffs is constantly updated in it. Move the "sliders", expand and select "Additional conditions" so that the Calculator selects the best offer for opening a current account for you. Leave a request and the bank manager will call you back.

For example, Alfa-Bank recently launched a similar program with 1C-Start, the developer of a popular online service for preparing documents for registering individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. By becoming a user of the site (for example, by filling out documents using their service), you will receive profitable proposition from bank:

  • Free opening of a current account;
  • Free internet banking connection;
  • Free service for the first 3 months.

The total savings on these services alone is more than 6,000 rubles. We have already described the experience of opening an account under this offer in the article. To participate in the promotion, leave a request on the website or through the 1C-Start service.

Of course, in the end, which bank to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur - he chooses individual entrepreneur, and in this article we have tried to provide you with useful information"for reflection". And in conclusion, let us recall the words of the brilliant marketer and philosopher Philip Kotler: “Give the client a choice, and he will leave all his money with you.” Choose the bank that gives you the choice!

If you have any questions on the subject of the article, leave them in the comments: we will promptly answer each one! Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with news from the world of business and individual entrepreneurs:

An individual entrepreneur can work without opening a current account. It is required only for non-cash payments. If you plan to accept bank transfers and make transfers online, select reliable bank and open an account as an individual entrepreneur.

When an entrepreneur needs a checking account

By registering an individual entrepreneur, you can only make payments in cash, including paying taxes. Situations when opening a bank account is necessary:

  • you enter into an agreement with an individual entrepreneur or LLC in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. - such calculations can be carried out only in non-cash form even if payments are made in installments;
  • you have a limit on the balance at the checkout - the amount in excess of it will have to be handed over to the bank daily, and for this you need a current account.

Situations when it is more convenient to use cashless payments:

  • you keep a staff and pay taxes regularly - paying through the Internet bank is faster than going to a credit institution on your own;
  • you cooperate with large companies (suppliers or buyers).

Formally, it is not prohibited to use the current account of an individual for entrepreneurial activities. However, banks are extremely negative about citizens trying to conduct transactions through it related to payment for goods and services. The transfer of funds can be blocked, which is a huge inconvenience for businesses.

Having a checking account makes doing business easier

How to open a business account

Choose the bank where you will keep the account. Pay attention to the cost of service and interest on financial transactions. To start working with the bank, you will need the following set of documents:

  • OGRNIP certificate;
  • a document confirming the registration in the funds;
  • the passport;
  • card with sample signatures of authorized persons and seals;
  • activity licenses subject to licensing.

In each credit institution, managers may require additional documents, in addition to the standard ones.

To visit the bank, you will need documents confirming your identity and legal status entrepreneur

Criteria for choosing a bank for business

There are dozens of signs by which you can choose a reliable and convenient credit institution, the main thing is to focus on your needs. Decide what is more important - pay less for services or use Internet banking and additional services.

The main criteria for choosing a bank for opening a current account:

  • reliability;
  • convenience of calculations;
  • the possibility of online transfers (client-bank);
  • the cost of maintenance and financial transactions;
  • Additional services.

Bank reliability

Stability is the first selection criterion. A credit institution may provide an excellent range of services, but if one day its license is revoked, you will lose some of the money invested.

Find major banks in your city and make a reliability rating. Use the portals that publish information about banks in the city, study the analytics for the last year and the situation with licenses.

Sberbank is considered the first in terms of reliability in Russia - it is chosen, despite the high cost of maintenance.

Trust banks with a good reputation, strong business partners and a rich track record. Pay attention to the age of organizations.


A credit organization must serve customers quickly, managers must accurately fill out the documentation, and the Internet bank must work without failures.

The criteria by which you can evaluate the serviceability:

  • a large number of terminals in the city;
  • cash out options;
  • timing of operations;
  • servicing legal entities and individual entrepreneurs without queues.

An entrepreneur must solve the problems of business development, and not wait until the operating employees of a credit institution pay attention to him.

A good bank is distinguished by friendly and competent staff, as well as the absence of queues

Availability of Internet banking

Client-bank, otherwise Internet bank - management software current account, which allows you to remotely carry out secure financial transactions: view balances and receipts history, pay bills and make transfers.

There are two options for connecting to Internet Banking:

  • using a password over the Internet;
  • through a program installed on a computer using a token key that automatically generates passwords every time you connect.

The experience of entrepreneurs says that the second option is more reliable.

The client-bank can work through a browser or a program locally installed on a computer

Account maintenance and withdrawal fees

Maintenance costs consist of the amount you pay for opening an account, as well as monthly fees and commissions. The cost of opening varies from 0 to 2 thousand rubles, the monthly fee for maintaining an account is within 3.5 thousand rubles. Most banks do not charge a service fee if there is no movement of funds on the account for a month. Commission for operations - 0.7–2.0% or 25–120 rubles, depending on the amount of the transfer.

You can withdraw money from your account in two ways:

  • transfer to a salary card;
  • by using checkbook by writing out a check and taking it to the office.

Banks require scrupulous filling of checks, and money can be received only the next day after contacting the office. To withdraw funds, it is more convenient to use a card, therefore, when choosing a bank, make sure that it works with salary projects and allowed without unnecessary delay to transfer funds from the current account to the personal IP card.

Transfer funds using plastic card allows you to optimize cash flows entrepreneur's business

Bank rating 2018

In 2018, the first places in terms of reliability in the ratings of Forbes magazine analysts are shared by large banks that have existed for many years, and young high-tech organizations. Veterans include:

  • Rosbank,
  • UniCredit Bank,
  • Raiffeisenbank,
  • Sberbank,
  • Citibank,
  • Nordea Bank,
  • Gazprombank,
  • Alfa Bank,
  • Rosselkhozbank

Beginning but rapidly growing banks:

  • OTP Bank.

The entire list of reliable banks can be found.

According to the portal in 2018, in the TOP-5 reliable financial point view of credit institutions include:

  • Sberbank - despite its advanced age, constantly improves the level of customer service, introduces new technologies;
  • VTB - takes a high place in the cost of servicing an account for individual entrepreneurs, offers loyalty programs;
  • Gazprombank - despite the small number of branches, is actively developing remote work with clients through the website;
  • Rosselkhozbank - known for its 100% state participation, offers lending as part of state support for small businesses;
  • Alfa-Bank - offers a complex of settlement and cash services, leasing and factoring, and other services.

Where is it more profitable to open an IP current account: comparison of tariffs

When choosing a credit institution, compare rates, commissions and terms of transactions. Some offer free service, others - several trial months of work, others immediately charge a fee for maintaining an account.

Table: terms of service for banks with a subscription fee

Criterion Sberbank Alfa Bank Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development Dot Vanguard
Account opening costfrom 1500 freeis freeis free
  • 1 thousand rubles when applying online;
  • 3 thousand rubles when applying in person.
Maintenance costfrom 1500 rubles/monthfrom 850 rubles/monthfrom 300 rubles/month, depending on the region500–7500 rubles/month, depending on the region and tariff900 rubles/month
Opening datesfrom 1 day3 days1 day5 minutes - 1 day1 day
Internet bank+
included in service
990 rub. for connection
is free
is free
is free
Mobile banking/SMS-/+ +
free of charge, for making payments - 59 rubles / month.
free of charge only for viewing transactions / 39 rubles / month.
is free
up to 500 rubles/month
Operation dayfrom 9.30 to 20.00from 9.00 to 19.30from 9.00 to 18.30from 00.00 to 21.00from 9.00 to 17.30
Commission for transfer to legal entitiesfrom 100 rub. for translationless than 5 payments - 25 rubles. for a transfer, over 5 payments - 250 rubles;25 rub. for translationfree 5, 100 and 500 payments, depending on the tariff, over the package - 50 rubles, 40 rubles, 30 rubles. for translation, respectively25 rub. for translation
Transfer fee for individuals1% of the transfer amountno datano datafree of charge up to 500 thousand rubles.25–30 rubles for translation; limit - 300,000 rubles / month.
Cash withdrawal at an ATM1% of the amounttariff commission1% at UBRD ATMs, 3% at other ATMsfree up to 10,000 rubles, 50,000 rubles. and 100,000 rubles, in accordance with the tariff; at any ATMapproximately 1.2%
Cashno data+
free of charge up to the tariff limit, over - 0.07% of the amount
no commission
free of charge at Otkritie ATMsno data

Table: tariffs and conditions for servicing banks without a subscription fee

Criterion "Tinkoff" "ModulBank" Promsvyazbank
Account opening costIs freeIs freeFrom 0 rub., depending on the tariff
Maintenance costFree for the first 2 months and in the absence of account transactions; at the tariff "Simple" - 490 rubles / month; "Advanced" - 990 rubles / month.
  • tariff 1 - free of charge;
  • tariff 2 - 490 rubles / month;
  • tariff 3 - 3 thousand rubles / month.
Free for the first 3 months, then from 400 rubles. per month
Opening dates5 minutes5 minutes - 1 day1 day
Internet bank+
is free
is free
is free
Mobile banking/SMS+/+
is free
is free
is free
Operation dayFrom 7.00 to 21.00From 9.00 to 20.30From 9.00 to 21.00
Commission for transfer to legal entities
  • tariff "Simple": 3 transfers free of charge, others 49 rubles / transfer;
  • tariff "Advanced": 10 transfers free of charge, others - 29 rubles / transfer.
  • tariff 1 - 90 rubles / transfer;
  • tariff 2 - 15 rubles / transfer;
  • tariff 3 - 0 rub./transfer.

When transferring more than 250 thousand rubles. – 10% of the amount over the limit

free of charge up to 5 transfers via online banking
Transfer fee for individuals+
no commission on Tinkoff cards
  • tariff 1 - 90 rubles / transfer;
  • tariff 2 - 15 rubles / transfer;
  • tariff 3 - 0 rub./transfer.

When transferring more than 250 thousand rubles per day. – 10% of the amount over the limit.

commission is charged
Cash withdrawal at an ATM
  • tariff "Simple": 1.5%, when withdrawing up to 400,000 rubles per month; 0% when transferring to a personal Tinkoff Black card up to 400,000 rubles/month;
  • tariff "Advanced": 0% for withdrawals up to 200,000 rubles. per month; the next 400,000 rubles. - one%.
0–15%, depending on the amountApproximately 1.2%
  • tariff "Simple" 299 rubles. for any amount;
    tariff "Advanced" - free of charge for the first 100,000 rubles, per month, then - from 0.25% when depositing from 100,000 rubles. at a time.

Unlimited cash deposit costs 1990 rubles. per month.

The commission depends on the bank through which the deposit is made.Is free

Video: how convenient is the current account of an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank

Merchant acquiring for individual entrepreneurs

Merchant acquiring is a service that banks provide to entrepreneurs so that their customers can pay with cards. To introduce acquiring into the work of the company, you will have to choose a bank. You can activate the service in the same bank where you maintain a current account, or in any other. You will be provided with equipment and system maintenance.

If you have acquiring connected, then customers can pay with bank cards through a stationary or mobile terminal

Acquiring benefits

Settlements using bank cards more convenient operations with cash. Benefits of acquiring for an entrepreneur:

  • increasing the competitiveness of the company;
  • increasing turnover by attracting new customers;
  • reducing the risk of receiving a counterfeit bill;
  • the ability to attract customers with credit cards, increase the average check;
  • increasing the speed of cash transactions;
  • payment security guarantee.

Banks offer acquiring on different terms. Choose by carefully studying all the offers. Key criteria are connection cost and transaction fees.

Table: comparison of bank tariffs for the acquiring service

Criterion Russian standard ModulBank Dot Raiffeisen bank VTB 24 Sberbank
Connection costfrom 12 thousand rublesIs freeIs freeRUB 490–29,990 per terminal0–16 thousand rublesCalculated individually
Cost of equipmentIncluded in connection fee
  • CTLS/GPRS wired terminal - 24.5 thousand rubles;
  • GPRS wireless - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Wi-Fi wireless - 33 thousand rubles.
23-31 thousand rubles, there is a portable terminalRent 190–990 rubles. per terminal
  • stationary terminal - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • portable POS-terminal - from 16 thousand rubles;
  • maintenance of terminals - up to 1 thousand rubles / month.
Calculated individually
Operation fee2,5% 1,9% 1,6–2,3% 1,9–2,2% Depends on the turnover per terminal:
  • up to 100 thousand rubles / month - 2.7%;
  • 100–150 thousand rubles/month - 2.2%;
  • over 150 thousand rubles / month - 1.6%.
1.8–4%, depending on turnover
OtherWorks with a current account in another bankThe equipment is set up by bank employeesThe terminal can be rented, and in a year it will become the propertyWith an increase in turnover, commissions and other payments increase.There is a "Small Business" tariff offering preferential terms of serviceThe terminal is provided for rent, at low turnover it can be taken away

How to connect the service

Having chosen a bank, apply for an acquiring connection online or by contacting the manager personally. When your candidacy is approved, collect a package of documents and conclude contracts for equipment rental and maintenance.

Some banks require you to maintain a current account with them in order to connect acquiring.

Documents for connecting the service:

  • the passport;
  • OGRNIP certificate;
  • certificate of no debt;
  • certificate of the presence of a current account;
  • others on request.

Bank employees will provide and set up the equipment for work, perform a test run. After the test, you can use the terminal.

The presence of a current account and a terminal for paying with bank cards significantly increase the flow of customers to the company. Thanks to the convenience of payments, even those who have previously bought goods or ordered services from competitors will contact you. The main thing is to choose the most advantageous offer so as not to overpay for banking services.

Updated: 03.03.2019 Oleg Lazhechnikov


Since I once registered IP (), I also have to use a separate bank account for business activities. I already wrote general information, and in this post I would like to lay out a small comparison of the rates of various banks, including those that were advised in the comments.

Basically, we will talk about Moscow banks, but often they are also represented in the regions, and their tariffs will be lower.

Due to the unstable economic situation in the country and revocation of licenses from banks, there is an opinion that it is better to choose top and large banks, so that later you do not have to pull money through the DIA from small ones (IP accounts are insured up to 1.4 million rubles). But I would not say that it is difficult, just for some time the money will be “frozen. Alternatively, you can simply not keep large amounts in the IP account and immediately withdraw them.

And, for that matter, in order not to worry at all, you need to open an account with Alfabank / Sberbank, nothing will happen to them. So see for yourself. The larger and more reliable the bank, the higher your maintenance costs will be. But if you have a big business, then all these commissions against the background of the company's turnover will be cheap.


After the Module worsened the tariffs, (the first 2 months are free) it began to look more attractive, besides, the bank is still much larger.

Opening an account, connecting to an Internet bank, leaving a representative to an office/apartment is free of charge. A very long operating day, from 1 a.m. to 8 p.m., inside the bank around the clock. It’s convenient for me, sometimes I do translations in the evening. Intra-bank transfers to the accounts of individual entrepreneurs and companies are free.

I have tariff "Simple"— 490 rubles/month. SMS informing on the account - 99 rubles / month, in the presence of an operation 4% on the balance. The first 3 external payments to the accounts of individual entrepreneurs and companies are free, then 49 rubles each. But with payments to individuals there is an ambush - 1.5% of the amount (plus 99 rubles) within 400 thousand rubles, with larger amounts, the commission is higher. But if we are talking about transfers to yourself, then you can transfer up to 150 thousand rubles / month to your Tinkoff Black debit card for free, and 250 thousand rubles / month to a credit card. Or a total of 400 thousand rubles a month. IMHO it's enough.

Tariff "Advanced"— 1990 rub/month. SMS informing on the account - 99 rubles / month, in the presence of an operation 6% on the balance. The first 10 external payments to the accounts of individual entrepreneurs and companies are free, then 29 rubles each. Payments to individuals - 1% of the amount (plus 79 rubles) within 400 thousand rubles, with larger amounts, the commission is higher. But if we are talking about transfers to yourself, then you can transfer up to 300 thousand rubles / month to your Tinkoff Black debit card for free, and 400 thousand rubles / month to a credit card. Or a total of 700 thousand rubles a month.

Tariff "Professional"— 4990 rub/month.

Cash withdrawal from the card - 1.5% within 400 thousand rubles / month in the Simple tariff and 1% within 400 thousand rubles / month in the Advanced. Map with separate account and free service.

Thus, if you do not want to make Tinkoff bank cards for yourself, or you have physicists on your salary, then you need to look for something else. For example, with good rates. And the rates are easier to understand.

Currency transfers

Maintaining foreign currency accounts is free. You can transfer currency to an individual's account within Tinkoff to avoid commissions on transfers to other banks. But the limits on transfers and commissions will be the same as for rubles, I announced them above.

For the "Simple" tariff. Currency control - 0.2% of the amount (minimum 490 rubles). External transfer 0.2% of the transfer amount, at least 49 cu.

For the "Advanced" tariff. Currency control - 0.15% of the amount (minimum 290 rubles). External transfer 0.15% of the transfer amount, minimum 29 cu.


Tariff "Starting"- 0 rubles / month, payment for legal entities 90 rubles, payment for individuals 0.75% (but not less than 90 rubles) within 300 thousand rubles (hereinafter 1%). Suitable for those who have almost no operations at all, I do not consider it at all.

Tariff "Optimal"- 490 rubles / month, 3% on the balance, payment for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - 19 rubles, payment for individuals - 19 rubles within 500 thousand rubles / month (hereinafter 1%). I have this tariff, IMHO it is the most successful. There is also an "Unlimited" tariff.

Is there some more Tariff "Unlimited" for 4900 rubles per month.

Give free map for cash withdrawals and deposits. She has her own account. There are limits and fees for withdrawals depending on the tariff and amount of withdrawal. Depositing at certain ATMs is free. But I don’t use a card, I’m used to withdrawing to an individual’s account in another bank.

Currency transfers

Maintenance of a currency account is free of charge. Transaction passport for Optimal and Unlimited tariffs — free of charge. For currency control, they take 300 rubles for a payment within 500 thousand rubles (in equivalent) and 1000 rubles if from 500 thousand rubles to 1 million.

Currency transfer to an individual to another bank 30 dollars, 30 euros or 150 yuan (yes, there are accounts in yuan), up to 500 thousand / 1 million rubles per month (Optimal / Unlimited). If more, then 1%. Somehow so-so. Given that they do not serve physicists and the currency will have to be withdrawn to another bank in any way. In this regard, it is more convenient when an individual has an account in the same bank right away, because intra-bank payments are usually free. But if the currency is not needed, then you can convert to rubles within the Module, they have a currency exchange rate: the exchange rate +/- 1%.

I also wrote more than once that the Module has a minus in terms of currency payments, that their intermediary bank takes $ 15 from some payments. In theory, this should depend on how exactly the non-resident counterparty sends them, shifting the entire commission to the recipient or paying part of it on their side. But earlier there was no commission for the same payments (I received it in another bank), they appeared only in the Module.

Commissions for foreign exchange transactions

Point bank

Tariff "All the best at once"- 2500 rubles / month (the first 3 months for 500 rubles), includes 100 payments in favor of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, free transfers to an individual's account within 500,000 rubles (hereinafter 0.5%). Cash withdrawal up to 100,000 rubles is free. They give 2% cashback on taxes.

Opening a foreign currency account is free, maintenance is also free. Currency control 0.15% of the transfer amount, but not less than 350 rubles. There is a paid tariff, there is a little less percentage. Outgoing currency payment 25 ye on the tariff "All the best at once" and 30 ye on the rest.

Alfa Bank

A bank from the TOP-10, that is, one of the most.

Free of charge: opening ruble and foreign currency accounts, connecting an Internet bank, a mobile application, issuing a bank card and transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs within Alfabank, SMS alerts. If there are no transactions in the current month on the tariffs "One percent" and "To start", then the service fee is not charged. A representative can come to your office or home.

Long operating day, like Tinkoff: from 1:00 a.m. to 7:50 p.m., inside the bank around the clock.

Tariff "One percent". Everything is free, including SMS alerts. Pay only 1% for all receipts. Tochka has exactly the same tariff. Great for small IPs with low turnover. No income - pay nothing. Opening a currency account is not available.

Tariff "On start". Account maintenance 490 rubles / month, or free of charge if there are no transactions. 3 external payments to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities free of charge, then 50 rubles. Internal and external transfers to accounts of individuals are free up to 100 thousand rubles, 1% up to 500 thousand and 1.5% up to 2 million.

Tariff "Electronic". Account maintenance 1440 rubles / month. If you pay for 9 months, you immediately get another 3 months as a gift. Certification of a card with a sample signature - 590 rubles. External payments to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities cost 16 rubles. Internal and external transfers to accounts of individuals are free up to 150 thousand rubles, 1% up to 300 thousand, 1.5% up to 1 million, and then the commission grows with an increase in the amount.

There are also some more expensive rates. A fairly wide range of tariffs, but there are too many conditions, it’s hard to figure it out right away.

To withdraw cash, they give a free Alfa-Cash card (In, Ultra, FIFA) linked to the main current account. The annual service is free for the Alfa-Cash In card (only for cash deposits) and 299 rubles/month for the Ultra card. Cash withdrawal on the tariff "One percent" up to 1.5 million free of charge. Cash withdrawal up to 100 thousand rubles / month - 1.25% on the tariff "To start" (min 129 rubles) and 1.5% on the tariff "Electronic" (min 200 rubles). The larger the withdrawal amount, the higher the commission. Depositing cash to the current account 1% for the One Percent tariff, free of charge for At Start, and 0.23% for Electronic.

They want 600 rubles for currency control for each payment within 400 thousand rubles (in equivalent), then 0.15%. Monthly maintenance of a foreign currency account is free of charge on the “To start” tariff and 1440 rubles / month on the “Electronic” tariff. Within Alfbank, all currency transfers are free of charge for the "To Start" tariff. For the "Electronic" tariff, internal transfers are free only to the accounts of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, and payments to individuals within the bank or to other banks - 1% (min 900 rubles). Both tariffs charge 0.25% for external transfers (minimum $57 or €43, maximum $228 or €174).


The minimum package "Start" costs 990 rubles / month, there is a discount for paying for the year. The package includes free account opening and maintenance. Payments for 25 rubles, transfers to individuals within 100,000 rubles without commission, then 1%. They issue a free card to the account, maintenance of the Business 24/7 Basic card - 90 rubles / month. SMS notification - 199 rubles / month.

Without a package: opening a ruble/currency account 1700 rubles, maintenance of a ruble/currency account 950 rubles/$25 per month. Transfer to an individual in Raiffeisen without commission, transfer to an individual in another bank 0.1%, but at least $ 40.


Opening an account is 2400 rubles, but if you have revenue up to 1.8 million / year and you want a loan, then 700 rubles. Internet banking connection RUB 960 These were all one-time expenses, moving on to monthly. Account maintenance 700 rubles / month, fee for using Sberbank Business Online 650 rubles / month, 30 rubles payment.

Opening a foreign currency account 2400 rubles, maintaining a foreign currency account 600 rubles / month. Currency control 0.15% of the amount, minimum 10 cu.

These were the general tariffs for RKO. But there are also service packages. For example, "Minimum" 1500 rubles / month - ruble account + Internet banking + 5 payments. It is not difficult to calculate that everything will be about the same without the package. If you pay for several months, there will be a small discount.


USB-key 1500 rubles, only with it you can use the Internet Bank " PSB Online". The minimum tariff "Business Light" is 1050 rubles / month, opening an account is 590 rubles, payment is 45 rubles. The “My Business” tariff is 1250 rubles / month, it immediately includes bank services, a payment of 45 rubles, opening an account is free. They give a discount if you pay for several months. Currency control 0.15%, but not less than 750 rubles. SMS-informing 199 rub/month.

Why did they come up with this trouble with a USB key ... For me, it’s immediately impossible to use, carry around different countries flash drive, God forbid you lose it.


Opening an account 1000 rubles (if the application is through the site), maintaining a ruble account 900 rubles / month, maintaining a foreign currency account 500 rubles / month, paying 25 rubles or $ 30 for dollars, currency control 0.075% (min 400 rubles).

In Vanguard, one thing is worth knowing - the money that has come does not need to be withdrawn to your personal account on the same day, otherwise there will be a commission. It’s just worth making it a rule to delay at least one day before withdrawing.


Free account opening, Internet banking and departure of the manager. The minimum tariff "Economy" is 500 rubles / month, the payment is 25 rubles, but for connecting the package you need to pay another 750 rubles one-time. Tariff "Online" - 800 rubles / month, payment 25 rubles, connection is free. The difference between these tariffs is that in "Online" payments are round-the-clock.

Personal experience

Agree, I could not compare these two banks if Tinkoff had not used it too, it would not be fair :)

I now have 2 current accounts (Module and Tinkoff). So far I use two, but I'm going to switch to Tinkoff, since I have personal cards there. I'll try to compare the most important points.

  • Tinkoff is a larger bank and is ahead in terms of financial performance. Included in the national TOP, but Modulbank is not included.
  • Tinkoff has individual accounts, and for those who have bank cards like , it will be very convenient to receive money on them instantly and without commissions. Modulbank does not work with individuals, it will only have an IP account.
  • At Tinkoff tariff 490 rub/month. Modulbank has a free tariff, but there is a commission for transfers of 0.75% to individuals, so it will be more correct to compare with the Optimal tariff 490 rubles / month. So equally goes for service. Tinkoff charges another 99 rubles/month for SMS, they are free for the Module. But SMS is basically an optional function.
  • Tinkoff began opening foreign currency accounts in January 2017, but I didn’t open it, I can’t say anything. Currency control at Tinkoff is 0.2% of the amount (minimum 490 rubles), at Modulbank it is fixed 300 rubles for transactions up to 500 thousand and 1000 rubles for transactions of 500 thousand - 1 million rubles. But the Module has such a problem - for some reason, a commission of 15 ye is taken from some payments on the road, for example, from Google Adsense. With a similar payment to another bank, there is no commission.
  • Currency transfers from an individual entrepreneur's account to an individual's account will be free inside bank Tinkoff. In the Module, you will have to pay at least 30 euros for each currency transfer to your card at another bank.
  • Both banks have remote support and you can find out any question via chat, as well as perform some actions.

My review of Tinkoff Business

I confess honestly, initially I wanted it in, because I use them debit cards for many years. But I was denied without explanation. I suppose there were some technical jambs, because all this was at the very beginning, when they only offered services to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Then I opened an account with Modulbank (more on that below), but six months later I applied again to open an account with Tinkoff, and they gave the go-ahead! So keep in mind that if you want to go to Tinkoff, but you were refused, then you can try again after a few months.

I have a small IP and not so many transactions per month, so I didn’t want to pay decent amounts for maintenance every month, it’s somehow stupid to overpay for it. Actually, for this reason, I did not consider top banks, there are no inexpensive tariffs.

Tinkoff has a simple Internet bank, intuitive. I don't remember ever having any problems with it. Everything works clearly! Lately I've been using them more and more. mobile application, you can do the same there. Somehow even from the phone it became more convenient. Support responds via chat slight delay but always to the point. Really satisfied with him and with a clear conscience I can advise all my friends and subscribers.

Signature verification, internet banking, and account opening were free of charge, the representative came to my house 3 days after he left the application. We filled out the paperwork in 10 minutes and he left. It's great, of course, when no one needs to go, as is often the case in other banks.

I can’t say anything about foreign currency accounts, I still have foreign currency accounts with Modulbank. Perhaps I will then completely switch to Tinkoff Business, but while too lazy to do all this, I use two banks.

My review of Modulbank

To be honest, when I opened an account with Modulbank, I did not expect anything special. We can say that I opened it out of hopelessness (see review about Tinkoff). However, the bank proved to be very convenient.

While everything suits me, no problems arose, not a single jamb at all. The procedure for opening an account took about 30 minutes, however, I had to go to their office in Moscow City (now they are already coming home or to the office). I did not pay anything for opening an account, certification of signatures, connection to the Internet bank.

The Module has a rather convenient and intuitive Internet bank, where you can always ask a question in an online chat. Sometimes they answer right away, sometimes you need to wait 10-20 minutes. At night, they often answer that a specialist will answer during business hours the next day. But I corresponded a lot with currency control they only work during the day. I like that everything is very simple, and there is no such confusion on security, as it was in the deceased Interactive Bank. There, I remember, you are tormented to confirm the operation with various codes and passwords, but here it’s just a text message and that’s it.

It is also very easy to pass all foreign exchange earnings. I simply upload screenshots to the online chat, for example, from personal account Google Adsense (only for the very first time, you still need to send an offer). And then I do not need to fill in a bunch of fields in the certificate about currency transaction, there is no need to create an order to transfer from a transit account to a regular account, all this is done automatically, I just need to enter a password from SMS. Again, I remember how it used to be in other banks, I made a mistake somewhere (there are a lot of fields), so they call and ask to redo everything again. By the way, in Modulbank currency accounts (dollar, euro, yuan) are opened without visiting the office, also through online chat.

Banks for those who use My Business

I won’t talk about tariffs, users of the service can get to this page themselves and find out everything. I would not consider all banks, but I have already made my choice - Tinkoff / Modulbank (I have 2 accounts).

P.S. I update the post if possible, but tariffs can change quite quickly, so be sure to check everything on the banks' website, and write comments to me so that I can fix it myself.

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    Vladimir Lapshin


    Kirill Potapov




