Blazhko Maksim Evgenievich is not boring. Maxim Blazhko: biography, personal life, photos and bankruptcy history

Oleg Rubnikovich, Ekaterina Gerashchenko

As it became known to Kommersant, the TFR and the FSB dealt with a loan of $ 275 million in just a couple of days, which the founder of Don-Stroy Maxim Blazhko, which owns a number of large real estate objects, did not return it to Sberbank for several years, and then to the Cypriot offshore Riverstretch Trading & Investments Ltd, which bought the right to claim it. Immediately after Mr. Blazhko was under house arrest, his representatives entered into a settlement agreement with the creditor, who received one of the suspect's assets, the Schuka shopping and entertainment complex in north-west Moscow, as a debt.

Criminal case under Part 2 of Art. 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of authority) in relation to Maxim Blazhko, the Main Investigation Department (GSU) of the TFR initiated on October 20. The reason for this was the statement of representatives of Riverstretch Trading & Investments Ltd and an inspection conducted by the FSB.

As follows from the plot of the case, in 2011, CJSC Shchuka, headed by Maxim Blazhko, took a loan from Sberbank in the amount of $275 million. According to the terms of the agreement, the borrower was obliged to provide the lender quarterly financial statements and transfer to his account 80% of payments under all lease agreements for the space of the Schuka shopping mall.

However, according to the Main Investigative Directorate of the TFR, in October 2015, Mr. Blazhko instructed his employees to stop making payments to Sberbank. Instead, allegedly on his orders, the money from the lease of the premises of the Schuka shopping center began to go to the accounts of CJSC Schuka opened in other credit institutions. In December 2015, Sberbank assigned the right to claim the debt to the Cypriot offshore Riverstretch Trading & Investments Ltd, which allegedly acts in the interests of Rosneft.

[Vedomosti.Ru, 07/31/2017, "The creditor of the Shchuka shopping center wants to receive payments instead of the owner": Blazhko became aware that RT & I is a creditor last year. Sberbank assigned her the obligations of the businessman's structures for about $ 480 million, "Pike" and the business center "Northstar Tower" were pledges, then sources close to the deal said.
Who is behind RT&I is not exactly known. The loans were bought by the structure of Rosneft, said the first deputy chairman of the board of Sberbank Maxim Poletaev in 2016 and confirmed by three consultants who worked with Blazhko's assets. Rosneft did not confirm this. On Friday, July 28, her representative declined to comment. Blazhko told Kommersant that RT&I has no connection with Rosneft.
RT&I may be associated with the Region group of companies, RBC reported in 2016. The group participated in the structuring of the deal with the debt, but the deal was not in its interests, the representative of the group clarified to Vedomosti.
In the card Russian representation RT&I in SPARK-Interfax lists the page of the Concord Business Center as its website. It belonged to UFG Real Estate, but at the end of 2015, three consultants said that the complex was bought by the structure of the Region group. From the message rating agency RAEX then followed that the bonds secured by lease payments, including Concorde, were acquired by the Rosneft pension fund - Neftegarant, which is managed by Region Management Company. - Inset]

[Vedomosti.Ru, 10/29/2017, "The founder of Donstroy, Maxim Blazhko, was placed under house arrest": Rosneft itself did not confirm its relationship with Riverstretch Trading & Investments. Earlier, RBC, referring to the data of the Cypriot registry, came to the conclusion that the beneficiary of this company is Region Group, which manages pension fund Rosneft. The representative of the Region Group of Companies then told Vedomosti that the group only took part in structuring the deal with the debt, but the deal was not in its interests. - Inset]

In the actions of Maxim Blazhko, the investigation saw “abuse of authority contrary to legitimate interests organization he leads for the purpose of deriving profit and advantage for himself and harming the rights and legitimate interests of Riverstretch Trading & Investments Ltd. The latter, according to investigators, suffered damage in the amount of at least $299 million, or 17.4 billion rubles.

It took only four days for the FSB officers, who provide operational support in this case, to identify the suspect. Last Tuesday, the founder of Don-stroy and the general director of CJSC Shchuka, Maxim Blazhko, was summoned for the first time for interrogation to Technical Lane, where the central office of the ICR is located, after which he was immediately detained.

On October 26, the investigator filed a petition with the Basmanny District Court to place Maxim Blazhko under house arrest. During the court session, a representative of the Prosecutor General's Office objected to such a measure of restraint, stating that this case is about civil law relations. Nevertheless, the court sided with the investigation, sending Maxim Blazhko under house arrest for two months, which he is serving in his Moscow apartment. The court forbade him to leave his place of residence without the written permission of the investigator, to receive and send correspondence, to use means of communication and the Internet, with the exception of calling emergency services. To control the movements of Maxim Blazhko, the FSIN officers put an electronic bracelet on him.

Mikhail Voronin, representing the interests of Mr. Blazhko, told Kommersant that, like the prosecutor, he sees no grounds for criminal prosecution of his client in this case. “There was a civil law dispute about the amount of the debt and the procedure for its repayment. Moreover, it has already been settled, and the applicant withdrew the civil suit filed within the framework of the criminal case,” Mr. Voronin said. According to him, already after the arrest of the client, the parties signed an agreement according to which the building of the Schuka shopping and entertainment center (total area of ​​100 thousand square meters) was transferred to the ownership of the creditor as a compensation. It should be noted that in 2009 and 2013, Mr. Blazhko tried to sell the Schuka shopping center for $344 million and $450 million, respectively, but did not find buyers.

The TRC confirmed the information about the global Kommersant, adding that Riverstretch Trading & Investments Ltd admitted that it had no claims against Mr. Blazhko. Kommersant failed to quickly get comments from the offshore company and Rosneft.

As Kommersant has already told, the conflict between the structures of Rosneft and Maxim Blazhko arose a few months before the Cypriots bought out the debt from Sberbank. Its essence boiled down to the fact that TNK-BP, a subsidiary of Rosneft, which rented 37.7 thousand square meters. m in the Nordstar Tower business center owned by Mr. Blazhko on Begovaya Street in Moscow, tried to achieve changes in the terms of the lease. The fact is that the agreement between the parties was concluded in dollars, and the settlements were carried out in rubles. However, in 2015, due to a sharp depreciation of the ruble, the cost of rent almost doubled - the space in the Nordstar Tower at that time became perhaps the most expensive in Moscow. Attempts by the oil workers to achieve a reduction in rent and convert payments into rubles were not successful at that time.

It should be noted that today, one of the founders of the Don-Stroy development group, Maxim Blazhko, in addition to the Schuka shopping mall and the Nordstar Tower business center (147.8 thousand sq. m.), is trying to build a multifunctional complex on Zvenigorodsky highway, under which a loan of 5 billion rubles was taken from Rossiyskiy Kapital bank, and a complex of premium-class residential skyscrapers Neskuchny Home & Spa in 5th Donskoy proezd. A loan was taken from VEB for its implementation. The debt to the bank is 5.59 billion rubles. The total debt of Mr. Blazhko's companies is about 60 billion rubles, and all of his assets are pledged to creditors.

Having lost almost all of his business during the last crisis, co-owner of Don-Stroy, one of the largest Moscow developers, Maxim Blazhko chose not to give up and return to construction. Trying to create new company, the businessman involved his family members in the process. So it probably seemed to him to be safe. But during the current crisis, the developer again faced the threat of losing their sites: now, according to his own estimates, the total debt to creditors reaches 60 billion rubles.

Four years ago, Maxim Blazhko announced a major development project in Ruza, near Moscow. The application was made powerful: for 4.7 thousand hectares in the settlement of Volkovskoye to build 7.8 million square meters. The developer of the project was Nordstar Tower LLC, a company created by Mr. Blazhko in an attempt to reincarnate the business after the loss of its assets in 2009. Then the main assets of the Don-Stroy group, created by him and Dmitry Zelenov, were taken by creditors: VTB went all residential projects companies, Sberbank - part commercial real estate. But Mr. Blazhko's new project in Ruza did not include his partner in Don-Story. Mr. Zelenov refused to communicate with Kommersant, citing the fact that he was no longer in business. Maxim Blazhko involved members of his family and friends in the new development business - his mother Olga Blazhko, who owns the Scarlet Sails supermarket, his wife Yanina Grebenshchikova, who is trying to build a chain of pet stores, and Yuri Genbachev, the former soloist of the once popular VIA "Gems". “Kommersant” found out how the businessman’s close people participate in his projects and who, in the event of another default, can take control of his assets.

marital ties

The name of Yanina Grebenshchikova began to be mentioned in October 2016 in connection with the proceedings around the assets of Maxim Blazhko. Then she filed a bankruptcy lawsuit against Northstar Tower LLC. This company owns the business center Nordstar Tower (135.5 thousand sq. m. on Begovaya Street in Moscow), which is controlled by the structures of Mr. Blazhko. In 2015, this building was at the center of proceedings between him and Rosneft structures. Then the main tenant of Nordstar was TNK-BP (a subsidiary of Rosneft), which occupied 37.7 thousand square meters in the business center. m, could not agree with the owner to amend the current lease. As Kommersant's source told earlier, at that time the fee was fixed at $550 per 1 sq. m. m per year, the tenant expected to convert the calculation into rubles amid a sharp devaluation national currency. But it was not possible to agree on concessions, the main reason for Nordstar's unwillingness to meet the employer halfway was traditionally called the company's dollar-denominated debt to Sberbank.

In December 2015, Sberbank ceded the right to claim loans from Nordstar Tower in the amount of 25.9 billion rubles. Cyprus offshore company Riverstretch Trading and Investments Limited. The beneficiaries of this company are not disclosed, according to Kommersant's interlocutors, the structure acts in the interests of Rosneft. Mr. Blazhko himself previously explained that in June 2016, Rosneft paid off part of the debt of Northstar Tower to Riverstretch. Rosneft refused to comment on the relationship with the structures of Mr. Blazhko. As the Vedomosti newspaper previously reported, Riverstretch Trading and Investments Limited, on another debt bought from Sberbank, now also owns the Shchuka shopping and entertainment complex (100,000 sqm) in the north-west of Moscow. Blazhko confirmed this information to Kommersant.

Vedomosti's interlocutors previously associated Yanina Grebenshchikova's lawsuit filed against this background with the owner's desire to prevent the Nordstar Tower from being transferred under the control of Rosneft. Mr. Blazhko himself stated that she was acting solely in her own interests. Grebenshchikova is the wife of Maxim Blazhko. As follows from the marriage contract concluded between them in 2012 (Kommersant has a copy), the relationship was formalized in 1994. Under the agreement, Mrs. Grebenshchikova is recognized as the holder of promissory notes issued by ZAO Don Development and Management for a total amount of RUB 558.97 million at face value. and rights of claim against this company in the amount of 191.09 million rubles. Now Yanina Grebenshchikova, according to, is the founder of Gorn LLC and BC Nordstar LLC, where Maxim Blazhko is the general director.

Development is not the only area of ​​interest for Mrs. Grebenshchikova. She, together with Anna Stuyt, also founded Zoo Products from A to Z LLC (50%), Zoo A-Ya LLC (50%), Zoomir from A to Z LLC (50%) and Taste of Life LLC (50%), according to data from The main activity of the first three companies is retail pets and feed for them in specialized stores. “Kommersant” managed to find several “Zootovary AYA” stores in Moscow at once, including in “Pike”.

Under "Scarlet Sails"

Another problematic project of Maksim Blazhko is a multifunctional complex (MFC) at the intersection of Zvenigorodskoye Highway and 3rd Silikatny passage. Don-Stroy planned to build this site back in 2007. Initially, a residential project was planned here, in which Mr. Blazhko and Dmitry Zelenov were ready to invest $400 million. But after the 2009 crisis, plans changed. In 2014, the Moscow authorities agreed on the appearance of the MFC "Zvenigorodsky" on this site for 267 thousand square meters. m, of which 172 thousand square meters. m - shopping and entertainment area, 95 thousand square meters. m - business center. At the same time, the mayor's office agreed with the transfer of rights to this project to River Tower LLC. This legal entity, according to, is 90% owned by Maxim Blazhko through Rita LLC, another 10% belongs to Russian Capital Bank.

But Zvenigorodsky was not built. In November 2016, the Moscow Arbitration Court introduced a monitoring procedure in relation to River Tower LLC. The initiator of the proceedings was initially the Russian Capital bank, which is now considered the main creditor of the company. Total arbitration court recognized the bank's claims for 8.16 billion rubles as justified. But River Tower did not borrow all this money directly. It follows from the materials of the court that in 2013 Sorta LLC received two loans from the bank for the purchase of space in Zvenigorodsky. The bank estimates the current amount of the debt at 5.89 billion rubles, of which 4.03 billion is the principal debt, 1.46 billion is interest, and 397.8 million rubles is a penalty. In March 2017, the court directed the collection of this debt to River Tower LLC, which acted as a guarantor for loans. According to, Sorta LLC, through Avtomotor LLC, belongs to Yuri Genbachev. One of Kommersant's interlocutors claims that Mr. Genbachev is a former member of the once popular VIA Samotsvety and a close friend of Yanina Grebenshchikova's mother. In relation to LLC Sorta itself, in December 2016, a monitoring procedure was also introduced. Russian Capital filed claims against this company in the amount of 6.2 billion rubles, follows from the materials of the court. It was not possible to contact Yuri Genbachev himself: in Sorta they said that he was a freelancer and rarely comes to the office.

Another co-investor in the construction of Zvenigorodsky is Admiral LLC. In January 2014, this company entered into a corresponding agreement with River Tower LLC, investing 300 million rubles in the project. In February of this year, the arbitration court recognized the claims of Admiral for 416.58 million rubles as justified. According to, Admiral LLC is controlled through a chain of legal entities by Olga Blazhko, the mother of Maxim Blazhko (she also develops the Scarlet Sails supermarket chain). It was not possible to contact her.

Olga Blazhko is connected with another project of her son. states that it established Multiservice LLC, in respect of which, in March 2017, a monitoring procedure was also introduced at the suit of Russian Capital. According to the materials of the court, in 2011 the state bank issued two loans to this company for a total of 1.49 billion rubles. According to the interlocutor of Kommersant, who is familiar with the situation, this company acted as an investor in the Serebryany Bor cottage complex located on Tamanskaya Street in Moscow. According to Kommersant's source, now on the balance sheet of ZAO Complex Serebryany Bor, controlled by Multiservice, there are four buildings located on two adjacent plots, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis property is 3.3 thousand square meters. m, land - about 2 hectares. market value the interlocutor of Kommersant estimates the project at 3.6 billion rubles. In relation to CJSC “Complex “Serebryany Bor””, “Russian Capital” also filed for bankruptcy in August last year.

In Rossiyskiy Kapital itself, the total debt of River Tower LLC, Sorta LLC and Multiservice LLC, taking into account accrued interest and penalties, is estimated at 9.99 billion rubles. As a representative of the bank explained, the Zvenigorodsky construction project, the right to lease a land plot of 6.5 hectares on Avtomotornaya Street and the factory real estate located on it, three land on Taman street with total area 1.99 hectares and four buildings located on the same site. According to the interlocutor of Kommersant, who is familiar with the activities of the company, in October 2016 the parties were negotiating the transfer of the site for the construction of Zvenigorodsky to Russian Capital, but they failed to reach an agreement. Now Russian Capital indicates that it is impossible to foreclose on the said property as part of the bankruptcy procedure. “Property or rights to it can be sold at auction in the framework of an insolvency case,” the bank representative explained.

New projects

Family members of Maxim Blazhko are also involved in his other projects, in particular in the construction residential complex Neskuchny Home&Spa in 5th Donskoy proezd. The building permit for this facility was issued to Stroy-Complex LLC. According to, the main owner of this company is Komplex-Stroy LLC, one of the founders of which is Soling LLC, and Yury Genbachev was previously the general director of this company. As follows from the materials of the court, in 2007 Soling borrowed funds from Svyaz-bank for the construction of Neskuchnoye, the other borrowers under the project were Diorit Firm LLC, which controls this company and established it and controlled by Soling LLC, LLC Center for Analytical Projects. In 2012, VEB, which controls Svyaz-Bank, filed a lawsuit against Soling and the guarantors of the loan LLC Complex-Stroy, LLC Stroy-Complex and CJSC Asol. The bank estimated the total amount of claims at 8.3 billion rubles.

In 2012, VEB entered into an amicable agreement with a pool of these companies on debt restructuring; in March 2016, an additional agreement was concluded to it. According to the latest text of these agreements, the total debt of Soling LLC to the bank was estimated at 5.59 billion rubles. At the same time, the bank must pledge personal property of Mr. Blazhko in the amount of at least 3 billion rubles, which he had to pledge to VEB by July 1 this year, including 100% of Gorn LLC, 100% of Soling LLC, 99.95% LLC Complex-Stroy, 34% CJSC Asol, two land plots in 5th Donskoy proezd with a total area of ​​4.9 hectares, cadastral value which, according to the public cadastral map, is 4.47 billion rubles. VEB explained to Kommersant that now the situation with this debt is being analyzed, based on the results of this work, the bank will make a decision in the future.

Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group, says that housing sales in the Neskuchny Home&SPA project have been ongoing since the end of last year, in total, the company managed to sell 30 apartments, which is 11% of the supply initially put on sale by the developer. According to her calculations, the average purchase budget in Neskuchny is 29.5 million rubles, the price of housing sold is 307 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m.

personal debts

Another problem of Maxim Blazhko is personal debts. Since the beginning of 2017, the Khoroshevsky District Court of Moscow has partially satisfied three claims from SK Donstroy JSC and Beleran LLC for a total of 1.8 billion rubles. In total, four lawsuits were filed against Mr. Blazhko by these companies, as well as by Euroinvest Settlement Organizing Council LLC and Asol JSC, against Mr. Blazhko. All four legal entities and were previously controlled by Don-Stroy Invest. The company declined to comment. Now the ultimate beneficiaries of Don-Stroy Invest are not disclosed, the company is contacting VTB.

As Kommersant's interlocutors previously stated, it was precisely the difficult relationship with VTB structures that has now become the cause of litigation in the Khoroshevsky court. According to the interlocutor of Kommersant, all the financial obligations of Mr. Blazhko to the IC Donstroy, Beleran and Asol came during the period when he still controlled these companies. For a long time, the parties negotiated the settlement of all these debts, but they failed to reach an agreement.

Rossiyskiy Kapital also has claims against Maxim Blazhko personally. According to a bank spokesman, financial institution sued the businessman for a total of 499.5 million rubles. under five surety agreements concluded to secure the fulfillment of the credit obligations of River Tower LLC. Mr. Blazhko filed five counterclaims against Russian Capital. In October 2016, the bank filed for bankruptcy of Maxim Blazhko, but in January of this year, the proceedings were terminated.

Collecting debts through the court from the borrower personally is just as effective as from legal entities, says Pavel Gerasimov, partner at the Padva & Epshtein law office. “The question of whether the debtor will return what the court approves for collection is from another plane,” he recalls, adding that a debtor who does not want to pay or does not agree with the claims can resort to personal bankruptcy. According to him, in the proceedings of Mr. Blazhko in the Khoroshevsky court, the likelihood of such a scenario is high.

All current debts of Maxim Blazhko, in fact, arose from loans received before the 2008-2009 crisis. He could partially repay them if he still had sites where housing would be built with a high degree of readiness, Irina Dobrokhotova, head of the board of directors of Best Novostroy, believes. She recalls that during the current crisis in Moscow they were selling better apartments than offices. But it was residential projects that VTB took over in 2009 as part of the debt restructuring of Don-Stroy. The situation could be saved by the start of housing construction in Ruza near Moscow, Ms. Dobrokhotova believes. But even here, Maxim Blazhko was not lucky: according to a Kommersant source familiar with the preparation of the project, while the businessman was agreeing on the transfer of land in Ruza for residential development, the legislation changed, and as a result, he will have to re-register the plots again, which can take from three to five years.

Alexandra Mertsalova, Ekaterina Gerashchenko, Khalil Aminov

Maxim Evgenyevich Blazhko is a residential real estate specialist who has been successfully engaged in development activities in Moscow for more than twenty years. Under his leadership, many construction projects since 1994. These are twenty residential properties with a total area of ​​about three million sq.m. In addition to residential buildings, business complexes, as well as premium class projects, were built under his supervision. All of them are different high quality implementation.

Success story of Maxim Blazhko

If real estate or construction company - non-core asset or an additional business, it is not at all a fact that it will be successful. Any management team without the right direction from a shareholder will be a stray.

Blazhko Maxim Evgenievich

In 1994, he created the DON-stroy company. During the years of managing DON-stroy (1994-2008), he brought the company to the position of the leader in the capital's residential real estate market. Over 14 years of management, 30 objects with a total area of ​​​​more than 1,500 thousand square meters have been implemented. m. The most famous objects were: "Scarlet Sails", "Triumph Palace", "Sparrow Hills". In 2003, Triumph Palace residential complex was recognized as the most tall building in Europe. In 2005, Vorobyovy Gory and Triumph Palace residential complexes were awarded the prize for the best completed investment and construction project under the patronage of the Moscow Government as high-comfort residential projects.

Over the years of Maxim Blazhko's work in the company, more than 20 modern children's play complexes, sports grounds (Raspletin, Academician Bochvar, Novikov, Meretskov, Tvardovsky, etc.) were built and donated to the city. A comprehensive landscaping of the territories of schools, kindergartens, courtyards (M. Novikov St., M. Biryuzova 35, municipal embankment along Aviatsionnaya St.) was carried out.

In addition, financial and other assistance was constantly provided to sponsored organizations, children's institutions, rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents, various medical equipment was purchased for specialized children's institutions (children's sanatorium No. 2230, No. 226, No. 1020, children's sanatorium No. 24, city clinic No. 71 ). Due own funds the company erected a chapel of the icon of the Theodore Mother of God, the Church of St. Innocent in the Northern Autonomous Region. at the Moscow Institute of Music. Schnittke built and opened a new large educational building, a sports and recreation complex "Kometa" was built in Strogino.

Don-Stroy acted as a single customer and developer for the implementation of the program for the Comprehensive Reconstruction and Development of the Shchukino Municipal District. Since 1996, 32,000 sq. m dilapidated housing stock, for urban needs, residential buildings were built on the streets of Aviation 72, Raspletina 28, I. Levchenko 1, People's Militia 29-30, Aviation 66, Marshal Vasilevsky 9-4, Teplichny Lane. 4-8., Aviation 59-61, Aviation 63-65. In 2007, the opening of the shopping and entertainment complex "Shchuka" took place, which was awarded the "People's Trail. The most popular mall.

In 2009, due to the situation on the market, Don-stroy was divided into two parts: Don-stroy invest (residential projects) and DS-development (commercial real estate), headed by Maxim Blazhko. DS Development received such projects as: Na Begovoi shopping center, Nordstar Tower business center, Schuka shopping center, Sokolniki shopping center, MFC project on Zvenigorodskoye Highway. The company was later renamed to Nordstar Development. In 2009, the company commissioned the Nordstar Tower business center (135,000 sqm). In the period from 2011-2013. Nordstar Development has developed the concept of the Armory business center with a total area of ​​152.5 thousand sq. m. m and a height of 165 m. In 2011, the business center "Arms" was sold to the mining and metallurgical holding "Metallinvest".

The company owned by the entrepreneur began to build a complex of 200-meter skyscrapers in the Neskuchny Sad residential complex, destroying the infrastructure of the area and not relocating residents

How Maxim Blazhko destroyed the infrastructure of the microdistrict, demolished the only store within walking distance, destroyed the recreation area and the playground, clogged a foundation pit at arm's length from the fourth and seventh buildings. And for this, it is planned to take away from residents, both owners and tenants, thirteen houses no more than five floors and the ground below them.

The Moscow Arbitration Court scheduled April 26 the main hearing on the claim of the state corporation Vnesheconombank (VEB) to recover more than 10.5 billion rubles from the developer Maxim Blazhko, former co-owner of Donstroy .

It was this man who was held hostage by more than a thousand Muscovites living on their misfortune in thirteen capital brick houses on the 5th Donskoy passage of the capital in the complex of houses at number 21.

How property is taken

In Moscow, scandals are getting louder when residents are resettled, who do not want to understand the benefits of resettlement in case of demolition or renovation. Muscovites claim that the apartments provided are no better than those being withdrawn, and besides, the new houses are inconveniently located, the repairs in them are no good, the doors-windows “fly out”, etc. In a word, we wanted the best, but it turned out again what happened. After all, conflicts between developers and old-timers are a common thing in our city. Housing problem spoiled more than one generation of Muscovites.

But what is happening now in the 5th Donskoy passage, ow. 21 is too much even for Moscow. The situation is, one might say, unique. On this territory, the GORN DEVELOPMENT company owned by Maxim Blazhko plans to build a complex of 200-meter skyscrapers in the Neskuchny Sad residential complex. And for the sake of this, it is planned to take away from the residents, both owners and tenants, thirteen houses with a floor height of not more than five floors and the land under them.

To date, the developers have completely destroyed the well-established infrastructure of the microdistrict, demolished the only convenience store, destroyed the recreation area and the playground, and made a foundation pit at arm's length from the fourth and seventh buildings.

“I didn't know anything. The neighbors called and said they were going to demolish us. I was in shock - how to demolish? The house is excellent, strong, I took care of the apartment for my sons. And here they are being taken down. Who decided and why? I am the owner, why didn’t they ask me?”.

“I’m afraid to let my daughter go outside in the evening. Dangerous - cars drive, there are no sidewalks, migrant builders walk. Will the developers put things in order or will they be engaged in resettlement?”.

“I can’t work quietly – there is noise all the time, the house is constantly shaking.

When will it end?"

“My parents are pensioners, they can’t normally go to the clinic. Why was the bus removed?

Such questions from residents of 5 Donskoy proezd, vl. 21 remain virtually unanswered.

At the same time, before the start of construction and during its process, Maxim Blazhko's company did not fulfill its obligations to resettle the residents of 13 buildings. Until October last year, the Moscow authorities and developers issued written promises that by October 1, 2017, buildings 4 and 7 would be completely settled. Instead, Ashraf Alimov, a spokesman for the developer, said in October that they had no money for resettlement. And in the new answers, another date was announced for the final resettlement of the buildings - January 1, 2018. April 2018 is on the way. When asked about the number of apartments settled in buildings 7 and 4, the developers, referring to commercial secrets, are silent, like partisan heroes, arguing, unlike the residents, that "the process is underway."

In the meantime, the property of Muscovites, in their opinion, is purposefully brought to an emergency state. People say to a voice recorder that in private conversations, representatives of the developer promise them such conditions of existence that it would seem lucky to escape from the center of the capital to the most remote New Moscow.

"They lie how they breathe"

Last October Maxim Blazhko, CEO investor - the company "GORN DEVELOPMENT", managed to act as a defendant in a criminal case under Part 2 of Art. 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of authority). He tried to "throw" the next creditors. The electronic bracelet for a house arrest, of course, did not add any positive to the already established image of a scandalous defaulter on debts and a potential bankrupt. We believe that it was in connection with this that last autumn in electronic and printed media mass media there was a volley release of PR materials about the "wonderful" Russian developer:

"LCD "NESKUCHNY HOME & SPA" under the leadership of Maxim Blazhko will be built on time"

"The philosophy of the company is to create houses that surprise and deserve to become the new architectural legends of Moscow."

Maxim Blazhko, CEO of GORN Development , commenting on the completion of work on the arrangement of the foundation, noted: “We have completed the most difficult and crucial stage in the construction of the first building of the Neskuchny, further work will go much faster. At the next stage, work will be completed on monolithic structures of 2 underground and 2 above-ground non-residential floors, after which the builders will begin work on the structures of typical floors with apartments located on them. At this stage, the rate of construction of reinforced concrete will be 4-5 floors of finished structures per month. By the new year, we plan to erect 10 floors of the first building, and we will complete the construction of the building structures in December next year.”

New Year walks around the country for three months. But where are the promised floors? Congratulations, Maxim Evgenievich, you are lying! Agree that you, making last year's broadcast statements as a "specialist", knew perfectly well that without the resettlement of at least two buildings located practically on the construction site, the realization of such ambitions is impossible.

Today, instead of resettling residents, the developer company, which is unable to fulfill its own obligations, is actively selling air. Among the equity holders who bought non-existent apartments over the heads of Muscovites from the 5th Donskoy, according to some information, there are already foreign investors. And those Muscovites whose houses the developers turn into emergency ones are not offered ANYTHING. Just NOTHING. Can you imagine this in a state of law, especially in the capital of a state of law?

The bank washes its hands

In January of this year, the media reported on the transfer state bank VEB shares in the Neskuchny Home & Spa project.

Maksim Blazhko and VEB are indeed connected by strong financial relations: the ex-owner of Don-stroy is a bank debtor on a loan that his company took back in 2007 to purchase a site where the construction of skyscrapers is now planned, and has still not been able to pay off it. The loan amounted to $288 million. For several years, VEB unsuccessfully sought to repay the debt, until it came to a settlement agreement. In accordance with it, the bank forgave Blazhko almost half of the debt - more than 2.7 billion rubles, and payments for the remaining 2.8 billion rubles were restructured until December 2019. The bank is still pledging the shares of companies associated with the Neskuchny Home&Spa residential complex project, including 99.95% of the shares of Stroy-Complex LLC, the developer of the project.

The entry of a large state-owned, and therefore, to some extent, socially oriented bank into the sensational project gave some hope to the desperate residents of 5th Donskoy. And we asked the representatives of the bank, already as full partners in the construction, a few old questions that have not lost their relevance today.

  1. Construction has been going on for more than a year and is very active, but people are not resettled. Today they live in extreme conditions.
  2. During construction, safety standards are not observed at all. There is a real danger to the life and health of residents. The bypass road built by the developer runs almost along the border of the entrances, there is no possibility for stopping ambulances and fire trucks.
  3. What and when do you intend to do in the face of growing threat social explosion? Residents intend to contact international organizations for the protection of human rights, make a press conference for foreign media. How will this affect VEB's reputation?

The response was striking in its brevity.

“In response to your request, we provide the following:

VEB Group is not an operator construction works and cooperates with the developer company exclusively within the framework of financing the project.

Translated from the bureaucratic language into Russian, this means the following:

  1. VEB Group admits that it finances the illegal actions of the developer. That is, it is precisely at her expense that Gorn Development continues to turn the lives of those who have the misfortune of owning apartments or living in them on a social lease at 5 Donskoy Proezd, 21, literally into hell.
  2. VEB Group is aware that the developer continues to build the Neskuchny Sad residential complex using VEB funds, without resettling the residents of 5th Donskoy Proezd, 21, who are informed that there are no funds for resettlement. And you are aware that at the same time Gorn Development is selling apartments that have not yet been built in the residential complex Neskuchny Sad, including, foreign investors. Is the management of VEB deliberately putting its reputation under this situation?
  3. VEB Group refuses to consider its social responsibility for the implementation of the Neskuchny Sad Residential Complex project financed by it, in which, first of all, VEB will be the beneficiary. What is strange for a bank that personifies financial policy internationally Russian Federation, which according to the Constitution is a social state.
  4. No action will be taken.

Moscow authorities: indulge or share?

And finally, the most important thing. Obviously, the lawlessness perpetrated by investors in relation to the residents of 5th Donskoy Proezd could not have occurred if the city authorities were responsible for their duties in managing construction processes in Moscow.

For the sake of Maxim Blazhko, a developer with a very dubious reputation, the Moscow Government for some reason decided to declare thirteen well-maintained buildings of ownership 21 “uninhabited” or “unused”. Houses with people living there were declared empty. Residents were not informed that they were all given for construction. There were no public hearings. Muscovites, in the best traditions of serfdom, were given to the mercy of certain merchants who wanted to evict them from the center of the capital somewhere far away and cheaper.

Citizens are openly and shamelessly deprived of the right to private property, the right to live a normal life. And even the very right to life - the crane hanging over the houses swayed in the summer during a hurricane, so that people fled from their apartments. Appeals to all instances lead to nothing. The arrogance of developers is supported by answers from all branches of the Moscow government, saying that everything is “according to the law”.

Today, in the very center of Moscow, a situation has developed that can bury the entire renovation program and new construction in general in Moscow, and create the most negative image for it in the country and abroad. If a commercial project, which is not being implemented in the interests of the city, is being executed with such violations, then it is quite clear how the developers, at the suggestion of the Moscow rulers, will treat Muscovites in the process of renovation itself.

In contact with

Alexander Tukmakov

The Moscow Arbitration Court foreclosed on 33% of Kompleks-Stroy LLC and 100% of Diorit Firm LLC, follows from judgment. These firms, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, own Stroy-Complex LLC, the owner of the rights to the Neskuchny Home & Spa multifunctional complex under construction in 5th Donskoy Proezd. The project is being built by the development company Gorn Development, created by the co-founder of Donstroy Maxim Blazhko. As part of the project, 437,000 sq. m, of which 190,000 sq. m - housing. The first phase of the 69-storey tower with 38,200 sq. m.

The plaintiff is Vnesheconombank (VEB), to which, as stated in the case file, Blazhko's companies owe more than 7.6 billion rubles. The total claims of the bank against the businessman now exceed 12 billion rubles.

Funds for the construction of Neskuchny Home & Spa by Blazhko's structures were raised in 2007. Then they received 5.6 billion rubles from Svyaz-bank (now part of the VEB group). In 2012, the parties entered into an amicable agreement, and VEB forgave Blazhko 2.7 billion rubles. debt. But in the summer of 2017, Gorn Development again defaulted on the loan, two sources close to the developer and VEB told Vedomosti earlier. In January 2018, these same people said that Blazhko's company was trying to negotiate a debt restructuring. According to them, the transfer of a stake in Neskuchny Home & Spa to the state bank was discussed.

Negotiations on the settlement of debt obligations are still ongoing, these Vedomosti interlocutors are now saying. One of them recalls that VEB recently changed its management, the bank was headed by the former First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Igor Shuvalov. Now, according to the interlocutor of Vedomosti, the bank is aimed at selling non-core and distressed assets, so even if VEB enters the capital of the company that owns Neskuchny Home & Spa, it will be temporary. Representatives of VEB and Gorn Development declined to comment.

From the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court, it follows that the property recovered on the debt of VEB will be sold at public auction. The initial cost of 33% of Complex-Stroy is 767.2 million rubles, 100% of Diorita is 72.1 million rubles. The difference between the amount of the debt and the sale price of the deputy head of the practice of property and liability relations of the legal service "Amuleks" Galina Gamburg explains that this is the value of the shares of the parties agreed in the pledge agreements. The proceeds from the sale will be used to pay off the debt. If the shares are not sold at the first and repeated auctions, they can go to the bank, says Dmitry Kletochkin, partner at Rustam Kurmaev and Partners.

Neskuchny Home & Spa is Blazhko's last major active project. The businessman is known as a co-founder of the Donstroy holding, one of the largest developers of premium real estate in Moscow. In 2010, in the course of restructuring Donstroy's debts to VTB, Donstroy Invest, which was engaged in housing construction, was spun off from the holding. It was eventually headed by top managers of VTB. Who owns it now is not known, market participants associate Don-Stroy Invest with VTB.

The commercial real estate projects that remained with Blazhko were also gradually transferred to creditors. The project of a multifunctional complex (267,000 sq. m.) at the intersection of Zvenigorodskoye highway and 3rd Silikatny proezd, as Kommersant reported a year ago, was supposed to go to the creditor - Rossiyskiy Kapital bank. The Nordstar Tower business center on Begovaya and the Shchuka shopping and entertainment center on Schukinskaya went to Riverstretch Trading & Investments (RT&I): Blazhko's structures owed it about 30 billion rubles, which RT&I bought from Sberbank. Who is behind this company is also not known, market participants said that it acts in the interests of Rosneft and the Region Group of Companies. Neither company has confirmed this. Blazhko's structure was also going to build up 4,700 hectares in the Ruzsky district of the Moscow region. There it was planned to build a whole city on 8 million square meters. m worth 300 billion rubles. The fate of this project is not known.