What you need to insure against a tick. Tick \u200b\u200binsurance

With the onset of warm days, a huge number of people get out of town to do their summer cottage business and relax in the bosom of nature. At the same time, not everyone remembers that in the spring there is a very high probability of being bitten by a tick - this sometimes leads to very disastrous consequences in the form of various health disorders. Tourists, mushroom pickers and just vacationers who want to fry barbecue in the fresh air should remember about safety in the forest. Unfortunately, these categories are more likely than others to fall prey to a dangerous insect.

Be very careful

It is at the end of spring that maximum caution should be exercised, since during this period ticks actively reproduce. However, this does not mean at all that in other months, vigilance should be less: the insect can infect you from April to October.

It is also important to remember that the tick acts very carefully: you will not even feel that it is on the skin. At the same time, you will not experience any pain symptoms either, since the insect's saliva contains anesthetic components that dull sensitivity. As a result, a person becomes infected and it is extremely difficult to cure this ailment in most cases. It must be emphasized that the treatment process itself is quite expensive.

What to do?

Of course, everyone wants to reduce to zero the risks of meeting a tick and avoid costs. To minimize the likelihood of being infected by a dangerous insect, today many resort to such a procedure as tick insurance.

What is its meaning? Everything is very simple. You contact the insurance company and buy a special policy from it, which is valid for a certain period of time. If during this period you suffer from, then you will be provided with free medical care in one of the clinics. At the same time, the contract specifies separately which institution will have to serve the client. Thus, a program such as tick insurance implies that the victim will be provided in an institution that professionally deals with seroprophylaxis. There, the patient will be helped to remove the tick, and then he will be prescribed a course of treatment.

The specifics of the insurance program

It should be noted that today tick insurance is a rather relevant and demanded program that is offered by many insurers. Moreover, it is also available for low-income citizens. Today, a program such as tick insurance, which costs an average of 200 rubles, is necessary for almost everyone.

At the same time, you need to remember that depending on the amount of the contract, the range of services provided will also be different.

For example, the cheapest tick insurance would include a one-shot immunization. If the client makes a choice in favor of a more expensive program, then after the occurrence of an insured event, he can count on not only a full course of immunization, but also on therapeutic procedures, and if the disease progresses, then on all medications necessary for treatment.

At present, you can insure yourself or issue one policy for all family members at once.

What should you pay attention to when applying for an insurance policy?

Despite the fact that insurance against a tick bite is a necessary and relevant procedure, you should not rush to choose one or another program. First of all, you need to discuss all the nuances and subtleties with an insurance agent.

Many companies now offer tick insurance for children. When choosing such programs, you should not opt \u200b\u200bfor the cheapest ones, since you cannot save on children's health.

Carefully analyze all the clauses of the contract, as some employees of insurance companies deliberately embellish certain programs called "Tick bite insurance". Particular attention should be paid to the clauses of the agreement, which will be discussed below.

Insurance amount

This paragraph indicates how much money will be spent by the insurer for treatment. In a number of cases, the company's employees guarantee the maximum amount of medical care and rehabilitation, but a rather small amount of money is fixed in the contract. Naturally, it is hardly possible to receive the promised for such money. In order to avoid possible disputes and conflict situations in this regard, it is better to analyze in advance the cost of the immunization procedure and all necessary medications.

Service list

From the contract, you must clearly understand what kind of assistance you have the right to count on in the event of an insured event. Moreover, if the contract stipulates that you are entitled to only a single immunization, then you will not be able to count on anything more even if the amount of insurance is astronomically large for you.

Appendix - an integral part of the contract

Remember that tick bite insurance must come with all the necessary attachments.

They should clearly state in which medical institutions in case of infection with a virus, you will be assisted. Of course, it will be good if they will be located near your home, and this fact you should pay attention to first of all when choosing a particular program. It will be useful to make sure that the insurance company has entered into an agreement with the medical institution in which the patient will receive treatment.


Pay attention to the territory covered by the policy. Keep in mind that for services such as tick bite insurance, some companies cover the entire country, while others only cover certain regions.


Take care of the purchase in advance so that the trouble does not catch you by surprise. Don't forget about vaccinations as well.

An insurance policy against ticks is currently deservedly popular. These dangerous insects have spread almost throughout the country, and you can get a tick-borne infection not only in the forest, but also in the country, in a park, or a public garden. In some areas, the risk of being bitten is very high. Emergency measures and treatment for tick-borne infections are expensive, and insurance can significantly reduce costs. There are several effective insurance programs, and the choice of the most suitable company remains with the insured.

Ticks are a serious health hazard. Their bites can cause such serious illnesses as encephalitis, Lyme disease, turemia, typhus, viral fever. A tick-borne infection affects the central nervous system, causing paralysis, disability, and sometimes death.

Of course, no insurance can rule out tick bites, but it allows you to provide a free course of treatment that eliminates the risk of serious consequences.

For this purpose, in all regions of the country where there is a risk of tick-borne infection, the "Tick insurance" programs have been deployed.

The companies providing these services enter into an agreement with the relevant, specialized, medical institutions capable of providing full treatment. A list of such institutions is given in the policy, and they cannot refer to the lack of necessary medicines.

Why insure yourself against ticks if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy

People naturally have a question about why additional insurance is needed when there is a compulsory medical insurance policy. The fact is that the drugs required for a bite (in particular, immunoglobulin) are not included in the list of mandatory drugs for a medical institution. They are also not on the list of free drugs under the compulsory medical insurance policy. As a result, a situation often arises when the hospital does not have the necessary medicines, and the victim's relatives are forced to urgently buy them at the pharmacy for their own money. Even in this case, the tick insurance policy provides for monetary compensation for the drugs.

The answer to the question of why it is worth taking out tick insurance (regardless of the compulsory medical insurance policy) is primarily associated with economic feasibility. The policy, depending on the specific program, will cost 200-400 rubles.

Only tests for tick-borne infection cost about 800-900 rubles

An injection will require 5-8 ampoules of immunoglobulin (depending on body weight), each costing about 800 rubles. Further, when an infectious lesion is detected, complex treatment is necessary, for which a whole set of drugs is needed.

What documents are needed for insurance

When visiting the insurer company personally, you do not need to have a special set of documents with you. It is enough to present an identity document. In addition, complete details of the persons who are included in the insurance are indicated.

Features of the tick policy

Tick \u200b\u200binsurance is provided according to various specific programs. They may differ in the set of required services. This condition is primarily reflected in the cost of the policy. The standard insurance package provides for the provision of such free services:

  1. Preliminary examination and removal of the tick from the body. This service is, of course, provided free of charge at the respective medical facility. When extracting an insect on your own, monetary compensation is made only if it is stipulated by the contract.
  2. Conducting a full range of laboratory studies. An analysis for encephalitis infection and Lyme disease is mandatory. Analysis for other viruses is stipulated in the contract additionally.
  3. Immunoglobulin injection. It is mandatory when an infection is detected, within 72 hours after the bite.
  4. Preventive measures to prevent borreliosis. This event may not be included in the minimum package of services. Its inclusion in the list increases the cost of the policy, but in the presence of such an infection, the tick has a risk of serious illness.
  5. Treatment of a disease caused by a tick bite in a hospital setting. The contract specifies a list of drugs and treatment methods that are covered by the insurance.

Obligations of the insured

The insurance contract provides for certain obligations of the insured person. This item must be carefully analyzed before signing, because violation may cause the insurer to refuse to fulfill its obligations. 2 requirements are considered typical:

  1. It is necessary to apply only to medical institutions that are included in the register of the contract.
  2. Treatment should be carried out no later than 3 days after the bite.

Conditions can be changed in the absence of the necessary drugs in the agreed medical institution

In this case, the victim must contact the insurer and report this fact. Further, the possibility of treatment or the purchase of drugs in another place and the procedure for monetary compensation are discussed.

Is it possible to insure the whole family

Do not forget the opportunity to save money when taking out insurance. It is so important to decide whether the whole family can be insured. Most insurers welcome this move and offer discounts on family policies. Significant discounts are provided when children are included in the general insurance.

Sum insured

Depending on the set of services provided, the insured amount can range from 40 thousand rubles to 1 million rubles. The amount depends on the insurance program, company and region.

Free treatment will be carried out only within the insured amount

Naturally, amounts in the range of several tens of thousands of rubles will not be able to provide full-fledged treatment in a hospital, let alone compensation for the recovery period.

Insurance term

The contract is usually concluded for 1 year. You can insure for a specific, dangerous season, i.e. for a period of 3 or 6 months. It is important to pay attention to the start date of the insurance. By no means always does an agreement take effect from the moment it is signed. Most often, it launches 2-3 days after signing, and sometimes only after a week.

If the tick bites before the start of the insurance, then the insurer has the right to refuse compensation

These basic conditions, first of all, are taken into account when choosing a company and an insurance program. The policyholder himself chooses the category of the policy, but he must clearly understand where you can safely save, and where there is an unjustified risk.

Is it possible to buy a policy online

This service has become quite popular. There is no need to be afraid of the electronic registration of the policy from the tick. It has exactly the same effect as the one issued in the company's office, but it can cost less!

Policy cost

The price is directly related to the previous clause of the contract. Discounts are provided for family and collective insurance. Insurance against a child's tick will be 10-20 percent cheaper.

In general, depending on the program, the cost of the policy is in the range of 160-450 rubles

Some companies associate the cost of insurance with the age of the insured, taking into account the complexity of treating the elderly. So the popular Antiklesch program offers the following tariffs:

  • children under 14 years old - 290-310 rubles;
  • people aged 15-60 years - 330-335 rubles;
  • people aged 61-70 years - 345-355 rubles;
  • elderly people over 70 years old - 365-370 rubles.

The contract may include a minimum (tick extraction, immunoglobulin injection) or an extended package of medical services. The full package includes hospitalization and recovery period.

In addition to the main criteria, some other terms of the contract also play an important role. In order to avoid problems with the use of the policy, the following nuances should be taken into account:

List of medical institutions

It must be attached to the contract, and free treatment can only be obtained in them. Different insurance companies may enter into service contracts with different institutions, and therefore their list is different in different programs. The policyholder has the ability to assess the availability of facilities based on their stay. For example, it is worth considering when the main services are provided at one end of the city, and the laboratory for analysis is on the opposite outskirts. It is necessary to select such conditions when there is a choice from several medical institutions.

Where is the policy valid

The geography of the insurance is important for people who are going on a trip to another region of the country. The policy can only apply to a specific region (city, district, region) or to the entire territory of the country. Your vacation plans should be coordinated with the list of medical institutions under the contract.

Baby tick insurance

As mentioned above, insurance for a child will cost about 20% less than for an adult. But the risk of picking up a tick on the playground or playing in the grass is higher.

How and where to get a policy

Tick \u200b\u200binsurance is purely voluntary. To obtain a policy, you must conclude an agreement with an insurance company. How and where to get a policy? Nowadays, such possibilities have been significantly expanded. You can insure yourself in regional companies that have connected to the tick insurance programs and have the appropriate license to provide this service, as well as in banks that have the right to work under partner programs.

What to look for when applying for a tick policy

Tick \u200b\u200binsurance most often involves the provision of free medical services in specific institutions. Some programs may include cash compensation, which expands the choice of treatment options. In addition, the insurance may provide compensation for the recovery period after discharge from the hospital, temporary disability, disability, and even death.

Tick \u200b\u200bbite insurance programs

Tick \u200b\u200bbite insurance can be provided under various licensed programs. They can be of a federal or regional nature. Such popular programs can be especially noted:

  1. Anti-tick. There are several programs of this type, which are provided by organizations in the Rosgosstrakh system. They provide targeted insurance for children between the ages of 1 and 17 and adults under the age of 80. The package of services includes outpatient emergency care, a full range of diagnostics and inpatient treatment. Extended packages also include recovery and rehabilitation activities. The policy is valid for up to 1 year. It applies to all dangerous regions of the Russian Federation.
  2. Tick-borne encephalitis program. It is offered by JSC MAKS and covers the treatment of not only encephalitis, but also borreliosis, ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis. Monetary compensation of own expenses for drugs is provided. The policy can be individual, family and collective (for 5 people). Coverage - Moscow region and all major regions of the country.
  3. Alpha TICK. A wide range of services for tick bites is offered by AlfaStrakhovanie.

In addition to these proposals, insurance under the Federal Program "Tick Protection" is provided by other regional and federal organizations. Such services are provided by branches of Ingosstrakh, Sberbankstrakhovanie LLC, etc.

Tick \u200b\u200binsurance will not eliminate the risk of an insect bite, but the policy simplifies treatment and prevents the development of severe consequences. It complements compulsory health insurance, which does not include some of the required drugs. The economic benefit of such a step is beyond doubt, since tick insurance policy provides not only free, emergency care, but also inpatient treatment, as well as recovery and rehabilitation.

What to do when an insured event occurs

A tick bite is considered insured during the period of validity of the insurance contract and on the territory specified in it. In this case, the victim, having a tick insurance policy with him, must, within 72 hours, contact one of the medical institutions indicated in the list. Only in them will he receive emergency, free medical assistance.

Further, within the agreed package of services, a person goes to the laboratory for a comprehensive analysis, after which the question of the need for hospitalization is decided. Only the drugs included in the list attached to the agreement will be prescribed in the hospital free of charge. The victim will have to pay extra for other funds.

Medical institutions according to the list of the contract must have the necessary drugs. If they are not available, the patient must report this to the insurance company. He has the right to purchase the necessary medications at his own expense and to demand monetary compensation from the insurer, but the procedure for compensation must be previously agreed upon, without leading to subsequent court proceedings.

In contact with

In spring and summer, when the weather gets warm and sunny, we try to spend more time outdoors. We are happy to go to the cottage, to the reservoirs to enjoy the beauty of nature, relax, swim, etc. Unfortunately, lovers of barbecue and walks in the woods are in danger of a serious danger - ticks. By itself, this small arthropod is not dangerous, but it is a carrier of serious diseases. It is better to protect yourself so that in the event of a tick bite you can take advantage of the full range of necessary medical services. The site offers to think about safety and comfort and take out tick bite insurance by choosing a suitable policy at a bargain price.

Spring-summer precautions

  • Ticks often become carriers of infections, the most dangerous of which are encephalitis and borreliosis. The first can be protected by vaccination.
  • When leaving for nature, do not forget to choose the right clothes. It should have long sleeves, cuffs are also desirable. It is recommended to tuck trousers into socks or boots. Don't forget the headdress. When choosing clothes, give preference to light colors - this way the tick will be easier to spot if necessary.
  • Treat your gear with tick repellents.
  • Try to walk along paths in the forest.
  • Examine your body every couple of hours while in the forest. Before biting a person, the tick can search for a suitable place for a long time.
  • After the hike, once again inspect your clothes and body, comb your hair with a fine-toothed comb.

Insurance risks with monetary compensation

Stationary. If, after a tick bite, inpatient treatment for a period of 7 days or more was required, the payment will be 0.3% of the insured amount for one day of continuous treatment.

The threat of infection. When a tick is sucked or bitten, the insurance benefit is calculated in accordance with the actual costs incurred, which must be confirmed by appropriate documents.

Disability. In this case, the amount of the payment will depend on the age of the victim and the degree of acquired disability.

Fatal outcome. If death occurs as a result of a tick bite and infection with an infectious disease, the full insurance amount is paid.

Insurance risks with the organization of medical services

Diagnostic, rehabilitation and health-improving and medical services of the hospital:

  • instrumental and laboratory research;
  • consultations;
  • medicines and other means necessary for treatment.
  • resuscitation measures, stay in intensive care.

Outpatient clinical care:

  • doctors' consultations;
  • tick removal followed by wound treatment;
  • instrumental and laboratory studies, including analysis of ticks for viruses of encephalitis and borreliosis, human monocytic ehrlichiosis;
  • administration of immunoglobulin or a similar drug;
  • reimbursement of funds spent on outpatient services and the purchase of immunoglobulin.

What to do when an insured event occurs

Policy with cash payment. In this case, if a tick bites you, you should seek appropriate medical attention. After that, you need to call the selected company, report the incident and submit an application for insurance payment.

Policy with medical assistance. If you are bitten by a tick, call your insurer as soon as possible and report the incident. A consultant will help you with the selection of a suitable medical facility. After that, within three days, you will need to contact the clinic chosen by the representative of the insurance company.

The importance of the policy

About half a million visits to hospitals about a tick bite are recorded a year. In several thousand cases of them, infection with borreliosis or tick-borne encephalitis is detected. As a rule, with a timely visit to a doctor, infections are treated successfully. Otherwise, they can cause serious damage to health or even lead to death. How much the insurance will cost depends on the chosen company, terms, age of the insured and other parameters.

Online Insurance Help

Is the policy bought on the Internet genuine?

Indisputably. Our service shows a comparison of prices for those insurance policies that companies sell over the Internet (the policy will be sent to your email in PDF format).

How to get the original of the policy purchased over the Internet?

If there is such a need, you just need to make one call to the insurance company and come to the office that will prompt you.

If I bought an insurance policy today, when can I use it?

Today you can buy a life insurance policy that will take effect from the next day.

How much money will I get if an insured event occurs?

The insurance company does not pay the money right away. Based on the results of the treatment, upon submission of all documents, you will be compensated for all your expenses, but no more than the amount for which you were insured. Be sure to inform the insurance company as soon as something happens to you, otherwise you may not receive anything at all.

With the onset of spring, various insects become active, among which the most dangerous are ticks. They carry over 60 types of dangerous diseases. Tick \u200b\u200binsurance, which can be purchased from almost all popular insurance companies, is designed to help avoid self-incurring costs associated with paying for medical services and purchasing medicines.

What risks does it cover

The insured risk is understood as the anticipated event, in the event of which the insurance is bought.

Tick-borne encephalitis insurance risks may differ depending on the specific UK, but they are usually as follows:

  • the death of the insured person due to an infectious disease transmitted as a result of a tick bite;
  • the onset of disability due to a bite;
  • long stay in the hospital in connection with the need to receive medical care.

When is it better to insure

Usually, tick insurance is issued for 1 year. At the end of the policy, you can issue a new one.

The entry into force of the contract is carried out after 5-10 days (depending on the insurance company) from the date of payment of the insurance premium.

The approximate period of tick activity (in central Russia) is from early April to late October. The peak of activity is the beginning of June. The largest number of registered appeals to medical organizations regarding tick bites is from mid-May to late June.

From the above it follows that it is better to insure yourself or your relatives (taking into account the period of entry into force of the policy) somewhere in the middle of April, and next year again in the same period to purchase insurance.

At what age children

Sberbank insurance accepts children from 3 years old as insured persons. The maximum age of the insured citizen at the time of purchase of the policy should not exceed 65 years. Persons of any age can be insured in RESO.

As regards other insurance companies, information of this kind is not always presented on the official websites and the Insurance Rules, therefore we recommend that you check it by calling the hotlines.

What help can you get

The tick insurance program provides the following medical services (or compensation for their cost - depending on the insurance contract):

  • an initial physical examination immediately after a tick bite;
  • diagnostics of the possibility of transmission of encephalitis, borreliosis and other systemic diseases by analyzing the tick for the presence of a virus in it;
  • the introduction of anti-mite immunoglobulin;
  • doctor's advice.

Comparison of conditions and prices of major IC

The terms of the insurance policy and the amount of the insurance premium may differ depending on the specific insurance company. Our editorial team conducted their own analysis and comparison.


Rosgosstrakh has 3 main protection programs:

  • Economy is a basic product with an insured amount of 100,000 rubles.
  • Standard - a program with an extended insurance amount of 250,000 rubles and accommodation in comfortable two- or three-bed wards during inpatient treatment.
  • Premium - the insured amount of 500,000 rubles, medical supervision services for six months after a tick bite, the ability to insure the whole family at once.

Important! The cost of insurance depends on the region, on the number of insured persons (if the family is insured, there is a 10% discount), as well as on the chosen insurance program.

Sberbank insurance

Basic conditions:

  • you can buy a policy online;
  • the cost of insurance for 1 year - 470 rubles (does not depend on the age of the insured and other factors);
  • there is no franchise;
  • the number of applications to the insurance company during the validity period of the insurance is not limited, but each insurance payment reduces the insured amount (if the insured amount reaches zero, the contract will be automatically canceled).


The main conditions for "tick" protection in RESO:

  • the insured amount is 500,000 rubles;
  • the price of the policy depends on the region in which it is purchased (there is no online calculator on the website, so for the calculation you need to contact the nearest branch);
  • insurance may provide for an unconditional or conditional deductible (clause 6.14.);
  • insurance can be canceled during the “cooling off period” and the premium returned.


Tick \u200b\u200bbite protection in Sogaz is provided within the framework of collective agreements of voluntary medical insurance concluded with employers in favor of their employees.

Voluntary health insurance workers can:

  • claim compensation for medical expenses not covered by the compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • at any time of the day contact the round-the-clock assistance, which will tell you about the procedure in case of an insured event;
  • ask all your questions by calling the hotline number - 8 (800) 333 - 0 - 888.

VTB Insurance

You can take out insurance at VTB Insurance Moscow for the following periods:

  • 3 months;
  • six months;
  • 9 months.

The cost of the policy depends on:

  • its validity period;
  • the number of insured persons.

Other parameters and conditions do not affect the price. For 1 person of any age, the policy will cost:

  • for 3 months - 220 rubles;
  • for six months - 240 rubles;
  • for 9 months - 300 rubles.


AlfaStrakhovanie has an Antiklesch program, the amount insured for each insured person is, as a rule, 1 million rubles (may vary depending on the region of insurance).

Protection includes the whole range of medical services - examination with a bite, diagnosis of encephalitis, administration of immunoglobulin, etc.

The price of a policy under the Alfaklesch program in Alfa insurance depends on:

  • region;
  • the age of the insured person.

For example, in St. Petersburg, annual protection for an adult will cost 250 rubles, and for a child - 190 rubles.

How to get insurance

Citizens can purchase insurance:

  • at the nearest office of the insurance company;
  • in online mode.

When concluding a contract online, documents are not provided. Instead, only information about the policyholder and the insured is entered, namely:

  • date of Birth;
  • passport data (series, number, date of issue, department code);
  • registration address;
  • contact information (phone, e-mail).

To apply for a policy online, you need to click the banner button and fill in the calculator data. After that, you will be provided with a calculation of the cost of the policy and you can purchase it.

For offline registration, it is provided:

  • statement;
  • an identity document of the policyholder and the insured;
  • at the request of the insurer - other documents (for example, confirming the absence of HIV or a group of disabilities in the insured, as well as the fact that he is not registered in narcological, neuropsychiatric and tuberculosis dispensaries).

What to do in case of an insured event

If a tick has bitten, insurance against a bite will only help if it applies no later than 3 days after the actual fact of the bite. If you do not apply within the specified period, payment for medical services to the clinic or refund of their cost will not be made

Is it possible to pull out the tick yourself

It is impossible to pull out a tick at home. This should be done by a qualified technician.

Attention! If you try to pull it out yourself, you can make a sharp movement, as a result of which the tick will burst. And to study a tick for the fact that it has transferred infectious diseases, it must be alive.

Where to go and what documents to take

If insured via the Internet, the insured must immediately contact the service company with which his insurer cooperates. The telephones are indicated on the insurance policy and, if necessary, can also be specified by the SK hotline number. This procedure also applies in the case of an offline purchase of the policy.

Further, the assistance will tell you which clinic you need to contact no later than 72 hours for the analysis of the tick and the introduction of immunoglobulin and, if necessary, for hospitalization. The insurer will independently pay the invoice issued by the clinic.

If, according to the terms of the contract, an independent payment for services with their further compensation is provided, then no later than the time specified in the agreement of the parties, it is necessary to contact the UK and provide the following documents:

  • statement;
  • general passport;
  • a certificate confirming the fact of a tick bite;
  • copy of the license of the medical organization;
  • an agreement with a medical institution indicating the full name of the insured, the list and cost of the provided medical services;
  • a sales receipt indicating the name and cost of the anti-mite immunoglobulin with the seal of the pharmacy organization, and a doctor's prescription for purchase (provided if the immunoglobulin is not in the clinic, and you had to buy it yourself).