What you need to know about bank deposits. Bank deposit: sample agreement, interest

Only those who do it for the first time do not know how to open a deposit in a bank. Depositing funds is quite easy. If there is no queue at the department, the procedure will only take a few minutes. Opening a deposit online or using a terminal is even faster. You don't even need to visit the bank to do this.

Why should you open a bank account?

The main goals that investors pursue when opening a deposit can be divided into 4 types:
  1. Use the deposit as a kind of cash cushion. The amount deposited will be untouchable for several months.
  2. Accumulate the invested amount for major purchase or an important event. For example, you can open a replenishable deposit for six months and deposit money every month. At the end of the agreed period, the depositor will withdraw the funds with accumulated interest.
  3. Save money for unexpected or current expenses. For this purpose, replenished accounts are provided. You can withdraw savings from them in parts and not lose interest.
  4. Create and increase capital. You can deposit a large sum, which will be untouchable, and the available interest will be used for current expenses.

Opening a bank deposit: procedure and features

– the most popular financial instrument that is being used by more and more people. Experts predict its spread due to significant advantages:

  • Minimum risks. All the depositor's money is insured if the bank's license is revoked.
  • A simple and accessible procedure for opening a deposit.
  • Easy calculation of interest on a fixed deposit. If all conditions are met, income is guaranteed.

At the time of opening the deposit, the depositor must be 14. But until his 18th birthday, he will have the right to fully manage the account only with the written consent of his parents or guardianship authorities.

Documents for opening a deposit

The set of papers for opening a deposit differs for citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners, for individuals and legal entities. Standard list of documents provided to the bank:

  • Internal passport or, in the absence of one, a temporary identity card.
  • For military personnel - a military ID.
  • Pension or student ID, birth certificate - for special deposits.
  • Migration card for citizens of other countries

On average, signing documents lasts about 15 minutes. A bank employee will draw up an agreement on opening a deposit, one copy of which remains with the depositor. In addition, if provided by the bank, a savings book may be provided, which will reflect the movements of funds in the account. Almost all financial institutions issue books instead of debit card when opening a deposit, on which interest will be accrued.

So, the opening deposits it happens like this:

  1. The client informs the manager of the type of deposit, amount, and storage period for the funds.
  2. The investor provides his passport and TIN.
  3. The manager records the information provided and makes copies of documents.
  4. The parties draw up documents - an application for opening a deposit, an agreement, a card with a sample signature.
  5. The depositor deposits or transfers funds to and receives a receipt order and savings book, if provided. Some banks also offer a gift when opening a deposit.

The traditional time for bank presentations for depositors is winter holidays or the change of seasons. As incentives, they offer small souvenirs with the symbols of the institution, household or digital equipment, and jewelry. But the most popular gifts are their own products. These could be higher interest rates, free debits or credit cards.

Many banks give gifts when opening a deposit in 2015 depending on the size of the deposit and its term.

An important point: before leaving the bank, you need to carefully double-check whether all the data has been correctly transferred to the documents, whether there are any errors, and whether the stamp has been applied. Even the slightest inaccuracies can lead to problems in the future.

Details and nuances regarding opening a deposit will be explained by a specialist who will advise the most profitable option. For example, opening an online deposit is more convenient than a traditional deposit and has higher rates.

Opening a deposit online

By using the services, the user saves significant time. There is no need to go to the branch and you can start receiving interest on your deposit the very next day. Opening an online deposit takes place in 3 steps:

  1. The client fills out and submits an application on the institution’s website (it takes about 5 minutes). A bank employee confirms receipt of the application.
  2. The parties sign the deposit agreement using a digital signature.
  3. The investor is instructed to further actions and provide additional information.

Important point: banks have various regulations regarding the conclusion of online contracts. But in any case, you have the right to receive original documents at the institution’s office at any time.

Each depositor is assigned a manager who will manage the business and answer all questions by phone or at a bank branch. The specialist must explain to the investor what kind of profit can be expected by investing a certain amount, and when to expect income.

Opening a deposit through a terminal is something between registration in a branch and online. Those. You don’t need to visit the bank, but you will have to leave the house. There are no differences in terms and interest rates. Accumulation will occur according to the terms of the agreement, and it is possible to cash out funds both during and after the expiration of the agreement.

When opening a deposit using the help, no documents are needed; the transfer of funds is confirmed by electronic code depositor. But first you need to conclude an agreement with the bank, which will allow you to open a deposit account in this way. All client data will be included in an electronic database and the depositor will be identified in the ATM network.

After completing the procedure for opening a deposit through an ATM, the client will only receive a check indicating the amount deposited. A copy of the agreement will be available at the bank branch where all data is sent.

The disadvantage of this method is that not all types of deposits are available through an ATM. But financial institutions are constantly expanding the list of services and soon promise to add new opportunities.

  1. Choose a bank based on the types of products it offers. Online services for selecting deposits will help you navigate.
  2. Before signing the agreement, check on the website of the deposit insurance agency (DIA) whether the bank belongs to the system. Its participants are all holders of a Central Bank license.
  3. The conditions for opening a deposit must be determined in advance. These are: type, term, amount, currency and interest rate of the deposit. As well as the possibility of automatic renewal, replenishment and early closure.
  4. If the investment amount is impressive, it is better to keep it in different banks, because the insurance system protects deposits only up to a certain amount (no more than 1,400,000 rubles).

It seems that we all know about bank deposits, about the insurance limit of 1.4 million rubles, and also about the DIA and regulations Civil Code, allowing citizens to withdraw their money from the bank at any time. However, as practice shows, financial literacy I haven’t reached all Russians yet.

Many Russians try to protect money from thieves, from inflation, and to some extent from themselves, so as not to spend it on a spontaneous purchase. The most popular way to store funds is a bank deposit.

Deposits are in demand among the population for a reason. Firstly, it is much safer to store money in a credit institution, rather than at home “under your pillow.” Secondly, at its core, a deposit is a very simple tool for savings: you put money into an account, and when the placement period expires, you take it back with interest. The deposit rate is fixed in the contract and cannot change during the entire period that the funds are in the financial institution - neither at the will of the latter, nor due to any external conditions. Thirdly, money placed in the bank is insured by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA). If suddenly a credit institution’s license is revoked, then the amount of all deposits with accrued interest, if it does not exceed 1.4 million rubles, will be paid to the client. And finally, the liquidity of such investments is very high: money can be withdrawn from the bank upon request. The result is an almost ideal product for mass use.

Of course, that’s all true – money needs to be placed in deposits. It's about, naturally, about funds that you need to save, and not that you are willing to invest with the risk of “losing part”, but at the same time receive greater profitability. However, in the current economic realities, it is important to understand and know about all the nuances of a product such as a deposit.

First of all, when opening a deposit, you should make sure that you are doing this in the bank and not in any other organization. Sometimes microfinance organizations or, in general, companies engaged in fraudulent activities can “masquerade” as credit institutions. It is very simple to understand whether you are dealing with a bank or not. You need to find this credit institution on the website Central Bank(CB). She must have a valid license to operate banking operations, as well as a license to raise funds individuals. The branch you plan to contact must be present on the bank’s website, which, by the way, is also listed on the Central Bank portal.

So, you are convinced that you have chosen the bank and come to the branch to open a deposit. It is important that the procedure for placing funds on deposit is completed correctly. You should have in your hands one copy of the deposit agreement, certified by the signature of the employee and the seal of the credit institution, as well as a document confirming the deposit of funds into the account: if you brought cash, then this is a cash receipt order. These documents must be kept until the end of the deposit period at a minimum. Recently, situations have been repeatedly discussed when clients opened deposits in a bank, then the Central Bank revoked its license, and the DIA on the balance sheet of the credit organization open deposits didn't find it. This means that it will not be superfluous to additionally make sure that the deposit has actually been placed. You can check this, for example, through online banking. If you see your deposit there and can make transactions on it (if they are provided for by the conditions for opening a deposit), it means credit organisation She did not hide anything from you, and everything was done in accordance with the law.

In conditions high volatility national currency some clients prefer to diversify their savings and place part of their funds in foreign currency. When opening a deposit in dollars or euros, it is worth remembering that if the regulator deprives the bank of its license, the deposit amount will be paid in rubles at the Central Bank exchange rate on the date of revocation. If you opened a deposit in the amount of $23,000 at an exchange rate of 60 rubles. per dollar, then in this case you have met the insured amount equal to 1.4 million. But if on the date of revocation of the license a dollar costs 80 rubles, then you, of course, will receive 1.4 million, but with this money you can only buy $17,500. Therefore, when deciding on the amount foreign currency deposit, it is worth considering some growth in the exchange rate. It is also worth remembering that the DIA starts paying insurance compensation depositors only two weeks after the bank’s license is revoked. However, no one guarantees that the foreign currency exchange rate will not increase over a given period of time. This means that you may not be able to buy the same number of dollars or euros for the amount paid. Therefore, when placing deposits in foreign currency, you should be especially careful when choosing a bank.

By the way, when a decision is made to open a deposit, there is always a temptation to choose a bank that gives maximum bet- all the same, the funds are insured by the state. Nowadays there is a tendency in the market to reduce interest rates on deposits, so you may encounter the following situation. In a few months, the bank that offered you a super profitable product will have its license revoked - such cases have happened more than once. However, you will no longer be able to find similar rates in a declining market. Therefore, sometimes it is worth agreeing to a slightly lower profitability, but at least in a reliable bank. And then you can be sure that you will receive this percentage throughout the entire term of the deposit.

Thus, even such a simple product as a deposit has many nuances and pitfalls that need to be taken into account when placing funds. However, investing money is an important step, which means it is worth spending some time to understand everything and make the right decision.

One of financial instruments Thanks to which banks are able to accumulate free funds, deposits are deposits. They are various types, and the choice of one of them depends on the storage purposes Money directly by the investor himself.

Depending on the terms of placement, there are such bank deposits:

  1. Time deposits – involve placing funds in banking institution for a certain period (3, 6, 12 months or more). During the term of the agreement, as a rule, you cannot replenish the bank account or withdraw money from it, while the interest rate remains unchanged. How more amount term deposit and the period for which it is issued, the higher the income of the depositor. The depositor also has the right at any time, for any reason, to terminate the agreement with the bank and withdraw his money, but, at the same time, he must understand that he is losing the entire amount of interest or part of it, depending on the terms of the agreement.
  2. In turn, urgent bank deposits usually divided into two types:

  • deposits with monthly interest withdrawal;
  • bank deposits with interest withdrawal at the end of the contract.

The first type of deposits involves the possibility for the depositor to withdraw interest on a monthly basis within the strictly established terms of the agreement. Such bank deposits are convenient, first of all, for those depositors who are considering their deposit funds, as a source of additional monthly income. However, the yield on such contracts is slightly lower than on deposits with interest withdrawn at the end of the term.

  • Demand deposits are deposits in banks that do not have a strictly defined contract period and give the client the right to withdraw the entire amount or part of the deposit at any time when he needs funds. For such an advantage, the investor has to pay minimal interest rates. This option is convenient for those who, for security reasons, simply do not want to keep money at home and, at the same time, have a small, but still certain income.
  • Cumulative bank deposits- these are deposits that give the depositor the opportunity to replenish it at any time, and at the end of the term such an agreement is most often extended automatically. This banking instrument most convenient for those who do not plan to withdraw the entire deposit amount in the near future, but keep money in the bank not only for security or profitability purposes, but also for accumulating a certain capital, for example, to purchase something. These are most often long-term deposits for a period of 6 months, which have a high interest rate, which is accrued on the contract amount depending on the period it was on deposit.
  • The structure of bank deposits can be represented as follows.

    One of the varieties of such savings deposits is pension savings deposit, which allows pensioners to put aside part of their pension each month into a deposit at a higher interest rate. Besides, everything existing species Bank deposits are usually divided into deposits in national and foreign currencies, as well as multicurrency deposits in banks.

    Today, in order to attract as many depositors as possible, banks offer deposits that can combine the features of several types of deposits at once, for example, time deposit with the possibility of replenishing the deposit.

    According to statistical surveys, many Russians believe that they have sufficient literacy in financial matters. However, simple concepts, such as capitalization or deposit insurance, or some questions on this topic can confuse the knowledge of even the most advanced users banking products. Read the answers to these questions below.

    What types of deposits are there?

    Deposits can be opened by physical and legal entities. All deposits can be divided by type of currency– rubles, dollars, euros. Recommended for accumulation purposes financial resources open a deposit in the currency in which you intend to spend it in the future. For long-term investments optimally arrange individual deposits in different currencies.

    Also the contributions vary by duration, i.e. for a specific period - long-term and short-term and “on demand” (without indicating a period). The perpetual type of registration offers the lowest interest rates, since it is not known when the client will withdraw funds. For limited-term deposits, finance can be received at the end of the contract or ahead of schedule, but with certain conditions, which are also specified in the contract.

    What is the return on investment?

    Receiving income from the deposit amount depends on many factors - interest rate, term, additional conditions(capitalization, possibility of replenishment, etc.) and even general economic situation. Basically, all financial institutions are guided by the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In addition, each bank specializes in certain asset allocation schemes - lending to individuals or operating businesses.

    Capitalization – what is it?

    A deposit with interest capitalization is more profitable. The bottom line is that interest is added to the deposit amount every month or quarter (the period specified in the agreement). Then interest for the next period will be accrued on this increased amount, and so on. If the deposit is without capitalization, in this case the interest rate is simply calculated on the initial amount of the deposit.

    What is the deposit insurance system?

    In our country there is a state “Deposit Insurance Agency” (DIA). When reviewing the terms of a deposit at a bank, it is recommended to find out whether the financial institution is included in the DIA deposit insurance system. This is due to the fact that if for some reason the bank loses its license or goes bankrupt, the depositor will be able to receive compensation in an amount equal to the amount of the deposit and accrued interest, but not more than 1,400,000 rubles per person, regardless of how many deposits he has is in this bank. Today you can only get this amount guaranteed.

    If it happens that the deposit amount is more than 1,400,000 rubles, it is necessary to expect a bankruptcy procedure to satisfy all claims against the bank through the sale of its property and other assets. Typically, this process can last up to 2 years. Therefore, it is recommended not to allow such a large amount to be stored in one bank, but to distribute it among different financial institutions.

    Deposits in different banks

    You can make several deposits in one bank. In addition, you can make deposits in different banks. This is not prohibited by law. But, if you read the paragraph on deposit insurance above, then it should be clear to you that these deposits should not be 1400 tr.

    What to do when a bank goes bankrupt?

    Guaranteed amounts to depositors of a bankrupt bank begin to be paid 14 days from the date of revocation of the license and continue until the end of the bankruptcy procedure. In order to get your money back, you must visit a branch of the DIA agent bank and provide the following documents:

    • Passport of the citizen in whose name the deposit was opened,
    • Application in the prescribed form.

    Funds can be returned by non-cash payment(only for individual entrepreneurs) and cash.

    How to determine a reliable bank?

    Unfortunately, banks are not labeled “reliable/unreliable”; problems can happen to anyone credit institution. If you decide to invest a large amount in one bank, for example, it offers a favorable interest rate, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the reputation of the bank, its management and owners. This information can be found in specialized media and on Runet sites.

    A bank with state support. Such institutions have always had a high degree of trust. And successfully, by the way, he still uses it, offering it not so high in comparison with commercial banks interest rates.

    On the other hand, the insurance system (DIA) makes all participating banks the same in terms of the level of security of their funds, so you can carefully study the possible profit on your deposit and give preference to the bank that offers to maximize it.

    The conditions for deposits are varied. Every bank wants to get a client by offering interesting conditions. Choose a financial institution wisely and according to your goals - to preserve, accumulate, and increase your own funds.