What is Sberbank Swift. What is the swift of Sberbank of Russia and its branches - how to find out for international transfers

money transfer questions and answers Sberbank of Russia bank accounts money transfer systems terms

I have a question about money transfers. Money transfer from European bank(Switzerland) to my bank international account opened with Sberbank. My account is in rubles, but Sberbank told me that there was no problem, the money would be concentrated, since the sender sent money in foreign currency (dollars or euros). But the sender needed the following parameters: IBAN, Reserved person, Swift, BIC and that's it. I live in Kirov and they cannot give me accurate information about these parameters, they get confused in swift code, they say that you need to write the Nizhny Novgorod branch, as we relate to it. How can I find out this data? And how long does this translation take? Do weekends count? How much commission will be taken for transfer and withdrawal Money? please explain the situation, otherwise I have already read and heard so much information, everything just got mixed up in my head ...

Answer: About IBAN code. IBAN is an international standard for bank account numbers, which is not used when transferring funds from abroad, since Russia has not switched to this standard. Everything about the IBAN code you can.

About the SWIFT code. Sberbank of Russia has not one SWIFT code, but 25. To speed up the movement of funds, each Territorial bank (branch) of Sberbank of Russia has been assigned its own SWIFT code. In this case, funds will flow immediately to the desired territory. The table of SWIFT codes for branches of Sberbank of Russia can be viewed on the bank's website, and there is also the correct spelling of the bank's name. It remains only to decide which territory your city belongs to.

The Kirov Region (Kirov) belongs to the Volga-Vyatka Bank of the Savings Bank of Russia, and the office of this Territorial Bank is actually located in Nizhny Novgorod, so that the bank employees did not mess up anything, saying that you need to "write the Nizhny Novgorod branch."

To transfer funds to your account from abroad using the SWIFT transfer system, the sender is provided with the following details:


  • Name of the bank - SBERBANK (Volgo–Vyatsky Head Office) Kirov region;

  • surname, name (and patronymic - if possible) of the recipient of the transfer;

  • beneficiary's account number (20 digits);

  • name of the branch of Sberbank of Russia - Kirovskoe OSB No. 8612;

  • name of the correspondent bank of Sberbank of Russia (optional).

For reliability, check this data with those that will be given to you at your branch of Sberbank.

Almost all banks participating in the SWIFT system, i.е. nothing else is required.

Now about BIC. I don't know anything about this code. Maybe they meant BIC? BIC is a bank identification code. The BIC number is used to uniquely identify the bank when making payments. BIC is a 9-digit number, which for Russian banks always starts with "04". ("04" is the code of the Russian Federation), the following 2 characters indicate the territory of the Russian Federation according to OKATO (according to All-Russian classifier objects of administrative-territorial division). The last 3 digits of the BIC number must match the last digits in the bank's correspondent account. If the transfer is carried out between banks included in the SWIFT system, then the BIC is not necessary, since the SWIFT code is an analogue of the BIC, but only for international interbank transactions. It results in duplication.

At least, when listing the details for transferring funds from abroad, not a single bank mentions it. But if necessary, they will give it to you at your branch of Sberbank. And you can also see it on the Sberbank website by going to the Kirov region and opening the details Volga-Vyatka Bank. The question is, which BIC should be called in this case? Check this with your bank. And I just give you the numbers of identification codes, from which you need to choose one:

  • BIC OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" -

  • BIC of the Volga-Vyatka Bank -

  • BIK Kirov OSB No. 8612 -

The time during which the transfer is carried out depends on whether there is a direct correspondent relationship between Sberbank and the sender's bank. If there is, then the transfer will arrive within 2-3 days, and if the money goes through a correspondent bank, then 3-5 days. I named the approximate terms for the transfer of the transfer, excluding weekends.

According to the tariffs of Sberbank for transfers, the issuance of rubles or foreign exchange in an amount not exceeding within a calendar month 5 million rubles/200 thousand US dollars inclusive costs 1% of the amount of transfer/withdrawal.

To conduct financial transactions using an international account opened in the Russian Federation, information about the Sberbank SWIFT code is transmitted to the sender from abroad. To clarify the SWIFT of any branch of the Savings Bank, refer to our table below, where all branches are listed or contact the employees credit institution by phone hotline visit the office in person.

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What it is

SWIFT code is a transnational system for making financial transactions around the globe.

The SWIFT code is a cipher in the form of an alphabetic / numeric combination BBBB CC LL DDD, each character has its own meaning:

  • BBBB is a four-digit code assigned to each institution operating in the field of finance. The savings bank is designated SABR;
  • CC is a two-digit country code. The Latin alphabet is used for designation, the code is indicated in accordance with the international standard ISO 3166. Russian Federation denoted by RU;
  • LL - consists of two letters or numbers, indicates the location of the institution. To designate PJSC Sberbank MM encryption is used;
  • DDD - representation code. The Savings Bank system includes twenty-five branches, each branch has a unique encryption.

The code is sent to the addressee along with the rest of the transfer details. The main SWIFT of Sberbank of Russia - SABRRUMM, is used for the main office located in Moscow. The ending of the number varies depending on the region where the unit operates.

Transfer using the international system takes from three to five days. If you send funds to relatives, there are no limits on the amount, otherwise the limit on external transactions will be five thousand dollars. Money is sent in any currency, the conversion is carried out automatically. For the transaction, the system and the banks through which the transfer passes, charge a commission

SWIFT codes of branches of Sberbank of Russia: how to find out

You can specify the SWIFT code of the unit on the official website of the organization. There is a table with the full name of the office, address and SWIFT encoding. Employees also provide details. financial organization. If it is not possible to find out information about the international encryption, do not indicate the encoding of the regional branch. In this case, the transfer will go through the central Moscow office.

To receive funds from abroad, give the addressee your personal data and SWIFT code. If some data is unknown, you do not need to invent anything and write at random, it is better to spend a few minutes and contact a specialist of a credit institution to clarify the current information. Otherwise, the money may simply get lost and not reach the recipient.

To make a transnational payment through Sberbank, the following details are required:

  • SWIFT-code - SABRRUMMXX (XX is the number of the division, the first letters are the encryption of the head office located in Moscow);
  • Name of the financial organization - SBERBANK;
  • Personal information about the addressee;
  • Account number (in some cases foreign banks require you to specify IBAN - deposit number in accordance with international standards). But since IBAN is not used in our country, indicate the twenty-digit number;
  • The name of the division, for example the northern Moscow office, will be called the Severny Head Office.

Table with bank branches


The SWIFT code of a branch of Sberbank of Russia is one of the most important details when making an international transfer. The main advantage of the system is an increased level of security due to the use of strong encryption.

Sometimes Sberbank clients need to make international money transfers. Or transfer funds from foreign bank to your own bank account. Such operations are quite possible and quickly feasible. But for the successful completion of the transfer, the sender is required to indicate all the available details, personal data, as well as the SWIFT encoding.

Sberbank clients who are not familiar with and have no experience with the functioning of this program cannot understand what the Sberbank SWIFT code is, where to clarify this information and how to specify the information. Such nuances should be known to each client of the banking structure, because knowledge may be needed at the most unexpected time.

Using the SWIFT code, an international money transfer is carried out

SWIFT encoding: the essence of the concept

The SWIFT code of Sberbank of Russia is a unique number that is used when making any transactions between foreign countries/states. At the same time, any banking structure participating in this international system, has its own, personally assigned SWIFT cipher.

S.W.I.F.T - short name international organization interbank communications. The full abbreviation translates as "Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications Community".

The SWIFT cipher is set according to a certain algorithm and includes encrypted information about the owner bank. This encoding allows you to understand where the given banking institution, how many divisions it has (each of the branches has its own individual code). The SWIFT of the bank is created in the form of an encryption formed according to the formula: ВВВВ KKLL FFF, where:

  1. ВВВВ: a four-character alphabetic encoding that is assigned to each specific bank. At Sberbank, they look like "SABR".
  2. KK: A two-letter symbol showing the location of the bank. In our case, this is "RU".
  3. LL: alphanumeric code of two characters (letters or numbers). It indicates the location of a particular institution. The Savings Bank has the designation "MM".
  4. FFF: carries the encoding of a specific structural unit. Sberbank organization has 25 branches. Each of them has a personal cipher.

What does a completed receipt for an international transfer look like?

How SWIFT encoding is set

The system for providing international ciphers includes more than 10,000 banking organizations-participants located around the globe. They include leading Russian banks. Each bank participating in the program, when connected to it, receives a unique SWIFT cipher that serves to identify a banking organization.

A unique code is assigned after the submission of a specific application by a banking organization and a package of documentation. Its assignment is regulated by the ISO system.

How to indicate the code when transferring

Knowing what the SWIFT code of Sberbank is, the client can make the required money transaction from any foreign country to a specific branch of the Russian Savings Bank. To carry out the procedure, the sender needs to designate the code of the main banking office, adding to it a unique code of a certain Sberbank division. For example, "SABRRUMMO48". It is also necessary to provide a number of additional details. In particular:

  • full personal data (full full name);
  • the name of the structural unit where the money is sent;
  • account number (for a transaction outside Russia, the number standardized by IBAN is indicated, but it is not used in the Russian Federation, so it is enough to mark the usual number).

SWIFT code decryption

How to find out the SWIFT code of Sberbank

To clarify the required code of a certain structural Sberbank division, it is worth visiting the official portal of the bank. There is complete list SWIFT codes of all branches. As well as address data and the name of the institution in English. You can find information of interest:

  1. On the pages of the ROSSWIFT website.
  2. By calling the call center of Sberbank.
  3. On the portal of the Bank of Russia, which also has the entire list of international codes.

If it is not possible to view the SWIFT codes of branches of Sberbank of Russia, then when sending finances, it is allowed to indicate the encoding of the territorial banking organization. Then the transfer will go through the main (central) office of Sberbank, and then go to the address.

Nuances of SWIFT transfers

System international transfers SWIFT is a monopolist in this area of ​​the financial world market. Therefore, it is impossible to do without specifying this cipher-combination. In order for the transfer to be successful, a separate message is generated for each transaction and sent to the operational contact center, where it is encrypted and processed in a certain way. The entire period of payment formation takes up to 5-6 days.

Types of transactions

The international system has several types of transfers. They differ in the type of currency of the funds sent and the direction of payment. The program allows you to purchase shares, securities, book a hotel, or transfer tuition fees at a foreign university.

The essence of the SWIFT program

Design features

Each client should be aware that quite strict requirements are imposed on such transactions. They must be strictly observed. These are the following rules:

  1. It is mandatory to indicate the code of the Savings Bank, the account number of the addressee, the correspondent account of the banking unit where the funds go. As well as the full and exact name of the financial and credit organization, written in English.
  2. The transaction will be carried out (on the card or bank account of the addressee) only with the full indication of a particular unit.
  3. Legislative power of the Russian Federation is limited maximum amount for transfer ($5,000). But, if the transfer-transaction is executed in the name of the recipient-relative, the restriction is removed. To do this, the sender should provide a document/certificate confirming kinship when making a payment.
  4. When making a transfer, the payer is charged a commission. The withdrawal of money is made without commission.

The period for making an international transfer is quite long and takes up to 5-6 banking days.

Advantages and disadvantages of SWIFT

The SWIFT program meets all modern requirements for reliability. This is its main and indisputable advantage. Security measures are provided by a special transfer encryption system. The disadvantages of this program, users include the need to separately pay commissions. Many customers consider the need to provide full personal information when making a transaction as a disadvantage.

The working process of the SWIFT program

Is it possible to use SWIFT when transferring to Sberbank Online

There is a strong opinion that only banking structures can use such a program of international payments-transfers. Indeed, initially the SWIFT program was formed for interbank money transactions, but this program is also quite accessible to private (individual) persons. Using it, you can make a transfer and transfer finances to any account of a foreign or Russian credit financial company. Transactions can be made in favor of:

  • foreign persons;
  • Russian subjects;
  • law firms regardless of the type of ownership.

To take advantage of the offer of SWIFT transfers, the sender must be over 18 years old and have an account opened abroad. This is confirmed by a document issued by the department Tax Inspectorate and is valid only in relation to the transfer to the name of a Russian citizen located outside the territory of the Russian Federation.


The participation of banking organizations in the SWIFT transfer program ensures a reliable and guaranteed transaction. But, before proceeding with the execution of this procedure, it is worth clarifying all the details and details with bank employees. Sometimes more data is required to send money via SWIFT. SWIFT encoding, of course, plays an important and key role in the execution of the transfer, but do not forget about the established limits and other nuances of the program.

In contact with

If the sender uses SWIFT codes of Sberbank to make international transfers, payments, transactions are greatly accelerated and simplified. Each bank branch has its own code. About what it means and where you can find the code, we will tell in the publication.

Translated from English, the abbreviation SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) means "society of international interbank financial resources data transmission".

In other words, SWIFT is a coding system that is used when performing interbank foreign exchange transactions. If such transfers are made through largest bank countries, then SWIFT codes of branches of Sberbank of Russia are used as details for making settlements, exchange transactions, payments abroad.

The cipher is a combination of capital Latin letters, numbers. Upon joining the community, a financial institution receives a SWIFT code in the format BBBB CC LL DDD, where each block has its own meaning:

  1. BBBB - a combination of 4 letters, in which the name of the institution is encrypted. In Sberbank PJSC - SABR.
  2. CC is a two-character sequence of letters indicating a country. Designated in Latin based on the ISO 3166 standard. For Russia - RU.
  3. LL is a letter and a number characterizing the location of a financial and credit institution. Sberbank is designated as "MM".
  4. DDD - representation code. The country's largest financial institution has 25 branches, each of which has its own number.

SWIFT BIC is needed to perform operations with foreign accounts. Not used for transactions national system payments.

Principle of operation

The essence of the operation is the exchange of messages between the sending bank and the recipient. As a result, the client receives a response. The procedure takes no more than 5 days. Millions of transactions are carried out daily by the system.

Through SWIFT BIC, you can conduct financial transactions with shares, traveler's checks, currency exchange, and pay for tuition at a foreign educational institution. In Russia, payment transactions through the system are carried out in US dollars, euro, rubles, Swiss francs, pounds sterling.

Since 2014, the following requirements have been formed in the Russian Federation for transactions through the system:

  1. The sending bank must be aware of the SWIFT, cor. Sberbank account, account number and name (full name) of the recipient in English, purpose of the payment transaction.
  2. The amount of payment should not exceed the norms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Transfers must indicate the branch of the beneficiary bank.
  3. Before the transaction, a commission is paid.

Participation in the community is voluntary, but most banks chose to join the system. This is due to the reliability of financial transactions, the possibility of conducting international payment transactions, additional profit due to commission fees.

How to find out the SWIFT code

You can get information on the SWIFT codes of the regions and download the document on the official Sberbank portal: http://www.sberbank.ru, in the "Transfers within Russia and abroad" section, or in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the online collection of bank ciphers. You can also contact the service office, where the employee will tell you the required SWIFT code.

The system is highly reliable and secure. Before executing transactions, payment of a commission fee is provided.

In order for the transfer to successfully go to an international account in Russia, the sender abroad needs to know the SWIFT code of Sberbank. Citizens do not always understand what kind of code it is, why it is needed, they get confused in the parameters. You can always determine the SWIFT of Sberbank by contacting its employees by phone or at a branch. To avoid confusion, you should figure out on your own how the system works and how the code is generated.

What is a bank's SWIFT code

SWIFT (SWIFT) is a system for making payments, transferring banking information in an international format. Today, it consists of more than 10 thousand banks and corporations around the world. In order to uniquely identify the participants in the system, a unique encoding was created. SWIFT code is assigned to banks and other financial institutions around the world when they join the Community of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT).

The SWIFT CODE of the bank is a cipher according to the formula BBBB CC LL DDD, where the numbers / letters mean:

  • ВВВВ is a 4-digit letter code assigned to an individual financial institution or bank. Sberbank corresponds to the SABR code;
  • CC is a 2-character country code. Designated in Latin according to the ISO 3166 standard. Russia is designated as RU;
  • LL is a 2-character alphanumeric code indicating where in the country the facility is located. Sberbank is designated as MM;
  • DDD - branch code. For example, Sberbank has 25 representative offices, each of them has its own specific code.

Why do you need

The SWIFT code of Sberbank of Russia will be needed to receive a money transfer from abroad. SWIFT-BIC of Sberbank is reported to the sender of the payment along with personal data. This is an alphanumeric set that clearly indicates where the payment will go: to which country, region and bank. SWIFT is practically a monopolist in the segment of international bank transfers, you simply cannot do without knowing the code.

Who is assigned

The SWIFT/BIC identifier is assigned by the Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications Community. To obtain the administration number of a financial institution, it is necessary to submit documents for entry and obtain the approval of the SWIFT Board of Directors. The coding is assigned according to the international standardization system (ISO 9362 (ISO 9362 - BIC)), the country is marked according to ISO 3166.

How the SWIFT system works

The bottom line is that the participants in the system exchange messages between themselves and their clients (sender/receiver). To complete a transaction, the sender's bank needs to create and send a message to the transaction center, where it will be processed, encrypted, and customers will receive a positive or negative response. During the translation process, a message can pass through several banks (up to three). In time, this lasts no more than 5 working days.

Types of transfers

Every day, millions of payments pass through the system, the total amount of money is in the billions. Through SWIFT, financial payments are made between countries / within the country, transactions with securities, travelers checks and others financial documents. With the help of SWIFT, you can, for example, pay for your studies at a foreign university or buy shares. In Russia, payments are made in the following currencies:

  • Euro;
  • U.S. dollars;
  • rubles;
  • Swiss francs;
  • pounds.

Design Requirements

Since 2014, SWIFT payments in Russia have been made abroad and for domestic transactions. The use of SWIFT in the Russian Federation requires compliance with the following requirements:

  • the sending bank must know the SWIFT of Sberbank, its correspondent account number, the recipient's account number and its name (name) in English;
  • the payment amount is limited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, you can send money only to cards and bank accounts with the obligatory indication of the branch of the recipient;
  • it is necessary to pay a commission, which is indicated by banks before making a payment.

Sberbank details for international transfer

To receive money from abroad, the client must send the sender the territorial SWIFT code of Sberbank and a set of data about himself. If some information is unknown or requires clarification, do not take risks and write at random. It is better to go to the Sberbank website or call the hotline. Current details for international transfers are:

  • swift code - SABRRUMMXX (where SABRRUMM is the swift of the main office of Sberbank, XX is the branch number);
  • name of the organization - SBERBANK;
  • name of the recipient;
  • account number (sometimes foreign banks require IBAN (IBAN) - account number according to international standard, but since it is not used in the Russian Federation, a simple 20-digit recipient account is provided for transfers to Russia);
  • the name of the representative office, for example, the Northern branch (for Moscow) will have the name Severny Head Office.

How to find out the swift code of Sberbank of Russia

Even for an advanced client, finding a Sberbank code can be problematic. The easiest way to find out the Sberbank SWIFT code and other details for an international payment is to call the contact center or ask the operator of your branch. You can study the information yourself:

  • on the official website sberbank.ru, details section;
  • on the ROSSWIFT website;
  • on the website of the Bank of Russia, in the online directory of bank codes of organizations and international bank codes.

Where to find branch codes

The SWIFT code of the branch is called SABRRUMM, it can always be downloaded as a document on the official website. The table will indicate the SWIFT-CODE of Sberbank of Russia, the full name of the representative office in English, which will be needed to make the payment, its address, as well as the areas for which it operates. On the hotline, the bank provides this information. If it is not possible to recognize it, you can not indicate the code of the territorial subdivision. Then the payment will go through main office and will take longer.

Is a swift transfer possible through Sberbank online

There is an opinion that only banks can use the possibilities of SWIFT. Indeed, the SWIFT system is used for interbank transfers, but it is also available for ordinary people. With its help, you can send money to the account of any Russian or foreign bank (financial company) that is a member of the organization or receive a transfer from other countries of the world.

Transfers can be made in favor of residents, non-residents of the Russian Federation, legal entities all forms of ownership. To use the service, you need to know Sberbank of Russia swift, be of legal age (over 18) and have a certificate from the tax police about opening an account abroad (if the money will be credited to the name of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the country).

Pros and cons of SWIFT transfers in Sberbank

The main advantage of the SWIFT system is its high security. Encryption is very strong, there are additional security measures. It can be used to make a transfer abroad and to Russia in the amount of up to 5 thousand dollars. Relatives can be sent any amount, but proof of kinship is required (certified certificate, marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.). Through SWIFT, you can send money in any currency. Cash withdrawal without commission.

A significant disadvantage of SWIFT transfers is a large commission. It is charged not only by the system, but also by the banks through which the payment passes. All transactions over $5,000 require confirmation of the purpose of the payment (tuition bill, hotel reservation, etc.). Transfers take a long time, from 3 to 5 days (working). Be sure to tell the sender information about yourself, the account and the SWIFT code of Sberbank in order to make a payment.
