Okpo data. Advanced search for information about the company by TIN in the Russian Federation

During the course of commercial activities businesses and individual entrepreneurs use identification code (TIN). Knowing it, you can get a lot of information about the organization.

Under OKPO commonly understood All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations. This combination is the main one for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs; it is stored in the databases of Russian statistical authorities. What is the structure of this code, how is it used, where can I get information about it?

OKPO code structure

Eat multiple goals, for which it is customary to use OKPO:

  • maintenance of lists of legal entities within all state classifications and databases;
  • ensuring comfortable communication of information about organizations;
  • organization of statistical accounting;
  • work on interdepartmental exchange of information.

The objects according to which the OKPO codes are classified are as follows:

  • legal entities;
  • branches of organizations;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • firms operating without the formation of a legal entity.

Throughout the entire activity of the enterprise, this code remains unchanged. After the completion of its work, it cannot be used for a five-year period. The code is assigned automatically.

Normally, it includes 8 digits for legal entities, 9 digits for individual entrepreneurs. The first 7 or 9 designations characterize the serial number. The last digit is a control number, which is determined in accordance with a special algorithm.

Order of Rosstat dated March 29, 2017 No. 211. For detailed information about OKPO by TIN, you must use the official website of Rosstat.

OKPO search procedure by TIN

Each enterprise during the opening receives OKPO code. Based on it, the activities carried out by the organization are determined. There are several goals that require obtaining information about this code:

  • clarification of certain information about the organization;
  • exchange of information between departmental structures;
  • distinguishing companies;
  • execution of contracts;
  • formation of invoices;
  • filling out other documents, certificates;
  • clarification of information on debts.

The reorganization has no effect on OKPO. For getting detailed information upon request for information from Rosstat, it is not necessary to pay. If only the OKPO number is needed, you can find it on the basis of the TIN through portals on the Internet - the websites of the Federal Tax Service and Rosstat.

Basic ways

There are many options for obtaining up-to-date and reliable information. It is worth dwelling on each of them in more detail.

Request to the tax office

It is necessary to fill out an application on the official web resource of the Federal Tax Service, and then within 5 working days receive all the necessary information at the address Email. The application is filed by an individual entrepreneur or entity V personal order. This will require preparation following papers:

  • passport;
  • IP registration certificate;

Official website of the tax service

This Internet resource has quality search engine, which makes it easy to find legal address organizations. This will require access to a personal account, as well as a visit to the local administration. You can do this for free.

All you need is to go to the website of the Federal Tax Service, enter the TIN, click the "Find" button, wait for the result to be received from the system.


You can get information quickly. All that is needed is to indicate the notification option in the upper field, and then enter the TIN and password. If you need to obtain information about all statistical codes in virtual mode, you need to visit the Rosstat website. To print a notification, you need:

  • define the subject Russian Federation;
  • click on the button "Individual entrepreneurs" or "Legal entities";
  • enter information on the TIN.

This information is updated on a regular basis and the notification codes are fully valid.


Using this resource is more complex than other methods. But it allows you to get the most full information. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • switch to the tab "Search by OKPO";
  • entering information about the TIN;
  • obtaining an appropriate extract from the archive.


Free receipt of codes is available on a specialized resource called K-AGENT, to use it you need:

  • enter information about the TIN;
  • click "Find";
  • get a result.


To get information for free, you need to visit the tab called "Reporting" and enter all the necessary data into the form. Information will be provided only on those companies that have agreed to disclose.

You can get the data of interest using this service quite quickly online.

Where and how to find out online

Previously, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs could count on receiving notifications only when contacting Rosstat. For these purposes, it was required to provide an extract from the USRIP, USRLE.

Currently, each user can act independently, since the information is freely available and stored in special databases of the territorial bodies of Russian statistics. To get data you need:

  • select a region from the list on the left;
  • enter information about the TIN;
  • get the necessary information.

After the state registration procedure, information is received by the territorial body of Rosstat, and then entered into a specialized database. It is updated quite often, several times a month. This usually happens after the 15th day of each month, as well as the 30th-31st.

If necessary information are not in the database, you can contact the Rosstat service by taking an extract from the USRIP, USRLE.

Do I need statistical codes to open bank accounts

Many banks still require statistical codes in order to open an account. The notice is received without question. But it is not included in the list of securities that are needed to create bank accounts, provide participants with external economic activity, formation of extrabudgetary funds.

Therefore, the requirements of banks related to the provision of statistical codes are unlawful.

Can I print myself

Yes, this approach is possible. After all, the notification is an information and reference document and is not related to the system of administrative and organizational documentation. Therefore, there are no requirements related to contacting specialized services in this case.

The notice does not need to be printed, signed and certified by printing.

Reasons for the absence of OKVED statistical codes in the notification

There are no data on the directions of economic activity in the document. This is due to the fact that they act as main element state registration and are present in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, EGRIP. In particular, they are in the block associated with types of economic activity.

Federal Law No. 129 of August 8, 2001 acts as a regulation on this issue. This normative act states that the codes of areas of economic activity, starting from January 1, 2004, are an integral part of data on state registration. Their determination is carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs independently.

So the search necessary information can be done in several ways. The procedure and algorithm of actions is simple and similar. It is best to act online, as this allows you not to leave your home and save time.

Additional instructions on how to find out OKPO online are presented below.

After its opening, a company or individual entrepreneur needs to obtain statistics codes. This information is contained in a letter from Rosstat. Most often, a letter is required to open a bank account.

How to get a letter from Rosstat (statistics)?

There are several options for obtaining.

1. You can wait until a letter from Rosstat arrives by mail. But it is very long, and the letter can get lost somewhere.
2. Go to Rosstat, apply for a letter, and then come back a few days later and get it.
3. Most fast option. You can get statistics codes via the Internet within a few minutes. How to do it?

Consider step by step instructions.

1. We find a site on the Internet and go to it.

2. Choose your region, which is listed below the maps.

3. Then we select our area (edge, etc.). Take for example Nizhny Novgorod region. We go to such a picture and go to the site of the selected region (in our example, this is the site for the Nizhny Novgorod region nizhstat.gks.ru)




6. After that, enter your TIN or OGRNIP. OKPO does not have to be filled out at all, one requisite is enough. And press the "search" button.

7.Then the service offers you the following printouts:

Notice of registration in the statistical register of Rosstat, which is what the bank needs.

Decoding codes OK TEI. Here you get everything required codes statistics. You can make them for yourself.

We select what we need by putting a dot in the right place, and then click the "Get" button.

Then the program generates your letter from Rosstat and sends it to your computer. Then you open it and print it out.

Everything is very simple and fast. For banks, such printouts are enough to open a current account, although they do not have any signatures and seals.

Is it necessary to receive a letter from Rosstat?

The letter is necessary only for opening a current account and for the accountant when filling out the balance sheet and other forms of reporting. The presence of this letter is optional and has a notification character.

What should I do if my region is not listed on the site?

This service is now operating in many regions of Russia and it is expected that it will operate everywhere. Well, if on this moment there is no way to get data from the site, you have to go yourself. In the case when your region is not listed in the general list (under the map), you can search for it using the search engine here under the map.

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Systematization and classification of enterprises and private entrepreneurs belongs to the competence government agencies statistics.

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In the process of state registration, each organization and private entrepreneur receives their statistics codes, which they can later request in the form of a separate statement.

Let's consider what these codes are, what their purpose is, how to get statistics codes in 2020 during a personal visit or online.

Basic moments

In this section, we will introduce you to the main statistics codes that are assigned to companies and businessmen, why they are required, how to get statistics codes for free, in what documentation they are used.

Also, let's take a look at legislative regulation assignment and receipt of statements by statistical codes.

What it is

Statistics codes represent data from the statistical register of economic entities of the Russian Federation.

The statistical register is a systematized information base in which organizations and private entrepreneurs are identified based on a variety of federal classifiers:

In previous years, organizations and private entrepreneurs had the opportunity to request a notification of the listed codes in paper form only during a personal visit to government agencies and after writing an application.

Also, to obtain codes, it was necessary to provide employees with a certificate of state registration from or.

In 2020, legal entities and entrepreneurs can receive online and independently print a letter from Rosstat with information about codes, while there is no need to personally visit government agencies.

Data on most classification codes are freely available, so anyone can get them on official resources by entering only the subject.

At the same time, such codes can be obtained not only for yourself, but also for counterparties, suppliers in order to verify their integrity. Codes are provided free of charge.

What are they needed for

Specify statistics codes in without fail subjects entrepreneurial activity should in these situations:

  • opening bank account organization or entrepreneur;
  • provision in tax authority accounting and financial reporting;
  • padding and ;
  • provision of statistical reporting;
  • conducting foreign economic activity;
  • change of the address of registration of a private entrepreneur or the legal address of the company;
  • opening a representative office, branch of the organization;
  • change of businessman's surname or company name.

Rosstat also periodically conducts selective observations, and private entrepreneurs subject to control must provide correct statistical data about themselves as a citizen and about their commercial activities in a timely manner.

In case of ignoring this requirement, the businessman is brought to administrative in the form of penalties.

Current regulations

The assignment and receipt of statistics codes by business entities is regulated by the following regulations:

  1. (on the need to provide codes when opening a bank account).
  2. FCS letter dated 12/19/2011 No. 01-18/62041 (providing statistics codes by entities when declaring products at customs).

How to get statistics codes via the Internet

In 2020, entrepreneurs and organizations have the opportunity, without leaving their homes, to receive statistics codes online and print out a notification.

Such options appeared on the official portals of state statistics bodies and on other services. To receive the codes, you only need to indicate, OGRNIP or, or OKPO.

Based on these data, a notification with statistics codes will be generated. Let's take a closer look at the procedure in this section.

What data will be needed

There are several ways to find out your statistical codes, which require different initial data.

If the state registration of an entrepreneur or organization is carried out through a multifunctional center, then you can find out information about the possibility of obtaining codes even at the stage of providing a package of documents.

The procedure for obtaining codes is simple, but requires the provision of a certain package of documentation from the LLC:

  • application for issuing a notification with a list of codes;
  • document on state registration of LLC;
  • certificate from the register of legal entities;
  • certificate of tax registration, where the TIN is indicated;
  • protocol of the founders on making adjustments to the data on the LLC;
  • charter in the latest version.

So, we have introduced you to the main statistics codes, their purpose and purposes of use, legal regulation the issue of registration of business entities.

We also told you in which government agencies you can receive a notification with statistics codes in paper form, and on which Internet portals you can independently obtain TIN codes and print a notification.


This article tells about what OKPO is, why it may be needed and how to find it out, having only the Internet at hand. Let's take a closer look at the options for obtaining information from state statistics bodies.

What is OKPO and who needs it

The literal decoding of the abbreviation OKPO sounds like this - the All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations. This classification system has been implemented for all legal entities since 1993, and for all "IP-shniks" since 1999. According to it, each business entity corresponds to a certain number, which is assigned at the time of registration of the enterprise.

OKPO has different amount characters depending on the legal or to an individual it is assigned:

  • Legal entities, that is, all organizations have eight digits in the value of the classifier;
  • Individual entrepreneurs have ten digits in the classifier value.

How to find out OKPO

There are three ways to find out your OKPO, including: (click to expand)

  1. OKPO is indicated in the letter from the statistics that you received after registering your activity;
  2. OKPO can be obtained by contacting directly the territorial body of statistics to which you belong;
  3. OKPO is easy to find on the Internet.

Important! Keep all the documents issued to you by government agencies when registering an individual entrepreneur.

The OKPO number is public data that anyone can find out. It is not a trade secret.

Contacting the Statistical Authorities

This option for obtaining information about OKTMO is perhaps the most inconvenient. In order to get the code, you need to write an application to the Statistics Authority. After consideration of your application, within five working days, you will be sent a letter containing your OKPO. It is much faster to get the code yourself using the Internet.

How to find out OKPO for an entrepreneur via the Internet

If you have the Internet at hand, then it will not be difficult to find out OKPO and other statistics codes for your enterprise. To do this, you need to have information about:

  • Either your identification number taxpayer (abbreviated TIN);
  • Or the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (shortly OGRNIP).

To perform a search, you need to go to the statistics website in the section for generating notifications. After filling in the appropriate fields and sending the request, you will see two forms:

  • List of forms required for submission by your economic entity to Statistics;
  • Codes OK TEI.

To find out your OKPO, you need to open the document “OK TEI Codes”, which is a kind of Notice in which you can find out codes such as: (click to expand)

  • OKPO;
  • OKTMO;
  • OKFS;
  • OKATO;
  • OKOGU;
  • OKOPF.

In addition to the codes in this section there is a list of forms. This is an information letter that lists the names of the forms that your organization must submit to the Statistics Department and the deadlines for submitting these reports.

How to find out OKPO if neither TIN nor OGRN is known

Imagine a situation in which you want to find out your OKPO, but unfortunately you do not know either the TIN or PSRN of your individual entrepreneur. What to do in this case? There is a way out. To find out your TIN and OGRN, you need to go to the tax website in the section where there is information about the state registration of legal entities and entrepreneurs. In the search criteria for individual entrepreneurs, you must indicate that you want to find data by Surname, first name, patronymic and place of residence of the individual entrepreneur. After entering the full name and region of residence of the entrepreneur, the system will find the right one and give you information from the unified state. registry individual entrepreneurs.

This information will include: (click to expand)

  • TIN of the entrepreneur;
  • OGRN;
  • date of registration of IP;
  • the body that registered it;
  • tax, in which the entrepreneur is registered;
  • types of activities that the entrepreneur can engage in.

Now, by going to the statistics website, you can enter either the TIN, or PSRN, or both and get complete list statistics codes specifically for your individual entrepreneur.


Most the easy way obtaining information about the OKPO code, if you do not have at hand the documents issued during the registration of the IP, you will receive the code through the state statistics website. It is important to note that you can get the OKPO code even if you do not have information about either the individual taxpayer number or the OGNIP. Searching for a TIN will take three minutes, searching for OKPO after you have found a TIN or OGRN will take even less.

Updated 11/06/2019


What is OKPO, why is OKPO needed? How to find out OKPO organizations by TIN, difficulties in independently obtaining statistics codes from Rosstat. What can you learn about the company, knowing OKPO.

(click to open)

Finding OKPO by TIN is one of the simplest and most quick ways learn one of the most important statistical codes that identify an organization. The data from the classifier must be specified in primary documents, in a number of reporting forms and documents.

What is OKPO

The decoding of this abbreviation sounds like the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO), one of the most basic in the Rosstat database.

The assignment of this code began in 1994. It consists of 8-10 digits and is required to be indicated in various reports to determine the type of activity of the enterprise.

Retained by the enterprise until the termination of activities. In the event of a change in the type of activity, the OKPO code may be changed. Primary information about the OKPO code is contained in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the EGRIP.

There are no identical OKPOs. This means that in the event of a change in the type of activity, the OKPO code also changes.

The first digits of the code (seven or nine) indicate the serial number, the last digits refer to the control.

Why OKPO is needed

To determine some actions, the OKPO code is required, and these are:

  • automatic information processing;
  • in case of exchange between the departments of the Federal Tax Service, Rosstat, FIU and so on, the necessary information;
  • to form an economic and social forecast in the country;
  • for grouping various information, taking into account certain characteristics.

Knowing this code, it is possible to determine how conscientious the company is, that is, the fulfillment of obligations to fulfill its obligations in taxes and fees, the absence litigation.

This code is required in the following documents:

  • registration papers;
  • in accounts and accounting documents;
  • reporting;
  • in concluded contracts;
  • in issued certificates;
  • when issuing a license;
  • when processing documents with the Federal Tax Service, with statistical authorities, and so on.

There are frequent cases when the OKPO code is placed on the seal of the enterprise. As a rule, when opening a current account banking enterprises require his presentation.

With this code, the respondent can be checked for lawsuits or tax debts.

What does OKPO consist of?

The OKPO classifier consists of two parts. The first is intended for organizations, the second - for individual entrepreneurs. Each part consists of three blocks:

The identification block contains the OKPO code. Code OKPO organizations has 8 characters, IP - 10 characters. The first digits of the code determine the scope of activity:

  • natural and labor resources;
  • products of labor and production activities;
  • subjects of the national economy;
  • management and documentation.

The last digit is the control number; for its calculation, the method for calculating the control number established by the standardization rules is used.

Object name block. This block contains the name of the organization or individual entrepreneur. For organizations, the OKPO code indicates the full or abbreviated name of the organization and, if available, its name in English. For entrepreneurs, they indicate that the subject is an individual entrepreneur, and fix the full name.

The block of classification features contains codes of other classifiers. It contains information about six classifiers: OKATO, OKFS, OKOGU, OKOPF, OKVED and OKTMO.

The classifier exists only in in electronic format and is constantly changing. New organizations are added, existing ones are liquidated, activities are changing.

The structure of the OKPO classifier

The OKPO classifier contains two sections:

Sections consist of 3 blocks:

  • Informational - contains the name of the organization in Russian, if foreign words are present, they are indicated in the additional information. For individual entrepreneurs, the name of the owner is indicated.
  • Identification - contains 8 digits, both for LLC and for individual enterprises. The first two numbers show the type of activity (products, National economy, labor resources, management). The rest of the numbers are serial numbers. The last digit is the control.
  • Classification - contains additional codes.

OKATO - indicates the location of the company. This is an outdated concept, currently used by OKTMO.

OKFS - needed to identify the form of ownership;

OKOGU - a code assigned only to state administration bodies. With its help, it is determined to which department the state body belongs.

OKVED - is needed to identify the type of economic activity.

Rosstat authorities enter information about new individual entrepreneurs and organizations into a single database. Approximately five days after the submission of documents for registration, the applicant is sent a notification by mail. In other words, an extract from the classifier indicating all the required ciphers.

OKPO for a legal entity is maintained for the entire period of the organization and the reorganization processes do not affect its change.

The code is excluded from the classifier only in case of liquidation of the enterprise. But at the same time, within 5 years, the code will still be registered with an organization that no longer exists.

Assignment of statistics codes

The obligation to assign the code and other classifiers related to it is assigned to the bodies of state statistics. A number is assigned in the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) automatically when the statistics agency receives information about the registration of a company or individual entrepreneur.

Information about the assigned identifier and other statistical codes of the newly created economic entity is sent to it in the corresponding information letter.

The code does not change throughout the entire period of activity, and its reuse is impossible five years after the termination of the activities of the previous owner - an economic entity.

What to do if the information letter is lost or it is necessary to check the data provided by the counterparty? To find the OKPO code by TIN for your company, you need to contact the territorial statistics office with a request for a copy of the information letter. But it will take quite a long time. With the development of open information systems many government agencies and government services on the Internet, it has become possible to obtain such information quickly and completely free of charge.

We use electronic services of the Federal Tax Service

Since the registration of business entities is carried out by the Federal Tax Service, the first question that arises is whether it is possible to find out the OKPO by the TIN of the organization on the tax website.

On the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, it will not be possible to find out such information. Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the EGRIP, which are publicly available on the nalog.ru website, do not contain such information. An extract can be obtained by TIN or company name in the “Check Yourself and Counterparty” service.

Rosstat website

The Russian Statistics website is the easiest way to find out the organization's classifier code. In charge Federal Service statistics includes the collection of information that can be used as a basis for the formation of graphs that reflect the current state of affairs in a particular industry, and the preparation of socio-economic forecasts, etc.

The official website of Rosstat provides open data relating to all organizations registered in the Russian Federation. Knowing the TIN, you can easily find out the OKPO of the enterprise. The search algorithm for the classifier code is as follows:

After the end of the procedure, the user will be shown not only information related to OKPO. All statistical codes will appear in the list, including OGRN, OKATO, OKTMO, OKFS and others.

Internet portal of the Federal Tax Service

Internet resource of the Federal Tax Service - it is recommended to use this option if a citizen needs more detailed information;

You can find out OKPO using the Federal Tax Service in 2 ways:

  • Attach the official statement to the website public institution. At the same time, it is necessary to make scans of documents that confirm your authority as an individual entrepreneur, and a passport. The request will be processed within 5 working days;
  • If you have a TIN, you can find out the legal address of the organization through the website of a state institution. With the information received, the citizen must go to the office of the Federal Tax Service at the current place of registration and obtain information from OKPO, having previously written an application.

If a citizen has provided true data about the enterprise, then tax service is obliged to issue a document where OKPO is indicated. In case of refusal, the citizen has the right to receive information through the courts.

Internet resource OKPO

OKPO resource - a site designed specifically to quickly find out the OKPO identification code. The OKPO official website gives the user the opportunity to make queries to many databases, such as USRPO, USRLE, etc. In addition, the client can remotely submit an application for changing or assigning statistical codes.

In order to find OKPO by TIN through the site, you must:

  1. Go to the main page of the resource;
  2. Go to the search category for OKPO;
  3. Enter the correct taxpayer identifier in the TIN field;
  4. The user will be redirected to a page with a number of the all-Russian classifier. Also, the client can study the archival certificate from the Unified State Register.

This method spends the least amount of time - when entering the correct data, the user instantly receives information about the code and other information necessary for the activities of a legal entity or private entrepreneur.

How to find out OKPO by OGRN

OGRN - the main state registration number, which is assigned to all entrepreneurs. Using the code, any legal entity can find out the OKPO number. For this, the official website of Rosstat is used.

The procedure for searching for a classifier number by PSRN is similar to searching for a TIN with one difference. In the parameters on the site, you must set: search for PSRN, then enter the correct details and get a response to the request.

Other free services

Other quite reliable Internet resources also allow you to find OKPO by TIN of an organization for free. Consider the services where information about OKPO of any company is available for free, without sending confirmation SMS.


The resource contains basic information about organizations. To search, you need to go to the "Try it yourself" section and enter the TIN.

As a result of the search, a page with all open data on the company will be obtained. Including information about the desired identifier will be reflected in the lower left corner.


The service works similarly to the previous one. When you go to the site and enter the TIN, all public information about the company will be received.

Database CONTRACTOR (K-Agent)

The search for an organization is made by the number of the taxpayer. The procedure for finding out the OKPO code by TIN on this site is very similar to others.

The information obtained during the search contains less information than on the previously described resources. But the result will reflect, among other things, the required information.

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Additional questions

What can you learn about the company, knowing OKPO

Knowing the code assigned to an individual entrepreneur from the all-Russian classifier, it is possible to find out the following information about him:

  • date of registration;
  • status;
  • legal address;
  • telephone;
  • data of the head, including TIN;
  • the size of the authorized capital;
  • main activity;
  • tax authority;
  • information about registration in off-budget funds;
  • affiliated firms;
  • additional OKVED.

You can get information on the portal reestrinform.ru. To do this, you need to go to the site and enter the code in a special window, then click the search icon.

After that, a page with the name and statistical codes opens. Below is the link "View organization details online".

The codebook is only available in electronic form. This is due to the constant change in information about the IP. If they decided to print it, it would take up several volumes, and it would have to be reprinted weekly, as information quickly loses its relevance.

Statistical codes are important information that is necessary not only for Rosstat, but also for a merchant. If the information received during registration was lost, then you can make a request to the statistics department or get data on the Internet by TIN.

Difficulties in independently obtaining statistics codes in Rosstat

Bureaucratic problems and the inflexibility of the issuing organization create certain difficulties and time losses in performing such a simple action as obtaining statistics codes.

Documents required to obtain statistics codes: TIN certificate, PSRN certificate, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certified power of attorney from CEO LLC (if not the CEO himself receives it).

An information letter can be obtained from different form, depending on the amount of the commission: urgent (receipt of an information letter with statistics codes on the day of application), not urgent (4-5 working days), issuance of an information letter in 3 copies, issuance of an information letter in 5 copies, an additional sheet with decoding codes.

The electronic service receiving codes, more convenient. You spend only 2 minutes of your time and receive a ready-made notification with the OKPO code and the decoding of all codes.

Where else is OKPO indicated

Codes are indicated not only in an extract from state statistics. They are present in all official documents entrepreneur:

  • invoice;
  • invoice;
  • certificates and licenses;
  • accounting reports;
  • contracts.

If an individual entrepreneur uses a seal in his activities, then statistics codes can also be applied to it.

When do statistic ciphers change?

The code for individual entrepreneurs consists of 10 digits, 9 of which reflect the activities of the individual entrepreneur, and the last number is a control number calculated according to a special algorithm.

Two individual entrepreneurs cannot have an absolutely identical cipher according to the classifier of enterprises, but if merchants carry out the same activity, then a number of numbers may coincide.

The cipher does not change if:

  • change of IP registration address;
  • changes in the merchant's personal data;
  • transformations into another organizational and legal form of ownership.

The only situation in which it is necessary to contact Rosstat to obtain a new OKPO is a change in the scope of the merchant.

Upon liquidation of the enterprise, the assigned number is stored in the statistical data for another 5 years, after which it will be transferred to another individual entrepreneur.


Statcodes in encrypted form reflect all the main characteristics of each of the registered economic entities (legal entity or individual entrepreneur). They are required to be indicated in accounting, tax and statistical reporting. Also, the codes may be required by the bank when registering an account. You can find out the statistical codes for free on a special service of Rosstat using any of the unique codes belonging to the registered entity (TIN, OGRN (OGRNIP), OKPO). However, among them there will be no OKVED codes reflected in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRIP). They can be found by generating an extract from the relevant register on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

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