Finam trust management. Where to find and how to invest in trust management

The transfer of personal funds to trust management is one of the better ways provide yourself with stable . It is available to anyone who has a certain amount on hand and the desire to put it into action. According to statistics IBIS World, today more 65% Americans have chosen trust management of money as the main tool for increasing their capital.

And this is no accident.

After all, this approach allows anyone to invest money in profitable projects around the world, without changing the habitual way of life and without spending your personal time on independent market research.

What is money management

If to speak in simple words, then trust management is the transfer by a person of the right to control his money to another person or organization.

In business terminology, trust management means the conclusion of an agreement between the investor and, according to which the first transfers his money to management, and the latter puts it into circulation, receiving a certain percentage of income as a reward.

Trust management of funds in the stock market

In fact, under the trust management of money on 90% implied Remote control in the stock or currency markets, since the most liquid goods circulate there.

  • The entire US pension system is listed on exchanges. NYSE, NASDAQ, COMEX and others.
  • 93% are joint-stock companies, and only they invest in almost 40% Americans.

The assets of almost all investment funds are all assets of the stock market.

Trust money management with the help of private traders or brokerage houses is a potentially very profitable business with protected risks.

Entering the DU, even the most remote from the intricacies of working with the stock market, a person can as soon as possible increase capital. From this, the main advantages of remote control for professional participants follow:

  • professional management implies not only an analytical approach, but also more profitable terms to buy and sell assets, reducing overall costs.
  • Thanks to the accumulation of investors' capital, DO allows you to create diversified portfolios.
  • no break in investment management. No matter what life situations a person has, his money will always continue to work for him 24/7/365.

For an example of trust management on stock market Let's take the FINAM financial holding, which is one of the largest not only in the domestic, but also in the world market. Since its founding in 1994, it has consistently ranked among the top five domestic brokers and provides investors with access to stock exchanges in Europe, Asia and the United States.

One of the most demanded services of the investment holding is trust management in the US and European stock markets.

Minimum amount to start - $80 000 ; average annual return 16% at the maximum possible drawdown 15% . The management fee depends on the rate of profit growth and is 25% if the account is less than $100 000 And 20% if the amount on the client's account is more than one hundred thousand.

Of course, many profitability in 13-16% per annum will seem very small, but that is the case when it is not about $ 1000, and hundreds of times more. Even with such a return, unimaginable results can be achieved thanks to reinvestment and.

For people with little capital, there are other opportunities that do not exclude earnings in the stock market.

For example, you can invest in investment funds at a broker that is regulated CySEC:

For example, a stock fund of gaming companies:

Minimum amount to open an account $500 . In addition, at the broker you can create your own stock portfolios and trade other assets. The difference of this method is that here you do not buy shares, but on them.

Trust management of assets in the foreign exchange market

Today, trust management foreign exchange market are offered by large brokerage companies, whose activities are licensed by financial regulators, and all parties receive guarantees.

Today, one of these brokers is, which is licensed to operate from TSB RF. Alpari has created a special account type - . It is this account that is opened by a trader who wants money to be invested in it. The statistics of this account is open and all investors can view and compare it with others. If a trader shows a stable profit for six months or a year, it makes sense to invest money in it. Minimum investment starts from $10.

An unlimited number of investors can invest in each PAMM account, that is, a managing trader, and the profit will be distributed in proportion to the contribution.

If you have invested $100 , and the manager brought in a month 10% profit, then your profit will be 10% of the amount of your contribution. True, the manager will take a small commission from the amount of profit for remote control. As a rule, it is 20-30%.

It is interesting that the number of PAMM accounts is large, and each investor can create by investing in different managers.

The person has different ways extract additional profit from your capital. And trust management on exchanges or stock markets is definitely one of the best. It makes it possible to increase the size of your finances without much difficulty and participation in dubious schemes.

Most of all, the advantages of trust management will be appreciated by small and medium-sized investors who have other sources of income, but at the same time can start receiving additional income. After all, by investing, for example, in low-yield funds, they can provide themselves, albeit a small, but stable profit in the long term with a minimum personal participation. So trust management can be considered a universal means for multiplying capital, regardless of how much money the investor has in his pocket, especially since there are offers for every taste.

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Finam holding rating and structure

Finam Holding is one of major players financial market in Russia: the company has about 319 thousand clients in 40 countries with a total turnover of 124 billion US dollars as of July 2016. In the rating of exchange brokers of the Moscow Exchange, Finam JSC ranks 4th in terms of turnover for last month in Russia - you can see it at the link :

Although, in terms of the number of active clients, the broker is no longer fourth, but third:

The holding includes:

This allows the holding to cover the entire range of financial transactions in the domestic and international markets. The history of the company dates back to the 90s, and the abbreviation "FINAM" originated from the original name of the company (Financial Analyst Moscow). How the Finam holding has been operating since 2002, has representative offices in almost 100 cities of Russia. The company has all the necessary licenses for brokerage, dealer and depository activities which can be seen at this link: . In this review, I will mainly consider the services provided by the brokerage department of the company.

Services and tariffs JSC "Finam" broker

This company provides its clients with access to all world exchanges by providing current quotes. The Finam website has sections for analytics, an archive of quotes, as well as charts, including the "second" and "third" tiers of stocks.

  • For independent trading of Finam JSC, the broker provides an opportunity to work on the stock, currency and derivatives markets of Russia, as well as the US stock market.

  • For trading with an assistant, the company offers consulting services to clients by company specialists who are personally assigned to an independently trading client and jointly develop a trading strategy.

  • Automated trading is represented by following strategies in WhoTrades and trading on autofollowing the most effective Comon strategies.

  • Opening a Single Account allows investors to trade from one account on all markets of the Moscow Exchange, as well as on the American markets NYSE and NASDAQ.

Company tariffs for clients of the Single Account ( ):

  • stock section of the Moscow Exchange from 0.00944% of turnover;

  • currency section of the Moscow Exchange from 0.0027% of turnover;

  • urgent section of the Moscow Exchange 0.45 rub. for the contract;

  • US stock market from $0.0025 per share

Single account in this moment can be opened both from the above link and from the link, where you can choose not one, but four types of a single account through a partner broker Just2Trade Online Ltd.:

Finam JSC does not require visiting the company's office to open an account, the account can be opened remotely. Withdrawal of funds through Finam Bank is made without commission.

Service rates vary as there are multiple pricing plans; at the same time, the tariff plans of the client account, if the client has several of them, can differ greatly. Let's take an example of the derivatives market - for example, with the Standard FORTS tariff plan, the broker's remuneration is 0.45 rubles. for each derivative financial instrument(PFI), and with a consulting tariff it is already ten times more - 4.5 rubles. for each PFI. 26 are traded in the currency section currency pairs– although the broker does not explicitly take a commission, it compensates for this with rather high spreads. By the way, Finam turned out to be the first Russian broker who recently received a forex dealer license from the Central Bank. Below are the tariff plans for Finam stock market of the Moscow Exchange ( ):

  • "Day"

  • "Fixed"

  • "Test Drive"

  • "Consulting"

  • VIP

  • "Subbroker"

  • "Daily ICB"

  • "Consulting ICB"

  • "ICB special"

  • "Sub-brokerage ICB"

The minimum commission for one transaction on the “Daytime” daily tariff, which can be opened from 30,000 rubles, is 41.3 rubles, which is not so small. The following rate is more suitable for large sums- here the commission will amount to 3,540 rubles per month plus interest on turnover. The very maintenance of an account with a broker costs 177 rubles per month for individuals and 354 rubles for legal entities; the same amount is paid for the use of the depositary, if any operations were carried out on the account. The company provides several free trading terminals, including the popular Quik and webQuik, as well as Finam Trade's own product. In addition, the company has access to the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange, which currently lists about 200 foreign shares (costs and commissions are lower than many US brokers, but the tax on dividends is 30%).

Service Comon (

Let's start with a definition. Automatic replay service Comon it is a service that automatically executes signals in accordance with the strategy chosen by the user. This section presents the stock and derivatives markets, in the latter case, the yield is expected to be several times higher (as well as the risks, of course). Trading is carried out in stocks and futures on the Russian and American markets - by the way, the size brokerage commissions on operations on US exchanges for customers was significantly reduced in 2016 and amounted to $0.0025 per share. The amounts for connecting strategies are very different - there is an entrance for 50,000 rubles, there are also from one million. Commissions and detailed conditions for connecting to the strategy are better to check with the company's consultants in each case.

Despite the fact that the top strategies look attractive, you need to take into account that the reality may not be so rosy, and the commissions associated with the service will have to be paid in any case. For example, consider several strategies that are currently in the top of last year (TOP 2015):

The author of the strategy invests in shares of the second and third tiers of the Russian stock market and does not use leverage; it can be seen that the strategy gave an excellent result in the first quarter of 2015, but then turned into a lateral movement. Consequently, for about a year and a half, investors of this strategy have simply been losing on commissions. The disadvantage for the investor is also the low liquidity of the instruments used, especially when using large amounts - i.e. a noticeable difference (spread) between the purchase and sale prices of an asset, leading to a loss of profitability;

According to this strategy, the author tried to trade with just one instrument - preferred shares of Surgutneftegaz. As you can see, 2015, despite the summer drawdown, ended with an excellent profit of about 140%; however, since the spring of 2016, for a period of about six months, the account was actually merged. The explanation is simple - from November 2008 to the beginning of 2016, Surgutneftegaz shares grew almost continuously, rising from 5.5 to 46, i.e. more than eight times. However, after the company paid dividends, a correction occurred, as a result of which the company's quotes are today at around 30. A classic example of the danger of leverage and confirmation of the truth that past performance does not guarantee future;

The curve of this strategy looks the most optimal, but there is no description and it is impossible to assess the risks involved in trading. In general, we can say that the strategy has been a good fit for the market since 2014; however, the market tends to change - its cycles are unpredictable. And if you look closely, then in this case, since the beginning of 2016, the strategy has brought a small loss. The relative flatness of the curve and the three-year period can be captivating, but cause future losses when the market trend changes. This case is well illustrated by the fourth chart in the futures market:

The strategy delivered fantastic returns in the second half of 2015; however, from 2016 to the present, it has sunk exactly by half. This means that those who were tempted by the statistics and became a contributor to the strategy at the beginning of 2016, today were waiting for a drawdown of half of their capital (excluding commissions).

Summing up, we can say that, in general, losses in such services are a more natural result than profit, since investors are guided by previous results and more often invest at points not far from a trend reversal. This conclusion (the presented strategies are definitely not the Grail) is also confirmed by the strategy index, which characterizes the average daily profitability of autofollow service strategies with active subscribers:

Of course, the above reasoning does not mean that the index will always be below 100%, since trends can be quite long-term. But the trend, according to which the return will remain below the 100% mark for more than half of the total investment time (in other words, the losses will exceed the profit), is likely to continue.

Whotrades service

Broker WhoTrades , which is an integral part of the Finam company, is interesting primarily because, in cooperation with Just2Trade, it provides the "Single Trading Account" service, which allows the company's clients to trade instruments from 15 of the world's leading platforms on trading platform Transax MMA. In addition to it, the client is offered three more terminals for trading: TradeX, MMA-Mobile and the fifth MetraTrader. I did a separate review on this broker. The Whotrades service also provides an "Education" section and the ability to copy the results of trading in currencies and commodities of successful traders - i.e. similar to the described above.

Trust management and IIS in Finam

In addition to the above services, Finam carries out trust management of the client's assets on the stock exchange or opens individual investment accounts (IIA) for such clients. The company offers two trust management options: Light and Premium. In the first case, a wide variety of strategies are offered with a large number of instruments, a number of which are also available on an individual investment account:

The entry threshold is 500,000 rubles, the management fee is 2% of the capital and, if successful, 15% of the investment income. Color marking allows you to immediately see which instrument the company uses in this strategy, although you are unlikely to be told the details of trading on it. Opening an IIS in Finam gives advantages over a trust management agreement (DDU), since interest is accrued monthly on the free balance on the client's IIS. This happens within the framework of the broker's right to use the client's funds in his own interests, for which the latter is charged half the interest rate of the Central Bank (today 10.5%).

At the same time, under the agreement with Finam on the opening of IIS, the client has access to all sections of the Moscow Exchange and to the section of foreign valuable papers on the stock exchange in St. Petersburg. As part of the IIS service, the client is offered four strategies of varying degrees of aggressiveness, the yield of which ranges from 5 to 50% per annum with an investment period of 3 to 25 years. In terms of a return of 13% of the deposited amount, even a conservative yield of 5% allows you to count on 18% per annum during the first year - however, then this yield will fall. You can open an account remotely on the website by sending then Required documents by mail. Current conditions together with an investment calculator can be found at the link:

The second trust management option - Premium - also offers a large number of strategies, but differs by a higher entry threshold (from 1 million rubles) and the fact that strategies cannot currently be connected to the IIS. The management fee here is reduced to 0.5%, but the success fee is higher and equal to 20%. I do not think that the increased amount should be considered as an "improved" quality of management with more high yield– it’s just that for some expensive contracts the amount may not be enough even when using the margin leverage. Graphically, the profitability of trust management strategies is presented through the already mentioned service and is located at the link As far as I understand, the specified term of many strategies of 10 years partially refers to the test period.

Finam personal account

Through the personal account of Finam, securities are traded, it contains an arsenal of tools technical analysis and the ability to use the signals of the fundamental. In addition, in personal account it is possible to do:

  • Transfer and withdrawal of funds

  • Transfer of securities

  • Tariff plan change

  • Changing the password for access to the trading platform

  • Expansion of the list of traded securities

For remote operations, the client must have an electronic digital signature (EDS), which is necessary for signing banking agreement, actions with depositing and withdrawing funds, for opening a new trading account and other operations.

Finam Bank

I will briefly touch on this side of the company, since the client's funds are credited to the brokerage account in Finam-bank ( An interesting feature is the issuance of a credit card to the one who opened the account, and the amount on it can reach 6 million rubles - and it is allowed to use it as an additional leverage. To me, this is a broker's way of encouraging the client to take risky actions, in which the loss over a long distance will outweigh the profit. As a bank at two term rates, the client can currently count on profits up to 10% per annum in rubles and up to 2% in foreign currency. At the accumulative tariff, the profit is slightly less (about 7.5% per annum). The Bank provides a settlement or brokerage card of FINAM Bank with cash function Back (1% of the purchase price is returned), as well as credit Visa card Platinim.

Service "Online store of shares"

Appeared in Finam new service"Internet store of shares", within which the client can buy shares on the Moscow Exchange like any other product via the Internet. In other words, there is no need to go to the Finam website - and the button for buying shares “Buy shares online” can be placed on any investment-related website with traffic from 100 people per day. Clicking on this button will pop up the following window:

Here you can choose the type of shares, their number, as well as payment system for calculation. Thus, the purchase is quite simple and takes several minutes, including the time for the authorization procedure with the payment. However, Finam's quotes are not equal to stock quotes here, 1.5% are included in the amount of bank commissions - and minimum amount purchase is set at 3,000 rubles. The client then receives e-mail form, fills it out and sends it back with a scan of your passport and TIN number. To work with shares, it is necessary to open brokerage and depositary accounts within 90 days; The purchased shares will be in your account within 5 days from the date of payment for the shares.

What can I say about this service. On the one hand, it popularizes the stock market among the population, and the shares of large Russian companies are not the worst investment option for the long term. On the other hand, the referral system is too reminiscent of currency brokers with PAMM accounts. The broker thus counts on the activity of referrals, so that the shares are bought through it - although 1.5% of the commission is many times higher than the commission of the broker itself. If a person is really serious long term investment, then he will still select a broker for reliability and commissions, and not for similar services, which in my eyes looks “poppy” and is unlikely to be able to significantly increase the flow of money to the company. In the end, only the order of the procedure changes (first we buy shares, and then we open an account), but not the procedure itself.

Finam's access to foreign markets

My support question : Hello. Does the company open accounts with the Just2Trade broker (while being tax agent) and whether this opportunity to invest invest in ETFs? If so, I would like to know if this requires the investor to be qualified and how many ETFs are available to invest.

Answer: Good afternoon! JSC Finam provides access to the American markets through a sub-broker scheme and is a tax agent. To access all instruments on the American exchange, you need a status qualified investor, if there is no status, then the number of instruments is limited. The number of ETFs at the moment is not possible to name the instruments are constantly added to the trading terminals.

IIS appeared relatively recently, but many have already managed to open this type of account. Who benefited? First of all, those who want to receive more from their money than the interest on a bank deposit, while not risking anything, just like on a deposit. Opening and replenishing IIS gives a person the opportunity to receive 13% from the state + a percentage of free funds, which is equal to half of key rate Central Bank. At the moment it is about 5%.

But what if you want a little more? In this case, you can not just keep the money dead weight, but invest it in something. Then you get the same 13 percent plus what you can earn. And if you yourself do not want to understand thousands of securities in order to make transactions, then you can simply connect copying transactions from a professional account.

This is done on the comon website. In the top menu of the main page of the Finns website, you can easily find a link to comon. There you need to go through a simple authorization and start choosing a manager.

In our work, we initially focused on people who do not want to play games, but want to consistently receive income above the banking one from invested funds. Therefore, our audience was people who are interested in IIS and strategies suitable for it. So on May 26, 2017, the Long-Term Conservative Strategy (LCS) appeared, aimed at income from bonds federal loan, corporate bonds and some promotions Russian companies. After three months of work, we have a yield of 8% and are included in the list of managers who are suitable for Individual Investment Accounts, as evidenced by a special sign.

In order to receive it, you need to meet certain criteria. Namely, not to have borrowed funds, that is, not to use leverage, not to open risky transactions in the red and not to draw with the entire deposit, that is, to work conservatively, without drawdowns and risks. Do not use foreign paper is also prerequisite.

Today we fully meet all the requirements, which we are very proud of, and you can track our results on this blog or by subscribing to the strategy on

Vladislav Kocheryzhkin: junior financial consultant, private investor, seo specialist, content manager

Hello! My name is Vladislav Kocheryzhkin, I am the creator, author, editor-in-chief and seo specialist of this blog. In 2016, I started investing in securities, earning money on the Internet as a copywriter and marketer. In 2017, he quit his job and started making money online. I have been a junior since 2018 financial advisor. I share my experience of investing money in order to preserve and increase it in the Room Financier section.

My contacts:

Mail [email protected]

All ways to invest money in order to save and increase it:

Individual investment account— Brokerage account for individuals. The amount of investments is from 30,000 to 1,000,000 rubles per year. Tax deduction from the state for investors. Profitability from 18% per annum.

Recommended Strategies— the service allows beginners and investors without experience to copy the deals of successful managers. This is trust management for those who do not have the necessary level of knowledge or time.

Free analytics and investment ideas— reviews of markets and industries, forecasts and target prices, bond recommendations and commentary prepared by Finam's research team. You need to open an account to get ideas and reviews.

RoboAdviser- A unique service that allows you to choose the best investment portfolio, to achieve your goal. For people who do not understand at all what to invest in, what tools to choose, how to do it.

Finam Forex– FINAM FOREX LLC is the first licensed forex dealer in Russia operating in accordance with the law Russian Federation. Access to the forex market for the purpose of speculative transactions with currency.

Single MMA account— European broker with a European license. Brokerage account for non-residents of Russia (for residents of other countries and states). The location of the company is Cyprus. Included in the international compensation fund.

Buy shares online and receive dividends - Online securities store. Here you can buy stocks and bonds in three clicks without leaving your home, sitting at your computer. All purchased shares will belong to you, you can sell them at any time, it is enough to open a brokerage account when it is required.

Investment holding "Finam" () - Russian brokerage company, whose customers are more than 300 thousand people. The company offers customers access to the world's largest trading platforms, training, trust management, banking service and much more. In this article, I will talk about what Finam is today, what advantages and disadvantages the company has, and also traditionally review the feedback from real Finam customers.

Finam offers very convenient internet a service that allows beginners to buy shares in a few clicks. If you have never bought stocks and don't know how to do it, then the button below is for you.
Buy shares online
Buy shares

History of Finam

I have been blogging for over 6 years now. During this time, I regularly publish reports on the results of my investments. Now the public investment portfolio is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Especially for readers, I developed the Lazy Investor Course, in which I showed you step by step how to put your personal finances in order and effectively invest your savings in dozens of assets. I recommend that every reader go through at least the first week of training (it's free).

Of course, this list interesting opportunities for Finam's clients are not limited, but from it it is already clear why the company is popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. For Russian traders from June 1, 2016, a unique service "Single trading account" is offered. It is provided by Just2Trade Online LTD. The essence of the service is that a trader can work on international financial markets from his ruble account with Finam. More than 10,000 tools are available as part of this service. It is also important to note that Finam is the first broker to receive .

Whotrades service

The Finam website is an entire Internet republic. So many information flows and thematic sections are woven together here that at first it is difficult to figure it out. Navigation is implemented in the form of a horizontal menu in the site header. Transitions between sections require almost no backtracking, which saves time. The portal for communication between traders Whotrades, which can be accessed from the main page of Finam, deserves special attention. Here you can blog and publish forecasts. Links to the most popular authors and forecasters are displayed on the main page of the portal.

A personal account is a kind of control panel for all available resources. From here you can not only edit your blog, but also open an account and get access to global trading platforms, take part in online conferences and webinars. The portal was created on the basis of the Cypriot brokerage Whotrades LTD (it has existed since 2006), so the social network for traders, the information feed and trading are integrated with many horizontal links.

Currently, trading is carried out through another broker Just2Trade Online LTD, registered in 2015. It is also a company with Cypriot jurisdiction. This means that traders get access to any instruments traded on world markets. A trading account (in rubles, US dollars or euros) can be opened both directly through Just2Trade Online, and in investment company Finam. The maximum leverage for the stock market is 50 (which is a lot), and for Forex market- 500. Theoretically, it is possible to pay dividends from the acquired shares (highlighted as a big advantage), but only in case of delivery of the asset. This means that the client receives an extract from the depositary, according to which he is the owner of the shares. However, for the delivery of an asset, a transaction in the amount of 50 thousand US dollars is required. In the case of smaller amounts, the asset is not delivered and the shares are traded virtually: profits and losses depend on current quotes, but the trader does not have the shares themselves.

Tariffs and software

Diversity software, with which FINAM clients work, is initially discouraging. There is a huge selection of both trading terminals and programs for technical analysis. Even a simple listing of all names, versions and additions is problematic, so we will only indicate the main ones.

Name Purpose Markets Price
QUIKTradeRussia: stock, urgent, currency
TransaqTrading, technical analysis, getting statisticsRussia: all markets, USA: stock
QScalpTradeAll Russian markets950 rub/month
FinamTradeTradeAll Russian markets
Live Trade ScalpingSpeed ​​tradingAll Russian markets397 rub/month
LiveTrade ProfessionalAll Russian markets697 rub/month
Live Trade TerminalTradeAll Russian markets
LiveTrade HFTSpeed ​​tradingAll Russian markets2557 rub/month
Live Trade Scalping DirectSpeed ​​tradingStock and derivatives markets of the Russian Federation1957rub/month
TigerTradeTrading and technical analysis2500 rub/month
INSIDE MMATrading and technical analysisAll Russian markets, US stock marketnot indicated
Triada TradingTrading, creating and testing robotsAll Russian marketsnot indicated
MetaTrader5Trading and technical analysisAll Russian markets, US stock market
ROXTradeUS stock and derivatives market
Tradematic TraderAutomatic tradingAll Russian marketsFrom 128 to 1500 rubles / month
Pair tradingAutomatic tradingAll Russian marketsnot indicated
Trader ExplorerAll Russian markets
AutoTrade ProManual and automated tradingAll Russian marketsFrom 750 to 2000 rubles / 3 months
Quot proSpeed ​​tradingAll Russian markets12000 rubles for life
ATASTrading and technical analysisAll Russian markets74$/month-1990$ for life

The strong point of FINAMA is the “Single account” service. This means that clients from one brokerage account can make transactions with all instruments of the Moscow Exchange, as well as the NYSE and NASDAQ exchanges. At the same time, the minimum entry threshold will be 30 thousand rubles. Unlike trading on separate accounts for each market, there is no need to convert between rubles and dollars, and the size warranty support for transactions is significantly reduced: US market securities, derivatives and foreign exchange market instruments can act as collateral for the Russian stock market.

"Single account" tariffs

Market Minimum tariff turnover Maximum tariff turnover
Stock, RF0,00944% more than 100 million rubles0,0354% up to 1 million rubles
Urgent, RF0.45 rub. per contract, GO 50% of the conditions of the Moscow Exchange
Currency, RF0,00275% more than 200 million rubles0,03386% up to 1 million rubles
Stock, USA0,00944% over $1.754 million0,0354% up to $17 thousand
Urgent, USA$1.5 per contract
Margin lendingRussian stock marketfrom 12.25%
Foreign exchange market of the Russian Federationfrom 10.25%
US stock marketfrom 8%

Only for the owners of the "Single account" there is a special offer - credit card"Broker+" with a rate of 12.75% per annum.

FreeTrade service

When trading on the Moscow Exchange with mobile devices through the FinamTrade terminal, you can not pay a commission on transactions at all. Only depository services will remain paid (177 rubles/month). To do this, use the FreeTrade service. The account is opened exclusively online. The minimum account replenishment amount is 30 thousand rubles. If you deposit it through the cash desk of FINAM Bank, the transfer fee is not charged, and when replenishing through another bank, according to the tariffs applicable in it. You can also deposit money using payment card, in this case, 1% of the amount will be charged for the transfer. In addition to the instruments of the Moscow Exchange, instruments of the NYSE and NASDAQ exchanges are available in the service, but not for free, but at the usual current rates. The main disadvantages of FreeTrade:

  • Only new FINAM clients can connect it;
  • FreeTrade cannot be used to trade with IIS.

Service Comon ( from Finam

An interesting service is implemented as part of the service - a system for automatically repeating transactions. You can see the lists of the most successful traders in the stock and futures markets, with short descriptions applied by them trading strategies, with profitability statistics, as well as subscribe to trading signals and automatic repetition of transactions. In the "Online Trades" news column, real-time messages appear about which trades are opened by signal traders. Popular strategies are actively discussed by subscribers. Due to this, Comon, like Whotrades, is positioned as social network traders. As in any service, the choice of strategy plays a key role, the dynamics of the Comon index confirms this.

Trust management services Finam

Finam Management Management Company offers trust management services. There are two packages: Lite and Premium. They differ in the minimum investment amount. Within both packages, you can choose one of the strategies. Of course, the details of the strategies are not disclosed, but such parameters as profitability, degree of risk, remuneration of the manager, as well as the minimum amount can affect the choice. In addition, a separate list offers author's strategies from experienced managers. All strategies can be grouped according to the degree of risk: conservative, moderate and aggressive. This distribution helps to navigate among the variety of conditions offered. Another tool to increase the visibility of information is the color highlighting of tools. For example, blue chips highlighted in blue and derivatives in red. This allows you to immediately see which instruments the strategy works with.

As part of the Light package, the minimum investment amount varies between 300 and 700 thousand rubles, and depends on the strategy. The Premium package is designed for more serious investors and is available starting from amounts of 1 million rubles. The remuneration of the manager is also different and varies in the range of 10-20% of annual income. As for the instruments in which funds are invested, their selection is very diverse. These are Russian stocks and, commodity and stock indices, futures and currencies. Recently, there has been a trend towards an increase in the share of foreign assets, which behave more technically and predictably than Russian ones. A very popular instrument is the dollar-ruble pair due to its volatility and good technicality. The Trade Center section allows you to study in detail the profitability of each strategy. In terms of site navigation, this section is organized as part of the previously described Comon. You can see what tools different trust management strategies work with.

Accordingly, if an investor prefers independent work rather than trust management, he can use any strategy using the trade copying service. This is how the universal Finam concept works: the unified in the particular and the simple in the complex. Any portfolio of information and financial services can be designed according to the same modular principle, as from "cubes".

Investment package "Investa"

For investors who are not ready or do not have time to manage their assets on their own, Finam JSC and Insurance Company LLC "AlfaStrakhovanie-Life" offers a package of services "Investa All Inclusive". This is a complete solution, including a set investment strategies"multi-survey" and endowment insurance life. The specific details of the strategies are selected based on the client's risk profile. The insurance part of the package guarantees 100% safety of the invested amount, as well as social tax deduction. This return of personal income tax from transactions in the amount of insurance premiums paid for the same calendar year. The insurance program is valid for 5 years. Contributions can vary from 25 to 900 thousand rubles. in year. The Investa package can be connected to manage capital on IIS, which allows you to increase the return on investment. The set of "multi-exploration" strategies has 3 levels of risk:

  • Conservative investor;
  • Optimal balance;
  • Great opportunities.

According to the broker, the yield on IIA for 2018, even at a conservative level, was 18%, and at a risky level - almost 48%. To connect the package, the client simultaneously concludes contracts with both companies participating in it.

IIS in Finam

An individual investment account allows you to receive annual income according to one of 4 management strategies. The risk-free passive strategy assumes an income of 5.25% per annum (half the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which currently stands at 11%), and an aggressive one - 50% per annum with increased risk. The maximum investment amount and maximum amount annual replenishment are equal to 400 thousand rubles. Subject to an annual replenishment of 400 tr. passive strategy yield: 11.75% for the second year, 9.58% for the third year. The investment period is from 3 to 25 years. Given that the investor receives a 13% personal income tax deduction, real income even with a passive strategy is 18.25% per annum for the first year. For the convenience of calculating income under various investment conditions, there is a calculator. You can open an IIS without visiting the office, simply by filling out the registration form and sending documents (registration through the State Services portal is also possible). Registration form here.

Finam banking services

Funds for trading in the structures of the Finam holding are credited to a brokerage account in the Finam bank. When opening a brokerage account, a credit card of the "Investment" tariff plan is issued. Its owner has the opportunity to receive a loan of up to 6 million rubles. These funds can be used to increase leverage when making transactions. The rate is 20% per annum. At the same time, the bank also offers standard services for term deposits. Currently, deposits "Maximum+" and "Best" are available. Interest rate depends on the term of the deposit. For the "Maximum+" deposit, it is up to 9% per annum in rubles, and for the "Best" deposit up to 9.75% and up to 2% in US dollars.

You can also issue an ordinary payment card With tariff plan"Standard". For legal entities the bank produces settlement and cash services. Services are also offered for savings deposits up to 7.5% per annum in rubles. Of the interesting programs, we can note the currently ongoing action "Finam 20 Years". As part of this promotion, those who wish can apply for a card with the function cash back(the function allows you to return 1% of the cost of purchased goods and services).