Where to buy and top up a Troika card, how to check your balance online. Methods for replenishing a Troika transport card account

Using the Troika card, residents of the capital can pay for travel to public transport. To top up your Troika card with mobile phone, you must have sufficient funds on a bank credit card or mobile phone balance. As for the method of depositing funds from a smartphone, there are several of them.

Via Internet banking in your phone browser

The owner of a Troika card can replenish it via the Internet. You don’t even need a computer for this, as you just need to use your smartphone browser. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The user should open the company's official website in the mobile phone browser.
  2. A “Top up now” button will appear on the screen, which you should click. You can also proceed to payment using the “Card” section and the “Remote replenishment” subsection.
  1. After this, a new page will open where you need to select the “Site” section and fill out the form provided.
  2. Troika and telephone numbers must be indicated, as well as the amount.
  3. Then the user must indicate the payment method (bank credit card) and click “Pay”.
  4. The procedure does not end there yet. Next, enter your credit card details and phone number.
  5. To confirm the transaction, you need to enter the password that will be sent via SMS in the appropriate field.

Help: after this, the payer will be redirected to a page where the payment status is indicated. If everything is in order, it will be written that the operation was successful.


To top up your Troika card via mobile, you need to:

  1. Go to the application and log in.
  2. Place the card from which the payment will be made on the back cover of the phone. Thanks to contactless technology the program will “see” the card and display its balance.
  3. To deposit money, click on the blue button with the image of the “Ruble” symbol.
  4. Next, you should indicate the type of travel card. In this case it is an “Electronic wallet”.
  5. Then the user needs to select the replenishment amount and also indicate the bank credit card details.
  6. You can enter data by placing it on the back cover of your smartphone. If this feature is not supported, you will have to do it manually.
  7. The last stage is confirmation of the operation using special code from SMS.

To top up a travel card, the owner just needs to select the appropriate method and make a payment. Usually this requires an Internet connection, but if you don’t have one, you can send an SMS. Then the money will be debited from your mobile phone account. And if it is possible to use NFC technology, then the transaction can be carried out using a special application.

Seriously reduce public transport costs, especially in the conditions economic crisis- this is a pretty good help in maintaining family budget any Russian, and even more so residents of a metropolis like Moscow, where it is often simply impossible to get to work without using the metro, buses, trolleybuses or trams.

Almost everyone knows about travel tickets, about metro tickets with a different number of trips, but not everyone knows that in Moscow such a convenient mechanism for saving travel costs as the Troika transport card is already in full swing - a universal electronic reloadable card designed to pay for travel on underground and surface public transport, electric trains and Aeroexpress. You can “record” subscriptions for travel by commuter trains, as well as paper versions of “United”, “90 minutes”, TAT travel tickets onto the Troika card.

In this publication, we will introduce readers to the rules for using Troika, share tips on where to buy and top up a Troika card, how to check your balance online via the Internet, and what types of transport this card is valid for. You will find out why “troika” is convenient and profitable!

Where does Troika operate?

The Troika universal transport card is valid on the main types of public transport in Moscow and the Moscow region: metro, buses, trolleybuses, trams, monorail transport, as well as on suburban electric trains and Aeroexpress.

Recently it became possible to book tickets for suburban electric trains at Troika. You can top up your card account at suburban ticket offices at railway stations and stations in the Moscow region. Thus all transport infrastructure“Greater Moscow” is united by this convenient payment tool, which allows you to conveniently pay for travel on various types of public transport when traveling to work, to the country, etc.

Please note that for paid travel on an electric train, you must activate the card at the departure station, otherwise the journey will be considered ticketless and the turnstile at the exit at the destination station will not let you out.

Cost of the Troika card, travel tariffs

The cost of the Troika card directly depends on the fares for public transport that you use in everyday life. That is, if you need trips on commuter trains and the metro, then the price will be the same, if only a tram + bus + trolleybus (TAT), then the cost will be different. At the moment, Troika’s balance is limited to 5,000 rubles, that is, for example, a ticket for 60 trips or the price of an unlimited travel pass for a month “fits” into this limit.

The cost of trips on the Troika card will vary depending on the type of transport, for example for travel to ground transport(TAT - tram, trolleybus or bus) 29 rubles will be debited from the card; Troika will be charged 30 rubles for one trip on the metro; For a trip on any public transport at the 90-minute rate, 46 rubles will be debited from the card.

Please note that there is a certain territorial tariff division of Moscow:

  • Tariff zone A - “old” Moscow and Novomoskovsky administrative district,
  • Tariff zone B - Intracity municipality Kuntsevo, as well as Zelenograd and Troitsky administrative districts.

What kind of tickets can be booked for Troika?

On your Troika card you can write down any fare for regular paper tickets for the metro, bus, tram, trolleybus or commuter train, which is valid in current time. The limitation is the one-time replenishment limit for this transport card in the amount of 3000 rubles. (the maximum amount on the card account can be up to 5,000 rubles). The amount debited from the card balance will be determined by the tariff recorded on Troika for a particular type of transport.

Where to buy a Troika transport card

Today, you can buy a Troika transport card in various ways, for example, at the ticket offices of the capital’s metro, at the ticket offices of OJSC MTPPC and OJSC TsPPK, as well as at the kiosks of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans. When receiving the card, you will have to make a deposit of 50 rubles, which will be returned to you when you return the card to the cashier.

In addition to the announced addresses, you can buy a Troika transport card at Moscow banks: OJSC Bank of Moscow, OJSC MKB; in operator showrooms cellular communications OJSC Megafon Retail, LLC Europlat, MTS, in Svyaznoy stores; as well as at sales points of JSC CityBike, LLC Aeroexpress, JSC Central PPK and in Comepay terminals.

Troika card mobile application

A very convenient way to manage your transport card is the Troika card mobile application - “Mobile Ticket”, available for Android and iOS. In order to use this application, you will need a smartphone that supports NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, which makes it possible to pay for travel by touching the smartphone to the transport operator's validator.

Managing Troika using a smartphone is not difficult, for example, to top up the balance, restore/block the card, just dial the short number 3210 on your phone. The mobile application of the Troika card allows the user to track the balance on the card, top up the account, read news about the travel card, etc.

How to top up your Troika card balance?

Answering the popular question of how to top up the balance of a Troika card, we inform you that this can be done directly at the metro ticket offices, in addition, you can top up the balance of a Troika card at the terminals of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans.

An alternative option for replenishing the balance of a transport card is to pay through the terminals of Troika system partners “EuroPlat”, “Eleksnet”, “Velobike”, “Megafon”, etc. Topping up your Troika account is also possible at Aeroexpress ticket offices, which is very convenient if you go to departure stations to the airport, or at the Moscow airports themselves.

In addition to directly topping up the card balance with cash at cash desks and terminals, there is the possibility of remote cashless replenishment Troika accounts:

You can also transfer money to your account through the official website of the Troika system http://troika.mos.ru by filling out the appropriate fields “Card number” (10 digits), “Mobile phone” (10 digits), “Amount” ( Maximum amount payment 2500 rubles) and choosing a payment method. You can also transfer money to your Troika card balance using the SMS service.

Top up your Troika card account using a mobile phone via the Internet

Topping up a Troika account using a mobile phone is available to subscribers of Beeline, MTS, Megafon, for which you need to go to the official website of the Troika system in the “Remote top up” section, indicate the mobile phone number from which the payment will be made, indicate the number of the Troika card to be topped up , enter the replenishment amount (from 10 to 2500 rubles). After a few seconds, an SMS notification with a code will be sent to your phone number; you need to send it as a reply message to confirm the payment. This method replenishment does not charge a commission.

Please note that with such a replenishment, the money is credited in the system, but does not automatically go to the Troika balance; you need to activate the funds by tapping your card to the Troika system information terminal (for example, in the metro or in Megafon cellular communication stores).

Top up your Troika card account from Webmoney, Qiwi Wallet and Yandex.Money electronic wallets

Another way to top up your transport card account is to pay using Webmoney, Qiwi Wallet or Yandex.Money electronic wallets. By analogy with the previous method of depositing funds into your balance, you need to go to Troika’s official website and in the “Remote replenishment” section, fill in the appropriate fields (Card number, Deposit amount, ...).

If we talk about WebMoney, then payments are made from R-wallets and occur instantly. Similarly, you can add funds to your balance using the Yandex.Money wallet or Qiwi wallet - money is credited instantly and without commissions. The replenishment algorithm through Qiwi / Yandex wallets is the same: indicate the Troika card number, enter the replenishment amount and select the appropriate payment method through electronic wallets.

Top up your Troika card account using a bank card

A fairly convenient way to deposit money into Troika’s balance is to top up your account using a bank card; this can be done both on the official portal of the Troika system and on bank websites (in this moment this option is available for Bank of Moscow and Alfa-Bank).

In the first case, when paying through the official website, registration is not required; just go to the remote account replenishment page, indicate the transport card number, the amount of payment to be made and select the “Bank card” item as the payment method. After the required fields are filled in, click on the “Pay” button and a page opens on which you enter the details of your bank card(both debit and credit card). After confirming the details, you will receive an SMS message with a one-time password, which you will need to enter to authorize the transaction on your bank card, after which the amount you specified will be debited from your bank card and credited to your Troika account. Maximum limit replenishment of the balance using this method is 2500 rubles.

Top up your Troika card account through Alfa-Clicka online banking

Alfa Bank allows its clients to top up their Troika transport card accounts using Alfa Click Internet banking. Like paying through the official website, replenishing your account through online banking saves you time and money, because there are no fees. To top up your Troika balance through Alfa-Bank online banking, you need to log in to Alfa-Click with your username and password, go to the “Payment for services” page, then go to the “City Transport” section and then go to the “Troika” item " Enter the ten-digit number of the transport card, indicate the replenishment amount, send the form by clicking on the appropriate link, as a result, a message will be sent to your phone number one-time password, with which you confirm the replenishment transaction.

The maximum amount for replenishing a transport card using this method is 2,500 rubles. Please note that those credited to Troika's account cash are stored on the card for 5 years from the last time the card was used for travel.

How to check Troika card balance online

There are several ways to check the balance of a Troika card, for example, while in the metro, touch your Troika card to the yellow terminals located in almost any metro lobby (the balance data will be displayed on the screen: the balance of funds on the Troika card balance, the expiration date recorded on travel ticket card or the number of unused trips on the “Unified”, “90 minutes” travel tickets recorded on the card).

You can check your account directly at the ticket offices and ticket machines of the capital’s metro, as well as at the kiosks of the State Unitary Enterprise “Mosgortrans”; in partner terminals: Megafon, Eleksnet, VeloBike, Euro Plat; and even at Aeroexpress ticket offices.

Let us remind you of another way to check the number of unused trips on TAT tickets on the Troika card - when entering the trolleybus/bus/tram, the information display shows the remaining trips for each pass through the validator vehicle.

You can check the subscriptions for electric trains recorded on the card at the ticket offices of MTPK, TsPPK and ticket printing machines at stations; electric train controllers and auditors can also check the number of trips using portable cash terminals.

But all these methods require physical presence next to cash registers, terminals, kiosks or controllers, but what about online check Troika card balance, does it exist? Yes! The “My Travel Card” mobile application from the Bank of Moscow allows you not only to top up, but also to check the balance of your Troika card online. The My Travel Card Android application allows you to receive the entire range of relevant services for working with Troika cards: from replenishing and checking the balance to recording information about the purchased ticket on the card from anywhere.

You can check your Troika card balance from your mobile phone by calling the Troika card support number 3210; you can also request the balance of your card.

How to use three?

So, you received a Troika card and topped up your balance via remote top-up, keep in mind that the money is in deferred payment status, these funds need to be activated by “writing” tickets to the card. This can be done using the yellow terminals of the system installed at each metro station in the capital: on the terminal screen, select the “Remote replenishment” item and bring the card to the NFC reader of the terminal - after a few seconds, your previously made replenishment payment is activated, and the one added to the balance the amount will be displayed on the screen.

Now you need to maintain a positive balance on the card and take advantage of all the benefits of the Troika transport card, all tickets for different kinds public transport is always at hand and in one place on the card, savings by reading fares with priority for the tickets that are most profitable for you, many ways to top up, saving time, protection and a “non-expiring” balance when not used, no more standing in queues and carry cash with you!

Being a universal means of payment, the card is successfully used for travel on the capital's public transport. A plastic analogue of a ticket saves money and eliminates standing in queues. It is important to replenish your balance on time and correctly in order to convenient way payment has not lost functionality.

Remote top-up of Troika card

To deposit money, it is not necessary to look for a Mosgortrans cash desk. How to quickly top up a Troika card? Remote depositing of money into a plastic ticket account is possible through payment terminals, SMS, and Internet banking. You can top up your balance on the official project resource. Required condition remote transfer – activation of funds deposited earlier. The presence of an unrecorded payment makes re-crediting unavailable.

How to top up Troika from a bank card via the Internet

You can transfer funds for travel by bus, trolleybus and metro from your bank card account. How to top up Troika via the Internet? This is done instantly on the official website, in a special tab. The price of the service is zero. Another method is instant transfer from the personal account of the electronic service of Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Bank of Moscow, Rosbank, VTB 24, Moscow credit bank.

On the Troika official website

To transfer money to a plastic ticket from the official website on the Internet, registration is not required. How to top up a Troika card from a bank card? Your actions:

  1. Find the project website.
  2. Click “Remote Top-up” on the left.
  3. Enter the number of the plastic ticket, the amount ranging from 1 to 2500 rubles.
  4. Specify payment by card as the transfer method.
  5. Click "Pay".
  6. Please provide your bank card details.
  7. Enter the one-time code sent to you.

Using Internet banking

Electronic service, offered by most banks, simplifies payment for ground public transport services. If you make payments online through Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Bank of Moscow, Rosbank, Moscow Credit Bank, do the following:

  1. Sign in Personal Area.
  2. Click the “Payment for services” option.
  3. Click "Card Top-up".
  4. Enter the ten-digit number found on the back of the plastic.
  5. Specify the transfer amount not exceeding 2500 rubles.
  6. Confirm the payment.
  7. Activate the transfer in one of the metro terminals.

How to pay for Troika from an electronic wallet

As a user of the Webmoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money systems, you can easily top up your plastic ticket from your electronic account. This can be done from the official project page. How to instantly top up a Troika card? Your actions:

  1. Enter the card number on the project website.
  2. Enter the amount to be transferred.
  3. Select one of the electronic wallets as a payment method.
  4. Confirm the funds transfer.
  5. Activate payment in the metro.

How to top up a Troika card from a mobile phone

If you have a cell phone, you can transfer money via SMS. The service can be used by subscribers of Megafon, MTS and Beeline. How to top up Troika from your phone? Your actions:

  1. Send a message to number 3210: troika (card number) (amount of money). Data must be entered without quotes, separated by spaces. Acceptable payment amount: from 10 to 2500 rubles.
  2. Confirm the debit with the sent message.
  3. Activate the deposited funds through the metro terminal.

Troika payment activation

After a remote transfer to a plastic ticket, the credited money is saved, but cannot be used. Payment must be activated using one of the yellow information terminals available in the metro lobbies. To make it possible to use transferred money, do the following:

  1. Select "Remote Top-up".
  2. Hold the plastic up to the yellow scanner.
  3. Wait for the message about successful payment activation to appear.
  4. Check your balance.

Troika card refill price

The transfer of money occurs without any commission. This applies to remote transfer through the official website of the project, online banking services, and electronic payment systems. The cost of transferring money via SMS is zero. Payment terminals and public transport ticket offices operate without commission. The entire amount spent is credited to the account.

Where to top up your Troika card

Direct payment for public transport services is made at ticket offices and ticket machines available in the metro. Cash can be deposited at an automated kiosk of Mosgortrans. Transfers are made at Aeroexpress ticket offices and through ATMs:

  • Megaphone;
  • Moscow Credit Bank;
  • Aeroexpress;
  • Eleksneta;
  • EuroPlat;
  • Velobike.ru.

At the Aeroexpress ticket office

The ability to make offline transfers at Aeroexpress kiosks will be appreciated by those who frequently visit Moscow train stations and airports. The transfer is carried out without commission. You can also check the status here. In addition, it is possible to pay for travel on the Moscow Aeroexpress using plastic. This innovation saves passengers time and gives them more freedom when choosing a route.

How to deposit money on Troika via a payment terminal

ATMs intended for replenishment plastic card cash, installed in metro lobbies. Europlat terminals available in Euroset stores also accept amounts of money from 50 to 3,000 rubles. The body of an ATM with a replenishment function has a corresponding image. A transfer through a payment terminal includes two stages: transferring money and activating it at the yellow terminal in the metro.

How to top up Troika at public transport ticket offices

Depositing cash at a metro ticket office or at a Mosgortrans kiosk is the traditional way to top up a plastic ticket. To produce remittance, you need to contact the operator, give the card number, deposit the required amount not exceeding 3,000 rubles. The enrollment operation is carried out through special ticket machines installed in the metro. There you can also write your travel card on plastic.

Video: replenishing Troika online

Transport card "Troika" is an electronic card for paying for travel on public transport and city services. The security deposit for Troika is 50 rubles. The deposit can be returned when returning the card to the cashier.

Also released were the unified Troika transport cards with the Strelka application and the Strelka transport cards with the Troika application. Using these cards, passengers can quickly and without queues pay for travel on public transport in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The “Troika” card with the “Strelka” transport application can be obtained at the ticket offices of the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Metro”. The Strelka card with the Troika application installed is available at the ticket offices of the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mostransavto. Cards with combined functionality have the same collateral value as regular cards.

You can replenish the balance of the unified transport card using the agent network for replenishing the Troika card and the Strelka card, for example, in Svyaznoy and Euroset communication stores, Eleksnet terminals, cash desks and terminals of Central PPK OJSC and others. The full list of replenishment points for the united transport cards is published on the Unified Transport Portal and on the official website of the Strelka transport card.

On the unified transport card, as well as on the regular Troika and Strelka transport cards, you can write down a ticket or subscription for travel on commuter trains on all railway routes.

Ticket offices of the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro", where you can get a "Troika" card with the "Strelka" application: Belorusskaya-radial, Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, VDNH, Vykhino, Domodedovskaya, Kantemirovskaya, Kyiv-radial, Komsomolskaya-ring.

Replenishing the balance of the “Wallet” ticket of the “Troika” card is available directly from the official Moscow Metro mobile application *

* - on mobile devices with support for NFC technology.

Tariff "Wallet"

The balance of the “Wallet” ticket on the “Troika” card can be topped up with up to 3,000 rubles and paid for one-time trips on public transport. The money on the card is stored for 5 years from the date of the last replenishment or passage.

Advantages of Troika

The Troika electronic card is a modern universal carrier that will combine all tickets and increase the convenience of using public transport and provide access to the main attractions of the city.

Benefits of use electronic card Troika will gradually expand, which will make it popular among those who value convenience and flexibility.

Independence from queues, cashiers and time of day - you can top up as easily as a mobile phone, but without commission and for any amount up to 3,000 rubles.

Freedom of movement in transport - one card to pay for public transport and trains.

Intellect - "Troika" allows you to effectively use public transport. First, the most profitable tickets recorded on the card are used. After the expiration date or travel on the pass, the card begins to work at basic rates.

Free use - the deposit for the card will be 50 rubles, and it can be returned at any time.

Stability – the card has no expiration date, the money on the card does not expire for 5 years after the last top-up


Mobile ticket

Description of the Mobile Ticket Service.

Cellular operators (MTS OJSC, Megafon PJSC, VimpelCom OJSC), Breeze Technologies LLC, State Unitary Enterprise Moscow Metro (Metropolitan), State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans are involved in the process of providing the service. Availability of SIM cards with the Mobile Ticket service must be checked with your telecom operator. The telecom operator is responsible for the production and distribution of SIM cards with the Mobile Ticket service.

    The “Mobile Ticket” service allows you to pay for travel on all types of transport in Moscow (ground urban passenger transport, metro and Aeroexpress); the fare is similar to the “Wallet” ticket on the Troika transport card, detailed information can be found on the website http://troika.mos.ru/tariffs/table/ . Topping up the transport application located on the NFC SIM card occurs by transferring funds from the mobile phone account to the transport application. Payment for travel is carried out with one touch of the phone to the validator of the transport operator.

    The Mobile Ticket service is available to Subscribers individuals, with a prepaid payment system that has entered into an agreement for the provision of communication services with a cellular operator.

    To use the service, you must:

    NFC * SIM card with connected Mobile Ticket service;

    Availability of the Mobile Payments service.

* NFC (Near field communication) is a short-range wireless high-frequency communication technology that makes it possible to exchange data between devices located at a distance of about 10 centimeters.

Cost of connecting to the service.

Service connection fee and fee for exchanging existing SIM cards for SIM cards with NFC technology not charged.

SMS messages to service control number 3210 within the territory of the cellular operator's network not charged.

Service outside the coverage of the cellular operator's network is not provided.

Connecting the service.

In order to connect the service you need to:

    mobile phone supporting NFC technology. Enabling NFC is located in the Settings -> Additional settings -> NFC section;

    a special NFC SIM card with the connected Mobile Ticket service. You can get/exchange a SIM card that supports the “Mobile Ticket” for free in the communication stores of mobile operators;

    After installing an NFC SIM card in your phone and registering in the network of mobile operators, you will automatically receive an SMS request with an offer to connect to the service. To activate the service, you must send the number “1” in a reply SMS message;

    When connecting to the service:

    automatic replenishment of the service balance is activated;

    150 rubles will be automatically debited from your mobile phone account, which will replenish the balance of the Mobile Ticket service. These funds can only be used to pay for travel on public transport in Moscow.

    if the balance is lower threshold value 90 rubles, the system automatically replenishes it to 150 rubles. To disable the service of automatic replenishment of the service balance, you must send an SMS to number 3210 with the text “off”.

The Client will be notified of all operations to replenish the balance of the Mobile Ticket service via free SMS messages from number 3210

Disabling the service.


Where to get it?

You can get "Troika" at the metro ticket offices, at the automated kiosks of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" and at the ticket offices of OJSC "Central PPK" and OJSC "MTPPK". The security deposit for Troika is 50 rubles. The deposit can be returned when returning the card to the cashier.

You can sign up for subscriptions for commuter electric trains at the ticket offices of commuter stations and railway stations in Moscow and the Moscow region and at ticket machines located at railway stations and marked with information posters.


Remote replenishment

At the moment, only the balance of the “Wallet” travel ticket can be paid on the website and using the SMS service.

When you top up your Troika card through the website, the payment is saved in transport system Metro. Before using the card for travel, remote top-up must be recorded on the card using the yellow information terminal of the Metro.

The paid ticket must be recorded on the card using the information terminal in the metro lobby:


The Troika card is intended for non-cash payment for public transport in our capital. By replenishing the card balance and paying with it, a one-time debit is made for each trip. And so as not to worry about timely replenishment of your account every time, you can immediately top up your card balance for 60 trips.

How to top up your Troika card for 60 trips

In addition to the convenience of using the Troika card to pay for public transport, we can also note the convenience of replenishing it. Users are given several options for crediting funds to their card balance. But it is worth noting that not all of these methods will be able to “record” 60 trips on the card within the framework of the “United”, “90 minutes” and “TAT” tickets. Let's consider all the methods in more detail.

Cash replenishment

Of course, we have all already gotten used to cashless payments. different types services. But what to do if you need to top up your card balance urgently, and you can’t non-cash payment, No? It is for such cases that they continue to function and continue to develop various ways cash payment.

There are always ticket machines in the metro. Using these devices, you can either simply top up your card balance or “burn” any ticket, including 60 trips to your Troika. To top up your card you will need to do the following:

  1. Place the card on the reader and select the desired ticket;
  2. Pay for the ticket and record it.

At automatic points of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans you can also top up your card with cash. Automated kiosks operate on the principle of ticket machines. Having selected the required ticket and paid for it, the trips will be credited to your card balance.

Cashiers at non-automated ticket offices of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans and metro ticket offices in the lobbies of metro stations will also be able to purchase a ticket for 60 trips and “record” them on the card. To do this, you just need to tell the cashier what ticket you are purchasing and pay its cost.

Top up your card via SMS

SMS card replenishment is available for subscribers of such communication providers as MTS, Megafon, Tele2 and Beeline. In this case, the payment will be debited from your phone balance. To complete the operation you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Create a message with the text “troika 0000000000 111”, where 0000000000 is the card number, and 111 is the payment amount;
  2. Send a message to number 3210;
  3. Confirm the debiting of funds by following the instructions received in the response SMS.

After making the payment, you will need to activate it. This procedure is performed using information terminals. Activating a payment involves performing the following steps:

  1. Click “Remote replenishment”;
  2. Bring the card to the scanner;
  3. Wait until the end of the payment recording procedure.

It is worth considering that this payment method is currently available for replenishing not all transport tickets. This way you can top up only the “Wallet” ticket. This ticket does not allow for the purchase of 60 trips. Public transport fares will be debited for each trip in accordance with the current tariff.

Replenishment via the Internet

Topping up the Troika card is available via the Internet and using Internet services. It is worth considering that not all methods allow you to “record” a ticket for 60 trips. The main methods of replenishing a card account only involve replenishing a “Wallet” ticket.

You can use a bank card to pay for any tickets, both ground, underground and suburban transport. But this is only possible if you install the “My Travel Card” application. Moreover, the application can be used only on NFC-enabled devices. To purchase a ticket you will need:

  1. In the “Purchase a ticket” section, select the ticket you are interested in;
  2. Check payment details and make payment by bank card;
  3. “Write” the purchased ticket onto your Troika card.

You can also top up your card with a bank card via Internet banking or on the website troika.mos.ru. Only in these cases is payment for the “Wallet” ticket made. To make a payment via online banking, you will need to log into your personal account, go to the payments section, find the Troika card and top up using the card number. And in the case of payment through the site, you will need to go to the “Troika Card” section, select remote replenishment and, following the instructions provided, complete the payment.

It is also possible to debit funds from your mobile account in order to top up your Troika account. You can perform such an operation on the website troika.mos.ru. Only funds are credited to the “Wallet” ticket balance. In this case, replenishment is performed as follows:

  1. On the official resource, select the “Troika Card” section and follow the “Remote top-up” link;
  2. Indicate your card number, phone number and top-up amount;
  3. Select “Mobile phone” as the payment method and click “Pay”;
  4. Enter the debit details and confirm the payment;
  5. “Record” the payment through the information terminal.

Electronic money payments are made in the same way as from a mobile phone account. And also, the funds will be credited to the “Wallet” ticket account. After making the payment, do not forget to activate it.

Fees and restrictions

All of these methods allow you to top up your card account without charging any fees. However, there are some limits. So, minimum payment cannot be less than 10 rubles. But the maximum replenishment is limited to 3 thousand rubles.