Where is the bank card current account indicated? How to find out the current and personal account of a Sberbank card

How to find out the account number of a Sberbank card? Oh, excuse me, what account? And why do you need this? The situation is such that one inevitably has to answer a question with a question. But, since this is impolite, you will have to explain it yourself. After all, the card is not attached to just one account, but to a whole set of payment details, which contains at least two account numbers.

What will you need to transfer money to another recipient?

  • name of the recipient's bank;
  • Recipient's full name;
  • correspondent account of a bank branch (correspondent account), each branch has its own unique account;
  • BIC of the branch that issued the card;
  • TIN of its holder;
  • personal account number (l/s) of the card holder;
  • Sberbank card number.

All these difficulties are necessary for the safety of funds not only of the client, but of the entire bank. In general, the procedure for transferring money is as follows:

  1. Checking whether this individual is listed as a bank client and which branch issued the card.
  2. Funds are transferred to the correspondent account of the branch that issued the card.
  3. The department checks by name with TIN, whether it’s yours or someone else’s.
  4. The money is transferred to the client’s personal account, to which his card number is linked, and is now available by card.

The fact is that the card number changes when it is reissued, but the personal account number remains unchanged until the contract is terminated banking services. But even then it is not given to another client, but goes into the archives for 70 years, so the personal account and correspondent account numbers are 20-digit, so that there is certainly enough for everyone. Otherwise, confusion cannot be avoided, and it will be impossible to raise the history of transactions under this agreement.

To transfer money, an individual client does not need all the details, but only the following:

  • Card number.
  • Correspondent account and BIC department.
  • L/s holder number.

At the operator

The method of obtaining details through an operator has the advantage that they are given to any client, it is enough to know his full name and card number. With almost all other methods, you can only find out your own. The procedure is simple: call the service center (call center): 8-800-555-5550. But from abroad you will have to call the head office hot number specified in the agreement or on the bank’s website via +7. It is advisable to immediately write it down on a piece of paper and keep it in your wallet.

The operator will ask for your data and necessarily the code word from your contract, so you need to remember it. Having received the details, be sure to dictate them to the operator for verification: it is not a robot speaking to you, but a living person who tends to make mistakes.

If the money went to the wrong place due to his negligence, it is possible to get it back, but this procedure is long and painful.

By mobile

If there is no Internet, but the phone works, then you need to know how to find out the account number of a Sberbank card through Mobile Bank. This is done in four stages:

  1. We go to Mobile Bank, the login/password is given along with the card, or you can find out later at any branch. You can also register at Mobile Bank through any Sber ATM, the signature will be your card pin;
  2. Click on the number the desired card(if there are several of them “mobilized”), and in its window – on “Detailed information”, there will be the l/s number and the department code in the form nnn/nn;
  3. We go to the main page, open the search by department number;
  4. Enter the branch code, they fly it out full details, and they contain a BIC and a correspondent account.

There is another way for MasterCard holders: open mobile.mastercard.ru, register the card in it and transfer money according to the instructions. We won’t see the details, but the funds will arrive as intended. True, the amount is limited, currently 600,000 rubles. This method is also suitable for the next case, if the Internet is mobile.

On the Internet

Abroad, a situation is likely when the mobile bank does not work or is too expensive due to roaming, but there is an Internet club or cafe nearby. Then, how to find out the account number of a Sberbank card via the Internet? There are three ways:

  1. We go to SberbankOnline, and then – “Cards and accounts” (select the one you need), and – “Detailed information”.
  2. On the official Sber website, select “Branches and ATMs” and find yours. There is a BIC and a correspondent account there, and you can go to the personal account using your card number and full name through the branch.
  3. We write a letter of request to free form to the Sberbank e-mail, it is also advisable to keep it with you. Sber is among the banks that provide payment details by email.

In the latter case, you need to give the number of the branch where the card was received (the same nnn/nn, see above), the card number and the full name of its holder. So, by the way, you can also find out other people’s details.


You can find out the card account number quite simply through a Sberbank ATM:

  1. Insert card, enter PIN.
  2. Select “My payments”, and in them – “Account details”. Everything will be there, incl. and BIC with branch correspondent account.

The most convenient way

However, the best, simplest and most reliable way for me to always have my details is to go to my branch at any convenient time with a card and passport and ask the operator to print out two sets: for internal ruble transfers and for international operations with a SWIFT code, and keep this piece of paper with you at all times. The service is free, and the details can be safely shown to notorious scammers: it is impossible to withdraw funds using them. I can only translate it for you.

Most clients of credit institutions, in particular Sberbank, use both to pay for purchases and services in real life, and for carrying out financial transactions on the Internet. But from time to time any user has questions about the card parameters. One of them is how to find out the personal account of a Sberbank card?

Correspondence between Sberbank card number and account number

Not everyone knows that the number indicated on the card (contains 16-18 digits) does not match the personal account number in the agreement (20 digits). Number plastic card changes with each planned or unscheduled transaction, in contrast to the personal account number, which remains the same, since it is on it that the client’s money is stored. This number impossible to find on plastic carrier, and get detailed information by identification data and account numbers, only the holder can. This is an additional security measure.

How to find out your bank card account?

Today, you can find out information about your card’s personal account using seven options:
  • through ;
  • in an envelope with a PIN code;
  • using the Sberbank Online service;
  • through a call to Sberbank;
  • upon a personal visit to the local branch where the plastic card was received;
  • from the UDBO (universal banking service agreement), which is concluded when issuing a card;
  • in (on home page there is information on all active bank cards).
In any case, it is simply impossible to find out the card’s current account number. Information will be provided only after the client has been identified. This is done to prevent an outsider from using personal information and committing transactions.

Viewing the account number in the agreement

By issuing a card, the client enters into a universal agreement () with the bank, one copy of which is issued to future holders. In addition to the terms of provision banking services, it will indicate the current account. The number consists of twenty digits.

Available information on the envelope with PIN code

When issuing a card, the client is also given an envelope with a PIN code, in which you can find the information of interest. Recently, Sberbank has also been inviting the future holder to come up with a PIN code on their own. In this case, there is no need to issue an envelope with a PIN code. If, after all, the PIN code was indicated on the envelope, you can also find the following identification data there: last name, PIN code, twenty digits of the personal account number and the type of currency in which the account was opened.

The card number and the card’s personal account number are information that you often need to keep at hand. It is quite easy to find out the Sberbank card number - these are 16 digits on its surface. How to find out the personal account number of a Sberbank card?

Instructions for Sberbank card holders

The most in a simple way To find out the personal account of a Sberbank card is to look in the contract or a gray envelope with a PIN code, which is probably in your home. No way to get home or have you been thrown out long ago? Then there are other convenient and practical ways.

Let's look at a mini-instruction about each of them.

How to find out the personal account of a card in Sberbank Online

To find out your personal account using Internet banking, you need to:

In the same way, you can see your Sberbank card personal account in the application on your smartphone. To do this, also select the card tab, highlight the required one and click “Show details”.

The method works for debit cards"Sberbank".

How to find out your personal account at a branch

If you do not have the opportunity or desire to use Sberbank Internet banking, then go to the Bank branch where you received the card. Bring your passport and card.

How to get information by calling 900

Call the operator and be prepared to answer questions about the standard identification procedure. Secret word, full name and passport and card details - a list of all questions to which you must provide answers.

List of Sberbank numbers in the photo:

However, a personal call to help desk Sberbank is not the most reliable option, since it can play a role here human factor: You may make a mistake in recording the number according to the operator, or the operator himself may make a mistake and say the wrong number. Therefore, if you choose this option, be careful when recording your account number.

How to find out your personal account in the Sberbank terminal

In your personal menu, select the “Operations with accounts, deposits and cards” tab. All necessary details will be displayed on the screen. Write it down on a piece of paper or take a photo.

Why do you need a personal account with a Sberbank card?

When registering a plastic bank card, Sberbank opens a bank account in your name. A card is a tool that can be lost, damaged, or replaced. The card account number is permanent information.

Your accounting department at work asks to tell you not the card number, but the personal account number. Because the salary will be transferred to the bank account to which this card is attached.

You may not need a long 20-digit personal account number. However, in order to receive funds, when making transfers from organizations, they may also ask for your personal account number.

The personal account never matches the 16-digit number on the card.

When the card is reissued, its number will change. Your personal account will remain the same.

The main difference between an account number and a card number is that using the account number and other details, money is transferred by legal entities, organizations, etc., and card numbers are used for transfers and payments by individuals.

Why are there so many numbers for the card account number? 12345-810-1-00000-7897890 .

  • Let's take the type number The first five digits of the account for accountants mean the use of the "Individuals" account
  • in the Account Form. That is, that records are kept only for individuals. The next three digits indicate what currency your account is in.
  • Rubles - 810, dollars - 840, euros - 978, etc.
  • Then comes one bank check digit.
  • 00000 is the code of the branch of the bank that issued your card. The last seven digits are your card account number

for carrying out various accounting operations.

Is it possible to find out a personal account by card number?

So, the personal account number is not indicated on the card in any way. This means that you can recognize it only in one of the ways that we described above. When you receive an issued bank card from a bank, you should not be mistaken and think that the beautiful numbers embossed on its surface are the account number in which your money is stored. The money is not stored on the card, but in the bank account to which it is linked payment card . In parallel with issuing the card, bank employees open a bank account in the client’s name, into which money is subsequently received - scholarships, pensions, salaries, transfers. The same situation applies to obtaining a loan ( credit card ) or passbooks - all transactions take place with bank account

, which has its own number. What is it, how is it deciphered, where is it used, and how to find out the account number - read the article.

The bank account of the card is used by the bank to carry out all kinds of operations related to the receipt of money and its expenditure at the first request of the client. This could be cash withdrawal, replenishment or transfer to another account, payment utilities, making purchases through stores and the Internet, repaying loans, and the whole range of services provided by the bank.

Bank account(aka settlement, card, card account, current or demand account) – Account, consisting strictly of 20 digits, used by the bank to keep records of all monetary transactions client.

The client is free to replenish his bank account and withdraw money as many times as he pleases - it is created with the purpose of frequent use. One person can have several bank accounts in one or different banks, as in different currencies.

Bank card account number- this is a current account individual, which is opened by the bank in the currency of the Russian Federation (rubles) or in foreign currency based on the contract bank account, to which a bank card is attached.

What does the card account number consist of? Decoding

The type and composition of the current account number is regulated by Appendix 1 to the Regulations of the Bank of Russia dated July 16, 2012 N 385-P “On the rules for maintaining accounting in credit institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation” and is a twenty-digit number, which for clarity can be presented in the following form:


AAA (numbers 1 to 3) - first-order balance account number (for example: 408, 423, 426);

BB (digits 4th and 5th) - second-order balance account number (for example: 17, 20, 01);

BBB (digits 6 to 8) - account currency code, according to All-Russian classifier OKW currencies. Currency code examples:

for ruble accounts – 810, for US dollar accounts – 840, for accounts in euros – 978;

G (number 9) - check digit (calculated by the bank);

DDDD (digits from 10 to 13) - four-digit bank department code;

EEEEEEE (14-20th digits) - internal seven-digit account number (personal account) that is assigned to the client. Each client has an individual account number.

Examples of accounts in various currencies:

  • Rublevy – 40817810500000000012
  • Dollar – 40817840601500000013
  • IN EURO – 40817978001250000014

Note: the account number of an individual to which it is usually attached begins with the numbers 40817 (accounting Money individuals not related to their implementation entrepreneurial activity.), 40820 (same as 40817, but for non-resident individuals), 42301 (deposits and other funds raised by individuals), 42601 (same as 42301, but for non-resident individuals).

The account is opened in Russian currency or in foreign currency on the basis of a bank account agreement. Accounts can be opened in any bank that works with individuals. persons, and the registration procedure is established by each credit institution, taking into account the requirements Central Bank(TSB RF. When filling out the columns with the account number in payment documents, all 20 digits are in a continuous row; extraneous separating marks (dot, comma, dash) between the digits are not allowed.

How can I find out my account number?

Very often a situation arises when you need to find out the account number of a card (or savings book, or account for loan repayment) in order to transfer funds to it. This can happen at work or in pension fund, where accounting employees request it to transfer salaries (pensions), but you never know where it might be needed.

If we are talking about the card account number, then it has nothing to do with the 16-digit number embossed on a glossy surface plastic card. The card is engraved, and if its validity period expires, then the reissued card may have a completely different number. The account number to which the card is linked is always unchanged.

So, how to find out the account number of a bank card?

1. When registering a card account, bank employees draw up contract for its opening and maintenance in 2 copies, where there will be mandatory a 20-digit account number is indicated. When receiving a credit card or loan, an application form (or loan agreement), which will also contain this information

2. The next way to find out your account number is dark inside secret envelope, which contains a plastic card - it is issued by a bank employee along with the card.

3. In the case where the account is old, and the envelope has long been lost (thrown away, burned), there is another loophole. If the bank has online services (for example, Internet bank or mobile bank) and you can register on its website, then when you log into your personal account, the client will have access to all the information about the bank card and its account number.

4. Using ATM to receive money, on its screen you can see the account number from which cash is requested, this is the plastic card account. All that remains is to quickly write it down and continue the money withdrawal operation, otherwise, after the set time has elapsed, the ATM may “eat” the card and the bank employees will have to “rescue” it. Please note that the card account number contains 20 (twenty) digits, and nothing else.
It’s a risky way, but “whoever doesn’t take risks...” - everyone knows the rest!

5. The most boring method is call a bank branch, where the card was received, provide all the details about yourself (i.e., go through identification) - a secret code word (you provide it yourself when you issue the card), date of birth (and so on...) and receive the desired information.

6. The method is even more boring - go to the bank in person and, by presenting a plastic card and passport, find out your account number.

Where is the card account number used?

The card account number is necessary to send money to it - transfers from relatives, salaries, pensions, scholarships, child benefits, assistance to the unemployed and other types of assistance from the state.

When implementing various payments to legal entities it is also necessary (for example, payment of utilities or fines).

You must also provide your account number to receive money transfers from another state; in this case, complete data may be required.

Current and personal accounts are used to make banking operations with the movement and storage of funds. From the article we will find out what the difference between them is, how to open a current and personal account in Sberbank, how to find out your account number.

What is a Sberbank card current account?

A current account (account) is a personal number that is assigned to a bank client. Designed for storing funds, for making money transfers and payments.

Cash accounts are not used to receive interest on deposits or for savings. Its goal is safe and quick access to finance at the client’s first request. Such accounts are called “on demand” accounts, and money can be deposited and withdrawn at any convenient time.

Individual entrepreneurs with the help of cash registers carry out commercial activities. Sales proceeds are transferred to it and payments are also made. necessary payments: wages to employees, payments to the budget and tax contributions.

A personal account for an individual is often called “current” or “personal”. It is used to store your own money that is not involved in business activities.

Why do you need a current account?

Opening an account gives the owner the opportunity to:

  • transfer profits to the bank for storage in a non-cash account
  • make non-cash payments between partners and clients
  • pay for goods, services
  • pay wages employees of the organization
  • pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund and taxes.

A limited liability company or LLC is prohibited from operating without a current account, and individual entrepreneurs open one at their own discretion.

How to find out the current account number of a Sberbank card

A plastic card - banking instrument for storing and using money. Each issued card is linked to a bank account number, to which additional cards can be opened in the future.

To Sberbank Online

The bank card current account can be found in personal account in Sberbank Online. To do this you need:

  1. go to the official website of Sberbank
  2. select item Sberbank Online
  3. enter the login (identifier) ​​and password that the client receives when receiving a plastic card or independently at an ATM.
  4. go to menu Cards and select the card you are interested in
  5. select tab Map information

The card information indicates the client’s general data, name and card account numbers, and account status. If you press the button Details for transfer to card account you will receive all the information on the payment instrument that you can print, save or email.

In the mobile application

The algorithm of actions is the same as through the bank’s website.

  1. log in to your personal account using your login and password
  2. in point Cards click on the desired map
  3. open Detailed information or press the button Show details.

At an ATM

This is the easiest way to obtain data without going to a branch and without access to the Internet. There are two algorithms for obtaining card details.

First algorithm:

  1. enter PIN ()
  2. select section My accounts
  3. select the card for which you need to find out the account number
  4. press Print details.

Second algorithm:

  1. insert the card into the terminal or ATM
  2. enter PIN code
  3. select section Regional services(in the terminal “Information and Services” - “Regional Services”)
  4. select item Search for organization services, my services
  5. press Printing card details
  6. after receiving the receipt, do not forget to pick up the card by clicking on the option Complete service

In the documents received

The current account number can be found in the service agreement, which is concluded between the bank and the client upon receipt. It is indicated on the last page of the contract, under the line with the date and signature of the client.

If you received a card with a PIN envelope, then the account number of the plastic card is also written in it. It is indicated next to the client's name.

Through the bank's call center

If you lose documents on bank products, you can contact the bank’s customer support service using the toll-free number 8-800-555 55 50 or 900 . For calls from Moscow there is a number +7-495-500-55-50 . Toll free number hotline works around the clock.

To provide confidential information on client accounts, the support service employee will ask a series of questions to clarify and identify the holder. The client must provide:

  • code word is a security word that the client creates when issuing a card
  • passport details.

After receiving the data, the specialist will provide the current account number.

At a Sberbank branch

To obtain information on the account, you must contact the department credit organization. This method will take more time than the others. To contact the branch, take your plastic card and passport with you.

An employee of the credit institution will print out the details, which will indicate the OGRN, INN, BIC, bank branch address and account number.

How to open a current account with Sberbank

Before opening a bank account, decide on the currency and type of account. It can be card, current and deposit.

Current account– for storing funds and conducting transactions in national and foreign currency. Recommended for use with large sums. Current accounts do not provide for passive income from accruing interest on the balance. For transactions using this type of account, a visit to a banking institution is required.

How to check your balance

You can check your balance in Sberbank Online, in mobile application by contacting a bank branch or calling a call center.

To receive data through Sberbank Online, you must log in to the system and select the desired product. The amount available for use is the balance.

When calling a support specialist, you must provide a code word or passport data. After identifying the client, the employee will announce the available balance.

What is a personal account of a Sberbank bank card

  • 1 number – payment system to which the card belongs: Visa – number 4, MasterCard – 5, Maestro – 3, 5 or 6, World – 2.
  • 1-6 numbers – unique number of the branch where the card was issued
  • 7-15 numbers – shows information by card type: credit or debit, currency, as well as the region in which the card was issued.
  • 16 The number is a control number and is used to check the correctness of the specified number.

4 ways to find out your card number

Payment instrument can be:

  • on the front side of the plastic card. The number is applied using ID printing or laser engraving, or it is also pressed out in volumetric numbers – the embossing method.
  • in your Sberbank-Online personal account. The “Maps” tab contains all the necessary information, including the number in abbreviated form - the last 4 digits.
  • at personal address to the bank with your passport. The employee, after checking the passport data, will provide the necessary information.
  • in the agreement issued when issuing the card.

It is impossible to find out the card number by calling the customer support center. The specialist will only be able to name the account number to which the card is linked. Information on the card number is not disclosed to third parties, so you can only obtain data on your product.

How to find out the card owner by number

It is impossible to find out the full name of the card owner, since the information is confidential and not subject to disclosure. But there is a way - through the Sberbank-Online service. To do this you need:

  1. log in to the system using your login and password
  2. select tab Payments and transfers
  3. select item Transfer to a private person
  4. on a new page Transfer to a Sberbank client enter the full bank card number in the appropriate field
  5. press the button Translate
  6. on the page to confirm the transfer in the column Recipient The name of the card holder to which the transfer is being made will be displayed.

All other ways to find out the name of the card holder are illegal.

How to find out a bank by card number and account

The information in the bank card number and account is encrypted. It contains data:

  • about the one who issued the card
  • about currency,
  • O payment system,
  • status and card type.

Ways to determine the issuing bank by card number:

Using online services: bindb or binlist. To do this, indicate the first 6 digits of the card - this is an individual BIN that encodes information about the payment system and the issuing bank. The card's affiliation with Sberbank is reflected by the following BIN: 4276 , 67758 , 4279 , 63900 , 54693 .

You can obtain information about the bank that issued the product using the 20-digit account number to which the card is linked. Such information contains the numbers of the current or personal account from 10 to 13.

3 ways to find out the Sberbank branch that issued the card

Using the account and card number, you can obtain information about the branch that issued the payment instrument.

On the official website of Sberbank

The necessary information is contained in the number on the front side of the card under the holder’s full name, indicated through a fraction.

  1. go to the website and open the tab Branches and ATMs
  2. In the search line, enter the first digits separated by a fraction

After entering the information, the full address of the branch will be shown.

In your personal account

  1. log in to the system
  2. select the card for which you need to obtain information
  3. click to get detailed information.
  4. in the window that opens, the details for the payment order will be displayed, and below is the address of the branch that issued the card.

Using an ATM

  1. insert the card into the ATM and enter the PIN code
  2. select tab My accounts
  3. select a card and print the details.

The receipt you receive contains the necessary information.


For security reasons, you must remember that it is prohibited to provide information on your account or card number to strangers. The information received can be used. The payment instrument number is allowed to be disclosed only if the client makes a transaction remittance. Any other information, for example, or PIN code - exclusively personal information. They cannot be disclosed to anyone, including bank employees.