GK guarantee system. Residential complex "new ramensky" Garantiya stroy real estate contacts

LCD "Ramensky" (the developer - the company "Garantia-Stroy") covers an area of ​​​​about 12 hectares, it is located in the town of Ramenskoye, 27 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Novoryazanskoye Highway and a 10-minute walk from the Fabrichnaya railway station.

On the territory of the residential complex, it is planned to equip playgrounds, parking lots (including one underground) and green spaces. The developer himself positions the residential complex as a “business class” microdistrict, but keeps prices at the mass market level.

preliminary reconnaissance

The site of the developer company (http://www.gsestate.ru/) is rather concise.

The history of the company, a list of objects (under construction and handed over), the plan of the residential complex, information about the houses, contacts are given. The history of the company, by the way, is painted in great detail. Personally, I was impressed, for example, by the fact that Garantiya-Stroy participated in the construction of the Triumph Palace complex.

There are a lot of project declarations for Ramenskoye (for some reason, they are in the Press Center tab), and if you wish, you can familiarize yourself with all the stages of approval of the development plan.

Of the minuses: no prices, no list of apartments for sale. With some difficulty, I managed to get to the pages with layouts (each building has its own page). Since the layouts were “drawn”, apparently, by different designers, the schemes for some buildings turned out to be unsuccessful, mainly due to the font solution.

For other buildings (for example, 14A: http://www.gsetate.ru/object/ramenskiy/korpus-14a/?MODE=PLANS) with floor plans everything is fine: you can zoom in and see everything in detail.

In order to find out the prices, I had to study sites that aggregate information about real estate sales. If you want to get first-hand information, and not from third-party sites, then for specifics - welcome to the sales office.

Looking ahead, I will say that in the office you should not forget to take a booklet: it is much more convenient to use it than the site.

Reconnaissance in force

It was not possible to get through to the sales office in Ramenskoye the first and second time - the number was busy. Since I was still going to drive and see the residential complex "live", I went to the office without a preliminary call.

Most convenient way to get to the Ramensky LCD - an electric train (the travel time from the Kazansky railway station to the Fabrichnaya station is about an hour, the fare will cost 102 rubles). From Factory to new buildings, you need to go along the street. Mira, the distance to the residential complex is less than a kilometer. The sales office is located on the approach to the microdistrict.

I must say right away that the city of Ramenskoye made a very favorable impression on me. Renovated old houses side by side with clean new buildings, the roads are not bad, the yards are well-groomed, there are small squares everywhere, playgrounds, many shops. The farther from Moscow, the less urban planners are interested in putting a house or a shopping center on every square meter. Ramenskoye has wide streets, large spacious courtyards, and therefore there is no feeling of crampedness, which is so characteristic of large cities.

Near - kindergarten, a stadium, a swimming pool, public gardens, a large forest park is located right behind Ramenskoye. On one side of the residential complex there is a rather extensive private sector.

What do they offer

At the sales office, the prices for apartments were indicated to me quite specific (almost up to a ruble). However, according to the manager, the availability of apartments and their cost may vary, so for each option you are interested in, you need to call and ask separately. Also, the cost of apartments of the same area may vary depending on the floor.

Those who choose 100% payment receive a discount, which is negotiated individually in each case.

In general, the price range of the Ramensky residential complex looks something like this:

All apartments are rented without finishing, there is glazing of windows and loggias, electrical wiring to the shield, waterproofing screed in the bathroom.

Now there are five buildings for sale, four of them are monolithic-brick, and one (building 10) is monolithic with ventilated facades (I will make a reservation: on the site all the houses are declared as monolithic-brick with the ROSSER cladding facade system, but the manager claims that building 10 - exception).

Building 10, section 7

Buildings 24A, 24B and 24V are planned to be commissioned by the end of 2017, building 10 - most likely at the beginning of 2017 (according to the contract, the deadline is Q3 2016, but the delivery of houses is usually late, the office talks about it directly). Delivery of the state commission building 14A is scheduled for the II quarter of 2017. By the way, about delays: according to Federal Law-214, for each day of delay, buyers are paid a penalty, taking into account the refinancing rate of the Central Bank. Personally, I assume that not 2017, but 2018 is called the completion date for the construction of the entire complex, precisely because construction delays, even the developer himself, considers inevitable.

Buildings 10 and 24A

Four more buildings are in different stages of readiness, but almost all apartments there have already been sold.

Buildings 24A, 24B, 24V - the so-called "towers". Their plans are identical.

It is worth noting that quite a lot of apartments have already been sold, so before you “fall in love” with some kind of layout, it is better to find out if your “competitors” are ahead of you. So, one of the most interesting, in my opinion, apartments - a "kopeck piece" with a pentagonal kitchen in the corner section of building 10 - turned out to be unavailable for purchase: all such apartments have already been dismantled. However, there were “odnushki” with unusual pentagonal living rooms.

In general, the apartments in all houses are quite successful: entrance halls from 4 to 10.5 square meters, fairly large balconies (some three-room apartments"towers" - up to 9 sq.m.), interesting planning solutions. Some apartments have storage rooms and walk-in closets.

Some rooms can be combined so that, for example, from two small rooms you can get one large one with practically panoramic windows. Fans of bright rooms will surely like the "kopeck piece", where there are two windows in the living room.

All houses have rooms for wheelchairs and a concierge room on the ground floor.

As for the apartments themselves, it is not yet possible to see them: all the houses offered for sale are under construction, and outsiders are not allowed to enter the construction site. However, you can walk through the already built buildings and see how the entrances, stairwells and transitional loggias look like. In the entrances (due to the fact that the residents of the residential complex are planning to change management company), while there are no concierges, admission is free.

As for parking, an underground parking for about 150 cars is being built in the courtyard of building 10, they can either be bought expensively (they promise a price of around 800,000 rubles) or rented.

In the meantime, the cars of the residents are parked in the yard. By the way, there are quite a lot of such parking spaces in the residential complex, especially when compared with the sleeping areas of Moscow, where residents literally have to “fight” for every square meter of land.

How to buy

Buildings 24 A, B, C

Purchase conditions for different houses- various.

Apartments in tower blocks (24A, 24B, 24B) are available for purchase in cash, by installments and by mortgage. Registration - according to DDU (FZ-214). Mortgage lending Only Promsvyazbank deals with this residential complex, at the sales office of Ramenskoye they are ready to provide direct contacts for the managers of this bank, who can be contacted with questions.

In buildings 10 and 14A, mortgages are not possible, the houses are not yet accredited by banks, only there is an installment plan: an initial fee- from 30%, installments are given for a year, you can pay off ahead of schedule.

Buildings 24 A, B and gymnasium

And one more nuance - apartments in building 14A are issued not according to the DDU, but according to a preliminary agreement (it is not registered in the registration chamber). Registration of DDU, according to the developer, should be expected by the end of summer. The text itself preliminary contract I was given at the sales office so that I could carefully study it and, if necessary, consult a lawyer. The contract seemed quite clear to me, although, of course, I would try to clarify some points (for example, what the expression “wooden (metal) front door” means) in advance. For refusal to fulfill the contract at the initiative of the buyer, the document provides for a penalty of 7 percent. Refusal of the builder from the execution of the contract is not provided.

Building 14A

Since the houses are monolithic-brick, the final area of ​​​​each apartment will be registered after the BTI measurements. After that, the difference in area is compensated by either the developer or the buyer at the price at the time of purchase.

As for the DDU agreement, it can only be viewed “on the spot”, that is, in the developer’s office.

What they say

Building 10

The manager at the sales office advised me to go to the houses of the Borisoglebsky residential complex (it was also built by the Garantiya-Stroy company) in order to evaluate the interior decoration. I did not refuse this opportunity and looked into the residential complex "Borisoglebsky" (it is located right behind the sales office) and one of the houses of the residential complex "Ramensky" and compared what I saw.

The decoration in the houses of both complexes, indeed, turned out to be almost the same, with a few exceptions. In the entrances of the residential complex "Ramensky", despite the fact that the houses have been occupied for almost two years, the ceiling panels have not yet been installed.

Instead of a ceiling - a grid of metal fittings. However, the manager explained this by the fact that the ceiling panels are not installed until all the tenants make repairs. Since these panels are white, cement dust and paint can leave indelible marks on them, so it is better to mount them when all the “dirty” work is over.

The "protected area" declared on the site is also provided only nominally. There is a fence, barriers and booths of security guards, but (according to residents) there has been no guards for several weeks now, the barriers are up, all the gates are open. However, I believe that the builder is not to blame here: there are premises for security and fencing, but how they are serviced - here the questions are rather for the management company.

On the playground, I talked with the residents of the already inhabited LCD houses.

According to them, there were serious delays with the first stage of the microdistrict: the construction of already paid apartments had to wait for almost six years. Compared to the first stage, the next ones are being built much faster: monolithic "skeletons" of houses are being built literally before our eyes.

Regarding the quality of walls, windows, communications, the feedback from residents is mainly positive. In winter, the houses are warm. Separately, they praise the layouts: unusual, in some apartments quite spacious balconies, more like terraces.

There is also a minus (I think that those who decide to buy an apartment in this residential complex will need to find out more details): the HOA, which serves the houses, has a rather large amount for electricity, so short-term, but regular outages electricity. On the stand at the entrance to the residential complex there was an announcement about the delay in the launch of hot water supply due to debts for housing and communal services. The reason for such measures boils down to the fact that many apartments are simply not inhabited, their owners do not pay for a communal apartment. Whether these measures will apply to residents of houses that have not yet been built, who will manage the new buildings is still an open question and deserves a separate study.

As for the location, then the opinion of the residents only confirmed my observations. The area is very convenient, there are many shops around, near the stadium, park, lake, gymnasium, kindergarten, clinic, market.

A separate plus is the walking distance of the station railway(Novoryazanskoye highway, as a way of getting to Moscow, local residents called it not the most convenient, getting by train is much faster).

By the way, the developer’s website has a page with reviews about the residential complex (http://www.gsestate.ru/responses/ramenskiy/), where you can get acquainted with the opinions of residents and potential buyers, as well as questions that arise from those who are waiting their apartments. True, the page itself is organized rather strangely - in the form of a "bulletin board", and there are no answers from the developer to buyers' questions. But, at least, you can see a list of problems that worry residents.

Given the "humane" prices, the microdistrict seems to me quite attractive for investing. But, of course, before buying, you should evaluate all the guarantees and risks: delays in the construction of the first stage cannot but confuse.

Firstly, "Ramensky" is a "closed" territory, a kind of town in the city. Secondly, along the perimeter of the residential complex, premises for shops, medical offices, beauty salons, cafes and children's development centers were designed and built. Thirdly, on the territory of the residential complex there is a “own” gymnasium, to which the residents of any of the houses can walk a maximum of five minutes. And, finally, the engineering “stuffing” of housing: according to the assurance of the developer, high-speed luxury elevators are installed in each building, there is a fire extinguishing system and fire alarm, held digital telephone lines. In general, this gives Ramenskoye some signs of “elitism”, but, of course, you cannot call it a full-fledged business class object, besides, the cost square meter here is not much different from the mass market.


I really liked the city of Ramenskoye, and if it were not for the remoteness from Moscow (after all, an hour by train), I would probably want to live there. The location of the residential complex "Ramensky" is more than successful, the entire infrastructure (shops, beauty salons, cafes, snack bars, household services) is already there both around and in the residential complex itself. The microdistrict is nice and, hopefully, upon completion of construction it will be landscaped according to the promises of the developer.

Now the already inhabited yard looks well-groomed: good tiles, high-quality asphalt, a beautiful playground, lawns, benches. However, I was embarrassed by the imperfections in the entrances: before making the final decision on the purchase, I would definitely get information (and guarantees!) From the developer about how everything will look by the time the houses are handed over.

Latest reviews of new buildings in Moscow:

September 19 at 14:48 Anna writes about the First Moscow residential complex: The developer "threw" the residents of the microdistrict city-park "First Moscow"!!! Not only were they originally big problems with parking lots, but the promised parking did not appear, they went further!!! No parking signs appeared on two streets! Without warning the residents about the input of these signs, the tow trucks quickly worked on the side, "dismantling the cars like hot cakes" !!! In the only paid parking (if you can call it paid parking - no normal road, no lighting, no cameras,...

November 13 at 13:18 "Alina" writes about the residential complex Green alleys: Huge problems with parking spaces. Too big LCD

Reviews about developers

March 29 at 20:07 "Gregory" writes about construction company : I rented an apartment from Vector Investments in the Pyatnitsky quarters. In principle, I like the way the guys build. The exterior of the house is beautiful, the interior decoration is also to my liking. Everything is of high quality. If they added speed, then in general they would not have a price.

January 23 at 19:18 "Better not to mess" writes about the construction company: Disgusting attitude after the conclusion of the transaction agreement, they do not respond to letters, they delay signing documents without warning, that is, upon arrival at the office, it is not a fact that your documents have been agreed upon despite the promises of managers. They fulfill their obligations under the contract only with the help of kicks. You can talk about constant queues for a very long time, and it doesn’t matter at what stage the transaction is - whether you choose an apartment or just come to give documents and sign, ...

The Garantiya-Stroy company has been operating since 1995, presently representing one of the largest enterprises full cycle. And this means that it performs in a full range of all work related to the construction of buildings for any purpose - residential, administrative or industrial. The priority areas of work of the Garantiya-Stroy company are construction and development, and the company is also engaged in the production of high-quality modern building materials.

In the first years of its activity, the company mainly built new buildings in the capital and the Moscow region, but since 2010 it has also begun to develop peripheral construction markets.

When constructing real estate, the developer Garantiya-Stroy uses mainly building materials of its own production. Majority manufacturing enterprises The companies are located in the Moscow region, in the city of Zhukovsky. Using the base of the former DSK, the company manufactures parts of ventilated facades for the ROSSER and Grattoni systems, which are used in finishing the facades of the buildings it erects. The product range also includes concrete, mortar, paving slabs, blocks of concrete and expanded clay concrete, curbs and facing decorative bricks. All products manufactured by the company are certified, have all the necessary sanitary and hygienic conclusions, certificates of conformity and fire safety.

At the moment the company is actively working in the city of Ramenskoye near Moscow, being one of its largest developers. And this choice is not accidental: Ramenskoye is one of the greenest and most comfortable cities in the Moscow region. The distance from the Moscow Ring Road is only 27 kilometers, which allows you to quickly and easily get to the capital. Several projects are being implemented in Ramenskoye, these are the Ramenskoye, Borisoglebsky, and Kratovo residential complexes. Not far from the city, in the village of Ilyinsky, construction in progress residential complex "Ilyinsky". Any project implemented by Garantiya-Stroy is characterized by a high level of quality and comfort, the availability of modern engineering solutions, the construction of residential buildings is accompanied by the simultaneous construction of internal infrastructure facilities. Thanks to the implementation of projects in the full range, the company reduces their cost, providing new residents with quality housing at reduced prices.

Confidence in the fulfillment of the goals set in the field of construction and in providing High Quality manufactured building materials is provided thanks to integrated approach companies to implement any of the projects. Due to its responsible activity in the real estate market, serious attitude to work, the Garantiya Stroy company deservedly enjoys the reputation of a responsible developer. And confirm it positive reviews clients.

Full description

Garantiya-Stroy LLC is one of the leading construction organizations MO. The company has successfully participated in the construction of administrative and industrial facilities and elite cottage settlements in Moscow Region and other regions of the Russian Federation. But still, the key direction of its activity is the construction of multi-storey residential complexes and microdistricts in the Moscow region, mainly in the cities of Ramenskoye and Zhukovsky.

Guarantee-Stroy considers its main mission to provide people with a low income with comfortable monolithic housing at the maximum affordable price. The company copes with this task brilliantly, carrying out a full cycle of work, starting with the development project documentation and ending with services for the sale and maintenance of finished housing.

The company has high-tech industrial facilities for the manufacture of high-quality building and finishing materials, metal structures, plastic windows, porcelain stoneware. Professional teams of permanent employees are engaged in the construction of facilities.

Key projects

Among the successfully implemented facilities, it is worth highlighting the first stage of the Gagarinsky microdistrict, the Borisoglebsky and Kratovo complexes. In the current period, several large projects are under implementation in environmentally friendly areas of the nearest Moscow region, among which are the residential complex "Ramenskoye" and "Gagarinsky".


The merits of Garantiya-Stroy LLC have been recognized with numerous awards, including the prestigious Building Olympus award.


The company takes an active part in the implementation of government projects for the construction of administrative and social facilities.

The company LLC "GARANTIYASTROYDEVELOPMENT" 5040129465 is registered under legal address 140105, MOSCOW REGION, RAMENSKOYE CITY, RAMENSKY DISTRICT, NORTHERN HIGHWAY, BUILDING 14, ROOM V. The company was registered on 03/11/2014. the organization was assigned the All-Russian State Registration Number: 1145040004570. The full name of the company is LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "GARANTIYASTROYDEVELOPMENT". According to the documents, the main activity is Management real estate on a fee or contract basis. The head is the GENERAL DIRECTOR Mikhail Yuryevich Shalaginov. For more detailed information, you need to go to the company card and check the counterparty for reliability.

On March 11, 2014, the company GARANTIASTROYDEVELOPMENT LLC was registered with the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal tax service No. 17 in the Moscow region. On 10/25/2016, the procedure for registering with the State Institution was implemented - Department pension fund RF No. 15 Ramensky district of the Moscow region. In addition, Branch No. 38 State institution- Moscow regional regional office Foundation social insurance Russian Federation registered the company on 11/30/2016 00:00:00. In the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the last entry about the organization has the following content: Termination legal entity(liquidation of a legal entity in connection with the completion of bankruptcy proceedings in an insolvency (bankruptcy) case).