How to charge a school bus pass. Student social card

With the advent of various social cards: Muscovite, pupil, student, pensioner- certainly there are many questions about the correctness of their use. The most important for students of schools, universities and their parents are the problems associated with the SKU. Where and how to check the balance, how top up social card student (SCU) and student? Everything is in order.

Where can I top up my social card account?

Consider some of the most convenient ways to transfer money to an account used by residents of Moscow.

Through self-service terminals

Most people prefer to top up their social card through Eleksnet network terminals. On the main screen of the monitor, you need to click on the button "Replenishment of the student's card", decide on the currency, enter the PIN code and deposit the amount of interest.

However, transaction fees are between 2 and 5 percent. More than 5 thousand replenishment points on the map with addresses are indicated on the official website of Mosgortrans.

Through the portal of public services

First you need to register on the site and log in to your personal account, then in the section " Payment", click on the appeared item" Services and services» and select « SKU» for replenishment social card college student and student.

Next, enter the details in the proposed form, including the social card bank account, payment account, transfer amount. Once completed, just click the " Translate". There is no commission for this transaction.

On the website of Sberbank, VTB

You can also transfer money to SKU through online banks. To do this, register on the Sberbank website, VTB World or any other bank. On the Sberbank Online service, you can comfortably conduct financial transactions.

To do this, you need to log in, go to " Transfers and payments", Further - " Transfer to a card in another bank» and enter standard data bank cards necessary to pay for the student's (student's) social card.

Through Sberbank online especially convenient to control the movement Money.

With a mobile app

The application "Mosgortrans" allows you to as soon as possible put money on the balance of the student's social card for travel by metro, land transport, in particular bus travel, as well as railway transport.

You can use this feature by installing the appropriate utility for Android or iPhone, links to which are on the site:

Next, you should register by entering your mobile phone number in the form that appears. Then in the window Replenishment» you need to go to « SKU", after that general scheme you need to enter the required details and make a replenishment.

Most banks have applications " mobile banking”, through which it is convenient, fast and safe to make transactions.

For example, VTB Bank of Moscow (, where, after authorization, you can transfer funds, in particular, to SKU.

What is the fare in public transport in Moscow?

in Moscow for concessionary travel students and schoolchildren can purchase a ticket for the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" using the SKU. To do this, the card account is checked and, if the balance is insufficient to buy a travel card, it is necessary to put money on a social card.

Travel card is bought for 1 or 3 months. Subsequently, the travel card will need to be replenished regularly. Payment can be made through a convenient mobile app"travel card" of the Bank of Moscow, at the kiosks "Travel Tickets" of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans", at the self-service terminals "Eleksnet", as well as at the box office of the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro".

It should be noted that the student benefit for travel in Moscow begins with the beginning of the school year and ends on the 15th day of the first summer month, that is, it applies only to the time of the educational process.

On the different kinds travel to public transport certain amounts are allocated monthly: 380 rubles - metro fare. Ground transport - 250 rubles.

How to check the account after replenishment?

There are two types of accounts in SKU: the first is banking, the second is transport, from which funds are debited only for travel. Each of the accounts is verified in different ways.

Check status bank account can be done as follows:

  • SMS notification;
  • mobile application;
  • ATMs;
  • support hotline;
  • cash desks;
  • personal account on the public services portal;
  • terminal.

To check the status of the account on the social transport card, there are the following options:

  • at the box office and terminals of the subway and stations;
  • through the operator GUP "Mosgortrans".

Also, after each journey in the subway, the user will see the status of the account.

Social Transport Card can be issued by students of any educational institutions in Russia until they reach the age of 23. It can be formatted in two ways:

  • through the official website of Moscow;
  • during a personal visit to the multifunctional center.

The Student Ground Transportation Card entitles you to a discounted fare on the following transport:

  • commuter rail transport;
  • underground;
  • buses;
  • trolleybuses;
  • trams;

It is a plastic card the size of an ordinary bank card, which contains the personal data of its holder. It provides certain discounts on public transport for students under 23 years of age.

Accordingly, only students who are citizens of Russia who have not reached the age of 23 can apply for it.

When using public transport, plastic must always be available and be presented upon request to any controller. There are certain limitations when using it:

  • the number of trips per day cannot exceed ten;
  • You can reuse it no earlier than 10 minutes after passing it through the turnstile for the first time.
The presence of a card confirms the right of a person to a benefit, and it should be used only for the interests of its owner.

Registration via the Internet

In some regions, it is possible to apply for this benefit using the Internet. Basically, the official portal is used for this. public services. For Muscovites, the possibility of registering this service has recently appeared using the official website of Moscow How to receive:

  1. You need to log into your Personal Area if available, or register as a new user. To register, you must enter personal data in the form that opens on the site.
  2. Next, you need to enter the section related to education.
  3. Choose a service for issuing a social card.
  4. The site will be asked to fill out an application for it. It is a form of questions to which you must complete the answers.
  5. To confirm your right to receive this service, you will need to upload high-quality photos of 3 * 4 cm in size and scans of your passport or birth certificate. It should be noted that all scans and photographs must be in JPEG format. Otherwise, they will not be uploaded to the site.
  6. Submit documents and application.
  7. Receive the card after it is made.

When filling out the application, you will need to provide the following information:

  • information about the educational institution;
  • personal data of the student;
  • passport data or information from the birth certificate.
After sending the application and documents, you will receive a notification about the date the plastic is ready. It can be obtained at the place of study indicated in the application.

Making a personal visit

If you wish to personally issue a student's social transport card, you must visit any multifunctional center convenient for the location.

You must have with you:

  • passport or birth certificate;
  • a document confirming training in a particular institution.
All copies of documents and photographs are made in this center is free. The application is also filled out in a similar way by an employee of the center on the basis of the documents and information provided.

For a child under the age of 14, parents or official representatives have the right to issue.

Plastic will be ready within a month, and you need to get it in the same multifunctional center.

Card activation

After receiving plastic at an educational institution or a multifunctional center, you must activate it to use its functions. Where can I activate it:

  • special terminals;
  • kiosk Mosgostrans;
  • at the metro station;
  • through the Internet;
  • in the multifunctional center.
When activated through special terminals, you must insert the plastic and select the required service from the provided menu list. In some regions, there is a quarterly or semi-annual activation requirement.

You can also activate the card in the multifunctional center.

For Muscovites, there is the possibility of activation through the website of the city of Moscow. The procedure will be like this:

  1. You must log in to the system using your username and password.
  2. Choose plastic activation services.
  3. Enter in the opened form following figures: 964390. This code corresponds to all social cards.
  4. After that, the numbers of the card number itself are entered.
  5. And at the end of the long digital code is put 77.
  6. Save this form and submit it.
  7. After some short time, the plastic will be active, a notification will come about this.

If it is not readable when the plastic is inserted into the terminal, then it is not active and requires an activation procedure using any of the above methods.

Sizes of social card benefits

The student's social card provides for preferential fares in the amount of:

  • 50% of the fare on intercity rail transport during the academic year from September 1 to June 15;
  • 240 rubles for all types land transport;
  • 365 rubles for the metro.

These amounts are fixed and do not depend on the frequency of use.

Card replenishment

In order to be able to receive the benefit, you need to replenish the balance. Some owners of social plastic do not always know where to replenish the balance. Replenishment is made at the ticket offices of public transport. To do this, you must present the card and pay the required amount of money.

Also, one of the convenient ways to replenish is to replenish the balance through the site, through which it is possible to receive it. In Moscow, this is the city site of Moscow. To replenish you need:

  1. Log in to the system as a registered user.
  2. Select a service to replenish the balance.
  3. Specify the method by which the replenishment will be performed. For this, funds can be used from the account of any bank, as well as using Internet systems such as Qiwi, WebMoney.
  4. After that you need to enter necessary amounts y and confirm the transfer by confirming a special code sent, as a rule, to the phone.
  5. Money comes to the balance instantly.

In addition to the services of a regional site, you can use the services of some banks, such as Sberbank. ATMs and websites of this bank provide the service of replenishing the balance of a social card.

If you need to pay for travel on land transport, you need to contact any kiosk that sells tickets.

The remaining balance is checked at an ATM when entering plastic or any terminal. Any replenishment occurs instantly and is available at any time of the day.

The social card of students for land transport was issued in order to compensate for part of the costs of travel by students during the school year.

Students can apply for a special social card that allows its owner to enjoy certain benefits when traveling by transport operating in the city. The discount, which is provided at the same time, allows you to significantly save on travel, since the cost of tickets for ground transport and the metro takes a fairly significant amount from family budget. In addition, the use of this service allows you to make an appointment with a doctor, pay medical services on benefits and enjoy other benefits of this service. Citizens who have issued such a card must replenish it from time to time. For this, simple and accessible methods are provided for everyone.

Ways to replenish the student's social card

Any full-time student can apply for a card on the City Services website. Its holder, in addition to preferential travel in transport, can use it to pay for various goods and services via the Internet.

There are several ways to replenish a personalized social card, while the money is credited to the account almost instantly.

Online replenishment

You can deposit funds to the balance of the student's card using the online service. For this purpose, you need to go to the website of city services or the website of the bank that issued the card, log in using the login and password received during registration and enter your personal account. It has a feature that allows you to top up a student's card account within a few minutes.

In the personal account of the online service system, you need to find the “Balance replenishment” function, click on it and enter the necessary data in a new window:

  • Card number;
  • replenishment amount;
  • number of the account (card) from which funds will be debited to replenish the account.

In the online service, you can easily track the actions on the card: expenses, replenishment, account status.

Replenishment at kiosks and cash desks

You can transfer money to the account of a student's social card, which allows you to have benefits for travel in public transport, using kiosks selling travel tickets, as well as at Mosgortrans State Unitary Enterprise. To do this, you need to dictate the requested information on the card to the cashier (the PIN code is entered by the cardholder yourself) and deposit cash.

Through Public Services

Replenishment of the social card account can be done through the website of public services. To do this, you need to enter the main page of the site. At the top of the main page, you need to select "Payment". In the new window that opens, on the left side of the menu, select "Social support". After performing this action, the “Student Social Card” will appear in the right side of the window in the “Services and Services” section. By selecting "Service cost and payment procedure" to get acquainted with the possible changes that could occur during the current period of the card.

To be able to pay for the card on the site, you need to register on it. Registered customers need to log in to this service and continue working on paying for the service by pressing the SNILS button. Only using your personal account, you can carry out operations to credit funds to this card.

Today, using the State Services service is the most popular way to replenish, since no service fee is charged, while simplicity and accessibility this method allows you to perform actions to credit funds to the account almost instantly.

Electronic money

You can top up your card balance using electronic money. To do this, you need to go to your online wallet(WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money) and send the required amount of funds to the card, indicating its number and the transfer amount. You can also use mobile applications for smartphones that support this service. The mobile application "My travel card" makes it easy to top up the balance of the card through "VTB" and "Bank of Moscow".

Replenishment in terminals

Simple and pretty convenient way is to replenish the student's social card in terminals that are installed in many public places - supermarkets, in the subway, on the street near shops and public transport stops. To use this method, it is enough to select “Student Card Replenishment” in the terminal menu and enter the PIN code of the card, after processing the request, you need to deposit the amount necessary to replenish the account, wait again until the request is processed. After that, the terminal will issue a check.

How to top up a card for ground transportation?

To top up the card for ground transport, you need to go to one of the kiosks "Travel Tickets" of Mosgortrans and top up the balance with the help of a cashier. Self-service terminals Eleksnet, Moskovsky credit bank You can also perform this operation. Such terminals operate in all administrative districts of the capital.

The nuances of replenishing a social card through Sberbank

Sberbank cardholders can also replenish their social card account for the use of ground transport services. Sberbank online allows you to significantly simplify this procedure. This operation is linked to bank account card owner. To transfer money to a travel card, you just need to do remittance to another bank.

After entering the Sberbank Online program on the main page of the site, you need to select in the "Transfers" section "Transfer to a card in another bank". In the template that opens, you need to enter the data required for the transfer:

  • card number of the recipient of funds;
  • select the account from which the funds will be debited;
  • enter the required amount to be credited to the card;
  • check the correctness of the entered data and click "Translate".

Limits and Commission

When funds are credited to a student's card through the State Services website, no commission is charged. The replenishment service is free. Maintenance of the student's social card throughout the year is carried out by the bank that issues it, free of charge.

When replenishing the card at ATMs of third-party banks, a commission is charged for servicing in accordance with the tariffs of a particular bank.

The bank that issued the card can set limits on withdrawing funds from the card, the bank will have to post information about this in its divisions and on the official website.

How to check an account?

You can check the balance when visiting your personal account, which is registered on the city services website. It is necessary to regularly check the status of the account so that there are no problems with paying for services at the most unforeseen moment.

Information on the balance can also be found in the nearest branch of the bank that issued the card. You can also find out how much money is in the account directly on the website of the bank that issued the card. To do this, you need to go to your personal account and check the balance. Carrying out any transactions on the card is recorded in the personal account.

The cardholder can write an application to the bank to be notified monthly about the status of the account by e-mail.

You can also check the balance by the check issued by the terminal in which the replenishment is made.

For the convenience of schoolchildren and university students, the website of the services of Russian cities offers all students to issue a special preferential transport card. It gives its owner the opportunity to receive a certain discount on travel in public transport. There are several available methods to replenish a student's social card, each of them is so convenient and simple that even an inexperienced user can cope with the task.

How can I top up a student's social card?

The social card allows its holder not only to save on public transport, but also to make an appointment with a doctor, pay for services at medical institutions at a reduced rate, pay for lunch, and also use other benefits of the service.

Replenishment of the student's social card can be done in several ways, while the money is credited to the account in a matter of minutes.

You can send funds:

  • You can deposit funds through the online service. Initially, open the site of city services that issued the plastic, go through authorization, open personal page. It initially has a function that makes it possible to enumerate. Find the “Balance replenishment” section, click on it and enter personal data: transport plastic number, amount and account for debiting funds. Through the online portal, you can easily track expenses, transfers and status.
  • You can deposit money into your personal account at the box office or kiosk that sells tickets. The cashier will definitely need to tell the plastic number, the holder enters the pin code on his own, and deposit cash.
  • In the branches of the Russian Post, you can replenish. Come to the nearest branch and through the cashier deposit cash into the account.
  • You can make a transfer using the available portal of public services. Enter its main page, find the “Payment” section at the top, after the transition, a menu with a list will open, from which select “Social support” and click on it. On the right side, the button “ “ - “ Services and services“ will appear. Next make the payment. No commission is charged if you replenish using this method.

Important! Transfers in this way can be made only after registration on the site.

  • There is a simple and affordable opportunity to replenish the ticket through the terminal. They are installed in many trade pavilions, metro, on the streets near the frequently visited places. To make a payment, just go to him, find in the menu “Replenishment of the student's card”, enter the PIN code of the card, deposit the required amount into a special receiver and wait for the request to be processed.
  • Electronic Qiwi systems, Yandex, Webmoney allow you to replenish transport social plastic, just log in, find the corresponding line in the menu, indicate the card number and amount. Receive payment confirmation via mobile phone and finish the operation.

Read also The order and methods of replenishing the transponder

Where can I top up a social card for ground transport

It is allowed to pay for a card for ground transport without any problems at the kiosks “Travel Tickets” of Mosgortrans and replenish it with the help of a cashier. You can also conduct a similar transaction through the terminals of "Eleksnet" or "Moscow Credit Bank". Such devices are available in all administrative districts of Moscow. It is possible to find out the exact addresses of payment points for land transport without any problems if you visit the official portal.

Is it possible to pay for a social card via the Internet

To put money into the account pupil's student transport card using the Internet using Sberbank Online or the public services website for this. You can, sitting at home and having Internet access, quickly and without additional commission fees transfer funds and pay for a trip on a bus or any other transport.

You can send funds through your smartphone, using “mobile banking” or through an electronic wallet.

How to pay for a social transport card through Sberbank Online

For a long time, many Muscovites have been actively using Sberbank Online to make various payments.

Today, a transport card for a schoolchild allows not only to pay for trips around the city, but also school meals. It also gives you the opportunity to get good discounts in partner stores. It can be used by schoolchildren and students who are studying full-time.

It is convenient to replenish the card using Sberbank Online or a mobile phone.

You can conduct a transaction through your personal account using your login and password. Today, it has become convenient to make payments using a mobile phone, and a card tied to it will allow even a schoolboy to carry out an operation in a minute. Install the app and login: