How to charge your student travel card online. Where to charge a social card for ground transport

Without exception, all modern students have the opportunity to register social card. It allows its owner to use benefits when traveling on public transport. The decision to purchase this product is made due to the receipt of significant benefits. The discount on transport fares can be quite significant. To fully use the product, you should know where you can top up your social card with ground transport. This will allow you not only to move around the city profitably, but also to pay medical services and make appointments with doctors. So, in what ways can you replenish the product?

Owners of financial products from such a financial institution can carry out the required transaction without any problems. To carry out the necessary process you will need to perform the following simple steps:

  1. You are required to log into the program.
  2. Select the Transfers section and press the button that is responsible for transferring funds to the product of another bank.
  3. The recipient of the amount is entered in a special form.
  4. Next, select the account from which you will need to debit money.
  5. The amount required for the transaction is deposited.
  6. All data is carefully checked and transaction confirmation is activated.

This method of transferring finances can significantly simplify monetary manipulation. All you need to do is make a transfer to the account of another selected financial institution.

How much does it cost to top up a student's social card? Commission sizes

When the required amount of funds is credited to the product described, a certain commission may be charged. It can only be avoided if the manipulation is carried out through a well-known State Services portal. Standard servicing of a Russian student’s product throughout the year is paid for by the bank that issued the plastic, that is, for the owner, having the card is completely free.

If you decide to top up a student’s social card for ground transportation online or through third-party ATMs banking institutions, a certain commission may be charged for servicing such an operation. Its size directly depends on the tariffs established in a particular bank.

It is worth noting that the financial institution that issued the product may set certain limits for cash withdrawals from the card. Information about this can be studied on the official portal of the company and in special departments of official divisions.

Replenishment points and how to work with the terminal?

Students in the capital and region have the right to transfer rubles to their plastic account using special electronic permanently located terminals. They are located in any modern city market or serious metropolitan entertainment and shopping complex. The user is required to carry the plastic for ground transport and some cash. The operation associated with crediting funds consists of performing the following simple steps:

  1. You need to find a nearby terminal intended for depositing.
  2. The plastic itself is inserted into the device.
  3. The option related to enrollment is selected.
  4. Replenishment points are inserted into a special bill acceptor cash.
  5. You need to wait until the positive result of depositing funds is reflected on the screen.
  6. Click the Pay option.

With this transfer option, money is credited to the product account almost instantly. When using this method of replenishing a student’s social card for ground transport, do not forget that ordinary electronic terminals typically charge a certain commission. This fee is on average 5% of the credited amount, but in some places it can be 10%.

How to check the account after depositing funds?

For the student to check due balance, you can take different courses of action. Many people visit the personal section on the portal for providing public services. The balance through replenishment points must be checked regularly. Topping up your account will help you avoid problems associated with paying for authorized services and transport even at the most difficult times.

In addition to visiting the portal, there are several other options for checking your bus benefit balance. Among the simplest options are the following:

To do this, the student must go to his account, where the balance amount will immediately be displayed. Operations are also recorded and reflected on the pages of this section. There is another, less time-consuming method for obtaining balance sheet information. This can be done using a check issued by a regular terminal where the transaction was previously carried out.

In order, if necessary, to check the account, transfer money and not waste time on carrying out the same operation, the card owner can write a special request to the financial institution. Based on it, company employees will send a special message by email once a month. It will reflect the current balance.

Until what date can I deposit money?

This problem interests everyone who cares whether it is possible to top up a transport card through Sberbank online. If everything is clear with the first question, then over time there are some difficulties. The exact dates for depositing the required amount of funds according to the rules for using the card have not been established. This can be absolutely any date. You can and should deposit money through special deposit points when a check shows a complete lack of funds or a minimum amount.

A similar product is issued free of charge. The main thing is to ensure that it is produced within 30 days from the date of submission of the relevant request. Once you have the plastic at your disposal, you can conveniently and quickly replenish it via the Internet.

Due to the fact that this is a certain preferential plastic for schoolchildren, it is worth knowing the period until which date this benefit is valid. It begins on September 1 and ends completely on June 15. For this product, the state allocates strictly 365 rubles for the metro and 240 rubles for another type of standard city car. During all temporary replenishment periods, students using this plastic card pay for travel on the bus or metro at only 50% of the cost of the pass.

Summing up

SKU is not just a certain plastic product for moving on the metro, it is a well-thought-out state social program for travel, originally developed and aimed at significant improvement general level education received in Russia. If you know where to top up a student’s social card for ground transportation, you can get a unique offer whereby a person can comfortably study at school or in a modern institution, and travel in city vehicles with significant savings and credit rubles through machines for topping up transport cards .

Many beneficiaries have the right to register, with which you can travel public transport with discount.

Today there is a student social card, which is issued to students of any educational institution under the age of 23.

With its help you can use discounted travel, and save significant money on this.

But what kind of discount is provided? What transport does it apply to? Is there a discount when using rail transport?

What kind of card is this

Student social card (SCU) is a plastic card that includes many functionality. One of its functions is a discount on public transport.

It can be issued either online or during a personal visit to the MFC.

Registration procedure is as follows:

  • drawing up an application;
  • submitting an application and documents;
  • card making;
  • receiving SKU.

What types of transport are discounted on?

The owner of this social card has the right to enjoy a discount when paying for travel on such transport:

It is also worth noting that the discount applies when using suburban rail transport.

If we talk about the cost of travel if you have a social card, then it is as follows:

  • monthly metro travel costs 350 rubles. It doesn’t matter how many times a day a person uses this transport;
  • for ground transport, the monthly cost is only 230 rubles, regardless of the frequency of its use.

If we talk about rail transport, there are some minor nuances. Thus, a 50% discount when purchasing a ticket for suburban railway transport is valid exclusively from September 1 to June 15 inclusive. In simple words during the learning process.

During the rest of the period, discount on Railway tickets does not apply.

Rules for using a social card for travel

In order to take advantage of the right to discounted travel using a student’s existing social card, it must be replenish. This can be done at any metro ticket office.

It is worth noting that you can top up your balance for both the current and next month. All information about payment for travel is recorded directly on the card. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the information on the turnstiles themselves displays information only at the end of the current month.

In order to use the discount, the owner of a student’s social card must always have it with him and present it to inspectors upon request. This document is a confirmation not only of identity, but also of the right to use preferential travel.

Myself access to the metro station using this social card is carried out exclusively through the turnstile.

For this it is enough:

  • attach a plastic social card to the existing yellow circle on the turnstile, on which the metro emblem is indicated. There should not be any objects between the card and the turnstile itself (a wallet, as is usually the case, and so on);
  • After this, you need to make sure that instead of the red color the light turns green, and then go through. If there is a red signal, you must repeat the procedure again.

It is important to note that you can use the turnstile at intervals of at least 10 minutes, otherwise the card will not be detected.

You are allowed to make no more than 10 trips on the metro per day.

For using discounts on ground transport The procedure for using a social card is completely similar.

You should always remember that when bringing the card to the turnstile, you must remove it from cases, wallets, etc., because if this is not done, there is Great chance the turnstile does not operate.

Registration, activation, balance viewing and account replenishment

After the social card has been received, it must be activated.

It can be done:

Activation does not take much time and there is no difficulty in it.

If speak about ways to replenish it, then there are a lot of them.

In addition, you can use ATMs of Sberbank or Bank of Moscow. It is possible to replenish the balance using Excellent terminals.

When replenishing a card to pay for travel by land transport, in addition to all the above methods, you must go to the “Travel Tickets” kiosk.

See for yourself card balance you can either at an ATM of the bank whose balance this card, or in the terminal when replenishing your account.

It is worth keeping in mind that replenishing your account using terminals or via the Internet can be done at any time (they work around the clock).

The advantages of using social cards in Moscow are described in the following video:

Sberbank launched remote use services for its clients, such as Internet banking, as well as mobile app Sberbank Online. The service allows you to carry out financial transactions using a card, create, pay loans, etc. Also, using Internet banking from Sberbank, the client can top up various cards and wallets. Transport cards are no exception. Now let's look at how to implement it in detail. remittance to a transport card via the Internet.

Features of the Sberbank Online service

Today the possibility of remote control bank accounts, is the main condition of service at the bank. Any Sberbank client can connect to Internet banking. After activating the service, the user will be able to log in with additional features. The service allows you to monitor accounts, pay loans, and manage bonus account. Internet banking does not require a separate connection. To do this, you need to be the owner of a Sberbank card with the service activated on it.

Main features of Sberbank Online:

  • Control open deposits;
  • or bank card number;
  • Payment for housing and communal services, universities, fines, etc.;
  • Replenishment of balance;
  • Setting up automatic payments;
  • Repayment of loans.

Topping up a transport card through Sberbank Online

The functionality of the Sberbank Online personal account allows clients to top up both standard bank cards and transport cards. To make a money transfer to a transport card, you need:

Replenishment via mobile application

In , there is also an option to top up a transport card. The functionality of the mobile service is no different from the main version for PC, and contains all the same options. This way, users can top up a transport card and save the payment in templates for later replenishment. The template saves all payment data and only requires confirmation of the transfer using a one-time password.

Replenishment instructions:

Activation of credited money

If the transport card is topped up through Sberbank Online, then after that you need to activate the transferred money through the terminal in the metro. Until activation, the transferred payment is considered not formally confirmed. To do this, on the terminal screen you need to select the “Remote replenishment” item and bring the card to the reader. As soon as the credited amount appears on the monitor, you need to click on the “deposit funds” button. After that Transport Card is considered replenished.

The city services website offers (SKU). It allows the holder to receive certain things (travel on public transport, reduced prices in shops and enterprises of the city).

All students (full-time) at public educational centers in the city can take advantage of the offer.

What it is

The student’s social card is a personalized multi-functional plastic card. It contains additional applications and benefits for medical services, payment for public transport, Banking services, and also provides discounts on products and services.

SKU provides the student with the opportunity to use suburban, underground and surface transport, purchase goods in stores, make an appointment with a doctor, etc.

A citizen can act as an applicant, regardless of place of residence. He must be enrolled in a full-time program in any state educational institution, which has accreditation for teaching activities and is located within the city. The institution must implement the main provisions of the curriculum.

If the applicant is a student at a non-state or federal educational center, full-time students enrolled in the organization can apply to any department of the State Center to receive a social card. services of your city.

How to top up SKU

A student's social card is issued free of charge. It must be completed within 30 days from the date of application.

For the convenience of users there is several ways to top up your card balance:

  1. Online.
    One of the most popular methods is to top up the card through online service. To do this, you need to go to the city services portal website. IN personal account The account replenishment function is provided.
  2. Electronic terminals and applications for smartphones.
    Another convenient method for replenishing SKU is to use bank terminals(Sberbank, VTB, Credit bank, payment system QiWi).

Replenishment of SKU for discounted travel

Reduced travel under the SKU program can be paid on any day of the current calendar month, and on any date in the next. It is important to know that the turnstile system only displays payment information at the end of the current month. Control of payment for preferential travel in urban ground transport is under the control of the institution of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans".

Add funds to balance A social card for discounted travel on urban transport can be obtained through the “Travel Ticket” kiosks, State Unitary Enterprise “Mosgortrans” or at special self-service terminals.

Account verification

The social card account balance can be checked in your personal account on the city services website.

Cost of travel with SKU

All SKU owners are entitled to legal benefits for travel on public transport in the city. The reliable cost of the service with a social card can be found on the websites of the Moscow Metro or Mosgortrans.

To date ticket price is:

  • 365 rub. for travel by metro;
  • 240 rub. for transport traveling by land (tram, bus, etc.).

It is also important to know the fare on railway transport in the suburban area using the student’s card. A single ticket will cost 50% less during the school year (starts on September 1st, ends on June 15th).

This year, the state plans to provide benefits for I&C users on the use of city minibuses.


For persons wishing to apply for a card, the option “Student Social Card” is provided. Citizens registered on the full-time training in any of the city's educational organizations.

The application is completed in just a few steps. The applicant can be either the student himself or his authorized representative, if the future holder is not 14 years old.

Further, after 30 days have passed after sending the application, the citizen will be issued a personal card. The process will be reported in the user’s personal account on the resource of the Moscow city services website. The citizen will receive a notification “Card has been delivered”, and then will be able to pick it up at his educational institution.

For Reasons why students may be refused in issuing SKU:

  1. The list of students does not contain information about the future owner of the SKU;
  2. The attached photograph does not meet quality standards;
  3. The applicant already has a social card or, in case of replacement, the future holder indicated incorrect details;
  4. An application for obtaining SKU with similar data had already been submitted before this time, and the case is currently under consideration;
  5. Unconfirmed ID information;
  6. Unconfirmed information from the applicant was received;
  7. Information provided from the policy medical care and the insurance was not correct.

Age of student plays a major role in choosing the person from whom the application for the SKU will be sent:

  1. The child is under 14 years of age - in this case, the application can be submitted by a legal representative (parent, guardian, relative);
  2. The student is from 14 to 18 years old - then the application can be sent both on behalf of the legal representative and on his own behalf;
  3. For a citizen over 18 years of age, the application can only be submitted on behalf of the student.

You can pick up the finished I&C at the educational institution where the recipient is studying. To do this, you will need to present an identity card of the future owner or official representative.

To learn how to top up a social card through an ATM, watch the following video:

When visiting Moscow, you need to worry about travel, because the city is large, and you often have to use more than one type of transport to get around. Local residents know the calculation methods and types of tickets. It can be quite difficult for tourists to pay for travel in Moscow, since they don't know the ways And favorable rates. Therefore, it is important to understand how you can pay for using transport, and also consider the types of tickets.

Rules for paying for travel on public transport in Moscow

Public transport must be paid for by each person who does not have special benefits. The cost depends on many factors, so it is impossible to say for sure how much the trip will cost. The price can be both low and high, and is largely determined by the type of ticket purchased.

It is important for a person to decide what exactly he will travel by, whether he needs to make transfers, and also how often he will need to use public transport. Another significant point is the length of stay in Moscow. If a person does not live in it, but only arrived for a day or several days, then there is no point in paying for a long-valid card.

It is important to purchase tickets in advance to avoid problems with travel later. Of course, if a person uses buses, then he can pay directly through the driver. However, in this case you will have to pay more money than when going to the cashier.

Is it possible to pay for travel with a bank card?

Visiting people do not want to pay for their trips at the ticket office, because it takes some time, and it requires understanding the different types of tickets. For this reason, people are willing to pay for the trip by bank card. In this case, you will be able to save time, because you will not have to first resolve the transport issue. This method has its own characteristics that you will definitely need to know.

First of all, you need to remember the list of cards from which you can make payments in underground and surface transport in Moscow:

  1. Sberbank card, which is equipped with a special transport application. The first year of service will cost 900 rubles, in other years 600 rubles for 12 months.
  2. VTB Bank Moscow card. This financial institution issues credit cards from which you can pay for travel. To use this service, you will need to pay 40 rubles for it once a month.
  3. Some plastic cards from partners of the Moscow Metro. Among them we can note Alfa-Bank, Citibank, Bank of Moscow, Avangard, etc. Full list It is recommended to check in advance.

All that is required of a person is to have plastic with the ability to pay in vehicles. There must also be enough funds in the account for this procedure.

How to pay for travel on a bus in Moscow

In Moscow it is not as convenient to use buses as the metro and minibuses. The fact is that the type of transport in question practically does not go where there are metro stops. Therefore, buses usually follow that route where a person cannot use the metro.

They have a significant disadvantage, which arises from constant traffic jams in a big city. In this regard, the schedule gets confused, there may be a long interval between transport, and it will not be possible to get to the right place quickly. That is why they should be chosen only when other options are not available. But in any case you will need to pay for travel on a bus in Moscow.

Typically, you will enter through the front door where the composter will be installed. This device activates the ticket purchased by the person. Also, now almost all vehicles have switched to contactless magnetic cards. A person can see a validator, which comes with or without a turnstile.

You need to attach a ticket or card to it, after which you can see the remaining number of trips. Now a person will have the right to enter the salon.

Important! Buses cost 55–60 rubles if you purchase a ticket at the ticket office or from the driver. But the more trips a person buys at a time, the cheaper they will cost in total. For example, a monthly pass costs only 1,150 rubles. Each person must have his own ticket; it is prohibited to use someone else's ticket. As for leaving vehicle

, then a person can use any door except the front door.

How to pay for tram travel in Moscow

Trams are also not very popular, because they are not as comfortable and fast as the metro. But still, people use them if they need to get to a place where there is no underground transport stop. In any case, the trip is paid, so the person will have to give money. The tram contains a special device that supports PayPass, PayWave, And Android Pay. Samsung Pay Contactless payment

It happens quite easily, you just need to know the principle of action.

  1. Instructions:
  2. You need to get on the tram and go to the validator. It should be located next to the driver's cabin.
  3. You need to attach a bank card or a smartphone with a special function to it to make a purchase.

Now you need to make sure that the payment has been made.

Please note that using a validator will cost less than purchasing a ticket from the driver. Because through an electronic device you need to pay 40 rubles, and a person will have to pay 55 rubles. Therefore, it is more economical to pay with a card or phone, unless, of course, you purchased a ticket at the box office in advance for cash.

How to pay for a minibus in Moscow

In minibus taxis you can use, for example, Troika, TAT, Ediny and other cards. Funds will be withdrawn at established rates, which you should familiarize yourself with in advance. You will have to pay according to the standard scheme that applies to city tickets. A person can also make a payment in cash if this option is most convenient for him. If a person has the right to ride free on public transport, then it will also apply to minibuses.

How to pay for the metro

Paying for a trip to the Metro is easy, and both local residents and visitors can do this. A person will need to get a card or purchase a ticket. It is most profitable to buy “Unified”, and The more trips a person pays for, the cheaper they will be. Moreover, the ticket can also be used for ground transport.

You can also purchase a Troika card for the metro. She reminds online wallet, which should be replenished regularly. Funds will be debited at the time of payment, and you can top up different ways both online and through the terminal and cash desk. If desired, a person can pay with his/her bank card, if it supports such a function.

Operating principle:

  1. First you need to purchase a ticket or issue a card. It is important to have sufficient travel or funds available.
  2. Now you need to go into the metro and hold your travel card to the display on the turnstile.
  3. The funds will be automatically debited, and the person will be able to get on the subway.
  4. Now all that remains is to take the right train to get to your destination.

As you can understand, if you wish, you will be able to pay for your travel on the bus and metro with a bank card. If this fails, then you can contact the bank support service for help. They will tell you why the payment failed, as well as how to fix the problem.

How to pay for the metro in Moscow for visitors

If a person came to stay in Moscow, for example, from Poland or another country, then it will be easier for him to purchase single ticket. Because you don’t need to specially issue cards and worry about replenishing them. Moreover, a single ticket can be taken even for a day if the tourist does not intend to stay in the city longer.

If you wish, you can consider other tariffs, which are worth asking about at the checkout. It’s worth starting from how many trips you need to make, as well as how long you’ll be staying in the city. Otherwise, the principle of payment for visitors is the same as for local residents of the capital.