Brick one storey house projects. The main stages of construction and the advantages of projects of one-story brick houses

  1. Strength and durability. Brick walls are stronger than wood or frame walls. With good quality material, they will stand for 100 years and will not suffer from weather factors.
  2. Rational use of space. The staircase does not occupy a usable area and does not cause inconvenience to the elderly. The risk of falls is reduced, which is especially important in families with children.
  3. Moderate weight design. Compared to two- or three-story buildings, the load on the foundation is less. This means that the price of a one-story brick house and the time of construction are reduced.
  4. Variety of projects. With the help of bricks, it is easy to realize any architectural design. You can build bay windows, columns and other elements. In our catalog there are solutions in traditional and modern style.
  5. Environmental friendliness. Bricks are made from natural ingredients. The walls of them breathe and do not emit harmful substances. Also, they are not afraid of insects, rodents and fungus. Fire safety is much higher than that of wood.

The best projects of a one-story brick house

The catalog contains convenient and thoughtful projects. different area and cost. For each indicated specifications and prices, there is a photo and layout plan. All options can be adapted to any type of soil or local climatic conditions. We are ready to make small changes for free!

Here are some interesting and popular solutions.

  • "Ulyana". Small cozy house with one bedroom. From the living room there is access to the veranda.
  • Bunin. A 30 m 2 veranda will become a favorite vacation spot for a large family or company.
  • "Illinois". Stylish and modern house with high ceilings, large windows and a second light in the living room.
  • "Grinn". A large area, three bedrooms, a cozy veranda with a stove - ideal for a family nest.
  • "Carpathians". A solid chalet-style building with a separate kitchen, a spacious children's room and an attic.

At WoodHouse, the cost of a brick one-story house the most profitable, because we work without intermediaries and produce our own materials. It is possible to take advantage of a discount, installment plan or take a loan. Call us or leave a request on the site, and we will build for you secure home in just 1.5-2 months!

Projects one-story houses bricks are suitable for the construction of the most energy-efficient housing. brick cottage very reliable and can stand without the need for repair even for several decades. Among the advantages of such project plans are affordable price, convenient layout and the possibility of making any changes in the area or arrangement of rooms.

Advantages of a brick house

One-story cottages are valued for their durability and economy. They do not require the arrangement of a massive foundation. Other benefits include:

  • durability of the material - the brick is not afraid of moisture, temperature changes and is not affected by mold, fungus, pests;
  • no need to install stairs - suburban housing built on one floor is convenient for older people who find it difficult to climb stairs;
  • a beautiful facade - even without additional finishing, brickwork looks aesthetically pleasing, but it is still desirable to insulate it.

The project of a one-story brick house can be selected using the catalog of our company. We offer a wide range of ready-made standard solutions for the construction of comfortable and practical real estate.

With a cozy lawn. Often they build a one-story brick house with a living area of ​​10 by 10 or less. For construction, silicate, yellow, brown bricks are used. Plans for a future family cottage or private home are planned with a professional worker or on your own. A person without experience and special skills can build a one-story simple house, it is only important to first take into account some details.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of one-story houses

A dwelling with one floor has the following advantages over two-story private houses:

  • Saving. By building a cottage, there is less waste on Construction Materials, while there is no need to create a solid foundation, since subsidence of a brick one-story house occurs much less frequently.
  • Simple layout. No need to think about where to place the stairs, so designing future housing is easier. In a one-story brick house, sewerage and heating are easier to equip.
  • Less time spent. It takes much less time to build a beautiful house than a building with 2 floors.

It is more profitable to build a brick house, rather than using other building materials. This is due to the following benefits:

  • low price of the material;
  • solid walls;
  • low fire hazard;
  • implementation of non-standard architectural solutions;
  • accumulation and conservation of heat.

One-story brick houses can be built by yourself, with basic knowledge and some skills. This advantage helps to save a lot of money when hiring a construction team.

What are the negative sides?

Such buildings have a more sloping roof, which is under heavy load when heavy snow falls.

Projects of one-story brick houses have one drawback - the need for a large area. The same living space plan on 2 floors, while using a smaller piece of land. It is more difficult to develop beautiful drawings of a one-story house if its dimensions are less than 12 by 12 m. In this case, guest rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms, a kitchen and an entrance hall are located on the same floor. When planning two-story buildings such a distinction is easier to make. There are other disadvantages:

  • Increase in roof area. Due to this, the consumption of the roof increases and heat loss increases.
  • The impossibility of performing a large angle of inclination of the slope. This is especially true in regions where there is a lot of precipitation in winter, as the load on the upper part of the house increases.

Successful projects

Starting the construction of a one-story brick house, it is worth considering its layout, drawing up drawings and developing a project. They order turnkey construction, in which everything is done by a team of professionals. Such a cottage costs several times more. And you can do the construction of the future place of residence on your own, which will be cheaper, but more time and effort.

If you want to become the owner of a house with an original layout, you will have to order his project from an architect.

It is possible to purchase a typical project of a residential brick house. If there is a desire to build a beautiful and unique house that is not like other cottages, then you should order architectural project on an individual basis. In this case, financial waste will increase. When planning a one-story brick house, the following nuances are taken into account:

  • desired building area;
  • relief and size land plot on which the building is being built;
  • additional buildings;
  • the number of residential and non-residential rooms;
  • availability of water supply;
  • type of heating and sewerage.

Necessary materials

Starting the construction of a one-story brick house, it is not necessary to immediately purchase all building materials. It is recommended to purchase as needed. It is only important to plan what exactly is needed, what color the brick is used, the amount of materials and other nuances. When building one-story houses, the following building materials are mandatory:

  • boards;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • building bricks;
  • facing material for external works;
  • slate, metal tile or other roof covering;
  • insulation materials and much more.

Phased work

Foundation Features

For the durability of the building, it is important to lay the foundation correctly.

Residential one-story private houses made of bricks are carried out in stages, starting with pouring the base. The hydrology of the soil, possible basements and the desired wall thickness are preliminarily taken into account. The foundation can be of several types, which are presented in the table:

The construction of a simple one-story residential building is most often carried out using strip base. Work plan:

  1. A pit is being prepared, the parameters of which are equal to the dimensions of the base.
  2. Line a pillow consisting of gravel and sand. Its height is on average 10 cm, while it is worth tamping a little.
  3. The formwork is made of wooden boards with a width no greater than the depth of the pit.
  4. Steel reinforcements are used around the perimeter, which are tied with wire. This is necessary to reinforce the foundation.
  5. A cement mortar or concrete is poured into the resulting structure.

The foundation is maintained for more than 21 days in order to achieve the necessary strength and stability of a one-story brick house.

Brick laying and mortar

For construction, you can use double silicate bricks.

Performed brickwork from red or white material. The choice of building materials is influenced by projects of one-story brick houses. So, if the dwelling is not designed for year-round living, then they use other materials than for the construction of premises for permanent use. Often built with double sand-lime bricks, which provide strength and guarantee a microclimate inside the building. The facades of one-story houses are erected from foam blocks, lined with bricks, which are used in the second row.

To perform masonry, you need a special solution, including the following components:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • water.

For 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand are used. Dry substances are thoroughly mixed, and then gradually pour in the liquid. The mixture should acquire the desired consistency. To check its readiness, the bucket is tilted at an angle of 40 degrees. If the resulting mortar does not flow out, the brick wall begins to be laid.