Loan for consumer needs in Belarusbank. Belarusbank – cash loan

Recently, Belarusbank has been providing the opportunity to register individual species loans for consumer needs without proof of income. The deputy director of the population lending department of OJSC spoke in more detail about the registration procedure and benefits for clients, as well as about the wide range of credit products. ASB Belarusbank"Svetlana Filipchuk.

-Who can take advantage of such an obvious advantage?

— Everyone, while previously only clients of Belarusbank, to whose accounts the deposit was made, could apply for a loan without a certificate of income wages and other income.

In Belarusbank partner stores, it is possible to obtain any loan amount within the limits of the client’s monthly income and the cost of the goods, including on installment terms. To purchase goods, you just need to present an identification document and an invoice.

— What if the store is not a partner of the bank?

— For other loans for consumer needs, with the exception of loans with insurance against the risk of non-repayment, the maximum amount without income certificates is determined based on the average monthly net income not exceeding 15 basic units, which currently amounts to 345 rubles. I would like to note that our bank offers a wide range of loan products.

— Do you have to come to the bank to apply for a loan?

— Today, to apply for a loan, it is not at all necessary to go to a bank office. It’s easier to apply for a loan online using remote channels banking services. Moreover, there is also a choice here - the bank’s corporate website, Contact Center, M-banking, Internet banking, bank information kiosks. By expanding our services, we act in the interests of the client. You know, Belarusbank positions itself as a nearby bank. Considering the development of IT, this is not only a territorial component, but also a technological one - the bank is in your phone or tablet, and, therefore, in your jacket pocket or handbag.

For what purposes can you take out a loan?

— Today you can get a loan from Belarusbank for any purpose.

Moreover, our loans are affordable, simple, without hidden fees. The client can repay them monthly, taking into account his usual expenses.

Which credit products most in demand?

— Perhaps, loans for consumer needs, which are issued very simply, do not require guarantors or proof of income.

— Are age interests taken into account?

— Yes, we have loans for various age categories. For example, loans for young families. Within 30 days from the date of conclusion loan agreement The loan rate is reduced by 2 times, i.e. During this period of time, the client uses a loan at 7% per annum.

A loan "It's time to live" is aimed at citizens who are eligible to receive a pension. For this loan, the interest rate in the first year of use has been reduced to the level of the National Bank's refinancing rate. Moreover, if credit is provided to participants club "Velvet", then the rate is reduced by another three percentage points.

"Instalments without overpayments" intended for the purchase of goods in trade organizations, and the loan "Successful update" provided for refinancing loans from other banks. At the same time, when calculating the loan amount, payments on refinanced loans are not taken into account, and it can be issued against a penalty, that is, without guarantees.

— Why is a loan interesting? " Belarusbank"to buy a car?

— Credit to purchase a car is provided for a period of up to 7 years. The rate on this loan for the first 6 months is 13% per annum, subsequently - the refinancing rate of the National Bank plus two percentage points.

The loan is issued without a down payment and CASCO. It is possible to defer the payment of the loan principal for six months.

A few years ago, a bank offered a loan to pay for in vitro fertilization? Is there demand?

— Over all this time, more than 2,000 women have used it. Preferential loan.

Provided loan for IVF for a period of up to 5 years with interest payment in the amount of 50% of the National Bank refinancing rate. Moreover, if the IVF procedure was successful and a child was born, the parents receive a deferment in repaying the loan debt for the period of receiving child care benefits with an extension of the loan repayment period.

— And finally, about the most significant loans - for the purchase of housing. What changes have these solution tools undergone? housing issue?

— The conditions for providing such loans have become even more attractive. Firstly, the loan term has been increased to 20 years, and secondly, the interest rate in the first two years from the date of conclusion of the loan agreement has been reduced to the refinancing rate of the National Bank. Then three percentage points will be added to it, but given that the rate is falling, there is no need to talk about obvious benefits.

Let me remind you that the bank has retained the function of providing preferential loans for the construction, reconstruction and purchase of housing as part of the implementation of government programs.

If you are interested in details, details about lending conditions can be found by contacting any branch of Belarusbank or by calling a single reference number 147.

OJSC "ASB Belarusbank" is the largest in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The bank sells more than 100 types financial services, including consumer lending. Belarusbank's clients are about 70% of all borrowers in the country, which is more than 800 thousand citizens.

Belarusbank has several types of consumer credit products. There are options for targeted direction, with support, social orientation. At the same time, lending conditions for all loan products are similar.

Filing an application

In order to obtain a consumer loan, the Applicant has the opportunity to apply:

  • to any of the branches of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank" that provides banking services;
  • fill out an online application on the Belarusbank corporate website;
  • call the contact center using the special short number 147.

Applying for trade credit is carried out directly in trade organizations that cooperate with the Bank.

Documents required by the Bank

For approval loan application and granting a loan, the Bank requires the following documents:

  1. Passports, as well as copies of them, of the borrower and guarantors for the loan (in the case of choosing a secured loan - a guarantee of individuals).
  2. Application form for a loan.
  3. Certificates confirming the availability of income from the borrower, as well as from the guarantor (if one is involved). Or an account statement for the last quarter, provided that the borrower receives a pension or salary through Belarusbank. The certificates are valid for 30 days.
  4. The borrower’s consent to provide information about him, namely a credit report from the Credit Register, issued by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.
  5. The client’s consent to the receipt and verification by the creditor bank of personal data about him.

Additionally, depending on the purpose of lending, the Bank requires:

1. As part of the provision of trade credit:

  • invoice.

2. When applying for a loan for burial:

  • death certificate;
  • invoice.

3. The need for a loan medical services, the borrower must confirm:

  • a certificate from a medical institution confirming that the applicant or his relative is registered with a dispensary;
  • an agreement and (or) an invoice for the provision of medical services indicating the cost of medicines and services provided.

4. For an education loan:

  • a copy and original of the agreement on training a specialist in a higher or secondary specialized educational institution on a paid basis;
  • certificate from educational institution, indicating the presence of the first higher or secondary special education.

    The document must contain information about the form and timing of completion of training.

Before you take out a loan, you should think about it. Detailed information You will find information about this type of lending on our website.

You want to take out a mortgage, but you don't have the funds an initial fee? We'll tell you.

Interest rates

A peculiarity of the current interest rates on consumer loans at Belarusbank is that they are linked to the refinancing rate National Bank The Republic of Belarus.

Thus, the Bank sets the cost of a specific loan as an amount that is a multiple of credit rate refinancing of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus plus (or minus) a certain number of credit points.

The interest rate under the concluded loan agreement remains unchanged throughout its entire validity, unless otherwise provided by the agreement itself.

The refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus last changed downward in August 2019. As of November 2019, its value corresponds to 20% per annum.

Video: How to take out a loan correctly?

Types of consumer loans from Belarusbank

Consumer lending at Belarusbank is limited to 9 offers.

Requiring security in the form of a guarantee, non-return insurance, collateral:

  • “Consumer loan” for any needs. Provided by cashless transfer or to a payment card;
  • “For the purchase of a car”, essentially a targeted car loan;
  • “For training”, provided for the purpose of obtaining higher and secondary specialized education. The money is transferred to the account of the educational institution;
  • "", as well as the installation of monuments and fences;
  • “For medical services” for citizens who are registered at a dispensary for the purpose of payment medical care, purchases of medicines and equipment.
  • With security only in the form of a penalty:
  • “Time-tested” is a non-targeted loan designed for salary clients not older than 57 years of age. Money is transferred to credit card international standard;
  • “For the purchase of goods,” as the name suggests, a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of goods in trade organizations with which the Bank has entered into agreements;
  • "Application to Santa Claus" special offer for the New Year holiday, valid from November 24, 2019 to January 15, 2019. The loan is provided to a bank card.

Without collateral:

  • “Instalment without overpayments” is a loan intended for the purchase of goods in certain trade organizations. The loan is transferred to the current account of the trading organization.

Requirements for the borrower

The Bank’s requirements for the loan applicant are the same for almost all loan products:

  • citizen of the Republic of Belarus;
  • foreign citizen;
  • a stateless person;
  • compulsory residence in the country;
  • availability of a permanent source of income in Belarus;
  • branch and representative office employee legal entity which is located abroad.

Applying for a loan

Regardless of the method of applying for a loan, to draw up a loan agreement, the borrower must come to a Bank branch. Moreover, this makes it possible to count on the maximum loan size.

Features of applying online

For borrowers who apply to in electronic format A loan of no more than 200 basic units is available.

As of November 2019, this is within 30 million Belarusian rubles. rub. The process of filling out and submitting an online application is as clear and simple as possible. Simply fill out the form provided on the website.

The Bank's decision is communicated to the applicant in the manner specified in the application. Refusal is possible in a situation where loan payments exceed the borrower's net income by more than 50%. In case of a positive decision, the client must personally appear at the bank with a package of necessary documents.

Interest rate

The interest rate is set by the Bank's board in accordance with the type of loan, the terms of its provision and the period of use.

In most cases, its calculation is based on the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the NBRB rate), which as of November 2019 is equal to 20% per annum.

Type of loan product

Size and features of the interest rate

Calculation in relation to the refinancing rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

Absolute value as of November 2019, %


For citizens with a positive CI: 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus - 4.5 percentage points

For all other borrowers: 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus - 3.5%

Consumer loan

For a loan for a period of up to 1 year: 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus at the time of conclusion of the agreement - 4.5%

For a loan for up to 5 years: 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus at the time of conclusion of the agreement - 2.5%

For a loan for a period of up to 5 years, subject to the conclusion of an insurance contract: 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

To purchase a car

For up to 7 years - 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

For a period of up to 5 years - 2 times the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus - 2 percentage points.

For the purchase of goods

2-fold rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus - 4 p.p.

For education

For obtaining a first education: the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement + 10%

For obtaining a second education: the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement + 12%

For the improvement of burial sites

rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement + 6 p.p.

For medical services

"Instalment without overpayments"

with payment of 0.01% per year

"Application to Santa Claus"

In accordance with the terms of loan agreements, the interest rate does not always remain unchanged throughout the entire period of the agreement.

A change in the cost of a loan may be caused by a change in the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Belarus. Or by decision of the Bank's Board.

The borrower is informed about the new loan conditions through newspapers, websites and at Bank branches.

Maximum and minimum loan amount

Before concluding a loan agreement, the Bank assesses the client’s creditworthiness.

During the assessment, loan debts, guarantee agreements, credit history, factors that can affect the borrower’s solvency (marital status, expenses).

The result of this analysis is the determination maximum size loan, that is, the limit of the borrower's solvency. It cannot exceed established by the Bank coefficient of the borrower's net income.

Minimum size for consumer loans Belarusbank has not been identified.
The available maximum loan amount for the borrower necessarily satisfies the above criterion. Some loans have additional conditions:

Name of consumer loan

Maximum loan size within the borrower's solvency

Consumer loan

but not more than 50 million BYN. rub.

To purchase a car

taking into account the cost of the car

For the purchase of goods

in the amount of up to 200 basic amounts established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on the date of the decision to issue a loan (currently - up to 30.0 million rubles)

"Instalment without overpayments"

"Application to Santa Claus"

For education

within annual cost training

Terms of loan issuance

Loan terms at Belarusbank generally range from one to seven years.

Consumer loan

Loan terms


Consumer loan

from 1 to 5 years

To purchase a car

For the purchase of goods

up to 1.5 years

For education

For the improvement of burial sites

For medical services

up to 2 years

"Instalment without overpayments"

depends on the outlet

"Application to Santa Claus"

State regulation of the interest rate level makes it possible to control the lending system in general in the Republic and in Belarusbank in particular.

All loan products are available, inexpensive and easy to obtain. By using credit funds you can become parents, solve current issues and perpetuate the memory of loved ones.

This allows us to say that Belarusbank is ready to help its clients throughout their lives.

Debt repayment

Payment of debt to Belarusbank is made monthly for the actual time of using the loan in accordance with the schedule.

There are several repayment methods:

  • at bank cash desks;
  • at information kiosks, using cards issued by ASB Belarusbank and other resident banks. In the latter case, the commission is 1% of the amount;
  • through M-banking;
  • using the Internet banking service.

Have you reached retirement age and now want to take out a loan for yourself? We'll tell you.

Pros and cons of the bank

“Belarusbank – Striving for growth. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow" - this is the motto of the largest state bank Belarus. It is better for the bank to leave its disadvantages in yesterday's memories.

If you believe customer reviews, the main problems of the bank are:

  • commission, as the bank calls it, is the amount of remuneration charged for certain services. If speak about consumer lending, then such a reward costs the client 3.5% of the cash withdrawal amount, but not less than 10 thousand BYN. rub.;
  • problems with Internet banking. Unfortunately, the service is not always available to clients “for technical reasons,” which naturally causes inconvenience and dissatisfaction;
  • insufficient number of ATMs and branches.

But these minor shortcomings are more than covered by today’s advantages:

  • affordable loan rates;
  • two low interest social offers targeted loans for medical services and improvement of burial sites;
  • the Bank’s convenient website, which allows the client to independently understand the terms of the loan, get answers to questions through an online consultation, and calculate the terms of the loan using a calculator;
  • holding holiday promotions on credit offers;
  • credit offer “Instalment without overpayments”, which allows you to purchase on terms of an almost interest-free loan.

But tomorrow the Bank still has room to grow. In the long term it would be good:

  • increase the number of branches;
  • expand the list of partner outlets;
  • eliminate deficiencies in the operation of Internet services;
  • expand the line consumer loans without collateral.

Separately, I would like to note that a big advantage of lending not only in Belarusbank, but also in the country as a whole is the presence of presidential decrees aimed at preferential lending.

In particular, at this Bank, preferential consumer loans are available to students receiving their first higher education, young professionals, gasification and even in vitro fertilization. The cost of this type of loans is several times lower than the cost of consumer loans.

General terms

Loans for consumer needs from Belarusbank are a loan ( credit line), the amount of which depends on your solvency, issued under the guarantee of individuals.

Credit calculator

In addition, the calculator will help you determine the amount you can save on interest if you are prepared to keep your loan payment at the same level.

Online loan processing

Using the order form, you can apply for a loan in 1 minute, after which the bank will contact you and inform you of the decision and determine the location (branch) for processing all the necessary documents.

Documents for obtaining a loan

  • Passport or residence permit;
  • Certificate of income.
  • Guarantor's documents (passport and income certificate)

Basic requirements for the borrower

  • Resident of the Republic of Belarus. Confirmed by a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or a residence permit in Belarus.
  • Seniority. Confirmed by information on the income certificate.

Loan repayment

  • Through a cash desk at a bank branch
  • Using Internet banking and mobile banking Belarusbank
  • Using Internet banking and mobile banking of other banks, if they are connected to ERIP
  • Through ATMs and information kiosks of other Belarusian banks connected to the ERIP system.

Everyone needs money for different reasons. Someone wants to renovate their apartment, and someone is going on vacation to another country. For your clients profitable terms lending prepared by Belarusbank. In it, borrowers can apply for a loan using just two documents, if they are his salary clients. Another advantage of obtaining loans from this bank is that you can apply for a loan via the Internet. You can also repay loans via the Internet, as well as access your Personal Area and track all transactions in your own way credit account. Loans for consumer needs at Belarusbank are very popular among all segments of the population.

Conditions for obtaining a loan

To get the required amount of money on credit from Belarusbank, clients will need to provide collateral. Collateral may be real estate the borrower or his. In some cases, private guarantees may be required. If collateral is used, the borrower will need to bring documents to the bank confirming his right to own the property. If the decision is positive, the bank will transfer the required part Money to the client's account. Maximum amount The loan will depend on what kind of credit history the client has and how solvent he is. This loan in Belarusbank you can repay ahead of schedule, and the interest will be recalculated in favor of the client. The terms for which a loan can be issued range from 1 year to 5 years.

To whom are loans issued?

Persons over 20 years of age and under 65 years of age can apply for a loan at Belarusbank. They must have a permanent official work and more than 1 year of work experience at the last place of work. The documents you will need are the client’s passport, an application form for receiving funds and a certificate of income for the last 3 months. Age pensioners can also apply for a loan for consumer needs at Belarusbank. Non-working pensioners will have to submit a certificate of pension amount from Pension Fund, and working pensioners - a certificate from their place of work. By the way, working pensioners can receive more a large sum loan than non-working elderly people. It should be noted that a positive credit history and official employment are the main criteria for obtaining a loan from Belarusbank.

Loan for young professionals at Belarusbank

Belarusbank has prepared special lending conditions for young professionals. By special program young people can arrange the amount of money they need and spend it on any needs. If clients receive their salary on a Belarusbank card, they will not need to document their salary. This loan can be easily repaid at bank branches and via the Internet. To receive such a loan, the client will need to bring a passport and a certificate of income for 3 months. Young professionals can apply for such a loan only once within two years after graduation. The loan term is set within 5 years, and the loan amount is calculated for each borrower individually.

When money is needed urgently, but there is no time to collect a large number of documents, Belarusbank loans for consumer needs will come to the rescue. In this article we will consider this type of lending in detail.

What is a consumer loan, its types

Consumer credit is loans that individuals take from credit organizations, in order to pay for expensive goods or services. Lending is carried out on the basis of the principles of payment, urgency and repayment. That is, the money issued by the bank must be returned within the prescribed time frame. In addition, you will have to pay for using the issued amount. Such payment is monthly interest, paid on the loan.

A distinctive feature of such a loan is the direction in which it is used. The borrower cannot use the money to make a profit in the future. Using a loan, you can pay for goods (car, household appliances), services (training, vacation in a sanatorium or abroad). Consumer loans there are:

  • targeted (have a specific purpose for receiving it - vacation, training, buying a car, etc.);
  • non-targeted (express loans, overdraft, line of credit).

In addition, loans can be secured (with collateral) or unsecured (without collateral).

Loan conditions and requirements for the borrower

You can take out a loan from Belarusbank for consumer needs in an amount of no more than $15,000 (or equivalent). This amount will depend on the income level of the borrower.

It must be repaid within 5 years (if the amount is small, the repayment period is shorter). Most short term repayment - 6 months. Interest rates loan rates range from 14%. In addition to interest, you must pay a commission for the bank’s services for processing and issuing a loan. You can take money in cash and non-cash form. In the second case, the money goes to credit card, which is issued by the bank in the name of the recipient.

Application for receiving borrowed money is considered by the bank from half an hour to 3 working days. The term will depend on the type and amount of the loan. Requirements for borrowers:

  • eligible citizens of the Republic of Belarus can apply for a loan;
  • the borrower cannot be under 18 years of age or over 60;
  • men under 28 years of age must provide a military ID;
  • the person must have stayed at his last place of work for at least six months;
  • if there are guarantors, the same requirements are imposed on them.

Basic package of documents - minimum set, allowing you to take out an express loan, includes: a copy of an identity document and a questionnaire filled out by the borrower. But in order to apply for a consumer loan from Belarusbank for a higher amount, you need to collect additional documents: a copy of your employment record and a certificate of income.

For some types of lending, it is necessary to find a guarantor. If you are registering a large amount, you may need a deposit.

Loan application process

You can apply for a loan in several ways.

  1. First, you can visit the bank in person. In this way, it is best to arrange large borrowed amounts that require the provision of collateral or guarantors. They will also advise you on the spot about all payments and help clarify any questions that may arise.
  2. With the development of electronic technology it has become possible apply for a loan online. In this case, you must fill out the forms provided by the system. After reviewing the application, a bank employee will contact you and inform you about the bank’s decision. If the answer is positive, you will need to come to the bank to sign the agreement. Money can be sent to a card or issued in cash.

Thus, you can choose various options for obtaining a loan from Belarusbank. Choose the method that you think is optimal.