Loan secured by land. Loans secured by land plots

Do you urgently need money? Finance-Credit will issue you a loan (loan) secured land plot in the Moscow region on the most favorable terms. The land plot serving as collateral remains your property, and you can continue to use it at your own discretion.

  • Up to 50 million rubles from 17% per year;
  • Application review - 1 day!
  • The term for issuing a loan (loan) is 3 days;
  • No proof of income.

It doesn’t matter to us how far your land plot is from the Moscow Ring Road, the main condition is that you must be its owner. Provide collateral in the form of real estate(in particular, a plot of land) is the simplest and quick way receiving large sum money. Therefore, if you urgently need cash and you are the owner of land in the Moscow region, consider that you have found a solution to the problem!

Do you urgently need money, but your damaged credit history prevents you from getting a loan quickly? Don't want to overpay on interest and fees? Contact Finance-Credit, we issue urgent loans secured by a land plot under a collateral agreement within 3 days with a minimum package of documents and bureaucratic delays.

Minimum package of documents to obtain a loan:

  • Title documents for the plot and house;
  • Technical and cadastral passports of BTI;
  • Site plan with cadastral number in 4 copies;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register.

Urgent loan secured by a plot in 3 days!

At Finance-Credit, the process of reviewing applications for urgent loans secured by land plots and preparation of all necessary documents for registration of a pledge - is maximally optimized and carried out in several stages according to a simplified scheme. We treat each of them very responsibly, since the security of the transaction for both parties depends on it.

Simplified lending procedure

  • You submit a loan application, and experts evaluate the current market value of the home. This happens within 1 day;
  • We negotiate with you the terms of the loan. If necessary, we calculate an individual payment schedule;
  • Our lawyers evaluate the documents you provided to us;
  • We sign everything Required documents and make loan repayments;
  • It is possible to issue an advance on the day of signing the pledge agreement (before registration).
We do not impose penalties on early repayment of a loan secured by a land plot and leave borrowers the right to sell the pledged property to third parties and repay the loan from the funds received. If your circumstances have changed, you may well be able to exercise this right.

Advantages of a loan secured by land

  • With our help, lending secured by land is done quickly and as safely as possible!
  • “Finance-Credit” offers low interest rates and does not require guarantors or income certificates;
  • Flexible individual approach to each client;
  • Finance-Credit experts will select a convenient loan repayment scheme for you, taking into account your capabilities and wishes;
  • Early repayment loan at any time.

A plot of land in the near Moscow region is an excellent option for collateral lending. Almost any banking institution will easily accept a plot of land as collateral, but not all banks will be able to issue a loan quickly due to the conditions established by the parent organizations.

Taking out a loan secured by land is easy

First of all, restrictions for possible borrowers are based on age. Even a wealthy pensioner with a high level of income will be able to take out a loan secured by land only for a short period of time - with such conditions, banks insure themselves against the risks of non-repayment of the issued funds. In addition, registration of a citizen of the Russian Federation within Moscow or the region will be mandatory - MosInvestFinance does not require this.

Even with such high-quality and liquid security as a plot of land, banking institutions They will definitely require confirmation of the income of a possible creditor - such norms are prescribed in the procedures. For individual entrepreneurs or persons working unofficially, it is very problematic to provide a certificate; in addition, the required amount may be required literally within one or two days. Collecting documents and agreeing on a loan amount may turn out to be completely pointless if this or another bank already has a large loan or there is an overdue debt - in this case, the refusal will follow immediately.

MosInvestFinance requires a minimum package of documents for approval - a passport of a citizen of any state and confirmation of ownership of real estate ( country house, apartment or land). Confirmed income family budget potential borrower will only serve as an additional plus in the issuance, but is not obligatory: assessed collateral property quite enough for apply for a loan in the amount of up to 70% of market value provided collateral– the final decision is made by our investors.

A loan secured by land from MosInvestFinance is a profitable solution in many cases

By submitting an application on our website or coming to one of the company’s offices, our partners can always count on the favorable attitude of our employees - getting a loan secured by land is extremely simple. Considering interest rates (depending on the type of loan, its amount and term - from 10.5% per annum), which are significantly lower consumer lending on short time, this loan option from our partners will be optimal if you need to urgently receive Money for business development, for a down payment on a new home or car, for refinancing existing debt in banking structures. The company’s statistics show that more than 80% of applicants receive a response to their request within an hour, and the percentage of loans approved and issued is much higher than when contacting banks directly, since private investors and partner banks with which we work are more willing to provide the required amounts.

What are the requirements for a pledged land plot? Which bank can I get money secured by land (IZHS)? How to take out a loan secured by land and avoid becoming a victim of scammers?

Denis Kuderin is in touch, an expert at HeatherBober magazine and the presenter of the Personal Finance column.

A neighbor in my dacha recently asked me: do you happen to know how much our land costs? Our plots are approximately the same, but I didn’t know the price, even approximately. And in turn, he asked his question - for what purpose are you interested?

The neighbor said that she was taking out a loan from the bank, and since her salary was “gray”, the security service was not satisfied with the level of solvency. Therefore, the bank wants guarantees - some valuable property as collateral.

The neighbor doesn’t want to risk the apartment, you never know, but she’s quite ready to pledge the plot along with the house. But he doesn’t know whether this option is suitable for the bank. And I don’t even know what the registration procedure is and how long it will take.

Especially for my neighbor and all other readers interested in this issue, I conducted a detailed study and found out all the nuances of the process lending secured by land. I am sure that after reading the article you will not have any questions on this topic!

Read to the end - advice awaits you at the end, how to avoid fraud when registering land as collateral, plus list of banks with the most favorable conditions lending.

1. Loan secured by land - increasing the chances of getting a loan

Your chances of getting a loan will increase many times over if you provide the bank with additional guarantees of your solvency. The most reliable guarantee is the pledge of valuable property, in our case - real estate in the form of land.

If you are the full owner of liquid land and want to take out a loan for the purchase of an apartment, construction, renovation, business or other needs, you will receive more money by taking out a loan secured in the form of a land plot.

What does the pledge provide:

  • loan interest rate decreases– and a few percent per annum means tens of thousands of rubles saved;
  • loan term increases– which means monthly payments will be lower;
  • simplifies the registration procedure– bank employees no longer study credit history so biasedly and require fewer documents;
  • the loan amount increases– in proportion to the value of the collateral property.

Prices for suburban land plots are quite decent. For reference, land 30-50 km from the Moscow Ring Road (7-10 acres) costs approximately 2-5 million rubles . The closer to Moscow, the higher the prices. In other cities, prices are more modest, but it all depends on the location, area and other factors, which I will discuss in the next section.

Unlike the apartment in which you live, the plots are often not used in any way - they are simply empty “until better times,” overgrown with weeds. It is psychologically much easier to pledge such property as collateral than a residential apartment.

At the same time you remain full owner of the land– you have the right to erect buildings on it, use it for commercial purposes (for example, rent it out with the permission of the bank), even permanently reside on the site. Forbidden sell, exchange and donate land.

But far away not all areas banks will take it as collateral. The location of the land matters. If your site is located somewhere in a remote village, such provision credit companies won't suit you.

They need liquid land- that is, one that is easy to implement if for some reason you stop paying off the loan.

Land plots are issued targeted And non-targeted loans. The first option is preferable: banks are much more willing to give money for improvement living conditions – for the purchase of a house (apartment), construction and renovation.

But it will be necessary to prove that the money will go exactly to the stated purposes. If you spend it on construction, be prepared to show bank employees a design for your future home or a contract agreement with a construction company.

We offer you to receive cash for any purpose. Any amount available. All this is quite quick and simple - take the required amount for a plot of land in the Moscow region on consumer needs you can right now. How to do this, and how much will this loan cost?

Money for a plot: the procedure for obtaining such a loan

Applying for a loan is simple - the potential recipient only needs to complete three steps:

According to this algorithm, a loan secured by a land plot will be provided in just a few hours; the transaction rarely takes a couple of days. The approved amount is issued in cash at the company's office.

Features of loans secured by land

In addition to the high speed of processing, a loan secured by a plot of land has other significant parameters:

Loan size

Up to 35% of the assessed value

Payment period

You can repay the loan for up to 20 years

monthly rate from 4.5%

Complete absence of imposed services
and products - commissions, insurance, notary or appraiser services when a loan is issued as collateral for a dacha plot of land

The conditions for obtaining credit resources in our company are very flexible. We do not limit our clients to strict limits and do not set many requirements. Moreover, we can also take a private house as collateral.

The decision on how much money, for what period, and with what percentage will be issued to the client is made taking into account all the individual parameters of the transaction. The criteria common to all are taken into account with which it is proposed to issue money (loan) secured by a land plot:

    large amount – reaches 35% of the value of the collateral;

    long repayment period - up to 20 years of settlement;

    monthly interest rate – from 4.5%;

    zero associated costs for obtaining and servicing a loan - money secured by the plot is issued without commissions or imposed insurance.

The choice of the loan amount and repayment terms affects the total overpayment, because the rate is set personally - separately for each transaction.

Secured plots can be of any kind, but the rate also depends on their liquidity. Interest rates are also influenced by the characteristics of the borrower himself. The fact that he has Russian citizenship can lower the rate. The fact of long-term ownership of land by the owner will have a similar impact. But if the plot was purchased with the help of a bank, and the mortgage has not yet been paid, this will increase the interest rate on the requested non-targeted loan, but the money will still be provided.

What are the advantages of a plot loan?

A loan secured by a land plot from a bank is one way to get money for various purposes. The client can pledge agricultural land to obtain a loan or land for the construction of a private house. Money secured by a plot of land is issued by many banks more willingly than loans without collateral, but land is listed as illiquid collateral, so this type of loan is offered by a small number of banking organizations.

To get a cash loan, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a document confirming ownership of the property. Confirmation of income from a bank is not always mandatory, so you can receive money without proof of income in large monetary terms. Long-term loans are good way take out a loan for up to 15 years and pay it off in small monthly payments.

Loan secured by land from a bank

Key information for those who want to get cash from a bank by mortgaging a country house or garden plot:

  • the client can take money without confirming his income for any purpose;
  • the loan agreement is concluded with automatic extension;
  • the loan is issued for a period of up to 15 years;
  • the age of the consumer depends on the specific banking organization and fluctuates between 18 and 75 years (at maturity);
  • state credit history for some banks it does not matter;
  • interest rate on long-term loans depends on the conditions, the bank and starts from about 15%
  • secured loan summer cottage can amount to up to 90% of its cost;
  • the client can take out a loan and continue to use the property.

Several lending options are available to Russian clients:

  • loan secured by agricultural land;
  • loan of funds for a plot for private construction;
  • loan secured by a garden plot in Moscow;
  • plots with buildings located on them;
  • loans secured by individual housing construction land in Moscow;
  • other complex cases.

Banks or microfinance organizations can act as lenders. Privately arranged loans may have more attractive terms. Therefore, it is worth getting more information about current offers in advance.

On the Creditznatok website you will find credit organizations where you can take out a cash loan for individual housing construction land (individual housing construction). Individual housing construction lands enjoy special advantages over banks, the main of which are the possibility of registering objects built on it and easier sale in case of seizure for non-payment.

A long-term loan can only be taken out if there are no existing encumbrances on the property.

In what cases may you need to mortgage a private garden plot, land for individual housing construction or an agricultural plot:

  • the need to invest in an unfinished house;
  • large debts;
  • impressive debt on utility bills;
  • pressure from collection companies;
  • unfavorable conditions on previous loans and the need to restructure debts.

To mortgage an agricultural land plot, you must have a passport and a photocopy of it, title documents, and a cadastral passport.

How to get a loan?

Before taking out a loan secured by a land plot, you need to select credit institution with the most profitable interest rates. Creditznatok collects up-to-date information about verified organizations and offers a lot of selection tools. Choose the conditions you like, go to the websites and fill out applications. After some time, you will receive confirmation of the loan or employees of the selected organization will contact you. Also on our website you can find companies that give money without collateral favorable interest rates- both small and large amounts.