Is it possible not to do OSAGO. Can you drive a car without insurance?

Every experienced motorist in our country knows that the current legislation does not allow driving a vehicle without a vehicle.

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It even provides administrative penalty size up to 800 rubles(depending on the type of traffic violation). But there are times when a citizen has only recently acquired a new vehicle and did not have time to issue OSAGO for a brand new car.

For this, a certain period is provided, allowing you to drive a car before applying for insurance, but it is important not to overstay it.

In this article, we will talk about the possibility of driving without civil liability insurance legally, the timing of such a ride, as well as the stipulated penalties for unscrupulous motorists.

We will also provide information on how long you can drive without insurance after deregistration. We will analyze in detail the most typical and common cases when driving without OSAGO does not make the driver an offender.

Is it legal to move

Vehicle owners are interested in the issue of legal driving without a motor vehicle, even some of the traffic police inspectors are not aware of this procedure. We immediately note that such a period exists.

Another question is what are its time limits. Main Law in this area - it calls for mandatory, according to the requirements of law enforcement officers, to present an insurance policy.

If you have not provided desired document, then the legislation allows such motorists to be fined, and there is no point in appealing such a decision.

But Federal Law No. 40-FZ, which came into force back in 2002, provided for a 10-day period for registration vehicle and registration of the OSAGO policy. It is known that the last contract cannot be concluded without state registration.

Many citizens willingly use this rule without even thinking about the possibility of getting into an unforeseen accident, which is not at all excluded during the 10-day period.

Knowing or not knowing these conditions of the legislation, a sufficiently large number of motorists allow themselves to neglect the terms.

All the more fearless for them are penalties, which are ten times less.

How long can you drive without OSAGO insurance

There are separate exceptions that provide for legal driving without OSAGO for a certain time. Their legitimacy lies in the fact that they do not contradict the provisions of the current rules.

Such cases include: driving a new or used vehicle that has recently passed into the possession of a particular citizen, driving a vehicle by foreigners or if there are transit numbers.

Consider and analyze each example.

After its completion

Most drivers, unfortunately, still do not know that there is no monthly delay for issuing a new insurance policy. This regulation has been out of date for more than eight years.

Therefore, a possible issued fine should not come as a surprise to the motorist. According to the rules, the autocitizen policy becomes invalid immediately on the second day after the end date of the current one.

A driver who dared to go on the road with an overdue OSAGO even for 1 day can be fined for 800 rubles.

Practice shows that such a small amount of penalties does not encourage car owners to renew on time. The delay is regarded as the absence of OSAGO.

Possibility of seasonal registration of the policy. This means that the autocitizen can act certain period(for half a year or for the time of summer, etc.).

If it turns out that the motorist was driving the vehicle outside the established period, then he faces a fine of 500 rubles for this.

The main punishment for unscrupulous motorists can be an unforeseen accident, in which they, without exception, can become precisely at the time of the absence of a valid OSAGO policy.

When buying a new car

After purchasing a new vehicle, motorists have a 10-day period to register in the traffic police database and to purchase an OSAGO policy.

It is noteworthy that car dealerships and lenders impose "under the guise" of the CMTPL and CASCO policy, I suggest additional terms, which have pitfalls and are not always beneficial for the client.

But still, most buyers agree to such offers in order to save time. This has a positive effect on the statistics of the purchase of insurance policies.

If you want to refuse the service of a car dealer, then do not buy into intimidation about the absence of a deadline for buying OSAGO.

There are cases when, after an expensive purchase, there is not immediately the required amount for obtaining an auto citizenship, then you can use a 20-day policy, or insurance for any other temporary insurance.

Cunning and "enterprising" motorists rewrite the act of sale every 10 days, which allows the next 10-day period to drive without insurance legally. But again, we recall that the possibility of getting into an accident is not ruled out.

And such an unscrupulous driver will be forced to cover all expenses from his own pocket.

Used cars

How long can you drive without insurance before registration? Similar rules apply to cases of buying vehicles in the secondary market.

That is, if a motorist decides to acquire a used vehicle, then a 10-day period will also be allowed to reissue and purchase OSAGO.

In order not to become an illegally fined driver, you should have a sales contract with you during these days, otherwise it will be quite difficult for you to prove your innocence to the traffic police inspector.


Recall that this is an international insurance policy that covers the territory of many European countries, including the Russian Federation.

Its indisputable advantages are the ability to purchase in the country where the car is registered, travel around the countries without re-purchasing the policy in each of them, valid for 15-365 days.

If a foreigner has such a card, then OSAGO is not mandatory. But it happens when the Green Card has expired, and returning to your home country at that time is impossible.

Thus, driving on the territory of the Russian Federation is illegal if you do not buy an autocitizen policy.

The procedure for paying out an insured event caused by a foreigner will be significant in terms of time, because initially you have to contact a foreign insurer and report the incident.

On transit numbers

It should be recalled that transit numbers are temporary registration plates that are assigned to a vehicle.

Often they are used during the driving of cars across the border. But on the roads of our country you can find a sufficient number of cars with such numbers.

If the license plates are temporary, then this does not exclude the need to issue a policy.

Transit numbers are assigned for 20 days, so a period of 21 days is allotted for permanent registration and registration of auto citizenship.

For economic reasons, the purchase of a policy at this time is unjustified, but again, one should take into account the possibility of insured event, which can lead to large expenses.

For different cases, there is almost the same period for issuing OSAGO or for its extension.

This is provided for in order to purchase an auto citizen and sign an agreement. Such time frames allow everyone to comfortably solve all bureaucratic issues.


Solution Supreme Court Russian Federation regulates that traffic police inspectors do not have legal right to fine motorists whose term of delay on OSAGO does not exceed 10 days.

It says the law "On OSAGO":

This Code of Contraventions states that repeated driving does not result in additional penalties.

This means that for a previously fined car, an amount should be paid to the state treasury, which does not exceed 800 rubles.

Such loyal punishments do not contribute to improving the statistics of offenses, but on the contrary, they push motorists to deceive the law.

This is due to economic considerations, because the cost of insurance for many is an expensive pleasure.

Availability of OSAGO insurance is not only required condition for legal driving, but also a guarantee that after the occurrence of an insured event, there will be financial aid to cover damages.

There are penalties regulated by the OSAGO law, but their size does not become a warning to unscrupulous motorists.

A few years ago, vehicles of drivers without a motor vehicle citizen for repeated fines were punished by the forced evacuation of the car to a special parking lot. Nowadays, the lack of a policy is not a reason for such measures.

The main questions that motorists ask relate specifically to car insurance. How long can you drive without insurance after buying a car?

From July 1, 2017, the provisions of the OSAGO law have changed. The new rules eliminate the grace period for reissuing an expired policy and require car owners to without fail insure your civil liability within 10 days after the purchase of the vehicle. In order not to get a fine, you need to know exactly when and how much you can drive without OSAGO. We grouped the information and compiled a memo for drivers, in which we took into account all the nuances.

How long does it take to get insurance when buying a new car?

After buying a vehicle, it should be insured and registered with the traffic police.

the federal law on OSAGO dated April 25, 2002 N 40-FZ was amended several times. Last revision entered into force on July 1, 2017. It says: if a person bought a car, he must insure it within 10 calendar days.

The date of purchase is specified in the contract of sale. It is from this number that time is required to be counted. While the documents are being processed, it is advisable for the driver to carry the DKP with him and present it along with driving license when checking on the road.

When buying a car in the salon, it is possible to get OSAGO immediately. In the stores there are always consultants of the insurance company, with whom it is easy to conclude an agreement. The buyer has the right to refuse the service and issue a policy in another place within the period of time established by law.

On cost compulsory insurance affect:

    engine capacity;

    vehicle type;

    for what purposes the car will be used;

    owner's driving experience;

    region of registration.

To apply for a policy, individuals need to prepare:

    passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

    driver's license;

    vehicle passport;

    driver's licenses of people who need to be entered in OSAGO;

    diagnostic card.

If the car is less than 3 years old, no inspection is required.

Can you drive a car with expired insurance?

The insurance is valid for a certain period. Most often OSAGO is issued for 1 year. Previously, 30 calendar days were allocated for reissuance. Now Grace period canceled. The policy expires immediately after the expiration of the contract with the insurance company.

In order not to violate the law, the motorist should clearly remember the date the agreement was concluded. He must apply to insurance company at least a day before the expiration of the OSAGO period.

Driving without a policy or with expired insurance is punishable. Based on Art. 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, paragraph 2, a fine of 800 rubles is provided for this. If there is OSAGO, but the driver forgot it at home, the amount is reduced to 500 rubles.

    You need to register on the site.

    Pay for your purchase with a credit card.

    Receive supporting documents and insurance by e-mail.

The buyer does not need to certify the policy with a seal. The electronic version is the original OSAGO.

On February 15, 2018, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 4723-U. The regulator has made changes to the requirements for the use electronic documents with civil liability insurance. Now e-OSAGO comes into force 3 days after registration, so bank employees recommend paying for the purchase in advance.

You can apply for a car insurance policy for a new car only at the office of the insurance company. IN in electronic format it is impossible to obtain a document, since the vehicle data has not yet been entered into a single OSAGO database.

When can you drive without insurance?

Federal Law No. 40-FZ of April 25, 2002, as amended on December 29, 2017, in Art. 4, paragraph 3 provides for cases in which registration of OSAGO is not required.

    In possession of a vehicle, the maximum speed of which is limited to 20 km/h.

    The driver drives a car registered in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    The car is registered abroad and insured international system insurance.

    The vehicle moves with the help of non-wheel propellers: sledge, caterpillar, etc.

    Owned is a trailer for a car.

If the vehicle is inherited, insurance must be received no later than 10 days after the person became the full owner of the car.

Riding without OSAGO: common misconceptions and myths

On the forums on the network, it is easy to read messages from people who do not understand the laws and spread false information about obtaining insurance. We have collected the most popular myths and misconceptions of car owners.

    Despite the fact that the thirty-day grace period that was provided for reissuing the policy was canceled in 2009, some motorists are sure that you can still drive without OSAGO within a month after the end of the insurance.

    There are erroneous statements that when managing by proxy, there is no need for a policy. This is wrong. If the owner of the transport has issued a power of attorney for another person, the person's data must be entered with the policy. Civil liability does not apply to the car, but to the driver. It is assumed by the one who is driving the vehicle.

    Some "wise men" are advised to purchase fake policy. This is a useless and dangerous idea. A traffic police officer in a few minutes is able to verify the authenticity of insurance. For falsification of documents, the driver is threatened not only by administrative, but also by criminal liability.

    Among the common myths, there is often an opinion that in the absence of OSAGO, the license plate is removed from the car and evacuated to the impound lot. Traffic police officers do not have such a right. If this happened, the actions are easy to challenge in court.

When buying or inheriting a car, the law gives a ten-day period for issuing OSAGO, but you should not abuse the opportunity. No one is immune from trouble on the road. If an accident occurs when insurance has not yet been obtained, the owner will have to pay all costs out of his own pocket.

Getting behind the wheel of a car, you need to know the rules of traffic rules and legislation. A hot topic among motorists is the issue of general civil liability.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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How many days is it permissible to drive a car without insurance in 2020? The purchase of any car requires the indispensable acquisition of an OSAGO insurance policy.

And you need to do this in a strictly defined period of time. But at the same time, the policy is not eternal and periodically requires replacement.

How many days is it possible to do without insurance in 2020 in case of purchase new car or in case of delay in OSAGO?

Basic moments

In order to become a car owner-driver on legal grounds It's not enough just to buy a car.

The purchased car must also be registered with the traffic police, and for this you will need to issue it first.

And you need to get a policy within a strictly defined period after the purchase. The presence of the policy will be required for further driving.

In the case of control by a traffic inspector on the road, you will need to provide documents, the list of which is strictly regulated.

These include:

  • a driver's license that gives the right to drive a specified category of vehicles;
  • registration certificate for the vehicle;
  • policy compulsory insurance civil liability.

That is, it is obvious that the lack of insurance is a direct reason for bringing to legal liability.

And the opinion that the presence of a policy is advisory in nature is an absolute delusion.


The abbreviation OSAGO stands for Compulsory Auto Civil Liability Insurance.

OSAGO insurance policy is a document confirming driver's insurance. You can drive a car on the territory of the Russian Federation only if you have an OSAGO policy.

If the current Green Card insurance has expired for a foreign driver, then he must purchase OSAGO to travel on the territory of the Russian Federation by car.

Access to driving is possible only for drivers inscribed in the insurance. Otherwise, it is forbidden to transfer control, even if there is a car owner in the next seat.

This is absolutely not the case, the damage of the insured himself under the policy is not reimbursed. To compensate for his own damage, the driver must have a issued CASCO policy. Here it is necessary to understand the concept of an insured event.

This is understood as the current event, in which the civil liability of the driver arose, whose risk of liability is insured under compulsory insurance for damage to health, life and property of third parties who are victims of the use of transport.

At the same time, the use of transport means not only physical (mechanical) movement in space. Any action relating to movement or other exploitation is recognized as use.

Legal regulation

In accordance with Federal Law No. 40 of April 25, 2002, a car owner is obliged to insure his civil liability before registering a car, no later than ten days after receiving ownership.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, compulsory insurance of civil liability can be carried out only by companies included in Russian union motor insurers and are properly licensed by Federal Service insurance supervision.

Moreover, the warning in this case is excluded, since driving an uninsured car is an element of a serious offense.

Important! In 2020, when the OSAGO policy expires, license plates are not removed, and the car is not sent to the impound lot, as it was before.

How many days in 2020 can you drive a car without insurance? According to the current legislation, this period is equal to ten days from the date of obtaining ownership of the car.

Recently, I finally got my own vehicle. But, as you know, after purchasing a car, it is necessary to deal with the design of some important documents before you can afford to use the machine for its intended purpose. One of these documents is insurance certificate to the vehicle.

According to the law, each car owner is required to have this document, and in the event of a vehicle being stopped by a traffic inspector, the driver is required to present an insurance certificate issued for the vehicle on which the movement is made. And in the event that a citizen who is driving cannot do this, the traffic inspector has every right and, rather, is obliged to issue a fine.

But what about people who are in a position like mine? If the car has just been purchased, and register everything for it Required documents it was not possible. Isn't there even a couple of days of delay, allowing newly minted car owners to drive a vehicle without an issued insurance certificate?

OSAGO is insurance of the car owner's civil liability to other road users, and not property insurance at all, as is probably commonly thought.

So, it turns out that the car owner who issued OSAGO signed an agreement on the obligation to bear civil liability. And in the event of an emergency, the insurance company responsible for the accident pays all the necessary expenses of the victim. If the car of the culprit also received some damage, the culprit pays for everything, the insurance company only provides some assistance.

Since an emergency situation can occur at any time, then OSAGO should always be with you. Therefore, it is important that the insurance certificate is issued. In the event that the traffic inspector stops the driver, or for various reasons, the driver does not have such a certificate, he will be fined. If there is no OSAGO with you, because it was left at home, or, moreover, its validity period has expired, then the traffic inspector has every right to impose a fine. Of course, the driver can try to explain everything or challenge this decision, but success is unlikely to be achieved. According to the law, as already mentioned above, every car owner who is driving is required to have an OSAGO policy with him.

It is also forbidden to trust the driving of a vehicle to a person who is not included in the insurance. Even if the owner of the car sits nearby, and he has an OSAGO policy in his hand, but there is no person driving the vehicle in this policy, then in this case the citizen faces a fine.

Making a policy when buying a new vehicle

Quite often, when purchasing a new vehicle right in the salon, consultants offer to issue an insurance policy right away, arguing that driving around the city without such documents is prohibited by law. Using this argument, consultants offer not the most favorable conditions for the consumer.

However, this is not true, in fact, the new car owner has a 10-day period during which he can contact the insurance company, the conditions of which will seem to the driver the most acceptable. It turns out that during this period the car owner can choose and contact the company at the place of residence or the one whose conditions are most attractive.

10 days are calculated from the date of execution of the contract of sale.

You also need to understand that 10 business days are taken into account, not calendar days.

When is a 10-day grace period required?

According to the legislation, the absence of an insurance policy is allowed only in a single case - in the case of acquiring rights to a car. As already mentioned above, only some delay is allowed, namely for 10 days. Moreover, it does not matter how exactly the rights to the vehicle are acquired.

There are several options for purchasing a car license:

  • Purchase of a vehicle (both primary and secondary);
  • Obtaining a vehicle as a result of inheritance;
  • And the acquisition of a vehicle for use for a number of other reasons - for example, economic management or operational management.

Each car owner should be aware of their rights in order not to find themselves in a disadvantageous situation, possibly imposed by a third party.

In what cases is it not necessary to issue an OSAGO policy

There are also a number of vehicles for which the obligation to issue an insurance policy does not fall.

These include:

  • Vehicles capable of reaching a maximum speed of not more than 20 km/h;
  • A vehicle that is on the balance sheet of the Russian army;
  • Trailers for passenger cars also do not have to be insured;
  • A vehicle that does not have wheels, such as a tracked vehicle;
  • As well as a car that has an insurance policy according to the standards of another country, but on the condition that this vehicle is also registered in a foreign country.

In all other cases, the car owner does not have the right to drive a car without an issued OSAGO policy, such driving is punishable by a fine, the amount of which depends on whether the driver has the first such offense for Last year and other aggravating circumstances.

What to do if there is no time or money to renew insurance

If a citizen signing an agreement with a certain insurance company is satisfied with its work and conditions, then he has the opportunity to sign an agreement not for a whole year, but for example, only for six months, respectively, and the payment for such a service is lower than for the full term.

And if the owner of the vehicle does not have time to issue a policy due to work schedule or for some other reason, then do not forget that at present many services can be issued remotely. Including registration of the OSAGO insurance policy.

Electronic document processing is very convenient service. At present, not everyone has yet managed to use such a service and prefer what is called "the old fashioned way" to personally drive up to the insurance company and sign all the contracts there.

Electronic registration of a document significantly reduces the procedure both in terms of processing all documents and in the sense that you do not have to stand in long exhausting queues. In addition, it is quite convenient to have an electronic insurance policy because you do not have to carry a paper version with you and you can present an electronic insurance policy to a car inspector.

So, it turns out that if a driver allows himself to drive without an insurance policy, then he risks getting a fine of 500-800 rubles, depending on different indicators and conditions, and it is even possible to obtain deprivation of rights for a certain period, which is the highest punishment for this offense.

By law, the car owner has the right to drive a car without an OSAGO policy only within 10 days after signing the agreement on entry into the right to purchase a car, in all other cases, the traffic police officer who stopped the vehicle and discovered that the driver who was driving was not registered in the OSAGO policy, has the right to issue a fine or apply another type of punishment to such a negligent car owner.

The current legislation when driving a motor vehicle obliges the driver to have an OSAGO insurance policy. Moreover, the drivers themselves must ensure that everything is in order with the document. This type of insurance is a contract signed by the parties, one of which is the company issuing the policy, and the other is the owner of the car. At the same time, he is guaranteed compensation for damage if an accident occurs. In addition to OSAGO, there is insurance of a voluntary nature. It is called CASCO, as well as DSAGO. In this article we will try to answer the question: what happens if you drive without insurance? This implies, of course, an OSAGO policy, and not other contracts that can be concluded or not concluded at will.

What happens if you drive without insurance?

Russian legislation obliges the driver not only to purchase a compulsory insurance policy, but also to always have it with him while driving. Driving without a document is fraught with an offensive, for which administrative responsibility is provided. Until 2009, drivers could drive for a short period of time without it if the previous policy had just ended. However, this order was later abolished. And since then, driving a car without insurance is strictly prohibited. The document must be issued even if the driver drives the vehicle by proxy.

If a traffic police officer, having stopped the car and demanded to present documents, does not see a valid OSAGO policy among other documents, then the car owner will be fined. On the other hand, little good awaits him in the event of a traffic accident. The driver will have to not only restore the car at his own expense, but also reimburse the costs of repairing the vehicle of another participant in an accident if he is the culprit. And if, moreover, there are victims, then the entire burden of paying for the treatment will also fall on his shoulders. But penalties for the culprit also can not be avoided.

If the policy is left at home...

Sadly, in this case, the fine will still have to be paid. However, the legislature still provides that such a situation is possible. Accordingly, the amount of the fine in one case differs from the other. For the inspector, however, this issue is not fundamental. So he usually writes maximum size fine. If the driver does not agree with such a decision, he should try to convince the policeman that he really has a contract. You can ask relatives or friends to bring the policy to the traffic police post or go home for insurance on a ride yourself. After all, one way or another, it will be needed for further driving. There is another option. You can prove the existence of a policy via the Internet, especially if an electronic OSAGO has been issued.

Electronic OSAGO

This type of service appeared in Russia quite recently. Some drivers have already taken advantage of convenient service. Others prefer to buy insurance "the old fashioned way", driving up to the office and receiving a paper document. Of course, electronic OSAGO has a number of advantages compared to acquiring in the usual way. Firstly, you can order a policy at any time convenient for you, spending only 7-10 minutes of your time. You don’t have to take time off from work and go somewhere, stand in line to get a document.

Secondly, there is probably no driver who would not be faced with intrusive offers from insurance agents to purchase additional services. Many, without much hesitation, agree to everything that they are offered. And then they regret the choice. But when ordering online, this problem will not arise. The car owner himself chooses those services that seem optimal to him.

However, there are also electronic OSAGO and disadvantages. In particular, this concerns the fact that the online server is not yet well maintained. Thus, during peak hours for online orders, it may freeze. And all the entered data will have to be entered again and again. Let's hope that this problem will be solved in the future. Meanwhile, we return to the question of what will happen if you drive without insurance. Having figured out that liability in its absence cannot be avoided, we see that there is still some advantage in the presence of electronic OSAGO.

Electronic OSAGO and traffic police inspector

By ordering it, the driver receives email letter with attached policy. Having access to the Internet on his phone, he can go to the mail and show the policy to the inspector electronically. Of course, this does not cancel his obligation to pay the fine. But the amount will be a little less.

What else can you do to pay less?

If the traffic police inspector does not agree with any arguments, and it is impossible to go home or get a policy through relatives, then there are still options on how to get out of the situation with the least losses:

  1. In the protocol, which is filled in by the traffic police officer, there is a point where the driver can write his opinion about the illegality of the fine. And point out the real reason there.
  2. Within 10 days, the car owner has the right to protest the fine by contacting the superiors of the employee who drew up the protocol. Often this works.
  3. There is another option to go to court. However, there is hardly a driver who would decide to sue because of such a small fine. Usually, having paid it, they forget about the fact. But it would be nice if it taught in the future to always have an OSAGO document in paper form with you.

Is it possible to drive a car without insurance and what will it be like?

As we already know, if the operation of a motor vehicle is prohibited. More recently, until 2009, the operation of the vehicle was allowed when the policy expired. Drivers then asked themselves the question: how many days can you drive without insurance? For a whole month, the driver could not worry that he would have to pay a fine if a traffic police officer stopped him. Now the situation has changed radically. And there is a categorical answer to the question of how long you can drive without insurance. Under the OSAGO agreement, even if it only expired a couple of hours ago, it is impossible to operate the vehicle. In this case, the driver will be fined.

What is the penalty?

There are currently two administrative penalties:

  • 800 rubles. The driver pays them for driving without a issued policy.
  • 500 rubles. The money is paid for the absence of OSAGO with you or the driver who was driving the vehicle at the time of the stop by the traffic police inspector.

If the driver is not included in the OSAGO policy?

Let's dwell on this point in more detail. OSAGO insurance may allow operation only for those drivers who are included in the contract, or for everyone without restrictions. The second option is much more expensive for the car owner. Therefore, most often choose the first. According to him, only those persons who are registered in the contract can drive a car. Therefore, if a person not specified in the document is driving the car, you will have to pay a fine. And in this case, the car owner is guilty, not the driver.

Typically, an OSAGO agreement is concluded for a period of one year. But, for some car owners, this is inconvenient. Some go on a long business trip, others use the car only in a certain season (for example, summer residents). For them, of course, it would be better if they could drive without insurance. However, the contract may provide for another period. For example, six months or 3 months. However, in this case, the policy will cost much more. At the same time, there are exceptional cases when the car can be driven without insurance.

  1. If motor vehicle was purchased recently. How long can you drive without insurance in this case? The law calls for a period of 10 days.
  2. When entering into an inheritance.
  3. In other cases provided by law.


What happens if you drive without insurance? We have already understood that in this case a traffic police officer will issue a fine if he stops the car. And the amount of the penalty depends on the OSAGO agreement concluded at that time or its absence as such. It is also now clear what to do if the policy is left at home, but the inspector refuses to believe in it.

It should be added that a fine is the only way a traffic police officer can punish a negligent driver. Until recently, until 2014, for such a violation, state numbers could be removed, and the car sent to a car impound. However, this rule was decided to be abolished. And the maximum that a driver can expect today is a fine of 800 rubles.