Is it possible to insure the car. Not sure how to protect your property? We will tell you several methods of apartment insurance and repairs in it

The most simple algorithm for obtaining OSAGO, without the need to overpay and conclude a life insurance contract. The correct method of protection from illegal imposition of additional paid services by insurance companies. Despite the legislative requirement for insurers, which clearly defines the procedure for insuring motor third party liability, together with MTPL policies they diligently impose accompanying insurance contracts: such as life insurance, property insurance, etc.

Car insurance without life insurance

For some time now, in many regions of our country it has become very laborious and costly for motorists. are reluctant to issue OSAGO policies without concluding additional insurance contracts.

In case of refusal, insurers find a variety of excuses, in order to either force the policyholder to overpay for insurance, or force him to wait for his policy for several months under various pretexts. A motorist in such a situation has two ways out of this situation. You can always pay the insurance company for an additional contract, losing an amount slightly less than or even exceeding the cost of the policy itself. There is also another way out, the algorithm of which is knowledge of Russian legislation and one's own rights.

A temptingly low price is a sign of encountering scammers and should be avoided.

What to do if you are denied to conclude an OSAGO policy without additional services?

The lion's share of car owners believes that it is impossible to get it. Most insurers deliberately mislead drivers, making this thesis my motto. Unknowingly, many conclude many related contracts, overpaying for the policy in 2, or even 3 times more than the amount established by law.

It is important that the motorist knows and understands the opportunities provided by the legislation in this matter. In 2014, the Law on was significantly modernized, the following amendments were made to it:

  1. Insurance Company has no right to demand from the applied car owner originals from the package of required documents.
  2. The insurer has no right to refuse to issue a policy to the car owner who submitted an application and provided the necessary package of documents.
  3. MTPL policy is issued no later than every other day from the moment the funds are deposited into the account of the insurance company.
  4. For imposition, the company can be fined 50 thousand rubles is a significant amount, especially for small companies.

If the insurance company diligently tries to persuade the policyholder to use additional services, and reacts to reluctance by refusing to issue.

When a car owner intends to defend his position, there are several options for the development of events:

  1. The car owner agrees with the refusal, but requires the insurer to issue it in writing, or finds other ways of proving that the company refused to issue a policy. In this situation, any methods are good: from recording what is happening on the camera to the simplest dictaphone. The main thing is that the victim has a material basis for his future appeal to the court. Consideration of an application in court will take several months, but the wait will be rewarded with payment of material damage, lost profits (if transport is a way of earning money) and expenses (using other people's cars) associated with the inability to use personal transport.
  2. You can also conclude an OSAGO agreement, but sign on the margins of the document that it was refused to issue a policy without life. With this policy, you must write an application to Rospotrebnadzor, which will take measures regarding the insurance company. The car owner will be able to terminate the contract without any fines and overpayments, and then receive compensation taking into account the losses incurred.
  3. The last option is very risky. The car owner accepts the conditions of the insurer by concluding an OSAGO contract and. After a few days, the contracts are terminated, and a penalty is paid from the insurance premium. This method, from the experience of using it, works. However, one should take into account the ratio of the size of the premium and the penalty - it should be beneficial for the car owner.

Conclusion of a CTP policy without life insurance

To conclude without overpayments and imposing additional services from the insurance company, you must follow the following algorithm:

  • you need to find the website of the insurance company and familiarize yourself with the base rates there;
  • in accordance with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, an approximate amount of the insurance premium can be calculated. This will help the indication of the Central Bank, where everything is written in detail;
  • after that, it is necessary to pay the insurance premium on the account of the selected company. This must be done so that later on there is a confirmation of payment;
  • collect and make copies of the documents required by law: passport, car registration certificate, driver's license, vehicle inspection card, copy of the premium payment receipt.
  • an application is filled in, the form of which is also provided by the Central Bank.
  • transfer of the application to the insurer.

Most insurers will be forced to accept the entire package of documents without claims and additional gimmicks.

The clear rules of the law do not stop insurance companies seeking benefits from convincing the car owner of the need to conclude a life insurance contract. The insurer has no right under the law to force to conclude this agreement, or refuse to issue a policy. Life insurance is entirely voluntary.

Obtaining an MTPL policy without life insurance - watch video

Advantages and disadvantages of car insurance without a life insurance policy

If a novice driver really wants to insure his life, then concluding several contracts in one trusted company at once will be a convenient and practical solution. Life insurance has its advantages. Actual coercion to conclude additional contracts plays the main rejection role on the part of drivers. The disadvantages can also be ranked relatively high rate of conclusion of such agreements, which stops most car enthusiasts before this step. We also recommend that you read our articles that will prompt, and.

Self-registration of an OSAGO policy via the Internet is not yet very popular among drivers. It seems to us that it is safer to personally come to the insurance company and conclude a contract in person, having clarified all the available questions on insurance services.

On the other hand, those who from year to year insure their car in the same organization are not averse to extending MTPL via the Internet - no new questions arise, the algorithm of actions has long become a habit, but they do not always know how to do it correctly. An added bonus can be time and even money savings - some insurers offer a discount if you contact them online. How to correctly insure your car over the Internet, read this article.

Save time and money

The real opportunity to issue OSAGO via the Internet appeared not so long ago. So, at first, the policy could only be extended in this way (from 01.07.2015), and only later (from 01.10.2015) motorists began to issue it from scratch.

It's no secret that many insurers have recently been imposing additional services in the form of life or real estate insurance. We all know that coercion to purchase additional services is far from the law, but you can't travel without OSAGO either. Therefore, motorists buy the entire package of services, paying for it at exorbitant prices and thereby raising the profits of insurance organizations. When issuing an electronic policy, this is excluded: the client marks only the type of insurance that he really needs.

In addition, drivers living in remote areas can no longer spend time traveling to major cities for insurance contracts. Also, insurers who do not want to provide an OSAGO service and motivate their refusal by the absence of forms will not be able to do this on the Internet: there are always electronic forms. Legal entities are allowed to issue policies through the World Wide Web from 01.07.2016.

How to choose an insurer to obtain an MTPL policy online

If you have been concluding contracts with the same insurer for many years, there is probably no point in changing it. But what if your company has not yet established the electronic contract drafting process? Experts nevertheless believe that it is better to wait until the progress spreads to other insurers and for the time being to issue the usual paper form of OSAGO, because too often, due to the imperfection of the insurance system in Russia, problems arise associated with the non-use of MSC.

Currently, you can insure a car via the Internet and get an electronic OSAGO policy in about twenty companies:

  • MSK Moscow Insurance Company (;
  • Parity-SK (;
  • Rosgosstrakh (;
  • Energogarant (;
  • Consent (;
  • VSK Military Insurance Company (;
  • Alpha insurance (;
  • Reso-guarantee ( and some others.

From January 1, 2017, all insurance companies are required to provide citizens with the opportunity to obtain an MTPL policy online.

When choosing an organization, you should familiarize yourself with customer reviews, as well as with the information provided on the official website of the company, while paying attention to:

  • the size of the authorized capital (the more, the better);
  • period of work (duration over eight years is encouraged);
  • rating among insurance companies - this information can be found on the Internet, as well as on the PCA website.

It is convenient to use integrator sites to choose an insurance company in your region and compare prices.

Insurance registration procedure

The procedure for issuing OSAGO itself is quite simple. Having chosen the company whose services you intend to apply, you need to go to its website, and then:

  • register by providing your personal data (including the series and number of your passport), as well as your phone number and address of residence;
  • enter your personal account using your login and a unique code (password), which will be received in the form of an SMS message or an email. The password can also be obtained from the company office. In addition, if you use the portal of public services, then the same password and logins can be used to enter the personal account of any insurance organization;
  • in your personal account you need to fill out an application for the extension or issue of a new policy. It must contain the same information as when receiving the policy "the old fashioned way", while using an electronic signature. If you do not have such a signature, then you can enter the password given to you - you can also verify your data with it;
  • if everything is done correctly and you have passed the check in the Automated Information System (AIS), then a message from the insurer will appear in your personal account, in which you will see the calculation of the contract price and the payment method. The cost of the service can be paid by bank cards of almost all Russian banks; in large insurance companies, you can use the funds of electronic wallets of popular payment systems;
  • after payment, the electronic OSAGO policy will appear in your personal account and will be additionally sent to your mailbox. We recommend that you print the policy and have it with you while driving - not all regions have a single database ideally yet, by which you can check the availability of insurance by the state number. In such large companies as Rossgostrakh, after purchasing insurance on the Internet, a policy on paper is delivered to the client's home free of charge. Together with the document, information about contacts, an algorithm on the procedure for action in the event of an insured event, etc. is sent to the car owner by mail. They can also be printed out for use.

According to clauses 4 and 7.2 of Article 15 of the Law on MTPL, the printed electronic policy completely replaces the original paper policy on the form of the State Sign.

Simplified design option

Recently, large insurers, realizing that it is difficult for a citizen to independently issue an electronic policy, send SMS with a proposal for an extension on the site a few days before the end of the contract. The message looks something like this:

Dear Ivan Ivanovich! Your OSAGO policy series YAY number 0101010101 ends on 01.12.2019. You can renew it online: we have prepared an electronic OSAGO policy for you. To confirm the data and pay for it directly on the website, follow the link www.RGS./ru/eOSAGO, then follow the instructions. Your pin code is 010101.

If you received such an SMS (in the example, the Rossgosstrakh link was used), then the procedure for obtaining insurance on the Internet is significantly simplified for you. Your actions are as follows:

  1. Follow the specified link, you will be asked to indicate your phone number and pin code from SMS - so the system will find the document prepared for you.
  2. You will be prompted for your personal account password, which will be sent to your e-mail. Change this temporary password, use the new one to log into your account on the website of the insurance company.
  3. In your personal account, you will be asked to familiarize yourself with the prepared policy with the data already entered. You need to get the previous one and check the data of the car, the main and additional drivers, the validity period, etc. If everything is the same, check the box to mark the consent.
  4. After that, you will be prompted to go to the payment page, where you go through the procedure for a regular online purchase.
  5. After payment, you will receive a policy and all accompanying documents that you need to print by e-mail.

Let us remind once again that only large insurers work in this mode. By using such a simplified procedure for the electronic compilation of an OSAGO policy, you save money and time as much as possible, as well as avoid technical problems and possible errors in the text that you could have made when filling out yourself.

If something went wrong

The most frequent failures in the registration of an electronic OSAGO policy can be:

Lack of confirmation of driver data in a unified AIS system

Without this, the user will not be able to fill out the application and receive the service. It is difficult to say why such a problem exists and how to fix it - perhaps your data was not entered in time or a failure occurred in the insurer's program;


Considering that no documents need to be submitted to the office, the insurer's employees check all the data specified by the driver on the database. So, when registering OSAGO on the Internet, they will definitely check for information about the technical inspection, about accidents involving the client's car, his experience, as well as all the data about the vehicle (year of issue, date of issue of documents, driver's license, etc.). In some cases (it must be admitted that there are fewer of them lately), the check stops at some stage - for example, no information has been received about the passage of a mandatory technical inspection, without which no one will issue a policy. For the conscientious owner of the car, it becomes incomprehensible why a timely technical inspection is not displayed in the program and, thus, becomes an obstacle to obtaining an electronic MTPL. The reason for this circumstance may be the erroneous entry of data during the passage of a technical inspection or a malfunction in the system;

Technical errors

When filling out, you need to be extremely careful, since all errors that were made in the application will become the basis for refusing to issue a policy, both on paper and electronic. The AIS system will indicate that the car owner does not exist with the data indicated in the application, so it will not be possible to draw up a contract. You need to notify the insurance company about such confusion and insist on entering data on your experience, previous insurance contracts and the series / number of the driver's license;

It is impossible by proxy

To date, only the owner of the car can issue a policy online, it is not yet possible to do this by proxy. There are also problems with the registration of a new car - until it is registered with the traffic police, there is no data about it in the AIS database - therefore, the transport can be insured exclusively with a personal visit to the office;


With the emergence of the possibility of using online services on the Internet, many intermediaries have appeared offering services for filling out the form. We do not recommend contacting them for help - after all, you will need to pay for services on your behalf, while no one will give you a guarantee that there will be no fraudulent intentions in this case. Attackers can easily get hold of unique information about a bank card. In addition, there is a danger of the subsequent use of your personal data for questionable purposes;

Regional problems

According to the current rules, it is impossible to order an electronic policy in a company whose representative office is not in the region of residence of the car owner. The availability of the service in a particular organization will be displayed when filling out the form;

Problems on the websites of insurers

Users still face technical problems on the sites of insurers: from a very long check of the entered data in the PCA to a complete stop of the site. At the same time, the possibilities of providing services are improving, so you should not give up the opportunity to keep up with the times and draw up documents remotely.

You don't have to be the owner to drive a car. It can be controlled by anyone to whom the owner entrusted his iron horse. And life is full of such examples. But can a driver who has received the right to drive obtain compulsory auto insurance without an owner?

Is it possible to take out insurance without an owner

The current Russian legislation prohibits driving a vehicle without motor third party liability insurance. This measure allows you to protect the interests of the parties in an accident.

The vehicle owner and the persons who actually dispose of it should remember that, according to Federal Law No. 40, vehicle insurance requirements are a prerequisite for everyone. For driving a car for which the CTP policy is not issued or expired, the driver will be fined.

As a rule, the owner of the car deals with these issues. But quite often there are situations when the owner not only does not drive his car, but also lives in a completely different region. At the same time, his plans do not include a visit to the traffic police and fuss with papers. In such a situation, the trustee has a reasonable question, is it possible to take out insurance for a car without the presence of the owner?

Experts answer this question positively. Today the law gives such a right to those who actually dispose of the vehicle, without being the owner of the car. Most often, the driver has a power of attorney from the owner of the car. But even if there is no such power of attorney, the driver cannot be deprived of the rights given to him by law, including the opportunity to insure the car he is driving. Therefore, the insurer should not refuse to take out car insurance without a power of attorney. By and large, insurance companies do not care who is the insurer for OSAGO and who will pay for the insurance. Any person driving a car can issue an MTPL policy.

At the discretion of the insurer, when issuing or extending OSAGO not for the owner of the vehicle, the driver may be required to choose from:

  • a previously issued policy to make sure that the person insuring the vehicle is inscribed in it;
  • a power of attorney in a simple handwritten form without notarization, which was made by the owner of the transport;
  • presence at registration of the real owner of the vehicle.

Is the owner of the car and the insured the same person?

From the point of view of legislation, the policyholder and the owner should not at all be one and the same person. Often in life they are completely different people. However, both of them must be included in the mandatory car liability policy. In this case, the insured under OSAGO and the owner fit into separate columns specially provided for such a case. This suggests that you can insure the car without the presence of the owner.

In the event of an insured event, compensation for damage can be transferred to the bank account of the injured party or received by it at the cash desk of the insurance company. Also, insurers often do not issue cash, but prefer to transfer money directly to a car service that repairs the vehicle.

In such a situation, the policy of the insured vehicle is issued in the name of the owner. This is beyond doubt. And who, in this case, is the policyholder? This is the person who:

  • on behalf of the car owner insures the car under OSAGO;
  • enters into a contract with an insurance company;
  • deposits money for insurance;
  • can change the list of drivers approved to drive the vehicle.

It should be borne in mind that if a car gets into an accident, it is the owner who will receive the insurance payment for compensation for damage to property and health.
It should be understood that the approach: “I insure, I get money,” does not work in such a situation. If the car owner does not plan to receive payments and engage in repairs, but delegates his powers to someone else, he needs to know how to legally carry out such a transfer of rights. In this case, a notarized document must be drawn up, which clearly specifies who can claim monetary compensation if an insured event occurs.

In addition, such a power of attorney can determine the range of rights for the vehicle driver, to establish who is the owner:

  • admits to management;
  • gives the right to sell, withdraw or register;
  • authorizes to issue OSAGO or extend the validity of the policy.

The procedure for obtaining insurance without an owner

If the legislation gives a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to insure a car without an owner, a car enthusiast who is allowed to drive should know how to do this.

For registration, the car does not need to be provided for inspection. It should be remembered that it is not the vehicle itself that is insured, but the civil liability of the driver of the insured car to other road users.

It is not difficult to insure a car without an owner. To do this, the selected insurer needs to provide a certain set of documents:

  1. Insured passport.
  2. A copy of the owner's passport.
  3. A set of driver's licenses for persons who will be allowed to drive.
  4. Certificate of registration for the insured vehicle.
  5. CTP policy obtained in the previous period.
  6. The document on the passage of the technical inspection.
  7. Power of attorney from the owner of the car with the right to issue a policy for car insurance.

It is even easier to do the registration online. To do this, it will be enough to prepare all the necessary documents and select a suitable insurance company. After registration, you should go to the online insurance section and enter all the data from the documents in the appropriate fields. All that remains is to wait for the calculation of the cost, pay for the insurance and print it on paper.

Considering that a car in life is often used not by the owner, but by another person authorized to this person, the one who sits behind the wheel needs to know how to get car insurance without the owner. If the driver has an OSAGO policy, he can be sure that in the event of an accident on the road, the insurer will cover the damage to the injured party in part or in full, eliminating many problems.

It seems that you can insure anything and anyone who wants to can do it. However, it turns out that in order to conclude an insurance contract, a property interest associated with the object is required. This means that not all of you are free to insure. But even insuring does not mean getting money for insurance. Depending on the object of insurance, certain requirements are imposed on you as an insured, and if you plan to receive money in the event of an insured event, you need to be recognized as a beneficiary from a legal point of view.

In other words, not everyone who pays calls the tune. Consider the concepts in different types of insurance. So, can I insure ...

…THE PROPERTY. Real estate insurance is based on documents of title confirming your ownership, lease or other property interest. Any person using this property and interested in safety can insure real estate. Therefore, to insure an apartment it is enough to be registered in it and run a joint household with the owner. If the apartment is in the shared ownership of several persons, any owner can act as the insured.

Only the owner can exercise the right to receive the insurance benefit on the basis of a certificate of ownership. If there are several owners, then one of them is indicated as the beneficiary under the contract and he receives the entire amount of compensation. If the insured property is rented, the tenant can receive payment from the insurance company only with the written consent of the owner. The same applies to mortgage real estate - you can receive payments only with the consent of the bank that issued the loan, or the amount is transferred to the bank to pay off the debt.

... HOUSEHOLD PROPERTY. Household property can also be insured by any person interested in its safety. In contrast to real estate, this property does not have any documents fixing its owner. Therefore, home property is insured at a permanent place of residence, the address is indicated in the policy, and any person registered in this apartment or the owner of a country house is the insured and beneficiary.

…CAR. Like any property insurance, vehicle insurance requires a property interest in safety. Theoretically, any driver allowed to drive has such an interest, however, insurers in recent years have been leaning towards a clear requirement - only the owner of the vehicle title acts as the Insured, and he is also the beneficiary in all insured events.

Exceptions are cases of buying a vehicle under a general power of attorney or on credit. If you draw up a general power of attorney with the previous owner, then the latter cannot be fully called the former, because the power of attorney can be revoked or expired. In this regard, you should carefully check the text of the power of attorney and find in it not only the right to use, sell the vehicle and other actions, but also the right to conclude an insurance contract and receive insurance payments. Without this phrase in the power of attorney, no insurer will pay you money for insurance.

If the car is bought on credit, then at the risk of "damage" the buyer is recognized as the beneficiary, but in the event of theft or death, the bank is considered the beneficiary in the amount of the outstanding loan.

… LIFE AND HEALTH. When it comes to health, the person himself, his family, employer or business partner, as well as the creditor bank have a material interest. It is these persons who can act as policyholders in the first place, but theoretically it can be any person who agrees to make a contribution. The Insured does not acquire any rights to receive money in personal insurance. Only the insured person himself or the organization providing services under the insurance (hospital or service company) can count on compensation, but one way or another the insured receives help.

In the event of death (accident insurance or life insurance), it is obvious that the insured cannot receive the payment, therefore the beneficiary is appointed in the contract with his written consent. Even if the person named by the insured is not his legal heir, no one has the right to challenge his receipt of the insurance benefit in the event of the death of the insured. If no such person has been appointed, then the beneficiaries will be the heirs by law after the entry into inheritance rights. Such contracts are concluded by employers in favor of employees, because are unable to obtain the written consent of each employee.

... LIABILITY The policyholder in the contract can be any person who believes that in the course of his activities he can cause harm to someone, and the victims automatically become beneficiaries. They began to teach us to this principle with the introduction of OSAGO and at first not everyone understood why I paid for the policy, and the repair was paid for by another.

There are many more types of liability where we can act as beneficiaries. Most professional activities are related to liability to the client, so if you are interested in insuring your rights, you can check the availability of a liability insurance contract with builders, notaries, appraisers, realtors, doctors of paid clinics and beauty parlors. The liability insurance contract guarantees you the quality of services and compensation for errors and accidents. In addition, the existence of a liability insurance contract for these professionals will once again confirm the solidity of your chosen organization.

Very often there are situations when a car is registered for one person, but another person operates it. Sometimes the owner has no rights at all, and even lives far from the location of the vehicle. This can go on for many years without causing any problems. With all this, the motorist should figure out whether it is possible to insure a car without an owner.

What is car insurance

MTPL is an insurance that guarantees that in the event of an accident, financial and physical damage will be paid. That is, this policy does not insure the driver or the car, but is responsible for the consequences of the insurance situation.

Insurance payments in the form of repair work of the vehicle or financial compensation are implied only for victims. The motorist, through whose fault the incident happened, will not be able to get anything from the company.

How is OSAGO formalized if the owner and the driver are different people

According to the established rules, OSAGO is issued in the shortest possible time: no later than 10 days from the moment of purchase of the car. Therefore, usually, the first insurance is issued by the owner himself.

After the end of the primary contract, it must be renewed. In this situation, the car owner has the right to draw up a power of attorney for another citizen, and in fact not operate the vehicle. According to the law, such cases are allowed, therefore it is clearly established who has the right to insure a car under OSAGO - both the owner of the vehicle and the driver can do this.

Situations when a policy is acquired by a person who is not considered the owner of the car are common. To save on payment, the car is issued for a person that does not even have a right - for a child or a relative with a disability. For example, a family has a vehicle registered for a spouse, but her husband drives. As a result, the owner and the driver are different people.

In order to make the whole process of acquiring compulsory motor third party liability insurance easier, the company has the right to conclude a contract with the one who will present a paper on the right to drive the presented car. At the same time, documents on ownership are not needed.

Therefore, in a situation where the insured and the owner of the car are different persons, the OSAGO contract is drawn up for each of them. In reality, the insurance contract is often bought by the one who actually drives the car, regardless of who is considered to be its owner.

Is it possible to issue OSAGO if there is no owner of the vehicle

When registering a policy, certain data must be entered into the contract, in particular, personal information about the owner and other people who are allowed to drive. This information is used to calculate the cost of insurance, which grows from the increase in the number of motorists.

It often happens that the driver and the owner live in different cities and do not see each other for a certain period of time. Then the question arises about whether a motorist can draw up a policy himself, or whether it is possible to do MTPL without a car owner.

According to current laws, the absence of the owner of the car in the company when signing the policy is not considered an obstacle to the paperwork. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to create additional problems and require the presence of the owner of the vehicle in the office of the insured.

The document is completed and paid by the vehicle manager. However, this is in the event that he is able to show a power of attorney to drive the car.

Agents cannot refuse to issue insurance to a person who is not considered the owner of the vehicle, or require the presence of the owner when signing a contract. If the question as to whether a non-owner of the car can issue OSAGO has nevertheless appeared, then the driver has the right to refer to the relevant law and protect his interests.


Before you go to the office to purchase OSAGO, you need to prepare the documentation:

  1. with the results of the inspection.
  2. Personal passport of the motorist and VU.

This list is suitable for registration of a policy by both the owner and the motorist. However, when deciding how to take out insurance for a car without an owner, you will also need a power of attorney to drive this car.

Certain firms ask that when signing a contract there are passports of both the owner and the driver, and some only need the passport information of the owner.

Used car insurance

When signing a contract for the purchase and sale of a supported vehicle, the owner should take care of the correct preparation of all documentation for the vehicle, in particular insurance.

Initially, you need to understand that there are special terms for the validity of the policy. The new owner is not entitled to use the policy of the previous one if the validity period is still valid. Therefore, in any case, you will have to get new insurance, which will be valid from the moment of conclusion.

This is due to the fact that when concluding a new OSAGO agreement, the newly-made owner needs to rewrite all the papers in his name. And due to the fact that they have the name of the owner, and the insurance must be registered with the corresponding citizen. Otherwise, in case of an accident, it will be impossible to use the services of the company.

Who gets paid when the policy is not issued to the owner

The presence of OSAGO gives a guarantee that in case of an accident, the insurance will cover the expenses for repair work of the injured vehicle. According to the law, money is due to the one who is considered the policyholder, because he fulfilled the obligations earlier: he signed the contract, paid for the policy, received the document in his hands.

It is possible to receive funds in case of an insurance situation both in cash and by bank account according to the details.

A similar procedure will be valid in 2019, after the start of the rules on replacing payments for civil liability insurance with repair work. Indeed, the new law contains certain exceptions, for which cash payment is still provided.

Who renews the insurance

A car enthusiast who is not considered the owner of the car is not able to travel on it for an unlimited amount of time. That is, it is possible as long as he has the appropriate power of attorney. There must also be insurance.

But the period of validity of the policy is one year, then it will have to be renewed. Naturally, the question will arise as to whether it is not the owner of the car that can extend the CMTPL.

This action does not require the personal presence of the owner if the previous document was registered to the motorist. That is, the driver with a power of attorney from the owner, and not only the owner himself, can renew the policy every year. This is allowed to be done an unlimited number of times, in a period of many years.

Is it possible to indicate another driver in the insurance

In the documentation, the owner enters information about people that are allowed to drive the vehicle. But you need to remember that the price of the policy rises from the number of entered persons. Therefore, it is recommended to record only those who use the car regularly.

If MTPL is bought not by the owner, but by the motorist, then he has the right not to indicate the owner of the car, because the very existence of insurance allows a person to use it.

Choosing a company

In order to get insurance for OSAGO in a reliable company, you need to initially view information about different organizations. When purchasing insurance, it is advisable to carefully study the rate indicator.

This number is regulated by law and should not be different from firm to firm. In addition, you need to find out the indicator of the authorized capital of the institution, as well as the presence of branches in other cities of the state.