Transport tax has not received a letter. Transport tax

Reading time: 3 minutes

The toll is an annual payment that is mandatory for all vehicle owners. Its value depends on the engine power, the region of registration, the availability of benefits for the car owner, as well as on some other parameters. Most often, envelopes with amounts accrued over the past year appear in mailboxes in the second half of the year. current year. When it comes transport tax, the owner of the car must pay it before December 1. If you have not received a notification from the tax office, this is not a reason to assume that you will not have to pay anything.

When a notification is sent

Legal entities must calculate the amount of the fee and enter this data into the declaration on their own. and the distribution of notifications to the addresses of private payers is carried out by the territorial department of the tax service. So it’s completely optional for ordinary Russians to calculate how much they have to pay, but of course, they need to know when the transport tax on a car for the past year should come.

Usually, the first "swallows" from the fiscal department begin to appear at the end of summer-August and should arrive no later than November 1. Not only a notification is enclosed in the envelope, but also a receipt for payment, in which the payment amount and the payer's data have already been entered. The task of the taxpayer is to get acquainted with the accruals and make a payment at the nearest bank branch. If all the necessary details are known, then payment can be made through online banking.

Why didn't the notification come?

If you regularly pay the duty on the receipt, then, of course, you are concerned about the question, why are they not sending the transport tax for the last year?

In fact, there can be quite a few reasons. Statistics show that the most common are the following:

  • The delay may be caused by the need to recalculate the accrued amount due to errors and inaccuracies identified by the tax service.
  • Sometimes the reason why your address is not receiving last year's car tax may be your own forgetfulness. Check if you forgot to inform the fiscal authorities that you own the vehicle. Maybe you changed your place of residence and not? Then the payments will go to the same address.
  • If your vehicle, then notifications will be sent to its name and address.
  • Another, the most common, reason why the transport tax on a car for the past year still does not come is the very unhurried work of the Russian Post. The letter may be left lying around in some post office, but according to the law it will be considered delivered 6 days after it was sent.
  • If you still haven't received your transport tax for the past year before November 1, and all reasonable deadlines have already passed, it's time to take matters into your own hands.

What to do

As already mentioned, if the taxpayer is not delivered notifications from the Federal Tax Service, this does not at all cancel the obligation to pay the due fee. What to do if the transport tax for the last year does not come?

To get started, contact the office of the tax office and check there if a notification was sent to you and if there is an error in the postal address. Upon application, you may be issued a receipt again or be informed of the exact amount of the toll.

Now you know that it is necessary to pay, and you can imagine what to do if the transport tax on the car does not come or. This will save you from liability and accrual of penalties and fines.

If an unreasonable desire to save money creeps into your soul, carefully read the article "". But that's a completely different story...

How to calculate transport tax: Video

Since car owners often face difficult situations regarding various documents, something that does not come can happen.

It would seem that this is impossible, but given the large number of taxpayers and the huge bureaucratic burden, one has to face an unpleasant reality - the receipt may not arrive. What to do in such a situation? How on time, so as not to violate the terms of payments?

If the car tax does not come, the car owner must find the debt on his own. It will not be difficult, but first of all, you need to know the reason for the lack of the amount to be paid. Sometimes it may lie in the calculation of benefits or other situations.

Since any car owner, with the exception of preferential categories, is obliged to carry out this financial transaction no later than the deadlines specified by law, we are talking about compliance with the law. If they are violated, the payer will face liability and a protracted process of proceedings.

The main reasons for missing a receipt are as follows:

  1. The car is registered to a citizen who belongs to the category of beneficiaries. This means that the receipt will not come in your name or will not come at all if the payer has the right not to pay the toll at all.
  2. When buying a car, it is registered in databases. If there was a failure in the transfer of information from the traffic police to the tax service, the last resort may not be aware that the citizen is now the legal owner. The transfer of data takes place within ten working days, so it makes sense to wait until the end of this period.
  3. The citizen forgot to inform the tax service that he became the owner of a car that has already been registered with the traffic police. In this case, it is recommended to immediately transfer the relevant information to the branch at the place of registration in order to avoid the accrual of a fine for trying to avoid the obligation to pay tax.
  4. The letter with the receipt was sent, but in the process there was some collection or loss of mail, due to which the letter did not reach the addressee on time or did not arrive at all. In this case, this is a problem of the post office, which can arise with any payer, regardless of his place of residence.
  5. Due to some difficulties with the calculation, recalculation or accrual of benefits, the receipt is delayed. In this case, you can contact the tax office at the place of registration or wait if time permits.

Features of the transport tax

The transport tax is mandatory payment, the amount of which depends on regional characteristics, specifications and the position of a citizen who is a car owner and, accordingly, a taxpayer.

To find out the exact amount and eligibility for benefits, you should approach the issue responsibly and carefully study all available information.

Since any citizen who owns a vehicle is obliged to pay the toll within the time limits established by the state, early resolution of disputes is welcome in this case.

If the payer does not want to pay the tax or believes that he is entitled to a benefit, documentary evidence will be required. This applies to any region of the country, so you can't just ignore a financial obligation.

Ways to search for debt

Without a receipt in hand, a citizen must know what to do if the car tax does not come. by the most in a simple way there will be an appeal to the tax office at the place of residence. The method has a big minus - time and nerves that will have to be spent when visiting an instance. Since not all car owners are ready to take such a step, there are other options for solving the problem.

You can find out the exact amount payable and the details by which it is made in the following ways:

  • official website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • portal "Gosuslugi";
  • Sberbank website;
  • online wallet.

The first method requires prior contact with the Federal Tax Service, therefore, if you want to know where to get a receipt, you should take this into account. If there is still no notification at the time of the need to pay, and the payer is already registered on the site, there will be no problems.

Otherwise, you will have to wait two weeks after submitting a written application to the service. During this time, a code confirming registration will be sent by registered mail. And only after that the user will be able to log in to the site. Then it will take a few minutes to find the right category and generate a receipt.

Portal "Gosuslugi" is a specialized site that was created to pay taxes and receive necessary information citizens through the Internet. This opportunity allows you to significantly save time, since the payer does not have to personally visit either the tax service or the bank branch.

Being a registered user on the official website of Sberbank of Russia, the payer can go to the "Personal Account" and find required category on payment of taxes. There, the site will automatically generate a receipt based on the data entered by the car owner.

To date, electronic wallets have become a popular and popular solution for paying for a variety of services - from replenishing a mobile account to taxation. Having opened a wallet on one of the services, the payer can easily find out the current debt and immediately pay it.

Calculator for calculation

Calculator for self-calculation of tax this year:


It is impossible to pay transport tax without a receipt. This is due to the fact that the citizen must know the exact amount of the payment, take into account the availability of details of the recipient instance. There are many reasons why the receipt could not come. But in this case, one cannot sit idly by, since a certain period established by the current legislation is given to pay the tax.

Many people know the famous catchphrase: "A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation." Modern world slightly corrected this expression. A car is not just a means of transportation, but a necessity in our mobile life. It's hard to disagree with this.

Most citizens of the country either have their own transport or are thinking about purchasing it. But you will have to fork out for a car not only when it is purchased or regularly refueled at the station. It is also necessary to pay a substantial amount for taxes. How to be in such a situation? When does the car tax come? How is it calculated, and is it possible to do it yourself? How not to run into penalties? This will be discussed in this article.

When does the car tax come?

The transport tax is a state duty. It must be paid by every car owner. The main question that arises among citizens: when should the car tax come? The payment deadline is October 1 of the following year. Let's take an example. The receipt for the tax on the car came for payment for 2016. Therefore, you need to pay before October 1, 2017. But when does the car tax come? As a rule, this happens at the end of summer or at the very beginning of autumn. A receipt for payment is sent by the Federal Service for Collections. Notification comes by mail. The peculiarity is that the tax is calculated individually. It depends on the power of the car (the more “horses”, the more you have to fork out) and the regional coefficient.

If there is no receipt...

There are times when the receipt does not arrive by mail. Many people in this case ask the question: why can you not pay in this case? No, you still have to pay back. The problem is usually related to technical failures. automated system tax service. A driver who has not received a notification of payment is obliged to independently appear at the territorial service and receive a receipt. Otherwise, fines and penalties will apply.

What if the car was bought at the end of the year?

Often, people who have purchased a vehicle at the end of the year have the following question: when does the tax on the car come after the purchase? In this case, the profile service may not send a receipt by mail. But you still need to pay. Part of the annual tax depends on the time of acquisition. For example, a person bought a car in October. There are 2.5 months left until the end of the year. You will only have to pay a quarter of the total tax.

Is a car a luxury?

A kind of "luxury tax" was invented by our legislators. This applies to cars worth more than three million rubles. Owners of such vehicles are subject to increased transport fees. The figure can increase three times compared to a car with an engine of similar power.

How to find out on your own?

Many citizens want to know not only how to calculate car tax, but also where to find out about it. Russian Post leaves a lot of complaints regarding the work of the department. Therefore, there are people who do not really trust her. But there are other ways. So, you can find out about the transport tax in the following places:

  1. On the service using the TIN. But we will not dwell on it in more detail, since it allows you to find out only about debts. That is, about fees that have expired due dates for payment. They are published after November. As a rule, fines and penalties have already been accrued on them.
  2. "Personal account" of the taxpayer. This service allows you to know in advance about the amount of payment. This means that you don’t need to think about when the tax on the car comes, and worry if there is no receipt.

"Personal account" of the taxpayer

Requires mandatory registration on the website of the Federal Tax Service. In addition, you will have to go there in person to receive the password once. But let's just say that it's worth the effort. After all, such a step can save a lot of time in the future. On the official website of the tax service, you must specify the following data:

  • surname;
  • surname;
  • passport address;
  • phone number (optional)
  • email (also optional)
  • series and passport number.

After filling in all the fields, click "Submit Application". Registration has ended. The system will generate two applications automatically. All you have to do is print them out and bring them to the IRS. Of course, this step can be skipped. Then the employees of the department will fill out all the forms on their own. And that can take a lot longer. Remember that in the last week of each month, and also throughout January, April, July and October, the service is chaotic and rushed. This is the end of the tax quarters. Therefore, there are long queues in the department. Accordingly, it is better to schedule a visit at another time.

After submitting the application, the citizen receives a password from the "Personal Account". Within a month, it must be changed for safety. Otherwise, the "Personal Account" will be blocked. Another feature - all the information will appear only within three days. If, after registration, you find that there is no data, this does not mean that you have been “exempted” from paying taxes. It just takes some time to form a personal base.

Why do you need a "Personal Account"?

"Personal account" of the taxpayer allows:

  1. Find out the necessary information.
  2. Print a payment receipt.
  3. Pay car tax.

As for the last point, the service allows you to make payments through various payment systems: Sberbank, Qiwi, WebMoney, Gazprombank, etc.

Place of registration is an important factor in calculating transport tax

The vehicle tax will depend on where the owner of the car is registered. This is due to the fact that the traffic police is obliged to register a car in a particular region. Previously, this could not be done. Any number with a number from another area on a subconscious level was considered transit. After all, it was impossible to travel with him in the "home" region for longer than a certain time. Now everything has changed. The authorities finally recognized that Russia is not a fragmented feudal principality, but a single state. Therefore, now you can use the number with "any region".

Linking the coefficient to the place of car registration could lead to the development of the following scenario: traffic police departments in regions with a “lowered formula” would be inundated with requests from all over the country to register cars there. So the police went to the trick. In our country, the coefficient is applied at the place of residence of the owner. Of course, a person can be registered in any city. However, life's difficulties often "force" him to register at the place of real residence.

How can you reduce your shipping tax?

There are two legal ways:

  • Register in another region with a reduced coefficient. This is for those who are not afraid of the personal difficulties associated with the consequences. For example, applying to social security at the place of registration.
  • Transfer the car to another person living in a region with a lower tax coefficient.

Examples of the tax difference on a car (data for 2015)

Now more about how to calculate car tax. First, as an example, take a car with a capacity of up to 100 hp. With. For such vehicle rates are as follows: Moscow - 12 rubles. for 1 liter s., Crimea - 5, Altai Territory - 10, Bashkiria - 25. Suppose our car has an engine of 90 "horses" under the hood. The amount of tax will depend on where the owner lives. So, a receipt for payment for a Barnaul citizen will be: 90 * 10 \u003d 900 rubles. For a resident of Bashkiria, the amount will be 2.5 times more - 2250. For the Crimea, on the contrary, it will be twice less - 450 per year.

How much will you have to pay if the car is more powerful? Let's say the engine power is 101-150 hp. With. In this case, the cost will be as follows: Moscow - 25 rubles per liter. s., Crimea - 7, Altai Territory - 20, Bashkiria - 35. For cars from 151 to 200 and from 201 to 250 there are also individual coefficients. The difference is simply huge. Let's compare, for example, the Crimea on a car with 150 "horses":

  • 150*7= 1050 rub.
  • 150*35= 5250 rub.

That is, for a resident of Crimea, the tax will be 5 times less than for a person registered in Bashkiria. Hence the conclusion - the territorial coefficient strongly determines the size of the payment.

Benefits for the disabled

For people with physical disabilities, the car tax is reduced: disabled people need to pay less than ordinary citizens. They are given benefits. They are installed in each region independently. Ideally, if a person uses special cars for the disabled. According to the code, they are not subject to any fees at all.

Benefits for pensioners

They are also set individually depending on the region. For example, a pensioner of the Republic of Khakassia does not pay taxes on cars up to 150 liters. With. In Dagestan, a discount of only 50% is provided for the same capacity. In the Amur Region, a pensioner does not pay for his car up to 100 liters. With.

Who else is eligible for benefits?

  1. Participants in the fighting.
  2. Large families.
  3. Owners of various government awards.
  4. Families with disabled children.
  5. The liquidators of the consequences of the accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant, other persons affected by it.

In addition, in some regions the tax is not paid for cars of small capacity.

Pros and cons of registering for another person

One of legal ways to reduce the transport tax - to "donate" a car to a grandfather who lives in Chukotka. Then, instead of 18 thousand, it will be possible to give the state less than four. Of course, the discount is significant. But it is important to know and be prepared for the consequences of such a “gift”. The pitfalls of such a deal include the following nuances:

  • The relative turned out to be dishonest and sold the car to another person.
  • Bailiffs "arrested" the car for non-payment of credit obligations.
  • A relative died suddenly. After that, the transport can go to the direct heirs, etc.

It will be impossible to prove anything in court, since it is impossible to declare the fictitiousness of such a transaction with a relative. Otherwise, you can get under the lens of the investigating authorities for deliberate tax evasion. So you need to think carefully and weigh everything: is it worth saving 10 thousand rubles a year and risking the cost of a car that costs a million?

Change of place of registration

The second way to reduce the transport tax is to register elsewhere. It is good if the region with a reduced coefficient has its own real estate. If not, you need to look for friends or relatives who will prescribe. However, in this case, this can cause some life difficulties:

  1. Judicial fines and rulings come at the place of registration. Often their owner does not always know about them if he is far from his registration. This leads to various fines and penalties for non-payment of debt under court orders.
  2. There are times when registering in another region makes life difficult. For example, when receiving new job. The legislator allowed to get a job at any company within the Russian Federation without various temporary permits. This was not the case before. However, employers in the face of an overabundance of labor are trying to play it safe. They accept employees from "their" region. Also, problems may arise with various benefits and payments.


So now we know when the car tax comes in. Let's repeat the information: the receipt is sent at the end of summer - beginning of autumn. We also found out why the car tax does not come, how to calculate it yourself, how to legally reduce it and whether it is worth doing. We hope that the article will benefit many motorists and citizens interested in this issue. The main thing to remember is that in order to independently calculate the transport tax, you need to know the regional coefficient and the right to benefits.

Welcome to website. Some taxpayers believe that tax receipts They always come and there can be no other situations. But in practice, there are cases when the notification of taxes does not come.

The transport tax on the car does not come for many reasons, but despite this, the car owner must resolve the situation and pay for it. Many owners often ask who will be responsible for the tax if the receipt for it is not received.

Some believe that the taxpayer in this case is not to blame, since the tax office was obliged to send it by mail, and that, in turn, to issue it to the payer against personal signature. But in fact, this is not the case, and if the car tax does not come in 2020, every car owner should know what to do in this case.

The calculation and accrual of transport tax, as well as other types of fees, takes place for a calendar year in accordance with Article 360 ​​of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This duration is considered taxable for owners transport property. Payment is made in the following year for tax period, that is, in 2020, the tax will be paid for 2019. It is worth knowing that if you own a vehicle not for the whole month, the accrual will occur for the whole month of ownership.

The transport tax is regional fees, until recently, the terms of payment were set directly by the regions, but since this year a single payment date has been established, until December 1. But, when the car tax arrives in 2020, the payer receives a notification for payment no later than 30 days before the end of the payment period.

The date of receipt of the notification depends entirely on the work of the tax service employees, but the payer must receive it no later than November 1 of the current year.

What are the reasons for not receiving car tax?

There are many reasons why the car tax does not come. These include:

  • Post office. Everyone knows how this structure works, and many understand that letters can simply get lost in any post office. If the payer thinks that the notice has been lost after all, then he can contact the tax office and ask if the receipt was sent.
  • Privileges. If the payer is preferential category, and made the registration of benefits in the tax authorities, then the receipt will not come, since he is exempt from paying taxes.
  • Personal account on the site tax authorities. If the tax payer received a login and password from the tax site and logged into his account, then notifications will no longer be sent to the postal address, all accruals will be displayed in his personal account on the official website.
  • Error in traffic police. After the owner has registered the car, the traffic police officers transfer the data to the tax office. If the car was registered last year, and this year the notification of the transport tax did not come, then the traffic police did not transfer the information to the tax authorities. Then the owner must independently submit documents to the Federal Tax Service before the end of the current year.
  • Change of residence. If the taxpayer moved to a new place of residence, but did not change the address in the documents for the car, the receipt will go to the old address that was indicated in the documents.
  • Recalculation. Sometimes there are difficulties in recalculating the tax. If errors have been identified, the tax receipt will be delayed, as its accrual is delayed.

But, despite the large number of reasons why the car tax does not come in 2020, the car owner must solve this problem and make a tax payment.

What to do if the transport tax does not arrive on time in 2020

If the transport tax did not come in early November, then there is a possibility that it will not come at all. Then the payer will have to decide what to do in this situation. There are only two solutions to this problem. The payer can use any of them:

  1. Contact the tax authorities for a re-receipt. If the payer makes a payment only with the help of a receipt, then he needs to contact the tax service, write an application and receive a notification with the details and the amount of the payment.
  2. Generate a receipt yourself or make a payment without it. Use the official tax website, where you can not only clarify the amount of the payment, but also make the payment.

It is worth knowing that if the payer has not received tax notice This does not mean that the tax will not have to be paid. Regardless of whether a receipt has arrived or not, the amount of tax must be paid before December 1. If this does not happen, the payer will be charged penalties and fines.

If the tax did not come after buying a car

If the tax on a car that was purchased last year did not come, then the owner is obliged to notify the IFTS of the purchase of the car.

For example, a car enthusiast bought a car in May last year, but until November 1 of this year he did not receive a tax notice, then he goes to the tax service with documents and informs them. This action must be completed by the end of this year.

Many owners are interested in what to do if the transport tax has not arrived - in this case, certain actions must be performed:

  • By December 31, basic information about the new car must be submitted to the tax authorities.
  • After that, the employees of the tax authorities will calculate the tax and send its amount to the address of registration by registered mail.

If the car was purchased a year ago, then the calculation will be made from the moment the vehicle was purchased. Even if the car has already been sold, then a tax will be charged for the period of its use, which will have to be paid.

How can I print a tax receipt myself

When the question arises of what to do if the tax on the car did not come in 2020, then you can independently generate and print a tax notice. Then make a payment without visiting the tax authorities. In this case, there are two options:

  1. Using a personal account on the official website of the tax authorities.
  2. Using the option on the portal of the Federal Tax Service ( “Find out your debt”.

It is worth saying more about each of the methods. To log in to Personal Area it is required to register using a login and password, which must first be obtained from the tax authorities during a personal visit.

Or go through authorization on the State Services portal and get a password through it, since this password can be used both on the State Services portal and on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. But it is worth remembering that this procedure will not work in a short time. You will need to contact the MFC and activate account for personal account.

After the user is registered, it is necessary to perform several actions to generate and print a tax receipt:

  • Log in to the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • Open the "Individuals" section;
  • Click on the "Personal account" button;
  • Specify a username and password, or choose to enter using the State Services portal, it all depends on the user registration method;
  • After the account page opens, select the “Taxpayer Documents” option, where the user will see all the notices that the Federal Tax Service formed on the property that this taxpayer has;
  • Select a transport tax notice and print it. If this notification is missing, then it can be generated independently and sent by request to the regional tax service.

But you can print the receipt in another way. To begin with, the user must go to the website of the Federal Tax Service, and then select the "Accrued" button in the personal account, then all the fees that the tax service has accrued will appear.

If the notification is lost, then you can find it using the "Find out your debt" button on the official tax website.

On the page presented above, you need to click on the link and go to the public services portal, and then complete the form in the proposed form. The user will be able to see all the fees that have already been charged, but have not been paid yet. Using the tips of the site, you can print a repeated receipt.

We pay transport tax through Sberbank

Also, car owners should know a couple more decisions about what to do if the transport tax has not come, and how to pay it yourself. To do this, the following steps are performed:

  • Using any of the above methods, you need to print a receipt or contact the Federal Tax Service and take it from them.
  • Make a payment using any bank, personal account of Sberbank or through a payment terminal.

When paying through a payment terminal, you can use both a bank card and cash. When paying with a bank card, the payment is made as follows:

  • Insert the card into the desired slot of the terminal;
  • Enter a pin code;
  • Select the "Payments" button on the screen;
  • Select a payment that is made by reading a barcode;
  • Bring the barcode to the appropriate reader;
  • Check the information that appeared on the screen with the one indicated in the receipt;
  • If everything is correct, then “Accept” is pressed, after which “Pay”;
  • Get your receipt and card.

If payment is made in cash, then the payment algorithm is not much different from payment by card, but there is a different procedure:

  • Press the button "Payment in cash";
  • Then perform the same actions as when paying with a bank card;
  • After clicking on the "Pay" button, you will need to deposit cash;
  • The procedure for depositing money at each terminal is different, so everything should be done as stated in the terminal instructions;
  • Receive a payment receipt.

You can enter all the notification information not only from a barcode, the receipt can also be paid by number. For this, a printout of the notification is not required, it is enough to write off the receipt number in your personal account and indicate it in the terminal.

How to pay tax through the site

Everyone knows when the transport tax will come in 2020 . But when it doesn't come, the owners think about ways to pay for it. In addition to the cash desk of a bank or terminal, you can pay online and non-cash way, a receipt for such payment is not required.

To pay, you must fulfill several important conditions:

  • Register on the website of the Federal Tax Service or State Services.
  • The presence on the bank card of the amount necessary for payment, the Federal Tax Service works constantly with Sberbank, and a list of other banks that are accepted on the site can be found in your personal account.

There are two payment methods if the 2020 transport tax does not come - this is the actual payment and prepayment.

To make a prepaid payment, that is, before the receipt is generated, you need to do the following. Go to the official website of the tax authorities In the tab " Electronic Services» click on «Pay taxes».

The line "Type of tax" indicates "Transport tax".

Then indicate the approximate amount of tax and click on the "Next" button. The amount can be indicated both approximate and already calculated. You can calculate the tax using the following formula: Tax rate * machine power l / s. If the car was purchased several months ago, then the calculation is made using a different formula: Tax rate * engine power l / s * number of months / 12. The determination of the tax rate is determined by the subject.

After the calculation, you need to specify the registration address, other fields will be filled in automatically.

Then specify the data about the payer and TIN, and then click the "Next" button.

And click on the "Pay" button.

To make a payment, you need to follow all the prompts of the site.

Also, you can make a payment if the transport tax does not come already by the accrued amount online. To do this, do the following:

  • Go to the official website of the tax service;
  • Select the "Pay taxes" tab;
  • Select "Personal account of the taxpayer";
  • Enter the username and password from the site or log in using the State Services, it all depends on what kind of registration the user performed;
  • Click on the "Accrued" option;
  • If there was a tax charge, then information about it will appear on the screen;
  • Choose a payment method and follow the prompts of the site.

When a payment is made, the user must know that this operation made only with personal bank card. Another person may also pay the tax on behalf of the taxpayer.

But payment is made only from the payer's personal account and only with an indication of his TIN. If the payment is made by another person, then he will not be able to return the money paid. Another person does not have the right to demand a refund from the country's budget.

What happens if the tax is not paid on time

If the car tax does not come and the payer does not take any action to pay it, then negative consequences will await him.

If the tax is not paid, the payer may be subject to a fine, the amount of which will be up to 20% of the total tax.

The penalty percentage is calculated for the entire period in which the tax was not paid, especially if the statute of limitations has not yet passed. In this case, payment will be made on a mandatory basis.

The collection of tax can occur automatically from wages payer, but after the tax office writes statement of claim to bailiffs.

But in addition to fines, non-payers can expect other types of punishments:

  • Accrual of interest for each day of delay at the rate of 1/300.
  • The arrest of a vehicle by bailiffs, such a punishment can only be applied by a court decision.
  • Loss of driver's license.
  • Prohibition to travel to another country by car.

All rules regarding payment and non-payment tax collection governed by modern law. Fraud and forgery of documents for the tax authorities is punishable by the criminal code. That's all, we hope you can solve the problem with the tax.

It is not uncommon for a car owner not to receive a mail notification about the need to pay a transport tax. However, this does not change the deadlines for its payment. What to do if the tax on the car does not come? Who to contact if the notification contains incorrect information about the taxpayer? Read the article.

Vehicle tax is a payment that every owner of a vehicle / several vehicles must make once a year.

Terms of payment of transport tax for individuals and legal entities are different. So:

  • Deadline for payment of vehicle tax individuals is calculated as follows: from the moment of receipt of the mail notice, the taxpayer must make payment until December 1 of the year following the past tax period;
  • For legal entities, the deadline for payment is the first of February of the year following the previous tax period. However, unlike individuals who make a lump sum payment, a legal entity (organization) pays the amount of transport tax according to certain periods by making so-called advances;

Who is considered a taxpayer?

  • Citizens who bought a vehicle by concluding a sales contract and then registered it;

At the same time, it is not necessary to pay the transport tax immediately, but only after the transport is owned for one calendar year. So, for example, if you purchased a car in October 2016, the payment of the first transport tax is postponed to October 2017.

  • Citizens who drive a vehicle on the basis of a power of attorney drawn up for them;

How many vehicles do you need to pay tax on? For each vehicle owned by a citizen, separately. However, when paying the tax, some categories of citizens are entitled to discounts (benefits), which can not only reduce the amount of tax paid, but even completely exempt from it. So, transport tax benefits are received by:

  • Disabled people;
  • Large families;
  • pensioners;
  • Military;

The amount of the vehicle tax rebate depends on the following factors:

  • Engine power;
  • Vehicle class (the higher, the higher the tax amount);
  • The region in which the tax is paid;

The peculiarity of transport taxation is that the conditions and amount of its payment, as well as the benefits provided, are established not only at the state level, but also at the level of the local municipality.

Which vehicles need to be taxed? In the tax code Russian Federation a list of vehicles for which you need to pay tax and those that are exempt from taxation is presented.

Why the tax "did not reach"?

Why is the notification not coming? The reason may be:

  • Change of address of permanent residence of the taxpayer;

Because of this, notifications are sent to the citizen's former address of residence. In order to avoid this, when changing the address of permanent residence, the taxpayer must contact the local traffic police department and re-register his vehicle to the current address.

  • Failure in the mailing system of the Tax Inspectorate;

No one is safe from such a mistake, so you should always be on the alert and, if necessary, resolve the issue of payment on your own. How to do this, see the next section.

What to do if the car tax did not come?

The absence of a postal notification of the transport tax does not relieve the driver from the responsibility of paying it. If the notification does not arrive, the driver must take one of the following actions:

  • Call the Tax Service at the place of permanent residence and find out why the notification did not come, and also ask for it to be sent again;

The mail notification contains the details on which you need to pay the transport tax.

  • Calculate the amount of transport tax that you need to pay yourself. How to do it? Is taken tax rate the region in which you live (it can be found in the public domain on the Internet or on the official website of the Tax Inspectorate). This value must be multiplied by the number of months that the car has been used since the last payment of transport tax;

If the car belongs to the class of expensive cars (list on the official portal of the Ministry of Industry), then the resulting value (tax rate multiplied by the number of months) must be multiplied by the figure (which is assigned to a particular vehicle). If the vehicle is not included in the list of expensive transport, then this item is not taken into account when calculating the amount of tax.

  • Pay the calculated amount at a convenient bank branch. The account number to which the payment should be transferred can be found on the website of the local Tax Inspectorate;
  • Register on the portal ru. To do this, you must contact the Tax Service at the place of permanent registration and an identity document. After registration tax worker will give you a login and password from your personal account on the website. Having entered it, you can independently check which taxes it is time to pay and then pay them;
  • Register on the portal public services. Having done this, you can pay the transport tax online;

It should be borne in mind that after making a payment towards the payment of transport tax, it can be counted up to fourteen days.

Consequences of late payment

  • For each day of delay in payment (which starts from the second of December for individuals, and until February 1 for legal entities), the debtor is “dripped” penalties (the amount of the penalty depends on the specific region);
  • According to Tax Code Russian Federation, for late payment, the driver may face a fine, which will be equal to from twenty to forty percent of the amount of transport tax;
  • tax office can collect the amount of transport tax arrears in judicial order(having sent before that a warning letter, which will set out the deadlines for paying the tax, including the penalty and penalties);
  • Before going to court, the Internal Revenue Service may seek assistance Federal Service bailiffs who are engaged enforcement debts;

Bailiffs may take one of the following enforcement actions:

  • freeze personal bank accounts persons until the debt is paid off;
  • keep the amount owed by writing off required amount from a citizen's account;
  • withhold the amount of the debt from the debtor's salary;
  • “arrest” personal property until the transport tax debt is paid off;

If a notice has been received for a sold vehicle

If you have sold your car, and you continue to receive notifications about the need to pay transport tax with its details, you need to:

  • contact tax office and submit an application for verification of information to the traffic police;

You can also apply for verification through your personal account on the portal.

  • If the results of the check show that the traffic police department is not aware of the change in the owner of the car, you will have to personally contact the traffic police with an identity document, a contract for the sale of the sold car and apply for deregistration of the sold vehicle from its previous owner;

Sometimes, new owner of the car deliberately does not register the purchased transport, so as not to pay tax. In order not to have to pay a "foreign" transport tax, ten days after the sale, you need to enter the VIN code on the official website of the traffic police and check which citizen's details are listed for this car.