They won't come up. In the suburbs started the action of bailiffs "In the New Year - without debt! How bailiffs work on holidays

Often, a person learns that traveling abroad is impossible due to debts only at the airport. Such a story happened, for example, with the editor Kirill Kharatyan. “My apartment was serviced by some LLC. It came up with a debt, quickly sued me and won the case. And when I was about to fly from Domodedovo to Italy, the bailiffs did not let me in, ”he says. Kharatyan did not lose his head, he left by train for Minsk, and from there he flew to Europe.

restrictive measure

This case is not isolated. Federal service quarterly bailiffs(FSSP) makes more than 800,000 orders to restrict the right to travel abroad as a measure of influence on various kinds of debtors. And the total number of citizens on the travel ban as of November 1 was 1.8 million people. Due to the restriction on travel for 11 months of this year, the debtors fully or partially repaid debts in enforcement proceedings for 56.1 billion rubles, follows from the data of the FSSP.

By law, a citizen may be restricted from leaving Russia as part of the execution of any judgment, for example, for non-payment of alimony, compensation for harm, credit debt, taxes, etc. If the debtor has administrative penalties, then the Federal Tax Service, police, traffic police, FIU and other departments can also issue decisions that are the basis for initiating enforcement proceedings.

Since 2013, the travel ban has been applied to those who owe more than 10,000 rubles. But from October 1st minimum size debt, with which they may not be allowed to go abroad, was increased to 30,000 rubles. The corresponding law was adopted this summer. True, the increased bar does not work for everyone: alimony debtors, as well as those who compensate for the harm caused to health, moral or property damage caused by a crime, pay for the loss of a breadwinner, will continue to be limited in travel with a debt of 10,000 rubles. For other categories of debtors, the increased threshold of the amount will be valid only for two months after the issuance of a court decision on the payment of the debt. If during this period the debt is not repaid, the threshold amount for making a decision on a temporary restriction on the departure of the debtor is returned to previous level(10,000 rubles), the FSSP explained.

The maximum limitation period is six months. True, it is extended if the debt has not been repaid.

Remove the ban

Bailiffs always send a copy of the decision to restrict travel by mail to the address indicated in writ of execution. However, it may be delayed on the way, and the addressee may move, etc. The travel ban will also be in effect without confirmation of its receipt, the representative of the FSSP explains.

So that the ban on crossing the border does not come as a surprise, the FSSP representative recommends making inquiries about debts at least two weeks before the trip. The easiest way to do this is with the help of the Data Bank service. enforcement proceedings on the service website. The verification procedure itself will take no more than a minute. The service requires you to specify the last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth - and immediately gives the result whether a case has been opened against you or not. This is where you can pay off your debt. Another fast way payment - through the portal of public services.

To remove the travel restrictions, simply paying the debt is not enough - the bailiffs and the border service should find out about the repayment. Even after the transition of departments to electronic document management From October 1, the procedure may take a week or two. The bank through which the payment went through must promptly transfer information about the repayment of the debt to the State information system on state and municipal payments (GIS) - however, the transfer period depends on the bank, the representative of the FSSP noted. “If the bank is connected to the GIS, then the transfer of information will take several hours, if not, then several days. The fastest information sent big banks”, warns the director of the evaluation department retail risks Bank TKB Sergey Tarakanov.

After the information about the payment appears in the system, the bailiff is obliged to remove the ban within 24 hours. What happens next will depend on the efficiency of the border service.

So it is still unlikely to pay off the debt in the morning and fly away in the evening on a normal day.

However, during the upcoming new year holidays The FSSP promises to facilitate the departure of those who have time to pay their debts. This year, during the holidays, the procedure will be the same as during the period May holidays, - manual mode: it will be necessary to arrive at the airport in advance, a few hours in advance with a receipt for payment of the debt and contact the bailiffs on duty - in this case, the opportunity to fly away appears, the representative of the FSSP promises and clarifies: the bailiffs will be on duty in large international airports. True, the period of validity of the manual mode and the list of airports in the FSSP were not specified.


An erroneous entry into a restricted base can be appealed against with a higher bailiff (he is given 10 days to answer) or in court, says Vladimir Starinsky, managing partner of the Starinsky, Korchago and Partners Bar Association.

You can also try to postpone the travel restriction if there is a serious reason, notes the chairman of the board of directors of the Olevinsky, Buyukyan and Partners legal bureau Eduard Olevinsky, - first of all, this is the need to travel abroad for work in order to pay off the debt, treatment abroad, if impossible to get in Russia. But the presence of close relatives abroad, according to him, is unlikely to be the basis for a delay.

Citizens who have learned that they have become restricted to travel abroad, at the last moment or who have big debts, often use bypass routes for exit - through states with loyal conditions for passing border control, for example, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

An entrepreneur from Moscow told Vedomosti that for several years now he has been regularly visiting business partners in China via Minsk. He has to make a circle because of a debt of 2 million rubles, which, according to him, was unfairly accrued to him by the court. They considered that he illegally spent these company funds on travel expenses for business trips abroad.

But even on the borders with these loyal countries, the debtor's documents can be checked.

In the Moscow region, an action of bailiffs "In New Year- no debt! Before one of the main holidays, bailiffs will intensify work in all areas, and will also explain to citizens how to find out about the debt and pay it off thanks to the Internet resource "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings". As part of the campaign, it is planned to widely use social advertising, conduct joint raids, flash mobs with representatives of related departments, organize festive charity events for children in children's institutions.

From the beginning to the end of December, pre-New Year social advertising will remind the residents of the region that it is a good sign to celebrate the New Year without debts. Videos of the service are placed in multifunctional centers, on the websites of state authorities. A flash mob of bailiffs' action "In the New Year - without debts" was also launched, which was actively supported by residents of the Moscow region, employees tax office, traffic police, pension fund, Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as representatives public organizations, educational institutions, youth parliaments.

From December 10 to December 16, all structural divisions of the Office, together with representatives of related departments, will hold field events under the slogan "Pay on the way." Bailiffs will be on duty on the busy highways of the Moscow region and at large shopping centers where people come for New Year's gifts, using the corresponding hardware and software complex. Road bailiff"and the online application "Mobile Search". During the events, enforcement proceedings for the recovery of alimony, taxes, fines, housing and communal services and others will be worked out.
From 17 to 23, the action "Christmas Tree Alimony" will begin, during which the bailiffs of the Moscow Region will go on raids to the addresses of unscrupulous parents every day. Representatives of religious denominations will help to fight those who do not pay alimony, who will talk with "deviators" on the days of the reception. In addition, charity events will be held during the action for children from orphanages and boarding schools, who need care and participation more than anyone else.

Also, on the eve of the New Year holidays, on December 26, 2018, the bailiffs of the Moscow region will take an active part in the All-Russian information campaign "Know your debts", within which employees of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in the Moscow Region will go to crowded places in order to popularize the electronic and online services of the service . At airports, train stations, multifunctional and shopping centers, bailiffs will tell and show people how, having Internet access, you can quickly, conveniently and reliably find out about the presence or absence of debts, if any, pay them using online services or portable terminals by cashless Money. On this day, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka will join the employees in uniform, who will help everyone to install as a gift on a phone or tablet free app, which will continue to monitor and report if debts appear.

The purpose of the action "In the New Year - without debts!" - reduce the number of debtors in our region, as well as explain to citizens that you can find out about debt and pay it off thanks to the Internet resource "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings" and using the FSSP mobile application.

In the photo: the first participants of the launched flash mob

It just so happened, according to tradition in Russia, the New Year holidays turn into small vacation for all citizens who have worked gloriously throughout the year. The government, making concessions to workers, has drawn up a work schedule for the first month of the new 2019, which provides for the transfer of some working days to Saturdays. Thus, people have the opportunity to have a full rest, without worrying about tomorrow's working day immediately after the holiday.

But responsible citizens, whose work is related to payments, and just taxpayers are interested in whether banks work on New Year's holidays, January 5-6-7, 2019? Let's consider this issue in more detail, based on the data of the Ministry of Labor posted on the portal.

Working days and holidays during the New Year holidays

Let's start with information that concerns absolutely all workers. For them, a long vacation began at the very end of last year, on December 30, and it will end on January 8 of the new year 2019, which is very pleasing to many. After all, Russia is a special country, and it is customary for us to celebrate Christmas on January 7, which means that the fun continues for a whole week after the New Year's Eve.

Thus, the Ministry of Labor of our country legalized the transfer of working days following holidays to previous Saturdays. This is very convenient, and working weeks are reduced due to this. As a result, in January we get 17 working days and almost the same number of days off - 14.

Working hours of Russian banks on January 5-6-7, 2019

Since people also work in banks, and, in particular, Sberbank of Russia, the schedule of holidays in January 2019 will also affect them. But in state banks, realizing the importance of cooperation with each client, vacation days will be interrupted: January 3-4-5-6 will be working days. It should be clarified that this schedule only applies to banks owned by state structure. Private organizations have the right to independently decide which mode of operation they choose. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is still better for customers to clarify the working hours of a banking institution on the eve of a monetary transaction by calling hotline departments.

But customers can be reassured that there are ways to solve any problem these days, especially those related to cash transactions. Many banks, especially state-owned ones, offer online customer service. This applies to both making purchases via the Internet, transactions related to replenishment of loans, and money transfers using online services. Do not forget that there is a whole network of terminal points, as well as numerous ATMs, working seven days a week and around the clock, and performing many Bank operations remotely.

But situations in a person's life are different. What to do, for example, if a transaction with money needs to be carried out urgently (someone’s relative fell ill, or a student really needs money, and right now, immediately), and the calendar shows red numbers? Don't panic. State banks during the New Year holidays, we foresaw such unexpected moments, therefore, cherishing cooperation with each client, we made sure that even on January 5-6-7 they could use their services. For this in holidays special duty departments remain in working mode, some of them even work around the clock or on an extended working day, as well as on weekends.

In addition, the official website of Sberbank of Russia contains all necessary information, which can be clarified at any point where there is Internet, the addresses of all duty departments are also posted there.

As reported by "RG" in the management Federal Service bailiffs in the Moscow region, these days the procedure for lifting restrictions on traveling abroad will be significantly simplified and accelerated, and round-the-clock duty of bailiffs will be organized at all metropolitan airports.

From December 27 to January 9, any person who finds himself in one of the capital's airports will be able to go to the information desk and chat with bailiffs. They will be there.

First of all duty posts bailiffs they will help to deal with incidents when a person has paid a debt, but for some reason they are not deleted from the list of travel restrictions. Just in case, it is better to have receipts for the payment of the debt with you. Then the bailiffs will make sure that the overlay does not spoil the vacation, and the person leaves on time.

During the holidays, you can find bailiffs at the information desks in all capital airports

"A feature of this action is that the availability of information on the presence of funds sufficient to pay off the debt on enforcement proceedings in the deposit account will be considered as the basis for making a decision to lift the restriction. structural unit UFSSP in the Moscow region, as well as the presentation by the debtor of a payment document on the repayment of debt on enforcement proceedings, "explain in the bailiff service.

More difficult case when a person finds out about his travel restrictions at the airport. Modern technologies allow you to pay right on the spot. But it is important for the bailiffs that the payment goes through, and the corresponding notification from the bank comes to the information system. This will take some time. Therefore, it is better to arrive early. Better yet, a few days before the trip, make inquiries in the database of bailiffs. On the official website of the department there is a service "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings". You need to type your first name, last name, patronymic and region of registration, and the necessary information will immediately appear. A dash will mean you are clean. Also on the site you can download mobile app"search for debts". If the surname appears in the list of debtors, this is not a reason to hand over foreign tickets. Information about who is not allowed to travel abroad or whose driver's license is blocked is not made publicly available. Inquiries must be made directly to the bailiff service.

The bailiffs also remind that the law provides for the possibility of emergency cancellation of a temporary restriction on the departure of debtors from Russian Federation if a person has good reasons: illness, death of relatives and other circumstances requiring an early trip abroad. During the New Year holidays, all debtors will be able to use the emergency procedure, subject to payment.

By the way, this year bailiffs began to apply restrictions on traveling abroad one and a half times more often. In order for a person to be included in the lists of people not allowed to travel abroad, his amount of debt must be at least 10 thousand rubles. In general, the restriction on travel abroad made it possible to recover 23 billion rubles from debtors in ten months.

Q: What happens when the promotion ends? We are currently working on speeding up the system. The State Duma has already adopted in the first reading a bill simplifying the procedure for lifting travel restrictions. Now the ban can only be canceled by the bailiff who turned on the red light. However, because of this, it sometimes takes extra time to open the border to the former debtor. It is proposed to give bailiffs for particularly important cases under the director of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia the right to lift the travel ban in emergency cases. The scheme remains the same: a person repays the debt, the payment goes through the bank, the bailiff notes that the debt has been repaid, and removes the ban. Then the document is sent electronically to the FSB Border Service. In case of an urgent matter, it will not be necessary to look for the same bailiff, it is enough to call the "hot line" in the department for especially important cases of the department.