German building. German technology houses

Construction of a house german technology characterized primarily by the use of high quality materials that will serve their owner for many years. It is because of this that this construction technology is becoming more and more popular. We will talk about the process of building houses using German technology further.

German technology houses: manufacturing features and benefits

The German technology of building a house involves the construction of a frame-type building. To carry out this process, you will need a wooden frame and insulated panels that can easily withstand the most severe climate.

One of the advantages of using German technology is the fact that it takes several months to build a house. So, for example, to build aerated concrete house, with an area of ​​200 square meters and carry out its further finishing, it will take at least three months. For the erection of a building built according to German construction technology, one and a half months are enough. Since ten days are enough to build the foundation, and further work is associated with finishing.

Among the advantages of building houses using German technology, it should be noted:

1. Warmth - which consists in carrying out the correct thermal insulation and in the preservation of heat, especially in winter. Therefore, it is necessary to spend two times less energy resources for heating such a house than for heating a stone one.

2. Duration of operation - the minimum service life of such a house to its owner is fifty years.

3. Ecological safety - the house is made of harmless to environment materials. For example, to insulate panels, it is enough to use ordinary wood chips.

4. Aesthetic appeal - such a house is rightfully suitable for minimalists, as it does not contain any unnecessary details.

5. Simplicity and ease of operation - all rooms are thought out to the smallest detail, it is convenient to use the house at any time of the year.

If we consider the question of the cost of a house built according to German technology, then the execution construction works to equip a house with an area of ​​60 square meters, it will take about 38 thousand euros. This factor is influenced by construction technology, which happens:

  • frame;
  • aerated concrete type.

In addition, finishing materials vary in cost, their choice depends on the preferences of the owners and the characteristics of the room.

Characteristics of frame houses according to German technology

Low-rise construction involves several arrangement technologies frame house. They are used in various countries and from them they got their names. The most common construction technologies frame houses are Finnish and German. The main difference between them is the type of materials used, the technology of erecting the frame and the quality of the work performed.

For the construction of the frame, which is the main supporting structure of the house, wooden or metal rods are used. It is because of them that the design is strong and reliable.

For the manufacture of a frame house according to German technology, one-piece glued wooden beam from which the framework is constructed. For the manufacture of such a bar, special pre-dried and calibrated wood of exclusively coniferous species is used. It is conifers that are less prone to rotting and drying out, since they have a high resin content.

The most common version of the construction of the frame is the preliminary piping of the walls: from below and from above, the installation of stiffeners, beams and struts. In addition, set additional elements in the form of racks and crossbars, in the space between which window and door openings are installed.

To fill the interframe space, a heater is used, the main quality of which is resistance to decay and deformation. Therefore, the most the best option insulation is the use of basalt rock wool or slabs based on expanded polystyrene.

Projects of German houses:

Next, the frame is upholstered on both sides with the help of OSB boards of an orientated chipboard nature. For their manufacture, pressed wood chips, resins and an antifungal agent are used. A variant of upholstery with cement particle boards is possible. The inner part of the structure is protected by the use of a hydro and vapor barrier membrane, which allows steam and moisture to pass only to the outer part, so that all wooden parts of the structure always remain dry.

Subsequent fine finishing includes wall cladding with drywall, and for processing rooms with a high level of humidity, one more additional waterproofing layer will be required.

It is quite possible to replace wooden structures with a light metal profile. This construction technology is an ideal option for the construction of houses in the shortest possible time. With its help, not only low-rise residential premises are being built, but also offices, warehouses and industrial premises. For their construction, materials of higher strength are used than in the construction of a residential building.

German houses photo:

We offer to study the advantages of frame technology for building houses:

1. Small wall thickness, providing a high level of thermal insulation.

The insulation, which is used in the process of building walls according to German technology, has a very low thermal conductivity, in comparison with brick or concrete. Therefore, for example, using mineral wool, it is enough to install a layer 15 cm thick. At the same time, the thickness of the entire wall will reach 25 cm. This is quite enough to keep the house warm and comfortable even in a harsh winter. In addition, the cost of heating such a house, compared to a brick house, will be five or even eight times less. And in order to hide all communication elements, an inter-wall space is used, therefore appearance the premises will not be affected in any way.

2. High bearing capacity of the walls and low weight of the building itself. It is thanks to these qualities that for the construction of a house, it will not be necessary to equip a foundation that is too powerful and expensive. A shallow columnar or tape type of foundation is sufficient. Thus, it is possible to save funds on their arrangement. Due to the high bearing capacity of the walls, a huge choice in roofing comes off, since almost any materials are used.

3. High level of seismic resistance and immunity to seasonal ground movements. The house, for the construction of which the German frame technology withstands earthquakes from 7.5 to 9.2 points.

4. The design is non-shrink, so there is no need to wait certain period time for finishing work.

5. The possibility of building a house of any shape and configuration. This construction technology is able to realize any ideas of architects, designers and homeowners. In addition, there is the possibility of arranging additional outbuildings located next to the house.

6. The speed of building houses is the highest. All construction works are carried out directly at the construction site and this process takes no more than two months. Houses built according to German technology are based on SKD assembly of panels, the degree of completion of which is 91%, since they are pre-prepared by the manufacturer, and it remains only to connect them on the spot using a small labor force of four to five people. All elements manufactured at the factory are of high quality, so there is practically no chance of errors in the process of connecting parts.

7. Availability of opportunities for year-round construction work. Houses built according to German technology are equipped both in summer and in winter. Installation work does not depend on the ambient temperature. The main condition is the absence of precipitation and high humidity.

8. Harmlessness to health is ensured by the use of exclusively environmentally friendly materials. In this case, not only the person, but also the environment does not suffer.

9. Low level labor costs for building a house. During the construction process, there is no need to attract special technical equipment. Houses are mounted both on small narrow streets and on spacious plots. In addition, five people are enough to install such a house.

10. The low price of a built house is determined by all the above advantages.

11. High level of durability. Houses made according to German construction technology will serve their owners from fifty to eighty years.

Panel houses according to German technology

The service life of a panel house in Germany is about 100 years. This is due to the presence of such qualities of a panel house as:

  • the use of dry materials and the manufacture of parts in factories;
  • sending ready-made walls, floor slabs, elements of the truss system and gables to the object;
  • high speed in carrying out installation work.

The wall structure consists of:

  • dry planed timber;
  • non-combustible basalt insulation;

  • internal lining of cement-bonded particle board;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • external cladding DSP.

Cement particle boards are non-combustible, durable, moisture-resistant and frost-resistant fireproof material used for construction, structural or repair work.

For the production of frame structures, pine is used, which undergoes strict control, automatic calibration work, sorting in relation to quality and a drying procedure.

The most optimal type of insulation is basalt mineral wool. Since it has a good density, preventing it from shrinking. If the house is located in the northern region, then the recommended wall thickness is more than 25 cm.

Construction according to German technology involves the arrangement of fireproof houses, which are classified as the fourth category of fire resistance. Cement particle boards are classified as flame-retardant and fire-resistant materials. Mineral wool is absolutely non-combustible. In addition, when ignited, the house does not emit toxic or poisonous fumes and gases.

Video German houses:

In many countries, there are special technologies for the construction of residential private houses that have been used for centuries. Basically, the traditions developed on the basis of climatic conditions and the possibilities of the area where the construction was carried out, that is, taking into account what material it was rich in. True, in our time, everything is already somewhat different - a wide variety of materials are available everywhere for the construction of buildings, and the task, therefore, has been simplified. However, the basic technological principles are largely preserved.

Recently, many questions from the owners of building plots cause a special direction - building a house using German technology. It should be noted right away that this image is largely, so to speak, collective. Most often, this approach involves the rapid construction of walls at minimal cost and with maximum energy efficiency of the building. Therefore, it is becoming more and more popular and in some Russian regions, co similar to European climatic conditions.

In fact, there are several technologies that are classified with some degree of conventionality as "German". Let's look at them first briefly, and then we will analyze one in more detail.

Advantages of German construction technologies

The main advantage of the technologies that are usually called German is that the construction is very fast. Literally during the summer period, the house can be erected and delivered on a turnkey basis. So, for example, a house made of high-quality aerated concrete blocks, having an area of ​​​​180 ÷ 200 m², is easily built in one and a half ÷ two months.

In addition, there are other "advantages" of using special technological methods, which include the following.

  • The design of the house can be adapted to any reasonable climatic conditions. That is, if a house is being built in a region with cold winters, then it will be enough to produce more reliable floors, ceilings and roofs.
  • Taking into account the fact that a very careful, economical attitude to energy resources is traditional in Germany, providing comfortable accommodation, houses built according to one of the German technologies become very energy efficient in themselves.
  • The term of trouble-free operation, of course, with proper maintenance, is at least 50 years.
  • All of Europe is particularly demanding about the environmental safety of the home. And therefore, houses are built from non-toxic, harmless to humans and the environment materials, which is one of the most important advantages.
  • Ease of construction and operation. As a rule, the projects of such houses are freed from unnecessary elements, and the layout of the premises is thought out so that their use is as comfortable as possible.
  • It is impossible not to note the aesthetic appearance of the facade of the building. And after the construction is completed, if desired, it can be “complicated” with additional decorative elements.

The main types of "German" houses and their general characteristics

In Germany, the construction of houses from various materials is widely practiced - these can be insulated frame structures, buildings made of sandwich panels, slabs or blocks.

  • Perhaps the most affordable option for building a house is. By the way, it is widely used not only in Germany, but also in Finland and other Scandinavian countries, which are similar in their climatic conditions with cold Russian regions.

In a similar design, the frame of the walls is formed from glued beams. The insulation material is placed between the elements of the frame, which is then sheathed on both sides with a board, plywood, OSB or other modern sheet or piece materials.

As a heater in frame structures, mineral wool is most often used, preferably on a basalt basis. But other thermal insulation material that is not subject to deformation and decay can also be used. Glued laminated timber, which forms the skeleton of the walls, is made using a special technology that takes into account the scope of its application, which makes the base more durable and reliable.

How is a frame house built?

If you follow all the technological requirements for the construction of such housing, do not allow ill-conceived simplifications, then it will last a long time and will be very comfortable. Detailed information about is set out in a special publication of our portal.

  • Another popular option for building houses in Germany is using sandwich panels (SIP panels) for building walls.

The panels are produced in different sizes and can be used for thermal insulation of already erected walls, in frame construction or as an independent self-supporting material. For the construction of walls, special panels are used, which are a block frame, insulated with expanded polystyrene, which is sheathed on both sides with OSB (orientated strand board).

Prices for SIP panels

SIP panels

The insulation embedded in the panels can have a different thickness - this parameter is selected depending on the region in which the house will be built, based on the heat engineering calculations being carried out.

Houses built from SIP panels are assembled using SKD technology. Elements of the building, as a rule, are manufactured in the factory at 90% of their readiness. And on construction site it remains only to assemble them into a single structure. The production of panels is immediately carried out according to the exact dimensions, according to the developed project, so it is not difficult to assemble them on site.

The complexity of assembling a house from panels lies only in the fact that during their installation one cannot do without special lifting equipment. However, if we compare the long-term work of a construction team, which will also cost a lot, then the cost of renting equipment will seem quite inexpensive.

The advantages of frame and panel structures include the following factors:

- The lightness of the design allows you to install it on a shallow or pile foundation.

- Due to the low thermal conductivity of the insulation, the walls, even those that seem to be of small thickness, will provide good level thermal insulation of premises;

- It is possible to use the intra-wall space to accommodate certain engineering communications.

- The rather high bearing capacity of the walls allows you to choose any of the roofing materials you like.

— There is a high degree of seismic resistance and low susceptibility to seasonal ground movement.

— The non-shrinkage of the structure makes it possible to start finishing work on the facade and internal surfaces without additional waiting.

— This technology opens up wide opportunities for the implementation of any, even the most complex projects.

- It remains possible to equip capital extensions in the future, which is quite difficult to do if the house is built of brick and has a deep foundation.

- It is possible to build a house at almost any time of the year, provided that it is protected from high humidity and precipitation.

— Ecological cleanliness of the created building is important - in Germany all building materials have a special certification certifying their quality.

- When building a frame house, you can do without the involvement of specialized equipment.

- Quite affordable total cost construction is explained by all the factors listed above.

  • However, still more popular material for construction low-rise building- These are blocks made using different technologies and on different bases. Building blocks are gas silicate (foam concrete or aerated concrete) and ceramic. It is on the house of ceramic blocks that our attention will be focused in the future.

Construction of a residential building from ceramic blocks

Lately in low-rise construction Increasingly, ceramic blocks have been used, which have excellent characteristics for building houses in regions with a cold climate. These piece products are quite large, which makes the construction process faster and easier, in contrast to the use of bricks made from the same material. In addition, ceramic blocks have a lower thermal conductivity due to the large number of internal voids separated by partitions.

Manufacturing of ceramic blocks

Let's take a closer look at what a ceramic wall block is. Sometimes this type of material is also called porous warm ceramics or large-format stone. It is a more high-tech analogue of hollow brick, similar to the latter in terms of raw materials, however, surpassing it in operational parameters, as well as in linear dimensions - at least twice.

Prices for ceramic blocks

ceramic blocks

"Warm ceramics" - special wall blocks, very convenient in laying and having high thermal insulation qualities for this type of material

The ceramic block on both sides along its length has a “comb-groove” docking lock, which minimizes the number of through seams in the masonry, which significantly reduces the thermal conductivity of the walls. Due to this, houses built from ceramic blocks, unlike brick buildings, are much warmer.

The production of this building material is almost impossible in artisanal conditions. Therefore, there is probably no chance of running into a cheap fake, that is, the consumer can be sure of the quality of the building material, since the process takes place in accordance with technological requirements and under strict control. Ceramic blocks are produced on special equipment and are absolutely environmentally friendly material, since only natural raw materials are used in production.

The manufacturing process consists of several stages:

  • Specially selected purified clay is thoroughly mixed until smooth.

  • Then porizers are added to the mass, which are used as sawdust, chopped straw, rice and seed husks, crushed peat or other similar organic waste, after which the mass is again well mixed.
  • Further, the mass is molded according to the extrusion technology in the given geometric dimensions and cut into blocks.
  • The next step is to dry the molded products from excess moisture.
  • The end of the manufacturing process is the firing of the dried blocks at temperatures determined by the technology. During such firing, the porosizers burn out, leaving in their place the smallest voids-pores, which further reduce the thermal conductivity of the material.

Linear parameters and technical and operational characteristics of ceramic blocks

Ceramic blocks from different manufacturers differ in their linear parameters, on which, of course, some technical and operational characteristics of products also depend. As an example, consider the characteristics of Porotherm ceramic blocks from the Austrian company Wienerberger:

Name of characteristicsPorotherm 38Porotherm 44Porotherm 50
Length, width, height, mm380×248×238440×248×238500×248×238
Weight, kg17 19 21
Compressive strength, MPa10 10 10
Thermal conductivity, W/(m×K)0.13 0.13 0.13
Frost resistance, cycle50 50 50
Moisture absorption, %11÷1411÷1311÷13

A total of 14 different block sizes are produced. In addition, products can differ in the number and size of voids in their inner part, as well as the geometry of the groove-thorn connecting locks.

Like ordinary bricks, ceramic blocks can be divided into front and ordinary. Privates are used to build external walls or internal partitions, which will later be lined with decorative material or plastered. The front blocks are designed for the construction of external walls for jointing. Often they are used to create multilayer insulated masonry, something like the one shown in the illustration above.

Positive and negative qualities of ceramic blocks

Naturally, like any building material, ceramic blocks have their advantages and disadvantages. And you need to know about them in advance, choosing such material for building a house.

TO benefits ceramic blocks compared to manyother building materials, the following points can be made:

  • Low thermal conductivity of products. The voids inside the block, as well as the porosity of the material itself, contribute to excellent heat retention inside the house.
  • The large dimensions of the blocks allow you to build the walls of the house as much as possible. short term. In addition to size, the lock of blocks contributes to the convenience of masonry.
  • Saving masonry mortar. Blocks are stacked on thin enough a layer of mortar, and on their sides of the blocks the mortar is applied only to the grooves of the lock or not applied at all.

  • Ecological cleanliness of products is also important, since they are not only produced from environmentally friendly raw materials. In addition, they are a "breathable" material, on the surface and inside of which a favorable environment is not created for the formation of mold colonies.
  • The relatively low weight of the products also contributes to the acceleration of masonry work, and also reduces the load on the foundation of the building being erected.
  • Low moisture absorption makes the material resistant to external natural influences.
  • Walls with a large number of voids set a high level of sound insulation of the premises from external noise.
  • Ceramic blocks are non-combustible material, and belongs to the combustibility group "NG".

TO negative moments associated with the choice of this material, include the following:

  • The complexity of cutting ceramic blocks. In order to cut them, you will need an electric saw with which you need to be able to work.

  • The high cost of ceramic products, which deters many consumers.
  • For the construction of walls, it is better to invite a specialist who has previously worked with this material, since there are some nuances that are taken into account during the work.

  • To perform masonry, a special solution will be required, which will also require additional costs. True, as already mentioned, it is spent very sparingly.
  • There are considerable difficulties in transportation and unloading. These operations must be carried out very carefully, since fired ceramics are fragile enough material. Products can crack or even break completely if accidentally hit hard.
IllustrationBrief description of the stages of construction work
Further, strips of waterproofing material are laid on the finished concrete belt, and a board 50 mm thick is laid and fixed on top of them (this is in the example shown, but in general it is desirable to make the Mauerlat thicker).
This frame will become a power plate for securing the elements of the truss system.
Special perforated corners are fixed on the Mauerlat along pre-made marking lines, which will facilitate the fixation of the rafter legs, as well as give strength to the fastening.
Then, starting from the middle of the building, the formation of a tent truss system begins.
The process of work is quite fast, since the system is assembled from ready-made elements, that is, the assembled trusses rise to a height. It remains only to fix them to the Mauerlat, and then fasten them together.
(It is clear that this is a special case shown as an example. And so the truss system can be completely different).
The rafters are fixed to the trusses, already connected to the floor beam and reinforced with metal perforated plates.
Then, sprigs are attached to the rafter legs, already equipped with racks and attached to the corresponding sections of the floor beams.
Thus, a rigid triangular structure is installed, so installation is quite simple.
On the Mauerlat, all the details of the truss system are fixed on the corners previously screwed to it.
Since the finished parts are easy to fix, the work may well be carried out by one person.
The assembled truss system is framed by a wind board, which is fixed to the end sides of the rafters and joists.
The next step is that the slopes of the truss system are covered with a diffuse membrane, which will protect the roofing from moisture, but will not retain internal moisture, which may form as a result of intra-house evaporation.
That is, the coating is waterproofing from the outside and vapor-permeable from the inside of the structure.
Further, on top of the waterproofing sheet, first, the slats of the counter-lattice are mounted along the rafters, which will finally fix the sheet and set the necessary ventilation gap.
On top of these rails, perpendicular to them, a crate of timber is mounted for laying ceramic tiles.
The installation step of the timber is calculated depending on the linear dimensions of the tiles.
At the same stage, the waterproofing of the valleys, which are located on the sides of the protruding section of the roof, is strengthened.
In addition, when arranging the crate, it is necessary to arrange the adjoining of the waterproofing and framing with additional bars of the ventilation pipe.
Further, the valleys are closed with metal gutters, which are fixed at the edges on the crate and covered with the edges of the tile covering.
At the joints of the slopes, special metal supporting elements are fixed to the elements of the crate, on which they are laid and fixed along an additional beam. The beam will serve as the basis for laying the ridge tile elements.
Further, the beam is covered with waterproofing material along its entire length, which should go under the ordinary tiles of the slopes.
After the joints of the slopes are prepared, the roofing material rises up and is evenly laid out over the roof surface. This method is convenient for installation work, which will pass much faster, since all the material will be at hand.
Tiles are laid starting from the eaves, each of the upper rows is mounted overlapping on the lower one.
The fastening of the tiles to the crate is carried out only in the upper part.
Between themselves, the tiles used in this case are fastened with the help of special metal locks.
Simultaneously with the privates, the ridge elements of the roofing are also mounted.
After covering the roof, with the help of ceramic blocks of a certain shape, the ventilation pipe rises to the desired level.
Then the pipe is sheathed with plates imitating tiles, and a decorative and protective cap is installed on top of it.
From the side of the rooms on the second floor, a vapor barrier membrane is stretched and fixed to the floor beams of the truss system, and then the ceiling is hemmed with a board or drywall.
From the side of the attic, on the prepared base, insulation material is laid between the floor beams. In this case, mineral basalt wool is used in this capacity.
Further, along the cornices, a drainage system is fixed.
First, brackets are fixed in the windboard, on which gutters are installed at an angle towards the downpipe.
The next step is filing the spotlights, the panels of which are attached to the overhangs formed by the protruding elements of the truss system.
When all the main external works are completed, they proceed to carry out internal communications - electrical wiring, heating, water supply, etc.
To pass pipes and cables through the walls, holes are drilled in them using a perforator and a crown nozzle.
For future sockets and switches, sockets are cut out to which the corresponding cables are connected.
Windows and doors are installed in the openings.
The walls are plastered or covered with plasterboard.
The water system "warm floor" is being installed, the elements of which are laid on insulating mats.
Next, the floors are poured with a leveling screed and rubbed.
The stairs to the second floor are being installed.
In parallel with the interior decoration, if there are enough working hands, the external surfaces of the walls are plastered and a decorative facade coating is applied.

Readers probably noticed that the description of the construction turned out to be rather short, literally just listing the operations performed. However detailed information about each of these processes can be found on the pages of our portal in specialized articles. These are calculations and installation of various types of truss systems, installation of roofing, installation of a drainage system, communications, facade and interior decoration, arrangement of a drainage and storm system around the house, creation of a system of "warm floors" and much, much more.

Prices for "warm floor"

warm floor

And from the above description, the conclusion suggests itself that building a house using this technology will still be very expensive. The road material is already in itself, and besides, many stages of work require the involvement of specialized equipment. However, you have to pay for the speed and quality of the work. But in finished house it will be possible to move in immediately after the completion of construction, without waiting for shrinkage.

concrete mixer prices

concrete mixer

Unfortunately, this technology is not suitable for all areas, therefore, before choosing such a project, it is necessary to conduct soil surveys on the site.

And at the end of the publication - another interesting approach to the construction of houses "according to German technology." The proposed video shows the construction of a residential building in a panel way.

Video: Construction of a panel private house in Germany

The estimated life of the house is at least 100 years. New level comfort. All houses are designed for year-round use.

saving money
Buying frame wooden houses DH, you save a lot of money because: Knowing the final price of the house kit You are protected from unexpected expenses You do not need money for rework You do not buy materials at retail in the local market You do not have to pay for the development of standard frame house projects. And most importantly, assembling a house is much (many times!) Cheaper than traditional construction. Ease of assembly and availability detailed instructions allows you to assemble the house yourself without any mistakes. Ready-made standard projects of frame houses presented on our website can significantly reduce construction time and costs. You simply choose the design of the building and finishing materials, after which our team proceeds with the assembly. energy saving Houses have high thermal insulation properties, allowing you to live in them all year round with minimal energy consumption for heating. This is very important, as the cost of energy is constantly growing.

Quality materials
You are protected from fakes. For production frame-panel houses We carefully select materials from well-known manufacturers. We use only the best materials in terms of technical characteristics and buy them without intermediaries.

Time saving
Buying DH houses you save a lot of time because: You don't have to spend time looking for a construction company and meeting construction teams You do not waste time buying materials. You are spared from constant trips to control the construction site.

Construction error protection
The production of frame-panel houses at the factory eliminates the occurrence of construction errors at the construction site. It is very important that the storage of materials, the assembly of critical components and structures of the house take place in the workshop under ideal temperature and humidity conditions that are not available at the construction site.

Technical description of Das Haus houses

Das Haus houses of high prefabrication according to the German frame-panel technology of housing construction - Style, natural purity, ultra-low heat loss.

Heat loss

The graph shows houses of various designs. Heat loss of one square meter house area, ambient temperature -30 degrees Celsius, the temperature inside the house +22…24 degrees Celsius.

SUPERWALL - Das Haus' cutting-edge solution

This design has no analogues, created by the designers of Das Haus. SUPERWALL provides comfort in winter and summer, the wall breathes and perfectly resists both cold and heat.

Finishing exterior SUPERWALL - NQG, facade coating Caparol, Germany, with a nano-crystal grating against dirt ingestion.

SUPERWALL Technological Innovation

The SUPERWALL design incorporates a number of technological innovations to keep your home warm and environmentally friendly.

SAVE WALLS - innovative technology connection of external walls with each other, excluding air "leakage" of the house.

ECO Save - Patented technology for the production of environmentally friendly insulation from mountain basalt.

double sheet - Sheathing from 2 sheets.

BLACK the HEAT - Heat return layer for uniform heat distribution and reduced heat loss. Provides highly efficient operation of modern radiant heating systems with an efficiency factor of 98%.

Quick to Install Engineering (QIE) - Universal channel system, giving unique opportunity hidden and convenient laying in wall panels of any type of communications

Exterior walls of Das Haus

Depending on the choice of house equipment, there are three options for SUPERWALL walls, from 275 to 375 mm. thickness, the number of layers of walls - 15-16. All types of walls have a reliable high-quality facade coating with a long period of maintenance-free operation (30 years).

The wall is breathing. Doesn't peel off. Doesn't crack. Absolutely eco-friendly - comfort and absence of allergenic irritants.

The inner frame of the wall is made of dry planed timber of coniferous wood.

Basic outer wall
EEE-220SW Superwall

Has no analogues. 15 layers.

* Wall EEE-220SW 6-8 times

Heat transfer coefficient - 0.160 W/m2*K.

Unique building envelopes
EEE-270SW Superwall

Has no analogues. 15 layers.

SUPER HIGH THERMAL INSULATION PROPERTIES * Wall EEE-270SW 8-10 times warmer than walls made of 2 bricks, glued beams, profiled beams, log cabins and logs.

Heat transfer coefficient - 0.125 W/m2*K.

PASSIVE HOUSE External wall
EEE-320SW Superwall

Has no analogues. 16 layers.

UNIQUE PROPERTIES * The EEE-320SW wall is used to build houses with ultra-low heat loss. Such houses are called PASSIVE . Such houses can be heated using devices powered by renewable energy sources, which are absolutely FREE .

Heat transfer coefficient - 0.110 W/m2*K.

Absolute environmental friendliness

Only eco-friendly materials are used for the interior and exterior walls of Das Haus. The inner part of the wall: vapor barrier, air gap, gypsum board and a finish layer to choose from: drywall (GKL) or moisture-resistant drywall for wet rooms (GKLV) or imitation of a beam from an array of softwood with a tongue-and-groove connection system.

Without phenol, chemicals and glue. The magnificent natural ecology of DAS HAUS houses makes them an ideal living environment.

The load when attaching decor and household items to the wall is taken by a gypsum board that can withstand a weight of up to 100 kg for each of the fixation points.

Durable gypsum board

The most important component of comfort is the environmental friendliness of the materials from which the house is made. Therefore, we use wood and gypsum, which have absolute natural purity. When these two materials are mixed together, a very strong and pure material is obtained. Its ecological cleanliness is a reference.

Sheet material 12 mm thick, which is the main material in the internal structure of the walls, can withstand a load on one attachment point of at least 100 kg.

In addition, it perfectly resists prolonged exposure to moisture.

Mankind has been using gypsum for several millennia. The extraction of gypsum from the Bebyaevsky deposit was started by peasants as early as the 8th century. This is one of the largest deposits in Europe. The gypsum mined in the Bebyaevskaya mine is of high natural purity, which makes this material unique.

Power frame

For many centuries, wood has been and remains an excellent building material. However, before becoming the most important structural element of a DAS HAUS house, wood undergoes a long and multi-stage processing process.

Given that the wooden frames are located inside the walls and ceilings and are additionally reliably protected by sheet materials, their service life exceeds 100 years.

Horizontal load-bearing beams, roof elements - mauerlats and purlins - in DAS HAUS houses are made of GLUE BEAM.

roofing membrane

Included in the roof, mounted at the factory. The main task is to maintain the required mode of operation of under-roof thermal insulation, i.e. so that the roof "does not cry."

The roofing membrane has two important functions. Firstly, to prevent the penetration of moisture into the heat-insulating material, which, as is known, sharply reduces its heat-insulating properties, and in some cases leads to its progressive destruction.

Secondly, it is an integral part of the roof ventilation system. The quality of the membrane depends on the prevention of the accumulation of moisture in the heat-insulating material, which must go outside in the form of vapors.

Films can be divided into three types: polyethylene, polypropylene and non-woven breathable membranes. The latter are significantly (3-4 times) more expensive and have high technical characteristics.

DAS HAUS houses use a superdiffusion membrane on a non-woven basis Tyvek from DuPont, Luxembourg or Divorol, Germany.

These are some of the best membranes created in the world today.

The principle of operation of the superdiffusion membrane. Moisture remains on the membrane without penetrating inside, gradually evaporating. Water vapor escapes through the membrane to the outside.

ECOSAFE® technology

DAS HAUS uses one of the most advanced, high-quality and environmentally friendly thermal insulation materials to fill wall panels. The material has an almost zero water absorption rate, it belongs to non-combustible materials, and does not contain allergenic irritants.

We do our best to make your stay at DAS HAUS as comfortable as possible. The unique super-clean technology for obtaining basalt fiber under the IZOVOL trademark - ECOSAFE® technology, has no analogues.

International Standard ISO 14001:2004

Confirms the environmental friendliness and safety of products for the environment; defines the requirements for environmental impact management. international standard ISO 14001:2004 is evidence of IZOVOL's concern for natural resources and ecology!

High quality CAPAROL

Caparol is a group of companies with subsidiaries supplying products throughout Europe and with an annual turnover of more than 1 billion Euros.

Caparol is one of the largest manufacturers of varnishes and paints. The company employs more than 3700 employees. The head office is located in Ober-Ramstadt in the federal state of Hesse. The Caparol brand has become synonymous High Quality and respect for the environment. In Germany and Austria, Caparol is the market leader in professional paints.

DAS HAUS houses use:

  • Capatect- multilayer system of insulation and decoration of plaster facades
  • Capalac- wood protection gels
  • Capadur- decorative coatings for wood
  • Wear-resistant floor coverings, including 2D and 3D

Capatect stucco insulation system for facades

– facade insulation system. It is carried out at the DAS HAUS factory in ideal temperature and humidity conditions. Capatect is a multi-layer system that simultaneously solves many important tasks:

  • additional insulation of the building envelope, increasing their thermal insulation properties;
  • ensuring the removal of water vapor from the walls in the event of its occurrence, i.e. the walls of DAS HAUS houses "breathe";
  • independence of facade plaster from the structures of the house, which eliminates cracks on the facade;
  • is the basis for the decorative coating of external walls;
  • in combination with a facade coating, it reliably protects the wall structure from atmospheric influences, moisture and ultraviolet rays;
    and much more.

The format of this brochure does not allow a detailed description of the physico-technical principles and properties of Capatect. The important thing is that the Capatect system perfectly performs its tasks, without requiring repair of building facades for 30-50 years.

Facades of DAS HAUS houses are not afraid of dust and dirt

The Caparol Clean Concept is based on nano-quartz grating (NQG) technology. Sunlight activates special nanotechnology-optimized pigments on the wall surface. The energy absorbed by them is released and breaks down the organic particles of dirt. They are not retained on the facade and are easily removed by wind and rain.

Reliable wood protection

To protect and glaze wood, DAS HAUS uses two-component professional compositions Caparol. Such coatings are aesthetically beautiful and do not require wood care for a long time.

ALUPLAST windows

Windows are included in the basic equipment of DAS HAUS houses. Drains and window sills are included in the basic package. Since 1982, the aluplast industrial group has been developing and manufacturing high quality, technologically advanced profile systems for plastic (PVC) windows and doors.

Everything ingenious is simple

The most important component of comfort is the high thermal insulation properties of the walls of the house and low energy fields (as a consequence of the first). In other words, the living environment inside the house should remain constant and comfortable, regardless of changes in the outside.

This can be achieved by lowering the density of the building envelope material. The less dense material used in building envelopes, the conditionally “warmer” the wall. Ideally, the density of the building envelope should be close to the density of down in a down jacket. But you can't build a house out of duck down.

Modern house in high-tech style 195m2. Project DAS HAUS A-195, Chekhov.

In frame-panel technology, the frame takes on all the loads. To be more precise, spatially connected frame panels with sheet sheathing. The filling of the panels is done with a very “warm” low-density material - of course, not fluff, which can quickly rot. That is why, in terms of thermal performance, no brick, stone or wood can compare with a frame-panel wall, which have a specific density ten times higher, i.e. dozens of times conditionally "colder". But if you really like brick (or wood), then in a frame-panel house this is just a variant of facade decoration.


The German technology for the production of frame houses is by far the most advanced. However, it is also the most expensive technology. A frame-panel house manufactured at the factory is finished walls, floors and even the roof, which are delivered to the assembly site in trailers. Moreover, the walls can have a partial or complete facade finish, windows, an entrance door mounted at the factory.

The assembly of the house on the site is carried out by a crane and takes very little time. Technical progress made it possible to replace traditional construction with production. German technology has given a qualitative leap in the field of private housing construction. Today, this technology produces thousands of houses a year, not only in Germany, but also in Austria, Denmark and even Poland.

What are the distinctive sides of German houses?

The frames of such houses are only wooden and are made from dry planed kiln-dried timber. High geometric accuracy of products that do not require subsequent wall plastering, which significantly reduces the time and cost of interior finishing work. A certain structure of the multi-layer wall construction, which allows to achieve the highest specifications. Using only environmentally friendly (clean) materials.

Exterior walls

Exterior wall panels

2) Vapor barrier film.


Internal partition panels

support bar

Internal walls

Interior wall panels

1) Wall cladding - CSP TAMAK 12 mm or GVLV.

4) Wall cladding - CSP TAMAK 12 mm or GVLV.

Floor slabs

TAMAK frame-panel structures have a high load-bearing capacity with a small panel thickness. The wooden frame, sheathed on both sides with cement-bonded particle boards, can withstand more than 990 kg/m2 of evenly distributed load. Inside the structure, a non-combustible stone wool insulation is used, which has environmental and health-friendly properties, confirmed by a number of certificates.

Interfloor and attic floor panels

5) DSP TAMAK 12 mm.

Attic floor slabs

TAMAK frame-panel structures have excellent thermal protection with a small panel thickness. Inside the structure, a non-combustible stone wool insulation is used, which has environmental and health-friendly properties, confirmed by a number of certificates. The energy efficiency of the structures ensures low heat losses and low operating costs.

Interfloor and attic floor panels

1) Draft floor - DSP TAMAK 20 mm.

2) Wooden load-bearing beams 195 mm high with spans not exceeding 4.2 mm, 240 mm high, with spans over 4.2 mm to 4.8 mm.

3) Non-combustible insulation "Isolight M50" 100 mm thick (in attic areas to the full height).

4) Vapor barrier - p / e film - for attic areas.

5) DSP TAMAK 12 mm.

Roof construction in disassembly

The structures of the truss system are made of dry planed lumber, sawn to size according to the developed project, marked according to the installation scheme. It is possible to manufacture the most complex designs.

Roof structure

1) Metal tile (not included).

2) Lathing 44x50 mm with a step of 300-340 mm.

3) Clamping bar 44x50 mm.

4) Diffusion film "Ondutis SA115", for cold attics - waterproofing film "Ondutis RV100".

5) Rafters, wooden girders with a section according to the calculation.

Exterior walls

TAMAK frame-panel structures have better thermal protection with a small wall thickness. The wooden frame, sheathed on both sides with cement-bonded particle boards, creates a solid structure. Inside the structure, a non-combustible stone wool insulation is used, which has environmental and health-friendly properties, confirmed by a number of certificates. The energy efficiency of the structures ensures low operating costs.

Exterior wall panels

1) Internal wall cladding - CSP TAMAK 12 mm or GVLV.

2) Vapor barrier film.

3) Wooden frame made of dry planed timber 144 mm.

4) Non-combustible insulation made of Isolight-lux mineral wool board (ISOROC) with a density of 60 kg / m3, for the thickness of the frame.

5) External wall cladding - CSP TAMAK 12 mm.


TAMAK frame-and-panel structures can withstand high weight loads with a small wall thickness. The wooden frame, sheathed on both sides with cement-bonded particle boards, creates a solid structure. The weight load on two points of support is about 400 kg. Partitions are easy to dismantle without dirt and dust if redevelopment is necessary.

Internal partition panels

1) Wall cladding - CSP TAMAK 12 mm or GVLV.

2) Wooden frame made of dry planed timber 44 mm or 70 mm (according to the project).

3) Non-combustible insulation made of Izolight M50 mineral wool board, 50 mm thick.

4) Wall cladding - CSP TAMAK 12 mm or GVLV.

support bar

Antiseptic timber, section 44 * 144 mm, softwood lumber.

Internal walls

TAMAK frame-and-panel structures can withstand high weight loads with a small wall thickness. The wooden frame, sheathed on both sides with cement-bonded particle boards, creates a solid structure. The weight load on two points of support is about 400 kg. Inside the structure, a non-combustible stone wool insulation is used, which has environmental and health-friendly properties, confirmed by a number of certificates.

Interior wall panels

1) Wall cladding - CSP TAMAK 12 mm or GVLV.

2) Wooden frame made of dry planed timber 144 mm.

3) Non-combustible insulation made of Izolight M50 mineral wool board, 100 mm thick.

4) Wall cladding - CSP TAMAK 12 mm or GVLV.

Building a house is considered a long and laborious process. When using traditional technologies, this is true. But at present, more modern solutions are also available, which make it possible to significantly reduce the construction time and its labor intensity. The VALDEK company offers to use the German technology of prefabricated houses. It lies in the fact that the building is not being built, but is assembled from large elements that are manufactured in the factory and delivered to the customer completely ready for assembly. Fragments of the house are mounted according to the type of constructor in strict accordance with the technology. This provides record-breaking construction lines - about 3-5 days.

How prefabricated houses are created using VALDEK technology

Design. It is carried out by specialists of our own architectural and design department. When designing, we take into account the purpose of the building (residential building, hotel, etc.), the climatic features of the region, the customer's wishes regarding finishing and other important points. At this stage, an estimate for a prefabricated building is compiled and agreed with the client, which includes a detailed description of all elements.

Manufacturing and supply. The production of elements for the home is carried out in the factory, on modern equipment. This makes it possible to ensure high precision in the manufacture of all fragments and their compliance with the required quality standards. Eco-friendly materials are used for production (you can get acquainted with the certificates on the website). The technology of prefabricated houses assumes that the elements are delivered completely ready for assembly and fine finishing. Production time is 3-4 days. Transportation is carried out by our company.

Installation. It is carried out in stages, according to the project. Finished elements are assembled into a single structure using lifting and other specialized equipment. Construction time depends on the size and architectural complexity of the building. For example, it is possible to build a residential building with an area of ​​150 m2 in just 5 days, which is currently the best result in this segment.

fine finish. Panels supplied by us prefabricated buildings can be designed using almost all available ways: painting, plastering, etc. The type of finish and color scheme is chosen by the customer.

1 Outer wall

Basalt insulation "IsoBox / Inside" 150 mm thick

Expanded polystyrene PSB-S-25F 50 mm thick.

Expanded polystyrene (external insulation outer wall) - due to its physical properties, it is a very good heat and sound insulating material. Polyfoam material is not sensitive to moisture, does not emit any hazardous compounds. It refers to the so-called "mono-materials" (consisting of one type of material). Expanded polystyrene is absolutely non-toxic, it can be used without any fear. This is confirmed by the fact that for many years it has been used for the manufacture of food packaging that involves direct contact with food. Such a good state of affairs is explained by the nature of the foam: having an inert structure, the expanded polystyrene is biologically neutral and stable for many years. In our environment, monomeric styrene can be found in plant resins, as well as in foods such as strawberries, beans, nuts, beer, wine, etc.

Decorative facade plaster STO

Plaster system STO, Germany. In the production of VALDEK house kits, the StoTherm Classic plaster system based on organic materials is used, which practically outperforms mineral facade thermal insulation systems in all basic characteristics, including reliability, strength and elasticity.

Oriented strand board OSB-3 "EGGER GROUP" 15 mm thick

OSB (Oriented Strand Board), EGGER Group EUROSTRAND® is a three-layer board pressed from oriented strand chips in flat pressing machines (micro veneer) and impregnated with synthetic resins. In the production of OSB, debarked softwood, paraffin-wax emulsion, polyurethane resin and water are used. This material is characterized by good dimensional stability and optimal technical properties due to the use of specially shaped chips (chip length up to 160 mm) and a high degree of chip orientation of the coating layers.

2 Inner wall

Frame post made of planed wood with a section of 145*45 mm

We use certified products of the largest timber processing enterprises with normalized humidity. This is necessary condition creating a high-quality frame for the future home.

Basalt insulation "IsoBox / Extra Light" 100 mm thick

Basalt insulation is a mineral material produced from melts of basalt rocks at a temperature of 1300-1400°C, with the addition of water-repellent and binder components. The resulting material has good strength, withstand the load. Basalt slabs are non-toxic, environmentally safe, and belong to the class of non-combustible materials. Under the influence of fire and high temperatures, slabs of mineral basalt fiber do not smoke or emit toxic gases, they are resistant to high temperatures up to 600°C. Basalt insulation is durable, service life of at least 70 years, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, chemical and biological pollution. Plus - basalt insulation has excellent thermal and sound insulation properties.

Gypsum chipboard (GSP). 10 mm thick

Gypsum chipboard (GSP). 10 mm thick

A modern construction material with excellent sound and thermal insulation properties. GSP is an environmentally friendly material (GSP contains 83% gypsum, 15% wood shavings, 2% water). This material is produced by semi-dry pressing, without the use of high temperatures, which contributes to the high strength characteristics of the material. GSP belongs to the G1 combustibility group, because. gypsum binder prevents wood shavings from burning. In addition, gypsum boards are not exposed to fungus, are not damaged by insects and rodents.

3 Plinth panel

Basalt insulation is a mineral material produced from melts of basalt rocks at a temperature of 1300-1400°C, with the addition of water-repellent and binder components. The resulting material has good strength, withstand the load. Basalt slabs are non-toxic, environmentally safe, and belong to the class of non-combustible materials. Under the influence of fire and high temperatures, slabs of mineral basalt fiber do not smoke or emit toxic gases, they are resistant to high temperatures up to 600°C. Basalt insulation is durable, service life of at least 70 years, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, chemical and biological pollution. Plus - basalt insulation has excellent thermal and sound insulation properties.

Cement - particle board (DSP). 16 mm thick

Construction material, characterized by a high level of safety - fire, environmental, chemical and physical, with excellent sound insulation. The cement chip mass is placed under the press, from where the finished monolithic multilayer panel comes out. Layering provides such a plate with exceptional strength and reliability in operation. The chemical composition of the plate makes it unsuitable for the development of fungi and insects.

Vapor barrier membrane "Tyvek"

Membrane, TYVEK® - high tech roll materials designed for waterproofing, wind protection and vapor barrier of walls and pitched roofs. Tyvek® material is made up of millions of microfibers to ensure proper and uniform distribution of UV and heat protection additives, ensuring long lasting properties throughout the thickness of the material. That is why TYVEK® materials have a long history of effective application in the construction of houses on wooden frame. The high vapor permeability of Tyvek® materials allows residual moisture from the insulation and other structural elements to freely pass through it into the ventilated space, which prevents the accumulation of condensate, destruction of wood, and prevents the deterioration of thermal insulation characteristics. In stud wall constructions, additional protection with Tyvek® against wind pressure and air permeability is also of particular importance.

We use certified products of the largest timber processing enterprises with normalized humidity. This is a prerequisite for creating a high-quality frame for the future home.

4 Floor panel

Cement - particle board (DSP). 20 mm thick

Cement - particle board (DSP). 20 mm thick

A building material characterized by a high level of safety - fire, environmental, chemical and physical, with excellent sound insulation. The cement chip mass is placed under the press, from where the finished monolithic multilayer panel comes out. Layering provides such a plate with exceptional strength and reliability in operation. The chemical composition of the board makes it unsuitable for the development of fungi and insects.

Planed timber frame

We use certified products of the largest timber processing enterprises with normalized humidity. This is a prerequisite for creating a high-quality frame for the future home.

Basalt insulation "IsoBox / Extra Light" 100 mm thick

Basalt insulation is a mineral material produced from melts of basalt rocks at a temperature of 1300-1400°C, with the addition of water-repellent and binder components. The resulting material has good strength, withstand the load. Basalt slabs are non-toxic, environmentally safe, and belong to the class of non-combustible materials. Under the influence of fire and high temperatures, slabs of mineral basalt fiber do not smoke or emit toxic gases, they are resistant to high temperatures up to 600°C. Basalt insulation is durable, service life of at least 70 years, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, chemical and biological pollution. Plus - basalt insulation has excellent thermal and sound insulation properties.

5 roof panel

Waterproofing membrane "Tyvek"

Membrane, TYVEK® - high-tech roll materials designed for waterproofing, wind protection and vapor barrier of walls and pitched roofs. Tyvek® material is made up of millions of microfibers to ensure proper and uniform distribution of UV and heat protection additives, ensuring long lasting properties throughout the thickness of the material. That is why TYVEK® materials have a long history of effective application in the construction of wooden frame houses. The high vapor permeability of Tyvek® materials allows residual moisture from the insulation and other structural elements to freely pass through it into the ventilated space, which prevents the accumulation of condensate, destruction of wood, and prevents the deterioration of thermal insulation characteristics. In stud wall constructions, additional protection with Tyvek® against wind pressure and air permeability is also of particular importance.

Basalt insulation "IsoBox / Extra Light" 200 mm thick

Basalt insulation is a mineral material produced from melts of basalt rocks at a temperature of 1300-1400°C, with the addition of water-repellent and binder components. The resulting material has good strength, withstand the load. Basalt slabs are non-toxic, environmentally safe, and belong to the class of non-combustible materials. Under the influence of fire and high temperatures, slabs of mineral basalt fiber do not smoke or emit toxic gases, they are resistant to high temperatures up to 600°C. Basalt insulation is durable, service life of at least 70 years, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, chemical and biological pollution. Plus - basalt insulation has excellent thermal and sound insulation properties.

Vapor barrier membrane "Tyvek"

Membrane, TYVEK® - high-tech roll materials designed for waterproofing, wind protection and vapor barrier of walls and pitched roofs. Tyvek® material is made up of millions of micro-fibers (“labyrinth”), ensuring proper and even distribution of UV and heat protection additives, which guarantees high durability of properties throughout the thickness of the material. That is why TYVEK® materials have a long history of effective application in the construction of wooden frame houses. The high vapor permeability of Tyvek® materials allows residual moisture from the insulation and other structural elements to freely pass through it into the ventilated space, which prevents the accumulation of condensate, destruction of wood, and prevents the deterioration of thermal insulation characteristics. In stud wall constructions, additional protection with Tyvek® against wind pressure and air permeability is also of particular importance.

Gypsum chipboard (GSP). 10 mm thick

A modern construction material with excellent sound and heat insulation properties. GSplita is an environmentally friendly material (GSP contains 83% gypsum, 15% wood shavings, 2% water). This material is produced by semi-dry pressing, without the use of high temperatures, which contributes to the high strength characteristics of the material. GSP belongs to the G1 combustibility group, because. gypsum binder prevents wood shavings from burning. In addition, gypsum boards are not exposed to fungus, are not damaged by insects and rodents.

Metal tile, "Metal Profile".

Products are characterized by increased resistance to environmental influences and mechanical damage. This is ensured by processing the steel sheet with an alloy of zinc and aluminum, followed by passivation and priming.

What is included in the prefabricated building kit

  • Exterior walls
  • Internal walls
  • Plinth panels (not included in the basic package)
  • Roof panels
  • Floor panels
  • Additional elements

The composition of the kit for a prefabricated house is determined depending on the type, size and other features of a particular project.

To get more information about the technology of prefabricated houses and place an order, use the contact phone number, form feedback or e-mail, indicated at the top of the page.