Issue documents for the child. How to make a SNILS (pension certificate) for a newborn: where to go, what documents will be required

At present, for citizens of the Russian Federation has become topical issue what documents are needed for obtaining SNILS to kid. And do you even need to get it? In this article, we will consider what it is, who needs it and why, what documents are needed to obtain SNILS for a child, and also what advantages it provides.

Innovations in legislation

In connection with recent changes made to the current legislation of the country, it became necessary to register every child and teenager in the system of national pension insurance. Residents of the Russian Federation since the beginning of 2012 can issue an individual universal card in electronic format, which is designed to receive various state or municipal services for its owner, as well as to simplify participation in various social and medical programs insurance.

What is SNILS for?

Now one card can replace many documents. Among them: student card, pension certificate, travel document, bank card to implement various payments. Since this universal card also replaces a health insurance policy, it has now become necessary for every citizen of the country to have SNILS with them, including while receiving treatment services in medical institutions. In fact, this "green card" serves as a tool to reduce the time of service of a citizen by various state social structures.

Does a child need SNILS?

An insurance number and an individual personal account are necessary for each person so that he and the authorized state structures can receive any data on his work experience, transfers to the pension fund throughout all working years, as they will subsequently affect the size of the labor pension or may be needed when it is recalculated. SNILS is necessary not only for pension accruals, but also for receiving other public services, and therefore children and adolescents who are citizens of Russia, and Foreign citizens permanently residing in the country must also have it. What benefits does it provide? For example, children under three years old (sometimes up to six) who have SNILS are entitled to receive certain discounted medicines, as well as benefits for treatment in sanitary and resort institutions. What documents do you need to provide for this? How long does the registration process take? Let's figure it out.

What documents are needed to obtain SNILS for a child?

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it might seem. It is not necessary for a child to list documents for a long time to receive SNILS, since only the passport of the parent (the one who submits the application) and the child applicant will be needed. It will also be necessary to fill out a special form (form ADB-1), which must be provided to the applicant by employees of the Pension Fund. The questionnaire form ADB-1 after filling must be certified by the applicant's own signature.

What data does SNILS contain?

The pension certificate of a new sample must contain the following information: personal data - the name, patronymic and surname of the owner, his date of birth, gender, place and date of registration, data on when information about him was entered into a single system

It would not be superfluous to note that SNILS must also be issued for children who are citizens Russian Federation but live abroad. And also for children - citizens of other countries, temporarily or permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation.

How and where to apply?

We have sorted out what documents are needed to obtain SNILS for a child. Now the question arises as to where to go. Here, too, everything is simple. In any branch of the Russian Federation they are obliged to help with registration. One of his parents has the right to submit documents for obtaining SNILS to a child under 14 years of age. In this case, the presence of the applicant himself (i.e. the child) is not required. If SNILS is necessary for a teenager who is already 14, he can issue it on his own. But on one condition - if he already has a passport of a citizen of Russia (according to the law, at this age a person can already issue it). In some regions of the Russian Federation, a centralized registration process is organized, which is very convenient for parents. Since the only thing that is required of them is to bring the documents necessary for SNILS to the child to school or kindergarten. This design option will be acceptable for parents whose work schedule does not allow time to visit the branch of the Pension Fund.

What happens after the submission of documents

After all the documents for registration of SNILS are provided to the child, the ADB-1 form is filled out, the responsible specialist territorial office The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is obliged to check the correctness of filling out the questionnaire (check it with the data in the documents). Then the questionnaire is converted into electronic form and undergoes appropriate processing. When the data is processed, an individual personal account is opened, and an insurance certificate is issued.

A unique account number is given to a person once in a lifetime and is unchanged. If, during the processing of data, the system reports that matching data has been found with a previously registered insured person, the PF specialist decides to refuse to issue SNILS.

Is it possible to apply for SNILS via the Internet?

Unfortunately, this service is not available at the moment. But the developers of such a resource as the State Services website promise to soon provide everyone with such an opportunity.


Solving the issue of applying for SNILS for a child is quite easy, you just need to contact any PF department with a minimum package of documents. Or contact an educational or preschool institution, it is possible to issue an insurance pension document for a child there.

An insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (green plastic card) has been issued to absolutely all categories of citizens since 2011: working, non-working (housewives), military personnel and children. This certificate is a document confirming the registration of a citizen in the system of compulsory pension insurance (OPS).

What is SNILS?

SNILS is the insurance number of an individual personal account. On the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, in addition to the data of the insured person (full name, date and place of birth, gender and date of registration), an 11-digit number is indicated. This digital code is SNILS, which, like fingerprints, is unique, belongs to only one person and is issued for a lifetime.

How and where can I get SNILS for a child?

You can register a child in the compulsory pension insurance system by submitting relevant statement:

  • by a parent by contacting in person the territorial body of the PFR at the place of residence (if the child is under the age of 14). At the same time, the presence of the child himself when submitting documents is not required;
  • by a teenager who has reached the age of 14, personally contacting the territorial bodies of the PFR;
  • when making a universal electronic card assignment of SNILS occurs automatically.

In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation (where there is an agreement between the PFR branches and registry offices on interaction between authorities in in electronic format) since 2014, the procedure for obtaining SNILS for a newborn has been simplified without applying to the FIU with a statement.

In these subjects (such as St. Petersburg, Ivanovo, Irkutsk, Tyumen region), based on the information of the registry office, the Pension Fund promptly registers newborns in the OPS system, and the parents of babies can only wait for notification that their child is registered and receive SNILS by coming to the FIU at the place of residence. The adult population can get SNILS through the employer or on their own by contacting the FIU (for the unemployed).

You can only contact the Pension Fund in person. Submission of an application by mail or through the website of public services (Internet portal "Public Services") is not currently provided for by law.

Documents for obtaining SNILS for a child

When applying for registration of a child in the OPS system, one of the parents (legal representative) submits to the FIU at the place of residence:

  • passport parent or other identity document;
  • child's birth certificate(for children under 14 years of age);
  • statement(questionnaire) of the insured person in the ADV-1 form, certified by one of the parents (in some branches of the PFR, when submitting a passport and birth certificate, the questionnaire is filled in electronically by an employee of the PFR).

Adolescents aged 14 years and older can apply to the FIU on their own, taking their passport with them.

How soon can I get SNILS?

The Territorial Department of the PFR draws up insurance certificate within two to three weeks from the date of submission of the application (questionnaire) with necessary documents. After this period, you can drive up to the FIU and pick up an insurance certificate of pension insurance.

Why does a child need SNILS?

SNILS is a kind of “link” and is used in information interaction between the PFR, compulsory medical insurance funds, social insurance and others government bodies. The use of SNILS reduces the time for the exchange of information between structures providing citizens with state, social, and medical services.

SNILS will need:

  • for getting medical services children, including when applying for benefits for obtaining medicines and specialized health food products for children with disabilities. Provision of vouchers for spa treatment and free travel to and from the place of treatment;
  • to form pension savings and receiving the funded part of the pension if it is inherited by a child (if minor child became the heir to the funded part of the pension);
  • for the appointment and receipt of pensions, benefits, monthly cash payments;
  • students and schoolchildren who earn extra money during the summer holidays in children's holiday camps, environmental teams, etc.
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In our country, each person must have an insurance certificate of the PFR, which is issued for his entire life and contains all necessary information By pension insurance. It is best to order it immediately after birth, so parents of babies need to know how to get SNILS for a child so that he can fully exercise his rights.

SNILS performs the function of the insurance personal account number of each person in the FIU, which is recorded on a green form issued by the relevant authority on the basis of a personal application.

In addition to the number, it also reflects the full name. person, date and place of his birth, time of registration with pension insurance authorities.

SNILS is assigned individually to each subject for his entire life. When changing personal data, the number of the insurance certificate is not subject to change.

Its significance lies in the fact that it reflects the number of the personal account where the employee or his employer makes the deduction of insurance premiums. According to SNILS, you can find out not only information about the accumulated amounts, but also periods labor activity taken into account in the length of service of the employee for calculating the pension. It is paid upon reaching a certain age or insured event(death, disability of the insured). All information is taken on the basis of personal account data.

SNILS is valid together with a passport or other identity document.

Attention! Also, the number is needed when receiving many benefits and social guarantees of the state. Therefore, the number of a personal account in the FIU is often asked to provide when applying to medical institutions, when entering educational institutions or for work.

Many authorities interact with each other in relation to individuals precisely by SNILS numbers, using it as a unique identifier.

Now there is a development of a system for citizens to apply to the services of state bodies "from home" on the basis of the public services portal. People get access there by numbers recorded in SNILS.

Also, the implementation of a unified universal card, through which it will be possible to receive a number of services in the field of social insurance and medicine, it also uses data from a pension certificate.

Why do children need a witness?

It is advisable to start obtaining a card for a child immediately after receiving a birth certificate.

This is due to the fact that:

  • Medical services will be provided to the baby in full only upon presentation together with the SNILS medical policy.
  • SNILS opens up access to receiving such social guarantees as free medicines, vouchers to sanatoriums, etc.
  • Upon admission to a kindergarten or school and further educational institutions, SNILS for a child allows you to apply for benefits for free meals, a camp and a number of other social privileges.
  • SNILS is an identifier on the public services portal, where you can queue for a kindergarten without leaving your home.

Why get SNILS for a newborn?

It is better not to postpone the receipt of a document for a newborn by relatives for a long time.

SNILS will allow parents to issue and receive in a simplified form:

  • Services of medical institutions (clinics, hospitals) when servicing a newborn (according to a birth certificate for keeping a child after birth for a year)
  • Receive medicines prescribed by law free of charge (usually for children under three years of age);
  • Receive free, nutritious, age-appropriate meals;
  • Prepare the necessary certificates and documents for the baby;
  • Arrange various benefits (for birth, children, maternal capital etc.).
  • Participate in the inheritance of a pension.

Where to get the document

The question: where to get SNILS for a child can only be answered directly at the FIU, or at the MFC.

by the most in a simple way is the opportunity for parents to contact the nearest branch of the MFC. They need to provide required package documents, an employee of the center will process them, draw up an application and send it to the FIU. Then he will set the time when you need to come up to get your hands on a ready-made PFR certificate.

However, this method is longer in time than a direct appeal to the FIU department. This is explained by the document flow between the MFC and the FIU upon requesting a certificate and receiving it. But the term for issuing SNILS cannot exceed 3 weeks.

Parents of the child can also go to the nearest PFR branch and apply for a personal account number there. As a rule, the application itself is filled out by an employee of the pension fund, the applicant only needs to verify his identity.

The FIU sets a time, and the completed certificate is handed over to the child's parents. Maximum term here it is also three weeks, but often the issuance is carried out within 7 days from the date of application.

Attention! Recently, parents have often been interested in how to get SNILS for a child through public services. Today there is no such possibility. On the portal, you can fill out a questionnaire and print it, but you will only need to submit it in person. At the same time, the FIU claims that the personal data of an individual are confidential and cannot be transferred remotely.

How to get an insurance certificate for a child?

Making an insurance certificate for a child is a simple procedure that is not much different from the usual one.


Get this document has the right of any of the parents, or legal representatives of the newly born baby. However, it must be taken into account that present moment you need to issue a birth certificate at the registry office, since without this document the procedure for obtaining SNILS will be impossible.

The package of documents must include a copy of the identity card of one of the parents. Who will act for them - mother or father, does not matter. The presence of the baby when applying for SNILS is optional.

Since since 2013 the registry office is obliged to transfer information about children born to the FIU, a certificate for a baby can be obtained in Moscow and some regions immediately upon application.

Children under 14

The procedure for obtaining SNILS for children under 14 is no different from the previous one. Here, too, a document is made on the basis of a questionnaire and supporting papers by one of the parents or legal representatives. The presence of the child is not required.

Child over 14 years old

A child over the age of 14 already has a passport, so he can apply for SNILS on his own. At the same time, the passport of the child, and not the birth certificate, should already be used as an identity document.

The rest of the procedure is no different from the usual.

In addition, a child from the age of 14 has the right to enter into an employment relationship, which is why he can apply for registration of SNILS through his first employer, who is obliged to carry out this action.

For students of educational institutions

In accordance with the law, a preschool institution, school, or other educational institution. The administration of such an institution trusts an adult domestic person to collect necessary information and documents of children and transfer to the FIU. In this case, a group of children receives SNILS.

This possibility is provided due to the fact that at this age children are entitled to a fairly large amount social benefits(food, educational literature, sanatoriums, camps), upon registration of which SNILS should already be with them. And to facilitate this process, an educational institution can take on such a responsibility.

What documents are needed to obtain SNILS for children?

When applying for SNILS, you must first find out what documents are needed for SNILS for a child.

The following list has been approved by law:

  • Questionnaire of the insured person - you can fill it out yourself, or a qualified specialist of the relevant authority will take care of its compilation.
  • A copy of the child's birth certificate - if he is not yet 14 years old.
  • A copy of the child's passport - if he has reached the age of 14 years.
  • A copy of the passport of one of the parents who, on behalf of the minor, will submit an application for registration of SNILS to the child.
  • A copy of the inventory in the ADV-6-2 form - if SNILS is issued through the employer.

How long does it take to get a certificate?

On legislative level it was established that the maximum time during which the pension authority must issue SNILS is 3 weeks.

In fact, local PF branches try to minimize the waiting time as much as possible. Now in some regions of Russia, you can get SNILS in your hands already 3-10 days after personal filing documents to the authority.

Attention! The procedure for issuing an access card is also when contacting the MFC. However, in this case, the period may be somewhat longer than in case of a personal application to the fund (but it should also not exceed 3 weeks). This is due to the fact that the MFC must follow the prescribed procedures for transferring documents to the fund, and then receiving them back.

Most legal acts are accompanied by the provision of specially designed documents. Many of them are also needed by children. Why might a child, including a newborn, need a SNILS card and number? How to get SNILS for a child, read this article.

Why do children need SNILS?

Every citizen of the Russian Federation from birth is a potential pensioner, so you can open a current account (register) with the Pension Fund at any age, even right from birth. For children, their legal representatives, parents, are responsible for obtaining SNILS.

Why get SNILS for a newborn?

Returning from the maternity hospital, the mother begins to think about the legalization of a new citizen of the Russian Federation. If the need for timely registration of a birth certificate does not raise questions, there may be doubts about SNILS. Its design for children is not required by law, so is it worth it for a newborn baby?

Life situations show that it is quite difficult to do without SNILS. You will still need it, sooner or later, so you can arrange it at the very beginning. life path and calmly interact with it with the majority state structures.

Attention! The most important factor that speaks of the need for SNILS for a newborn is the registration of a free medical care which is very important in infancy. Since 2016, this cannot be done without SNILS.

Why do children need a witness?

The cherished green card is useful not only for a baby. When the child gets older, the degree of his interaction with the state will only increase.

Children need SNILS:

  • when applying for them various benefits;
  • when insuring a child;
  • up to 3 years of age - to receive a number of preferential medicines (low-income families - up to 6 years of the child);
  • to receive benefits when issuing sanatorium vouchers;
  • in case of disability - to provide sick children with special nutrition and treatment;
  • for identification at school, sometimes in kindergarten;
  • to participate in a number government programs for children;
  • for official part-time work during the holidays (from the age of 14);
  • recording a child for an appointment with doctors through the State Services;
  • the child himself may need to register on the State Services portal;
  • if the child inherits funded pension;
  • for the issuance of an electronic card of a citizen, which combines the main personal documents.

What documents are needed to receive SNILS for children in 2019?

The package of documents for registration of SNILS is small, it is not difficult to assemble it.

This will require:

  • birth certificate of the child;
  • passport of mom or dad, and they can be not only citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • questionnaire in the ADV-1 form (issued at registration or printed out in advance).

Filling out a questionnaire for the first registration of SNILS

Established form for an application for initial registration with the Pension Fund and the issuance of SNILS - ADV-1. Its form was adopted by the Resolution of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 473p.

The application form can be obtained from:

  • in any branch of the FIU;
  • in the MFC department;
  • fill in online on the State Services portal;
  • print from the Internet.

It is important to fill it out correctly, without making mistakes even in one letter. All data that the applicant will enter into the questionnaire must match those that appear in personal documents. Corrections and blots are not allowed. You can fill out the form by hand (necessarily in block letters) or type it on a computer.

Important! If you are looking for a form on the Internet, do not confuse it with an outdated form that was valid before October 8, 2016, use only the current version.

Fill Features:

  • The full name of the child is indicated in full, as it is indicated in the birth certificate, in the nominative case;
  • gender is indicated by one letter (M or F);
  • the date of birth is indicated by a two-digit figure (if the day falls in the first ten, they put 0 in front), as well as the year of birth, and the month - by a word (for example, October 06, 2017);
  • place of birth - city, village or town. If the city is the capital or administrative center, a simple name is enough, for other cities, you must also indicate the region (region), and for villages, enter the district in addition to the region. If this locality changed the name, in the questionnaire everything must be written early, as it appears in the birth certificate.
  • citizenship is indicated not only by foreigners, but also by Russians (you need to enter "Russia");
  • if the registration address matches the place of residence, then you do not need to write it a second time, do not forget to provide the full postal code;
  • a contact phone number is given (mobile is also possible), this line may not be filled out;
  • as an identity document for children, a birth certificate and its details are entered - series, number, date of issue (in the same format as the date of birth), and also by which authority it was issued;
  • the date of filling out the form is written in the same format;
  • at the end, the personal signature of one of the legal representatives of the child or himself, if he is already 14 years old, is put.

Where to get SNILS for a child in 2019

In the same place as for an adult - in the branch of the Pension Fund or the MFC (in certain regions). If we are talking about a baby with whom it is difficult for mom to visit such places, and for dad it is also difficult because of the schedule, you can ask one of the relatives to apply for SNILS.

It is important that the questionnaire be completed by the father or mother, as the legal representatives of the child, in his own hand. Otherwise, documents will not be accepted from another person without a notarized power of attorney.

How to get an insurance certificate for a child

It is necessary to submit the listed documents to the PFR department, and then, after a set time, pick up SNILS for your child with an identity document.

You can also fill out an application via the Internet if you have an electronic signature (on the PFR website or the State Services portal), but you will have to submit the documents and then receive the card “live”: it is not yet possible to get SNILS for a child through the State Services.

It is allowed to issue SNILS to children through the Multifunctional Center, if in the region where the parents live, he has formalized interaction with the Pension Fund.

In some regions of Russia, the functions of communication between newly-made mothers and the FIU were taken over by the registry office, which issues the first document to babies.

By analogy with the obligation of the employer, SNILS can be centrally issued in children's educational institutions - kindergartens and schools.

Attention! Since SNILS is needed from infancy, most parents try to issue it as early as possible, if possible, simultaneously with the birth certificate.

How to get SNILS for a newborn

The procedure is no different from that for adults. One of the parents of the child with his passport and birth certificate of the crumbs must submit an application to the FIU (possible through the MFC) and receive SNILS within the prescribed period.

In some cities, for the convenience of parents, the issuance of SNILS and birth certificates is possible in the “single window” mode: when registering a newborn, registry offices transmit information to the FIU and issue both documents at the same time.

Children under 14

For children, this procedure is performed by parents according to one of the described schemes (visit to the FIU or MFC). The presence of the child is not required for this.

Child over 14 years old

Legally, this is an independent citizen, since he already has his own passport. If the child is already 14, then he can perform all the procedures related to SNILS on his own, even without the presence of his parents. To receive SNILS, he will need to fill out a questionnaire form at the FIU or MFC, and then, on the basis of his passport, receive SNILS.

Attention! If before the age of 14 the child did not apply for SNILS, but decided to officially earn extra money during the holidays, then his first employer will take over the production and receipt of SNILS. But not every employer will want to accept an official child at that age.

To do this, a minor employee will need to fill out a questionnaire (this can also be done by a personnel officer), sign it and wait for the due date. His employer will interact with the FIU, and he will also issue a card to the teenager against signature in the statement.

Students in general educational institutions

It is allowed to issue SNILS for children to authorized educational institutions if for some reason the child is registered there without this document.

Deadlines for obtaining a certificate

The legally defined period for the manufacture of SNILS is 3 weeks (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2009 No. 987n as amended on July 27, 2010). But it is better to clarify the readiness of the card by contact numbers of the PFR departments.

If documents are submitted through the MFC, 2 days must be added to this period for their transfer to the FIU.

After being included in the country's pension insurance system, an individual opens a personal 11-digit account (SNILS). The specified numerical value is reflected on the document issued to the applicant - a pension certificate in the form plastic card Green colour. The type and form of the certificate is the same for any category of individuals, including minor children.

What is on the card?

The evidence reflects a variety of personal information about the owner, including:

  • individual account number of the applicant (SNILS);
  • personal information about the citizen (name, surname);
  • the value of the date of birth;
  • information about the place of birth;
  • information about registration in the insurance system.

A unique SNILS is issued to a specific individual and does not change throughout his life. If the card is lost, the owner is given a duplicate of the document, which indicates the previous (previously assigned) number.

Why SNILS for a minor?

The reason for the need to register minors in the pension insurance system of the Russian Federation was the adjustment of the norms of the existing Russian legislation.

All citizens of the country should be provided with electronic cards of a universal type, designed to replace a variety of various documents: O health insurance, student ticket, transport (travel) tickets and others. The wide range of validity of the card will ensure and facilitate the receipt and payment of various services (municipal, state), as well as increase the availability of insurance services and support programs for needy categories of insured persons, including minor children.

SNILS is one of the significant and mandatory parameters that are present in the universal electronic card. Therefore, without the specified number, it will be inaccessible to receive many state, medical, pension insurance services.

Minors with citizenship of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of residence, may be registered with the insurance system. Registration of SNILS is also available to children who have the citizenship of another state if they reside within the territory of Russia temporarily or permanently. Registration is carried out on the basis of the submission of an application-questionnaire of the applicant in the ADV-1 version. It is possible to find out in more detail what documents to obtain SNILS for a child in a particular situation at each representative office of the PF of the country.

How do I open an account for a minor?

For citizens under the age of 18, a pension certificate is issued and received by their parents / guardians in several ways:

  • Parents or authorized persons minor child they personally apply to the Pension Fund, presenting the documents required for registration to the branch in the region of their residence/registration, and later pick up the finished document with the assigned account number. There is no need for the mandatory presence of the minor in the PF.
  • To issue an account number for a minor citizen who is 14 years old, parents can submit documents to the Pension Fund. But the child of the indicated age himself is endowed with the right to independently submit documents for registration of the SNILS number to the branch of the Pension Fund, and accordingly, he can pick up the finished pension certificate.
  • If a minor receives a school education or attends a preschool institution, the administration of this institution transfers information to the Pension Fund for the preparation of SNILS.
  • In the event that the Pension Fund and the registry office have entered into an agreement on interdepartmental cooperation, registering a child (in the registry office), parents can fill out the information necessary for the PF. You can pick up the finished number later in the PF.

Other ways how and where to get SNILS for a child (in the form of sending an application by mail, through an electronic website of public services) are not legally formalized and do not work.

What documents are required to open an account?

Each branch of the PF will tell you what documents are needed to obtain SNILS. The PF at the place of residence or registration of a minor from authorized persons (parents, guardians) needs some documents, including:

  • A document to confirm the identity of any of the parents, which transmits information intended for opening an insurance account for the child (passport, certificate).
  • Birth document of a minor (certificate provided for persons under 14 years of age).

Questionnaire for a minor citizen (similar to ADV-1), which must be completed and certified by the signature of one of the parents. In a number of branches and representative offices of the Pension Fund, it is practiced to electronically fill out this document by an employee of the fund on the basis of the presented birth document and passport, then print it out and transfer it to the parent for review and signing.

For teenagers over 14 years of age who decide to independently come to the Pension Fund for SNILS, it is enough to have a passport and a completed and signed application form.

The process of registering a pension account after the transfer of all documentation to the Pension Fund does not exceed 3 weeks.

How to fill out a questionnaire?

A questionnaire for SNILS for a child can be filled out when visiting the PF or in advance if a sample is printed from the official network site of the PF. The form requires the correct and clear filling of the columns with the following information:

  • personal information about the minor (last name, first name, patronymic) and gender;
  • information about the date and place of his birth;
  • citizenship;
  • place of residence/registration;
  • information of a document confirming the identity of a minor (birth document, passport for children over 14 years old).

At the end of the page, the date of filling in the columns is indicated and the signature of the parent, the authorized person of the insured or the child himself, if he is over 14 years old, is put in his own hand. It is desirable to fill out the form in block letters without errors and corrections.

Do I need to do SNILS before school?

In some school and pre-school institutions, in order to enroll a minor in them as mandatory condition a requirement is put forward to provide a pension document and SNILS.

This requirement is against the law. Moreover, the administration of a children's institution (school, pre-school) must issue SNILS accounts to pupils on the basis of an application received from the parents / guardians of the child.

The administration's demand is partly explained by the fact that each child (not only beneficiaries) is paid a subsidy for food in a children's institution and a set of school textbooks is purchased. The accuracy of calculating the amounts depends on SNILS, which is a generalizing identifier for the child in almost all departmental structures (municipal, state).

How to apply online?

Registration of SNILS for a child is carried out on the basis of Federal Law No. 27 of 04/01/1996, which determined the execution of a pension document for individual directly Pension Fund and its branches. The document reflects information about an individual: account number, personal data of a citizen, date of registration in the database of the country's insurance system.

This information is legally classified as information that is subject to confidentiality requirements. Therefore, the possibility of transferring an application form for registration and receipt of a pension account via the Internet is not provided.

Advantages of SNILS

To understand why a child needs SNILS, it should be taken into account that in the near future this number will replace all other personal identifiers (TIN, policy, passport). Already now it is used not only to calculate pensions, but also:

  • As an identifier of an individual when providing medical care CHI fund. The presence of an insurance number simplifies the relationship between the medical institution and the MHIF in the treatment of children, the provision of free medical devices(medicines), queuing for high-tech medical care.
  • Accelerates the identification of a number of categories of citizens (disabled children) in need of social support. According to Federal Law No. 178 of July 17, 1999, the provision of social support (medical nutrition, medicines, spa treatment) is carried out in relation to citizens who are members of federal list(register) of persons entitled to said assistance. To register a child in the register, his SNILS is required.
  • SNILS acts as a single identifier and the main requisite when issuing a universal electronic card that performs the functions of many documents, including an identity card, especially when applying for services provided by state or municipal structures.

SNILS provides the possibility of processing many documents in electronic form (obtaining a certificate from the legal register for real estate, submitting an application for replacing a foreign passport).

The number is required for schoolchildren and students engaged in official part-time work during the school holidays.

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