Pay taxes due. How to pay transport tax through public services, the Federal Tax Service or Sberbank online

Question how to pay transport tax, often becomes a problem for motorists. The reason is the lack of time to get to the bank or to the traffic police department to make a payment. But this is not necessary.

Today, tax payment issues are resolved via the Internet (that is, online), or through a terminal or ATM.

The easiest way to find out your debt for any tax is on the Yandex.Money service, indicating your TIN (taxpayer identification number) there.

How to find out tax debt online

This can be done like this:

  • on the Yandex.Tax website, entering your TIN, all the details.
  • on the website of the Federal Tax Service, if any Personal Area(!) in the Federal Tax Service.

Below we will analyze 8 options for how to pay the transport tax online (via the Internet) and through self-service devices (Sberbank terminal or ATM), and what are the nuances of each of the methods.

1. How to pay transport tax Sberbank online

A popular way among motorists in 2016 is to pay transport tax through Sberbank online. The principle is simple. A Sberbank client who has a bank card sets up a personal account on the Sberbank website through which he manages accounts. The personal account on the Sberbank website is called Sberbank Online.

The following services are available here:

  • loan processing,
  • repayment of loans,
  • receipt payments
  • and so on.

Now the option to pay the tax on transport has been added.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

1) Enter the data to enter your personal account on the official website of Sberbank Online:

In the absence of an account (personal account), it is worth registering. To do this, you will need a bank card and mobile phone on which the service " Mobile bank". If your mobile phone receives an SMS about each operation on your card, then this service is activated for you.

The procedure for registering a personal account in Sberbank Online is intuitive and according to the instructions of the system.

2) After logging into your Sberbank Online, go to the "Transfers and payments" page.

3) To speed up the payment process and make sure it is correct, set your region (1 in Fig. 1).

4) Then go to the subsection "traffic police, taxes, duties, budget payments"and click on the line" Federal Tax Service "(2 in Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Transport tax to Sberbank online: Federal Tax Service

5) On the new page that opened after clicking, go to the "Search and payment of taxes by the Federal Tax Service" section.

Rice. 2 Sberbank online: tax search

6) The critical part begins - making the payment.

  • If the receipt is in front of your eyes, then select “Payment of taxes by document index” (2 in Fig. 2).
  • In the absence of a receipt, you will need the section “Search for overdue taxes by TIN” (3 in Fig. 2).

7) Fill in the proposed fields and click "Continue".

8) In the relevant section, decide on bank card from which funds will be debited. Simple savings book not worth using. It is advisable to use online payment. Enter the taxpayer code number and click on the "Continue" button.

9) It remains to choose the option for making a payment and make a payment.

10) Immediately after payment, pay attention to the link "Print receipt". To have proof of payment of the tax on hand, it is worth printing a receipt.

Is there a difference between a terminal and an ATM?

If you have problems with your computer and online resources, you should go the less complicated way - use the terminal or ATM. Both tools have a number of differences in functionality, but the principle of making payments is the same.

Rice. 3 Terminal and two Sberbank ATMs

Is there any difference between a terminal and an ATM?

Firstly, the terminal differs from an ATM in that the terminal does not dispense money. The ATM dispenses money.

Secondly, the terminal accepts money strictly for one bill. And an ATM can accept money in a bundle.

Thirdly, an ATM may have a scanner for reading a barcode from a receipt, but the terminal does not have a scanner.

Let's take a closer look at each of the eight options for paying transport tax.

2. Payment through the Sberbank terminal

1) Decide in what form you will make the payment - by card or in cash.

2) If the option with plastic card, then insert the plastic into the slot on the terminal and enter the pin code.

3) Go to the tab "PAYMENTS AND TRANSFERS" on the touch screen of the terminal.

Rice. 4 Sberbank terminal or Sberbank ATM - Main menu - Payments and transfers

4) Select the section "traffic police, taxes, duties, budget payments."

6) Select one of the three services on the terminal:

  • FTS: payment by arbitrary details,
  • Search for overdue taxes by TIN,
  • Payment of taxes by document index.

If you choose payment by details, you will first need to enter the BIC of the recipient's bank, and then other details. Of course, it will be more convenient if you have a transport tax receipt in your hands.

Searching for taxes by TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) involves entering your TIN.

When paying by index, enter the index of the document.

7) Enter personal information, payment type and amount.

8) Click the payment button.

9) Do not forget to collect your bank card and payment receipt.

With a non-cash payment, funds are withdrawn from the card automatically.

For the option with cash, the terminal will ask you to deposit funds separately in a special window. You should not insert papers at a time - the terminal will not accept them, you need to enter one bill at a time. Upon payment, the Sberbank terminal issues a couple of checks - small and large. They are worth saving, especially for a large check.

3. Payment through a Sberbank ATM

You need to go to a Sberbank ATM with a transport tax receipt. Next, we act according to the algorithm below:

1) Decide on the payment option - cash or card.

2) Click on the section for making payments "in our region" (located on the right side).

3) Click on the payee search section.

After the options appear, the choice is made in two ways: by barcode or by taxpayer code. The barcode option is, of course, easier. But there may be problems with the absence of a barcode or with the incorrect operation of a special camera in an ATM, which is designed to read a barcode from a receipt.

It is also possible to search for a tax recipient by name, but you will have to spend your time on this option. In the "convenience-speed" ratio, the leader is the search by the payer's code.

4) Enter in the box the TIN numbers indicated on the receipt.

5) Choose a payment method. To pay the transport tax, you need to select the payment option according to the receipt.

6) Bring the barcode document to the scanner. At the same time, please note that you only need the code that is drawn on the receipt on the left. Others are unreadable.

7) After reading, the data for the payment is displayed on the screen. They should be checked and agreed by clicking the "Continue" button.

8) Enter the required amount through the bill slot. Please note that change is not issued, but it is allowed to transfer the balance to the mobile phone account.

9) After the operation, take the checks and receipt confirming the payment.

The main advantages of paying through a terminal or ATM of Sberbank:

  • Simplicity;
  • High speed of payment;
  • Save time (no need to stand in queues);
  • Savings on commission payments.

4. Transport tax online through the State Services

It is allowed to pay transport tax online by another method - through the website of the State Service. This is a popular portal that speeds up the receipt of papers by 2-3 times. How to pay transport tax in this way? Here the sequence of actions is as follows:

1) Go to the official website of the State Services

The State Services website provides services on issues related to such important points, How:

Log in to your account or register if there is no personal account. To register on the public services website, you need an e-mail or mobile phone number. When registering, an email will be sent to the specified e-mail, and an SMS message will be sent to the phone. This is necessary to confirm that the e-mail or mobile phone belongs to you. Next, you will need to come up with a password. After that, registration in public services will be completed. To enter public services, you will have an e-mail (or mobile number) and a password.

However, such a simple registration in public services will NOT allow you to use all the services of this site. To get access to all public services in your personal account, you need to go through identity verification, for example, at the Rostelecom office or at the Russian Post. The identity verification service is paid.

After registering on the public services website and confirming (!) your identity, all public services will be available to you directly from your computer with the Internet.

It is allowed to enter the State Service website using one of the three "assistants":

  • Email,
  • phone number,
  • SNILS (Insurance Number of an Individual Personal Account) - a personal account contained in insurance certificate compulsory pension insurance.

3) The list of public services is displayed on the screen. Of these, one section is the verification of tax debts. After selecting the desired section, study the information provided and the required list of papers. It is easy to replenish the stock of knowledge by clicking on the "Get a service" button.

Subsequently, you are offered the option of ordering a bank receipt as a fact of payment confirmation (if you wish, you can refuse the paper). Be prepared for additional commission costs.

4) Payment is verified two weeks. Once the funds are in tax structure, it disappears on the State Services portal.

Payment of transport tax on the website of public services is notable for its simplicity, but it is suitable only for owners account who have verified their identity.

In the absence of such, it is worth registering on the State Services portal. In the future, having access to your personal account will simplify the paperwork process.

If there is no transport tax receipt

It is possible that there is a car, but there is no transport tax receipt. Such situations happen in the life of motorists, and they are explained as follows:

  • When buying a car or other property, a person is obliged to transfer information to the tax office. If this requirement is not met, the payment document will not be issued. To solve the problem, it is worth visiting the IFTS ( tax office), where you will be entered into the database (some people call this procedure “enter into the computer”). After that, the transport tax will be charged.
  • The delivery of the transport tax receipt is carried out by the Russian Post. If the paper is lost, then to restore the paper (if there is a need for it), you need to contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence with a passport and with your TIN (payer code).

You can pay transport tax without a receipt, for example, pay online on the website of the Federal Tax Service, which will be discussed below.

5. Payment of transport tax on the website of the Federal Tax Service when there is no receipt

To pay transport tax online on the website of the Federal Tax Service, when there is no receipt, proceed as follows:

and fill out the form.

Rice. 5 Payment of tax on the website of the Federal Tax Service

2) Enter the data in the fields that appear: Last name, First name, Patronymic. For cashless electronic payment in without fail you must enter the TIN individual.

3) Decide

  • with the type of tax (1 in Fig. 6) - you need to select "Transport tax",
  • write down your address
  • the type of payment (could be tax or interest) and
  • payment amount.

Rice. 6 Website of the Federal Tax Service: transport tax, address, type of payment, amount

4) Then choose the payment option:

  • Cash
  • Cashless payments.

The non-cash option is preferable, because you can do it without a queue or additional fees.

Rice. 7 Website of the Federal Tax Service: payment of transport tax by bank transfer

After the payment is made, the money goes to the Federal Tax Service and is processed for two weeks. To make a payment without using cash, you cannot do without a personal account at the bank (the so-called online bank or Internet bank). There are several options for available banks: Sberbank, Your Bank, VPB, Qiwi Bank, PSCB, Gazprombank, Promsvyazbank (Fig. 7) and others.

When choosing the option with cash, proceed as follows:

Rice. 8 Website of the Federal Tax Service: cash payment when paying transport tax

After that, a pdf file with a receipt will appear. The paper is then printed and stored on the computer. By the way, print the receipt when required.

In the absence of a receipt, try not to delay paying off the debt. If it is impossible to make payments online, contact the Federal Tax Service to obtain a duplicate receipt.

5.1. Payment on the website of the Federal Tax Service through a personal account

To create a personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service, you will have to

  • go to the FTS
  • show your passport
  • taxpayer code (TIN will be needed if you go to another FTS, and not to the one at the place of registration) and
  • ask to give you data for authorization on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

After issuing a piece of paper with a username and password, it remains to go to your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service and change your username and password. This must be done quickly, otherwise the data issued by the Federal Tax Service will be canceled.

I described in more detail the procedure for obtaining a full-fledged personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service) and payment of tax.

6. Payment of transport tax online through Alfa Bank

Payment through Alfa-Bank is good if you have a card from this bank and you use (or are going to use) an Internet bank, which in this case is called Alfa Click.

Rice. 9 Payment of transport tax in Alfa Click

In such a situation, there will be

  • pass authorization in Alfa Click,
  • select the option "Payment for services" - "Public services (fines, traffic police, taxes)",
  • if necessary, you can search for the transport tax by your TIN (1 in Fig. 9),
  • enter details and
  • make payment.

Immediately after payment, you can make a payment template. Then, when paying the next transport tax, it will be possible to edit the old payment and thus spend less time paying taxes.

7. Payment of vehicle tax online via Webmoney

  • Go to the WebMoney system cabinet,
  • select the “Individuals” tab - the “Pay” section, and in it - “ public services, fines, taxes” (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10 Paying taxes in Webmoney

  • enter the taxpayer code (TIN),
  • find debts and
  • click "Next".

The payment is made if there are funds on the WebMoney wallet, so it is worth depositing money before the procedure. Plus payment - a chance to cover all debts at once.

8. Payment of transport tax online via

Yandex Money was once bought by Sberbank from Yandex and is now Sberbank's electronic money. This method of paying tax is suitable if you have a wallet in this system. Plus - the possibility of making a payment without a commission.

To make a payment, go to the official Yandex.Money website

choose "Products and services" (1 in Fig. 11).

Rice. 11 Tax payment via Yandex.Wallet

Select the "Taxes" section (checking debts) - 2 in fig. eleven.

After that, the "Taxes: check debts" window will open:

Note that transport tax (and any other tax) can be searched for:

  • by TIN (1 in Fig. 12),
  • according to the Index document (2 in Fig. 12), which can be found on your transport tax receipt.

Click the "Check" button. After finding the right debt, it is allowed to make a payment. Time for verification - up to 30 days.

As you can see, paying transport tax online is not difficult, using the capabilities of a computer. If you master a convenient method for yourself and use it regularly, then subsequently all actions take place “automatically”, and the payment process itself takes several minutes.

Poll “Do you use a virtual bank card?”

Is it worth it in the age of the Internet to waste time at the cash desk in a bank? Today, you can pay taxes on the TIN of an individual, sitting at a computer at home or at work. The only "minus" of this payment method is the absence of the usual receipt confirming the fact of payment Money. But all other advantages more than cover this shortcoming. This article will tell you about the ways in which you can pay taxes online by TIN.

How to use public services

The simplest and most understandable service for paying taxes on the TIN of an individual is considered to be the State Services. Those who already have an account on the e-government portal will have to spend no more than 5 minutes on the entire operation. If there is no profile on the site, you should go through a simple registration and get access to the services of the service. This will come in handy more than once, for example, for quick paperwork, social payments, paying utility bills.

Debt repayment on

The ability to pay taxes through a personal taxpayer account is available at How to perform the operation correctly will be described below.

You need to sign in to your account using one of the following methods:

  • using accesses (the user becomes a member of the system if he passes authorization on the State Services);
  • having a CES (a certificate and an electronic signature key is issued to its owner by a Certification Authority);
  • by entering the accesses received at the branch of the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence (you need to approach the branch employee and ask for a registration card with a username and password to enter the account, this service is free).

Further, in your account, you can view the presence of debts and pay them off in any way. If it is more convenient to pay in cash through a savings bank, you can issue a payment through the portal. If you want to use bank transfer, you need to select your bank in the list below.

Sberbank cardholders

Sberbank cardholders have a wide choice: pay taxes with a bank card through the State Services, use the bank's website, application on the phone, tax website, or pay the amount owed in self-service devices.

Paying taxes in Sberbank Online requires a network connection, regardless of whether the application is used on a tablet/smartphone or the user is logged into the user account on the Internet portal.

The first step is to enter the bank user account. Next, find the item marked in the screenshot below.

Now in the menu item "Payment for purchases" you need to find the line with the active link "Federal Tax Service". Then click on "Search and pay taxes". It remains only to enter the details and confirm the payment.

The fact that the operation was completed successfully will be indicated by the purple seal that appears near the "payment".

Note: If you need a receipt for the successful transfer of funds, you can print it at this stage. To do this, click on the "Print check" button. The printed receipt will have the same validity as a bank check.

Unknown invoice index? Funds can be transferred to the recipient by taxpayer number:

  • the first step is to log into your account;
  • go to "Payments ..." again;
  • then click on "FTS";
  • in the column "Choice of service" you need to click on "Search for debt by TIN";
  • on the line below you must indicate your taxpayer number;
  • then enter the amount and confirm the operation using the code sent by SMS.

Now the reader has become aware of several ways to repay tax debt through the Internet. Usage electronic services it will save you from wasting time in queues at the savings bank, besides, online services do not charge commission.

Before every car owner, sooner or later, the question arises whether it is possible to pay tax for your car through Internet services. Today, on the World Wide Web, you can find many instructions on how to pay the accrued transport tax through Sberbank Online or using the single portal of the State Service. But as a rule, this information is completely incomprehensible to most users. Therefore, it makes sense to tell in more detail how a citizen can pay his transport tax online on the official website of, website tax service RF and electronic payment systems.

Is it possible to pay tax for a car online through the State Services website

Let's say right away that it is possible to pay taxes on a car online through the State Services only using the site It is impossible to do this on the official website A single portal only allows you to find out your debt and, unfortunately, pay tax here on this moment it is forbidden. To find out the transport tax and pay it online through the State Services, you need to take the following steps:

If you have any problems or questions, please contact the customer service center. The address of the nearest center can be found on the website

Important conditions to find out your taxes on

To find out your transport tax and pay it in the future, you must have it on the State Services portal. To do this, do the following:

Website of the Federal Tax Service for the payment of transport debt

To quickly and easily pay vehicle tax online, there are many more simple ways. The website of the tax service of the Russian Federation ( makes it possible to pay tax for a car via the Internet without going through a long registration. If you want to use the FTS website, you need to do the following:

Payment of transport tax through Sberbank Online

You can find out and pay your transport tax via the Internet in the Sberbank Online system - After accessing this page, follow these steps:

Important! You can pay transport tax through Sberbank Online using the TIN number without interest and extra commission. If you choose other banks to pay the tax, you will have to pay a commission.

Payment of transport tax using WebMoney

In addition, you can pay the transport tax using the unique TIN code of an individual in payment system webmoney. For successful payment, you must be a registered user with a formal passport. This instruction is relevant for the WebMoney Keeper Standard program (, which works in browser mode. The payer needs to do the following:

  1. Select the "Payment" item on the left side of the page;
  2. Select the link "Fines and taxes";
  3. Click on the button "Taxes by TIN";
  4. Enter your TIN code to find all debts associated with it;
  5. Indicate the "Transport tax from individuals" and transfer it directly in the system.

Additional services for online payment of car tax

To find out your transport tax debt quickly and in a short time, there are several more ways, in addition to those described above. These are the following services:

  • calculation of the estimated tax on the website of the Federal Tax Service (link to the resource: - there it is enough to enter the region, mode of transport, engine power and year of production of your car;
  • personal account of Alfa-Bank (link: - you need to select the item "Transfer ... to the budget", fill in the details of your payment and transfer the transport tax;
  • wallet personal account ( - you should select the "Taxes" subsection in the "Services and goods" category.

So, now you know how to quickly and conveniently pay the accrued transport tax via the Internet. And if you use other methods of paying tax on your own, write about them in the comments.

Our service allows you to check and pay online taxes for individuals: transport tax, land tax, property tax for individuals. Verification is carried out by TIN, SNILS or document index (UIN). Registration in the personal account of the Federal Tax Service on the site is not required.

In case of detection of tax accruals or debts, you can immediately pay them, bank transfers are accepted as a means of payment. MasterCard cards, Visa, MIR.


By tax document index (UIN)

To search for taxes, enter the TIN or SNILS number. We recommend checking both documents at the same time.

? To search for taxes and penalties in the GIS GMP system

To search for a tax, enter the number of the Tax Document or the unique accrual identifier (UIN).

? To check taxes and penalties on already issued tax documents Search taxes »

By clicking the "Search taxes" button, you consent to the processing of personal data, in accordance with federal law dated 27.07.2006 N152-F3 "On personal data"

* The search is performed in the GIS GMP (taxes issued throughout Russia).

Tax audit is carried out on the basis of the "State information system on state and municipal payments” (abbreviated as GIS GMP). This base contains data on all tax accruals in Russia.

How to check taxes by TIN or UIN?

In order to check tax accruals and debts, you will need the number of one of the following documents:

  1. TIN - An identification number taxpayer
  2. SNILS - Insurance number of an individual personal account in pension fund Russia (green plastic card)
  3. UIN or document index - the number of the notification of the Federal Tax Service on accrued taxes

Checking taxes is carried out by the number of the document entered in the appropriate fields of the search form. You can check taxes by specifying both documents at the same time. SNILS number is entered without hyphens and spaces, only numbers.

By TIN or SNILS, you can only find out tax arrears, that is, accruals that were not paid within the period established by law. Current tax accruals can only be found by UIN.

After entering the data in the fields of the search form, click the "SEARCH TAXES" button. Tax review may take a long time, please wait for the result.

If, as a result of the audit, taxes are found, it will be provided detailed information: date, UIN, type of tax, amount payable, etc. Otherwise, a message will appear stating that nothing was found.

Reference information on taxes of individuals

Below you will find answers to basic questions about personal taxes. If you did not find the answer to your question - send it through the feedback form.

What taxes do individuals have to pay?

Individuals pay the following types taxes: tax on property of individuals, transport and land.

Can I check taxes by last name?

You cannot check taxes by the name of an individual. It is obvious that in Russia there are a huge number of people with a completely matching last name, first name and patronymic. In such a situation, checking taxes by last name would produce a meaningless result.

Is it possible to find out taxes by last name on the website?

As noted above, on no site, including (instructions for working with the site), you can not find out tax charges and debts by last name.

How to check taxes on passport data?

It is impossible to find out taxes directly from the passport data. However, there is a workaround - according to passport data, on the website, you can find out the TIN and then check taxes by TIN.

How to find out your TIN?

You can find out the TIN of an individual, according to passport data, on the website of the Federal Tax Service -

Is it possible to find out land tax by cadastral number?

Unfortunately, to find out the calculation of land tax by cadastral number it is forbidden. This tax can only be found by the TIN of the owner land plot or WIN.

Is it possible to check taxes on the website of the Federal Tax Service ( without registration?

Checking taxes on the site without registration is not possible. Information about tax charges on the website of the Federal Tax Service is available only through the personal account of the taxpayer. To obtain a login and password, you can contact any inspection of the Federal Tax Service, regardless of the place of residence and registration. You must have a passport and an original / copy of the registration certificate with you.

How long does it take to pay personal taxes?

In accordance with the amendments made by Federal Law No. 320-FZ dated November 23, 2015 to part two tax code Russian Federation taxes must be paid no later than December 1 of the year following the expired tax period. For example, the tax on the property of individuals, transport and land tax for 2018 must be paid no later than December 1, 2019. Taking into account the fact that December 1, 2019 falls on a day off - the deadline for paying taxes without penalties is December 2, 2019.

What happens if you don't pay taxes?

In the case when the taxpayer does not pay taxes, the Federal Tax Service forms a requirement for the payment of tax, penalties, fines. If the taxpayer fails to comply with the demand for payment within the time period specified in this demand, the tax authority begins the procedure for collecting debt on mandatory payments V budget system Russian Federation.
Collection of debts from individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, is subject to two conditions:
- the debtor has an unfulfilled obligation in the amount exceeding 3,000 rubles;
- the expiration of a three-year period for fulfilling the requirement for payment, if the total amount of unpaid taxes, fees, penalties, fines by the taxpayer does not exceed 3,000 rubles
In these cases, an application for recovery at the expense of the property of a taxpayer - an individual is submitted tax authority to the court upon the occurrence of one of the above conditions.

How to find out the UIN of the tax accrual?

Every year, the Federal Tax Service sends out by mail tax notice along with the payment receipt. UIN is designated as a document index, consists of 20 digits and is located at the top of the receipt.
If you have not received a tax notice, then you can view it in the taxpayer's personal account or receive it by contacting the IFTS in person.

A car has not been a luxury for a long time - it is a popular means of transportation. Each car owner, according to the law, is obliged to pay annual transport tax for his personal car. The amount of transport tax directly depends on the brand of car, year of manufacture and, of course, on the number Horse power. You can view it on the tax website in your personal taxpayer account.

If you do not have a personal account on the tax website, then do not worry - a receipt with the amount of transport tax payment will be thrown in your mailbox in advance.

There are many ways to pay transport tax, but in our opinion, the easiest way is to pay transport tax through. Let's see how to do it. Don't put off tax payment for the future - you will be charged penalties for late payment until the tax is paid in full.

Ways to pay transport tax through Sberbank

Sberbank customers have several ways to pay transport tax. This can be done: through an ATM, Sberbank Online personal account, through the State Services website, or using the tax website. Let's go in order.

Payment of transport tax through an ATM of Sberbank

Fortunately, there are a lot of Sberbank ATMs in any city and it’s not a problem to find one close to home. So, we find an ATM, insert a card, enter a pin code.

  • Select the menu item "Payments" - "Taxes"
  • Enter data from receipt
  • Enter the payment amount
  • Click "Pay"
  • We keep the check after payment

Also, the same operation can be performed in the Sberbank terminal: it is easier to do it there, because there is a built-in barcode scanner - this allows you to speed up the input of payment details (the recipient's bank account and payer details will be automatically substituted). It remains only to enter the payment amount and confirm it. We also recommend keeping the receipt after the operation.

Payment of transport tax through Sberbank Online

By using this method You can pay the transport tax at any time convenient for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is enough to have a connected . For payment, you can use mobile app Sberbank Online, and the version for personal computers.

To pay transport tax, go to the top menu in the section "Payments and transfers"

Here you need to select "Payment of taxes on the index of the document" and then enter the data from the receipt of payment of the transport tax.

If you overdue the payment of transport tax and you do not have a receipt for payment on hand, then you can select the "Search for overdue taxes by TIN" item. Enter your TIN and select the required one (in this case, transport tax) for payment. The amount due will be displayed - you will only need to confirm the payment.

Pay transport tax using the tax website

To do this, go to the site of the tax service. (You can do this without registering on the site using the Gosuslugi portal account - the login button is located on the right).

Payment is instant.


Payment of transport tax on time is a guarantee of peace of mind and the absence of claims from the tax service. You can pay the tax depending on the availability of the receipt for payment. different ways. If the receipt is on hand, then through Sberbank Online. If there is no receipt, then through the website of the federal tax service. Don't delay paying taxes.

You should not leave tax payment on the last day before the closing of the period - tax payment in the tax database is updated every 10-14 days, therefore, having paid tax on the last day, it is not known whether the system will have time to process your payment or not. After payment, you can check whether the payment went through on the tax website after 2 weeks.