Open an account in yen. Deposits in Japanese yen

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Just a few years ago, there was such a great demand for foreign currency among bank clients that some Russian citizens even took out mortgages in Swiss francs or Japanese yen. But the crisis showed that long-term investments in foreign currency It is risky to do and there is no way to predict its relationship to the ruble in the future.

But offers in banks for a rare currency for the country have taken hold and today, in addition to dollars and euros, deposits in Japanese yens, pounds sterling, Chinese yuan or Swiss francs are popular. At the same time, depositors are not concerned that rates on deposits in foreign currency foreign countries one and a half to two times lower than for the same deposits, but in rubles. Because deposits of this type are completely protected from internal inflation.

Who benefits from holding deposits in Japanese yen?

Despite the fact that a deposit in yen is not as profitable as a deposit in euros, dollars or even rubles, in some cases it is beneficial to have a deposit in Japanese currency. For example, if a bank client works in Japan or frequently visits the country for other reasons.

Moreover, the state insurance system fully protects the deposits of depositors of Russian banks who keep money in Japanese yens. If the bank’s license is suddenly revoked, the client will receive not only all the funds on his deposit, but also interest for the entire time the money was kept in the bank. The only thing is that the insurance will be paid in rubles, but at the exchange rate Central Bank on the date of license revocation. In addition, it is important to know that the payment cannot be higher than 1.4 million rubles.

Before contacting a bank and placing a deposit in Japanese currency, be sure to clarify all storage conditions. The fact is that the conversion commission Money or during non-cash payments can significantly exceed all interest accumulated over the deposit period and neutralize all the benefits from the deposit.

The profitability of deposits in Japanese yen is less high when compared with deposits in euros, dollars or rubles, however, such deposits may be justified, especially if your trips to Japan become more and more regular.

In Russian banks, deposits in Japanese yen are protected State System deposit insurance.

If Russian bank, the investor will receive his contribution in full size and additionally interest that was accrued during the entire period of actual funds being on deposit.

Payment of the insurance amount is carried out in rubles, taking into account current rate Japanese yen at the time of license revocation. The exchange rate data is set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the amount cannot be more than 1.4 million rubles.

The potential return you can earn is reduced by wire transfer fees and conversion costs. The investor must mandatory Find out from the bank in advance all the information regarding these conditions.

Deposits in Japanese yen in Russian banks

You can choose from several of the most popular programs for making deposits in Japanese yen:

  1. Arksbank offers a “Reliable” deposit with annual rate at 6.5% for a year. Minimum amount the deposit is 290 thousand yen. The depositor receives interest at the end of the term and has the right to replenish the deposit. Opening a deposit under these conditions is available in Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Belgorod, Vologda, Moscow, Essentuki and Pyatigorsk.
  2. Express-Credit Bank offers an annual “Maximum” deposit with a rate of 3%. The minimum amount is 500 thousand yen and interest is also paid at the end of the term. The depositor has the right to replenish the deposit. You can make such a deposit in Moscow.
  3. Nota Bank offers a “Nota Business” deposit with a minimum deposit amount of 3 thousand Japanese yen. Annual interest rate is 3%, and the deposit period ranges from 366 to 548 days. Making a deposit with the conditions under consideration is available in Moscow, Ufa, Orenburg, Irkutsk, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and some other cities.

Deposits in Japanese yen are also available. The minimum amount is 1000 yen, and the annual interest rate is 2% for deposits less than 3 million and 3% for deposits greater than 3 million yen.

Under the terms of this deposit, there is an automatic extension for similar period with the conditions in force at the time of renewal.

From the point of view of competitiveness on the international market, the yen is “doomed” to further appreciation. In others industrially developed countries The possibility of concluding agreements with Japan that would somewhat limit Japanese export industry has been discussed for a long time. It is not difficult to assume that such self-restraint could be achieved through a gradual revaluation of the Japanese currency. Germany on own experience I was convinced of the positive nature of such a policy: the competitiveness of the brand has hardly worsened, but the German currency has become more stable. Currency revaluation curbs domestic price increases as imports become cheaper.

With another , Japanese economy Difficult times await due to the accumulation of debts, primarily government debts. The world did not pay as much attention to this circumstance as to the US debt that arose much later.

The yen was also damaged by the failure of large speculations on stock exchanges and real estate markets in the early 90s.

Despite this, from August 1992 it began to gradually rise from the level of 1.10 German marks, reaching an intermediate exchange rate of 1.68 marks (per 100 yen) by the summer of 1993.

Of fundamental importance is that the Japanese economy is more closely connected with the dollar economic space than with the European currency system. Therefore, the fluctuations of the yen, in principle, only with a greater amplitude, repeat the dollar relative to the EMU currencies, especially the German mark. The instability of the yen and the associated opportunities for gains and losses due to exchange rate fluctuations are much higher than Swiss franc, more focused on the European market.

It is useless to open an account in the German branch of a Japanese broker bank, unless, of course, you are going to invest millions of dollars in Japanese ones. However, you can open a yen account in almost any Swiss bank and use it to purchase Japanese stocks and bonds. You will receive the most specific advice at Japanese bank branches.

    Australian and New Zealand dollars

For a number of years, loans in these currencies brought record interest income. Later, their profitability disappeared as a result of devaluation. Without a doubt, Australia has a bright future as a commodity-producing country located in a politically calm place. The depreciation of both currencies against the German mark had previously been interrupted by periods of their relative growth that lasted for many months.

4. When choosing a country to place your foreign deposit, do not limit yourself to one currency of your choice

Recall the reasoning in Section 1.1, according to which you should not hold on bank accounts large amounts in the currency of the country where the bank is located. Use foreign bank primarily as a service enterprise for other types of investment of your funds. However, it is not at all necessary to transfer them into the currency of the country where you opened the account. It is typical of Germany's five neighboring countries that we look at in this book that they also spread their holdings in different currencies across different countries. This is especially true for Luxembourg and Switzerland due to their international orientation. In Holland and Austria you can get a decent income without changing currencies. In Austria, deposits in German marks are preferred, while Dutch deposits are primarily aimed at North America and the UK. In Luxembourg mainly, but also in Switzerland, many foreign clients do not open accounts in the currencies of these countries at all.

Accounts in branches of the same bank in different countries

If you have very a large sum, has to distribute it between branches of the same bank in Luxembourg, Switzerland and possibly Germany. In this case, you will be able to take advantage of the specific advantages of investing in all these countries thanks to the formally simple transfer of shares of your capital from one country to another.

The disadvantage of investing all your funds in the same bank, even across countries, is that there is less comprehensive advice than if you entrust your money to banks with different investment philosophies.

5. Open bank accounts in countries that are easier for you to visit: personal contacts abroad are more important than your country

As just shown, when choosing a country in which you are going to open a bank account, you should not give preference to a specific currency. Your choice foreign bank and, accordingly, the country where it is located should depend primarily on whether you can personally visit this bank (and your consultant). This is essential for the success of investment advice.

This may be a country where you spend or at least may visit often. Swiss bankers have adapted to the flow of German holidaymakers in the summer months and skiers in the winter. According to the observations of currency speculators, during periods of influx of tourists, German in Zurich falls slightly in price, as large quantities of banknotes are exchanged: Cash, as a rule, leaves no trace.

If you travel a lot on business, it is naturally better to open an account in the country where you visit most often. Then the visit will not always take place when the capital market is not too busy, since most of its participants are on vacation. In the middle on stock exchanges usually, often leads to unexpected changes in the rate: suddenly 'there is demand that does not find any supply. Instead, bad news forces those at home to throw shares into the market, but there is no one there who would be interested in them, and this can lead to an excessive decline in the price.

Finally, you can open accounts in multiple countries by taking advantage of the special benefits and differences in fee structures highlighted in this book. So, in Austria you can open a savings account and, when going to the summer, deposit money into it. On the way back, you can pass through Switzerland and dispose of the speculative shares stored there on deposit. Additionally, you can open a small deposit giro account in Luxembourg by investing short-term securities with a fixed percentage. It is precisely such deposits that are preferable during periods of rising interest rates, when the rate of medium- and long-term securities with fixed interest falls; this is not the right time for investing money in shares. You can also wait it out by investing in the most profitable currency. Moreover, in Luxembourg you do not have to pay intermediary commissions like! it would be in a Swiss bank.

However, you should not spread your capital too thin. Possible consequences This is covered in the next section.

The way out is to conclude agreements with branches of the same bank, possibly with foreign branches of a German bank. If German or savings Bank, with whom you have worked, are represented in Switzerland by a municipal bank, you will only need to check the table to see if they have subsidiaries in Luxembourg. This is the easiest way to put your money to work where it makes the most sense! view of market conditions and interest rates.

If it is important to you that your accounts are managed by a Swiss bank, first find out which Swiss banks are represented in Germany by their branches and are there any in Luxembourg?

No matter how compelling the opportunity to open accounts in the same bank, but in different countries, in order to quickly redistribute your funds may seem, in practice this may not be the case! Fine. In reality, the ladies and gentlemen you interact with at each branch are much more concerned with their interests! its branch than the bank in . Although this “parochial” approach is not expressed in words, it is clearly visible in practice. The client is valued at the amount that is in his account or deposit. Whether you have funds in other branches or not is of no concern to your consultant. money simplified! Only in some cases is it easiest to send from one bank to another.

Therefore, many depositors prefer to concentrate funds intended for investment abroad in one bank in order to avoid dispersal of money, or deliberately trust foreign banks, diversifying investments. For this purpose, bank branches in Switzerland and Luxembourg have all the conditions.

Giving a brief summary of the advantages of banks neighboring countries investor and speculator, we would not like to influence your decision. The determining factor for such a choice is still the possibility of regular personal contacts.

5. Finding the “cheapest” bank is a pointless exercise.

Das Wertpapier (“Securities”) published a comparative cost of purchasing and depositing securities in banks in five countries; For the calculation, we used two examples of deposits in the amount of 100 thousand and 300 thousand marks. The results vary greatly. The Danish bank Jyske and the Belgian Credit General have minimal fees. The maximum is from one Dutch bank. The lowest fees for - from the Schweize-rische Gesellschaft ( Swiss bank). Purchasing securities from three Austrian banks (except Oberbank) will be quite expensive. Price banking services cannot be assessed depending on the country in which the credit facility is located. Individual bank fee structures vary even more. and a bank that is very profitable for depositors who often replenish their deposit accounts may turn out to be “expensive” for those who keep their securities for years. You need to prove yourself to be a meticulous mathematician and take into account all the factors to choose the most profitable bank. This includes not only travel expenses, but also investment advice that best suits your needs. On the other hand, these frictions depend on the amount you are going to invest, as well as the characteristics of your investor psychology.