Soros prediction.  Soros's predictions came true - Ukraine's economy collapsed - state news

According to the legendary American financier, oligarch and political activist George Soros, "the Putin regime will face bankruptcy" due to the need to pay off a significant part of its external foreign exchange debt and the negative impact of sanctions. However, financial markets they don't notice it: Russian bonds are in good demand, despite the sanctions risks, and the ruble exchange rate clearly does not correspond to some kind of pre-bankruptcy state. The price of sovereign default insurance Russian Federation, expressed in the value of the so-called "credit default swaps", is at a relatively low level - about 130 basis points, that is, a level worse than that of Italy, and slightly better than that of Brazil, which also does not fit with Soros' forecast.

In fairness, it should be noted that the American financier did not predict the exact date of Russia's bankruptcy, indicating only the year - 2017. So he has 24 more days to realize this prediction. However, if you do not cling to the formalities, it is already possible to discuss the reasons why George Soros, known as "the man who broke the Bank of England", could not achieve success on his Russian front.

Soros' forecast about the "bankruptcy of the Putin regime in 2017", from which only the preventive destruction of the European Union with the help of a massive migration crisis, allegedly can save him, was made back in 2016 - and then it caused a great resonance in Russian and foreign media. In a lengthy article published in the British newspaper The Guardian, the American oligarch did his best to scare the respectable European public, and for this he needed to paint before her an apocalyptic picture of Russia, standing on the verge of an imminent economic catastrophe.

Soros then suggested to respectable readers that if the Russian economy is torn to shreds, then "Putin is a more significant threat to the existence of Europe than IS*." Of particular piquancy to the oligarch's statements that it is Putin who is behind the refugee crisis that has gripped the European Union is given by the fact that it is Soros's organizations that are engaged in the mass illegal importation of Middle Eastern migrants to the EU countries.

Some may be struck by the audacity with which one of the authors of the "migrant crisis" tries to blame all the problems on Moscow and tries to make Europeans believe that the Middle Eastern migrants and terrorists who flooded European cities are part of the Russian president's plan to bring down the European Union before Russia collapses. However, for a generation of Westerners raised by Hollywood with its archetypal mentally ill villains who never have a logical motivation, the arguments of the legendary financier and pseudo-philanthropist could seem convincing. The bet on deceiving the public could well play, but Soros was mistaken in assessing Russia's prospects. And as many as three times. The first mistake, it can even be called classic: George Soros has joined a fairly large club of iconic characters in European history who underestimated the Russian army.

In his analysis, there was not even a paltry chance that Russia would not only not be "stuck" in Syria, but would be able to successfully complete the defeat of Soros' Syrian allies in record time. short time. As a result of the success of the Russian military intervention, the Syrian crisis has turned from a problem to a source for Moscow. additional income. Without clear victories in Syria, it would be impossible to convince the OPEC countries that the Kremlin is worth cooperating with, even when the White House is strongly against it. The thesis "East respects strength" is banal, but this does not make it any less accurate, and therefore it must be remembered that the main reason for the current rise in oil prices is not so much the result of diplomatic work (although it is also important), but the result of a correct and effective use of force in the Syrian conflict.

Soros' second mistake is that he underestimated Russian economy and management elite. His version of the development of events proceeded from the fact that the Russian authorities would make several gross mistakes in the monetary and budget policy. Moreover, the Soros scenario obviously stemmed from the fact that Russia could be isolated - or that it would isolate itself from the world financial market. That did not happen. In the time that has passed since the publication of the Soros forecast, Russia's gold and foreign exchange reserves have grown, and high demand foreign investors on Russian bonds was an unpleasant surprise for Western analysts. Russian market turned out to be not isolated, but attractive, and not only for fans financial assets. It is enough to mention the construction of a new Mercedes plant in the Moscow region and the desire of Volkswagen to buy a stake in the GAZ concern to clearly show: European business believes in the prospects for the Russian economy and expects it to grow, not collapse.

The third mistake of Soros is the most important, and it, like a drop of water, reflects the very essence of the collective West's misunderstanding of the mysterious Russian soul. George Soros writes: "The popularity of the president (Putin. - Approx. ed.), which remains high, is based on a social contract that requires the government to maintain financial stability and a slow but steady improvement in the standard of living. Western sanctions and falling oil prices will force the authorities to fail both points. "Then there is a discussion about the imminent crisis of the" Putin regime. , then obviously did not understand anything.

The unspoken social contract, which is actually concluded between the people of the Russian Federation and the president, of course, implies certain economic parameters, but they are not its main component.

Fundamental is the duty of the country's leadership to protect the national interests and dignity of Russia from external threats and encroachments, including by those forces whose face is Mr. Soros. They say that history teaches that it teaches nothing, and peoples repeat old mistakes again and again. Vladimir Putin's rating hints that there is at least one exception to this rule - and over the past decades, Russian society has come to the conclusion that the people who sell their dignity for jamon inevitably remain without jamon and without dignity.

In 1993, shortly after George Soros made his first billion, he said in all seriousness that he considered himself a god. His words are quoted by the British edition of The Independent: "It's something like a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything. But now in this sense I feel comfortable after I started living on this basis."

At Russian society there is a favorite intellectual pastime - to talk about whether there is a special "Russian way" and, if it is, then what is its essence. Events recent years forced to assume that the essence of the "special Russian way" is to break through the knee, century after century, the pride of those who imagine themselves to be gods.


In May 2015, the famous American billionaire George Soros stated literally the following: “If there is a clash between China and a US military ally such as Japan, it will not be an exaggeration to say that we will be on the verge of World War III.”

Soon, Hans-Lothar Domroese, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces of NATO in Brunsum (Netherlands), made similar judgments. These statements coincide in meaning with the predictions of Western prophets made in the 1950s and 1970s regarding 2016 and beyond.

Moreover, in the predictions of clairvoyants, as well as in the forecast of Soros, Russia is assigned the role of a “flank ally of China”, invading Europe. We refer to these prophecies as a kind of paranormal artifact illustrating the West's inescapable fear of the "unpredictable Russian bear."

In 1992, when Russia in no way resembled the current country that “rose from its knees”, many German publications published the apocalyptic prophecy of the soothsayer of Germany, Alois Irlmeier. The prediction of 1953, expressed by the clairvoyant to a neighbor girl, was later entered into his diary. In those days, Irlmeier's forecast provoked a flurry of ironic remarks from the German public, because nothing in this forecast seemed real.

“My girl, in your lifetime you will experience many shocks. At first, our country will prosper as never before. Then there will be a decline in faith in the Lord, and people will wallow in vices, and streams of refugees from the Balkans and from Africa will pour in to us. Our money will depreciate, there will be high inflation. Shortly thereafter, revolution and civil war will begin in Germany, and then the Russians will suddenly invade Europe at night.

According to Irlmeier, tactical nuclear weapons will be used in Europe, which will sweep Prague off the ground. Only after that, the opposing sides - and by them we mean the "Yellow Dragon paired with the Red Bear", which oppose the "Eagle of the Atlantic", - heed the voice of reason. The third world war can be stopped literally on its threshold. There will be no nuclear apocalypse.

If in 1992 Irlmaier's prediction did not gain nationwide popularity, then in 2015, when it was posted on the Internet, it collected 200,000 views in a couple of weeks.

Have modern Germans become more superstitious? No, rather, they are afraid of the already fulfilled part of the prediction about the "flow of refugees." As well as amazing parallels between the infernal visions of Irlmayer and the "strategic analytics" that the North Atlantic Alliance frightens the inhabitants of the Old World.

Veronica Luken gained fame in the United States as one of the most beautiful soothsayers of all peoples and times. As for the accuracy of her prophecies, it was not possible to verify it: most were made in 1976-1978 and attributed to the clairvoyant for 2015-2020. Interestingly, when predicting the Third World War for these years, Veronica did not use Aesopian language in the style of Nostradamus or the same Irlmayer.

"Three numbers: two eights and a nine" was the only cryptic phrase that Luken never bothered to explain. Otherwise, Veronica, in her life an ordinary housewife, operated on the directions of the main attacks, the number and names of military groups, like an experienced general.

Surprisingly, Luken, like Irlmeier, foresaw the destruction of Prague after the use of tactical nuclear weapons. And again, "Russian troops" invade Europe. True, this is not preceded by a revolution in Germany, but by a rebellion in the Vatican, the assassination of the Pope, and wars in the Balkans. “Russian troops are entering Belgrade, advancing across Italy, leaving in three columns to Germany, in the direction of the Rhine ...”

According to Veronica, events in Europe will be provoked by a conflict between Russia and the United States. This soothsayer prophesies "the onset of an era of universal peace", but only after nuclear apocalypse: "People will learn to live a spiritual life, consciously refuse smart machines, will seek joy in working with a plow."

The American woman's predictions are interesting for several reasons. First, it foresees America's future military conflict with Russia, living in the "era of détente." Second, for the first time Luken uses the now universally recognized term "climate weapon": in her visions, Russia uses it against the United States, provoking nightmarish earthquakes.

Thirdly, let us remember the following saying of the seer: “The third World War will begin when, after a series of protracted conflicts, all sides suddenly start talking about peace. When it will seem to everyone that the worst has already been avoided.

Visions of an Evangelist We are especially interested in the visions of those whose predictions have already come true. And preferably more than once. This is true of Congo-born, member of the Norwegian Holy Trinity Movement, preacher Emmanuel Minos. So, in 1954, Minos predicted the beginning of television broadcasting in Norway in 1968, and in 1937, as a boy, the heyday of Norway thanks to the reserves of then unexplored oil fields.

As for the Third World War, the Norwegian evangelist attributed its beginning to 2016. True, if, for example, Veronica Luken saw “general talk about the world” as harbingers of the nuclear apocalypse, as well as “a bright comet in the sky, which will appear unexpectedly for all astronomers,” Minos believed that the sign of the beginning of the Third World War would be “the aspiration of hundreds of thousands of black impoverished people fleeing famine and wars to Europe.”

The evangelist made this prediction in 1968, when there was not even a hint of today's mass emigration to the Old World from Africa.

And now let's get back to the American billionaire Soros and his predictions regarding the Third World War, made during his speech at the World Bank conference.

The most striking thing is that Soros's predictions, voiced this spring, were known ... six years ago. In 2009, a mysterious prophet appeared on the Internet, claiming to be a time traveler, and calling himself Ardon Krep.

Claiming that it arose in our time in order to warn earthlings from harm, Krep predicted an armed conflict in Ukraine in 2014 in 2009, and then, word for word with Soros, he said that “the Chinese leaders, who, in the course of reforming the economy will need to calm their people in order to maintain power, unleash a war by attacking Japan and South Korea and thereby provoking the start of World War III.

In addition, Crepe, like Soros in 2015, called on Washington to “make concessions to China, which will take Russia as an ally” and allow the yuan to be included in the IMF’s currency basket.

The coincidence of Krepa's predictions and Soros's is such that many questions unwittingly arise. For example, was Soros himself hiding under the pseudonym Ardon Krep? Or, perhaps, the billionaire announced his forecast, having previously studied the mystical revelations of Krepa?

Let us also mention the apocalyptic predictions of the "Vienna Prophet" Gottfried von Werdenberg, made by him during a television show in 1994 on central Austrian television.

Let's pay attention: then, 21 years ago, Gottfried predicted the revival of a new Russian Empire in 2017, announcing that the harbinger would be "Russia's shutting off the gas valve to Europe and the not-so-successful attempt by the Old World to replace such supplies with Norwegian ones."

Let's agree, all this was impossible to imagine in 1994. However, as well as a terrorist entity called ISIS, which von Werdenberg then brought out as a “quasi-Islamic state of I.”, as well as UAVs (combat drones) in the sky of Ukraine.

From the predictions of von Werdenberg, attributed to him for 2016-2017, the harbinger of the Third World War will be the coming to power of the military in Moscow, and the Third World War itself, which will begin shortly after that, will last two years, as a result of which the world's population will be reduced to 600 million.

Scary predictions, right? Involuntarily, the famous painting by Salvador Dali “Premonition of Civil War” is recalled, although the predictors are talking about the Third World War and, possibly, the last one.

However, let's wait and see. I would like to return to the topic of these predictions in a few years and start with the words: “Now we have the best confirmation of the controversial Western statistics, which claims that over the past 200 years there was only one for every hundred predictions - partially! - correct ... "


In May 2015, the famous American billionaire George Soros stated literally the following: “If there is a clash between China and a US military ally such as Japan, it will not be an exaggeration to say that we will be on the verge of a third world war.” Soon, Hans-Lothar Domroese, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces of NATO in Brunsum (Netherlands), made similar judgments.

These statements coincide in meaning with the predictions of Western prophets made in the 1950s and 1970s regarding 2016 and beyond.

Moreover, in the prophecies of clairvoyants, as well as in Soros's forecast, Russia is assigned the role of a "flank ally of China" invading Europe. We refer to these prophecies as a kind of paranormal artifact illustrating the West's inescapable fear of the "unpredictable Russian bear."


In 1992, when Russia in no way resembled the current country that “rose from its knees”, many German publications published the apocalyptic prophecy of the soothsayer of Germany, Alois Irlmeier. The divination of 1953, expressed by the clairvoyant to a neighbor girl, was later entered into his diary. In those days, Irlmeier's forecast provoked a flurry of ironic remarks from the German public, because nothing in this forecast seemed real.

“My girl, in your lifetime you will experience many shocks. At first, our country will prosper as never before. Then there will be a decline in faith in the Lord, and people will wallow in vices, and streams of refugees from the Balkans and from Africa will pour in to us. Our money will depreciate, there will be high inflation. Shortly thereafter, revolution and civil war will begin in Germany, and then the Russians will suddenly invade Europe at night.

According to Irlmeier, tactical nuclear weapons will be used in Europe, which will sweep Prague off the ground. Only after that, the opposing sides - and by them we mean the "Yellow Dragon paired with the Red Bear", which oppose the "Eagle of the Atlantic" - heed the voice of reason. World War III will be stopped literally at its doorstep. There will be no nuclear apocalypse.

If in 1992 Irlmaier's prophecy did not gain nationwide popularity, then in 2015, when it was posted on the Internet, it collected 200,000 views in a couple of weeks.

Have modern Germans become more superstitious? No, rather, they are afraid of the already fulfilled part of the prophecy about "flows of refugees." As well as amazing parallels between the infernal visions of Irlmayer and the "strategic analytics" that the North Atlantic Alliance frightens the inhabitants of the Old World.


Veronica Luken gained fame in the United States as one of the most beautiful soothsayers of all peoples and times. As for the accuracy of her prophecies, it was not possible to verify it: most were made in 1976-1978 and attributed to the clairvoyant for 2015-2020. Interestingly, when predicting the third world war for these years, Veronika did not use the Aesopian language in the style of Nostradamus or the same Irlmayer.

"Three numbers: two eights and a nine" was the only cryptic phrase that Luken never bothered to explain. Otherwise, Veronica, in her life an ordinary housewife, operated on the directions of the main attacks, the number and names of military groups, like an experienced general.

Surprisingly, Luken, like Irlmeier, foresaw the destruction of Prague after the use of tactical nuclear weapons. And again, "Russian troops" invade Europe. True, this is preceded not by a revolution in Germany, but by a rebellion in the Vatican, the assassination of the Pope, and wars in the Balkans. “Russian troops are entering Belgrade, advancing across Italy, leaving in three columns to Germany, in the direction of the Rhine…”

According to Veronica, events in Europe will be provoked by a conflict between Russia and the United States. This soothsayer prophesies "the onset of an era of universal peace", but only after the nuclear apocalypse: "People will learn to live a spiritual life, consciously give up smart machines, will seek joy in working with a plow."

The American woman's prophecies are interesting for several reasons. First, it foresees America's future military conflict with Russia, living in the "era of détente." Second, for the first time Luken uses the now universally recognized term "climate weapon": in her visions, Russia uses it against the United States, provoking nightmarish earthquakes.

Thirdly, let's remember the following saying of the seer: “The war will begin when, after a series of protracted conflicts, all sides suddenly start talking about peace. When it will seem to everyone that the worst has already been avoided.


We are especially interested in the predictions of those whose prophecies have already come true. And preferably more than once. This is true of Congo-born, member of the Norwegian Holy Trinity Movement, preacher Emmanuel Minos. So, in 1954, Minos predicted the beginning of television broadcasting in Norway in 1968, and in 1937, as a boy, the heyday of Norway thanks to the reserves of then unexplored oil fields.

As for the third world war, the Norwegian evangelist attributed its beginning to 2016. True, if, for example, Veronica Luken saw “general talk about the world” as harbingers of the nuclear apocalypse, as well as “a bright comet in the sky, which will appear unexpectedly for all astronomers,” Minos believed that “the aspiration of hundreds of thousands of impoverished black people” would be a sign of imminent disaster. fleeing famine and wars to Europe.”

The evangelist made this prediction in 1968, when there was not even a hint of today's mass emigration to the Old World from Africa.


And now let's get back to the American billionaire Soros and his predictions regarding the third world war, made during his speech at the World Bank conference.

The most striking thing is that Soros's predictions, voiced this spring, were known ... six years ago. In 2009, a mysterious prophet appeared on the Internet, claiming to be a time traveler, and calling himself Ardon Krep.

Claiming that it arose in our time in order to warn earthlings from harm, in 2009 Krep predicted an armed conflict in Ukraine in 2014, and then, word for word with Soros, he said that “the Chinese leaders, who, in the course of reforming the economy will need to reassure their people in order to maintain power, they will unleash a war by attacking Japan and South Korea and thereby provoking the start of a third world war.

In addition, Crepe, like Soros in 2015, called on Washington to “make concessions to China, which will take Russia as an ally” and allow the yuan to be included in the IMF’s currency basket.

The coincidence of Krepa's prophecies and Soros' forecast is such that many questions unwittingly arise. For example, was Soros himself hiding under the pseudonym Ardon Krep? Or, perhaps, the billionaire announced his forecast, having previously studied the mystical revelations of Krepa?

True, if Soros, which is understandable, operates with the abbreviation USA (USA), then Krep uses the abbreviation AFE instead (though without deciphering it), assuring that in his “present, which is not so distant future for those reading these lines, the state called USA no longer exists.


In conclusion, I will mention the apocalyptic predictions of the "Vienna Prophet" Gottfried von Werdenberg, made by him during a television show in 1994 on central Austrian television.

Let's pay attention: then, 21 years ago, Gottfried predicted the revival of the new Russian Empire in 2017, saying that the harbinger would be "Russia's shutting off the gas valve to Europe and the not-so-successful attempt of the Old World to replace such supplies with Norwegian ones."

Let's agree, all this was impossible to imagine in 1994. However, as well as a terrorist entity called ISIS, which von Werdenberg then brought out as a “quasi-Islamic state of I.”, as well as UAVs (combat drones) in the sky of Ukraine.

From the prophecies of von Werdenberg, attributed by him to 2016-2017, the coming of the military to power in Moscow will be a harbinger of war, and the third world war itself, which will begin soon after, will last two years, as a result of which the population of the Earth will be reduced to 600 million.

Terrible prophecies, right? Involuntarily, the famous painting by Salvador Dali “Premonition of a Civil War” is recalled, although the predictors are talking about the third planetary and, possibly, the last.

However, let's wait and see. I would like to return to the topic of these predictions in a few years and start with the words: “Now we have the best confirmation of the controversial Western statistics, which claims that over the past 200 years there has been only one for every hundred predictions - partially! - correct ... "

Britain is in for hard times. Since the beginning of the year, the pound sterling has shown itself to be the worst currency against the US dollar. The worst thing for the pound has been in recent weeks - after the results of the referendum on you-ho-de-Veli-ko-bri-ta-nii from Euro-so-yu-for the depreciation of the British currency has become a landslide.

George Soros. Photo: Wiktor Dabkowski/Zuma/GlobalLook

In total, since the beginning of the year, the pound has fallen against the dollar by more than 13%, which is the worst of all the leading currencies -lu-t peace. "The pound will fall much lower due to neopre-de-len-no-sti in in-ve-sti-qi-yah and per-spec-ty-wah growth," Bloomberg quotes eco-no-mista Societe Generale by Keith Jax.

Last Wednesday, the pound sterling fell to $1.2798, which is the lowest value of the British currency in relation to dollar for 31 years. According to some analysts, the level of $1.3 per British pound is a turning point, passing below which opens the way for him to new "depths".

Legendary financier, investor and adventurer George Soros predicted the collapse of the pound even before Brexit was a fait accompli. "The value of the pound will plummet. This will have an immediate and massive impact on financial markets, investment, prices and jobs. I think this devaluation will be more devastating than the 15% depreciation in September 1992, when I was lucky enough to make a huge profit for investors my hedge fund," Soros told The Guardian.

According to the financier, speculators will push the market down. “Today, there are much larger and more powerful speculative forces in the markets. And they will gladly take advantage of any miscalculations by the British government or British voters,” the billionaire said on the eve of the referendum. “Brexit will make some people very rich, and most voters much poorer.”

Experts and market participants are concerned not only with the actions of speculators, but also with the economic prospects of the Kingdom as a whole. Britain is the largest financial center in the world, local banks manage assets that are 5 times the GDP of the United Kingdom. This means that recent events will cause currencies and stocks around the world to fall.

The second critical point is the real estate market. British real estate has long been investment asset, a significant part of which is today in pledges. Against the backdrop of Brexit, according to a number of experts, the fall in the real estate market will not be 15-20%, as is commonly thought today, but more than 40%, if you count in dollars (in pounds, the fall will be mitigated by devaluation). The reason for the rapid and sharp decline in the real estate market will be the margin cola of its owners.

Most of the real estate is pledged, and in a falling market, it is worth waiting for a number of players to “departure” from the market, because. banks will start selling the mortgaged property. What will happen to prices in this case is not difficult to guess.

A well-known American financier, famous for having made a huge fortune on the destabilization and collapse of many independent states, at one time predicted the collapse of the Ukrainian economy due to its European integration and the problems that would follow.

Two years have passed since Ukraine signed the economic part of the association with the European Union. The hacked mail of the well-known George Soros showed that he predicted the imminent economic collapse of Ukraine. And so it happened. But that, in fact, "color revolutions" were made.

Economics from the evil one

Soros' letter also states that the EU member states have no money for Ukraine, they only have money in a common fund. But signed economic part association does not give the right to spend this money on Ukraine.

Many experts two years ago predicted a rapid process of integration and economic success Ukraine. And the loss of $3 billion from trade with Russia was seen as a temporary hardship. The future of Ukraine's GDP was even estimated at 7% per year.

As a result, in 2015, trade operations in Ukraine froze and declined, even the devaluation of the hryvnia did not help. Exports fell by 37.7% compared to 2013. Imports also decreased to 48.8%. It is noteworthy that exports with the CIS countries decreased by 2.4 times, and with the EU countries - by almost a quarter.


The hope that agriculture would become the driver of the Ukrainian economy and pull it out from the bottom did not come true. The reason is banal - the presence of quotas and subsidies from the EU. Europe did not need a competitor. Europe takes only the crops it needs, and these are sunflower, rapeseed, corn, which insanely deplete the soil.

Now sunflower crops exceed the norm twice, and the subsidies introduced by Europe have killed all the advantages of the devalued hryvnia. There are also no funds to upgrade the industry technologically. And investments in a country where a civil war is going on are not received.

The production of steel and iron ore also declined. Transshipment of iron ore sank from a quarter to two times.

Industrial potential died

For two years, Ukraine has lost its industrial potential. Car building, automobile building, aircraft building, production of component parts in the field of defense, rocket building - destroyed. Specialists flee ... to Russia.

At the same time, the shadow sector of the economy is constantly growing. In 2014, its share was 42%, in mid-2015 - 50%. The IMF is tightening the conditions for obtaining loans, and purchasing power has halved in two years. And this is despite the insane growth of inflation.

Ukraine owes 600 million dollars on Eurobonds. We still need to buy gas for $3 billion. Therefore, the IMF forecast for the growth of the Ukrainian economy in 2016 by 1.5% is simply sucked out of thin air.

Longing and sadness

The frankly stupid actions of the Ukrainian authorities, the hasty association with the EU and the complete rupture of economic ties with Russia led to a terrible degradation of all sectors of the economy. This applies to industrial and Agriculture, infrastructure, savings. And the authorities have no coherent strategy. And this means that soon we can expect protests from the population.