Reasons for the revaluation of fixed assets in the year. Revaluation of fixed assets: briefly about the most important

The intensity of the work of an accountant directly depends on the date on the calendar. On the eve of the new year, it increases. And if the company's management is mainly engaged in communication with business partners (congratulates and accepts congratulations on the upcoming holidays), the employees of the accounting service are preparing for the closing of the year. One of the necessary stages of work is the revaluation of fixed assets.

Revaluation of fixed assets in accounting.

According to clause 15 PBU 6/01 "Accounting for fixed assets" commercial organization may not more than once a year (at the end of the reporting year) revalue groups of homogeneous fixed assets at current (replacement) cost.

The current (replacement) cost of fixed assets is understood as the sum Money, which must be paid by the organization on the date of the revaluation if it is necessary to replace any item.

When deciding on the revaluation of such fixed assets, it should be taken into account that they are subsequently revalued regularly so that the cost of fixed assets at which they are reflected in accounting and reporting does not differ significantly from the current (replacement) cost.

Revaluation of an item of fixed assets is carried out by recalculating its original cost or current (replacement) cost, if the item was revalued earlier, and the amount of depreciation accrued for the entire period of use of the item.

The results of the revaluation of fixed assets carried out as of the end of the reporting year shall be reflected in accounting separately.

The amount of the revaluation of the fixed asset as a result of the revaluation is credited to the additional capital of the organization. The amount of the revaluation of the fixed asset object, equal to the amount of its depreciation carried out in previous reporting periods and referred to financial results as other expenses, is credited to the financial result as other income.

Until 2011, fixed assets were revalued on the first day of the reporting year.

The amount of depreciation of the item of fixed assets as a result of revaluation is included in the financial result as other expenses. The amount of the writedown of an item of property, plant and equipment is included in the reduction additional capital organization, formed at the expense of the amounts of revaluation of this object, carried out in previous reporting periods. The excess of the amount of the writedown of the object over the amount of its revaluation, credited to the additional capital of the organization as a result of the revaluation carried out in previous reporting periods, is charged to the financial result as other expenses.

Well, now we will “translate” the “normative” vocabulary into a simpler language. When writing the article, we will also rely on the provisions of IFRS (IAS) 16 “Fixed assets” and Guidelines for accounting OS .

To overestimate or not - the accountant decides.

The first thing we will draw the attention of readers to is the revaluation of fixed assets - a voluntary matter. An entity should choose either the historical cost accounting model or the revalued cost accounting model as its accounting policy and apply this policy to the entire group of homogeneous items.

So, the decision on whether to revalue fixed assets at the end of the year or not is made by the accountant. Moreover, such a decision cannot be taken out of the blue. In order for reporting to be accurate and consistently show financial condition organization from one calendar year to another, the decision that the fixed assets will be revalued (if such a revaluation has not been carried out before) can only be made in relation to the fixed assets acquired not so long ago. Why? Suppose in 2003 the organization bought real estate. For obvious reasons, in 2015 the initial cost reflected on the balance sheet does not correspond to its market price. Nevertheless, it is not advisable to start re-evaluating it in 2015, despite the fact that this has not been done before.

Please note: when deciding on the revaluation of fixed assets, it should be taken into account that subsequently they are revalued regularly so that the cost of fixed assets, at which they are reflected in accounting and reporting, does not differ significantly from the current (replacement) cost.

Groups of homogeneous objects.

Let us explain what is meant by a group of homogeneous OS objects: this is a group of fixed assets that are similar in terms of their nature and nature of use in the activities of an enterprise, for example:

  • land;
  • building;
  • cars and equipment;
  • vehicles;
  • furniture and built-in elements of engineering equipment;
  • office equipment.

In a situation where there was no previous revaluation of fixed assets, but in the future trade Organization wants to do this, as it acquires fixed assets, it must create new groups of homogeneous fixed assets (for example, non-residential premises acquired after 2012, vehicles acquired after 2014, etc.) and reassess these groups.

The frequency of revaluation is established by the accounting policy.

The frequency of revaluation is established accounting policy organization (revaluation cannot be carried out more than once a year). With regard to different groups of homogeneous fixed asset objects, different revaluation intervals may be established. That is, its frequency depends on the change market value OS objects subject to revaluation. So, some groups of fixed assets can be revalued annually, others (if their market value is subject to minor changes) - once every 3-5 years.

If there have been significant events in the economic (political) sphere, for example, a sharp jump in the exchange rate foreign exchange, high inflation in a particular segment, while the revaluation period has not yet come (assuming, according to accounting policy real estate objects are revalued once every five years), we believe that the revaluation should take place unscheduled - at the end of the year in which there were significant changes in the market value of the fixed assets. And the reasons for unscheduled revaluation should be reflected in the explanations to financial statements.

If a reassessment is made separate object fixed assets, then all other assets belonging to the same group of homogeneous fixed assets as this asset are subject to revaluation.

But even if the deadline for the revaluation of a group of homogeneous fixed assets has come up, the accountant must analyze the feasibility of this step. And if the increase in the cost of fixed assets is insignificant (the level of materiality for these purposes must be specified in the accounting policy for accounting), revaluation can be omitted. So, in paragraph 44 Guidelines OS accounting provides two examples.

Example 1

The cost of fixed assets included in a homogeneous group of objects at the end of 2014 is 1 million rubles. The current (replacement) value of the objects of this homogeneous group at the end of 2015 is 1.1 million rubles.

The results of the revaluation should be reflected in the accounts and financial statements, since the resulting difference is significant ((1,000,0000 - 1,100,000) rubles / 1,000,000 rubles).

Example 2

The cost of fixed assets included in a homogeneous group of objects at the end of 2014 is 1 million rubles. The current (replacement) value of the objects of this homogeneous group at the end of 2015 is 1.03 million rubles.

A decision on revaluation is not made - the resulting difference is not significant ((1,030,000 - 1,000,000) rubles / 1,000,000 rubles).

Revaluation method.

It is possible to revalue groups of homogeneous fixed assets at the current (replacement) cost (clause 43 of the Guidelines for OS accounting):

  • by indexing;
  • by direct conversion at documented market prices.

For this, data on similar products obtained from manufacturing organizations, information on the price level available from state statistics bodies, trade inspections and organizations, information on the price level published in the media can be used. mass media and special literature, assessment of the bureau of technical inventory, expert opinions on the current (replacement) cost of fixed assets.

Preparatory work. Documenting.

In order to conduct a revaluation of fixed assets in an organization, a preparatory work on the implementation of the revaluation, in particular, checking the availability of fixed assets subject to revaluation (inventory).

The decision of the organization to conduct a revaluation as of the end of the reporting year is formalized by the relevant administrative document, which is mandatory for all services of the organization that will be involved in the revaluation of fixed assets, and is accompanied by the preparation of a list of fixed assets subject to revaluation. The list contains at least the following information: the exact name of the OS, the date of acquisition (construction, manufacture), the date the object was accepted for accounting.

Reflection of revaluation results.

The results of the revaluation of fixed assets carried out as of the end of the reporting year are reflected in accounting separately. That is, it is advisable to supplement the applied accounting accounts with subaccounts or introduce separate subaccounts so that when generating the account statement, it is clear which entries were made for each revaluation. If the revaluation is for the first time:

If the revaluation is carried out again:

The procedure for reflecting the revaluation

The procedure for reflecting markdowns

The amount of the revaluation of the fixed assets object, equal to the amount of the writedown carried out in previous reporting periods and attributed to the financial result as other expenses, is reflected in the credit of account 91, subaccount 91-1 "Other income" in correspondence with the debit of account 01

The amount of the depreciation of the asset is included in the reduction of the additional capital of the organization, formed at the expense of the amounts of the revaluation of this object, carried out in previous reporting periods, and is reflected in accounting in the debit of account 83 and the credit of account 01.

The excess of the amount of the writedown of the object over the amount of its revaluation credited to the additional capital of the organization as a result of the revaluation carried out in previous reporting periods is reflected in the debit of account 91-1 in correspondence with the credit of account 01

The initial data for the revaluation of fixed assets are the initial cost or current (replacement) cost (if this object was revalued earlier), according to which they are accounted for in accounting on the revaluation date; the amount of depreciation accrued for the entire period of use of the object as of the specified date; documented data on the current (replacement) cost of revalued fixed assets as of December 31 of the reporting year.

In addition to the fixed asset object, it is also necessary to reassess the amount of accrued depreciation (clause 46 of the Guidelines for accounting of fixed assets): revaluation of the fixed asset object is carried out by recalculating its original cost or current (replacement) cost if this object was revalued earlier, and the amount of depreciation accrued for all time of using the object.

Paragraph 35 of IAS 16 offers two options for accounting for the revaluation of fixed assets:

1. The initial (replacement) cost is adjusted in accordance with the result of the revaluation. The amount of accumulated depreciation is adjusted separately.

2. Accumulated depreciation is deducted from the revalued amount of the asset. That is, the amount of adjustment to accumulated depreciation is part of the total increase or decrease in the cost of fixed assets.

The Russian accounting rules do not specify how exactly to reflect the results of the revaluation in terms of adjusting depreciation charges. According to most experts (and we are one of them), the first option should be applied: the results of the revaluation should affect both account 01 and account 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets”. At the same time, the example given in paragraph 48 of the Methodological Guidelines for the accounting of fixed assets indirectly indicates that the second option is also possible - the results of the revaluation are reflected in account 01 in a collapsed manner. In the example below, we will consider both options.

Example 3

In 2013, the organization acquired a fixed asset worth 600,000 rubles. The revaluation was carried out on December 31, 2014 ( replacement cost- 500,000 rubles) and 12/31/2015 (replacement cost - 650,000 rubles). As of the date of the first revaluation, the amount of accrued depreciation is 196,000 rubles.

Name of indicator

Numerical indicator

1st revaluation

600 000 rub.

The current replacement cost of the asset as of December 31, 2014

RUB 500,000

100 000 rub. (600,000 - 500,000)

RUB 196,000

Conversion factor

0.83 ((500,000 / 600,000) rubles)

RUB 162,680 (196,000 rubles x 0.83)

33 320 rub. (196,000 - 162,680)

2nd revaluation

RUB 500,000

RUB 650,000

Revaluation amount

150 000 rub. (650,000 - 500,000)

RUB 98,000*

RUB 260,680 (196,000 - 33,320 + 98,000)

Conversion factor

1.3 ((650,000 / 500,000) rubles)

RUB 338,884 (260,680 rubles x 1.3)

RUB 78,204 (338 884 - 260 680)

* Annual amount depreciation after the revaluation is determined on the basis of the current (replacement) cost of fixed assets, that is, in 2015, the basis for determining the amount of depreciation was the cost of the fixed asset of 500,000 rubles.

the name of the operation



Amount, rub.

As of 31.12.2014

1st option


100 000


33 320

2nd option

Reassessment of the initial cost of the asset was made

((100,000 - 33,320) rubles)


66 680

As of 31.12.2015

1st option


100 000

An additional assessment of the fixed assets object was made in excess of the markdown amount

((150,000 - 100,000) rubles)

50 000

An additional assessment of the amounts of accrued depreciation was carried out within the amount of the markdown made earlier


33 320

The amount of accrued depreciation was reassessed in excess of the amount of the markdown

((78,204 - 33,320) rubles)

44 884

2nd option

An additional assessment of the value of the fixed assets object was carried out within the amount of the markdown made earlier

((100,000 - 33,320) rubles)


66 680

An additional assessment of the OS object was made

((150,000 - 78,204 - 66,680) rubles)

5 116

To confirm the expediency of applying the first revaluation accounting option (that is, adjust both account 01 and account 02), we give the following argument: when using it, the value reflected after the revaluation on account 01 corresponds to the replacement cost. In the second option, it will be different (we will give an example in the table). And although the reporting indicators in the case of the second option are reliable (the residual value of the asset is identical), this creates certain inconveniences for the accountant.

According to the results

1st accounting option

2nd accounting option

1st revaluation

Debit 01 - 500,000 rubles.

Credit 02 - 162,680 rubles.

Debit 01 - 533 320 rubles.

Loan 02 - 196,000 rubles.

The residual value of the fixed asset is 337,320 rubles.

2nd revaluation

Debit 01 - 650,000 rubles.

Loan 02 - 338,884 rubles.

The residual value of the fixed asset is 311,116 rubles.

Debit 01 - 605 116 rubles.

Loan 02 - 294,000 rubles.

Residual value of fixed assets object –

RUB 311,116

OS exit.

Upon disposal of an object of fixed assets, the amount of its revaluation is debited from the debit of the additional capital accounting account in correspondence with the credit of the accounting account retained earnings organizations.

Example 4

In April 2012, the trade organization acquired (and accepted for accounting) non-residential premises for a shop located on the ground floor apartment building, worth 1,800,000 rubles. Term beneficial use- 361 months. In relation to the group of property, plant and equipment “Real Estate”, the organization conducts a revaluation once every two years. The revaluation period is 2013 and 2015. The replacement cost of real estate in 2013 amounted to 2,800,000 rubles, in 2015 - 2,600,000 rubles. In 2016, this property was sold for 2,500,000 rubles. (without VAT). To reflect the results of the revaluation, we apply the first accounting option.

Name of indicator

Numerical indicator

1st revaluation

The initial cost of the OS object

RUB 1,800,000

The current replacement cost of the asset as of December 31, 2013

RUB 2,800,000

The difference between the cost of the object, at which it was taken into account in accounting, and the current (replacement) cost as of the date of the first revaluation

RUB 1,000,000 (2,800,000 - 1,800,000)

Accumulated amount of depreciation charges as of the date of the first revaluation

RUB 99,720 (1,800,000 rubles / 361 months x 20 months)

Conversion factor

1.55 ((2,800,000 / 1,800,000) rubles)

Amount of recalculated depreciation

RUB 154,566 (99,720 rubles x 1.55)

The difference between the amount of recalculated depreciation and the amount of accumulated depreciation

RUB 54,846 (154 566 - 99 720)

2nd revaluation

The cost of this object at the date of the second revaluation

RUB 2,800,000

Current (replacement) value as a result of the second revaluation

RUB 2,600,000

Markdown amount

200 000 rub. (2,800,000 - 2,600,000)

The amount of accrued depreciation for the inter-revaluation period

RUB 186,144 (2,800,000 rubles / 361 months x 24 months)

Total accumulated depreciation at the date of the second revaluation

RUB 340,710 (154 566 + 186 144)

Conversion factor

0.9 ((2,600,000 / 2,800,000) rubles)

Amount of recalculated depreciation

RUB 306,639 (340,710 rubles x 0.9)

The difference between the amount of recalculated depreciation and the amount of accumulated depreciation

RUB 34,071 (340 710 - 306 639)

Since the amount of the markdown made on December 31, 2015 fits into the amount of the previous revaluation, accounts 01, 02, 83 are also affected in accounting.

the name of the operation



Amount, rub.

As of 31.12.2013

Reassessment of the initial cost of the asset was made

1 000 000

The amount of accrued depreciation was revalued

54 846

As of 31.12.2015

Reassessment of the initial cost of the asset was made

(Property, Plant and Equipment), accrual / receipt of compensation, as well as any acquisitions replacing them - all these are different economic events, separate business transactions subject to separate accounting. (paragraph 66 of IAS 16). At the same time, depreciation transactions are carried out in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of Assets, and all other transactions, in particular, derecognition (write-off upon decommissioning or disposal) are carried out in accordance with IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment. The same standard (IAS 16) defines the historical cost of replacement facilities (refurbished, purchased, built or constructed as a replacement for retired ones).

Disposal of revalued property, plant and equipment

The credit balance on the relevant capital account (Revaluation reserve), formed in connection with the revaluation of a certain item of fixed assets, is written off directly to the retained earnings account upon disposal of this item (clause 41 of IAS 16).

Example. Write-off of revalued objects upon sale.

The initial (gross book) value of the object subject to revaluation, 25.0 thousand c.u. e. The amount of depreciation accumulated before the revaluation amounted to 10.0 thousand c.u. e. Net book (residual) value t. equal to 15.0 thousand cu. e.

The object is overestimated to 18.0 thousand c.u. e. in terms of net book (residual) value, and in terms of depreciation - up to 12.0 thousand c.u. e. (proportional revaluation method), i.e. by 3.0 thousand c.u. e. and 2.0 thousand. e. respectively.

After revaluation, the object was sold for 22.0 thousand USD. e. 1

For example. The value of the item of fixed assets before the revaluation was 120.0 thousand c.u. e. After revaluation, it amounted to 160.0 thousand. e. The increase in value (40.0 thousand c.u.) is reflected in the accounting as a reserve for future revaluations.

The annual depreciation rate is 5%. Depreciation is charged on a straight-line basis and salvage value the object does not have (an extremely rare case). That is, if before the revaluation the amount of annual depreciation was equal to 6.0 thousand c.u. e., then after the revaluation this amount is already 8.0 thousand. e. per year. That. increase in value in the amount of 2.0 thousand c.u. That is, as the difference between the new and old depreciation charges, can be transferred annually from the reserve account to the retained earnings account. In the PBU concept, this is done by the same posting as the transfer of the entire amount of the reserve upon disposal of the object: Dt 83 Kt 84 (see the example above).

1 VAT, for the sake of simplifying the example, we miss.

What are the main approaches used in the revaluation of property as of January 1, 2016? Which objects are revalued as of January 1, 2016 without fail, which are optional, and which are not revalued?


  • Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated October 20, 2006 No. 622 “On Issues of Revaluation of Fixed Assets, Unfinished Construction of Facilities and Uninstalled Equipment” (hereinafter – Decree No. 622);
  • Decree of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus dated 05.11.2010 No. 162/131/37 “On the procedure for revaluation of fixed assets, facilities not completed by construction, uninstalled equipment” (hereinafter - Instruction No. 162/ 131/37).

According to the norms of Decree No. 622, the types of revalued property from the composition of those listed in accounting (in the book of income and expenses of organizations and individual entrepreneurs applying the simplified taxation system), namely:

  • fixed assets;
  • profitable investments in tangible assets;
  • Equipment for installation.

According to clause 1.5 of Decree No. 622, property that is not subject to revaluation includes:

  • property located on the territory subjected to radioactive contamination as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • land plots, objects of nature management; housing and library collections; film funds, historical and cultural values, stage and production facilities and equipment; objects of leasing; residential part apartment buildings;
  • property of consumer cooperatives engaged in the construction and (or) operation of parking lots Vehicle, garages owned by citizens; housing construction cooperatives and other organizations of developers, associations of owners; country, horticultural partnerships (cooperatives);
  • property for which a decision on disposal was made, from the date of the adoption of the relevant decision in accordance with the law until the date actual disposal or cancellation of this decision;
  • objects of construction in progress, with the exception of installed equipment and equipment that does not require installation as part of objects of construction in progress, revalued in accordance with the generally established procedure.

With regard to the types of property listed in this list, the organization does not have the right to independently decide on the revaluation. The cost of these types of property reflected in accounting cannot be changed by revaluation.

A single criterion for all organizations to conduct a mandatory revaluation in respect of buildings, structures, transmission devices - when the inflation rate is reached in November current year for the period preceding it from the date of the last revaluation carried out in accordance with the law, 100% or more. According to the data of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, posted on its official website, in November 2015 to December 2013 the inflation rate was 28.6%.

Consequently, the revaluation as of January 1, 2016 is carried out in relation to all types of revalued property by decision of the organization or the owner of the property voluntarily. The decision to conduct a revaluation can be made both in relation to all property without exception, and its individual groups (related to a specific group, subgroup, or classified by a specific code for the classification of fixed assets) and even individual objects (clause 1 of Instruction No. 162/131/37 ).

In the event of a revaluation:

  • a single revaluation date - January 1 of the year following the reporting year, that is, January 1, 2016;
  • the results of the revaluation are reflected in accordance with the law in the accounting records (book of income and expenses of organizations and individual entrepreneurs applying the simplified taxation system) by organizations on December 31 of the reporting year. That is, the results of the revaluation as of January 1, 2016 must be reflected in the financial statements for 2015 with turnover in December 2015 (except for banks).

Consequently, revaluation as of January 1, 2016 of all types of revalued property, separate groups and (or) separate objects is carried out independently by the decision of the organization or the owner of the property.

If the fixed asset was fully depreciated before the revaluation, then after it is carried out, it is not necessary to resume depreciation. This is explained by the fact that the amount by which the initial (replacement) cost of a fully depreciated fixed asset changes is equal to the amount by which the accrued depreciation changes. That is, both before and after the revaluation, the residual value of the fixed asset will be zero. This follows from paragraph 48 of the Guidelines, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 13, 2003 No. 91n.

Reflection in financial statements

When forming indicators of the balance sheet for reporting year reflect the fixed assets taking into account the results of the revaluation of the fixed asset in line 1130 "Fixed assets". In addition, the results of the revaluation are reflected in the balance sheet in line 1340 “Revaluation non-current assets". At the same time, the amount of additional capital is reflected in the balance sheet without taking into account revaluation in line 1350 “Additional capital (without revaluation)”.

Also reflect the results of the revaluation in the following forms of financial statements:

On the lines "Increase in capital" and "Decrease in capital" (columns 4 and 6) of the Statement of changes in equity;

In Notes to the Balance Sheet and Statement of Financial Performance.

Situation: is it possible to write off the losses of previous years at the expense of additional capital formed as a result of the revaluation of fixed assets?

Answer: no, you can't.

This is due to the fact that at the expense of the additional capital formed during the revaluation of the fixed asset, the amounts of its subsequent markdowns are written off (paragraph 6, clause 15 of PBU 6/01, Instructions for the chart of accounts (account 83)). If the additional capital is written off to pay off the losses of previous years, then the methodology for reflecting the results of the revaluation of fixed assets in accounting will be violated. A similar point of view is reflected in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 21, 2000 No. 04-02-05 / 2.

Attention: write-off of losses of previous years at the expense of additional capital formed as a result of revaluation of fixed assets may entail administrative liability.

In practice, to do Balance sheet more attractive, the founders of the organization make a decision on the direction of additional capital, formed by revaluation of fixed assets, to pay off the losses of previous years. However, this can lead to a gross violation of the rules for presenting financial statements. A gross violation of the rules for the presentation of financial statements is a distortion of any line of financial statements by at least 10 percent. Therefore, if the value of additional capital in the financial statements is distorted by at least 10 percent, the court may fine the head of the organization or the chief accountant in the amount of 2,000 to 3,000 rubles. (Article 15.11, part 1 of article 23.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The procedure for reflecting the results of the revaluation of fixed assets in tax accounting depends on the taxation system that the organization applies.

BASIC: income tax

In tax accounting, the results of the revaluation of fixed assets are not taken into account (paragraph 6, clause 1, article 257 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In this regard, if before the revaluation the monthly depreciation amounts in accounting and tax accounting coincided, then after the revaluation they will differ.

If the fixed asset was revalued, then in accounting monthly amount depreciation deductions will be more than in tax accounting. In this case, reflect the permanent tax liability in accounting:

Debit 99 subaccount "Permanent tax liabilities(assets)" Credit 68 sub-account "Calculations for income tax"

- taking into account the permanent tax liability from the difference between the monthly depreciation charges for accounting and tax purposes.

If the fixed asset was discounted, then in accounting the monthly amount of depreciation will be less than in tax accounting. In this case, reflect the permanent tax asset:

Debit 68 subaccount "Calculations for income tax" Credit 99 subaccount "Permanent tax liabilities (assets)"

- a permanent tax asset is taken into account from the difference between monthly depreciation charges for the purposes of accounting and tax accounting.

This procedure follows from paragraph 7 of PBU 18/02.

BASIC: property tax

Take into account the results of the revaluation of fixed assets when calculating property tax. This is due to the fact that the tax base for property tax is defined as the residual value of the fixed asset, formed according to accounting data (clause 1, article 375 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). That is, taking into account its revaluations.

Situation: from what moment it is necessary to increase (decrease) the residual value of a fixed asset after its revaluation to calculate property tax?

Consider the results of the revaluation when calculating the tax ( average annual cost property) of the reporting year in which it was carried out (clause 4, article 376 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

This is due to the fact that the residual value of the fixed asset for calculating property tax must be determined according to the accounting rules (clause 1, article 375 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In accounting, the value of the fixed asset is revalued as of December 31 of the reporting year (clause 15 PBU 6/01, clause 43 of the Methodological Instructions approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 13, 2003 No. 91n).

Prior to January 1, 2011, the revaluation was carried out at the beginning of the reporting year. New order published on March 28, 2011 and effective from January 1, 2011 (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 14, 2011 No. 07-02-06/106). There were no transitional provisions in connection with the introduction of changes in the procedure for the revaluation of fixed assets in the legislation. Therefore, when calculating the property tax for 2011, it is necessary to take into account the results of the revaluation of fixed assets carried out as of January 1 and December 31, 2011. At the same time, the tax base for property tax for previous years does not need to be recalculated.


For calculation tax base simplified organizations, the results of the revaluation of fixed assets do not affect. This is explained by the fact that the amounts of revaluation (markdown) of the value of fixed assets are not included in the composition of income (expenses) taken into account for tax purposes (Articles 346.15 and 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). A similar point of view is reflected in paragraph 1 of the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 20, 2006 No. 03-11-04 / 2/9.


The object of taxation of UTII is imputed income (clause 1 of article 346.29 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, the amount of revaluation (depreciation) of the value of fixed assets does not affect the calculation of the tax base.


The fixed asset can be used in the activities of an organization subject to UTII, and in activities with which the organization pays taxes on common system taxation. In this case, for the purposes of calculating property tax, the residual value of the fixed asset, taking into account its revaluations, must be distributed (clause 7 of article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The cost of a fixed asset used in one type of activity of the organization does not need to be allocated.

In accounting, there is always a need to urgently revaluate fixed assets: reflect their residual value, revaluation or markdown. This article will help to clearly show how to make postings in accounting for the revaluation and revaluation of fixed assets.

This type of revaluation is carried out by a commission, which includes the organizational administration, specialists, as well as accounting. The composition is appointed by the head of the organization.

The appointed commission conducts a complete inspection of all fixed assets that are in the organization, draws up an inventory with their inventory number, name, as well as the actual state of wear.

The actual wear is checked and that which is available according to the accounting data and a comparative list is compiled, in which the deviations that have appeared are recorded.

OS inventory is carried out at least once every three years.

The reflection in can be seen in the table:

Debit Credit Operation name A document base
Capitalized the surplus identified during the inventory
Reflected shortage, during the inventory Resolution of the State Migration Service of the Russian Federation dated 21/01/03 N 7
The shortfall is written off to the guilty person Resolution of the State Migration Service of the Russian Federation dated 21/01/03 N 7
OS shortage payment Resolution of the State Migration Service of the Russian Federation dated 21/01/03 N 7
The shortage is withheld from the RFP of the guilty person Resolution of the State Migration Service of the Russian Federation dated 21/01/03 N 7
Written off shortage Resolution of the State Migration Service of the Russian Federation dated 21/01/03 N 7

Postings for the revaluation of fixed assets

The value of the revaluation, that is, the amount at which the value of fixed assets was increased, is reflected in the form of additional capital.

In addition, you need to take into account the cost that was previously accrued. In order to calculate the amount by which depreciation should be increased, you need to calculate the degree of depreciation on the date when the revaluation was made:

Depreciation = Depreciation charge / historical cost.

Depreciation that has been recalculated = Cost of restoration * depreciation of equipment.

Postings when revaluing fixed assets:

How to reflect the markdown of OS in accounting

The amount of the markdown, that is, the amount at which the cost of fixed assets was reduced is reflected in the form of other expenses in the debit of the account.