Problems of social protection of citizens of social security. Social protection of the population in modern russia karginova E.V.


Faculty of National and World Economy

Academic discipline - Social problems of the market economy



"Problems of social protection of the population

in Russia"

Moscow - 2003

Introduction …………………………………………………………………….. 3

1. The concept and essence of social protection of the population ……………… 4

……………………… 5

3. Problems and ways of reforming the social

protection of the population in Russia …………………………………………… 9

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… 15

…………………………………... 17


The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Art. 22 proclaimed that everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security. By its very nature, this right should make it possible to ensure, taking into account the material opportunities available to society, a dignified existence of a person in the event of such life situations when he is not able to receive a source of income in exchange for the labor expended. The norms of the declaration bind the realization of the right of every person to a decent standard of living not only during the period when a person works, but also in cases of unemployment, illness, disability, widowhood, old age or other cases of loss of livelihood due to circumstances beyond the citizen's control.

According to Art. 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen of Russia is guaranteed social security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law.

Social protection and social security in a state-organized society is the area of \u200b\u200binterweaving of the vital interests of citizens, property and distribution relations, legal methods and methods of their regulation, social policy of the state and socio-economic human rights. It is also the sphere of refraction of such universal human values \u200b\u200bas equality, social justice, humanism, moral foundations of society. The purpose of social security is, first of all, that it is a special form of satisfaction of the livelihood needs of the elderly and the disabled.

The constitutive signs of social security include: objective grounds that cause the need for a special mechanism of social protection of citizens, aimed at maintaining or providing a certain level of life support (illness, old age, disability, unemployment, etc.); special funds, sources of social security; special ways of providing livelihood; consolidation of the rules for the provision of social security in the law.

The objective foundations of social security, with all their differences, affect a person's ability to work in the direction of its temporary or permanent limitation or complete loss. It is they who predetermine the need for a certain number of people to receive a source of livelihood from society in exchange for new expended labor; the need for preventive and health-improving measures for able-bodied members of society with the aim of normal reproduction of the labor force and protection of their health, etc. Any of these needs can be realized if it is recognized by society as socially significant, that is, enshrined in the law. Society's ignorance of these needs will not slow down to affect its normal functioning. Another thing is that both the degree of recognition and the degree of neglect of the listed needs is related to the economic basis of society. This is due to the fact that, by its economic nature, social security is directly or indirectly related to the distribution and redistribution relations of society.

It should be noted that in modern society, social security has ceased to act in the form of goodwill, beneficence, provided by the more well-off strata of society to its less well-off categories of citizens. It also cannot be considered as a right-privilege of certain layers of society.

Social protection as a special social institution of a modern state is an indicator of social confidence, a social guarantee of a decent development of each member of society and the preservation of a source of livelihood in the event of social risks.


Social protection - policy and targeted actions, as well as the means of the state and society, providing an individual, a social group, and the whole population with a comprehensive, versatile solution to various problems caused by social risks, which may or have already led to the complete or partial loss of the opportunities for the realization of rights by these entities, freedoms and legitimate interests, economic independence and social well-being, as well as their optimal development, restoration or acquisition.

There are basically two models of social protection in the world:

1) a social-democratic orientation with a high role of the state in the socialization of incomes and the essential importance of national social mechanisms of management;

2) neoliberal - with a lesser degree of government intervention in socio-economic processes.

Depending on the approaches chosen, the following social protection systems are distinguished:

State, based on the principle of social care of the state for socially vulnerable members of society and social charity (it provides for a differentiated approach to identifying low-income groups according to the degree of need and preferential provision of social assistance to them);

Private, based on the principle of responsibility of each member of society for his own fate and the fate of his family with the use of income earned by his own labor and business activities, income from property, as well as personal savings (this system is focused on distribution by work and includes private social insurance).

The central subject of social protection is the state. A person in need of social protection is both a subject and an object of social protection.

The objects of social protection are social institutions represented by specific social organizations, institutions, systems (education, health care, social protection, employment, labor, culture, sports and recreation complex).

The main forms of social protection:

Legally defined social guarantees and their satisfaction based on basic standards and programs,

Regulation of income and expenses of the population;

Social insurance;

Social assistance;

Social services;

Targeted social programs.

The current social protection system in Russia is based on the principles:

- encouragement, - for the purpose of public and political resonance by the authorities on certain socially significant events that have received public assessment, or to support important state acts, decisions are made aimed at social support of certain social groups, strata of the population, and in some cases - individuals;

- declarativeness, - social assistance is provided to a citizen in need upon written request of the applicant or a person representing his interests;

- paternalism, denoting state guardianship ("paternal care") in relation to less socially and economically protected strata and groups of the population.

Politically biased encouragement, combined with paternalism, has led to a large-scale number and great importance of various benefits in the social protection of the Russian population. These benefits have in fact become the equivalent of material types of social support for certain groups, strata of the population. At the same time, for a long time, the majority of Russian citizens were not fully aware of benefits, since information about them was mainly published in regulatory and methodological documents special for official use. In the conditions of publicity and market relations, information on the rights to certain benefits became available to various categories of the population, who actively declared their claims on them. At present, over 70% of Russians have various benefits for various reasons. This situation has led to an exorbitant burden on the federal and local budgets, the benefits have become burdensome for the state. In Russia, the issue of modernizing the policy of benefits has acquired an acute urgency and has become central to the reform of the social protection system. At present, there is an obvious attempt at a valuantorist departure from state obligations to fulfill this category of social guarantees. However, the implementation of such an approach will cause social tension, but will not lead to the expected economic and social positive results. In Russia, benefits, from 1917 to the present, have always been an alternative to cash payments, like an increase in wages, pensions, and social benefits. In this regard, the deprivation of benefits will lead to a significant deterioration in the material situation of many pensioners, disabled people, families with children and other socially disadvantaged, vulnerable segments of the population. This extremely complex economic and ethical problem can be solved only in conjunction with other problems:

Income and expenses of the population, and, first of all, in the field of income from labor activity;

Reforming the pension system;

Streamlining medical and pension insurance;

Compliance by the state with constitutional and other regulatory guaranteed social obligations;

Creation of a market for social goods and services, protection of the population from unscrupulous producers of social goods and services;

Education of the culture of the population in the aspect of market relations in the social sphere.

The modernization of the policy of benefits, and this is how this problem should be considered, requires a conceptual study, patience and wisdom of statesmen and politicians, and the involvement of qualified specialists who know the problem in its solution.

2. The role of social work in protecting the population

To provide assistance to people who find themselves in difficult life situations and in need of social protection, there is a special institute of social work and social services.

Currently social work viewed as:

1) a type of professional activity based on subject-integrated, interdisciplinary techniques for the formation, maintenance, rehabilitation of sustainable social integration or reintegration of an individual and groups;

2) complex social technology for the implementation of social protection of the population, social management, social policy in relation to socially vulnerable groups of the population.

Social work is based on the socio-psychological, vitalistic and socio-pedagogical aspects of the concept of supporting human vitality.

Social work principles:

Methodological - epistemological approach, determinism, unity of consciousness and activity, personal approach;

Organizational - orderliness, continuity and consistency in working with an individual, a group;

Interaction of all social institutions;

Execution control;

Social work functions:

Moral and humanistic, information and communication, analytical and predictive, organizational and methodological, social and managerial;

Mediatorial, social facilitator, advertising and propaganda, regulatory and preventive, affective and communicative, sociointegrative.

In Russia, the formalization of social work as a self-sufficient professional institution began to take place in the late 1980s, when middle-level specialists, social workers, began serving the elderly and disabled at home. In 1991, a new profession, a specialist in social work, was introduced into the qualification reference book, and from that time the formation of the social service system began.

In 1994-96 in the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of Russia, a concept for the development of this new industry is being developed and adopted, and standard provisions for various types of social services are being worked out.

From 1995 to 1999 Federal laws “On the basics of social services for the population”, “On social services for the elderly and the disabled”, “On social assistance” are being adopted. In the development of these legislative acts, normative and methodological documents are adopted on the norms and standards of social services for the population. Taking into account the constitutional provision on the delineation of social powers, the legislative basis for this area of \u200b\u200bactivity in the regions of Russia is being formed. Various types of social institutions are being created everywhere in the country, federal and regional social programs financed from budgets of various levels are being developed and implemented. The formation of socially oriented non-governmental organizations is becoming more active.

Currently, social work is seen as:

1) a type of professional activity based on subject-integrated, interdisciplinary techniques for the formation, maintenance, rehabilitation of sustainable social integration or reintegration of an individual and groups;

2) a comprehensive social technology for the implementation of social protection of the population, social management, social policy in relation to socially vulnerable groups of the population.

The main areas of social work:

- Social supervision (control) and prevention is a form of practical actions of the subjects of social process management to exercise their rights and functions in the field of social protection of the population and individuals. Subjects of social supervision are legally authorized structures (distinguish between constitutional, prosecutorial, administrative, post-criminal, social (informal) supervision);

Facilities - the process of implementation of normative acts at the national and local levels adopted by the relevant bodies for social protection of the population, the progress of social programs and projects, compliance with the established rules and conditions of detention and life of persons in institutions of social services, guardianship and re-education (these are boarding schools for the elderly and disabled, orphanages, special boarding schools, educational labor and corrective labor colonies, other special institutions), as well as control over the state and life of families and persons of social risk groups and deviant behavior (mentally ill, alcoholics, drug addicts, drug addicts, prostitutes, etc.).

Social rehabilitation - a system of medical, psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic, legal measures aimed at creating and providing conditions for social integration or reintegration of a person with disabilities caused by health problems with persistent disorders of body functions and / or social circumstances. The goal of social rehabilitation is to restore (form) the social status of a person, lost social ties (at the macro and micro levels).

Social integration - the process and characteristics of the measure of achieving the optimal level of life and the realization of the potential abilities and capabilities of the individual as a result of interpersonal interaction of the individual in a specific socio-cultural space and social time.

Social reintegration - the process and characteristics of the recovery measures previously inherent in the individual and, due to any causes of weakened or lost, social and role functions in an adequate socio-cultural space.

Social services state, municipal and non-state governing bodies, structures and specialized institutions and enterprises engaged in social work .

State social services include governing bodies, institutions and enterprises of social services of the system of social protection of the population, ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, whose competence includes social assistance to the population.

Municipal social services include institutions and social service enterprises under the jurisdiction of local governments

Non-governmental social services include institutions and social service enterprises created by charitable, public, religious and other organizations and individuals.

For the implementation of specialized forms of social services in Russia, the following social services function:

Pension security, including the relevant structural units in federal and regional social protection services, as well as state and non-state pension funds;

Social and consumer services;

Material assistance; social services at home;

Specialized inpatient social services;

Prosthetics, orthotics and prosthetics;

Technical means of rehabilitation;

Special transport service;

Medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled people;

Medical and social, socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical services to various groups of the population;

Children's specialized medical, preschool and school institutions;

Special vocational educational institutions;

Support for families, women and children;

Rehabilitation of minors with deviant behavior;

On social issues of servicemen and their families, refugees and migrants, the unemployed, crisis centers (for people suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction, victims of sexual and physical violence), regulating humanitarian and technical assistance to Russia and its individual regions;

On interaction with non-governmental organizations of disabled people, veterans, families with children, etc .;

Social services function both in the system of an independent social industry - social protection of the population, subordinate to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation, and in the structure of health care, education, culture, justice, law enforcement agencies, etc., as well as at various enterprises and organizations ...

In recent years in Russia, social work as an institution, its technologies, organizational forms have undergone significant changes. Despite all sorts of, above all, economic difficulties, the number of social institutions is growing. Below are the results of the study of the provision of the population with social services, as well as innovative approaches to social services for the population, presented in March 2001 at the All-Russian conference "Real social policy in the period of modernization in Russia", Doctor of History, Professor E.I. Single.

According to this author, over the past six years in Russia the number of social service institutions for families and children has increased 21 times and currently amounts to about 2,300 institutions providing more than 23 million different types of social services.

Social rehabilitation centers for minors are developing rapidly (the growth was more than 5 times in 6 years), rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities, their number has doubled.

New types of institutions have appeared: crisis centers for women, centers for men, centers for underage mothers. However, the standards for the provision of the population with social services remain low. Thus, the provision of the population with social rehabilitation centers for minor children on average in Russia is 6.7%. There are no institutions of this type in 24 regions.

The provision of social shelters is 10.4%, centers for helping families and children - 6.4%, boarding homes for the elderly and disabled - 60%.

The level of satisfaction of the population with various types of social services has a significant differentiation across the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the capital and the regions, the search for the most appropriate forms and methods of social work for specific conditions is constantly being conducted. In Moscow, for example, an interesting project on restorative justice is underway, the task of which is not to punish adolescents who have committed an offense, but to reconcile him with the victim and compensate for the damage.

This is a new area of \u200b\u200bsocial work. Its goal is not punitive punishment or evasion of responsibility, but the search for such forms in which the goals of satisfying the needs of the victim, the offender and society are equally achieved. This is especially important also because we are talking about adolescents, and their socialization has not yet been completed, and the way in which society will react to the offense committed by them will directly determine the further trajectory of its entry into social life.

One of the most important modern components of social protection of the population, the leading direction of state policy in this area is the creation, maintenance and development rehabilitation industry .

3. Problems and ways of reforming the system

social protection of the population in Russia

In Russia, until now, there has been no formation of sufficiently clear approaches to reforming the existing system of social protection, which is characterized by an extremely high paternalistic role of the state and extremely poorly defined public institutions. In recent years, the social protection of the Russian population has been focused on addressing the most acute, crisis, life problems of certain categories of citizens on a declarative basis. At a certain stage, this path was the most realistic for the practical solution of problems in this area and seemed to be successful. However, time has shown that this approach does not give a long-term effect, since it is not aimed at preventing the recurrence of crisis situations, at the prospective social protection of each individual person and the population as a whole.

The reforms taking place in the country aimed at streamlining all spheres of life require changes in the social sphere, including the creation of a highly effective system of multidisciplinary targeted social protection of the population, oriented towards the expectations of society, which should provide comprehensive and multifaceted assistance to a person in solving various problems that necessitate social protection , problems throughout his life - from the period when the mother was carrying a child and ending with a worthy burial of a person. In this regard, social protection should be considered as protection against social risks of loss or limitation of economic independence and social well-being of a person.

Let's highlight the following main directions of social protection and approaches to their reform:

1. Social protection of children, childhood and adolescence should be focused on creating conditions for the life and development of children that allow all children, regardless of what family they were born in and live in, to have the best opportunities to preserve their health, material well-being, free and affordable education. preschool and school education, harmonious spiritual and moral development, realization of one's abilities

Particular attention must be paid to orphans and children from disadvantaged families. We must learn to take care of these children so that they do not feel superfluous, alienated from society, and the state does not appear to them as something abstract, useless, and even hostile.

It also seems appropriate to create Federal Board of Trustees for Orphans. It is necessary to take all measures to protect and protect children in especially difficult conditions, including those left without supervision, homeless, subjected to economic and sexual exploitation, suffering from socially-caused diseases, including acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, refugee children, as well as in jail.

However, the problems of children in especially difficult conditions do not exhaust the many concerns of the state for all Russian children. The difficult situation of women in everyday life and at work, the destruction of family ties between generations have led to an almost uncontrolled and undirected development of children, including from mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, and other senior family members. The school has practically ceased to play any significant role in these processes. It is necessary to change the current situation. To this end, it is necessary to conduct an examination (departmental and independent) of the existing multi-level regulatory and program documents concerning the problems of children, to identify the state of implementation and the need to correct these documents.

There is a need to streamline the commercialization of services for children in the fields of education, health, children's creativity, physical education and sports and identify institutions where appropriate.

The role and place of prosecutorial supervision, judicial and law enforcement agencies, as well as various structures subordinate to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Russia, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health of Russia, and other federal and regional authorities are extremely poorly defined in upholding the rights of the child to health protection, education, property interests. ... Legal and organizational gaps in solving children's problems should be closed. The future of Russia is in our children. This should be the goal of all efforts aimed at social protection of children, childhood and adolescence.

Social protection of children, childhood and adolescence should effectively protect children of all age groups, as well as periods of development, from social risks:

- causing:

Stillbirth and abnormal childbirth;

Congenital and birth defects, injuries and diseases;

Fasting and inappropriate nutrition for children;

Neglect and vagrancy, economic and sexual exploitation;

Addiction to bad habits (alcohol, tobacco smoking, drugs, etc.);

Negative psychological impact, discrimination based on national, sex, property or any other criteria;

Involvement in political activity and military action;

Living in an ecologically unfavorable environment, involvement in inhuman religious and cult organizations and movements.

- hindering:

Health protection;

The stay of the child in the family;

Getting education and spiritual and moral upbringing;

Formation of a comfortable psychological climate for each child in the family, children's groups, in the region of residence, in the country;

Development of potential professional, creative and other socially useful abilities;

Introduction to cultural values;

Physical education and sports;

Creating conditions for games, other forms of intelligent entertainment and safe recreation;

Choice of religion;

Purposeful use of benefits and cash savings intended for children, property interests of children.

At the state level, it is necessary to unambiguously decide on the ideology of child benefits: either unambiguously give the status of these benefits as benefits for poverty, and then the criterion for their payment will be family income, or such benefits should be considered as a manifestation of the state policy of supporting the domestic gene pool and fertility, and therefore the payment benefits should not depend on what family the child belongs to.

2. Social protection of the able-bodied population should provide for the creation of conditions that ensure a balance of rights, duties and interests of citizens, when a person can fully realize the ability to economic independence, while not infringing on the interests of fellow citizens and participating in social assistance to people in need. Labor, its remuneration and, as a result, money savings, purchased securities and real estate should become the main sources of income and social well-being of a person, and no one has the right to encroach on them.

Social protection of the able-bodied population should provide for mechanisms that provide citizens of the Russian Federation with protection from social risks that prevent:

- effective human employment ;

- the provision of regulated additional guarantees of employment to certain categories of the population that need special social protection and experience difficulties in finding a job, including:


Single and large parents raising minor children or disabled children;

Persons of pre-retirement age;

Servicemen transferred to the reserve;

Former soldiers - participants in military conflicts;

Disabled people; persons affected by man-made and natural disasters, as well as victims of military conflicts;

Persons without work for a long time;

Persons serving a sentence or being under compulsory treatment by a court decision.

- payment and receipt of wages and all types of social benefits in the amounts and terms stipulated by Russian legislation ;

Health protection of workers and prevention of unfavorable working conditions;

Providing and receiving material and other assistance to persons who are in crisis material and social situations;

Equality of women in all matters of social life. First of all, we are talking about complete de facto equality in pay, promotion, access to education, scientific activity, culture and sports. Special measures should be developed in order to increase the participation of women in government bodies of all branches and levels, in the work of municipal structures, in the activities of public organizations, the media, and to promote their involvement in business activity. Particular attention should be paid to women-mothers and those preparing to become them. These women have manifold social risks, and this should be considered in their social protection;

Realization by young people of their potential in educational, scientific, cultural and sports terms.

3. Social protection of disabled citizens should be aimed at humanizing all spheres of life of these people.

It is unacceptable for any of them to feel like a superfluous person burdening loved ones, society. Everyone should preserve the desire and opportunity to live in the family for as long as possible, actively participate in the economic, political, cultural development of society, enjoy all its benefits and, if possible, increase them. The leading role in solving the problems of these citizens belongs to social services and pensions, which require reform.

Social protection of disabled citizens should include mechanisms to ensure:

All persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, full social security, regardless of race and nationality, gender, language, place of residence, type and nature of activity in the context of a variety of forms of ownership and other circumstances;

Full pension provision in old age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, in other cases stipulated by law, regardless of the territory of which state the right to retirement benefits was acquired, as well as the payment of state benefits to families with children;

- strict implementation of the legislative regulation of pension provision, preventing, under any circumstances, delays in the payment of pensions, both state and other ;

Implementation of measures for preferential pensions for disabled people, as well as measures aimed at preventing disability, ensuring social protection of people with disabilities, creating conditions for them to exercise their rights and legitimate interests, develop their creative abilities, unhindered access to social infrastructure, medical, professional and social rehabilitation;


Preservation of cash savings and securities;

Property interests;

Decent provision of funeral services.

4. Social protection of the family as a fundamental pillar of society and the state provides for the need to fully support the institution of the family. It is the family that is able to preserve society and its values. Therefore, a family policy focused on providing people with decent conditions for creating, maintaining and developing a family is an integral part of the social protection of the population.

The forms and methods of social protection of a person should be differentiated, but necessarily accessible, complete, not degrading human dignity, maximally focused on prevention and ways of positively resolving complex critical situations by an individual.

The system of multidisciplinary targeted social protection itself should include all absorbers of negative influences on a person and contribute to both the prevention of their occurrence and their elimination. And only in cases where, for whatever reasons, social protection mechanisms do not work or non-standard, unforeseen situations arise, or a person does not agree with the forms and methods of his protection, he will be forced to declare a claim for social assistance and services to the relevant competent authorities ...

The development of a mechanism for the functioning of the system of multidisciplinary targeted social protection of the population should be carried out in the following areas:

Determination of the role and place of social protection of the population in the social development of the country and regions;

Regulatory support for social protection, clearly defining social risks, the consequences of which are subject to correction guaranteed by the state;

Development of state standards of services in health care, education, culture and social services for the population (taking into account regional and local conditions for the reproduction of the labor force and population) for their targeted use in planning social spending and their gradual increase;

Legal regulation of the prevention of social risks;

Development of strategic scenarios for the development of the social complex;

Delimitation of powers between federal bodies and authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on social issues;

Development of structural reform of public administration of the social complex, including regulatory support for its development;

Institutional and organizational transformations of the social complex:


Infrastructure development;

Privatization of social facilities;

Regulation of paid social services.

Investment policy in the social sphere;

Determination of priorities for the development of the social sphere;

Social technology innovation policy;

Formation of federal social programs focused on the management of social processes;

Formation of federal-regional, interregional and regional programs of social development, including social protection of the population;

Creation of a system of information support of the population about the legal, labor and other regulation of the life of society, with a focus on the active independent solution by people of their problems, as well as a reliable, simple and accessible definition of the role of the state in this process.

Special attention should be paid to the development of state social standards. The issue of minimum standards is becoming a cornerstone. In legal terms, minimization of assistance to a person in need of it is abstract, and in moral and ethical terms, in many cases it is absurd. It is necessary to introduce into the normative legal field a different concept - minimum state social guarantees, clearly formulate their interpretation and implementation mechanism.

Adequacy of the financial resources allocated for these purposes to the needs of people will be of decisive importance in the success of solving the problems of social protection. The existing centralized state financial support has led to an exorbitant burden on the state budget and non-fulfillment of state obligations for social protection of the population, which causes discontent among citizens and social tension in society. To change this situation, it is necessary to create a mechanism for financial support of this sphere on the principles of differential social taxation and social compulsory and voluntary insurance, provided that social assistance is preserved only for those who cannot be helped otherwise than through social paternalism. Legislation should clearly define the criteria for social tax and social insurance contributions (compulsory and voluntary), as well as the procedure for their calculation, collection, accumulation and use. It is necessary to gradually move away from state subsidies in various social areas and introduce state orders for solving specific social problems. All interested legal entities and individuals should be involved in the implementation of the social order on a competitive basis. This approach will make it possible to streamline, target financial flows, make them manageable and controlled by the relevant state bodies and the public.

Solving the problems of social protection of the population of Russia, ensuring the above priorities, will require a serious analysis of the state of the social sphere, the existing forms and methods of social assistance to the population, an assessment of the existing health services, education, social protection, employment, migration and other responsible structures.

The need to search for fundamentally different approaches to the management of social processes is obvious. Such management should be based on reliable dynamically tracked information about people's needs for social assistance and services and about the resources available for this (financial, material and technical, instrumental, institutional, organizational).

In many regions of Russia, it is necessary to modernize social protection institutions. This is especially true for social stationary institutions. Decent living conditions should be created for those who, for various reasons, are in boarding schools, specialized boarding houses, neuropsychiatric hospitals. The number of places in these institutions should correspond to regional or interregional needs.

In Russia, the problem of social assistance to people who find themselves in difficult living conditions (homeless people, refugees, forced migrants and displaced persons) is urgent. It is necessary for the territorial bodies of social protection to jointly with other interested services solve the problems of organizing night houses, social shelters and hotels. There should be no cases of refusal to help people in extreme situations.

In various territories of Russia, there are striking differences in the material situation of workers in the non-production sphere. This situation requires the most careful study and search for an adequate solution.

In the context of a deep transformational decline in production in Russia, the first steps to restore the previously achieved production volumes with a favorable external economic situation served as the basis for conclusions about the entry of the country's economy into the phase of recovery and growth. Critically assessing the quality of official forecasts of economic development, one cannot but emphasize that the practice of developing a number of scenarios creates the illusion of great freedom in choosing alternative options. An unfavorable starting situation dictates a thorough justification of the development strategy, a realistic assessment of variance. On the instructions of the power structures of Russia, three development scenarios were developed, taking into account which economic decisions were made in the formation of economic and budgetary policy for the next period: inertial, export-oriented, investment-active (Table 1).

The obligations of the state for its social guarantees must be fulfilled at all levels. In the same situations where this cannot be done, it is necessary to clearly explain to people the reasons and possible solutions to the problem.

Table 1.

Dynamics of the main socio-economic indicators by development options,%

Option 1998 year 1999 year 2000 year 2001 year 2002-2005 2006-2010 2000-2010
on average per year for the period on average per year for the period on average per year
Inertial GDP 95,1 103,2 105,5 103,2 103,6 100,9 107,2 101,4 112,5
Industrial products 94,8 108,1 108,0 101,0 110,0 102,4 116,0 103,0 132,7
Investments 93,3 104,5 109,0 106,0 103,2 100,8 119,3 103,6 128,9
Export-oriented GDP 95,1 103,2 105,5 104,0 110,4 102,5 108,3 101,6 122,9
Industrial products 94,8 108,1 108,0 104,5 120,2 104,7 127,6 105,0 160,6
Investments 93,3 104,5 109,0 106,5 126,2 106,0 131,9 105,7 176,4
Investment-active GDP 95,1 103,2 105,5 104,5 122,5 105,2 126,4 104,8 158,0
Industrial products 94,8 108,1 108,0 105,5 126,2 106,0 133,8 106,0 178,1
Investments 93,3 104,5 109,0 107,5 146,9 110,1 145,6 107,8 228,8


The transition to the market, the deterioration of the living conditions of a significant part of the country's population, especially the unemployed, pensioners, families with children, revealed the inability of the previous social security system to guarantee every person a decent standard of living. This required its reform and almost complete renewal of the previous Soviet legislation in the field of social security.

In the legislation adopted in this area at the federal level from 1990 to the present, the following provisions have found their legal confirmation:

The universality of social security, achieved by expanding the circle of recipients of pensions, benefits, services and the emergence of new types of social security in response to the emergence of new social risks (for example, social pensions, unemployment benefits, compensation payments to persons subjected to Nazi persecution, monthly benefits for HIV-infected , benefits to victims of radiation exposure, etc.);

Application of a differentiated approach in providing for various socio-demographic groups and population strata;

Use of comprehensive measures for social protection of the population; the state's desire to fix the amount of social payments taking into account the minimum consumer budget;

Democratization, in many cases, of the conditions for the appointment and receipt of social benefits;

Providing the possibility of judicial protection of human rights in this area.

Of great importance for the formation of an effective system of social protection of the population is such an approach of the legislator as the targeting of social payments, benefits and services. At the same time, the legislator uses various socially justified differentiation criteria. The main ones are:

Taking into account the specifics of the types of socially useful activities;

An important positive feature of Russian reality in this area is the principle of the diversity and comprehensiveness of social protection of the population. Its essence lies in the fact that a citizen who has the right to social protection can simultaneously receive various types of social security.

The leading organizational and legal forms of social security are currently social insurance and the national social security system, funded mainly by taxes.

Despite the fact that, especially recently, the state has taken a set of measures aimed at improving the material situation of pensioners, families with children, the unemployed and the disabled, there are a number of acute unresolved problems in the field of social security. The problem related to the level of pension provision requires special consideration, the solution of which depends not only on the state of the economy, but also on the new concept of pension provision.

Among the various organizational and legal forms of non-state social security, one should name the system of production support, that is, the security provided by enterprises (economic entities). Currently, on the basis of collective agreements (agreements) within the framework of this form, one-time retirement benefits are paid, monthly supplements to state pensions for old age and disability, unemployment benefits, childcare, and other assistance is provided to families with children.

An important role is played by the municipal social security systems, which make it possible to substantially supplement the level of state pensions and benefits in many regions of the country through additional payments and compensations. At their expense, various additional benefits for housing, utilities, medical services are provided. Many trade unions are creating trade union social security systems that, at their own expense, improve the level of social protection for union members.

An extremely necessary step seems to be the creation and maintenance of a favorable legal regime for the development of non-state forms of social security, including charity, will harmoniously complement the efforts of the state to create a normal standard of living for millions of elderly and disabled citizens of the country.

Summing up the work, it should be noted that negative social problems in the field of social protection of the population cannot be eliminated in a short time. Reforming the social protection system requires:

Various resources (organizational, legal, material and technical, etc.);

Development of technologies adequate to Russian conditions and mentality;

Trained specialists (doctors, social workers, lawyers, orthopedists, prosthetists, engineers, architects, educators, psychologists and others);

Active support of public organizations, the entire population.

List of sources used

1. Baigereev M. Analysis of Russian poverty: reasons, features, methods of calculation. // Man and Labor. - 2001. - No. 8. - S. 55-60.

2. State report “On the situation of disabled people in the Russian Federation”. - M., 1998.

3. Zhukov V.I., Zaymyshev I.G. and other Theory and methods of social work. In 2 volumes. - M .: Soyuz, 1994.

4. The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993.

5. Machulskaya E.E. Workshop on Social Security Law. - M .: NORMA-INFRA-M, 1999.

6. Oleinik A. Institutional economics // Problems of economics. No. 1-12, 1999.

7. Seleznev A.Z. Restrictions on economic growth in Russia. // Problems of forecasting. - 2002. - No. 6. S. 29-43.

8. Family Code of the Russian Federation. - M .: Os-89, 2000.

9. Social policy: Textbook / Under total. ed. ON THE. Volgin. - M .: Exam, 2003.

10. Federal Law "On Veterans" (SZ RF, 1995, No. 3, Article 168).

11. Federal law "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" (SZ RF, 1995, No. 48, art. 4563).

12. Kholostova E.I. Social policy: Textbook. allowance. - M .: INFRA-M, 2001.

13. Jacobson L. Economics of the public sector. Foundations of the theory of public finance. - M .: Nauka, 1995.

14. Yakobson L.I. Public sector of the economy. Economic theory and politics. - M .: Higher School of Economics, 2000.

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The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Art. 22 proclaimed that everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security. By its very nature, this right should make it possible to ensure, taking into account the material opportunities available to society, a dignified existence of a person in the event of such life situations when he is not able to receive a source of income in exchange for the labor expended. The norms of the declaration bind the realization of the right of every person to a decent standard of living not only during the period when a person works, but also in cases of unemployment, illness, disability, widowhood, old age or other cases of loss of livelihood due to circumstances beyond the citizen's control.

According to Art. 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen of Russia is guaranteed social security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law.

Social protection and social security in a state-organized society is the area of \u200b\u200binterweaving of the vital interests of citizens, property and distribution relations, legal methods and methods of their regulation, social policy of the state and socio-economic human rights. It is also the sphere of refraction of such universal human values \u200b\u200bas equality, social justice, humanism, moral foundations of society. The purpose of social security is, first of all, that it is a special form of satisfaction of the livelihood needs of the elderly and the disabled.

The constitutive signs of social security include: objective grounds that cause the need for a special mechanism of social protection of citizens, aimed at maintaining or providing a certain level of life support (illness, old age, disability, unemployment, etc.); special funds, sources of social security; special ways of providing livelihood; consolidation of the rules for the provision of social security in the law.

The objective foundations of social security, with all their differences, affect a person's ability to work in the direction of its temporary or permanent limitation or complete loss. It is they who predetermine the need for a certain number of people to receive a source of livelihood from society in exchange for new expended labor; the need for preventive and health-improving measures for able-bodied members of society with the aim of normal reproduction of the labor force and protection of their health, etc.

Any of these needs can be realized if it is recognized by society as socially significant, that is, enshrined in the law. Society's ignorance of these needs will not slow down to affect its normal functioning. It is another matter that both the degree of recognition and the degree of ignorance of the listed needs are related to the economic basis of society. This is due to the fact that, by its economic nature, social security is directly or indirectly related to the distribution and redistribution relations of society.

It should be noted that in modern society, social security has ceased to act in the form of goodwill, beneficence, provided by the more well-off strata of society to its less well-off categories of citizens. It also cannot be considered as a right-privilege of certain layers of society.

Social protection as a special social institution of a modern state is an indicator of social confidence, a social guarantee of a decent development of each member of society and the preservation of a source of livelihood in the event of social risks.

    The main directions of social policy in

Russian Federation

Social protection is considered one of the most important directions of state policy. She supports the material and social position of every person in society. In other words, it helps those strata of the population who, due to some circumstances, cannot independently support their existence. The right of citizens of the Russian Federation to social protection is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which declared that the Russian Federation is a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free human development. Also, the Constitution stipulates that every citizen of Russia is guaranteed social security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law.

If we talk more specifically about the very definition of social protection, then we can say that social protection is a special type of socio-economic activity that focuses on different segments of the population. Social protection is the policy of the state aimed at ensuring social, economic, political and other rights and guarantees of a person, regardless of gender, nationality, age, place of residence and other circumstances.

Social protection should provide a guaranteed intermediate minimum, the purchasing power of citizens, protection of health, life and property. The need for social protection comes from the presence of a social need to have a system of laws in the state that will compensate for the social imperfection of the organization of the production of material goods and their distribution.

Social security is the main part of social protection of the population. The law establishes state pensions and social pensions, encourages voluntary social insurance, the creation of additional forms of social security and charity.

Social protection and social security is the sphere of such universal values \u200b\u200bas equality, social justice, humanism and moral foundations of society. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, declared that everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security. The role of social security is that it is a special form of satisfaction of certain needs in the sources of livelihood of disabled citizens and the elderly. The Russian Federation protects the work and health of people, establishes a guaranteed minimum wage, provides state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, establishes state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection.

The forms of social protection of the population can be classified on various grounds: depending on the subject-addressee of social protection:

General, aimed at the entire population.

Exceptional, provided in special cases, on the basis of special regulations, support for persons affected by natural disasters, natural and man-made disasters, and so on.

The main forms of social protection of the population are pensions, provision of social benefits, benefits to especially needy categories of the population, state social insurance and social services.

Social protection measures can be in the form of cash transfers or social services. Cash payments are pensions, allowances, scholarships, grants, grants and compensation. Services should include both natural types of maintenance, for example, medicines, and the beneficial effect resulting from labor, as a purposeful human activity, for example, the delivery of medicines. Benefits and benefits are also among the means of social protection.

Benefits are expressed in granting citizens a priority or extraordinary right to receive social benefits, and benefits facilitate the conditions for meeting social needs and make it free or at a reduced cost, more precisely, they release the recipient entity from any obligations. Benefits and benefits can be extended to able-bodied citizens as incentives.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation not only proclaims the right of citizens to social protection, but also clearly defines the ways of its implementation, this is, first of all, state insurance of workers, the creation of other funds that are sources of financing for social protection of the population, as well as the adoption of federal laws guaranteeing the implementation of these rights , it is the law "On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation" and the law "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation."

According to the method of implementation, active and passive social policies can be distinguished. Passive social policy presupposes artificial containment of prices, stabilization or growth due to this standard of living, and an increase in subsidies in all areas of social protection. But the most preferable is an active policy. The main thing in it is to create conditions for the manifestation of initiative and increase the role of the state in supporting the standard of living of pensioners and children.

State social assistance is provided in two forms:

1) cash payments, that is, social benefits, subsidies, compensation and other payments;

2) in-kind assistance, which is fuel, food, clothing, footwear, medicines and other types of in-kind assistance.

The essence of social protection is manifested in such functions as economic, political, demographic and social rehabilitation.

The economic function is to replace the earnings, income or maintenance lost due to age, disability, loss of a breadwinner; partial reimbursement of additional costs in the event of certain life circumstances; providing minimal monetary or in-kind assistance to low-income citizens.

The political function contributes to the maintenance of social stability in a society in which there are significant differences in the standard of living of various segments of the population.

The demographic function is designed to stimulate the reproduction of the population, which is necessary for the normal development of the country.

The social rehabilitation function is aimed at restoring the social status of disabled citizens and other socially weak groups of the population, allowing them to feel like full-fledged members of society.

Social protection has been and will play the most important role in the development and support of society. After all, if there is no social protection, then the low-income level of the population will be on the verge of poverty. Some of them will certainly be able to survive, while others will not, these people will simply become lost to society. Can you give an example, a pensioner who lives alone or a person who is ill and cannot take care of himself, how will they survive without social assistance? They cannot survive.

The state plays an important role in organizing social protection of the population, organizing pension services and providing benefits, social services, social assistance to families and children, preparing legislation on social protection of the population, provisions on the fundamentals of social policy, social standards and recommendations for the development of regional social programs, ensuring foreign economic and international cooperation, analyzing and predicting the standard of living of various categories of the population.

Social protection of the population includes social security, social insurance and social assistance, consistent with the social policy of the state, which, according to the Constitution, is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a dignified life and free human development.

    Problems of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation

Social protection of the population has always played a huge role. To develop and prosper, the state must embody law and justice, the support of its population. The stability of society, its sustainable development, and, as a result, its national security depend on the state of the social sphere, the effectiveness of the policy pursued by the state in the sphere of social support of citizens. The article highlights the existing problems of social support of the population in Russia at the present stage, and also outlines measures to increase its effectiveness. Key words: social support of the population, social policy, problems of social support, measures to improve the effectiveness of social assistance, priority goals of social protection.

Social support for the population is all sorts of activities that are carried out by social protection authorities in the framework of social policy in Russia. Such events are focused on providing assistance to certain categories of citizens who need support. They are conducted in accordance with the legislative and legal acts of the country. In the Russian Federation, there is a program called “Social support for citizens”.

It outlines the main guidelines and tasks that must be completed by 2020. First of all, this is the fulfillment of our country's obligations on social support of citizens. The second task is to meet the needs of citizens in social services. The next task is to create favorable conditions for the functioning of the institution of the family. And the last task in this program is to increase the importance of non-governmental non-profit organizations in providing social services to the population. Until now, the Russian Federation has not formed sufficiently clear approaches to reforming the existing social protection system. It should be noted that in the system that has developed in Russia, there is an extremely high role of the state. At the moment, the main problem of state social support for the population in Russia is the lack of a single federal law that could fully regulate state support for Russian families.

Currently, there is only a draft of such a federal law: "On the foundations of state support for the family in the Russian Federation", which establishes the legal basis for state support for the family, defines the goals, principles and priorities of state support for the family as an important area of \u200b\u200bstate social policy. Despite the fact that recently our state has taken a whole range of measures that could improve the material situation of pensioners, families with children, the unemployed and the disabled, there are still a number of acute sore problems in the field of social security.

It should be especially noted the problem associated with the state and development prospects of the pension system. These problems are by no means limited to questions of retirement age. Various proposals are being put forward for the development of the pension system by abolishing mandatory pension savings, switching to voluntary savings, which will be stimulated by the state, and so on.

The solution to these problems depends not only on the state of the country's economy, but also on the new concept of pension provision. The next urgent problem is the provision of social support to people who find themselves in difficult living conditions. These people include the homeless, refugees, migrants and displaced persons. To solve this problem, it is necessary, through joint efforts of the territorial social protection bodies with other interested services, to solve the issues of organizing night houses, as well as social shelters and hotels. It is necessary to minimize cases of refusal to help people who are in an emergency. In addition, there is a problem in Russia that is associated with the provision of a number of measures of social support to the population on a categorical basis. That is, in accordance with the existing status of a citizen, which is determined by both federal and regional legislation.

So, for example, with this approach, social support measures are provided to labor veterans, home front workers, victims of political repression, as well as certain categories of rural specialists, and others. The provision of other measures of social support is carried out taking into account the need, which is based on an assessment of income, property or the need for housing. Most of the social support measures are financed from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At the same time, there is a regional differentiation in the proportion of social support measures provided at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the total number of provided social support measures.

Also, one of the problems of social support of the population is the presence of a dependent attitude among the population, as well as the lack of interest among some citizens in improving their own well-being. The government of the Russian Federation plans to introduce some measures to improve the efficiency of social assistance to the population until 2020:

First, it is the modernization of the labor market. Our country has relatively low unemployment. This requires more effective measures to use the available labor resources, their distribution at points of economic growth. To achieve this, it is necessary to reduce the cost of moving to new places of work, as well as ensure the availability of infrastructure throughout the country.

Secondly, the creation of new opportunities for the development of sectors of human capital, namely education and health care.

Third, providing intensive support to families with children. For example, maternity capital, which has become an important instrument of social policy. The government has expanded the scope of its application and is extending the implementation period of this program.

Fourth, the continuation of payments of monthly allowances to large families, including subsidies for housing and communal services.

Fifth, the elimination of the queue for land plots for large families or the provision of housing for them. The Government plans to fulfill this goal in three years.

Sixth, the development of a comprehensive program of assistance to the elderly. Such a program will aim to obtain adequate medical care. It is necessary to update the support system for the elderly, which must meet the needs of modern society. The structure of modern life must also provide the structure of the life of the elderly. Seventh, the modernization of the healthcare system, since the level of its development determines the quality of life of any citizen.

This task is quite difficult to perform. At the very least, this is associated with high costs. For example, the funds that have been invested in modern medical equipment in recent years are larger than anything that has been done before.

Eighth, clear formulations of state guarantees of free medical care. The priority is the development of primary health care, telemedicine, the introduction of a single electronic patient record.

Ninth, ensuring the availability and quality of medicines. This task is the most significant for the state. Even low-income patients need to be able to use drugs. It is also necessary to increase the efficiency of the quality control system for manufactured drugs, medicines and medical equipment. In addition, on June 6, 2016, the Action Plan of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation for 2016 and the planning period until 2021 was released, which identified five priority goals aimed at solving the tasks set for the state. Decent work, fair pay. Decent pension for long conscientious work. Improving the demographic situation. Social protection will come closer to the person. The state civil service must become open and professional.

Thus, we can conclude that in our state there are a sufficient number of problems associated with social support of the population. However, ways of solving these problems have already been outlined. The state is currently focusing on the social sphere of our country, because this area is the most important for the population. It gives a person confidence in his state, a sense of calmness and desire to develop and help his country "go forward".


The most important attribute of the democratic model of social protection of the population is its multi-subject nature and polymorphism of economic foundations, which are provided by civil society institutions, volunteer, informal efforts, corporate structures, and religious confessions. Non-state subjects of social protection with their economic foundations and creative potential should be integrated in every possible way into the system of social protection of Russia.

The activities of the "third sector" limit the monopoly of the authorities of social protection, therefore its initiatives are often met with resistance. At the same time, many types, forms of social protection, especially at the local level, can be implemented by non-state actors more efficiently and with significant cost savings, for example, on a competitive basis in the execution of state, municipal social orders, etc.

The system of social protection of the population is critically dependent on the economy. It is in this area that the resources are formed, which are redistributed for social policy. In this regard, it is very important to significantly reduce the volume of the shadow economy, including the shadow labor market. "Optimization", or even just tax evasion, unofficial and unaccounted for payment of wages significantly reduce the level of social guarantees for workers and worsen the economic possibilities of financing state extra-budgetary social funds.

In the sphere of economics, the self-realization of the individual as an economically independent, self-sufficient subject also takes place. Therefore, effective employment, the growth of national production, the restoration of the reproduction and stimulating function of wages, the growth of real incomes are the best absorbers of the negative impact of social risks on workers. Undoubtedly, only with a significant increase in the real incomes of the entire population, stabilization of mechanisms and institutions of social insurance, expansion of the participation and responsibility of non-state actors in the social protection system, an increase in the scope of functions performed by the structures of civil society, and ensuring the self-realization of the individual will we be able to build our own social protection system. population is quite effective and meets Russian socio-culture and traditions.


    Constitution of the Russian Federation of 12.12.1993 (as amended on 21.07.2014).

    Message from the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly in 2016.

    The article "On the results of the analysis of the socio-economic consequences of the implementation of measures of social support of the population by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ (" Law on the monetization of benefits ")" of the analytical center under the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Article by D. A. Medvedev from 2016 "Social and economic development - the acquisition of new dynamics." Official site of the State social support of citizens: [Electronic resource]. Access mode: - "".

    Official site of the journal "Voprosy Economiki": [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - (date of access: 03.03.2017). Official site of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection: [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: -

    Official website of the Government of Russia: [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: -

3. Problems and ways of reforming the system

social protection of the population in Russia

In Russia, until now, there has been no formation of sufficiently clear approaches to reforming the existing system of social protection, which is characterized by an extremely high paternalistic role of the state and extremely poorly defined public institutions. In recent years, the social protection of the Russian population has been focused on addressing the most acute, crisis, life problems of certain categories of citizens on a declarative basis. At a certain stage, this path was the most realistic for the practical solution of problems in this area and seemed to be successful. However, time has shown that such an approach does not give a long-term effect, since it is not aimed at preventing the recurrence of crisis situations, at promising social protection for each individual person and the population as a whole.

The reforms taking place in the country, aimed at streamlining all spheres of life, require changes in the social sphere, including the creation of a highly effective system of multidisciplinary targeted social protection of the population, focused on the expectations of society, which should provide comprehensive and multifaceted assistance to a person in solving various, causing the need for social protection, problems throughout his life - from the period when the mother was carrying a child and ending with a worthy burial of a person. In this regard, social protection should be considered as protection against social risks of loss or limitation of economic independence and social well-being of a person.

Let's highlight the following main areas of social protection and approaches to their reform:

1. Social protection of children, childhood and adolescence should be focused on creating conditions for the life and development of children that allow all children, regardless of what family they were born in and live in, to have the best opportunities to preserve their health, material well-being, freely available education, preschool and school education, harmonious spiritual and moral development, realization of one's abilities

Particular attention should be paid to orphans, as well as children from disadvantaged families. We need to learn to take care of these children so that they do not feel superfluous, alienated from society, and the state would not seem to them as something abstract, useless, and even hostile.

It also seems appropriate to create Federal Board of Trustees for Orphans.It is necessary to take all measures to protect and protect children in particularly difficult conditions, including those left without supervision, homeless people, who have been subjected to economic and sexual exploitation, suffering from socially-caused diseases, including acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, children from the number of refugees as well as those in prison.

However, the problems of children in especially difficult conditions do not exhaust the many concerns of the state for all Russian children. The difficult situation of women in everyday life and at work, the destruction of family ties between generations have led to practically uncontrolled and undirected development of children, including on the part of mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, and other senior family members. The school practically ceased to play any significant role in these processes. It is necessary to change the current situation. To this end, it is necessary to conduct an examination (departmental and independent) of the existing multi-level regulatory and program documents concerning the problems of children, to identify the state of implementation and the need to correct these documents.

It is necessary to streamline the process of commercialization of services for children in the fields of education, health care, children's creativity, physical education and sports, and identify institutions where appropriate.

In defending the rights of the child to health protection, education, property interests, the role and place of prosecutorial supervision, judicial and law enforcement agencies, as well as various structures subordinate to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Russia, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health of Russia, and other federations are extremely poorly defined. - to the national and regional authorities. Legal and organizational gaps in solving children's problems should be closed. The future of Russia is in our children. This should be the goal of all efforts aimed at social protection of children, childhood and adolescence.

Social protection of children, childhood and adolescence should effectively protect children of all age groups, as well as periods of development, from social risks:


    stillbirth and abnormal childbirth;

    congenital and birth defects, injuries and diseases;

    starvation and irrational food for children;

    neglect and vagrancy, economic and sexual exploitation;

    addiction to bad habits (alcohol, tobacco smoking, drugs, etc.);

    negative psychological impact, discrimination based on national, sex, property or any other criteria;

    involvement in political activity and military action;

    living in an ecologically unfavorable environment, involvement in anti-humane religious and cult organizations and movements.


    health protection;

    the child's stay in the family;

    obtaining education and spiritual and moral education;

    the formation of a comfortable psychological climate for each child in the family, children's groups, in the region of residence, in the country;

    development of potential professional, creative and other socially useful abilities;

    introduction to cultural values;

    physical education and sports;

    creating conditions for games, other forms of intelligent entertainment and safe recreation;

    choice of religion;

    targeted use of benefits and cash savings intended for children, property interests of children.

At the state level, it is necessary to unambiguously determine the ideology of child benefits: either unambiguously give the status of these benefits as benefits for poverty, and then the criterion for their payment will be family income, or such benefits should be considered as a manifestation of state policy to support the domestic gene pool and fertility, and therefore, the payment of benefits should not depend on what family the child belongs to.

2. Social protection of the able-bodied population should provide for the creation of conditions that ensure a balance of rights, responsibilities and interests of citizens, when a person can fully realize the ability to economic independence, while not infringing on the interests of fellow citizens and participating in social assistance to those in need persons. Labor, its remuneration and, as a result, monetary savings, acquired securities and real estate should become the main sources of income and social well-being of a person, and no one has the right to encroach on them.

Social protection of the able-bodied population should provide for mechanisms that provide citizens of the Russian Federation with protection from social risks that prevent:

    effective human employment;

    the provision of regulated additional guarantees of employment to certain categories of the population who need special social protection and experience difficulties in finding a job, including:


    single and large parents raising minors or children with disabilities;

    persons of pre-retirement age;

    servicemen transferred to the reserve;

    former soldiers - participants in military conflicts;

    disabled people; persons affected by man-made and natural disasters, as well as victims of military conflicts;

    persons who have been unemployed for a long time;

    to persons who are serving a sentence or who were on compulsory treatment by a court decision.

    payment and receipt of wages and all types of social benefits in the amounts and terms stipulated by Russian legislation;

    health protection of workers and prevention of unfavorable working conditions;

    the provision and receipt of material and other assistance to persons who have found themselves in crisis-nye material and social situations;

    equality of women in all matters of social life. First of all, we are talking about complete de facto equality in pay, promotion, access to education, scientific activity, culture and sports. Special measures should be developed to increase the participation of women in government bodies of all branches and levels, in the work of municipal structures, in the activities of public organizations, in the media, and to promote their involvement in business activity. Particular attention should be paid to women-mothers and those preparing to become them. These women have manifold social risks, and this should be considered in their social protection;

    realization by young people of their potential in educational, scientific, cultural and sports terms.

In Russia, the transition to market relations extremely aggravated, first of all, social problems and led to a decrease in the standard of living of the population, while it is in this category that all efforts and results of the state's activities in the field of social protection are focused. Russia faced a number of problems, including in labor relations. Some of them can be distinguished:

  • · Non-payment of wages, wages in kind, strike movement;
  • · Liquidation and bankruptcy of enterprises, change of ownership;
  • · Delimitation of interests of employees and employers.

Employers are putting forward stricter requirements for performance discipline for the quality of work, as well as advocate facilitating the procedure for dismissing employees and reducing social obligations to them. The employees are interested in:

  • · Increasing (or maintaining) the volume of guarantees and benefits, restricting the freedom of the employer when hiring and firing;
  • · Expansion of state supervision over the observance of labor rights.

At the moment, new labor legislation is in force in Russia. But if the American market provides low guarantees for workers with their strict observance by employers, the European market provides a high level of rights with severe sanctions for non-compliance, then the Russian market provides many rights in the world of work if they are ignored with impunity. This problem is associated with the minimum efficiency of state control in the labor sphere and a decrease in the trade union role in regulating labor relations.

Let us consider a number of the main problems that hinder the improvement of social protection of workers in Russia.

In our opinion, one of the main problems for Russia is shadow employment. The most common forms of violation of labor laws are: hiring by oral agreement, hiding part or even all of the earnings from taxation, non-payment (disapproval) of leave or sick leave, as well as a situation when the work book is not in the place where the person works.

As a result of a sociological study conducted among workers, in order to clarify their positions in relation to various types of illegal practices, the respondents divided into those who were “offended” by the employer (the employee’s rights are violated more often than he himself violates labor discipline), “offended” discipline occur more often than violations of labor rights), and on those who are not offended. The latter turned out to be 21%, “offended by the employer” - 14%, and “offended by the employer” - 65%. But the most interesting is the distribution of these groups according to the categories of respondents (Table 1).

According to Table 1, the largest share of “offended” whose labor rights are violated more often than they themselves violate laws and regulations in the labor sphere is among public sector employees (80%), industrial workers (74%), working by oral agreement (63 %).

This fact testifies that even at state enterprises the observance of all workers' rights is not ensured, including insufficient measures to improve social protection. We see the reasons for this situation in the presence of shadow employment, which results in unpaid taxes, both on the part of the employee and on the part of the enterprise. The result is low wages for public sector employees. At the end of 2009, the average monthly wage in educational institutions is 13,293.6 rubles, health care, physical education and social security - 14,819.5 rubles, the provision of other utilities, social and personal services - 15,070 rubles, while the average living wage is RUB 5497 per month.

The low level of wages and the associated unsatisfactory structure of the population's expenditures hinders the implementation of reforms in the social sphere, since the bulk of earnings (up to 80%) is spent on food and the purchase of consumer goods, and the rest is insufficient to pay for housing, medical and other services. One of the important social guarantees in the field of wages is the minimum wage. The basis for determining the minimum wage in developed countries is the subsistence minimum; it is not set below it. The living wage, one might say, is the red line for measuring poverty, after which a person cannot provide on his income even the most basic needs, the minimum necessary to maintain health and his life, especially in food. Currently in Russia the minimum wage is 4330 rubles. below the official subsistence minimum, determined by the methodology of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. It follows from these facts that the minimum wage, in fact, is not a social guarantee in Russia, which is in direct contradiction with the Constitution.

Wages are income that forms the main aggregate effective demand of the population, which determines the structure and dynamics of production. Therefore, the fall in the level of wages causes a contraction of the domestic market and a further reduction in production. The tax base is also decreasing, which means that budget revenues are reduced, which limits the state's ability to solve both social and investment problems. Therefore, it is necessary, in the macroeconomic terms, to use the reproduction and stimulating functions of wages, for which it is necessary to remove tax restrictions on its growth, to exclude the use of shadow employment.

It is known that the domestic industry is in crisis. Its owners are focused not on long-term prospects, but on achieving maximum results at the present time. In this regard, their personnel policy often does not provide for the development of a social orientation in relations with employees. Thus, the share of wages in Russia's gross product is only 40% versus 70% in developed countries. This means that entrepreneurial profit, interest on capital and rent take a disproportionate share in the gross product. Many economists see the way out of the crisis in the Russian economy in the revival of the real sector of the economy and the reorientation of the financial sector to service industry. This task requires a highly skilled workforce. However, in the branches of Russian industry that determine scientific and technical progress: instrument making, precision engineering, machine tool industry, radio electronics and other science-intensive industries, over 70% of production personnel have been lost during the reform years.

The previous qualification level of Russian workers has been lost. Thus, the share of workers of the 4-6th wage grades, who make up the personnel base of industrial personnel of enterprises, reached more than 50% only in three industries - oil production (59.9%), petrochemical (52.0%), non-ferrous metallurgy (51.5 %). The share of workers of the lowest, 1-3rd categories, in such industries as garment is 53.3%, footwear - 46.7%, woodworking - 44.2%. The low qualification level of production personnel is one of the main reasons for the weak competitiveness of the goods and services produced. This circumstance, in turn, is reflected in the profits of enterprises, which limits their financial opportunities for staff training.

Changes in the economic and political systems of Russia have brought both great opportunities and serious threats to each individual, the stability of its existence, introduced a significant degree of uncertainty in the life of almost every person, that is, reduced the level of social protection. Thus, the second most important social problem in Russia arose - the problem of training and retraining of personnel. Many workers are in danger of being laid off or losing their social status as a result of economic restructuring. Most of them need active social protection, the main components of which are the creation of new jobs and advanced retraining of personnel.

In industrialized countries, social protection of workers in the form of vocational training is carried out within the framework of targeted state and regional programs to ensure the quality of the workforce. Such programs are extremely necessary for the Russian economy, but at the present time, unfortunately, the mechanism of their formation, poor financial, legal and information support is poorly functioning. Undoubtedly, unprofitable organizations are not able to use professional retraining of personnel as a means of social protection of laid off workers.

An equally important problem for Russia is working in conditions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards. According to the Goskomstat of Russia, in 2009, in conditions that did not meet the system of sanitary and hygienic criteria, they worked: in industry - 28% of the employed, in construction - 16.5%, in transport - 33%.

But there are also positive trends, namely a decrease in industrial injuries. Compared to 2000 and 2009, the injury rate decreased 3.3 times. The data are presented in Table 2.

Thus, there are many social problems in Russia. The state has developed a system of social protection of the population, which has the following main features:

The plurality, non-consistency and inconsistency of normative legal acts regulating the activities of the system of social protection of the population, their inconsistency with the development trends of domestic and international practice.

Lack of resources in the budgets of all levels to finance social protection measures.

Organization of social protection of the population mainly on the basis of social security.

Underdeveloped systems of social insurance and social self-protection of citizens.

The plurality of types and forms of social benefits, as well as categories of their recipients.

The prevalence of an equalizing, unaddressed order of providing social benefits. Hence the ineffectiveness of the social protection system for workers.

Social protection concept

In scientific literature, many researchers often correlate the concepts of "social protection" and "welfare state", since it is the state that implements social policy, which is based on the rules and principles of social protection and justice in relation to each member of society.

The welfare state and its activities provide social orientation in different areas of life. For example, in a market economy, where it forms a viable system of social protection of the population both as a whole and individually for each citizen.

Definition 1

Expanding the concept of "social protection", it is necessary to proceed from the position that social protection is the totality of all social and economic relations in society, through which it is ensured:

  • development of principles, rules and methods for the implementation of constitutional rights, freedoms and guarantees of a person to a high standard of living;
  • legislative consolidation of rights and freedoms;
  • their protection from external adverse influences.

The very concept of "social protection" was enshrined in 1953 in the legislation of the United States of America. The institution of social insurance was created, and later this concept was used in various documents and recommendations for organizing public order.

Social protection problems in Russia

Remark 1

As the main problem of social protection, many researchers single out the moment that so far in our country there has been no formation of approaches to reforming the existing system. We can say that now approximately the same procedures and laws are in force that were adopted in 1996. All documents that declare the development of the sphere of social protection of the population until 2020 are based on old provisions, to which minor amendments were made.

This means that the social protection system in Russia today is characterized by a high paternalistic role of the state, while the activities of other social institutions are poorly defined. This does not mean that there is no progress in development, but they all do not have innovative ideas, and technically they can be considered old reworkings that are trying to adapt to a completely new, constantly changing society, which is very wrong and can lead to disastrous consequences.

Over the past fifteen years, Russia has been guided by a targeted, prompt solution to the most pressing and crisis problems of certain categories of citizens on an exclusively declarative basis. If up to a certain point this principle was effective, then at the moment, as time and the results of the activities of social protection agencies have shown, this approach is ineffective. It has no long-term effect, is not versatile and requires a lot of costs, which makes it economically ineffective.

All this happens because this principle is not aimed at prevention, which will save you from repeating situations that have already happened. Hence, we conclude that long-term social protection of a person is impossible: an individual is simply not given a guarantee that after a certain period of time he will not again be in a state of disaster and crisis in any area of \u200b\u200bhis life. And such decline in the life of one means decline in the life of the whole society as a whole.

Ways to reform the social protection system

Remark 2

The reforms that are taking place in Russia in the field of social protection need changes and innovations to increase their stability and, most importantly, efficiency.

Thus, it is important to consider social protection also as protection against the risks of loss of economic independence, its limitations for some social strata. It is important for every person to feel safe and relatively stable, and this does not depend on his age, gender, professional and socio-economic status.

Researchers identify the following main areas of social protection and approaches to their reform:

  • First, it is the social protection of children. It should be focused on creating suitable conditions for the birth, life and development of the child. The conditions should allow growing organisms to have the best opportunity to preserve their life, health, have capital, affordable health care and education. All this should not depend on the family in which the child was born.
  • Secondly, social protection of the working-age population. It should provide for the creation of suitable and comfortable conditions that will ensure a balance of rights, freedoms, duties and support for the interests of the individual. It is in such conditions that a person can fully realize his potential, as well as the ability to economic independence and independence. At the same time, he will not infringe on the interests of his fellow citizens, but, on the contrary, will take an active part in helping people in need.
  • Thirdly, social protection of disabled citizens. It should be aimed, first of all, at humanizing all spheres of human life. It doesn't matter what family a person comes from, what position he occupies in society - first of all, he is the same person as all of us. And the more people realize this, the less there will be outbursts of aggression towards the disabled, the poor and the disabled, who are often extremely intolerant and inhumane in our society.
  • Fourth, social protection of the family. The family is the fundamental element of society, its support. The state should provide support for the social institution of the family, show its importance, attractiveness and high role in the social structure. This will lead to the revival of the institution of marriage, more young people will be focused on creating a family.