Projects of rectangular one-story houses. The best projects of one-story houses and cottages

The construction of a one-story house is a good choice in many ways. Such a solution provides sufficient freedom in design and so often the necessary security of the environment, but will not suit the owners of small plots of land with a large family.

Houses on one floor are now in fashion - buildings are perceived as a single architectural project with an adjacent territory. But the layout of a one-story house depends on its size and the needs of residents and requires careful reflection, so you need to consider many reasonable options before deciding to make a final decision.

  1. Cheaper laying of the foundation in comparison with multi-storey buildings, because the load on the base of a single-storey house is much lower.
  2. The ability to implement a single design concept throughout the house thanks to smooth transitions between rooms.
  3. Convenience in cleaning the house, because all the rooms are located on the same level.
  4. Safety of a single-story building for families with children and disabled people who do not need to use stairs.
  5. The building quickly heats up, and the heat in it lasts longer.
  6. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, you can pick up very interesting planning solutions, unusually using interior partitions.

A house on one floor looks like a single unit with the landscape of the local area

How to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200ba one-story house?

Choosing a one-story house, we already make the decision that it will not be so easy to increase its area, however, an additional pair of rooms is never superfluous, and it is possible to plan them in several ways:

  • Arrange a ground floor for a billiard room, a storage room for drinks, a sauna, a gym or a living room. Even the already sufficiently detailed layout of a 10 by 10 house (one-story), a photo of which can be seen below, will benefit significantly from this.
  • Installing an attic roof, which is not financially significantly more expensive than building a house with a gable roof, but the distance formed under the roof can be used to organize a bedroom, a children's room or a guest room.
  • Mount a pitched roof, which allows you to organize a hanging platform or attic room.
  • Use a flat roof as an additional area for a flower garden or resting place.

Flat roof of the house - a way to get an additional area for relaxation

Mansard roof allows you to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe house on one floor

An unusual version of the design of a small country house

Gable roof of a country cottage

Layout of small one-story houses

The layout of one-story houses made of wood or other materials depends on their parameters, shape. Square buildings are considered ideal in this regard, because the interior of rooms of this shape of sufficient size is obtained balanced. Perhaps that is why most often the owners choose building projects with the same sides.

The layout of the house is 6 by 6 (one-story option) - a very small building, usually used as a summer cottage. To build such a house will be much cheaper than a two-story or wider one, and with the help of modern design tools it is easy to fit everything you need in it.

The layout of the square house

Saving on heating (it is not difficult to do this with one low-power boiler, fireplace with radiators) and arranging the inlet and outlet for water and drain, you can perform a good finish on such a house.

A space of 36 square meters can be organized by planning a ten-meter living room, nine-meter bedroom, a small bathroom of 3 square meters. m., a kitchen studio in 8.5 square meters. m., a small boiler room and a four-meter hallway.

It is not wise, however, to spend a short distance on the vestibule, because you can make a walk-through kitchen or living area by combining them with the hall. This is the main possible correct version of the organization of space, no matter what other parts of it are intended. Separating the kitchen and living room will seriously reduce the usable area.

The hallway and living room can be completely sacrificed by organizing a small workplace in their place, as this idea is reflected in the layout below. In this case, everything is focused on the convenience of the owners.

Two bedrooms in a small house can also be planned. They will turn out small, but convenient.

A kitchenette can make it very small, as in the picture below. But the house will accommodate two places for sleeping and a rather large living room.

The choice of a slightly more elongated shape - a 6 × 9 house - is justified, because so the owners have a few extra meters at their disposal and there is a corner for guests staying overnight.

An interesting option is to divide the house into 2 parts with a vestibule and dignity. the node, having organized two entrances from different sides: on the one place a sauna and a small utility room, on the other - a living room with kitchen and bedroom.

Fans of modern interiors can simply abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing one large room with partitions - in current trends, combine these two zones together.

Try to combine almost all areas of the house - now this is a current trend

Or, as in the illustration below, you can organize a full-fledged house with three rooms of a somewhat reduced size and a garage.

The layout of the house is 8 by 8, the one-story building method of which is becoming increasingly popular - the option is more convenient than 6x6, although it is more suitable for suburban housing, where it is not planned to live all year round.

64 sq. m - this is the area on which you can place the same list of rooms, but they will be much more spacious and comfortable. You can supplement some rooms (kitchen, bathroom) with storage rooms or plan a large niche with a compartment door in which you can store all the things you need in the house, and no more cabinets are needed.

The layout of the house 9 by 9 (one-story) is also not very different from the plan of smaller buildings of a square shape, although due to the expansion of the area, the possibility of using decorative and design elements in such an interior also increases.

So in a house of 36 square meters. m. interior doors are better used in the sliding version, and in the cottage 9 × 9 you can also afford their classic version.

The presence of an attic significantly solves the problems of small residential buildings. Having a bedroom with a large bed on the second floor, you can provide enough space for a chic living room and kitchen on the first. True, in this case you will have to find a place for the stairs.

The layout of a house with an attic is much more practical than a simple one-story project

The layout of the first floor of the house with a staircase

By placing utility rooms in the basement of the building, it will be possible to save space and not spend money on an additional floor, so this option is often preferred to the attic.

Layout of large one-story houses

One-storey house 10 × 10, the layout of the rooms which turns out to be almost perfect, is chosen by the owners of rather large land plots. It can comfortably accommodate several people, and all the rooms can be square and quite spacious and comfortable in terms of lighting and furniture.

Such a house with an area of \u200b\u200b79.8 square meters. m. suitable for living in the comfort of a family of 4-6 people with children of different ages. The interior of such a dwelling can be made similar to the decor of a three-room apartment of medium size. When organizing space, it is better to avoid corridors of any length, and plan a common hall, from which the doors will diverge into all other rooms.

In addition to the necessary premises in a house with such an area, the owners can also afford a working area - an office, expand the dignity. node, installing there not a shower cabin, but a wide bathtub or a jacuzzi.

07/06/2016 13:32:00 | site | 12532 views

“My home is my castle” - this famous English proverb has not lost its relevance for several centuries. Having a private home for many citizens of our country over time becomes the main goal of life. And this is understandable - a separate life in most cases is better than communal living in multi-storey buildings, even if we are talking about modern new buildings. One of the most affordable options for building your own home is a one-story house, which is being built on a land plot of the corresponding purpose.

The architectural studio Shop-project offers individual design services for cottages.

What is a good one-story house

  • such relatively light structures do not exert serious loads on the foundation and soil, which allows us to talk about the durability of the foundation. Accordingly, the service life of all structures increases, and the absence of upper floors reduces the requirements for load-bearing walls;
  • communication systems in such houses are distinguished by a simple topology, which greatly simplifies the task of design and installation;
  • in one-story houses there are no stairs. Therefore, if the family has children or people of advanced age, such a home can be safely called the best option;
  • construction costs, and in the future - for the repair of a one-story house will be significantly less in comparison with a similar building with two or more floors

The construction of a one-story house, like any serious construction, begins with a project. Architectural bureaus are engaged in the design of one-story houses, whose specialists are ready to take into account the basic wishes of the customer, as far as possible.

Basic components of construction projects

Any construction project can be divided into the following components:

  1. Preliminary design;
  2. Architectural section with visualization;
  3. Constructive section (drawings and diagrams of the main structures),
  4. Engineering and communication systems (water supply, heating, sewage, ventilation, electricity).
  5. General estimate with a list of all works and materials
You can read design documentation developed by architects and designers of the Shop-project studio.

What do project developers take into account

  • geological survey results. Each land plot has individual features that should be considered when choosing the type of foundation and layout of the basement (underground garage);
  • the planned format of accommodation - year-round or seasonal;
  • layout of the house with a competent arrangement of residential and non-residential premises. When designing a one-story house, this nuance is especially important, since in most cases the designer must avoid the presence of walk-through rooms;
  • the location of bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens with the most convenient accessibility;
  • communications topology developed taking into account the places of eyeliner and consumption;
  • the location of the boiler room, which is often placed in a garage or basement (if any);
  • current norms and standards, in which for one-story houses of a certain area the sizes of living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms and bathrooms are indicated, based on the number of residents

What to choose - a typical project or individual design?

It is rather difficult to answer this question today, as the number of good standard projects of one-story houses is growing every day. It is clear that you can save on the template version, but the vast majority of families with high demands prefer to order more expensive individual projects.

There is one important detail here - many design bureaus are ready to make the necessary corrections and additions to standard projects, according to the wishes of customers. Therefore, in some cases, it makes sense to adapt the model project you like to your own preferences.

Fans of a bright personality in all life aspects should understand that even the most talented architect, realizing all your ideas, will be based on current standards and objective conditions for future construction. Therefore, the customer’s imagination in this case will be limited to some extent by technical and practical considerations.

When choosing typical projects, it is necessary to determine a list of specific criteria, which will significantly narrow and simplify the search. Such a list may include the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, the approximate layout, the number of rooms, the type of roof, the general style of the structure and other characteristics.

Varieties of single-story buildings

1. A classic one-story house is a comfortable budget solution.

In this case, the project is being developed for a one-story building with a total area of \u200b\u200b60 to 80 square meters. meters. The interior is a living room, kitchen, two bedrooms and a storage room. Such a one-story house is perfect for a family with one child or two small children. A simple layout in this case is a plus, since communication topologies are simplified in such a topology. The living room is combined with a kitchen like a studio apartment with the possibility of installing a fireplace.

Exit to the terrace from the living room can be equipped with sliding doors with panoramic windows. The terrace with a canopy and a massive table in good weather will allow a large company to have lunch or dinner in the fresh air, serving dishes directly from the kitchen. The classic gable roof will provide long-term protection of the interior from rainfall, reducing the cost of construction as a whole. Large windows will create the necessary lighting comfort in the living room and bedroom, and a spacious pantry will allow you to store various things as needed. This project successfully combines convenient practicality with unconditional savings in the construction and operation of a compact structure.


2. Three-Bedroom House - Obvious Benefits of a Well-Designed Plan

A family of four, even if two of them are children, will eventually require three bedrooms. Therefore, such a project will be especially in demand when ordering housing for a family with two teenagers or, as an option, with one child and three adult parents. The area of \u200b\u200bsuch houses starts from 120-130 square meters. meters, allowing you to place three separate bedrooms with entrance from a small common corridor.

In this case, the pantry is located next to the open kitchen, and the bathroom is near the bedrooms at the end of the common corridor. The spacious living room can be equipped with a fireplace, and the spacious covered terrace can serve as an outdoor dining room for households and guests. As a rule, such houses are equipped with a multi-pitched roof made of flexible or metal tiles. The key advantage is the three bedrooms located in a relatively small area. And another interesting point - the living area in such a structure can be increased by about 35-40 square meters. meters due to the arrangement of the attic in the attic.

3. Large house with two bedrooms and three bathrooms

The area of \u200b\u200bone-story houses of this category begins with 160 square meters. meters, allowing you to conveniently distribute a spacious living room, a spacious pantry, two bedrooms with adjacent bathrooms, a kitchen-dining room and an entrance hall. The boiler room is located in a separate room adjacent to the corner bathroom. The kitchen opens directly onto the terrace, which can be used as a dining room.

This project rightfully refers to the European options, in which the number of bathrooms is of particular value. A separate entrance is worth a spacious entrance hall, in which you can install a spacious wardrobe with all the attendant advantages. As in the previous version, the attic, located under the multi-pitched roof, can be turned into another sleeping room.

4. Family house with a corner window - cozy comfort with a good mood

In this case, the designers were able to correctly place on 110 square meters. three bedrooms and a living room combined with a kitchen. The most interesting architectural solution was the corner window, which provides the maximum influx of light into the kitchen. A spacious living room with a fireplace becomes the epicenter of the living area, and three cozy bedrooms with adjacent bathrooms clearly indicate a comfortable area for relaxation. Such a project can be safely considered as an American version, in which each room is characterized by high functionality and practicality.

It is easy to install a sliding wardrobe or an ordinary chest of drawers for storing clothes and shoes in spacious interior corridors without loss of patency. A large enough family can comfortably live in such a house, spending time together in the living room or on the terrace. In this case, each household will have a personal space, which is especially important in the presence of adolescent children. The classic four-pitched roof is made of metal tiles. The facade of the house can be decorated with flower beds located under the windowsills.

5. A miniature house with a spacious covered terrace - maximum benefit with minimum size

The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises in this project is only 65 square meters. meter, while an impressive terrace with a roof occupies 30 "squares". However, this house has three bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen combined with a living room.

This dwelling is ideal for a seasonal holiday, however, if desired, a small family of three can permanently live in such a cozy house. The outdoor fireplace, located on the terrace, offers for cooking grilled dishes and classic barbecue. The terrace itself can be equipped according to the tastes and preferences of the owners. Usually this space is used as a dining street room with a separate place to relax in hammocks and sun loungers.

6. Spacious one-story house with a garage for two cars - all together with comfort under one roof

Such a massive structure is erected from aerated concrete blocks on a construction site with an area of \u200b\u200babout 190 square meters. meters. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two storage rooms, a living room combined with a kitchen and a spacious garage of 36 square meters. meters - all this defines a comfortable residential infrastructure in all respects.

Similar projects are selected by wealthy business families who have a constant need for two cars. A competent layout determines the pronounced comfort of living and moving around the rooms. The sleeping area is separated from the living room by a spacious corridor. This development is an excellent option for a respectable home for a modern family of three, each member of which claims to have a separate personal space.

And a little about the flaws ....

  1. The construction of one-story houses is associated with high costs for the creation of effective and durable roofing systems. The larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, the larger and more expensive the roof - this fact should be taken into account both in the design and in the planning of budgets. Well, if you can get by with a classic gable roof. But as practice shows, such a solution in most cases is not suitable for the construction of facilities of this type.
  2. The presence of access rooms reduces the comfort of living. If the project allows avoiding such premises, it means that we are talking about interior corridors in which it is necessary to properly organize lighting. Sometimes passage rooms become the only solution to increase the number of residential premises, in particular bedrooms. The above examples of the most successful projects allow you to see how to avoid such situations.
If we are talking about a living room for three to four people with an area of \u200b\u200b60 square meters. meters to 120 square meters. meters, the best solution is definitely a one-story house. Today, it is these low-rise construction projects that allow, with relatively low costs, to acquire their own convenient housing, which can be designed to meet the needs of the future owner.

Today, projects of one-story houses and various cottages among modern youth are incredibly popular, which is quite easily explained. Of course, this type of house is much easier to build, in terms of time it turns out faster and much cheaper due to the use of simple solutions in the drawings regarding the construction.

When choosing a future one-story house for the construction project, it is important to understand that in this case all the rooms will in any case be on the same level and, as a result, the most important things will always be nearby.

Almost all modern one-story houses are perfect for people who are no longer working and are retired due to age.

If the main goal when moving is to save money, then this is the best option, since one-story houses with a small area of \u200b\u200babout 100 sq.m. perfectly retain heat and at the same time do not require significant costs for such an important expense item as heating.

Pros and cons of projects with one-story houses

If you now have a place ready from 70 to 125-130 sq.m., then a one-story house 10 by 10 can be an excellent choice. They have a lot of different advantages over two-story ones and here are some of them.

Firstly, the ease of construction. It will take much less time to build a house with the same living volume. Due to the presence of only one floor, in any case, the foundation of the house is smaller, its future construction does not become more complicated, since when the foundation is laid, which is necessary for a house with two floors or more, it is necessary to take into account the greater pressure of the walls directly on it.

Secondly, it is a lower cost of construction.

Thirdly, there is no need for a ladder, which in practice takes a sufficiently large amount of the required useful volume during construction. In addition, it is the lack of stairs that minimizes possible injuries. This should be especially taken into account if a small child lives in the house.

However, as with any project, the layout of a one-story house may have its own drawback. It is worth noting here, the relatively large cost of land for future development.

If you plan to build within the city, then you can not help but pay attention to the fact that a two-story house can be built on a smaller area.

The process of planning a house and its rooms

If you decide to build a house 12 to 12, then there are a number of points that must be taken into account when planning the building.

When preparing a detailed plan yourself, it is important to remember the following details:

  • The location of the building relative to the wind rose, as well as the cardinal points.
  • Features of landscape design around the building.
  • The direction in which groundwater flows.
  • Buildings that appeared long before the start of construction of a new house on the territory, their characteristic features, as well as the immediate distance from the site that was allocated for future construction.
  • Link to existing communication systems.
  • The shape of the house.
  • The number of rooms inside the house, the purpose of each.
  • The ability to highlight hidden areas that can be used as useful space in the case of minor amendments to the standard project.

An important point. It is best if all parts of the communication system are brought together in nodes, as this will make it possible to significantly reduce costs and get rid of the installation of parts that are not needed. For example, the bathroom with the kitchen should have an adjacent combination, which will allow not to lay additional piping.

The nuances of the design phase

If you decide to choose a house with a terrace, then in this case it is very important to pay due attention to communication systems. Since the installation of long pipes necessarily implies a huge number of different connections, it is best if you manage to minimize the length of your pipeline at the initial stage. Thus, it will be possible to minimize the risks of leakage.

The sewer system must have a good outflow of water. It is calculated in such a way that it can receive a daily volume of liquid if a powerful washing machine, household appliances like a dishwasher and a bathroom are used at the same time in the building. This moment will mainly depend on the number of residents in your house and, accordingly, their water needs.

When considering frame houses, you should understand that when linking any residential premises to communication systems, it is important to take into account all the norms of a sanitary-hygienic nature.

Basically, all wastewater is recycled today in natural mode. Their withdrawal should be carried out only in a specially designed place just for these purposes. Officially, special permission will have to be obtained from the sanitary service, after which they will independently organize a pit for future effluents.

It is forbidden to use ponds or even stormwater for their drainage. For these actions, the sanitary service may impose a fine, as this entails the pollution of the surrounding groundwater, as well as nature in general.

Therefore, when organizing your sewer system, you must carefully study all the rules that apply to this process.

Looking at photos of one-story houses it can be very difficult to decide which of the projects is really more successful than the others.

The optimal location today is that the winds in your suburban area should mainly be directed directly into the roof slopes. In this way, drag, important wind load during bad weather and various strong gusts can be reduced. In addition, rainfall in this case will never fall into the gables.

Having decided to build a one-story house with a garage in a place that is characterized by frequent changes in the direction of the winds, it is best to use a roof of one of two types: hip, half-hip, because with these designs there is a great opportunity to independently form even additional planes or awnings that will protect walls from the unpleasant effects of frequent rainfall.

Remember that there are many nuances of the landscape of the selected area. And never place the house in the lowest or highest area of \u200b\u200bthe designated area.

There are a huge number of different options for quickly creating a comfortable, but at the same time convenient floor plan for the future development of your favorite suburban area. The choice is limited only by your financial capabilities and imagination.

Photo of one-story houses

One-storey house with an area of \u200b\u200b10 × 10 meters provides some freedom of action. Of course, this is not a two-story mansion, where each member of the family will have their own spacious room, but not a house of 50 square meters, which will accommodate not only an economic zone, but also two, or even three or four rooms.

The number of rooms, their sizes, purpose is much easier to vary when the area of \u200b\u200bthe house is 100 squares. And there are many more projects with such a quadrature. Consider the most optimal projects for a comfortable stay of a large or small family so that it is easier for you to choose the suitable option.

One-storey house on the site takes up more space than a building of the same area, but two floors. However, for a family with children or with elderly relatives, people with disabilities, this option is more preferable - it is safer, more convenient.

And the staircase that would lead to the second floor would take up the usable area.

But there are other advantages of such a building.

  • The usable area is enough for a family of 4 or even 5 people.
  • The level of injuries is reduced due to the lack of stairs.
  • Home cleaning is facilitated.
  • The design of all rooms of the house can be done in one style.
  • The house warms up faster and keeps heat longer.
  • The house is square in shape, the number of solutions is large.
  • The foundation does not need additional reinforcement, since it must withstand only one floor.

A one-story 10 × 10 house can be comfortable and spacious. The layout of the rooms, their location depends on the size of the family. So it will be comfortable for everyone, including guests who are no, no, and they will want to stay overnight.

Important: note that the indicated area of \u200b\u200b10 × 10 does not mean that its living or total area will be such. 10-20 square meters will be taken under themselves by external walls and interior partitions used for zoning.

Therefore, the useful space with which you will operate will remain 80-90 m 2. And this is quite enough - see for yourself.

The presented version of the house has a total area of \u200b\u200b76.55 sq. M, of which 48.25 is the living area. And only one room (living room) is a passage.

  • 2 children's rooms of 9.32 sq.m.
  • Bedroom 11.58 sq.m.
  • Hall 18.03 sq.m.
  • Kitchen 7.32 sq.m.

In the remaining area, it was possible to accommodate a boiler room, a bathroom, a vestibule or a dressing room and a hall.

If you do not need 2 children's rooms, one room can be reserved for an office or a guest room. If the house is heated by a double-circuit boiler and the boiler room is not needed, the bathroom can be made separate or the freed up area can be used for a wardrobe, pantry, dryer.

Important: if you want to learn how to create interior plans, read our article: 25 of the best programs, applications and services for an interior designer. This skill is useful to everyone, not just a professional designer.

A small family does not need additional living rooms. And guests, if necessary, can be accommodated in the living room at night.

Note that in this house, the total area includes the area of \u200b\u200bexternal walls, partitions.

  • A corridor (8 sq. M) leads from the entrance into the house.
  • On the left and right hand from it are the doors to the bedrooms of 16 sq.m.
  • The corridor goes into the hall, at the end of which a room for technical and household needs is enclosed with an area of \u200b\u200b5.4 sq.m. The spacious hall area is 18.6 sq.m.
  • The house has a spacious combined unit (12 sq.m) and a kitchen combined with a living room.

If desired, the kitchen can be moved to a technical room, and from the living room to make two zones: a guest and a relaxation area or to equip a cool home office.

If you do not touch the layout, then in a fenced room you can equip a boiler room, dryer, additional bathroom or closet.

The advantage of this project is that each of the rooms, whether residential or utility, is not a walk-through.

Rooms should be located in the house not only so that everyone was spacious and comfortable. You should take into account the orientation of the house to the cardinal points. So, the bathroom, kitchen, pantry, boiler room will completely survive the lack of light. But the bedrooms, children's rooms and living room need a long and sufficient natural light.

This project has a total area of \u200b\u200balmost 80.96 square meters, while the living area is 53.96 square meters, and the living area consists of 2 bedrooms and a living room.

  • Bedroom 1 - 14.37 sq.m. It can be a guest room, an office or a nursery.
  • Bedroom 2 - 16.07 sq.m.
  • Living room - 23.52 sq.m.
  • Kitchen-dining room - 10.91 sq.m.
  • Combined bathroom - 6.06 sq.m.

A vestibule leads to the house, at the end of which there is a boiler room or pantry with an area of \u200b\u200b3.28 sq.m.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe house stands for a square 10 × 10 by 2.3 meters. These premises can be sacrificed if the size of the site does not allow them to leave. And make the entrance from the street directly into the hall, fencing it, for example, with a plasterboard wall with a door.

The advantage of this option is that, having accommodated 3 living rooms in the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, it was possible to make each of them separate.

In a house with an area of \u200b\u200b100 squares, it is quite realistic to plan not only the living area and kitchen facilities. You can also arrange an outdoor terrace, which everyone dreams of, buying a 10 × 10 country private one-story house. The layout of the rooms will be practical and comfortable.

See for yourself the proposed project. It has three bedrooms of 11.9; 12.2 and 12.5 sq.m and a living room of 20.2 sq.m. The room between the rooms is a kitchen that also serves as a dining room with an area of \u200b\u200b13.1 sq.m. The toilet is combined, located next to the entrance to the house.

The living room has four windows and a sliding door. The room receives a lot of natural light. Therefore, behind it you can make a glass veranda. And go out on it almost straight from home. If such a solution does not seem convenient for you, put a door instead of a single window. And the window can be moved to the place of the existing sliding doors.

The same terrace, but smaller in size, can be made in front of the entrance to the house.

Any of the presented options can be changed. For example, move a wall to make a room or terrace larger. Demolish interior partitions that are not load-bearing to make rooms more spacious (in the loft style). And to change the purpose of the premises - here it will not be at all as difficult as it seems. After all, this is a private house, not an apartment in a high-rise building.

One-story house 10 × 10: layout of rooms and its fundamentals

A 10 × 10 house is considered a medium-sized house. In addition, it is one-room. And, despite all its advantages, its external walls can not be moved apart to highlight one room.

Therefore, it is worth initially deciding which rooms in the house are needed, and which can be dispensed with.

  • Living room is needed. This is not a master bedroom, but a gathering place for the whole family. This room should not be neglected. We give him the most spacious room.
  • The number of bedrooms depends on the size of the family. A young family can expand soon, so there should be at least 2 bedrooms.
  • A kitchen, if its area allows, can be both a dining room. Even on an area of \u200b\u200b10-13 square meters, the cooking zone and the dining room will fit.
  • A bathroom is one of the most necessary technical facilities.
  • Pantry. If there is room - excellent. Otherwise, stocks are stored in outbuildings in the yard. But to allocate a place of 1.5-2.5 sq. M under it is absolutely possible in the kitchen or in the lobby.
  • Wardrobe. You can do without a separate room for it. Place wardrobes from floor to ceiling. This will solve the problem of placing things. Useful ideas and tips can be found in our article on the design of the dressing room of a small size.
  • A dryer is optional.
  • A boiler room is needed only if there is a stove at home, steam heating is installed. But most families use double-circuit boilers, gas heating and install underfloor heating. Therefore, the need for this room disappears and additional quadrature is released. And just under the pantry or bathroom.
  • Terrace. You can refuse, but you don’t feel like it.

Extend functionality without pushing walls

It is possible to make a living area more spacious by making adjustments to the layout.

You have already become the happy owner of the land, but have not yet figured out what to build on it? Indeed, the choice is great: beautiful one-story houses, two-story cottages and even whole castles ... Eyes just run up!

We offer to get together and talk about one-story buildings. Let's look at various projects of beautiful one-story houses and cottages, discuss their advantages and, of course, enjoy colorful photo illustrations. We have been looking for them for you around the world!

Modern one-story houses: “for” and not a single “against”

Perhaps a one-story house does not have many advantages over its tall brothers. But they are very weighty:

  • Budgeting, because you don’t have to spend money on the construction of the second or third floor. This will not save on the quality of building materials and the spectacular exterior design of the building. You must admit that the external appeal of the “house of your dreams” is no less important than its practicality and durability. The exquisite facade of a one-story private house will be a decoration of the territory and your pride.
  • The layout of one-story buildings can do without internal stairs (except for those that lead to the roof or attic). If the family has kids or people of advanced age, you will be sure of their safety. No difficult ascents, uncomfortable descents and the risk of traumatic falls!
  • Do you think that one-story buildings are too small in size and cramped? Even a small house can really be made quite roomy thanks to a well-designed project. Entrust its development to good specialists.

But before you run to the architect, try to imagine your Ideal Home. So, we admire the photoprojects of modern one-story houses, analyze - and choose.

Frame one-story houses - beautiful and economical

In Germany, Finland, Japan and the USA, frame houses are recognized favorites of the public. They confidently lead the market for low-rise buildings. At the heart of such a building is a frame made of wood or metal, sheathed on both sides with decorative panels. Inside the walls, as a rule, are filled with insulation. That is why frame houses are considered the most energy efficient. In addition, they:

  • light enough and do not require a powerful foundation;
  • built quickly;
  • are inexpensive.

But wireframe technology is not only profitable and convenient, it is also beautiful.

The layout of the house can be any, the design of the facades is the most diverse and aesthetic. Want a beautiful one-story house with large windows in a minimalist style? You are welcome! The original "village" building with facades of wooden lining? No problems! For fans of the European Middle Ages - a classic frame genre: a charming house in the tradition of the German style half-timbered. For the modern and the bold - a daring (and very expensive!) Rethinking of the same traditions: a half-timbered house with walls made of durable glass.

A frame building is capable of any embodiment!

Beautiful wooden one-story houses

Wood is our original building material, natural and environmentally friendly. Time-tested, covered in fairy tales and legends. Keeping alive heat. And this is not a metaphor, but physics. Just imagine: with the same wall thickness for heating a wooden house you need 4 times less energy than for heating a brick.

So a house made of timber or logs is simply indispensable in the climatic conditions of the north. And choose your own design. Faithful and true will serve you a wooden Russian log hut, as more than one century has served our ancestors. He warms, protects and whispers his own fairy tale.

The romantics will be enchanted by the severe beauty of the Alpine style chalets. It is formed by the powerful energy of two natural materials - wood and natural stone. The main sign of the “shepherd’s hut” is a sloping roof that protrudes far beyond the walls. In bad weather, it reliably protects the house from rain and strong winds.

The interior walls of the wooden house do not need additional decoration. It is beautiful, fashionable, environmentally friendly. Take note of a little trick from Finland. In a traditional Finnish house, an attic is set aside for a bedroom. They build it from conifers, more often from pine. Of course, without any plaster. Imagine how sweet it is to fall asleep under the arches of an amber tree, breathing in its gracious resinous aroma!

Are you dreaming of a beautiful wooden house, but is the high cost of natural material deterring you? We offer a compromise. Use wood siding as decoration. It looks quite worthy and will significantly save your money.

Beautiful one-story brick houses

Brick houses are practical, reliable, durable. And, significantly, more fireproof than wood.

Brick allows you to create architectural miracles, forming columns, arches, original ledges and borders. The brickwork pattern is mesmerizing. Of the many noble shades you can choose your perfect color.

This versatile building material will allow you to implement a project of any complexity. From a laconic house with large panoramic windows in a minimalist style to an elegant English-style mansion. Take a look at the photo and see for yourself!

Projects of beautiful one-story houses - planning nuances

With an attic

Use the possibilities of a one-story house to the maximum. No dusty lofts! The space under the roof is an additional area for a bedroom, dressing room, children's room or study.

The peculiar geometry of the attic room is fraught with a special charm. This is the scope for original design experiments. And the roof with attic windows facing it can become a real work of art.

In addition, the word "attic" blows French charm and bohemianism. Imagine with what pleasure you tell your friends: “We are building a house with an attic!”

With bay window

An architectural ledge with windows - a bay window - was invented a very long time ago and for purely utilitarian purposes. In a medieval fortress, he allowed archers to better see the enemy and more convenient to aim at him.

Knightly wars are a distant past, and the bay window serves us as before. It increases the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and improves its illumination, which is especially valuable in the northern latitudes.

In addition, the bay window has long turned into an elegant facade decoration. Having chosen the original project of a one-story house with a bay window, you probably will not regret it.

With terrace

If you want to enjoy life in a private house to the fullest - choose a project with a terrace. It will allow you to comfortably be in the fresh air at any time, protect it from the burning sun or drizzle. Outdoor terrace - a zone of rest and relaxation. It is nice to sit here with a book or a cup of tea, breathing in the aromas of a flowering garden.

A one-story house with a terrace surrounding the building around the entire perimeter looks beautiful and unusual. But do not forget that even an open terrace can darken a room. Therefore, its location must be carefully considered.

With a garage

Nowadays, the car for many has become an integral part of life. Therefore, one-story houses are increasingly being designed with a built-in garage.

Such an extension saves not only the land area, but also your money. After all, the walls and roof of the garage will be shared with the main building. It is easier and cheaper to conduct heating and other communications.

Make sure that the garage has direct access to the house. Then in bad weather you do not have to run to the car in the rain.

The built-in garage has additional advantages. It is often equipped with a gym, workshop and even a sauna.

With large windows

Panoramic French glazing looks very impressive both from the outside and from the inside. Large windows give much more light and turn the surrounding landscape into part of the interior of the living room. When developing your project of a beautiful one-story house, you can arrange panoramic windows in any of the rooms: in the bedroom, living room, kitchen.

It is worth considering that a house with huge windows will be good in the picturesque countryside, where there are no other buildings nearby. In a city or in a small summer cottage, neighboring houses are crowded so close to each other that you run the risk of feeling like in an aquarium. To protect your private life, you will have to live behind curtains drawn, and the whole effect of magnificent windows will be lost.

Flat roof

Modern one-story houses with a flat roof came to us from Western countries with a warm climate. This is a completely new attitude to space. Stylish laconic design surprises with its versatility. After all, a flat roof turns into a blooming garden or a green lawn, a sports ground, a relaxation area - and even a pool!

This is an amazing solution for small sites.

We hope our trip to the beautiful world of one-story houses was useful to you.

We are happy if this article gives you the dream of an Ideal Home. Because dreams come true!

Beautiful one-story houses, or what an ideal home it is updated: May 10, 2018 by: Kiev Irina