Raiffeisenbank life insurance for the whole family. Raiffeisenbank and Raiffeisen Life Insurance Company offer new voluntary medical insurance programs

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Nina Rating: 1 negative feedback 04/03/2017 at 15:15

When I came to write an application for termination of the Raiffeisen Optimum program, on the 2nd working day after the conclusion, I was informed that my contribution would be returned to me only after 2 weeks, and not TOTALLY, but minus tax deduction. They said I need to go to the tax office and draw up a receipt. Disgrace, did not expect such disgrace from Raiffeisen Bank.


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Nina Rating: 1 negative feedback 04/01/2017 at 18:47

Don't get caught. I signed up for the Raifuzzen Optimum program. After carefully reading the documents, everything turned out to be not as rosy as the manager painted. Everything is cloudy and most importantly it is not clear what I will really get and whether I will be able to return everything invested, especially the policy for such a long period. I didn't think that a bank like this could happen. I am writing a notice to cancel!


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Alexander negative feedback 04/14/2016 at 17:01

In 2014, we closed a loan in Raiffeisen, at that moment the manager began to offer us to save money. She was very convincing, describing what a wonderful Raiffeisen Optimum program is, that in two years we will return our money and still receive 10% of the amount paid. We were fools. We paid 54,000 in two years. Two years later, it turned out that it was possible to return only after five years, and even then not the entire amount. It turns out that in five years we pay 126,000 rubles, and only 110,000 rubles will be returned to us. But the problem is that we can’t continue to pay, because we only counted on 2 years and in the end, most likely, we won’t get anything at all. in general, the people of Raiffeisen Life is a complete SCAM Please, people, if you don’t want to lose your money and spend your nerves, bypass this scare (Raiffeisen) and don’t “be fooled” by the bright prospects of accumulating money, you just give it to them scammers.


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Irina Rating: 1 negative feedback 02/18/2016 at 23:50

In 2008, I took out a loan in Raiffeisen to buy a car - I repaid the loan ahead of schedule, everything was fine until 2013: in the branch on the street. Barclay worked as an excellent manager who always advised profitable terms. But, the office was closed and a new one was opened, also on the street. Barclay, but another house - that's not the point. After talking with an excellent manager for 4 years, I was very satisfied and confident in the bank. In December 2013 I...
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Elena Rating: 1 negative feedback 08/16/2015 at 08:35

I was really scammed for money at Raiffeisenbank under the Raiffeisen Life program (insurance) !!! Initially, I invested money on the condition of receiving income / investments, I didn’t think about insuring myself, I wanted to invest money as savings for children, and the manager offered me this “wonderful” program under the Life Insurance contract, they say you will receive investments (he also provided a table of investment growth ) and insure your life! But at the end of the term, I did not receive even my hard-earned money!!! I will not describe everything, it boils so that it cannot be expressed !!! I wrote a letter to Rospotrebnadzor, they answered me that this was a court case. As I understand it, this is again investing. But will it be true?
I consider it my duty to warn every gullible person - do not go to this bank, you will get burned !!!

SK Raiffeisen Life is an insurance company that is part of the Raiffeisen group of companies. If by loan product insurance is supposed to be issued, then by default a contract is concluded with this company. It offers favorable conditions for cooperation and is a reliable partner for customers.

About company

This is a joint venture of AO Raiffeisen and GC Unika Group. The latter is a leading European insurance company that specializes in Eastern Europe. The official website of Raiffeisen Life says that the main partners of this organization are Raiffeisenbank and Alfa-Bank.

You can become a client of the company not only at the time of applying for a loan. There are several interesting programs that can be issued in the cities where the organization operates. Information about where there are branches of this insurance company can be found on the official website or clarified by calling the hotline.

Active Products

There are quite a few products in Raiffeisen Life Insurance. You need to know what exactly the company offers in order to get the maximum service from it. The following is currently in effect:

  • financial protection programs;
  • insurance for bank borrowers;
  • health insurance;
  • critical illness insurance program;
  • accident insurance.

financial protection

There are 4 here additional programs, namely:

  • Kinder. Designed specifically for minors. Parents can open an account in favor of the child and replenish it periodically. By the time of entry into adulthood, the company gives 100% of the savings to its client and investment income.
  • perspective allows you to create a financial airbag. The essence of the product is the same as in previous case, but the savings are made in favor of an adult client.
  • Optimum allows you to insure life for a long period. On the onset insured event the client himself or his relatives receive at least 100% of the invested amount.
  • Heritage and legacy is a program created to receive compensation in the event of an accident, disability or death of a client.

Pay is made only on the basis of documents confirming the occurrence of an insured event. Also, money can be received after the expiration of the contract.

Programs for borrowers


At Raiffeisen Insurance, a client can insure his life when applying for a bank loan. You do not need to personally go to the insurance company: just fill out a policy that will be issued by a loan officer.

Payment of contributions takes place online according to the available details. It can also be made at any bank, but then a commission will be charged. For making Money just go to the official website of the company, select the section with payment and follow the instructions.

If the client has a desire to continue cooperation with the company after the loan is closed, then the addresses of Raiffeisen Life can be found on the website. All further relations will take place without the participation of Raiffeisenbank.

Health insurance

It's not just about going abroad. Any disease can be considered an insured event. Depending on the type of program, the amount of insurance payment will differ, as well as the list of diseases, according to which you can receive payments for treatment.

Accident insurance

According to the terms of this program, the client or his relatives can receive up to 1.5 million rubles. To receive money, you must provide evidence that the disability or death occurred precisely as a result of an accident.

Critical Illness Insurance

The list of such diseases includes the following:

  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • bacterial meningitis;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • oncological diseases.

The maximum payout amount is 1 million rubles.

How to conclude a contract and pay fees

Depending on the purpose of contacting the company, it is necessary to contact its employees directly or with Raiffeisenbank specialists. You can get advice on phone support.


Employees are ready to provide full information support at any stage of cooperation.

If there is no Raiffeisen Life branch in the city where the client is present, then you need to contact Raiffeisenbank. Specialists will provide a policy and a contract. You must have your passport and required amount to pay dues.

When paying through a bank branch, you must provide details. The commission is usually 1% of the amount. When paying through the site, you must:

  • indicate the type of product;
  • enter the policy number;
  • write the e-mail and phone number specified in the contract.

After that, you need to click on the payment button. Money will be automatically debited from the account linked to this agreement. Payment is received within 3-5 banking days.

Frequently Asked Questions

Often clients or future clients ask questions about cooperation with this organization. Here are the main ones:

  • Where can I get more information about products? All information is on the website. You can also get advice from specialists at the service office or by calling the hotline.
  • Can a person who is not related to the client be the beneficiary? Yes, this is possible. This information should be specified in the contract.
  • How is the fare calculated? Everything happens individually, so experts will not be able to immediately say what exactly a particular client can count on.
  • How to find out the investment component for the year? This can be found out by telephone personal account client.

Today, many write reviews about the experience of cooperation with this organization. Most of them are positive, which proves the honesty of payments and the reliability of the corporation.

In the branches of Raiffeisen Bank, insurance can be issued for almost all types of products: financial, medical protection and life insurance for persons receiving a loan from Raiffeisen. Only in two areas insurance is carried out only in Raiffeisen Life: against an accident and against a fatal disease.

In the first case, the amount of contributions and the amount of coverage is determined depending on the age, gender of the client and general health. In the second, the maximum payment is 1 million rubles in case of detection of oncological, coronary diseases, stroke or heart attack. In the first 2 months, the amount is not paid, this is considered a waiting time. Contributions are calculated individually standard conditions they are equal to 0.1%.

Citizens who have suffered certain diseases, a list of which is attached to the contract, are not subject to insurance.

Life insurance for mortgages and other loans

In Raiffeisen, life and health insurance is the most common request for a loan and mortgage, which is voluntary.

Separate projects apply for each type of loan:

  • Borrower life insurance consumer credit in Raiffeisen. The risks include death and disability due to illness or an unforeseen event. In such circumstances, IC Raiffeisen Life assumes the debts of the client and settles with the bank so that neither the victim nor his relatives bear the financial costs if they find themselves in a difficult situation. The installment is determined as 0.0281% of the loan amount.
  • Credit card. Similar risks are included. The cost is 0.0845% of the card limit.
  • Mortgage. The tariff is assigned individually, according to the characteristics of the client: 0.08-3.11%. When applying for a mortgage in Raiffeisen, life insurance is a significant advantage for the borrower. This allows you to get a loyal attitude of the bank by reducing the degree of risk for it associated with possible non-payments on the mortgage due to unforeseen events. And also protects relatives who will not need to pay a mortgage if the borrower dies.
  • For a car loan: 0.19% or 0.29%, depending on the coverage area. Separately, it should be noted that MTPL insurance is not provided in Raiffeisen.

Health insurance

Health insurance in Raiffeisen Life is provided in two areas: Health Standard and Standard Plus.

If a dangerous or fatal disease (tumors, cardiovascular diseases) is detected, as well as if it is necessary to perform a heart surgery or organ transplantation, the insured person can count on assistance:

  • Organization of treatment in clinics in Europe and Russia;
  • Possibility to choose an institution;
  • Compensation material costs related to the course of treatment (based on reports and invoices);
  • One-time payment of the entire amount of coverage (for the Plus project).

Under the extended insurance program, Raiffeisen Life also provides compensation for air travel and diagnostics.

Insurance is carried out by Raiffeisen Life together with UNIQA SG, which has international experience health insurance and own medical institutions in Austria.

financial insurance

Financial insurance in Raiffeisen involves the formation of savings in order to ensure future stability.

It works according to the following rules:

  • The insured specifies the period of validity (survival).
  • Regularly transfers contributions (the amount and frequency are set independently).
  • At the end of the term, receives the entire amount of savings and additional income formed by investment.
  • In case of death or loss of working capacity, the insured person or his family receives 100% of the amount.

There are four insurance options at Raiffeisen Life that operate under these conditions:

  • Kinder: savings are intended for a child until he reaches a certain age, regardless of the client's survival;
  • Optimum: only from an accident;
  • Perspective: payment of 100% due to death, 200% due to unforeseen circumstances.

In the bank insurance services are represented by a whole complex of various programs - protection of life and health, credit or credit card, real estate. There are even investment insurance to secure yourself for the future.

Types of insurance programs

Insurance upon registration and consumer credit

Many neglect it in a simple way protect yourself by looking for a benefit in the interest saved on the payment of insurance premiums. Be sure to evaluate all the risks - sometimes insurance can save you from much more money.

Insurance at Raiffeisenbank for cash loans has a number of fundamental points and protects: partially life and health and the risk of losing a job.

To get paid insurance premium stick to simple rules.

Read the insurance conditions in the loan agreement

Since Raiffeisen works with many partners, and the terms of the agreement depend on specific circumstances, contractual obligations for each borrower are individual, the tariff ranges from 1.5 to 6%.

Finding and analyzing an insurance contract is the first task. After that, it will become clear whether you can claim full compensation, partial compensation, or no money at all. Be sure to check your loan agreement for any rate increases in the event of cancellation of insurance.

Introductory period and deadlines

Insurance return policy

In the event that there is a chance to rely on monetary compensation, the procedure is simple - you are in a free form or write an application addressed to the head of your insurance company to terminate the contract and return the insurance premium, where you indicate:

  • Numbers of their contracts (both credit and insurance);
  • Contact details;
  • Grounds for claiming the amount (preferably a link to a specific clause of the insurance contract).
  • Details where to transfer money.

The accepted term for consideration of the appeal is 10 days, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

Another 10 days are taken for the transfer of funds from the moment the person was excluded from the list of insured persons.

If the decision is positive, notify your bank of the results on the same day remotely (by phone, via chat) and duplicate the information by registered mail with a notification to avoid penalties.


Raiffeisen does not provide travel, property or auto insurance. The main directions are: ensuring the life of bank borrowers according to non-purpose loans and mortgage, health protection, contingency and several projects for material security (savings) for various purposes. The cost of the policy often depends on the personal characteristics of the insured and the amount of coverage.

Raiffeisenbank insurance is offered to clients who wish to protect themselves not only from the risks of everyday life, but also financial (with a consumer loan, mortgage, fraudulent activities cards and accounts). The registration and conditions of insurance at Raiffeisenbank are a more pleasant procedure than the legal return of insurance (according to user reviews, they often delay the deadlines and require extra documents). Before signing the documents, carefully study the insurance conditions of Raiffeisenbank - this will save you from unnecessary waste and save time.

” launches the Health Standard and Health Standard Plus voluntary health insurance programs, created with the support of UNIQA Group, which has many years of experience in the field of international health insurance.

As part of the new programs, customers are offered expanded medical coverage. In particular, when diagnosing serious diseases, IC Raiffeisen Life will take over the organization of inpatient treatment and cover all medical expenses. The advantage of the new products is a well-chosen set of risks * .

In addition, the programs include the treatment of serious diseases in both Russian and European clinics. Under the Health Standard program, the insurance coverage limit is 2 million 113 thousand euros per insurance year. The extended package "Health Standard Plus" also provides the opportunity to receive lump sum payment in the amount of one thousand euros in case of diagnosing a stroke or myocardial infarction and payment and booking of tickets in economy class to the place of treatment and back.

A client under the age of 60 can become a participant in both programs. To do this, just contact any branch of Raiffeisenbank. The cost of the Health Standard program is 5,500 rubles a year for children and 15,000 rubles a year for adults, the Health Standard Plus program for children is 8,000 rubles a year, for adults - 25,000 rubles a year . The contract for any program is concluded for one year with the possibility of further extension.

“More and more Raiffeisenbank clients seek treatment abroad, and now, if serious illnesses are detected, they are guaranteed to be able to receive the highest quality treatment by choosing a clinic in Europe or Russia of their choice. A sufficiently high coverage limit allows the client to be sure that, in spite of everything, all his personal financial resources will remain protected,” says Roman Karandin, head of bancassurance at Raiffeisenbank.

“The problem of support in case of diagnosing serious diseases or the need for organ transplantation is being actively discussed all over the world,” says Daria Zhukovskaya, head of the Raiffeisen Life insurance product development group. - And, although the support from the Russian state in this area is significant, people tend to have own resources to ensure immediate and high-quality treatment in Russia or in other countries. The uniqueness of our product is due to the wide scope of its insurance coverage. At the same time, the Health Standard program can be long-term financial protection in case of deterioration in health in the future.

More detailed information about the programs of voluntary medical insurance "Health Standard" and "Health Standard Plus" can be found on the official website of the company " Insurance Company Raiffeisen Life.

JSC Raiffeisenbank is a subsidiary of Raiffeisen Bank International AG. JSC Raiffeisenbank ranks 13th in terms of assets based on the results of the 1st quarter of 2015 (Interfax-CEA). According to Interfax-CEA data, Raiffeisenbank ranks 6th in Russia in terms of private individuals' funds and 9th in terms of retail loans in 1Q 2015.

Raiffeisen Bank International AG is a leading corporate and investment bank on financial markets Austria and in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. In Central and Eastern Europe, Raiffeisen Bank International operates an extensive network of subsidiary banks, leasing companies and a wide range of providers of other specialized financial services in 15 markets. About 54,700 bank employees serve 14.8 million customers in more than 2,900 branches, most of which are located in Central and Eastern Europe. Raiffeisen Bank International is a fully consolidated subsidiary Raiffeisen Zentralbank Austria AG (RZB), owning about 60.7% ordinary shares listed on the Vienna stock exchange, the rest of the shares are in free float. RZB is the central institution of the Austrian Raiffeisen Banking Group, which is the largest banking group in the country and acts as the head office of the entire RZB Group, including Raiffeisen Bank International.

OOO SK Raiffeisen Life
works on the basis of a license for insurance C No. 4179 77 issued by Federal Service insurance supervision July 3, 2009, as amended on February 1, 2010, July 9, 2010, August 23, 2012 and August 6, 2014. The company offers a wide range of life and health insurance products, is a member of the Association of Life Insurers and the All-Russian Union of Insurers and is one of the top ten market leaders (according to the website).

UNIQA Group is the leading insurance group in Austria, Central and Eastern Europe with a market share of around 22%. It serves over 10 million customers in 19 countries. The company has two strong brands - "Raiffeisen Insurance" and UNIQA, which provide the basis for further growth. The UNIQA Group operates in 16 countries with the highest growth prospects and also manages insurance in Italy, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

* Coverage includes cancer, cardiovascular diseases, heart, lung, liver and kidney transplants, and more. A more detailed description of insurance risks, full coverage subject to applicable exclusions, applicable deductible, insurance payout limits and other contract terms insurance are specified in the insurance certificate, in the insurance program (Appendix No. 1 to the Insurance certificate) and in the relevant policy conditions. Participation in insurance programs is voluntary. AO Raiffeisenbank acts on behalf of OOO IC Raiffeisen Life on the basis of the contract of agency dated 01.06.10 dated February 8, 2010, general license Bank of Russia No. 3292.

Banks have long established cooperation with insurance companies and receive good commissions for intermediary services. But insurance in itself may not be so much an extra expense as great way get rid of many risks. Consider the offers and tariffs of Raiffeisenbank Insurance.

Tariffs and terms of insurance at Raiffeisenbank

In the bank, insurance services are represented by a whole range of various programs - protection of life and health, credit or credit card, real estate. There is even investment insurance to secure yourself for the future.

Types of insurance programs

Raiffeisenbank provides insurance services through SK Raiffeisenbank Life, or through its partners - Alfa Insurance and MetLife. The list changes periodically.

The table shows the main conditions and tariffs for insurance issued by Raiffeisenbank (except for loans and mortgages):

Raiffeisenbank offers an interesting program "My Safe Bank" - the risks of loss of the card or its secret data, unauthorized access to remote services, theft of money from accounts or robbery when withdrawing cash:

Insurance upon registration and consumer credit

Many neglect this simple way to protect themselves, looking for benefits in the interest saved on the payment of insurance premiums. Be sure to evaluate all the risks - sometimes insurance can save you from much more money.

Insurance at Raiffeisenbank for cash loans has a number of fundamental points and protects: partially life and health and the risk of losing a job.

Insurance cases of life and health

Includes temporary disability due to bodily injury, disability of 1 or 2 groups, or death (from any cause other than suicide).

In order to qualify for payment on an insured Raiffeisenbank loan, the above cases (except death) must not be the result of:

  • Alcohol intoxication (including when driving while intoxicated);
  • Conditions caused by the use of psychotropic, medicinal, narcotic substances not prescribed by a qualified doctor;
  • pregnancy or abortion;
  • The development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (the formation of a malignant tumor or an infectious disease);
  • Consequences of a mental or physical defect on which the insured person received consultations and medical care before joining the program, etc.
The following situations are not insured:

Insured events in case of job loss

You can claim a payment on an insured loan from Raiffeisenbank in connection with the loss of a job only if the dismissal had specific grounds: Additional terms, without which payment is impossible:
  • Continuous seniority at the last place of work - from 6 months;
  • Employment - at the main place of work;
  • Employment contract - termless;
  • Notice of termination of the contract received after 60 calendar days from the beginning of the insurance;
  • Registration with the social employment authorities to obtain the status of unemployed.

The insurance payment is sent to pay off the debt to Raiffeisenbank. After settlement of the debt, the remaining part of the sum insured is transferred to the client or his relatives (heirs).

The amount of coverage is determined individually, taking into account the characteristics of the borrower: age, place of work, state of health, etc. Maximum amount:

  • Consumer credit: 3 million rubles;
  • Credit card: 1 million

Mortgage insurance

In this case obligatory view insurance is a policy to protect real estate (collateral) from loss and damage.

If the object has not yet been built, insurance is issued after the delivery of the object according to the act of acceptance and transfer.

Other types of insurance - title and life and health - are voluntary, therefore they are subject to general requirements, as insurance for a consumer loan or credit card.

Raiffeisenbank proposes to use a comprehensive program that provides for all possible risks:

  • Property: destruction or damage to the mortgage object;
  • Loss or restriction of the right to own the acquired property;
  • Departure from life or assignment of disability.

The bank immediately warns that the refusal comprehensive insurance will raise the stakes:

Return of insurance on a loan from Raiffeisenbank

To receive the paid insurance premium, follow simple rules.

Read the insurance conditions in the loan agreement

Since Raiffeisen works with many partners, and the terms of the agreement depend on specific circumstances, contractual obligations for each borrower are individual, the tariff ranges from 1.5 to 6%.

Finding and analyzing an insurance contract is the first task. After that, it will become clear whether you can claim full compensation, partial compensation, or no money at all. Be sure to check your loan agreement for any rate increases in the event of cancellation of insurance.

Introductory period and deadlines

You have 14 days to cancel any Raiffeisenbank insurance (including life and health in case of a mortgage or cash loan) and issue a refund of the money paid. This is enshrined in the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (dated August 21, 2017 No. 4500-U):

In other cases, the amount of payment is calculated according to the coefficients of the insurer and the contributions are returned only in case of full early repayment loan:

Insurance return policy

In the event that there is a chance to count on monetary compensation, the procedure is simple - you can do it in free form or write an application addressed to the head of your insurance company to terminate the contract and return the insurance premium, where you indicate:

  • Numbers of their contracts (both credit and insurance);
  • Contact details;
  • Grounds for claiming the amount (preferably a link to a specific clause of the insurance contract).
  • Details where to transfer money.

The accepted term for consideration of the appeal is 10 days, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

Another 10 days are taken for the transfer of funds from the moment the person was excluded from the list of insured persons.

If the decision is positive, notify your bank of the results on the same day remotely (by phone, via chat) and duplicate the information by registered mail with a notification to avoid penalties.


Raiffeisenbank insurance is offered to clients who want to protect themselves not only from the risks of everyday life, but also financially (in the presence of a consumer loan, mortgage, from fraudulent actions on cards and accounts). The registration and conditions of insurance at Raiffeisenbank are a more pleasant procedure than the legal return of insurance (according to user reviews, they often delay the deadlines and require extra documents). Before signing the documents, carefully study the insurance conditions of Raiffeisenbank - this will save you from unnecessary waste and save time.