Calculation of payments to servicemen for the purchase of housing. Monthly Cash Payments (MU)

Thanks to government support, contractors can become owners of real estate in any region. The amount of the subsidy depends on market price for real estate. When calculating EDV for housing for military personnelyou need to take into account the number of children who have not reached the age of majority.

Categories of military personnel who are eligible for EDV

Citizens who have served at least 20 years can count on privileges. First of all, funds are allocated to contractors who entered service in the RF Armed Forces before 1998. The exception is people who studied at that time in higher military institutions.

Funds are transferred to the account of a former military man, if he has served 10 years. The certificate can be used not only for the purchase of a new building. The soldier has the right to spend money to pay off the mortgage. Budget funds can be invested in building your own home.

EDV for military personnel for the purchase of housing paid if the length of service is 20 years. The right to receive payments is assessed by a special commission. The contractor is paid the EDV only on condition that he needs improvement housing conditions.

The certificates are issued to servicemen who have been transferred to the reserve due to staff reductions. Poor health may be the reason for the termination of the contract. The minimum length of service for this professional category is 10 years. Thanks to housing certificate a soldier's family can buy real estate.

Not only military personnel can count on the certificate. The state provides support to widows and family members.
For help can apply:

  • unit commanders;
  • specialists who train cadets;
  • the highest military leadership of the country.

Peculiarities of the procedure for obtaining EDV

To take advantage of state support a soldier must open a bank account. Be sure to check all the details when filling out the application. A copy must be attached to the application bank agreement, which contains the account number.

Specialists must check the documents within 10 days. After that, the soldier is informed about the decision... The documents are sent to the unit in which the contractor serves. The chief of finance is obliged to issue him a document on demand. The priority right to receive subsidies is given to military personnel who are raising 3 children.
The EDV is paid to people who are in dire need of housing.

Important! The average size payments that the family of a contract soldier can count on is 5.5 million rubles.

How to calculate lump sum payments

Size depends on the number of children EDV for housing for military personnel... A large family needs spacious housing. Standard indicators can be adjusted for the following categories of military personnel:

  • a person has a scientific degree;
  • the specialist was awarded the honorary title of the Russian Federation;
  • the serviceman was dismissed from the RF Armed Forces due to deteriorating health.

When calculating EDV for housing for military personnel you need to take into account the cost of sq. m. The average market price reached 37,208 rubles. The amount of payments is influenced by the length of service. The correction factor, which is applied when assigning a subsidy, depends on it.

The value of the correction factor will be 2.5 if the contractor has served 15 to 20 years. The amount of EDV increases if the duration military service will be 21 years old. In this case, specialists will use a correction factor of 2.6. Some people have served in the RF Armed Forces for more than 21 years. This category of military personnel can count on an annual increase in the correction factor of 0.075.

In the event of the death of a serviceman in the performance of official duties, funds are paid to the widow. When calculating the subsidy, an adjustment factor of 3 is used.

To determine the size housing subsidies you can use the following formula:
P \u003d H x C x Kc, where,

  • H - the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment, which is laid on each family member according to the approved standard;
  • C - how much is 1 sq. m. in the region where the contract soldier lives;
  • Кс - the value of the correction factor, which depends on the length of service.

For example, a contractor served 22 years. His family consists of 4 people. Let's calculate the amount of EDV assigned to a serviceman. It will take into account that in the region of residence the price of sq. meter of housing is 34,100 rubles.

P \u003d (4 x 18) x 34 100 x 2.5 \u003d 6 199 380 rubles.

If necessary, you can use the calculator, which is designed to calculate the housing subsidy. 15 years ago, servicemen stood in line to enter new apartment... Thanks to subsidies, the difficult situation was reversed. Now the military can count on government support.

Moreover, there are no restrictions on the purchase of housing on the secondary market. If desired, a soldier can become the owner of the real estate that suits him in terms of quality and location. EDV for servicemen's apartment calculated taking into account the length of service.

How long will servicemen have to wait for a housing subsidy?

The state establishes a certain period that is necessary for checking documents. The application must be submitted no later than April 1 of the current year. Former military personnel receive data on the EDV through military enlistment offices. After that, experts send a written notice of the decision. The document goes to the unit in which the contractor serves.

Important! Verification of documents should not take more than 30 days. After the decision is made, the chief of finance receives a copy of the decision. Funds are transferred to the account of a contractor in need of housing within 3 days.

What documents will be required to obtain an EDV

To receive a subsidy, you need to collect the following documents:

  1. The contractor must fill out an application.
  2. Funds are transferred according to the details specified in the statement from the personal account.
  3. The soldier must make copies of passports in advance.
  4. To calculate the EDV you need to know the number of children raised by the family.
  5. To do this, the contractor needs to provide birth certificates for babies.

Some servicemen have already acquired their own apartments. However, the number of meters per family member does not meet the standard. In this case, they can use government assistance.

The soldier must show a copy of the title deed for the apartment. From a contractor, they will require a certificate indicating military experience. As such a document, you can provide an extract from the track record.

When calculating the EDV, specialists are interested in the family status of a contract soldier. A copy of the marriage certificate must be made. Divorced persons must show the appropriate document proving the fact of the breakup.

What amount of EDV will be paid in 2019

Receiving a subsidy is impossible without recognizing a contractor in need of better housing conditions. The status is assigned when several conditions are met:

  1. A soldier should not be a social housing tenant
  2. The presence of an apartment may be an obstacle to obtaining budget money... Funds are paid only if the area for each family member is less than the standard.
  3. Living with seriously ill relatives is the basis for obtaining a housing subsidy.

MU for housing for military personnel in 2019 year will be charged taking into account the average market price for apartments in a particular region.

Important! In accordance with the project of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the cost of sq. meters of housing allocated to servicemen will be 37 848 rubles.

Who can count on additional living space?

The state has determined the categories of military personnel who are financial help in an enlarged size. Purchase additional 15 sq. meters can:

  1. People who hold the post of commander of a military unit.
  2. Housing improvement benefits are granted to senior management.
  3. People who teach in higher educational institutions can expand their living space.


Military personnel who have been identified as needy can benefit from state support. The contractor chooses the apartment he wants to own. He can buy housing not only in a new building. A soldier has the right to use funds from the budget for the construction of a private house.

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In addition to the standard forms of state support, certain groups of residents of the Russian Federation are entitled to receive a special type of social support - a monthly cash payment. A monthly cash payment is assigned to citizens and pensioners who have an additional privileged status, duly confirmed.

What is EDV and to whom is it paid

EDV is compensation payment, which is paid to citizens at the expense of the federal budget and does not depend on the fact of establishing pension provision.

As of 2019, the monthly cash payment is provided for social security of the following groups of beneficiaries:

  1. subjects having one of three groups;
  2. citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the accident at;
  3. persons with status in certain categories;
  4. subjects with special merit in the form of state awards, etc .;
  5. former juvenile prisoners of fascism;
  6. other groups of beneficiaries directly specified in regulatory legal acts.
Note! The MU for old-age pensioners can be established only if the recipients of pension payments can additionally confirm their special status.

Legislative regulation

Since there is no single law on the monthly payment in 2019, the monthly cash payment will be assigned and transferred according to the norms of the following legal acts:

  1. with respect to certain groups of veterans - Federal Law No. 5-FZ;
  2. for persons with a confirmed status of one of the disability groups - Federal Law No. 181-FZ;
  3. for subjects with preferential status of Chernobyl victims - RF Law No. 1244-1;
  4. for citizens who have received certain state awards or marked for special merits - Federal Law No. 5-FZ and RF Law No. 4301-1.

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Payment terms

The EDV in 2019, as in previous years, is charged when contacting the territorial departments of the PFR. The appointment of the specified social benefits will be carried out regardless of the establishment of pension payments. You do not need to meet the conditions for applying for a pension to be eligible for payments.

To exercise the right to apply for a benefit, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  • within the framework of one specialized law, which provides for the possibility of a beneficiary to receive a monthly payment at the same time on several grounds, the payment is established on the basis of a higher amount of the monthly payment;
  • if the beneficiary has the right to receive benefits under several laws at once, he is obliged to independently make a choice when contacting the PFR department;
  • an exception to the above rules is contained only for Chernobyl victims, they have the right to simultaneously establish social benefits for two reasons.

For example, the establishment of a monthly limit for persons with disabilities who simultaneously have a status is carried out by officials of the FIU by comparing the total amount of payments that a citizen will receive. In this case, there is no right to choose, the EDV will be installed by the PFR department according to a more advantageous option.

The procedure for paying the monthly allowance to federal beneficiaries

If a citizen is included in the list of persons entitled to receive social benefits of this nature, he must contact the local PFR department to assign a payment.

When applying, you need to fill out an official application form, as well as submit documents, the composition of which will depend on the category of the beneficiary:

  • a monthly cash payment will be assigned;
  • when a citizen submits an official certificate from the MSEC bodies on the establishment of a certain group of disability;
  • a monthly cash payment is assigned to war veterans and other categories in case of confirmation of the privileged status by an official certificate;
  • social benefits for residents of besieged Leningrad are established on the basis of an appropriate certificate confirming residence in the besieged city;
  • the monthly cash payment to survivors of pensioners will be assigned by the PFR department automatically upon confirmation of the entitlement to the pension payment.
Note! If the applicant's preferential status requires periodic confirmation (for example, in case of disability), a valid iTU certificate of disability determination..

For example, for disabled persons from Chernobyl, the re-examination period is five years, for other disabled people, this procedure can be carried out on an annual basis. Establishing a monthly cash payment to the FIU also requires the presentation of a civil passport and a SNILS certificate. It is allowed to apply to the authorized body through a representative, for this you need to have a notarized power of attorney.

The assignment of monthly payments to pensioners will be carried out simultaneously with the establishment of state support. Further confirmation of the right will be carried out by general rules.

Indexation and recalculation of EDV

The amount of the monthly income is established by the norms of federal legislation and is subject to indexation according to the general rules of state social security.
This means that the amount of EDV will be indexed simultaneously with the publication of the act on the increase in pensions.

The recalculation of the amount assigned to the disabled person is made when another group of disability is established. At the same time, it occurs without a declaration on the basis of an extract from the certificate of examination received by the PFR TO from the ITU authorities.

Upward - from the date of establishment of the disability group, which gives the right to a higher amount of monthly income.

Downward - when establishing a disability group that gives the right to a lower amount of monthly income, it occurs from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the previous disability group was established.

The recalculation of the amount of EDV to family members of the deceased (perished) Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory is made if the number of family members has changed. Such recalculation will be made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which these circumstances occurred.

Payments in 2019

The next indexation of the EDV amounts was carried out in February 2019, based on actual growth index consumer prices at the end of 2018.

The amount of the monthly cash payment for selected categories citizens in 2019 with a complete rejection of a set of social servicesmade up:

  • for disabled people of the Second World War - 5403.22 rubles;
  • for citizens who took part in the Second World War, prisoners with a disability group - 4052.40 rubles;
  • for disabled people of the 1st group - 3782.94 rubles;
  • for disabled people of the 2nd group - 2701.62 rubles;
  • for disabled persons of the 3rd group - 2162.67 rubles;
  • for residents of besieged Leningrad and war veterans - 2972.82 rubles;
  • disabled people-Chernobyl victims, as well as - 2972.82 rubles;
  • subjects who were awarded the title Hero of the USSR or the Russian Federation, as well as members of their families in the event of the death of heroes - 63708.25 rubles.

It should be borne in mind that the full composition of the AML recipients is much wider than the indicated categories. Complete list recipients of EDV are presented in the table.

Category nameEDV from 01.02.2019, indexation amount 1.043 (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 24.01.2019 No. 32 "On approval of the indexation coefficient of payments, benefits and compensations in 2019")
including NSOexcluding NSO
1 War invalids5 403,22 4 281,80
2 WWII veterans who became disabled5 403,22 4 281,80
3 Military personnel and individuals of the rank and file, who became disabled during the execution5 403,22 4 281,80
4 WWII participants4 052,40 2 930,98
5 War veterans2 972,82 1 851,40
6 Servicemen from 22.06.41 to 03.09.45 are not part of the active army1 622,00 500,58
7 Persons awarded with the sign "Resident of besieged Leningrad"2 972,82 1 851,40
8 Family members of the deceased (deceased) IVOV and UVOV and veterans of the database1 622,00 500,58
9 Family members of those killed in WWII from self-defense and anti-air defense groups1 622,00 500,58
10 Family members of those killed in the line of duty1 622,00 500,58
11 Family members of servicemen who died in captivity1 622,00 500,58
12 Parents and wives of the deceased servicemen. to the participants of the Second World War4 052,40 2 930,98
13 Persons who worked during the Second World War1 622,00 500,58
14 Disabled (III group)2 162,67 1 041,25
15 Disabled (II group)2 701,62 1 580,20
16 Disabled (I group)3 782,94 2 661,52
17 Disabled children2 701,62 1 580,20
18 Citizens who have suffered radiation sickness as a result of the Chernobyl accident2 162,67 2 162,67
19 Disabled citizens due to the Chernobyl accident2 701,62 2 701,62
20 Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1986-872 701,62 2 701,62
21 Participants in the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1988-902 162,67 2 162,67
22 Citizens living (working) on \u200b\u200bthe territory of the living zone with the right to resettlement540,66 540,66
23 Citizens living (working) on \u200b\u200bthe territory of the living zone with preferential social-ecological status540,66 540,66
24 Citizens living (working) in the resettlement zone before they were relocated to other districts540,66 540,66
25 Citizens evacuated (including those who left) in 1986 from the excluded zone.2 162,67 2 162,67
26 Children (minor) under 18 years old, children of the 1st and 2nd generations living in the zone1 350,82 1 350,82
27 Children (teenagers) up to 18 years old, permanently living in a zone with a preferential social-ecological status811,88 811,88
28 Children (other) - disabled, suffering. diseases due to the Chernobyl accident2 701,62 2 701,62
29 Children (al.) Suffering from diseases as a result of the Chernobyl accident2 162,67 2 162,67
30 Disabled citizens who have received occupational diseases associated with radiation exposure.2 701,62 2 701,62
31 Citizens who have received occupational diseases associated with radiation exposure.2 162,67 2 162,67
32 Citizens who received the total effect dose of radiation above 25 cSv (rem)2 162,67 2 162,67
33 Citizens who have received the total effect. Dose of radiation from 5 to 25 cSv (rem)677,14 677,14
34 Children under 18 years of age 1.2 generation, received the effect. radiation dose over 5 cSv677,14 677,14
35 Citizens who received radiation sickness as a result of the accident at PA Mayak in 19572 162,67 2 162,67
36 Citizens who became disabled as a result of the accident at PA Mayak in 19572 701,62 2 701,62
37 Citizens, sent to liquidate the consequences of the accident at Mayak Production Association, 1957-58.2 701,62 2 701,62
38 Citizens, sent to liquidate the consequences of the accident at the Mayak plant in 1959-61.2 162,67 2 162,67
39 Citizens living in settlements where the radiation dose is more than 1 mSv (0.1 rem)540,66 540,66
40 Citizens, evacuator, resettled, voluntarily left the zone of the loading Lighthouse and Techa2 162,67 2 162,67
41 Children of 1.2 generations suffering from the disease due to the effects of radiation on childbirth.1 350,82 1 350,82
42 Citizens without disabilities from special risk units2 701,62 2 701,62
43 Disabled citizens from special risk units2 701,62 2 701,62
44 Former minors in concentration camps, ghettos - disabled5 403,22 4 281,80
45 Former minors in concentration camps, ghettos4 052,40 2 930,98
46 Heroes of the USSR, RF, full Cavaliers and members of their families since 01.01.2006.63 708,25
47 Heroes of Socialist Labor, full Cavaliers since 01.07.2006.46 975,44

In addition, the amount of the SED depends on many additional factors (for example, if the NSO is abandoned, etc.)

Advice! The exact amount of the EDV can be found out when applying to the PFR department and indicating what composition additional services and benefits will be used by the applicant.

In 2019, the EDV indexation was carried out in February at a rate of 4.3%. The set of benefits in kind has been similarly increased. After the measures taken, the cost of social services reached 1121.42 rubles, which includes: the provision of medicines - 863.75 rubles, the provision of vouchers to sanatoriums - 133.62 rubles, free travel to public transport city, suburban, intercity communication (to the place of treatment and back) - 124.05 rubles.

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If citizens have been assigned a pension, and they receive a monthly income, the indexation provided by the legislation will be carried out simultaneously by the PFR authorities.

Receiving procedure

For consideration of an application for the appointment of the specified measure of social support at officials The FIU has 10 business days.
During this period, the grounds for the appeal are checked, as well as the compliance of the submitted documents with legal requirements. After making a decision on the merits of the application, the response must be sent no later than five days to the applicant's address.

Attention! The establishment of a monthly payment is carried out from the date of the citizen's appeal, but not earlier than the emergence of the right to this benefit.

The decision made must indicate the period for which the payment is set, or establish the unlimited nature of the transfers.

Receiving a monthly payment is carried out taking into account the following features:

  • upon receipt of one of the types of state pensions, the monthly supplement will be transferred simultaneously;
  • if the subject is not entitled to receive state pension benefits, the applicant himself chooses the method of receiving the monthly payment;
  • specified social payment will be paid for the current calendar month.
Note! If, during the period of receipt of the specified social payment, the citizen loses his privileged status (for example, there is a cancellation of the disability group), the recipient is obliged to notify the relevant department of the FIU about this.

If no such notification is made, an overpayment will be recorded. budget funds, which will be collected voluntarily or judicial procedure... A similar requirement is established when changing the privileged status, which affects the amount of monthly social benefits. The recipient is obliged to immediately notify the territorial department of the FIU about this fact in order to avoid overpayment.

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June 30, 2017, 22:32 Mar 17, 2019 00:02

The article tells about the updated legislative framework, according to which the provision of public housing is replaced by a cash payment for the construction or purchase of housing for the military and their families

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The Russian Constitution enshrines the rights of servicemen to their own housing, and obliges the state to comply with its direct obligations to them.

Since December 2013, the amount of payment that must be provided to the military from the Ministry of Defense for the purchase of housing or construction has been made public. It is about 5 million rubles for those servicemen who have served the Fatherland for at least 20 years.

Representatives of the Ministry of Defense believe that such an initiative will help solve the problems of resettlement of the military, and this applies not only to army formations, but also to all structures in which military personnel work. In addition to the active military, this project also contributes to solving housing problems for those employees who have already retired.

At the end of 2013, the President signed Federal Law of 02.11.2013 N 298-FZ “On Amendments to Articles 15 and 24 Federal law "On the status of military personnel."
According to experts, these projects will help solve the problem of providing servicemen with housing. As early as 2014, these bills will begin to work, and the military will receive a one-time state allowance for their housing needs.

It should be noted that such innovations are beneficial not only to the military, but also to the state itself:

  • Only a few developers agreed to cooperate with the Ministry of Defense. In most cases, the construction of residential buildings for the military was delayed for a long time;
  • There will be no need to wait for your turn for an apartment for a long time;
  • The problem of corruption also disappears. It's no secret that to get own housing many military men had to shell out their hard-earned money to officials;
  • The state will lose the obligation to provide living quarters to all citizens who are in the public service.

The number of people on the waiting list for housing grew every year. The adoption of new standards will allow the Ministry to fulfill its obligations to the defenders of the Fatherland as soon as possible. In addition, the choice of housing will be unlimited, and the military will have to make a choice - to buy housing on the secondary market or to organize the construction of their own house.

Who is eligible for lump sum payments to military personnel?

In accordance with the adopted innovations, the right to a one-time state benefit is received by:

  1. Retired military men who did not receive an apartment during their service;
  2. All contract military personnel who began service in 1998.

On the whole, experts assess this project positively. Now servicemen will be able to independently choose their own housing of the layout and area that they need. In addition, the employee will have the opportunity to personally determine the area for residence. Other everyday situations will also be resolved.

Since the beginning of 2014, the Ministry of Defense has officially stopped allocating funds for the construction of houses for the military. However, all projects that were started before the adoption of the innovations will be completed. Regarding the EDV, the Ministry plans to make payments to 11 thousand generals, officers and ordinary soldiers for a total of about 60 billion rubles. Moreover, the amount of payment will directly depend on the number of family members of the military and his professional experience. According to preliminary calculations, a general with 25 years of service experience, who has at least 6 family members, can claim 11.5 million rubles.

How to calculate a one-time payment to servicemen for the purchase of housing in 2015?

The procedure for calculating payments, as well as the rules for determining benefits are considered in the Government Decree of 3.02.2014 No. 76.

All calculations are reduced to a single formula: P \u003d H * C * Ks

The formula is decrypted as follows:

H - information about the required living space.
FROM - data on the cost of one square meter housing in a specific region. This value is calculated for half a year, and is updated only after 6 months.
Ks - the duration of the military service.

According to preliminary calculations, a soldier who does not have a family can count on 33 sq. m, and a married couple claims 42 sq. m.

In addition, separate rules provide for the category of the military, who have the right to additional living space of 15 sq. m. This subsidy is due to generals (admirals), marshals and colonels. In addition to them, the rule applies to commanders military units, military teachers and employees in the defense-scientific sector, provided that they have an academic degree or service to the Fatherland.

How to understand the term Kc?

In fact, Ks is a symbol for a multiplying coefficient that shows the length of service. For example, if a soldier has spent 10 to 16 years in service, he can count on a coefficient of 1.85. For those military personnel who have been in service for 16 to 20 years, the coefficient will be 2.25. For military personnel with seniority at 21 years, the indicator is 2.373, and for those with a service life of more than 21 years - 2.75. The same coefficient is used for military families in which one of the members died in the service.

If an employee has housing, but for certain reasons he receives the status of needing to improve housing conditions or to provide additional meters, he will also receive a monthly income, but the amount of payment will be an order of magnitude lower.

The military, who lost part of their housing due to the donation or sale of property shares, will not receive the subsidy. In this case, when calculating the EDV, the area that the employee has lost on his own initiative will be deducted.

What payments under the EDV program for housing servicemen are provided for by the program?

One of the disadvantages of the military personnel subsidy program is that the money goes for a fairly long time, although from the moment of accrual the issue is considered closed. Nevertheless, experts predict that over time this small flaw will be eliminated, and the EDU will be able to save people from endless queues.

Regarding the amount of payments, for a military man without a family who has served at least 15 years, the subsidy will be 3 million rubles. After he receives the money to his account, he has the right to quit, or continue to serve the Fatherland. And if a military man has a family, then the size of the monthly income will be increased in accordance with the number of family members.

As noted in the press service of the Ministry, earlier every year the defense structure allocated 30 billion rubles for construction contracts, and spent the same amount on the maintenance of officers who were not on the staff, but continued to expect an apartment. Now the entire amount will be spent on payments, and this will allow the fastest and most efficient way to fulfill their obligations to the military.

How to get a monthly housing allowance for military personnel?

The procedure for issuing EDV is spelled out in the Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 510 dated July 21, 2014

In order to apply for a subsidy, you must apply with a written application to the Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The application must be submitted on behalf of all family members of the military, and contain all signatures. It is also necessary to open a bank account and attach the corresponding agreement to the application. Within a 10-day period, the Department submits a request to Rosreestr to find out whether the employee and his family members have living quarters, as well as to check all business operations that have been performed by the applicant recently.

After reviewing all the data, the department makes a decision within 10 working days. The decision is forwarded to the department financial security Ministry of residence of the applicant, as well as the personnel service of the Ministry. A copy of the decision must be delivered to the applicant personally or sent to him by letter with notification.

All payments are made by the Federal Treasury. It is worth recalling that the amount of the grant depends on several factors, in particular the number of family members of the applicant and the length of service. By the way, it is the latter that plays a decisive role, the higher the coefficient, the more money will be transferred to the applicant.

Navigating the article

Citizens who receive monthly social benefits are also eligible for set of social services (NSO), which is an integral part of the EDV in kind. NSO is a list of services provided to a disabled person free of charge.

In this case, citizens can choose: either receive a set of services in kind, or replace it with money. This replacement can be carried out in whole or in part. In case of refusal of the in-kind form of social assistance, it is necessary to submit an application for refusal to receive all or some of them services to the territorial authority by October 1 The Pension Fund RF (PFR).

NSO consists of several parts:

  • Providing the necessary medical drugs, products.
  • Providing free travel in suburban and intercity transport to the place of treatment and back.
  • Providing vouchers to the sanatorium if necessary for such treatment.

Please note that for registration of refusal to receive NSO in full or in any part of it in 2018, it was necessary to contact the territorial administration of the PFR until October 1, 2017.

The amount of money allocated to pay for social services, from February 1, 2018 is:

  • 828 rubles 14 kopecks to provide the necessary medicines;
  • 128 rubles 11 kopecks for the provision of vouchers to the sanatorium;
  • 118 rubles 94 kopecks for free travel on suburban railway and intercity transport.
  • Full cost of NSO from 1.02.2018 - 1075 rubles 19 kopecks.

It should be noted that the current legislation provides for the complete or partial replacement of the NSO in financial terms.

Last year, citizen Ivanova, being a disabled person of the II group, received EDV in full, refusing a full set of social services. services. In 2017, Mrs. Ivanova was issued a certificate by her attending physician about the need for sanatorium-resort treatment. Fund social insurance provided her with the opportunity to receive such a voucher in 2018 in accordance with her treatment profile and indication of the date of arrival. In order to c. Ivanova was able to exercise the right to be treated in a sanatorium in 2018, she applied to the Pension Fund before October 1, 2017 with a statement refusing to provide the necessary medicines and travel by rail, while retaining the right to sanatorium treatment.

Consequently, from January 1, 2018, the amount of monthly income accrued to her was reduced by the cost of social services for the provision of sanatorium treatment.

We consider the amount of EDV paid by gr. Ivanova from February 1, 2018, taking into account the indexation:

  • 2590.24 - 128.11 \u003d 2462.13 rubles.

Indexation of monthly cash payments

Starting from January 1, 2010, the amount of monthly income was subject to indexation once a year from April 1 current year. This increase in the monthly cash payment was carried out taking into account the inflation forecast established by the law on federal budget for the relevant financial year.

This procedure for the indexation of the amount of the monthly payment was changed from January 1, 2016. IN this year indexation of one of the most massive social payments is carried out taking into account the inflation rate of the last (2017) year.

According to the current legislation, the inflation rate in 2017 was slightly less than 3 percent - only 2.5%, however, the PFR budget was calculated taking into account inflation 3.2%.

Since February 1, 2018, the size of the monthly cash payment has been increased by 2.5%. Simultaneously with the increase of this social benefits increased and the amount money, aimed at providing social assistance in kind, namely.

Assigning monthly payments to retirees

To assign a monthly cash payment to citizens entitled to it in accordance with Russian legislation, you need to contact the PFR department with a corresponding statement at the place of permanent or temporary registration. This application can also be submitted at the place of actual residence due to the absence of a place of residence, confirmed by registration.

  • Applicants who are already receiving a pension should apply to the Pension Fund of the district where their pension file is located.
  • Citizens living in a social service institution must contact the district administration of the Pension Fund at the location of this organization.

Registration of EDV in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

The appointment of a monthly cash payment and its subsequent payment are carried out on the basis of an application by a citizen or his representative who has applied with necessary documents to the territorial bodies of the PFR.

To establish social benefits, depending on the category to which the citizen belongs, a number of documents are required:

  1. Documents confirming the identity and citizenship of the applicant or the identity and powers of his legal representative.
  2. Residence documents on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Documents allowing to establish the fact that a citizen belongs to one or another privileged category.

The application for the appointment of a monthly allowance must also contain information on the choice of the basis for establishing the monthly allowance, if there are several such grounds and the obligation of the citizen to inform the Pension Fund in time about changes in circumstances affecting the amount of social benefits.

Decision on appointment monthly payment is accepted within ten working days from the date of application. Then, within five days, the applicant must be notified of the decision.

EDV established from the day of applying for it, but not before the emergence of the right to it. Such social assistance is assigned for the time during which the person is classified as eligible for social benefits.

The procedure for providing a monthly cash payment

A citizen receives a monthly cash payment along with pensionif he is a pensioner. In this case, the delivery of EDV will be carried out in the same way as the payment of the pension:

  • through post offices;
  • through credit organizations.

If a citizen is not a pensioner, then he chooses a convenient payment option and submits an application for the method of delivery.

If a citizen wants to change the method of payment, he will need to apply to the district administration of the Pension Fund. Citizens living in a social institution and having this organization as a legal representative, the amount of the EDV can be transferred to the account of the specified institution.


  • The monthly cash payment is assigned to certain, including the disabled, disabled children, citizens, former minors prisoners of fascism.
  • The EDV is assigned and paid by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of whether the citizen eligible for such a payment has reached retirement age or not yet.
  • The size of the monthly cash payment for everyone different... The amount of EDV depends on which category the citizen belongs to.
  • The indexation of the size of the AML is carried out every year based on the inflation rate in the country for the previous one.

When a citizen applies to the client service of the district administration of the Pension Fund with an application for the appointment of a monthly income, he automatically has the right to receive it. The applicant can refuse the NSO or a separate part of it in favor of the cash equivalent or vice versa at his own request.

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  • What is the innovation
  • Who can get a cash payment and how to calculate it
  • Where can I get lump sum

How to calculate the monthly allowance for the purchase of housing for military personnel?To eliminate the practice of long queues for housing and the corruption associated with this, the country's leadership adopted a resolution providing for the issuance of a monthly payment to each serviceman - a lump sum payment. Now every soldier will be able to become the owner of a home: buy an apartment or build a house.

What is the innovation

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the rights of the military, as well as their wives and children, to buy their homes. In 2013, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, in sections 15 and 24 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Servicemen", amendments were made to ensure a qualitative distribution financial resources and sending them to be handed over to the military and their families for the purchase of residential premises.

These changes bring great benefits to people, such as:

  • elimination of long-term apartment queues;
  • purchase opportunity residential areas in a new building or in the secondary market;
  • lack of dependence on officials.

Thanks to the adopted law, the Ministry of Defense also benefits. There will be no need to conclude contracts with developers, solve financial issues related to them, wait for the commissioning of finished residential areas.

The ongoing reform will increase the prestige of military service. It helps to attract young people into the ranks of the Republic of Armenia, who will increase the military potential of the fatherland, and will motivate them to serve in the army longer, because the size of the EDV increases every year. In the new law, there is no dependence of the chosen region of residence on the accrued payment.

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Who can get a cash payment and how to calculate it

What is the procedure for the distribution of subsidies to military personnel? The following applicants can receive a monthly loan for the purchase of a home:

  • everyone who has served in the Russian army since 1998;
  • the military who retired and did not receive housing during their service;
  • citizens who have served for more than 10 years and have completed their service due to injury or in connection with the reorganization of military units.

So, a lonely person who gave the army 15 years gets the right to pay about 3 million rubles. If there is a family, then this allowance increases in accordance with the number of its members. The law allows a soldier to quit after buying a living space.

How is the monthly allowance calculated for the purchase of housing for military personnel? It is based on the prime cost of 1 m², which is multiplied by the total area. Further, the product is multiplied by a coefficient corresponding to the years of service. The price for 1 m² is taken from the indicators of the Ministry of Construction and housing organizations... Thus, a single citizen has the right to buy housing in 33 m², a family of 2 - 42 m². For larger families, 18 m² is added each. For the commanders of military units, military commanders of high ranks, military, teaching with academic ranks, an additional 15 m² is provided.

The formula for calculating subsidies to military personnel includes the Kc coefficient. This is an incremental indicator linked to seniority. With 10-15 years of service, K c \u003d 1.7, length of service 15-20 years, K c \u003d 2.0. If a person has served over 20 years, K with each next year increases by 0.1, but it should not exceed 3.0.

As an example, let us calculate the monthly allowance for military personnel to purchase housing. The soldier has served no more than 15 years and has a family of 2 people. He is supposed to have a living space of 42 m², with 10-15 years of service his K c \u003d 1.7 according to the standard, the price of 1 m² \u003d 34350 rubles. This price per unit area was in 2014. We make a calculation: 42x34350x1,7 \u003d 2,452,590 rubles. It turns out about 2.5 million rubles.

The procedure for calculating the housing subsidy for military personnel also covers those who have living space. They are also eligible for an ADV. Only they will receive the difference between the full subsidy and the cost of their home.

This provision is also true for those living in the municipal fund and wishing to get their own apartment or house. To receive a cash payment, the living space that was previously donated or sold both by the person involved in the case and by his family members will be taken into account.

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Where can I get a one-time payment

In the order of the Minister of Defense N 510, which was issued on July 21, 2014, the rules for the payment of monthly income are established. To receive a payment, you should write a statement to the Department of Housing, which belongs to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in which the signatures of not only the applicant, but also all members of his family must be. In the application it is necessary to indicate the agreement according to which the bank account was opened. The Department will send a request to the Registry Office within 10 days to provide data on the availability of housing for the applicant, as well as for his household, and find out if there have been any transactions with housing.

After receiving a positive result of all checks, a permit is issued to obtain a monthly loan. He is directed to the Finance and Human Resources Department of the Ministry at the applicant's residence address. A copy of the permit is sent by mail. The subsidies are paid by the Federal Treasury.

The practice of payments to defenders of the fatherland received not only a positive assessment, but also a negative one, both in the Ministry and among the military personnel. Officials criticize the innovation for an excessive burden on the budget and insignificant amounts of payments, especially if the applicant wants to purchase housing in the prestigious areas of the country, and there the cost of residential square meters is much higher.

The military complain that the program does not include such important indicators as military awards, service in "hot spots" and much more.

The initiators of the reform assure that work is underway to improve the law. It is constantly changing, many amendments and clarifications are made to it.

The procedure for distributing subsidies to servicemen is being improved.