Real VRP. Main indicators and methods for calculating the gross regional product

2. Methodology for the study of socio-economic processes and phenomena in the regions

2. Methodology for the analysis of gross regional product

2.1. Gross regional product in the system of economic indicators of regional development

In the national economy, the generally accepted basis for macroeconomic measurements and assessments is the System of National Accounts (SNA). The SNA was introduced into the domestic statistics in 1993. , and now it has practically supplanted the accounting system that has been developed at the macrolevel for decades, called the "balance of the national economy." The reason for the transition to the SNA is that market relations cannot be adequately reflected by the accounting system serving administrative-planning relations. Many studies of Russian scientists are devoted to the development of SNA in Russia.

SNA as a system of interrelated indicators of the most general results and proportions of economic development was formed in the 50s. XX century in developed capitalist countries (England, USA, France, Germany) in response to the government's need for systematic macroeconomic information to regulate the market economy. World-renowned economists took part in the development of the concepts and concepts of the SNA and in its further development: J. Keynes, R. Stone, J. Tinbergen, M. Frisch, S. Kuznets, V. Leontiev, O. Okrust. After the Second World War, a great contribution to the development of the theory and methodology of the SNA was made by international economic organizations (UN, OECD, European Communities, etc.), which required internationally comparable macroeconomic information to solve their problems.

Over the past 50 years, the UN, IMF, Eurostat and other international organizations have revised and improved the SNA methodology three times. Currently, the SNA is used to describe and analyze macroeconomic processes in countries with market economies. Today the SNA is a well-founded, generally recognized tool for macroeconomic analysis of the national economy, including the regional one. The essence of the SNA lies in the formation of generalized indicators of economic development at various stages of the reproduction process and their interconnection with each other.

It should be noted that the key macroeconomic aggregates determined by the methodology of the system of national accounts for the national economy can be transformed into the corresponding regional indicators. But this requires an accounting system adapted to the regional level.

For most countries with a federal government, a system of regional economic accounts compatible with the SNA is vital. The methodological principles for constructing a CDS based on the SNS were developed by the Nobel laureate R. Stone in the 50s. XX century. At present, regional accounts have been developed and used in a number of countries, primarily in the USA, Canada and the countries of the European Union. The most complete description of the regional accounts standard is presented in ESA 1995 (European System of Accounts) - the system of national accounts of the European Union. A separate chapter is devoted to this topic in the ESA 1995 manual.

Since the development of regional accounts requires new conceptual approaches and is complicated by the problems of collecting regional economic information, the 1993 SNA leaves this issue for the consideration of countries that are encouraged to develop regional accounts depending on their needs and capabilities. For Russia, a country with a vast territory and uneven economic development of regions, the development of CDS as a methodological and statistical base for economic (including reproduction) analysis of regional and interregional problems is an urgent task. N.N. Mikheeva recommends the formation of the CDS, relying mainly on the results of foreign studies on regional accounts.

At present, the State Statistics Committee of Russia is making an attempt to build a system of regional accounts at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation. From a methodological point of view, the CDS is a specific reflection of the SNN at the meso-level while maintaining the fundamental principles. The first principle is characterized by the presence of a system of interrelated classifications of the main structural elements of regional accounts, the second is to apply accounting methods to the description of the regional economy, the third is based on the idea of \u200b\u200beconomic circulation and is to ensure a closed system based on a rigid relationship of indicators.

When implementing the CDS, Goskomstat of Russia follows the methodological provisions of the European Statistical Committee, which recommends starting work on building regional accounts with calculations of gross value added and gross capital formation. The first steps in this area are already being felt in Russian statistical practice: for the constituent entities of the Federation, a production account is being developed (output of goods and services, intermediate consumption, gross value added - for large industries and in general, GRP) and individual elements of a number of accounts (main types of income, actual final consumption of households, investment in fixed assets).

The construction of the CDS is associated with the following fundamental problems due to the open nature of the regional system (interaction with other regions within the national economy and relations with the rest of the world):

With the distribution between the regions of the costs and results of activities inherent only to the national economy as a whole (central government, defense, money issue, etc.) or not having a clear territorial connection (services of foreign trade, banks, etc.);

With the distribution and fixation of economic transactions between institutional entities operating in the region (residents and non-residents);

With the definition of economic boundaries of production and consumption in the region;

Reflecting the operations of import and export of goods and services, as well as export and import of products.

Thus, the aforementioned conceptual difficulties of regionalization of the system of national accounts and limitations of the information plan that the territorial bodies of state statistics face, explain why the SNA cannot be fully implemented at the regional level.

Nevertheless, researchers engaged in macroeconomic analysis based on regional accounts, in particular N.N. Mikheeva, offers practical possibilities for constructing a system of accounts for a separate region in a matrix form, including current accounts: account of goods and services, production account, accounts of primary and secondary distribution of income, account of use of income, capital account and two accounts of external relations of the region , account of other regions).

It follows from the above that the development and construction of economic accounts of regions will allow to link together the production and formation of income and expenses of all sectors of the regional economy and to assess the impact of macroeconomic processes on the formation of the rates and proportions of regional development in Russia.

The central position in the SNA is occupied by a macroeconomic indicator - gross domestic product, and in the CDS - its regional counterpart - gross regional product (GRP). Without them, it is impossible to build both national and regional accounts. . GDP and its most important components (elements) are the initial parameters for constructing special accounts corresponding to each stage of reproduction at the macro level (stages of production, primary distribution of income, secondary distribution of income, use for final consumption and accumulation, etc.). It is obvious that the withdrawal of GDP (respectively, GRP) from the statistical turnover will destroy the entire SNA (CDS). With regard to GDP, such a threat does not exist, because in all countries with market and transition economies, it is used in macroeconomic analysis as the main indicator. The role of the GRP is not yet so authoritative. However, the administrative-territorial division of Russia into regions (subjects of the Federation), striving for relative independence and self-sufficiency, leads to the need for appropriate indicators that will adequately reflect the level of their socio-economic development. GRP acts as the resulting indicator of the efficiency of the economic activity of the region, and its absolute size is an objective indicator of the contribution of a particular region to the country's economy.

Let's highlight the analytical capabilities of GRP in the system of existing regional economic indicators, which are manifested in the following:

1. GRP acts as the main indicator reflecting the achieved level of economic growth: the rate of growth or growth of real GRP as a whole in the region or per capita. At the same time, economic growth in the region is understood as an increase in the scale of regional production, which is ensured both due to an increase in the number of used production factors and on the basis of an increase in their quality, which characterizes an intensive type of growth. In the classical sense, two types of economic growth are distinguished: mainly extensive, based on the involvement, building up capital, labor and other development resources during the construction of new enterprises, development of new deposits, lands, etc., and mainly intensive, based on an increase in labor productivity, return of other resources, increasing the efficiency of their use based on the reconstruction of existing enterprises. Today there is an opportunity for an innovative type of economic growth, which is fundamentally different from the previous ones in that instead of resources of mass machine production, the priority is given to the resources of post-industrial development: science, accumulated and created knowledge, information and information technologies, basic science-intensive macro technologies, general and vocational education.

In the modern world, the contribution of science, innovation and new technologies is quite high and continues to increase. In the US, over the past two decades, the share of GDP growth due to “advances in knowledge” is approaching 90%. The economic growth of Western Europe, Japan and South Korea is also based on post-industrial resources. It should be noted that innovations and new technologies provide not only GDP growth (respectively, GRP), but also its qualitative and progressive change. In this regard, in the sectoral structure of GDP (GRP), branches of knowledge-intensive industries begin to dominate.

As for Russia, its observed innovative economic growth is mainly due to the work of the branches of the knowledge-intensive industry. These include the branches of the defense complex (aviation, rocket and space, electronic, communications and radio industry, the industry of weapons, ammunition and special chemicals, nuclear shipbuilding), the nuclear complex, the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, the production of chemical fibers and threads, scientific instrument making, production medical equipment. Recently, however, there has been a sharp decline in high-tech industries, largely caused by the insufficient efficiency of both market mechanisms and government regulation of complex economic activities, as well as weak adaptive properties of enterprises to changing economic conditions.

According to experts, as a result of economic reforms in Russia, the rate of innovative renewal of production not only did not increase, but also fell unacceptably, which led to an increase in structural imbalances and contradictions. Thus, in terms of its share in the global value, Russia has 12% of scientists, but in the world market the share of the country's high-tech products is only 0.3%. The number of innovation-active enterprises by type of economic activity increased from 1995 to 1999 by 16.9%. The share of fundamentally new and improved products in the total volume of shipped products of these enterprises in 1999 amounted to 9.5% against 14% in 1995. A sharp reduction in funding for science from the federal budget was negatively reflected: in 2002, allocations for the section “Fundamental research and assistance to scientific and technological progress ”amounted to 1.55% of the federal budget expenditures against 2.02% in 1997; 0.28% to GDP versus 0.36% (respectively). The number of organizations that make up the scientific and technical sphere of the country also decreased: if in 1997 there were 4,137 thousand, then in 2000 - 4,099 thousand. At the same time, the number of personnel engaged in research and development decreased by 5% compared to 1997.

2. GRP creates an information base for building state and intraregional economic policy. In countries with diverse conditions of socio-economic development, the main purpose of the state regional policy is to reduce differences in the levels of livelihoods of people living in different territories, to overcome regional asymmetry in general, and to create prerequisites for the activation of interregional economic ties. Being a generalizing parametric characteristic of the economic development of regions, GRP acts as a tool for implementing a specific direction of regional state policy: analyzing the differentiation of levels of socio-economic development of Russian regions, their typology, followed by the development of measures of state influence. For these purposes, the GRP reflects as part of the regional development indicators:

The general macroeconomic situation in the region: GRP per capita (rubles), GRP per capita in relation to the average Russian value (in%), the annual growth rate of GRP per capita (in%), GRP per unit of manufactured goods, services (rubles) .), produced by GRP per one employed or resident (rubles), investment in% to GRP;

The state of the budgetary and financial system (indicators attributable to GRP): budget deficit to GRP (in%), share of total tax and non-tax charges in GRP (in%), share of profits from main types of economic activity to GRP (in%), share overdue accounts payable to GRP (in%), the share of loans to GRP (in%), the share of current and settlement accounts of enterprises to GRP (in%), household deposits to GRP (in%).

When assessing the necessary scale of support to regions from the federal budget in the form of general transfers, some researchers suggest that the created GRP, which can be used in the region for consumption and accumulation (GRP minus its part transferred in the form of tax and non-tax contributions to the federal budget and central off-budget funds). General transfers are aimed, on the one hand, at replenishing the general resources of consumption and accumulation in a particular region, and on the other, at leveling (convergence) of integral indicators of socio-economic development in different regions. For those regions where the average per capita GRP produced is above the minimum guaranteed level, transfers from the federal budget to replenish consumption and accumulation resources are not provided.

3. GRP can be used as one of the possible indicators of economic income as the basis for calculating the tax potential of a constituent entity of the Federation, which most fully takes into account the volume of taxable resources. According to the SNA methodology, GRP is the initial basis for calculating indicators such as generated and received (disposable) regional income (Fig. 2.1).

Generated income - the sum of the primary incomes of all sectors of the economy received by residents of the region as a result of participation in the production of a regional product in a given territory. In other words, the gross regional generated income is equal to the volume of the created GRP. To better reflect the primary income generated by and paid by resident institutional units to both residents and non-residents in a given region, it is recommended that a regional income generated account be compiled under the CDS. The regional account of generated income, disaggregated by industry and sector, includes the following components: wages with social contributions, profit and mixed income, consumption of fixed capital, taxes on production.

The income received characterizes the income of all institutional entities (sectors), regardless of whether they are produced in a given territory or received from outside. Regional gross disposable income is calculated by sector of the economy by adjusting the gross income generated and property income in each sector for the balance of income exchange within the region and between sectors of the national economy outside the region.

Exchange transactions are recorded in the form of current transfers transmitted and received by each sector of the regional economy. Since the regional economy is open and residents of different regions are economically interconnected, the gross income produced in the region is not equal to the gross regional disposable income. If the inflow of external revenues to a constituent entity of the Federation exceeds the volume of transferred revenues (which is typical for constituent entities that are net recipients of the federal budget), then the available regional income is greater than the generated one. So, both indicators of economic income cover the bulk of the region's taxable resources and quite adequately reflect the tax potential of the territory.

4. In modern conditions, special attention is paid to the problems of ensuring the economic security of the region. GRP creates an information analytical base in order to implement state regulation of measures to ensure the economic security of the region. This requires the organization of special monitoring studies. In accordance with the recommendations of the Goskomstat of Russia, the specialists of the Vologda Oblastkomstat have developed a system of indicators characterizing the state of the regional economy in order to control the provision of economic security.

Figure: 2.1. The relationship of GRP, gross regional produced and disposable income

GRP is included in this system of indicators in the following areas:

In the block of indicators assessing the economy's ability to sustainably develop (GRP growth rate versus the previous year (in%), GRP deflator index versus the previous year (in%), retail trade turnover in% to GRP, investments in fixed assets in% to GRP);

In the block of indicators reflecting the stability of the region's financial system (deficit of the consolidated budget in% to GRP);

In the block of indicators reflecting the quality of life of the population (expenditures on health care and culture in% of GRP).

With the introduction of the SNA into Russian practice, the system of the main resulting indicators characterizing individual aspects of regional reproduction is changing. It includes the following indicators: gross output of goods and services, gross value added of regional economic sectors, gross regional product, net regional product, regional income, disposable regional income, net disposable regional income, gross profit of the regional economy, net profit of the regional economy, final consumption expenditure in the region (households, government agencies and non-profit organizations serving households), regional gross capital formation, income of resident institutional units (wages of employees, net production taxes, gross profit and mixed income).

The use of a system of interrelated resulting indicators, reflecting a reproductive approach to regional management, will allow:

Determine the place of the region in the territorial division of labor;

Establish a relationship between production and use of gross regional product;

Analyze the most important intraregional economic reproduction proportions;

Assess the effectiveness of regional reproduction.

Certainly, one should not ascribe to the value of GRP an uncharacteristic meaning, for example, a measure of the standard of living of the population, which is pointed out in their work by A.G. Granberg and Yu.S. Zaitsev. Nevertheless, it is unreasonable, contrary to the methodological principles of the SNA and, accordingly, the CDS, to try to replace the GRP with other regional economic indicators. Some researchers recommend using the volume of regional industrial production in monetary terms as a substitute for GRP. But this indicator, firstly, is a particular indicator of regional reproduction today, to a lesser extent reflecting the structure of the Russian economy. Thus, the share of industrial production in Russia's GDP in 2001 was 65.5%, and in a number of regions that have embarked on the path of post-industrial development, it is much less (for example, in Moscow - 3.7%). In addition, less than a quarter of the total number of people employed in the economy is now involved in Russian industry. Secondly, with the correct measurement of the volume of regional industrial production, basically the same difficulties arise as with the calculation of GRP, but it is impossible to cope with them with statistical data on industrial production without affecting its other areas.

So, it should be noted that within the framework of the international statistical methodology of the SNA (SRS), it is illegal to replace GDP and GRP with any other indicators. At the same time, one should not perceive GDP and GRP as universal, self-sufficient indicators. When conducting an economic analysis of the development of national and regional economies, it is advisable to supplement these indicators with other, more specialized indicators.

GRP as a parametric characteristic of regional reproduction is identified in the system of reproductive proportions. The study of the structural proportions of GRP is due to a number of reasons:

GRP is the result of expanded regional reproduction and acts as one of the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the regional institutional and reproduction system;

GRP occupies a central position in the system of regional accounts and is methodologically closely linked with other indicators of the socio-economic development of the region;

GRP, when calculated by three possible methods - production, distribution and end use - includes components (indicators) that are the most important parametric characteristics of the functioning of the structural elements of the institutional and reproductive system of the region. The sectoral structure of the GRP produced and the dynamics of its change make it possible to assess the place of the region in the territorial division of labor, characterize the direction of structural and institutional changes in the regional economy, and determine the growth (slowdown) trends in the sphere of production of goods and services. The cost structure of GRP shows the ratio of costs and results of the work of all branches of the regional economy. The components of the GRP distribution structure reflect the incomes received by the institutional actors of the region's reproductive system. The elements of the structure of GRP use reflect the satisfaction of the needs of end consumers and the investment by the resident institutional units of the region in fixed capital objects to create new income in the future by using them in production.

On the one hand, the parametric characteristics of the regional reproductive system include its results, from which, in turn, a system of interrelated proportions is formed, the latter are subject to changes in time (dynamic) under the influence of the dominant technological structure of the economy, social mechanisms of production, distribution, exchange and consumption in in accordance with public interests, needs, available resources. On the other hand, the components of parametric characteristics (results - proportions - dynamics) of the region's institutional and reproduction system are built into the gross regional product. Firstly, GRP is a parameter of the effectiveness of expanded regional reproduction in product and value terms. Secondly, GRP is a source of resources for resuming the reproduction cycle. Third, GRP acts as an indicator with its own structure of production, distribution and use, the elements of which can be considered as components of the formation of the economic and structural proportions of GRP. Finally, the continuous movement of GRP through the phases of the reproduction process in the region is expressed in the increment of its GRP volumes in dynamics.

Economic and structural proportions of GRP- proportions formed on the basis of the elements of the production structure, distribution and use of GRP. TO proportions gRP production relate:

The relationship between the sectoral shares of gross output and gross value added in the produced GRP;

Proportions between the share in the structure of the GRP of the production and service sectors;

Correlation between the branches of the regional economy in the produced GRP;

Proportions between reproduction sectors in the GRP structure;

The ratio of the shares of market and non-market services in the produced GRP;

The ratio of formative elements (gross output, intermediate consumption, taxes and subsidies) in the value of the GRP;

Proportions of the structure of the produced GRP by institutional sector;

The proportion of the relative productivity of manufacturing and services.

TO gRP distribution proportions relate:

Proportions between the received primary income of the subjects of the reproductive system;

The proportions of the redistribution of secondary incomes between institutional sectors;

The relationship between income generated and disposable income in the region.

The proportions of using GRP include:

The ratio of the components of the final use of the GRP (expenditures on the actual final consumption of households, the expenditures of state institutions on collective services, gross capital formation);

The proportions between final consumption expenditure and gross capital formation;

Ratio of GRP redistribution (between produced and used GRP);

Proportion between average per capita indicators of actual final consumption of households and produced GRP;

The proportions of import and export, export and import in the GRP structure by expenditures to identify the interaction of the region with the “rest” of the country and with the world.

Thus, the process of functioning of the regional reproductive system finds a concentrated expression in the economic proportions of the structure of production, distribution and use of the gross regional product (Fig. 2.2).

Gutman G.IN , Miroedov A.A., Fedin S.V. Regional Economy Management / Ed. G.V. Gutman. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2001.

Ivanov Yu. Prospects for the transition to a system of national accounts in the CIS countries // Economic Issues. 1993. No. 5; Ivanov Yu.Towards the publication of a new UN system of national accounts // Problems of Economics. 1994. No. 5; Ivanov Y., Masakova I. System of national accounts in Russian statistics // Problems of Economics. 2000. No. 2; Ivanov Yu. Application of international standards in Russian statistics // Problems of Economics. 2001. No. 3; Eliseeva I.I., Shchirina A.N., Kapralova E.B. Possibilities of assessing shadow economic activity on the basis of the SNA // Statistics issues. 2001. No. 2; Kremlev N.D., Sivelkin V.A. The system of national accounts as a reflection of the shadow economy (assessment issues) // Questions of statistics. 2001. No. 2.

Ivanov Yu. Prospects for the transition to a system of national accounts in the CIS countries // Economic Issues. 1993. No. 5. P.22 - 31; Ivanov Yu. Towards the publication of a new UN system of national accounts // Problems of Economics. 1994. No. 5. Pp. 151 - 152.

Mikheeva N.N. Problems of using regional accounts in macroeconomic analysis // Economics and Mathematical Methods. 2000. T. 36. No. 4. S. 48 - 57.

For the system of indicators of regional development, see: Suspitsyn S. Methodological problems of forecasting the priorities and consequences of the state regional policy // Russian economic journal. 2000. No. 2. S. 57 - 71.

A.G. Granberg Siberia and the Far East: general problems of economic growth // Region: economics and sociology. 2003. No. 1. S. 14-28 .; Gutman G.V., A.A. Miroedov, S.V. Fedin Regional Economy Management / Ed. G.V. Gutman. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2001; M. N. Uzyakov Suspitsyn S. Problems of methodological support of specific directions of state regional policy // Russian economic journal. 2003. No. 11-12. S. 71 - 77.

Granberg A., Masakova I., Zaitseva Yu. Gross regional product as an indicator of the differentiation of economic development of the region // Questions of statistics. 1998. No. 9. S. 3 - 11; Granberg A., Zaitseva Yu. Production and use of gross regional product: interregional comparisons. Art. 1. - Methodological issues of the analysis of the produced and used GRP // Russian economic journal, 2002. №10. S. 42 - 64; Art. 2. Adjustments to GRP taking into account territorial differences in the purchasing power of money // Russian Economic Journal. 2002. No. 11-12. S. 48 - 70; Granberg A., Zaitseva Yu. Growth rates in the national economic space // Problems of Economics. 2002. No. 9. P. 4 - 17; The path to the XXI century: strategic problems and prospects of the Russian economy / Ruk. ed. call D.S. Lviv; Dept. Economy. RAS; scientific. - ed. Council of the publishing house "Economics". M .: JSC Publishing House "Economics", 1999 .; Suspitsyn S. Oleinikova I.N.Fundamentals of the study of reproduction processes: structural and logical approach. / Systems analysis in design and management: Proceedings of the VII Int. scientific and technical conf. SPb .: Publishing house of SPbSPU, 2003.


Gross Regional Product (GRP) is the central indicator of the System of National Accounts (SNA), which characterizes the value of final goods and services produced by residents of the country for a given period. GRP is calculated in market prices of final consumption, that is, in prices paid by the buyer, including all trade and transport margins and taxes on products. GRP is used to characterize the results of production, the level of economic development, the rate of economic growth, the analysis of labor productivity in the economy, and so on.

Before proceeding to characterize the methods for calculating GRP, it is necessary to focus on the key points in the concept of the indicator.

First of all, GRP is an indicator of the product produced, which is the value of the final goods and services produced. This means that the value of intermediate goods and services used in the production process (such as raw materials, supplies, fuel, energy, seeds, feed, freight transport services, wholesale trade, commercial and financial services, etc.) is not included in GRP. Otherwise, the GRP would contain a repeated account.

End products are goods and services that are purchased by consumers for end use and not for resale. Intermediate products are goods and services that are further processed or resold several times before reaching the end consumer.

In order to correctly calculate the total volume of production, it is necessary that all products and services produced in a given year be counted once, and no more. Most products go through several manufacturing stages before they enter the market. As a result, individual parts and components of most products are bought and sold multiple times. Thus, in order to avoid multiple counting of parts of products that are sold and resold, only the market value of final products is taken into account when calculating GRP and intermediate products are excluded.

Therefore, in order to exclude multiple re-invoicing, GRP should act as the cost of final goods and services and include only the value created (added) at each intermediate stage of processing.

Let's consider in more detail the concept of added value.

Value added (AD) is the value created in the production process at a given enterprise and covering the enterprise's real contribution to the creation of the value of a particular product, i.e. wages, profits and depreciation of a particular enterprise. Therefore, the cost of consumed raw materials and materials that were purchased from suppliers, and in the creation of which the enterprise did not participate, is not included in the added value of the product produced by this enterprise.

In other words, value added is the gross output of the enterprise (or the market price of output) minus the current material costs, but with the inclusion of depreciation deductions (since the fixed assets of the enterprise take part in creating the new value of the products). In Soviet practice, this indicator was called conditionally pure production.

GRP is also a domestic product, because it is produced by residents. Residents include all economic units (enterprises and households), regardless of their nationality and citizenship, that have a center of economic interest in the territory of a given country (region). This means that they are engaged in production activities or live in the economic territory of the country for a long time (at least a year). The economic territory of a country is a territory administered by the government of a given country, within which persons, goods and money can move freely. Unlike the geographical territory, it does not include the territorial enclaves of other countries (embassies, military bases), but includes such enclaves of a given country located on the territory of other countries.

GRP is the gross product, because it is calculated before deducting the consumption of fixed capital. Consumption of fixed capital represents a decrease in the value of fixed capital during the reporting period as a result of its physical and moral deterioration and accidental damage that is not catastrophic. In theory, domestic product should be determined on a net basis less consumption of fixed capital. However, to determine the consumption of fixed capital in accordance with the SNA principles, special calculations are required based on data on the replacement cost of fixed assets, their service life and depreciation by type of fixed assets. Accounting depreciation is not suitable for this purpose. Not all countries make such calculations, and those that do use different methods. Thus, GRP data are more readily available and comparable across countries, and therefore the GRP indicator has become more widespread than net domestic product.

Beyond GRP in the statistics of a number of foreign countries, an earlier macroeconomic indicator is also used - the gross national product (GNP). Both of them reflect the results of activities in two spheres of the national economy of material production and services. Both determine the value of the entire volume of final production of goods and services in the economy for one year (quarter, month). These indicators are calculated in both current (current) and constant prices (prices of any base year).

Difference between GNP and GDP (GRP) is as follows:

1) GRP is calculated according to the so-called territorial criterion. This is the total cost of products in the spheres of material production and the sphere of services, regardless of the nationality of enterprises located in the territory of a given country;

2) GNP is the total value of the total volume of products and services in both spheres of the national economy, regardless of the location of national enterprises (in the country or abroad).

So Thus, GNP differs from GRP in the amount of the so-called factor income from the use of the resources of a given country abroad, the profit transferred to the country from the capital invested abroad, the property available there, the wages of citizens working abroad minus the similar income of foreigners exported from the country.

Usually, to calculate GNP, the difference between profits and incomes received by enterprises and individuals of a given country abroad, on the one hand, and profits and incomes received by foreign investors and foreign workers in a given country, on the other hand, is added to the GRP indicator.

This difference is very small: for the leading Western countries, no more than ± 1% of the GRP. The UN Statistical Service recommends using the GRP indicator as the main indicator.

There are various economic indicators that can be safely called relevant. But not all of them are known to ordinary people. And to the question "GRP - what is this?" not everyone can give an intelligible answer. Therefore, in order to understand such a difficult topic, this article will consider the essence and structure of this indicator.

Gross Regional Product

GRP can be defined as an indicator of a generalizing type that characterizes the economic activity of a particular region and the process of production of services and goods in particular.

Market prices are usually used to publish GRP data. But it is possible to form this indicator using basic prices. In this case, the main difference would be the sum of net taxes on products (goods subsidies deducted). If we talk about the GRP of Russian regions in basic prices, then it should be noted that this is the amount by type of economic activity.

The importance of gross regional product

In order to correctly assess the economic state of the CIS, it is necessary to use certain indicators that will reflect the dynamics of key processes. And if we consider the GRP of Russia, then it can be argued that this indicator is extremely important, especially given the constantly growing independence of the regions.

The bottom line is that the SNA (system of national accounts) and the SRS (system of regional accounts), which is a logical continuation of the first, can be defined as the basis for a comprehensive assessment of the characteristics of a generalizing type in a market economy. At the same time, in the first system, the key position is occupied and in the SNR, respectively, the regional one. From this follows a simple conclusion that helps to answer the question “GRP - what is this?”: Without this indicator, it is not possible to construct an NRA, which means that a full analysis of the economic state of the region and the country as a whole is also impossible. This means that it is mandatory in the process of assessing the economy.

Key terms

First of all, it is worth deciding what the main price is, which was discussed above. This term is used to characterize the value that the manufacturer assigns to a specific unit of goods, taking into account subsidies on products, but excluding taxes.

The release of goods and services should be understood as their total cost, which is formed as a result of the production activities of residents. The inclusion of the produced and sold product in the release occurs at the actual market price. If we talk about unsold goods, then they are included in the output at average market prices. This factor, like others given in this section, includes the GRP structure.

It is also important to pay attention to such an indicator as intermediate consumption. In this case, we are talking about the price of services and goods completely consumed or transformed in the production process within a particular reporting period.

There are also costs associated with the final consumption of the GRP. They are made up of such indicators as the expenditures of state institutions for collective and individual services, as well as the costs of households for final consumption. This category includes spending by non-profit organizations that provide services to households.

How the GRP of Russia is calculated

There are several ways to determine the gross regional product.

This indicator can be calculated at the sector and industry level. For this, the production method is used, which boils down to identifying the difference between the output of services and goods and intermediate consumption, which is formed from the value of products. Moreover, this calculation is made before the consumer fixed capital is deducted.

Understanding that GRP is what and how to determine it, it makes sense to pay attention to the formation of this indicator at the production stage. In this case, we are talking about the amount of gross value added, which was created through the activities of all institutional resident units located in the economic territory of the region. It is worth noting that this does not include net taxes on products.

Sources used for the calculation

The volume of GRP in the CIS countries is calculated using the following information sources:

Reporting of companies regarding the sale of services, products and production itself, as well as the costs of goods release;

Specialized regional and special sample surveys;

Company registers.

If we touch on the topic of registers in more detail, then it should be noted that they contain various information, including the location of enterprises. It is this information that is used to form a special one about the key performance indicators of companies in the region.

Production method of calculation

Before moving on to the method itself, it is worth noting that GRP per capita can be counted among macroeconomic indicators. It can be considered at several stages: production, income generation and, of course, the use of income.

At the production stage, GRP is used to characterize the value added that was created by residents in the process of issuing goods and services within the current reporting period.

Taking into account the stage of income generation, it is worth noting that in this case, GRP per capita is calculated by summing up the primary income received by residents in the process of producing goods. This amount is distributed among the participants in the production process.

As for the calculation of GRP at the stage of using income, here we are talking about reflecting the sum of expenditures of all sectors of the national economy on final accumulation and consumption, as well as on services and goods.

Calculus by distribution

GRP per capita of the local population (meaning regions) can be calculated at the stage of income generation. In this case, this indicator can be defined as the amount of primary income that is subject to distribution among residents who are directly involved in the production process.

This group includes the following incomes received in the production process:

Remuneration for hired personnel (both residents and non-residents). It is defined as remuneration in kind and cash and is paid to hired employees for their work. In this case, all amounts that are accrued to employees before taxes on income and other deductions are excluded from wages are taken into account. The deductions of insurance contributions to social funds are also taken into account.

And mixed income that was received for the right to use borrowed non-financial and financial non-production assets in the process of release of goods.

Net taxes on imports and production that are government revenue. The GRP structure also includes this element. In this case, in addition to subsidies and taxes on products, those types of taxation are taken into account that relate to production units as participants in the production process.

End use method

This is another way of calculating the gross regional product, which needs to be considered in order to answer the question "GRP - what is this?" In this case, it is worth remembering the principle according to which GRP is the sum of residents' expenditures aimed at final consumption.

Final consumption refers to the use of services and goods in order to meet the individual needs of both the population and the collective needs of society.

Expenditures related to final consumption include institutional units that relate to several sectors of the economy and various government, as well as commercial organizations serving their needs.

The conclusion is obvious: in order to get a full picture of the state of the economy of a particular region and the country as a whole, such an indicator as GRP must be taken into account. At the same time, the task is facilitated by the presence of several methods for calculating this indicator, depending on the type of study.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HPE "Tyumen State University"

Institute of Distance Education


on the topic: "Gross regional product and indicators of industrial activity in the region"

  • Table of contents
  • 1. Basic concepts of the regional economy
  • 2. The concept of gross regional product
  • 3. General characteristics of the Tomsk region
  • 4. Macroeconomic characteristics of the region (on the example of 2009)
  • 5. Openness of the region's economy
  • 6. Sectoral economics

1. Basic concepts of the regional economy

A region is a certain territory that differs from other territories in a number of ways and has a certain integrity, interconnectedness of its constituent elements.

One of the basic concepts of the regional economy is the economic space, which develops the initial concept of the territory. The economic space is a saturated territory containing many objects and connections between them: settlements, industrial enterprises, economically developed and recreational areas, transport and engineering networks, etc. Each region has its own internal space and connections with the external space.

The quality of the economic space is determined by many characteristics and parameters. Among them, the following should be highlighted:

· Density (population size, gross regional product, natural resources, fixed capital, etc. per unit area of \u200b\u200bspace);

· Location (indicators of uniformity, differentiation, concentration, distribution of population and economic activity, including the existence of economically developed and undeveloped territories);

· Connectivity (the intensity of economic ties between parts and elements of space, the conditions for the mobility of goods, services, capital and people, determined by the development of transport and communication networks).

2. The concept of gross regional product

Gross regional product (GRP) is an indicator that measures gross value added, calculated by excluding intermediate consumption volumes from the total gross product. At the national level, GRP corresponds to the gross national product, which is one of the basic indicators of the system of national accounts. gross regional macroeconomic industrial

Gross regional product at the production stage, calculated production method, represents the sum of gross value added created by all resident institutional units in the economic territory of the region (excluding net taxes on products).

It is calculated at the level of industries and sectors by the production method as the difference between the output of goods and services and intermediate consumption formed from the value of goods and services that are transformed or completely consumed in the production process. The term "gross" indicates that the indicator is determined before deducting consumption of fixed capital.

The gross regional product is calculated at current basic and market prices ( nominal volume of gross regional product), as well as at comparable prices ( real volume of gross regional product).

Gross Regional Product (GRP) is a generalized indicator of the economic activity of a region that characterizes the process of production of goods and services. Previously, the publication of data on GRP was carried out in market prices. The estimate of GRP at basic prices differs from the estimate at market prices by the amount of net (net of subsidies on products) taxes on products. GRP at basic prices is the sum of value added at basic prices by type of economic activity.

Base price is the price received by a manufacturer for a unit of a good or service, excluding taxes on products, but including subsidies on products. Gross value added is calculated at the level of economic activities as the difference between the output of goods and services and intermediate consumption.

The output of goods and services is the total value of goods and services resulting from the production activities of resident units of the regional economy in the reporting period. The sold goods and services are included in the output at the actual market value, the unsold finished goods at the average market prices. The change in work in progress is included in gross output at cost.

Intermediate consumption consists of the value of goods and services that are transformed or completely consumed in the production process in the reporting period. Consumption of fixed capital is not included in intermediate consumption.

Final consumption expenditures of GRP are made up of final consumption expenditures of households, expenditures of government institutions on individual goods and services and collective services, and final consumption expenditures of non-profit organizations serving households. This grouping shows who finances the final consumption expenditure.

Gross fixed capital formation is the investment by resident units of funds in fixed assets to create new income in the future by using them in production. Gross fixed capital formation comprises the following components: a) acquisition less disposal of new and existing fixed assets; b) the cost of major improvements in manufactured tangible assets; c) the cost of improving non-produced tangible assets; d) expenses in connection with the transfer of ownership of non-produced assets.

3. General characteristics of the Tomsk region

Name: Tomsk Region.

Administrative center: Tomsk.

Date of formation of the region: August 13, 1944.

Economic region: West Siberian region.

District: Siberian Federal District.

Total population: 1,044,147 thousand people Population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009 - Moscow: Rosstat. 2009 - p. 81-214s. ...

Population density: 3.27 by 1 km 2.

Length from north to south: 600 km, from west to east - 780 km.

Borders: in the south - with the Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions, in the south-west - with the Omsk region, in the west, north-west and north - with the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, in the north-east and east - with the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

4. Macroeconomic characteristics of the region (on the example of 2009)

The gross regional product (GRP) of the Tomsk region in 2009 decreased by 5% compared to 2008 and amounted to 256 billion rubles. The decline in GDP in the Russian Federation in 2009 amounted to 7.9%. The volume of the gross regional product (GRP) of the Tomsk region in 2008 amounted to 251.7 billion rubles, its real (in comparable prices) growth to the level of the 2007 GRP - 102.4%.

There is a decline of 20% and investments in fixed assets. At the same time, the volume of investments in the economy of the Tomsk region amounted to about 63 billion rubles. The scientific and educational complex has become one of the main sectors of the region's economy. Since 2008, the scientific and educational complex has been the leading branch of the economy after the oil and gas industry. The volume of attracted resources amounted to 20 billion rubles.

Table1. Main indicators of economic development for January-December 2009 archive / 2009 / monitoring_2009.pdf.

january December

in% to the corresponding period of 2008

The volume of shipped goods of own production (mln rubles)

Scope of work by type of activity "construction" (million rubles)

The volume of investments in fixed assets by large organizations (from all sources of financing) (million rubles)

Agricultural products (million rubles)

Retail trade turnover (million rubles)

The volume of paid services to the population (million rubles)

Consumer price index (in%)

The number of employees on the payroll in the region in December 2009 amounted to 261.1 thousand people (decreased by 3.9% compared to December 2008).

The average accrued wages per employee in December 2009 amounted to 28,214 rubles, or 109.2% against December 2008 (the average for 2009 was 19,122 rubles). The maximum amount of accrued wages in Strezhevoy is 53,170 rubles (1.9 times higher than the regional average), the minimum in the Kozhevnikovsky district is 13,435 rubles (2.1 times lower than the regional average).

As of January 1, 2010, overdue debts at enterprises and organizations in the region as a whole amounted to 44.9 million rubles. The maximum debt in Tomsk is 34.7 million rubles. and in Strezhevoy - 7.3 million rubles.

Table 2. Indicators of socio-economic development of the Tomsk region and Russia


as a percentage of the previous year

GRP - Tomsk Region (at basic prices)

GRP - Russia (at market prices)

Industrial products

Tomsk region

Agricultural products

Tomsk region


Tomsk region

Retail turnover

Tomsk region

Consolidated consumer price index

Tomsk region

Real disposable cash income of the population

Tomsk region

Average monthly nominal accrued wages, rubles

Tomsk region

Poverty rate, in%

Tomsk region

The Tomsk region is rich in natural resources, such as oil (82 fields, 1449 million tons), natural gas (632 billion cubic meters), ferrous and non-ferrous metals, brown coal - 74.7 billion tons (the first place in reserves in Russia) , peat (second in terms of reserves in Russia) and groundwater. 12 deposits of metal ores were discovered: iron, titanium, zirconium, scandium, kaolin, copper, etc. The resources and reserves of oil in the bowels of the territory are estimated at 2.5 billion tons, gas - 1.3 trillion cubic meters, brown coal - 75, 7 million tons. The region ranks second in Russia in terms of peat reserves. So far, oil and gas are being produced only on the left bank of the Ob. Potential oil reserves on the Right Bank are from 600 million to 1 billion tons, gas - from 1 to 6 trillion cubic meters. The region is implementing the project "Right Bank" for the exploration and development of oil and gas fields located in the interfluve of the Ob and Yenisei.

The region is home to the Bakcharskoye iron ore deposit, which is one of the largest in the world (57% of all iron ore in Russia), the total volume of reserves is 90 billion tons.Tomsk region has many deposits of raw materials for building materials: clay, sand, limestone, shale , gravel.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe forest fund is 26722.0 thousand hectares, including the area occupied by conifers - 10105.6 thousand hectares. The total stock of wood of the main forest-forming species is 2602.8 million m 3. Forests occupy about 60% of the region's territory. Most of the forest fund is production forests. Half of the exploitable timber reserves are conifers, of which the most valuable are cedar, spruce, fir, pine, and larch.

In the Tomsk region there are 15 zoological reserves, 145 natural monuments, of which 69 are located in the Tomsk region, in particular, Talovskiye Utyos, Siny Utyos, Dyzvezdny Klyuch, Lake Peschanoe, etc.

In the Tomsk Region, there are 18.1 thousand rivers, streams and other watercourses, with a total length of about 95 thousand km, including 1620 rivers with a length of more than 10 km (the total length of these rivers is 57.2 thousand km). The main waterway is the Ob River. The length of the Ob within the region is 1065 km. The duration of the navigation period is 170-180 days.

5. Openness of the region's economy

According to the data of Tomsk customs, the region's foreign trade turnover in January-December 2009 amounted to 942.6 million US dollars, which is 14.7% less than in 2008. Export-import operations were carried out with 69 countries of the world. Countries with the largest volume of trade: USA, China, Germany, Kazakhstan, France, Uzbekistan, Finland, Ukraine, Sweden, Austria. Trade with these countries is $ 895.6 million, or 95% of the volume of export-import operations. Trade turnover with other countries is 46.9 million dollars, or 5% of the volume of export-import operations.

Exports of goods in January-December 2009 amounted to 713 million US dollars, which is 23% less than in the same period last year. The main exports were: chemical products - 80%, timber and wood products - 12.8%, machinery, equipment and vehicles (5.4%). Countries with the highest value of export operations: USA, China, France, Finland, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Finland, Germany, Ukraine, Sweden, Afghanistan.

In the period from January to December, in general, there is a decrease in exports compared to the same period last year. However, there are a number of countries to which exports have increased. Among them are Afghanistan (236% compared to last year), Belgium (170.6%), Vietnam (175.8%), Spain (252.3%), China (270.7%), Slovenia (400%), Czech Republic (254.1%) and Chile (176.1%). Among the CIS countries, a similar trend is observed with Azerbaijan (124.4%), Armenia (147.9%), Tajikistan (130.1%) and Turkmenistan (147.8%).

Imports of goods in January-December 2009 amounted to 229.6 million dollars and increased by 28.5% compared to the same period last year. Countries with the highest value of import operations: Germany, Kazakhstan, France, Austria, China, Italy, USA, Taiwan (China), Republic of Korea, Ukraine. The commodity structure of imports was dominated by: machinery, equipment and vehicles - 56.3%, chemical products, rubber - 37.8%, food products and agricultural raw materials - 2.7%.

The reporting period is characterized by the growth of such import items as food products (by 64.4%), machinery, equipment and vehicles (by 56.3%).

A number of factors contributed to the development of international relations of the Tomsk region in the 1990s. First, Tomsk has become an open city for visiting foreign citizens. Secondly, large Tomsk enterprises, such as the Siberian Chemical Combine and Tomskneftekhim, began to actively use the new opportunity to attract orders and investments from foreign partners. Thirdly, the TEMPUS / TACIS programs contributed to the development of international relations of Tomsk universities: the emergence of joint educational programs with foreign universities, the opening of their representative offices abroad, as well as the creation of research centers in cooperation with foreign companies and research institutes at their base.

In the 2000s. key events for the development of international relations of the Tomsk region were the holding of the VIII Russian-German interstate consultations at the highest level in Tomsk with the participation of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin and the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany A. Merkel in April 2006, as well as the victory of the Tomsk region in the competition for the creation of a special economic zones of technical innovation type. These events led to a sharp increase in interest in the Tomsk region on the part of foreign companies and states. There has been a doubling of the number of foreign delegations annually visiting Tomsk, the number of trips of Tomsk delegations has increased by a third.

The region became a member of the Association of Regional Administrations of Northeast Asia (NEAR), which includes the administrations of the regions of South and North Korea, Japan, China, Mongolia and Russia. The main partners in the West have long been identified - Germany, France, Great Britain, and the USA.

The Tomsk region carries out its international activities under the slogan "The island of intelligence in the ocean of resources". Possessing two competitive advantages - rich natural resources and human capital - the region relies on the development of a knowledge economy, the basis of which is a strong scientific and educational complex.

6. Sectoral economics

In the structure of the economy of the Tomsk region, mining traditionally predominates (53%). The leading industries are mechanical engineering and metalworking, timber and oil. All machine-building and metal-working enterprises are concentrated mainly in Tomsk and partially in Kolpashevo and Seversk. The largest timber mills are Mogochinsky, Ketsky, Asinovsky and Tomsky. Oil production is carried out mainly in the north-west and west of the region, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village. Alexandrovskoe and the river basin. Vasyugan.

The industrial potential of the region is made up of more than 3600 enterprises. One of the world's largest nuclear centers, the Siberian Chemical Combine, operates in the region. The flagship of the petrochemical industry is Tomskneftekhim LLC (first in Russia in the production of polypropylene, the second in the production of high-pressure polyethylene), mechanical engineering - CJSC EleSi, LLC NPF Mikran (50% of Russian radio relay equipment), OJSC Sibelectromotor , JSC "Sibkabel", JSC "NPTs" Polyus "and others.

The region produces 36% of the Russian volume of polypropylene, 25% of methanol, 16% of polyethylene, 11.5% of synthetic resins and plastics. In Russian mechanical engineering, Tomsk enterprises account for the production of 20% of electric motors, 15% of electric lamps, 12% of cables, 7.5% of rolling bearings.

The volume of shipped goods of own production, works and services performed on their own by net types of economic activity in the circle of large and medium-sized enterprises in January-December 2009 amounted to 153.3 billion rubles. (96.1% to the level of 2008), including:

1. Extraction of minerals in the region - 74.8 billion rubles. (91.2% to the level of 2008). Extraction is carried out in 7 municipalities. According to this indicator, the leaders are Kargasoksky (51.4 billion rubles), Parabelsky (10.4 billion rubles) and Aleksandrovsky (10.3 billion rubles) districts. The per capita indicator for the region is 72,000.4 rubles.

In January-December 2009, it was mined:

· Oil 10129.5 thousand tons (or 101.1% to the corresponding level of 2008);

· Natural gas 4304.5 million m 3 (94.9%);

· Gas condensate 430.1 thousand tons (90%);

· Construction non-metallic 1011.6 thousand m 3 (or 67.8% to the corresponding level of 2008);

· Crushed stone and gravel 45.5 thousand m 3 (66.9%).

For January-March 2010 the following was mined:

· Oil 2611.9 thousand tons (or 107.7% to the corresponding level of 2009);

· Natural gas 744 million m 3 (99.6%);

· Gas condensate 94.4 thousand tons (86.6%).

· Minerals, except for fuel and energy materials;

· Construction non-metallic 46.7 thousand m 3 (or 45.5% to the corresponding level of 2009).

2. Manufacturing industries. The turnover of manufacturing organizations in January-December 2009 amounted to 66588.8 million rubles and decreased as compared to January-December 2008 by 2.8%. The leaders are the city of Tomsk (36.9 billion rubles), the Tomsk region (5.5 billion rubles) and the city of Strezhevoy (2.5 billion rubles).

3. Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water - 18.8 billion rubles. (120.5% to the level of 2008).

For January-December 2009:

· Electricity generated - 4835.5 million kWh (or 97% to the level of January-September 2008);

· Heat energy supplied - 11659.1 thousand Gcal (98.7%).

In December 2009, the payment for electricity in apartments without electric stoves 100 kWh amounted to 180.0 rubles (in December 2008 - 143.0 rubles); for electricity in apartments with 100 kWh electric stoves - 126.0 rubles (in September 2008 - 100.0 rubles).

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The gross regional product is calculated at current basic and market prices ( nominal volume of gross regional product), as well as at comparable prices ( real gross regional product).

The indicator of the gross regional product is in its economic content very close to the indicator of the gross domestic product. However, there is a significant difference between the indicators of the gross domestic product (at the federal level) and the gross regional product (at the regional level). The sum of gross regional products in Russia does not coincide with GDP, since it does not include the added value of non-market collective services (defense, public administration, etc.) provided by state institutions to society as a whole.

Starting from the 2004 totals, the gross regional product (GRP) data is published in the main value; previously, the publication of data on GRP was carried out in market prices

Currently, there is an active implementation of the DISPDNS (Two-Tier Integrated Data Preparation System for National Accounts). GRP for 2007 was calculated with the introduction of the DIS of the PDNS, which allowed for additional control of indicators and data collection.

At the moment, the calculation of the GRP of the subject of the Federation is 28 months behind. GRP data for the year appeared on the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service in March 2009.



  • General principles for calculating the gross regional product .. - M .: CIS Statistical Committee, 2004.
  • Improving the methodology for calculating the gross regional product .. - M .: CIS Statistical Committee, 2005.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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