Sberbank financial security service contacts. How to use a bank card correctly

When using the services of a bank, we are interested in its reliability and security of using the services we are interested in. All clients are interested in the safety of their funds in deposits, on accounts, credit and deposit cards, so everyone is interested in how the Sberbank security service ensures the protection of financial transactions conducted through ATMs and online, as well as confidential information of bank customers. For the prompt solution of emerging problems, you need to know the phone number of the security service of Sberbank of Russia.

What is bank security

The list of responsibilities of the security service includes many functions. Checking information potential borrowers, it stops the actions of fraudsters and unscrupulous borrowers. By monitoring the actions of its employees, abuse and deception of customers are stopped. far from complete list its features include:

  • protection of bank branches, collectors, ATM replenishment operations;
  • protection of clients when conducting financial transactions online;
  • prevention of theft from bank cards;
  • break-in barrier banking systems hackers and unauthorized actions in the banking network.


The security service of Sberbank is one of the main structural divisions and is headed by a vice president who is part of the highest governance structure of the institution. He forms a security strategy at all levels, coordinates all actions of departments subordinate to him with the management, organizes contacts with law enforcement agencies, authorities, leaders large enterprises. In his submission are the information and analytical department, the departments of information and internal security of the bank, the department of physical protection.

Department of Homeland Security

The function of this department is to maintain internal security bank and control the actions of subdivisions and specialists of the service at all levels. In case of detection of abuses or violations of the rules of the bank, the implementation of actions that jeopardize or reduce the protection of the functional and information systems of the bank, special investigations are carried out, sources of information leakage are identified and a set of measures is taken to prevent such violations in the future. The department makes recommendations to management on the necessary measures to optimize the work of Sberbank departments.

Information and analytical department

This department collects, analyzes, systematizes and provides information about new technologies and competitors' actions for use by other departments of the bank. Examines changes in the country's legislation and its impact on the strategy of the bank, promotions and special programs. Collects information about customers, partners, individuals, enterprises and firms. Analysis information resources leads to the development of rules of conduct for employees, methods of training personnel, assessment and generalization of criminal and fraudulent schemes.

Information Security Department

Financial resources the largest bank in Russia attract the attention of a large number of scammers, hackers, specialists in thefts in computer and banking networks. Countering them, providing a high level of protection against hacking and viruses of all computers, networks, databases is the main function of this department. Much attention is paid to the receipt, processing and storage of confidential customer information, internal banking documentation, contracts, hard copies of documents.

Department of Physical Protection

This department provides patrol and sentry protection of all buildings, structures, branches of the bank. Its employees perform security during the collection of branches, ATMs, self-service terminals. This division is responsible for hiring, training and ensuring the personal security of bank employees and management. Constant audiovisual monitoring and recording of all events both inside and outside the premises is carried out to identify and counteract possible threats to the bank and customers.

The work of the security service of Sberbank

The quality of the service is manifested in the general information background of Internet sites and print publications. From this follows the conclusion about the reliable functioning of all systems of the bank and the ability of its security services to protect the bank and its customers. Over the entire period of work, a large number of problematic issues have been investigated and methods and procedures for implementing programs for solving problems and combating fraud have been developed. The Bank makes decisions and formalizes all contractual obligations only after the recommendation of this service.

credit fraud

Threats to the interests of the bank in the credit sector are given much attention by the security services. If it is possible for the audited client to delay repayment or not return loan funds, the security service of Sberbank is obliged to inform credit department your concerns. Analysis derived from different sources information provides bank security staff with the opportunity to identify the hidden motives of customers, detect problematic moments when working with collateral, arrests of real estate, create a card file of fraudsters.

Working with debtors

The service has developed a system of measures to work with bad debt. The debtor is informed about the problem and the need to solve it. Employees of the Security Service are searching for possible sources of debt collection in the databases of the traffic police and the Unified State Register of transactions with real estate. When identifying fraudulent activities, falsifying documents, going full information, is transferred to the legal department of the bank to initiate criminal proceedings against the debtor.

Ensuring security when working with ATMs and self-service devices

Sberbank and its security service are taking a set of measures to protect customers when using ATMs and self-service terminals. These devices are located in crowded, well-lit areas. Surveillance cameras and security posts are located in the premises with ATMs. However, given the large flow of people and the possibility of stealing cards, information about them and money from client accounts, Sberbank has developed instructions for using all types of services that are posted in the "Your Safety" section on the bank's website.

Protection against hacking of the bank's information system

The system of receiving and transmitting information of Sberbank distributed throughout Russia creates a lot of opportunities for unauthorized intrusion at its various points. Local servers and information transmission systems are subjected to attacks. The task of the protection system is to constantly monitor external influences and take measures to block them and eliminate the consequences.

What does the security service check when issuing a loan

The security service of Sberbank checks the solvency of the client, his guarantors, the veracity of the information provided and certificates of the client's income. According to passport data, registration, registration in the region of operation of a bank branch, credit history, and the presence of unpaid loans are checked. According to the certificate from the place of work, the enterprise is checked, its ability to regularly pay salaries to employees. To verify the information provided by the borrower about wages, the bank manager makes a call to the specified telephone numbers of the enterprise.

How is customer verification done?

The work of the bank's security service begins with a registration check. Her absence or temporary registration is a stop factor. This is followed by checking the client for signs of fraud, the Bureau's databases credit histories, the availability of loans in other banks, the veracity of the provided personal and property information. According to the income certificate, the employer is checked, its tax debt ability to pay wages to employees on time. When checking the official and unofficial income, a real estate check is added.

When lending to a business, the security service of Sberbank collects information about the operation of the enterprise and its financial condition. Checks not only settlement accounts, payments, creditor and receivables but also the activities of counterparties related to the borrower. At tax inspectors receives information about tax debts and payments to pension and other funds.

Reasons for rejection

A check on the entire range of borrower parameters is designed to identify risk and stop factors. The first group affects the terms of credit. The appearance of the first of the stop factors leads to the end of the check and the denial of the service. The reason for the refusal is a torn passport, the lack of a residence permit or temporary registration in the region in which the loan application is submitted, the provision of deliberately false personal information. Purchased registration in Moscow and other large cities in the "address pits" does not increase your reliability for the bank.

How to contact the security service of Sberbank

If you need a contact, call the security service of Sberbank of Russia 8 800 505-92-65. Use quick options calls within Russia hotline by number 900 and free number 8-800-555-55-50. While abroad, call +7-495-500-55-50. To quickly resolve issues, it is advisable to have a card and passport on hand. In cases where less urgent issues are resolved or it is impossible to call the Sberbank security number, contact the service online support website or use the form feedback.

Phone number

If you have any doubtful moments when using the services of the bank, you should call the hotline. For appeals on the facts of fraud or corrupt actions of bank employees, there is a telephone hotline of the Office intrabank security Sberbank 8-800-555-13-35. Sberbank sends informational SMS messages from number 900. In some regions of Russia, numbers 9000, 9001, 8632, 6470, SBERBANK are used for this purpose.

What numbers does Sberbank call from?

Sberbank hotline phones are not used to send informational SMS to customers. On the Sberbank website in the "Your security" section of the section online services there is a list of all phones from which Sberbank calls customers. At the same time, a bank representative addresses by name and patronymic, does not require the provision or updating of your confidential data. If you are contacted with requests to provide any information, it is worth interrupting communication and calling the hotline to check the need to provide this information.


Through the Internet I was looking for a loan in the amount of 400,000, my credit history is good, but because of the financial burden, banks do not give a loan. A guy from the call center called me, offered to issue a loan through the security service of Sberbank, supposedly I will receive the money the same ...

October 25, 2017, 21:27, question #1791886 Taisiya, Rostov-on-Don

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We arrange a mortgage. The security service of the Savings Bank in Krasnoyarsk require a document for surveying the site, although the law on this document will come into force on January 1, 2018. Also, a home appraisal certificate is valid for 6 months. The bank claims that 3 months. Where...

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Credit in Sberbank through the security service

They offer to use a loan through the security service for a part of the amount is it worth contacting the financial situation such that it is ready for anything but has already burned itself on scammers

The former employer demands compensation 9 months after the dismissal, is this legal?

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What should I do if the bank refuses to issue a salary card?

Good evening! Son pulled out salary card Sberbank. He will receive the remaining cash from the card and block it. But at Sberbank they refused to issue money and forced me to write an application (which the security service should consider within 2 ...

I was denied a job as a contact center specialist in Omsk at the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, referring to the refusal of the security service. How can I find out why? I have not been brought to any criminal or administrative responsibility. Thank you.

Does the bank have the right to block the salary card?

Hello! The bank has a loan with overdue payments for several months. The same bank has a payroll card. The security service of the bank blocked the salary card. Does the bank have the right to take such actions despite the fact that receipts on ...

What should I do if I transferred money to a scammer?

Hello, the problem is that they called me and introduced themselves as the security service of Sberbank, they say that the 900 service does not work, so we call, it seems like scammers are operating and deducted all the money from the card, in short, they chatted like that, she didn’t ...

900 - With mobile phone, the call in Russia is free.

8 800 555-55-50 - for free calls from any phones in Russia.

+7 495 500-55-50 - for calls from anywhere in the world (the cost of a call is according to the tariffs of the telecom operator).

Or call from mobile application Sberbank Online.

  1. If money has been debited from your account in favor of a mobile operator, call the contact center of this company, report fraud and demand a refund.
  2. File a fraud report with any police department.

Let's fight scammers together

The Sberbank cybersecurity service prevents hundreds of cases of Internet fraud every day. There will be less deceived if you help us: write to the address if you have witnessed any fraudulent activity, for example:

  • If you have found a site with dubious financial offers, where scammers hide under the Sberbank brand and mislead consumers;
  • If you received a suspicious SMS message, ostensibly from a bank, about the operation and the requirement to call;
  • If scammers called you and tried to get personal data;
  • If you have received a suspicious email that may contain a virus or a link to the source of the virus;
  • If you know the card numbers used by scammers to steal money;
  • If you have discovered a vulnerability in one of Sberbank's public online services: Sberbank Online, Sberbank Business Online, website website, and others.

Illegal actions of personnel

Have you become aware of the facts of involvement of Sberbank employees in illegal actions?

  • Fraud
  • Corrupt schemes
  • Corporate fraud (insider)

Report this to the hotline of the Department of Intrabank Security of Sberbank.

Also report on illegal activities employees you can.

Reasons for rejection A check on the entire range of borrower parameters is designed to identify risk and stop factors. The first group affects the terms of credit. The appearance of the first of the stop factors leads to the end of the check and the denial of the service. The reason for the refusal is a torn passport, the lack of a residence permit or temporary registration in the region in which the loan application is submitted, the provision of deliberately false personal information. Purchased registration in Moscow and other large cities in the "address pits" does not increase your reliability for the bank. How to contact the security service of Sberbank If you need a contact, call the security service of Sberbank of Russia 8 800 505-92-65. Use quick options for calls in Russia to the hotline at 900 and toll-free number 8-800-555-55-50. While abroad, call +7-495-500-55-50.

All cases: civil and criminal. legal forum

Victor56 7.08.2014 - 18:33 [ show ] 16 Status: Offline Registered: 20.02.14Posts: -5 Somewhere like this ... [^] Savvy 7.08.2014 - 18:34 [ show ] 1 Status: Offline .13Messages: 1752 Quote (panicman @ 08.08.2014 - 01:21) People are even driven to rape over the phone And to madness too (see picture) It's a pity no one cares how much such a security service shakes off citizens. They don’t even put jammers in the zones This message has been edited by Savvy on 7.08.2014 - 18:39 [^] maxel 7.08.2014 - 18:36 [ show ] 0 Status: Offline Yarila Registration: 07/24/12 Posts: 6350 Quote (AlyVit @ 7.08. 2014 - 16:55) Why, you shouldn't have said the code, right? Otherwise, they just called me from there too ...
Ask right away where it rides and what kind of walker it is. The Vologda people called me, I checked the number. They will swear - say that you will write an application for blocking the phone.

Sberbank security contacts

In our banks, especially in the bank security service, there are people who can easily provide any personal information scammers, of course, for a moderate fee .... so a scammer can have your data even when he calls you for the first time ... I will say right away that some wise employees of Sberbank of Russia not only sell information, but they themselves can directly participate in fraud, since all employees can be traced impossible, especially if not one employee is involved, but a whole group of such co-workers. No matter how reliable the words of the bank employee calling you and no matter how convincingly he tells you: 1.

Official website of Sberbank of Russia

How to contact the security service If you are looking for the contacts of the Sberbank security service, then you are unlikely to be able to find them because in the public domain, information is not posted on the network on the official resources of Sberbank. In principle, each client does not have to call the security service with their problems, because there is a bank hotline for this.

Sberbank security service)))

Information and Analytical Department This department collects, analyzes, systematizes and provides information about new technologies and competitors' actions for use by other departments of the bank. He studies changes in the country's legislation and its impact on the bank's strategy, promotions and special programs.

Does everyone get calls from bank security?

  • What is a security service
  • The work of the security service
  • How to contact the security service

What is a security service In fact, a security service is a whole structure that performs a large number of functions. What is included in the powers of this structure:

  • verification of potential borrowers and detection of fraudulent activities;
  • prevention of theft of funds from bank accounts;
  • protection of bank branches and collectors;
  • preventing hacking of information services and remote service systems;
  • online transaction protection.

That is, we can conclude that the security system of any bank is one of the most basic structures to which ordinary bank employees, as well as management, are subordinate.

Sberbank security service calls how many times

Free Sberbank hotline phone, support service

Sberbank hotline works around the clock, where any client of Sberbank can contact and ask a question of interest, to which the specialists of the call center will try to give a complete and exhaustive answer, as well as help solve the problem that has arisen as a result of using the services of Sberbank.

Sberbank hotline

1. Call the hotline

If you have any questions or problems, you can call the Sberbank contact center.

By calling the 24-hour telephone line, you can:

  • find out the balance and recent transactions on your card;
  • get general information on products and services of the bank;
  • consult with a specialist about the products and services you use.

With the help of a contact center specialist, you can:

  • block the card, services " Mobile bank"or" Sberbank Online ";
  • find out detailed information on your cards, deposits, loans, and other bank products;
  • clarify information about your transactions (payments, transfers);
  • get detailed advice on the products and services of the bank;
  • set up security settings on the card for traveling abroad;
  • register your appeals, comments and suggestions on the quality of service in the bank;
  • receive a Client Code* to use the automated system.

For free calls from mobiles in the territory of the Russian Federation in the home region and in intranet roaming. Available to mobile operators MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2, Yota, Motiv.

For free calls from any phone in Russia.

For calls from anywhere in the world (calculation of the cost of a call is carried out according to the tariffs of your telecom operator).

For quality of service surveys to identify and correct possible problems improving service.
The cost of SMS is determined according to tariff plans mobile operator.

2. Send a letter to the Bank with a description of the problem through your personal account

Step 1: Sign in Personal Area Sberbank, in the upper right corner, click on the "Letter" icon.

Step 2: Click on the "Sent Letters" tab and "Create".

Step 3: Select the type of message (mandatory field): consultation, complaint, claim, gratitude, offer, receiving services, etc.

Step 4: Select the topic of the appeal:

  • reflection of the Sberbank card account online,
  • report / statement / receipt for the operation,
  • payment/transfer templates,
  • payment/transfer processing,
  • receiving SMS passwords to confirm the operation,
  • reasons for changing the card/account balance,
  • card/account details,
  • connection disconnection / mobile banking services,
  • reissue/card issue,
  • term of enrollment/limits/commissions,
  • loans,
  • auto payment,
  • other questions
  • informational messages on mobile banking.

Step 5: Choose how you would like to receive a response: phone, in writing.

Step 6: Subject (mandatory field) - The main question you want answered.

Step 7: Message (mandatory field) - you can write up to 2000 characters.

Step 8: After filling in all the fields marked with a red asterisk as required, you must click the button: Submit.

After that, you will see the number, the subject of the letter, the date and time of sending, the status of the letter - this will indicate that your letter and appeal was sent to the Sberbank call center. It remains only to wait for an answer to the phone or to the address Email. The average response time is 5 calendar days. But depending on the complexity of the issue, it can be extended up to 15 days. If your question requires an urgent response, please call the call center at the above number.

Security of Sberbank of Russia

Security at Sberbank of Russia

The security service of Sberbank ensures safe conduct banking operations. Specialists of this profile are constantly studying new threats and risks that arise today. Despite the improved security system, Sberbank of Russia customers should remember a few simple, but very important rules because scammers very often take advantage of people's ignorance.

Sberbank security when working with terminals

Self-service devices can be seen at almost every step, they simplify some operations, but you should be vigilant and not give scammers a chance to use you for their own purposes. Therefore, to avoid trouble, you should pay attention to:

  • Before carrying out the operations you need using an ATM, check the machine for cameras of unknown origin or other devices, and especially pay attention to the slot that accepts the card.
  • When entering a PIN code, for greater security, cover the keypad with your hand. Such a simple manipulation will not allow fraudsters to see your password or record all actions on the camera.
  • Connect the Mobile Bank application exclusively to your phone number.
  • List cash recipients you know personally.

Security Sberbank online

Today, the Internet has become an integral part, because through applications you can pay bills, purchases, mobile communications and much more. In order for each operation to be successful and not to leak confidential information, pay attention to:

  • The source of the Sberbank application, do not download unofficial versions, the original program is posted on the official website.
  • When registering, you must enter your username and password, which comes via SMS message and is used only once.
  • When reading SMS messages, check the details. It is important to remember that bank operators do not have the right to ask one-time password to cancel any operation.
  • In no case should you enter your phone number, passport data in order to confirm the entrance to the Sberbank Internet application.
  • Bank employees do not have the right to ask for CCV and PIN codes of bank cards, since all necessary information about the client is in the database.
  • The bank can conduct SMS surveys regarding the quality of service using the number 9000.
  • When performing an online banking transaction, always check your own details in the SMS that confirms your password.
  • In no case do not follow unfamiliar links, so scammers can infect your device with a virus or get personal information.
  • When installing the Sberbank Online program, a free antivirus for Android phones is additionally installed.
  • If you need to change your mobile phone number, inform the bank.

Mobile Bank application and security

  • In case of loss mobile device on which Sberbank Online or Mobile Bank was installed, the first thing to do is to block the SIM card by contacting the operator for help mobile communications. It is also necessary to contact the Sberbank Contact Center for blocking programs, Sberbank security service phone 8 800 505-92-65. A call to the hotline and consultation of specialists is free of charge.
  • To connect the Mobile Bank service to another mobile phone number, contact the branch representing the bank and go through the necessary procedure, it will take no more than 5 minutes.

Security of e-mail and SMS messages

The security service of the Savings Bank of Russia warns of fraudsters operating through mobile communications and the Internet. Therefore, in no case do not give out personal data to suspicious individuals who present themselves as bank employees and refer to technical problems or other problems in order to find out the information they need. It will also be useful to remember a few nuances:

  • When sending SMS messages to Sberbank customers, the text always indicates the last few digits of the customer's card.
  • If there is a need to contact the bank, the contact phone number is indicated on the reverse side. bank card and not in a text message.
  • The contacts of the security service are divided into numbers intended for incoming calls of bank customers (8-800-5555550; 8-495-500-5550) and short numbers intended for sending SMS messages (9001, 8632, 9000, 6470, SBERBANK).
  • If you have received a suspicious SMS message on your mobile number, contact us without delay. contact center jar.
  • To protect their customers from fraudulent warehouse SMS messages, some mobile operators post numbers on their websites that they can call if they receive a suspicious message.

How to use a bank card correctly

  • To avoid trouble, do not distribute information about the PIN code, if you cannot remember the password, do not write it on the card, but store it separately, do not use the card password when working on the Internet.
  • Do not provide personal data, even when you are called by the so-called representatives of the bank, hotel, trading company.
  • If you need help with banking operations, contact bank representatives or online consultants, but you do not need to accept the help of unknown people.
  • If they are trying to find out personal data about a bank card through the phone or the Internet under various pretexts, do not tell any information and stop talking.

Loan and repayment
Sberbank of Russia always informs its customers about the activities of companies that undertake to repay bank customers' loans, such as mortgages, car loans, and consumer loans. Such companies repay the loan received from the bank for interest on the total loan amount or the balance of the amount that must be returned to the bank under the concluded agreement.

Remember that such firms can refuse to repay the loan at any time, since they do not take responsibility for late payments. In connection with these circumstances, Sberbank of Russia strongly recommends not to enter into transactions with such organizations.

Sberbank services over the phone

Representatives of the bank, when calling the client to provide information, address only by name and patronymic. Bank employees never ask for personal information.