Sogaz about the company. SOGAZ Insurance Group

Insurance Company SOGAZ is a large insurer in Russia, one of the country's systemically important insurance companies.

Like any other insurer, the organization has its own Internet resource, which provides complete information about the organization.

Official website - Home page

SOGAZ insurance company official website allows you to get acquainted with what the insurer is. Disclosure, official information, history, ratings and more are available here.

Of particular interest is the list of services that this insurer offers for registration. The organization allows private clients to insure liability, property, transport, and personnel. A number of industry programs are also available here, as well as reinsurance.

Insurance products

As for transport insurance, SOGAZ offers services related to aviation, motor transport, railway and sea transport, as well as special equipment.

The MTPL policy also deserves attention, the registration of which can be made directly through the company’s official Internet resource.

In turn, registration on the insurer’s website requires filling out a standard form. Login to the system is also possible through the Government Services Portal.


The company's official website also allows you to get a more complete picture of MTPL. This is possible thanks to the proposed description. Here you can find out about the cost of the policy, as well as the factors influencing its size. Information about maximum payout according to the policy, as well as registration of an accident according to the European Protocol.

Here, among other things, information is available for recipients of insurance services.

In addition to the MTPL policy, the SOGAZ insurance company allows you to issue AUTO CASCO. To do this, you will need to leave an application, which is also available through the official website. In such an application, you must select the region of registration of the owner, make and model of the car, indicate specifications. Here you should indicate the amount of the insured amount. Driver parameters and risks are also required to be specified. If necessary, the franchise amount is reported, as well as the existence of a valid contract. Next, the insurance period is indicated and the calculation is made.


After filling out the standard form regarding the AUTO-CASCO policy, you should fill out information about the insured. This is your first and last name, city, phone number and e-mail.

The SOGAZ company also offers its clients the registration of Auto NS, which is insurance of the driver and passengers against accidents when using a vehicle. Registration of such a policy is possible through the official website. In this case, you will need to select insurance conditions, enter data for registration, check the specified data, make payment and receive the policy by email.

Auto NS

A number of other policies relating to real estate, travel, as well as accident and illness insurance are available through the official website.

Policy activation is also available here. To perform the necessary actions, go to the section of the same name, then select the appropriate product and click on the “Activate” button.

The SOGAZ company web resource also allows you to report the occurrence of insured event. In the case of CASCO, you must fill out the proposed form, in which you must indicate the number of the insurance contract, as well as indicate the type of insured. Here you should fill out information about the car and the insurance claim. It is also mandatory to provide contact information.

Report an insured event

You can report the occurrence of an insured event not only under CASCO, but also under compulsory motor liability insurance, as well as travel. In addition, the site offers instructions that will answer the question of what should be done in the event of an insured event.

You can also contact SOGAZ through the web resource. To do this, you will need to fill out a standard form, which requires you to select an insurance option and the subject of your appeal. You should also fill out information about yourself and fill out the “Note” field.

The official Internet resource of the insurer will also come to the aid of those who wish to connect their professional activities with this organization. For getting necessary information You should refer to the section “Career in SOGAZ”.

Activity of the company

SOGAZ Insurance Group unites insurance companies:

  • SOVAG (Germany)
  • SOGAZ a.d.o. Novi Sad (Serbia)
  • LLC "SOGAZ-Medservice"
  • International Medical Center "SOGAZ"

The Group's companies are members of leading trade unions and associations and take an active part in the development of the Russian insurance market.

SOGAZ offers various insurance programs that meet the requirements of both large corporate clients, and small and medium-sized businesses. The Group's regional network includes more than 600 divisions and sales offices throughout the country. The SOGAZ Group works effectively in various areas of business and offers its clients comprehensive solutions that best suit the nature of their activities.

For many years, SOGAZ has been providing protection of property and financial interests largest Russian companies, financial organizations and institutions. SOGAZ Group's clients are leading companies Russian economy, such as Gazprom, Rosatom, Rosneft, Gazprom Neft, Russian Railways, Severstal, Evraz Group, Rostelecom, Sberbank, Gazprombank, regional administrations, federal services and others. Systematic cooperation is being built with the largest industrial corporations and holdings: Rostec State Corporation, UAC, Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation, enterprises of the Federal Space Agency system, AkBars Holding, etc.

SOGAZ acts as an insurer of the largest technically complex projects for the development of offshore fields, construction and operation of gas pipelines, such as Blue Stream, Nord Stream, Dzhubga-Lazarevskoye-Sochi, underwater crossings through the Nevelskoy Strait and through Baydaratskaya Bay and other projects strategic importance for the country's economy. The Group is actively involved in insuring priority national projects and federal targeted investment programs, projects in the development of road infrastructure, healthcare, agriculture and housing construction.

Own capital and cooperation with the world's leading reinsurance companies allow the SOGAZ Group to settle losses, fully fulfilling its obligations to the policyholder. The Group's partners in the international reinsurance market are such leaders of the insurance business as Munich Re, Swiss Re, Hannover Re, SCOR, Lloyds of London. SOGAZ is also successfully developing its own reinsurance activities not only in Russia, but also in promising markets CIS countries, Southeast Asia, India, Latin America, Africa, Middle East.

Standard & Poor’s: “BBB-” (outlook “Stable”);

A. M. Best: “B++” (outlook “Stable”);

Expert RA: A++ (according to the Russian scale, “Exceptionally high level of reliability with positive prospects”, forecast “Stable”) and A+ (according to international scale, “High level of reliability”, forecast “Stable”);

OJSC SOGAZ has certificate of compliance with GOST ISO 9001 requirements–2011 (ISO 9001:2008), confirming the high level of the quality management system. The certificate applies to all key activities for the company.


OJSC SOGAZ, a key member of the SOGAZ Group, was founded in 1993 and is one of the largest federal-level insurers in Russia. In February 1994 the company received a license Federal service for the supervision of the insurance activities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of 15 types of insurance, by 1997 the number of types of insurance licensed by the company increased to 37.
In 1999, SOGAZ carried out one of the largest in the history of modern Russian insurance payments in the amount of 50.5 million US dollars to OJSC Gazprom for the loss of one of the Yamal communications satellites. In 2000, OJSC SOGAZ became the absolute leader in terms of the volume of payments made, which amounted to 2.9 billion rubles.

In 2001, a long-term (accumulative) life insurance program was developed and implemented at the expense of own funds, designed primarily for gas industry workers.

In 2003, the company OJSC Gazprommedstrakh (later renamed SOGAZ-MED) became part of the SOGAZ Group, whose management was tasked with developing mandatory health insurance within the Group. In the same year for the organization medical care clients of the Group, the company Gazprommedservice LLC was formed (later renamed SOGAZ-Medservice). In 2004, a specialized life insurance company IC "SOGAZ-LIFE" was registered. In 2005, the SOGAZ Insurance Group acquired a stake in the authorized capital of LLC SK Neftepolis in the amount of 85% (in 2009 it was renamed SK SOGAZ-AGRO).

In 2006, SOGAZ became an official partner of the Zenit football club.

The SOGAZ Insurance Group includes: SOGAZ JSC, SK LLC VTB Insurance", JSC "VTB Life Insurance", LLC "VTB MS", LLC "MMTS "SOGAZ", LLC "SK SOGAZ-LIFE", JSC Insurance Company "SOGAZ-Med", LLC "SOGAZ-Medservice", "SOGAZ a.d.o. NOVI SAD".

SOGAZ Insurance Group provides more than 100 insurance programs for individuals and enterprises in various fields of activity. The group is trusted with their insurance protection systemically important Russian corporations and their employees.

SOGAZ Insurance Group has a wide regional network, which includes more than 1000 divisions and sales offices throughout Russia - from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to Kaliningrad. This allows us to provide reliable insurance protection for risks throughout Russia and beyond.

Every day, the SOGAZ Insurance Group pays on average more than 290 million rubles as compensation for insured events

The high level of reliability and financial stability of the companies of the SOGAZ Insurance Group has been confirmed by leading international and Russian rating agencies. The Group's solvency ratio is several times higher than standard values. High-quality reinsurance protection of risks, as well as the size of insurance reserves and equity make the SOGAZ Insurance Group one of the most reliable insurers in Russia and guarantee clients the highest level of insurance protection.

More than 1000 divisions and sales offices throughout the country from Kaliningrad to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

SOGAZ Insurance Group is a highly professional team of specialists with experience, knowledge and technologies unique to the market. The Group's companies are members of leading trade unions and associations and take an active part in the development of the Russian insurance market.

Full name: OJSC "Insurance Company of the Gas Industry" (OJSC "SOGAZ")
Registration number according to the unified state register of insurance entities: 1208
Location: 107078, Moscow, Academician Sakharov Avenue, 10
Main state registration number (OGRN): 1027739820921
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN):7736035485
Insurance license: From No. 1208 77 from 08/16/2011
People's rating of the SOGAZ insurance company according to CompareKupi users 2.33
Insurance company fees for comprehensive insurance in the 1st half of 2015, thousand rubles. 3184329
Collections of the insurance company for compulsory motor liability insurance in the 1st half of 2015 thousand rubles. 3483185

Company records


  • The SOGAZ insurance company provided insurance coverage for the construction of the Baltic NPP (Nemansky district of the Kaliningrad region) in the amount of over 207 billion rubles.
  • SOGAZ paid 90.5 million rubles to the heirs of the players of the Lokomotiv hockey club who died in a plane crash in 2011.
  • JSC Admiralty Shipyards, having started the construction of six Project 636 Varshavyanka submarines, insured risks in SOGAZ in the amount of $2 billion.


  • As part of the Federal Space Program of the Russian Federation, SOGAZ took part in insuring the launches of seven spacecraft for a total amount of 12.5 billion rubles.
  • The SOGAZ insurance company provided insurance coverage for test flights of SU-34 fighter-bombers. Each aircraft is insured for 1.25 billion rubles.
  • The leading independent gas producer in Russia, JSC Novatek, has insured its risks and subsidiaries in the insurance company SOGAZ for a total amount of more than 230 billion rubles.


  • The damage in the amount of 300 million rubles caused by the accident at the Achinsk Oil Refinery (ANPZ) was compensated by the SOGAZ Insurance Group.
  • The SOGAZ insurance company settled the loss caused by the destruction of the Yamal-201 satellite in June 2014. Insurance compensation amounted to 16.7 million euros.
  • SOGAZ will provide insurance protection to the production, mining and property complexes of the Severstal Group enterprises. Cars belonging to metallurgists are also insured, railway transport and special equipment. The total liability of SOGAZ is 65.8 billion rubles.


  • SOGAZ took part in the Moscow preferential home insurance program for the first time. The company insures apartments of residents of two capital administrative districts - Central and Eastern.
  • SOGAZ, together with another insurance company, paid ROSCOSMOS 1.9 billion rubles insurance compensation in connection with the death of the Progress spacecraft in April 2015.
  • Payments were made in connection with the collapse of a barracks near Omsk, which killed 24 people and injured another 18 people. Within 2 weeks, about 60 million rubles were paid as insurance compensation.

Prizes and awards


  • In the competition of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the insurance company OJSC SOGAZ was awarded an honorary badge and diploma “For the sustainable development of the organization.”
  • Within the framework of the VI Annual Forum of Top Managers “The Future of the Russian Insurance Market”, OJSC SOGAZ was recognized as the leader in the insurance market for especially dangerous objects.


  • At the forum “The Future of the Russian Insurance Market”, SOGAZ becomes the winner in the “Leader of Property Insurance” nominations legal entities" and "Leader in the auto insurance market."
  • The Vologda branch of the SOGAZ Insurance Group was awarded a diploma in the category “Best Insurance Company” of the city competition “We choose, we are chosen.”


  • The SOGAZ Insurance Group became the laureate of the XII annual National IT-LEADER Award. The prize was awarded to SOGAZ for the scale, significance and quality of projects implemented in the IT sector, including the early completion of the creation of a single centralized database.
  • Within the framework of the VIII annual forum “The Future of the Insurance Market of Russia”, SOGAZ was recognized as the winner in four categories: “Insurance company - leader of the insurance market”, “Leader VHI market", "Leader of the reinsurance market", "Leader of the market for property insurance of legal entities."

Additional information about the company:

Open joint-stock company "Insurance Company of the Gas Industry" (OJSC "SOGAZ"), created in 1995, is the legal successor Joint stock company closed type "European-Asian Insurance Company of the Gas Industry" (SO "SOGAZ"), the founders of which in 1993 were largest enterprises systems of OJSC Gazprom. Within a few recent years The Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC SOGAZ is the Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC Gazprom A.B. Miller.

OJSC SOGAZ began its insurance activities in 1994 after receiving the first license from the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

Based on classic types of insurance, OJSC SOGAZ provides its clients with a wide range of insurance products and programs.

OJSC SOGAZ has a license from the Federal Service insurance supervision for the implementation of 19 types voluntary insurance, 2 types compulsory insurance, incl. OSAGO carried out on the basis of 103 Insurance Rules, a license for reinsurance, a license from the Office of the FSB of Russia for Moscow and the Moscow Region to carry out work related to the use of information constituting state secrets, and a license from the SVR of Russia for activities in the field of information protection.

One of the activities of OJSC SOGAZ is to increase the volume of insurance through the mechanism of participation in competitions for insurance rights, incl. financed by federal and local budget funds. Thus, OJSC SOGAZ participated in competitions in 2003 - 2008: 2003 - 24; 2004 - 68; 2005 - 133, 2006 - 257, 2007 - 507, 2008 - 640.

OJSC "SOGAZ" in its work pays great attention to maintaining financial stability, thanks to which the company received the status of one of the most stable Russian insurers, confirmed by the A++ rating assigned by the Rating Agency "Expert RA" in 2003 "High level of reliability with positive prospects", and in 2008 – with an A++ rating “Exceptionally high level of reliability.” Rating agency In 2008, Fitch Ratings Ltd assigned OJSC SOGAZ an international insurance company financial stability rating (IFS) at the level of "BB" and a national financial stability rating of "AA-(minus) (rus) with a rating outlook of "Stable".

Also in 2008, the Standard & Poor’s rating service assigned long-term ratings to OJSC SOGAZ for obligations in national currencycredit rating counterparty and financial stability rating (both at the “BB” level) and the “ruAA” rating on the Russian scale (the forecast for changes in ratings is “Stable”). In March 2009, the Euro-Register Certification System issued OJSC SOGAZ a Certificate of Conformity, certifying that the quality management system in relation to licensed types of insurance complies with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2001 (ISO 9001:2000).

An important event in 2009 was the decision General meeting shareholders of OJSC SOGAZ on increasing authorized capital by 2.6 times (from RUB 3.08 billion to RUB 8.04 billion) due to retained earnings from previous years, which will further increase financial stability OJSC "SOGAZ".

OJSC SOGAZ, as the parent company, is part of the SOGAZ Insurance Group. In addition to OJSC SOGAZ, the SOGAZ Insurance Group currently includes the insurance companies OJSC SOGAZ-Med (formerly OJSC Gazprommedstrakh), LLC SK SOGAZ-ZHIZN, LLC Insurance Company SOGAZ-Agro ( formerly SK Neftepolis LLC), Insurance Company Sheksna OJSC, MSK Sheksna-M OJSC, Sheksna-Life CJSC, as well as service medical company OJSC Gazprommedservice.

The Group companies have a unified management, common system sales and service, unified regional network, consisting of more than 450 branches and their branches located in more than 70 regions Russian Federation. OJSC SOGAZ alone currently has 46 branches and their 82 branches open and operating, located in 63 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Over the past few years, OJSC SOGAZ has confidently been among the ten leading companies in the ranking of the largest Russian insurance companies in terms of the volume of premiums collected, including:

Based on the results of 2005 (without compulsory medical insurance), OJSC SOGAZ took 3rd place, incl. By personal insurance(except life insurance) - 1st place, for property insurance - 4th place, for liability insurance - 4th place;

Based on the results of 2006 (without compulsory medical insurance), OJSC SOGAZ took 3rd place, incl. for personal insurance (except life insurance) - 1st place, for property insurance - 4th place, for liability insurance - 3rd place;

Based on the results of 2007 (without compulsory medical insurance), OJSC SOGAZ took 3rd place, incl. for personal insurance (except life insurance) - 1st place, for property insurance - 3rd place, for liability insurance - 2nd place;

Based on the results of 2008 (without compulsory medical insurance), OJSC SOGAZ took 2nd place, incl. for personal insurance (except life insurance) - 1st place, for property insurance - 2nd place, for liability insurance - 2nd place;

According to the results of the first half of 2009 (without compulsory medical insurance), OJSC SOGAZ took 2nd place, incl. for personal insurance (except life insurance) - 1st place, for property insurance - 3rd place, for liability insurance - 2nd place.

The clients of OJSC SOGAZ are large corporate organizations and enterprises, including:

State Corporation "Rosatom";

FSUE Concern Rosenergoatom;

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Transport Combine "RUSSIA";

Federal Agency for State Reserves (Rosrezerv);

OJSC Gazprom and its subsidiaries;


OJSC NK "Rosneft" and its subsidiaries;


JSC Russian Railways;

JSC Techsnabexport;

TNK-BP Company;

JSC SPbAtomEnergoProekt, etc.

OJSC SOGAZ is a member and takes an active part in the activities of 12 all-Russian trade unions and associations, such as the Association of Insurers of the Fuel and Energy Complex of the Russian Federation (ASTEC), the All-Russian Union of Insurers (VUS), Russian Association aviation and space insurers (RAAKS), Russian Union auto insurers (RSA), National Union of Liability Insurers (NULI), etc., 16 regional unions and associations, as well as 3 foreign non-profit organizations.

OJSC SOGAZ takes an active part in social activities and holding events in a wide range of areas. Such participation was noted with awards, certificates and letters of gratitude, including:

2003 Certificate of Honor of the All-Russian Union of Insurers in connection with the 10th anniversary of activity on insurance market and for active participation in the development and improvement work national system insurance of Russia;

2005 Honorary diploma “Enterprise of high organization financial activities» for active and effective work in organizing and conducting financial activities in accordance with the state course of financial and economic transformations in the Russian Federation and requirements International standards financial statements(based on the results of work in 2004 - 2005)";

2006 Letter of gratitude from the Publishing House “Information and Investments” for sponsorship of the III International Practical Conference “Risk Management and Insurance in the Fuel and Energy Complex”;

2006 Award “Financial Elite of Russia - 2006” in the nomination “Leaders of Life Insurance in the Russian Federation”;

2007 Diploma of the winner of the competition for suppliers of products, goods, works, services for municipal needs in the section “Insurance services, including medical insurance”;

2007 Diploma of laureate of the national award “Financial Olympus 2007” in the nomination “VHI Insurer” in the category “Result and Success”;

2008 Letter of gratitude for the prompt organization of insurance protection for employees and property of OJSC Gazcom in non-standard life-threatening conditions during the restoration of a gas pipeline damaged during hostilities in the Republic of South Ossetia.

The Company has no tax debts to Federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets(city) and state off-budget funds, the Company's property has not been seized. The Company is not in the process of liquidation; no proceedings have been initiated against the Company to declare it insolvent (bankrupt). OJSC SOGAZ does not have any violations of the law that would result in the suspension or warning of suspension (termination) of the Company’s activities, or the application of other enforcement measures.


Chairman of the board

OJSC "SOGAZ" K.D. Bizhdov