Test "economic sphere of society".

Test test on the topic "Economic sphere of society" for grade 10

Job description: the test is compiled in the USE format for grade 10 students. It is proposed to conduct it after studying the topic "Economics" (Chapter 4 §12 and §13 of the CME under the editorship of Bogolyubov)

Option 1

1. There are several meanings of the concept of "economics". Which position illustrates economics as a science?

1) opening a new supermarket

2) calculation of changes in demand for mobile phones

3) provision of medical services to the population

4) expansion of the network of hairdressing salons

2. The solution to the main issues of the economy is aimed at

1) fight against monopolization of the economy

2) efficient allocation and use of resources

3) an increase in the cost of the main factors of production

4) a decrease in the level of competition in certain industries

3. What condition ensures the effective operation of the market mechanism?

1) increase in taxation 2) a deficit-free state budget

3) free and mutually beneficial exchange 4) use of new technologies

4. The allocation of money from the state budget for the prevention and elimination of the consequences of natural disasters characterizes the economic activity in the field

1) production 2) distribution 3) exchange 4) consumption

5.In country A. the existence of enterprises of various forms of ownership is guaranteed. The success of these enterprises directly depends on the demand of consumers for the manufactured goods. To what type of economic systems can the economy of country Africa be classified?

1) planned 2) command 3) market 4) traditional

6. There are several meanings of the concept of "economics". Which position illustrates the economy as an economy?

1) production of goods and services necessary for society

2) an explanation of the factors affecting the depreciation of the national currency

3) research into the causes of economic stagnation

4) development of promising development models

7. Are the following judgments about a market economy correct?

A. One of the main elements of the market mechanism for regulating the economy is competition.

B. market economy uses the method of central planning of the economy.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both are true 4) both are false

8. There are several meanings of the concept of "economics". Which position illustrates economics as a science?

1) study of models of stock market development

2) provision of educational services to the population

3) development of mobile networks

4) production of a large batch of passenger cars

9. What is characteristic of the traditional market system?

1) subsistence farming

2) free competition

3) developed commodity-money relations

4) shortage of goods and services

10. What is characteristic of a command economy?

1) free pricing

2) perfect (pure) competition

3) the predominance of private property over other types

4) centralized distribution of factors of production

Part B assignments

1. Establish a correspondence between features and types of economic systems


Types of economic systems

A) competition of manufacturers

1) market

B) centralized distribution

2) command

C) directive pricing

D) freedom of entrepreneurship

E) coordination of supply and demand

Part C assignments

1. List any 3 conditions that promote the establishment of economic freedom in a market economy.

Option 2

1. Which of the manifestations characterizes consumption as a sphere of the economy?

1) purchase of furniture on credit

2) attendance at refresher courses

3) introduction of new technology

4) an increase in budget spending on social programs

2. What does the mechanism of market regulation of the economy include?

1) methods of taxation

2) support for producers' profits

3) ensuring a high level of consumption

4) free pricing

3. The task of economics as a science is

2) developing ways to achieve a balanced budget

3) quality management of products manufactured by the enterprise

4) use of machinery and equipment

4. Are the following judgments about the operation of the market mechanism of the economy correct?

A. Market regulation of the economy is aimed at eliminating income inequality.

B. The action of the market mechanism creates conditions for producers to exercise freedom of economic choice.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both are false

5. The economic life of society includes

1) research on the effects of climate change

2) determination of the powers of local self-government bodies

3) the choice of ways to reduce production costs

6. What problem does the state solve more efficiently than the market?

1) redistribution of income

2) stimulating production efficiency

3) regulation of exchange

4) rational distribution of limited resources

7. Which of the manifestations characterizes the distribution as a sphere of the economy?

1) the conclusion of a business transaction

2) attending a youth job fair

3) an increase in government spending on social programs

4) manufacture of equipment for a car salon

8. The market economy involves the participation of the manufacturer in

1) determination of interest rates on loans

2) achieving a balanced state budget

3) the formation of the market price of goods 4) regulation of the activities of monopolies

9. There are different meanings of the concept of "economics". Economics as a science is illustrated

1) production of canned food for pets

2) calculation of the parameters of the country's economic growth

3) provision of educational services

4) stock exchange game on the difference in exchange rates

10.The condition for the success of market regulation of the economy is

1) constant growth in production volumes

2) variety of forms of ownership

3) elimination of consumer income inequality

4) price stability

Part B assignments

1. Find in the list below the distinguishing characteristics of the market regulation of the economy.

1) associated with free pricing

2) promotes income equality

3) carries out by economic methods

4) uses the mechanisms of tax policy

5) based on the law

Part C assignments

1. In country Z, the main sectors of the economy are mass industrial production and the service sector. What additional information will allow you to establish the type of economic system of country Z? Formulate 3 questions for additional information you need


Option 1

Option 2

Part A (1 point each)

Part B (2 points, 1 error - 1 point

Part C (3 points)

Free pricing;

Legislative consolidation of various forms of ownership;

State support of competition and prevention of monopoly;

Development of entrepreneurial and business activity

How are the main issues of the economy solved;

What forms of ownership are predominant, are they equal;

What is the role of the state in the economic life of the country.

Max - 15 points

15-13 points - score "5"

12-10 points - score "4"

9-6 points - score "3"


1. Social studies. The most complete edition of typical options for tasks. Kotova O.A., Liskova T.E. (2014)

2. Social studies. Typical test tasks. Lazebnikova A.Yu. et al. (2014)



Part A.

1. The Russian government provided material assistance to people affected by severe floods. What area of \u200b\u200beconomic activity does this fact illustrate?

A) distribution b) consumption c) exchange d) production.

2. Economic systems differ:

A) the volume of investments in the economy b) the methods of allocating limited resources c) the amount of money supply in circulation d) the level of qualifications of workers

3. The consolidated plan for collecting state revenues and using the funds received to cover all types of its expenses is called:

A) financial plan b) accounting report c) state budget

d) economic calculation.

4. Are the judgments correct:

A. The size of the profit received by the manufacturer is one of the factors of supply growth.

B. An increase in price usually results in an increase in supply.

5. Direct taxes are characterized by the fact that they:

A) levied only from monopolistic enterprises; b) not levied from citizens; c) used only to reduce the state. debt d) are a mandatory fee to the state.

6. The state in a market economy:

A) provides legal protection of private property b) sets prices for essential goods c) centrally allocates resources d) determines the size of the rates and salaries of workers in enterprises.

7. The types of enterprises, allocated depending on the form of ownership, include:

A) production association b) joint stock company c) natural monopoly d) branch of the factory.

8. The market for economic resources includes:

A) labor market b) commodity market c) stock market d) foreign exchange market.

9. State budget expenditures include:

A) the profit of the state. enterprises b)% for state. bonds c) social security contributions d) excise taxes.

10. Are the judgments correct:

A. The main purpose of the Bank of Russia (Central Bank) is to make a profit.

B. The most important task of the Central Bank is to protect and ensure the stability of the ruble.

A) only A. is true b) only B. is true c) both are true d) both are false.

11. An economic indicator expressing the market value of all final goods and services produced in the territory of a given country for the year:

A) GDP b) GNP c) personal income d) national income.

12. The growth in demand for the services of managers reflects the market situation:

A) capital b) labor c) stock d) goods and services.

13. Are the judgments correct:

A. In the process of privatization of state. property becomes private property.

B. Joint stock company is a form of collective ownership.

A) only A. is true b) only B. is true c) both are true d) both are false.

14. A security giving the right to receive dividends is:

A) share b) credit c) certificate d) bill of exchange.

15. What is not typical for the recovery period in the economic cycle:

A) decrease in investment b) decrease in unemployment c) increase in wages

d) an increase in the volume of loans.

Part B.

1. Fill in the missing in the diagram:


Traditional Team Market ______________.

2. Read the text below, each position is numbered.

(1) At the beginning of the 90s in Russia there were only about 10 state. banks that serviced all settlements in the country. (2) According to the official data of the Central Bank, in May 1996. 2568 banks are registered in Russia, including 1556-share and 1012-joint-stock. (3) Despite the rapid growth in the number of commercial banks, it is still far from the formation of an optimal banking system. (4) Experts believe that the Russian banking system lags behind the western one in terms of technical level for decades.

Determine which positions are worn:

A) the actual nature B) the nature of value judgments. Write the answer in the form of a sequence of letters.

3. Establish a correspondence between factors of production and examples. Write the answer in the form of a sequence of letters.

EXAMPLES: 1. lathe 2. coal 3. equipment serviceman 4. company office 5. manager.

FACTORS OF PRODUCTION: A) land B) labor C) capital.

Part C. Tasks

1. List three features of a command economic system.

2. Show the family's sources of income using three examples.

3. Read the text and answer the questions for it.

Should the state regulate the economy?

The growing role of government is a serious reason for the deterioration in the functioning of our economy. Improper implementation of monetary and fiscal policies by the government contributed to aggregate volatility and inflation. Government regulation is the main reason for the decline in productivity growth and the decline in research and development. The expansion of government income redistribution programs has exacerbated the instability of family life, and perhaps caused a drop in the birth rate. Low accumulation and slow growth in fixed assets are a consequence of the tax system, government policies and the expansion of social insurance programs. A. Feldstein

Everyone realizes that the market needs rules to avoid such dangers as monopolies and oligopolies. But for a monopoly, wealth is just as harmful. The state should not give up its redistributive role; it also cannot give the market its role in development. The main challenge is to establish equality, and for this the state, which globalization considers a past stage, is vital. It alone can establish progressive taxation, adequate regulation of privatized public services, support for small and medium-sized companies, greater efficiency in public spending, and significant improvements in education and health care. R. Alfonsin.

3-3. Indicate three negative consequences to which, according to the author of the first text, the state. regulation in market conditions. Based on knowledge from the course of social studies, try to prove the unfoundedness of one of these consequences.

The totality of established relationships in society is called the sphere of social life. There are four main areas: economic, social, spiritual and political. In this article we will get acquainted with the economic sphere of society, we will understand the meaning of the concept of ownership and the peculiarities of interpersonal relations.

The economic sphere of society

The set of ties between people, in which material goods are created or moved, is called the economic sphere of society. It includes the production, exchange, distribution of various goods and services. This requires productive forces - tools, machines, as well as labor (people). During the manufacture of goods, production relations develop between people.

The forces of production and relations together represent the economic realm.

The concept of "economics" originated in ancient Greece. The word consists of two pillars: "eikos" - economy and "nomos" - law, and means - "business according to the law" or "skill of housekeeping."

Man is the main productive force and source of economic initiative. There are two types of human effort:

  • work - performers;
  • entrepreneurship - organizers.

Science plays an important role in labor productivity in modern society. With its help, you can create new or lighten the usual tools.

TOP-4 articleswho read along with this

The concept of ownership

Interpersonal relationships related to the ownership, disposal, movement, use of material goods are called property relations. Initially, such relationships were regulated by tradition and customs, but in modern society they are established on the basis of legal norms.

The peculiarity of property relations is that they presuppose the presence of other social ties. So the owner, manager and user are not one and the same person, but completely different personalities.

Most often, property is the basis of a number of obligations that are recorded in legal relations. There are such forms of ownership: personal, private, collective and state.

Problems of the economic sphere of society

The economic life of society and its development are closely related. Namely:

  • Society constantly produces material goods;

The indicator of well-being is the standard of living of each member of society. It includes the state of human health, environmental conditions, the availability of culture, the cost of living and other indicators. Low labor productivity can be associated with the use of outdated technologies, unskilled personnel. And the more we want to consume goods, the more we need to produce them.

  • Production and division of labor influence the development of social structure;

A qualitative indicator of economic development is the density and size of the population, its state of health and life expectancy. The problem of the economic sphere of society lies in income inequality. In developed countries, the incomes of the wealthy strata of the population are redistributed in favor of the poor through social security (pensions, benefits).

Each country has its own level of poverty. So for developing countries it is $ 1 per person per day; for the CIS and Eastern Europe - $ 4; for developed countries - $ 14.4.

  • The influence of economic relations on state policy;

Most developed countries have opted for market transformations in their economies. At the same time, maintaining competition and combating monopoly, as well as developing a strategy for the country's economic development, remains an important task of the state. Total ratings received: 67.

The study of economic issues in social studies and economics courses at the basic level in high school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Mastering basic knowledge about the economic activity of people, firms and the state, about the Russian economy;

Familiarization with the functioning of the labor market, the sphere of small business and individual labor activity, orientation in the choice of a profession and the trajectory of further education;

Developing students' skills to approach events in public and political life from an economic point of view, critically comprehend information about the economy, state economic policy and develop their own reasoned opinion 1.

Studying economic theory helps to adapt to modern living and working conditions. What are the advantages of an economically literate person in comparison with those who did not have the opportunity to acquire economic knowledge? Having mastered the "rules of the game" operating in the market system, such a person will be able to fully realize his talents and abilities in any chosen field of activity. One who knows the basics of economic theory is able not only to develop new ideas, but also to evaluate possible options, to make effective decisions in conditions of limited resources.

Requirements for the level of training of graduates include the following positions:

Know / understand: the functions of money, the banking system, the reasons for differences in the level of wages, the main types of taxes, organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship, types of securities, factors of economic growth;

To be able to give examples of: factors of production and factor income, public goods, Russian enterprises of various organizational forms, global economic problems;

Describe the operation of the market mechanism, the main forms of wages and labor incentives, inflation, the role of trade unions, the main articles of the Russian state budget, economic growth, globalization of the world economy;

Explain the mutual benefits of voluntary exchange, causes of income inequality, types of inflation, problems of international trade;

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice and everyday life for: obtaining and evaluating economic information, drawing up a family budget, evaluating one's own economic actions as a consumer, family member and citizen 1.

Economics: Science and Economy. Economic systems and property. Measuring Economic Activity

Students should be able to:

Define concepts: needs, goods, factors of production;

Describe the essence of the problem of limited resources;

Describe the main issues of the economy;

Describe the signs of types of economic systems: traditional, command, market;

See the 2004 secondary (complete) general education standard in economics (basic level).

Define gross domestic product;

Define economic growth;

Show the difference between extensive and intensive economic growth.

Key provisions

1) The goods that satisfy the needs can be free and limited. Limited goods are economic, paid goods.

2) For the production of economic benefits, resources are required: labor, land, capital, entrepreneurship. Incomes of owners of factors of production: wages, rent, interest, profit.

3) The main problem of the economy: the needs are unlimited, and the available resources are limited.

4) Three main questions of economics - "What to produce?"<■ Как производить?», «Для кого производить?» -ак­туальны в любом обществе.

5) Depending on how society answers the main questions, a certain type of economic system is formed: traditional, command or market.

6) The presence of “failures” of the market makes it necessary for the state to intervene and form a mixed system.

7) The main indicator of the level of economic development is the gross domestic product (GDP). GDP measures the market value of goods and services and takes into account the final products produced domestically.

8) The level of welfare of citizens is determined by the value of GDP per capita.

9) The country's economy is developing unevenly: after
the acceleration of growth is the decline in business activity.

10) Possible external causes of cycles: world from
coverings, wars, trade agreements - and internal
ranks: government activities, changes in investment
stations and consumption.

Economic growth is a long-term increase in real GDP, both in absolute terms and in per capita terms. Growth can be the result of an increase in the quantity and / or quality of resources (extensive or intensive factors). Scientific and technological progress ensures intensive economic growth.


1. There are several meanings of the concept of "economics". What position
illustrates economics as a science?

1) study of the functioning of the labor market

2) provision of educational services to the population

3) development of mobile networks

4) production of a large batch of new cars

2. Economic theory is

1) the science of housekeeping

2) the science of using scarce resources to meet human needs

3) the ability to preserve and increase capital

4) knowledge about the consequences of scientific and technological progress

3. Economics as a field of knowledge directly studies

1) ways of regulating social conflicts

2) ways to effectively use limited resources

3) social consequences of the scientific and technological revolution

4) ways of optimal management of society

4. Are the following judgments about economics correct?

A. Economics is the science of how to make the best use of limited resources to meet unlimited needs.

B. Economy is an economy used by people to provide life, satisfy needs by creating the necessary goods, conditions and means of subsistence.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong

5. Are the following judgments about economics as a science true?

A. Economics is a social science.

B. Methods for studying economics assume its close relationship with mathematics.


1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong

6. Which of the following is a natural resource?

1) raw materials not included in production

2) machines operating in production

3) skilled workforce

4) fuel in cars on the sidings

7. A number of terms are listed below. All but one
characterize the concept of "indicators of economic growth."

Gross domestic product, national income, GDP per capita, number of taxes, inflation index.

Find and specify a term that refers to another concept.

8. Illustrate with two examples the different manifestations of the impact of the economy on the social sphere (in each case, write down the manifestation first and then the corresponding example).

9. The transfer of enterprises from the hands of private entrepreneurs to state ownership is the essence

1) nationalization

2) inflation

3) privatization

4) denationalization

10. Transfer of enterprises from the hands of the state to private ownership
ness is the essence

1) nationalization

2) inflation

3) privatization

4) denominations

11. Which of the listed securities represents the corporation
tive form of ownership?

1) bond

2) insurance policy

4) banknote


12. The owner of the company decided to give the retiring employee
nickname car. This example primarily illustrates the right
in the owner

1) dispose of property

2) use the property

3) own property

4) inherit property

13. Distribute the following as follows: three
the first positions should represent the forms of private
ness, the next three - state. Numbers in each
For the next three, write in ascending order.

1) Family farm

2) Armed Forces of the country

3) Agricultural cooperative

4) An apartment privatized by a citizen

5) Property of the country's diplomatic missions abroad

6) National Park

14. A necessary feature of a market economy is

1) free pricing

2) use of resource-saving technologies

3) high quality products

4) foreign economic activity of the state

15. A market economy is characterized by

1) the predominance of state-owned enterprises

2) the independence of enterprises in matters of production

3) government pricing

4) the predominance of energy-intensive technologies in industry

16. The market economy differs from the command economy in that it has

1) the question of what and how to produce, manufacturers of re
play on their own

2) employees at the enterprise are paid an increase
- naya salary

3) state plans are adopted that are binding on manufacturers

4) there is a division of labor between workers, enterprises, industries


17. Are the following judgments about a market economy correct?

A. Competition in a market economy is incompatible with monopoly.

B. The task of the state in a market economy is to eliminate competition by legal means.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong

18. To the objective conditions of the functioning of the market economy
miki can be attributed

1) economic independence of entrepreneurs

2) public ownership of factors of production

3) the prevalence of universal labor.

4) direct links between production and consumption

19. The traditional economic system is based on

1) free allocation of resources /

2) directive pricing

3) allocation of resources by the state

4) use of resources in accordance with custom

20. The market necessarily assumes

1) competition from independent manufacturers

2) state regulation of production activities

3) the presence of a significant sector of state ownership

4) complete absence of government intervention in the economy

What are the characteristics of a market economy?

1) private ownership of the means of production

2) equalizing distribution of manufactured products

3) state regulation of pricing

4) centralized production planning


22. In country A, the existence of enterprises of various
new forms of ownership. The success of these enterprises is 1 ¥ attributable to
depends on consumer demand for the manufactured product. K ka
the type of economic systems can be attributed to the economy of country A?

1) planned

2) command

3) market

4) traditional

23. Write down the word missing in the diagram.


A) variety of forms

B) control over production by the state

B) control over distribution
from the state

D) centralized pricing E) economic independence of commodity producers

Write down the selected letters in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form (without spaces and other symbols).



26. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

“There are three main ^ ______ (1) in the modern economy:

producers of an economic product, its consumers and ______

___ (2). There is a very intense __________ between them (3)

goods, services, money, information. Gosu
donation provides a certain orderliness of economic
processes, their legal _____ (4), protection of rights and interests from
effective participants in economic relations. At the same time, the state
donation acts as a very large ________ (5) goods, services,

information. At the same time, the state is ________ (6), it

purchases from manufacturers military equipment for the army, food for government stocks, computer equipment for government agencies and institutions. "

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used one time.

Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

A) manufacturer B) exchange

D) state

D) proposal

E) subject

G) regulation

I) consumer

The table below shows the pass numbers. Write under each number the letter corresponding to the word you have chosen. Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet.

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"Economic sphere of life of society"

Based on the materials of the Educational portal "I RESHU OGE"


1. Before the New Year holidays, the number of traders in sweets, toys, souvenirs, and Christmas tree decorations increases sharply. This is the result

3) customer demand

4) competition

2. In country Z there is commodity production and money circulation. What additional information would lead to the conclusion that the economy of country Z is market-oriented?

1) The state sets the amount of wages for employees.

2) The Ministry of Finance decides how to use the received profit.

3) Minor employees are provided with preferential working conditions.

4) The manufacturer independently determines what and how much to produce.

3. The economic sphere of society includes the relationship between

1) several nationalities living in one country

2) participants in exchange trading

3) teacher and students

4) former spouses

4. In market conditions, prices for goods

1) are determined by supply and demand

2) established by the state

3) determined by the central bank

4) installed by large manufacturers

5. The way of organizing economic life, mechanisms and principles of allocating limited resources to meet the needs of people are called

1) production costs

2) the state budget

3) economic system

4) economic growth

6. Many citizens tend to celebrate New Year's holidays outside the city, in rest houses, boarding houses. Even in the fall, many of them book tickets. What economic phenomenon is manifested in this fact?

2) inflation

3) profit

4) offer

7. Are the following judgments about money correct?

A. The price of a bun is 12 rubles. This fact reveals such a function of money as a medium of exchange.

B. The main feature of money is its absolute illiquidity.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong

8. The firm raised the prices of its televisions, as in order to improve their

Quality she purchased and used new technological lines. This situation directly illustrates

1) technical progress

2) rising inflation

3) falling demand

4) monopolization of the economy

9. Several firms-manufacturers of household appliances to attract buyers at the same time announced price reductions and various gift promotions. What

economic phenomenon manifested in the actions of firms?

1) competition

3) scarcity

4) inflation

10. An increase in the number of entrepreneurs specialized in the installation and

maintenance of split systems and air conditioners, led to a decrease in the cost of services. This is the result

1) state regulation

2) price collusion of manufacturers

3) technical progress

4) competition

11. In Germany in the 20s of the XX century, the prices of goods increased almost every day. This fact serves as a direct manifestation

1) the crisis of the command economy

2) growth in effective demand

3) commodity shortage

4) monetary inflation

12. Are the following judgments about regulatory mechanisms in the market correct?

A. One of the main regulators of the market economy is the ratio of supply and demand.

B. In market conditions, the price of a product is influenced by its quality.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are true

4) both judgments are wrong



5-7 - satisfactory

8-9 - good

10-12 - excellent

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