Learn about legal debt by last name. Obtaining information from the database of bailiffs

federal Service bailiffs The Russian Federation (FSSP of Russia) has recently developed a special online data service where anyone can check whether he is a debtor to any organization or individual.

This check is especially relevant before traveling abroad. To prevent this from happening, when registering for a flight, a citizen suddenly finds out that he cannot leave the country due to the fact that he is listed in the database for any enforcement proceedings.

On the official website of the FSSP in the service of the bailiffs, there are data on enforcement proceedings, where everyone can check the presence or absence of debts.

Learn about debt through the database

To check the presence or absence of debt, you need to go to the official fssprus website, find the section " Information Systems”, in the tab that opens, find the “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings”.

  • search by last name;
  • search for legal entities by TIN and OGRN;
  • search for individual entrepreneurs by TNN and OGRNIP.

By last name

A client of any credit institution, in order to avoid financial liability for late payment, can find out if he has any delays on previously received loans.

Since all enforcement proceedings, including financial obligations, are published on the website of the federal bailiff service, find out information about the start of enforcement proceedings against any individual won't be difficult.

To monitor outstanding debts, information about the debt is used, where you can find out about the problem by full name. To do this, a citizen clicks on the search tab, enters his data and clicks on "Find".

Entering data

We collect the code from the picture

We get the result

In addition to arrears or fines, the FSSP database contains a list of loan debtors. By last name and initials, the user will be able to find information about the debt or make sure that he has no problems with loans.

If a citizen has any outstanding debt, information about it appears. A tab also opens, by clicking on which you can immediately pay it off online.

Database payment methods

If the citizen does not have any debt, he will receive a notification of its absence.

Consequences of non-payment

According to Civil Code, upon receipt of any loan, a citizen signs an obligation not only to repay the body of the loan on time, but also to pay remuneration to the financial organization for the funds provided in the form of interest on the loan.

Violation of the terms of loan repayment according to the law leads to accrual of up to judicial order fines and penalties for late payments. If the client is still in no hurry to solve the problem, the bank turns to the judicial authorities to protect its interests.

Most often, the bank tries on its own to recover the delay from the borrower and resorts to legal action in the event that the deadline is approaching limitation period, and the client does not enter into any negotiations and does not try to restructure the debt.

The result of the proceedings is the receipt by the bank legal grounds for the following steps:

  1. The beginning of debt collection with the participation of bailiffs.
  2. Debt on a loan from bailiffs.
  3. Entering the debtor into the database of enforcement proceedings.
  4. Taking a share from wages.
  5. If the apartment is not the only housing of the borrower - the seizure of real estate.
  6. Restriction on travel abroad.
  7. Ban on registration actions.

In extreme cases, if a person submitted false documents to obtain a loan or did not pay maliciously, criminal liability may follow in the form of detention under article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The beginning of enforcement proceedings, the seizure of the debtor's property and its confiscation is the final stage and the last opportunity to collect the debt. After the bailiffs have seized things, a ban is imposed on any manipulation with them.

The fact that the court made a decision to seize the property, the debtor is notified in writing, giving him the last opportunity within five days to eliminate the violations and return the funds.

If the offender has not paid the debt, the bailiff makes a decision on the search for property that is subject to arrest. The seizure procedure consists in conducting an inventory of the things to be seized with a prohibition on disposal, and in some cases, restrictions on use or seizure.

You can view information on this process on the FSSP website by entering your data.

The sale of seized property is used for the purposes of enforcement debt is regulated. The site of bailiffs publishes a list of seized property received for auction.

For the auction, the authorities local government form a commission of representatives of the authorities, tax authorities and independent experts. This commission considers all applications, but only those entities that have paid a deposit and duly executed all documents will be allowed to participate in the auction.

Conducting auctions through the Federal Property Management Agency

In addition to the sale of seized property through an auction, there is alternative way implementation - through the Federal Property Management Agency. To do this, the bailiff sends a notice of the presence of property to be sold.

Within five days, the Federal Property Management Agency must resolve the issue of the implementation procedure:

  • will implement independently;
  • entrust the sale to organizations authorized to deal with the sale of confiscated goods.

Publication of information about the auction in mass media is obligatory. In addition, the website of the bailiffs and the Federal Property Management Agency informs that the auction will be held.

According to Federal Law No. 229, the sale period is set at two months from the moment when the confiscation was put up for sale. The implementation is considered completed only if all the proceeds have been credited to the account of the FSSP.

Selling at auction or bidding through the Federal Property Management Agency have much in common, but there are some differences:


If a person is not able to repay the loan on time, it would be best for him to notify the lender about this. Many organizations go to meet the client if he himself came with his problem, and did not hide and accumulate debts.

If the debtor's problems are of a short-term nature, the bank may offer short credit holidays, but if the changes in the borrower's solvency have undergone serious changes, then reworking the payment terms will be required, for example, changing the payment schedule.

Such a restructuring will reduce the amount of the monthly payment to what is affordable for the consumer, but in this case, the duration of credit obligations and the cost of the loan will increase.

The presence of already overdue debt significantly reduces the borrower's chances of bank approval of the restructuring. Therefore, until restructuring or credit holidays are approved, it is necessary to try to avoid situations when he is forced to delay current payments so as not to get into the database of bailiffs in the section of enforcement proceedings.

If the client nevertheless admits that there is a problem and the debt is with the bailiffs, in this case the borrower has one way out - to try to pay it off as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about the topic of the article, ask them in the comments or the duty lawyer of the site. Also call the numbers listed. We will definitely answer and help.



  • is the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP). Activity regulated by presidential decrees, acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Justice, judicial authorities and Federal laws. , which cannot be levied Completion or suspension of proceedings Payment of debt Frequent causes of debt Conclusion In particular, Federal Law 229, which entered into force on October 2, 2007, regulates: the conditions for initiating proceedings (a set of measures aimed at forcing the defendant to comply with the requirement of the law ; types of documents that give the right to an official of the SSP to carry out coercive actions and measures; formalization requirements; deadlines for presentation; reasons for suspending or completing enforcement actions; rights and obligations of the parties, officials SSP; collection process (seizure of property, seizure, sale, freezing of accounts, withholding from income; rules for notifying the parties about the beginning and progress of enforcement proceedings; appointment and amount of the fee for the defendant’s evasion from the execution of the decision; terms, procedure for filing, form of complaint against the actions of the bailiff Basic provisions The main provisions of Federal Law 229 are indicated in chapter 1. Article 5 of the law defines the SSP as the body entrusted with the enforcement of court decisions, acts of state structures. on the principles (Article 4: humanity (respect for the personality of a person; reasonableness (the debtor cannot be deprived of the latter); timely execution of enforcement actions; compliance with the law. According to Article 6, the requirements of the bailiff are subject to mandatory execution by all citizens Russian Federation and local governments. Otherwise, offenders may be prosecuted. Officials will have the right to apply coercive measures, the list of which is specified in chapter 7 of Federal Law 229. The law obliges the FSSP to create and maintain a data bank (6. 1 of the Federal Law. Information on open production(date, number, claimant, debtor, claim, amount, should be publicly available. At the moment, the information is publicly available on the official website of the SSP. Initiation of enforcement proceedings To start the mechanism of enforcement proceedings, the recoverer should contact the SSP at the location of the defendant or his property , write a statement, attach an executive document (30 FZ. An executive document is an official paper, on the basis of which, the bailiff has the right to begin enforcement measures. Chapter 2 defines the rules for registration, types of such documents. Article 12 indicates 11 types of documents. In particular, these include: writ of execution issued by the court of first instance, the arbitration body, after the entry into force of decisions, acts; court orders; maintenance agreements, copies certified by a notary; certificates of the labor commission; acts of the Pension Fund and the Fund social insurance; acts, resolutions of other state bodies, officials (traffic police, tax. The collector can send documents through the court office. In this case, you do not need to write an application (30 clause 5 of the Federal Law. Documents received by the FSSP are transferred within three days to an official who will In three days, the bailiff must study the documentation and make a decision. Whether to initiate a case or not. Refusal is possible for the reasons given in Article 31: the address of the SSP is incorrectly determined; there is no application, the signature of the recoverer; the petition for initiation is written indistinctly, with errors, without specifying the details of the court that issued the decision; executive document does not meet the requirements of Art. 13; the time allotted by law for filing the document has expired. An official issues a decision on the initiation of proceedings, and informs all parties about it. The document is drawn up in accordance with the instructions of Art. 14 FZ. It should contain: details of the SSP; Full name, position of the bailiff who opened the case; the date of the decision; production number; causes of arousal; solution; appeal procedure. But most importantly, the decision determines the time for the defendant to independently, without coercion, fulfill the requirement of the court. If he does not do this voluntarily within the prescribed period, the bailiff will appoint an enforcement fee and begin to take coercive actions and measures regulated by Chapter 7 of the Federal Law. Enforcement Measures The main instruments used by the SSP are enforcement measures and actions. Measures are the actions that an official takes. As a result, the requirements of the court or state body are enforced. According to Art. 68 FZ these include: foreclosure on income, accounts of the defendant; arrest, seizure of property; forced eviction; deprivation of property rights, re-registration to a claimant. The bailiff has the right to apply executive measures subject to two conditions: Proceedings have been initiated. The time given to the defendant for the voluntary execution of the decision has expired. Enforcement actions - measures, by carrying out which the claimant will create conditions that will force the defendant to satisfy the court's request and make it possible to apply enforcement measures (64 clause 1 of the Federal Law. Executive actions are: request, obtaining personal information about the defendant and financial condition; search for a citizen, his property; restriction of the right to drive a vehicle; temporary ban on leaving the country. Departure restriction The debtor will temporarily not be able to leave the country if proceedings are opened against him (67 FZ on: maintenance debt, compensation for moral, property damage, harm to health in the amount of more than 10 thousand rubles; unfulfilled non-property requirement; outstanding debt in the amount of more than 30 thousand rubles If the money is not paid within two months after the expiration of the period given for the voluntary fulfillment of the requirement, the person will not be able to leave the country already with a debt of 10 thousand rubles (67 clause 2 of the Federal Law. Inventory and arrest of property The arrest of property should be understood as the deprivation of the debtor of the right to dispose or use it (FZ 80. The right to dispose means that the property remains with the owner. However, the debtor will not be able to sell, donate or in any other way change the legal fate of the arrested property. This option of arrest is applied, as an interim measure.It can be imposed immediately upon initiation of proceedings, without waiting for the expiration of the period given for voluntary execution. judgment(80 clause 1 of the Federal Law. When depriving the debtor of the right to use property, the arrested property is confiscated from the owner, transferred for storage. Subsequently, it is sold at auction or transferred to the recoverer. In this case, the arrest occurs in the presence of two witnesses, an act is drawn up, an inventory of property is drawn up. Procedures seizures, inventories, appraisals, transfers for storage and sale are regulated by Articles 84, 85, 86, 87 and Chapter 9 of the Federal Law, respectively. Federal Law According to Article 69 of Federal Law 229, first of all, the arrest is imposed on the debtor's money and accounts.And only when it turns out that they are insufficient to pay off the debt, the bailiff has the right to seize the property (69 clause 3. In addition, the value of the seized property must be commensurate with the requirements (69 clause 2 of the Federal Law. An official, for example, is not entitled to seize a car for an unpaid fine in the traffic police. But to impose a ban on the right of the debtor to dispose of completely. Restriction on registration actions A person who refuses to voluntarily fulfill the requirement of a writ of execution will not be able to sell, donate, or inherit the seized property. The bailiff will send a notice of seizure to the advising authorities, providing a guarantee of the execution of a court decision or act of a state body. Incomes that cannot be foreclosed The debtor's cash receipts, which the bailiff is not entitled to foreclose, are defined in Section 101 of the Federal Law. In total, the law lists 21 types of income that are not subject to withholding. These include: compensation for harm to health, loss of a breadwinner; compensation to persons affected by radiation, man-made accidents; medication allowance; social payments for burial. Termination or suspension of proceedings Art. 40 of the Federal Law lists the grounds on which the bailiff must fully or partially suspend the implementation of enforcement actions. These include: the death of the debtor, recognition as missing; loss of legal capacity; passing the bankruptcy procedure by the defaulter; adjudication statement of claim on granting a deferral, installment payment of the enforcement fee; long-term inpatient treatment; petition of a debtor who is in military service. Completion of enforcement proceedings occurs when the reasons specified in Art. 46, 47 FZ. For example, if the bailiff finds out that the debtor has nothing to collect and seize, the case will be closed, in accordance with Art. 46 p. 4. The document will be returned to the claimant. However, after six months, he has the right to re-initiate proceedings. At the same time, the term of the executive document will begin to be calculated anew. The proceedings will be completed if: the debtor satisfies the judgment; the court will require the return of the writ of execution; recognition of the debtor as financially insolvent; The judgment has expired. Payment of the debt The law gives 2 months. for enforcement actions (36 FZ. During this period, the official must collect the debt, force him to fulfill the requirement imposed by law. If a different time interval is indicated in the court decision, the official is obliged to comply with it. The Federal Law provides for a period for the voluntary execution of the court decision by the debtor ( no more than 5 days... At the end, in case of failure to comply with the decision, the bailiff, in accordance with Article 112 of the Federal Law, will impose a monetary penalty on the violator (7%, but not less than 1 thousand rubles.) Frequent causes of debt Statistics show, most often the basis to start production are credit debts.According to VTsIOM in 2018, 57% of Russian citizens had outstanding debts to financial institutions. Over the past eight years, this figure has doubled, according to experts from the polling research institute. The second most common reason is child support debts. According to the FSPP, in 2018 the number of alimony non-payers increased by 60% and amounted to more than 800 thousand people. The total amount of alimony arrears is considerable - 100 billion rubles. Russian traffic police drivers owe almost five times less. In 2017, the debt of motorists for fines reached 21.6 billion rubles. Conclusion Federal Law 229 has been amended many times since its publication. This was done three times in 2018 alone. The latter will come into force on July 31, 2018. They will touch Art. 6.1. and Art. 13. Deadlines for sending information to the State Information System will be established. The requirements for executive documents have been changed. If you have any questions about the topic of the article, ask them in the comments or the duty lawyer of the site. Also call the numbers listed. We will definitely answer and help. "> Enforcement Proceedings
  • - This legal paper drawn up in accordance with the requirements specified in Art. 13 FZ-229, containing information about the claimant's claim and the order to the bailiff to start recovery. CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE: Concepts and types of executive documents Writ of execution Court order Alimony agreement certified by a notary Certification of the labor commission Acts of regulatory authorities Resolution of the bailiff Executive inscription of the notary What other executive documents are there and what unites them? What should be contained in the document On the basis of the document, the bailiff initiates enforcement proceedings and proceeds to take a number of measures and actions against the debtor. Concepts and types of executive documents Types of executive documents are regulated by Article 12 229 - FZ. These include: Judicial acts, including those on administrative violations, court orders issued on their basis, writ of execution. A notarized contract (an agreement or a copy on the payment of alimony, between the person who is obliged to pay them and the one who has the right to receive maintenance support. Certification of the decision of the commission on labor disputes. Acts of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the FSS on the recovery of funds from the debtor - individual Entrepreneur Decree of a bailiff service Executive inscription of a notary Public acts of tax, customs and other regulatory authorities with the obligatory attachment of documents, where marks of banking, credit organizations in which the debtor has an account, indicating fully or partially withheld funds. Writ of execution (IL - issued on the basis of a judicial act or order, which the plaintiff (the recoverer receives after the entry into force of the court decision. As a rule, this period is no more than 10 days. This is the time allotted by law for appealing the court decision. In some cases requiring immediate execution, the IL is issued immediately after the decision is made (FZ 138 Code of Civil Procedure 428. You can present the IL within 3 years from the date of receipt (Article 21 clause 1 No. 229, for administrative violations, the presentation period is 2 years (21 clause 1 No. 229. The recoverer can restore the time missed for presentation by submitting an appropriate application to the court the authority that initially issued it, indicating a good reason for the pass and confirming it with documents (GPK 432, 23 FZ-229. In case of loss of IL, the recoverer can apply to the court for a duplicate. The court will accept the petition for consideration if the deadline for presentation has not yet expired (Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation 430 paragraph 1. Within 10 days, the application will be considered and a decision will be made. Everyone is notified of the time and place of the event parties concerned. Failure to appear will not be a reason to consider the decision taken illegal. During the trial, the evidence and circumstances of the loss of the document are considered. The refusal of the court to issue a duplicate can be appealed within the time period established by law (430 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, paragraph 4. It should be noted that the IL is not an enforcement document if issued before the entry into force of the court decision (FZ 138 Code of Civil Procedure, Article 428, paragraph 4. If it is drawn up with errors and inaccuracies, for example, the debtor's passport details are incorrectly indicated, one of the parties may apply to the court to invalidate the conclusion, which will entail the suspension of the enforcement case until a decision is made on this issue. the value of the property claimed for collection is not more than 500 thousand rubles.The court order is an ID. (Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation 121. The collector can independently apply to the bank, credit organization with a statement to withhold funds from the debtor's accounts and transfer them to the current account using the specified details (Article 8, paragraph 1 No. If the court order is related to periodic payments, then presentation is possible during the entire period during which payments must be made.For example, an order received, with a requirement to withhold funds for alimony, will be valid until the child is 18 years old and for another 3 years after that Alimony agreement certified by a notary An agreement concluded in writing, in an appropriate way, between the person paying the alimony and the person entitled to receive them, is an executive document if notarized. , the contract is concluded by a legal representative.Agreement on alimony is a voluntary agreement of both parties, which specifies the amount of the amount to be paid, the terms and method of payment (99 of the RF IC. The law provides for the possibility of replacing money with property, changing, terminating with the mutual consent of the parties. The contract can also be terminated in court if the interests of a minor or incapacitated adult child are infringed (102.103 of the RF IC. An agreement signed by both participants, but not notarized is not an executive document and cannot be presented to initiate enforcement proceedings. Certification of the labor commission In case of questions related to the recovery of wages, payment of overtime, compensation travel expenses an employee, if it is impossible to independently resolve the conflict situation, applies for permission to the labor dispute commission, which is created on their own initiative by the members of the team of the enterprise, organization (Article 384 of the Labor Code. The decision taken by the commission comes into force after 10 days, unless it is appealed by the management, and must be satisfied within the next three days after that.If, after the expiration of the statutory time (13 days), the requirement is not met, the employee should receive a certificate from the labor commission within one month, in order to then defend his rights with the help of a bailiff. apply within 3 months from the date of receipt of the certificate (389 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Violated deadlines for obtaining a document or contacting the bailiff can be restored by the labor commission at the request of the employee indicating a good reason for the absence. Acts of regulatory authorities In case of non-payment individual entrepreneur tax collection, fines for late delivery reporting and penalties Pension Fund(PFR and the Social Insurance Fund (FSS draws up an appropriate act on the forced collection of funds from a person engaged in entrepreneurial activity, and sends him to the bailiff service. Moreover, if an entrepreneur can carry out activities without opening a current account, then in order to initiate enforcement proceedings, it is not required to apply marks of credit and banking organizations. At the same time, if the acts are drawn up by other regulatory authorities (tax, customs or other authorities listed in Chapter 23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses in without fail attached to the acts. Resolution of the bailiff In some cases, the bailiff initiates the initiation of enforcement proceedings on his own. For example, after a change in the circumstances as a result of which the proceedings were suspended (end of military service, discharge of the debtor from the hospital or other reasons specified in Article 40. In the event of termination of proceedings for the recovery of alimony under Article 43, part 2, clause 9 No. 229 , the decision is issued by the bailiff to reimburse the debtor for performing expenses. loan agreement, except for microfinance organizations, if it contains an additional agreement on the possibility of collecting money by the notary's executive signature, in case of violation of the conditions of one of the parties (Fundamentals of the Law on Notaries of the Russian Federation, Article 90. The notary puts the inscription itself on a copy of the document that establishes the debt, on the original makes a note (Article 89 Law on Notaries. Within three days, a notice is sent to the debtor. An executive inscription is placed at the request of the recoverer when all documents and a copy of the notification are provided to the notary, confirming the sending of data to the debtor at least 14 days before contacting the notary. within three years from the date of receipt of the ID and one year, if the debtor is not a civilian, it can be presented for enforcement measures and actions by the bailiff.What other executive documents are there and what unites them?Final documents do not always have a property character and entail collection of funds or seizure of property. In a number of cases, they are associated with the reinstatement of an illegally dismissed employee at work, the move-in of the plaintiff, the transfer of the child to one of the parents, the demolition of an unauthorized building. But at its core, all executive documents have one general characteristics: they contain a requirement instructing the bailiff to apply coercive measures and actions to the defendant indicated in the document. At the heart of the characteristics of the concept of ID is a forced way of executing what is contained in the requirement. Therefore, warnings, rulings on the imposition of a fine paid on the spot, on administrative arrest or deprivation of a special right (the right to drive a vehicle do not fall under the definition of the document, since they do not order the official to take coercive measures. What should be contained in the document that the ID be drawn up in accordance with the established rules, where the data are clearly stated: the name and address of the authority that issued it; the position and full name of the official; data on the case materials on the basis of which it was issued; the date of entry into force ; information about the recoverer and the debtor; details on which the recoverable cash; the requirement itself; other information, according to Art. 13 FZ 229. The document is signed by officials and certified by a seal, in the case of a judicial act - a stamp. The bailiff may not open enforcement proceedings if the ID is issued with errors and inaccuracies, as this may make it difficult to fulfill this requirement. For example, if the debtor's surname is written illegibly or the details for the transfer are not indicated. It should be noted that the bailiff is a person acting only on the basis of a document and within the framework of the law. If the debtor or the recoverer disagrees with the amount specified in the demand, the authorities that issued the ID should be contacted. The bailiff can only change the amount performance fee, reducing it at its discretion to 1 thousand rubles. "> Executive documents
  • in the database FSSP data information is available, all databases are updated weekly. Bailiff service - find out the debt CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE: Enforcement proceedings By last name and first name Check by number By order Official website of bailiffs Base of enforcement proceedings of bailiffs bailiffs may limit some of the rights of the debtor until he repays the existing debt. Therefore, if you are going abroad, want to get a loan from a bank, sell a car or make another financial transaction, it would be useful to find out about problems with bailiffs, so that later you do not face bailiffs blocking your travel abroad or selling your personal car. Checking your debts is a mandatory procedure if you plan to: go abroad, it doesn't matter - for a week on a tourist trip or for permanent residence; take a loan from a bank; sell a car or property; enter into a financial transaction. Even if you do not plan any of the above actions, it is better to periodically check your debts to insure against unpleasant consequences. Enforcement proceedings After the court has ruled in favor of the plaintiff, he receives a writ of execution: a document that obliges the defendant to comply with the court decision, and the bailiffs to open an IP. The case may be opened if the debtor does not pay: communal payments; alimony; money awarded to pay a civil claim; fines; credits, loans and loans. If you received a writ of execution indicating the case number, you need to find out detailed information about ways to repay a debt, sanctions due to late payment, etc. For those who, for a number of reasons, cannot visit the department, the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation launched open base data, through which you can not only learn about enforcement proceedings bailiffs, its presence or absence, but also pay the debt in the online system. By last name and first name The easiest way to find out debts from bailiffs by last name and first name on the FSSP website, for this you need to fill out a special form, indicating the last name, first name, date of birth in certain fields and click on the "Search" button. We enter data We enter the code from the picture We get the result The system will provide information about the state of delay at the current moment for the requested person or, in the absence of an open IP, will notify that there is no debt. Check data by enforcement case in several ways: on the official website of the FSSP; in the department of bailiffs at the place of registration; by leaving an application for debt verification on the site. The first way is the fastest, you don’t have to go anywhere or wait for an official answer, it’s enough to have access to the Internet. The debtor not only finds out if he has problems, but can also open the decision, find out the case number, and, if necessary, contact the bailiff directly to clarify the details or ways to pay off the debt. Check by number Since notifications of commenced proceedings have a unique numbering, the open enforcement protocol on the bailiffs' portal can be recognized by the number. In order to check the state of production, the user needs to: go to the official website of the FSSP in his region; click on the "Data Bank" option; select the third option "By IP number"; enter the number specified in the notification in the field that opens and click on the "Search" button. A table will appear in the window that opens, where, if production has not yet been completed, the user will find the following data: Name judicial authority, his address. Date of issue and document number. Amount and term of payment. The rest of the steps are identical to the full name check. According to the Decree One of the most common types of debt is non-payment of fines for violation of traffic rules, for which, in case of violation of the terms of payment, administrative liability is provided. A driver who has not paid the fine on time may be restricted in the right to drive a vehicle. In the field of activity of the FSSP is the conduct of enforcement proceedings to recover unpaid fines at the expense of the debtor's income. If a fine for violating traffic rules is not paid within the established time limits, the decision to collect the fine goes to the bailiff service, in turn, the FSSP opens proceedings and sends a copy of the decision to the debtor. When the defendant receives a decision to impose an administrative fine, he can find out the debt from the bailiffs by the number of the decision indicated in the postal item. To do this, on the FSSP resource, you need to find the “By Resolution” tab, enter a unique document number in the field that opens and click the “Search” button, after a while all the information on the required fine will be displayed on the monitor. Such a check should be carried out no earlier than eighty days after fixing the violation. This rule is explained by the fact that sixty days are given for the timely payment of the fine, plus ten days for appealing the decision, plus another ten days for guaranteed payment and fixing it in the databases if the offender managed to pay the fine on the last day of the statutory period . Only after the deadline has passed, if information about payment has not been received, the base of unpaid fines is transferred from the traffic police to the FSSP. Official website of bailiffs Nowadays, having access to the Internet, it is easy to get any information. The data on non-payments according to court documents is no exception. To facilitate the search, as well as to stimulate citizens to pay their debts on time, the official website of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia has been created, which provides such data in the public domain. On www.fssprus ru find out your debt by last name, number writ of execution or the decision will not be difficult. There is a standard form that will allow the user to find out if he has unpaid debts and their current status. Using the services of the Internet site is not difficult, you only need to enter the last name, first name, patronymic, or resolution number. However, in order for the required information to be displayed correctly, it is necessary to fill in all the fields without errors, especially when entering a multi-digit order number, since with an error of only one digit, the system or, in general, will not find necessary information, or give it incorrectly. Base of enforcement proceedings of bailiffs Recently, the FSSP posted on its official website electronic bank data of enforcement proceedings, using which you can find out the debt or make sure that it is not there in real time (online. To find out about the presence or absence of penalties, just go to the website of the bailiffs and find out the data in the "Information Systems" section, where to find the "Data Bank enforcement proceedings". On the page that opens, there are tabs: search for individuals by last name; search legal entities according to TIN and OGRN; search for individual entrepreneurs by TIN and OGRNIP. Let us consider in more detail what a database of enforcement proceedings is for bailiffs. This includes only cases in which the court has made an unconditional decision on the payment of debts, among them may be: Collection of alimony, if one of the parents evades their payment. Court decisions on creditors' claims. Decisions on violations of traffic rules, for which there was no timely payment of a fine. On the site, in addition to confirming the existing debt, you can find information about its structure and type: whether a forgotten and unpaid fine, debts for utility payments, underpaid tax or something else, and the amount of debt that needs to be repaid. Also, the debtor can pay his debt online. Information on open IP is presented in full, that is, all cases that are opened are necessarily entered into the database of bailiffs, where everyone can find out their debt. Prohibition on the registration of a car by bailiffs The ban on the registration of vehicles is used in situations where proceedings are opened against the owner of the car. After a decision is made to take restrictive measures, the traffic police is notified, in these cases, employees of the state inspection are not entitled to re-register the car until the ban is lifted. The ban will not be lifted until all debt obligations are eliminated. Lawyers recommend checking the debts of bailiffs before the buyer gives money for the purchased car to him former owner, especially if the seller offers to buy vehicle under a general power of attorney, and in no case agree to such a transaction if it turns out that a ban has been imposed on the re-registration of the car. The ban is lifted by the same body that imposed it, and if the car has several bans on different debt obligations, then there should be the same number of decisions on lifting the bans as on imposing. Information systems of bailiffs Information systems of the FSSP make it possible to obtain real-time information about the absence or presence of debts, their size, after fulfilling obligations, control the updating of materials without leaving home. It is enough to go to the FSSP website, select the region and search option, and you will be able to see the debts of the bailiffs by last name and first name, pay them online or find a notice of the bailiff. But the FSSP website is not the only source of such information. You can install the application on your smartphone and, by setting up automatic notifications, receive timely information about debts and their repayment, you can also use the application in in social networks Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, where there is a list of bailiffs' debtors. Conclusion Summarizing the above, we can conclude: no one is immune from trouble, someone does not repay debts intentionally, someone accidentally finds out that somewhere and sometime a fine was imposed on him, someone remained underpaid a small amount loan, which, due to penalties and interest, has grown to a rather impressive amount. You should not hide from these debts, the bailiffs will still find the debtor sooner or later, and this can happen at the most inopportune moment. The article talks about how you can find out the debt from the bailiffs, this information, if applied, will help to avoid problems in the future. "> How to find out the debt
  • ; clarification with clarification of the violated provisions of the legislation or relevant acts. After that, the employer asks the immediate supervisor of the employee for documents confirming the fact of a misconduct, and the penalty for such a situation. After considering the materials received, received on the fact of ignoring the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the internal regulations of the enterprise, the employer makes a decision on the guilt of the citizen. Additionally, the severity of the actions of the offender, the consequences of the committed misconduct, as well as circumstances that can be used as positions that contribute to the mitigation of liability measures are taken into account. The employer expresses the chosen instrument of disciplinary action in the execution of the corresponding order. The order is provided to the employee for review within three days from the date of publication. If he does not want to sign the order, then in addition it will be necessary to draw up a special act, which specifies such a decision of the employee. Disciplinary proceedings are characterized by specific procedural periods: one month and six months. The penalty cannot be used if more than a month has elapsed from the date of detection of the misconduct. At the same time, this time period does not include the period the employee is on sick leave, on vacation, as well as the time required to identify the opinion of the trade union, if it is considered mandatory under labor law. After six months, the actions of the employee cannot be considered from the perspective of disciplinary liability. However, certain exceptions are provided. If during the manifestation of the audit, inspection of financial and economic activities, violations are found, the period during which it is allowed to impose a penalty is increased to 24 months. Additionally: when calculating the term, criminal proceedings are not taken into account. For the same disciplinary offense, an employee may be subject to one disciplinary sanction. However, this statement does not preclude the imposition of administrative or criminal measures. ">Forced recovery
  • . The procedure for the sale of seized property in the framework of enforcement proceedings is one of the most effective tools for collecting debts from payers. The measure is carried out in parallel with other methods of influence, such as notifying the employer of the need to withhold funds from wages, imposing restrictions on crossing the state border, or introducing additional fines. Conclusion The regulation of the process is understandable and accessible for study - it is enough to refer to the articles of the Law "On Enforcement Proceedings". Knowledge of the nuances and features will be useful primarily for the debtor himself - if he can prove that the established procedure has been violated, then he has the right to count on a revision of the collection process or a complete cancellation.
  • . Chapter 3 of Federal Law 229 determines the procedure for calculating, ending, restoring, suspending, prolonging, interrupting deadlines and the consequences of missing. Calculation According to Art. 15 paragraph 2 of Federal Law 229, the period in enforcement proceedings is measured in days, months, years. Non-working days specified in Art. 112, 111 of the Labor Code are not taken into account. For example, the period for voluntary execution will increase if a holiday or weekend falls (Sunday. Periods are determined not only by a period of time. In some cases, they are set: On a specific calendar date. For example, the defendant must take specific actions by May 20, 2018 (vacate illegally occupied housing , liquidate unauthorized erected structure... At the time of the occurrence of a certain event.For example, enforcement actions are suspended until the debtor's full recovery or demobilization from military service.The countdown begins the next day from the calendar date or from the moment the event occurs (15 p. 3. For example, if a person received a decision on May 20, the time for voluntary execution (5 days will begin to be counted from the next day, that is, May 21 and end on the 25th. The end The end depends on the method of calculation. If the calculation is made in years, then the period should end on the corresponding the date of the last established year (16 clause 1 of the Federal Law 229. If it is considered in days - on the last (16 p. 3. The exception is when the last day is a non-working day. In this case, the end will occur on the next business day. The period measured in months ends on the same calendar date of the last month of the established period (16 p. 2. There are situations when such a date is last month No. For example, within one month from the moment the property is discovered, the bailiff must involve a specialist in the assessment (85 FZ 229. If the date of discovery of the property turns out to be January 31, then there will not be such a date in the next month - February. In such situations, the law prescribes to consider the last date as the end date set month In this example, it is February 28 or 29 (depending on the year. It should be noted that the time is not considered to have expired if the necessary actions were completed before 24 hours (16 p. 6. For example, the deadline for appealing the collection work ends on the 23rd day. If the complainant submits the complaint before midnight on the 23rd, then time will not be lost.A higher person or authority must accept the document, consider and make an appropriate decision. 1. For example, if the defendant does not want to voluntarily vacate the occupied living space within the period established by the resolution, the bailiff will impose a monetary penalty and forcibly evict the irresponsible citizen (18 clause 1 of the Federal Law 229. It is important to meet the deadline when filing a complaint with the FSSP. If you miss the time specified in Article 122 of Federal Law 229, the applicant will be returned the document and no action will be taken (17 clause 2. However, if there is a good reason for missing, the deadline can be restored. To do this, the applicant must submit an appropriate application along with the complaint ( 18 clause 1. The superior person to whom the petition is intended has the right to refuse the request if he considers that the absence is based on insignificant circumstances... In this case, the applicant will receive a copy of the refusal decision, which the SSP must send the next day after the decision is made (18 clause 3. The refusal can be appealed in court (Article 121. The term for considering a citizen’s appeal Consideration of a complaint about the work of a bailiff by a superior person should not take more than 10 days (Article 126. It must be taken into account that the appeal takes place in the order of subordination, certain article 123 of the Federal Law 229. As a rule, for greater efficiency, a citizen filing a complaint simultaneously with a similar statement goes to court. If the court gives way to the case, the time for examining the complaint to the SSP will be suspended. The time for consideration of an application sent to the FSSP by mail or electronically through the official website of the service will be about 33 days. Three days are given for mandatory centralized registration, which is carried out by the Records Management Department in accordance with Instruction No. 682 of 10. 10.2010. It will take 30 days to consider the appeal itself (12 No. 59-FZ. In special cases, this period can be extended up to 30 more. The applicant will be notified of the extension. The deadline for initiating enforcement proceedings The procedure for initiating proceedings should not take more than seven days. Three days are allotted to transfer to the bailiff an application and documents from the office of the SPP (30 clause 7 of the Federal Law 229. The same amount for the official to study the materials received and issue a decision to refuse or open proceedings (30 clause 8 of the Federal Law 229. Weekends, holidays are not taken into account, therefore the total time to initiate proceedings will increase by one day (in total it will be seven. The period will be reduced to one day if the executive document (ID, prescribes immediate execution. In this case, the application, the case materials are immediately submitted to the bailiff, who must accept the appropriate decision.The period in which the debtor is forced to fulfill the requirements of the ID is two months.Exception: the cases specified in art. 36 p. 2-6.1 of Federal Law 229, the term is set in the ID. The calculation does not include the situations defined in Art. 36, paragraph 7 (suspension, postponement of enforcement measures. The limitation period for enforcement proceedings The interval during which the claimant has the right to present ID to enforcement contained requirements. For ID with a statute of limitations of three years, include: writ of execution issued by the judiciary (calculated from the date of entry into force decisions taken; court orders. Three months are given to present for collection: certificates of the commission on labor disputes. The countdown starts from the date of receipt of the document; writ of execution, whose missed term was restored by the decision of the arbitration court. Acts of regulatory authorities (tax, customs, FIU must be submitted for enforcement within a six-month period from the date of issue (21 clause 6.1. or return from the bank (in case the defendant's account did not have enough money to pay off the debt. ID on administrative violations are filed no later than two years from the date of entry into force.IDs for the collection of periodic payments have the longest limitation period.It is possible to force the debtor to satisfy the requirement for such documents during the entire period when payments are due and three years after the expiration (21 clause 4 of the Federal Law... The countdown, as noted above, begins to occur either from the moment the document is received (certificate of the labor commission, or from the date of entry court order, act into force. But this is not always the case. If the court has postponed or extended the execution of the decision, the countdown should be carried out after the installment has expired, the delay (21 clause 9. In addition, the term of ID can be calculated again, and an unlimited number of times. According to Article 22 clause 1, its course is interrupted when: the creditor has started the ID; the debtor has partially begun to fulfill the requirement. The time until the interruption is not counted and receives a new reference point (22 p. 2. If the bailiff completes the proceedings and returns the document to the creditor due to the impossibility of execution, the case can be reopened within three years from the date of return of the document.And do this an infinite number of times.ConclusionKnowing the deadlines in enforcement proceedings and understanding the consequences that arise in the event of a violation is useful for both sides of the case.This allows the debtor to minimize or avoid financial losses.For the claimant - to control the correctness of the actions of the FSSP employees and take the necessary measures in a timely manner to obtain the desired result. "> Deadlines in enforcement proceedings
Helpful information

Bailiffs' debt

At present, there will be no quiet life in the presence of debts. Bailiffs are actively working on enforcement litigation on unpaid loans, administrative fines, tax debts, alimony and other debts. On any day, after the initiation of enforcement proceedings, bailiffs can raid your home or work, accompanied by police officers, seize bank accounts or property, stop on the road and seize your car to pay off a debt, ruin your vacation by imposing a ban on travel abroad.

How to find out your debt from bailiffs? How to pay debts and live in peace?

The official website of No Penalties will help you in timely obtaining information about the debt from the bailiffs and its payment!

Powers of bailiffs to collect debts

The bailiff initiates enforcement proceedings on the basis of a writ of execution at the request of the recoverer. In some cases, enforcement proceedings are initiated on the basis of a judicial act ( court order), an act of other bodies and officials on cases of administrative offenses. The bailiff is obliged to send the debtor a decision on its initiation and provide a period for voluntary repayment of the debt. By general rule, the period for voluntary execution is five days from the date of receipt by the debtor of the decision to initiate enforcement proceedings. After this period the bailiff resorts to measures for the enforcement of the debtor's debt. The measures that, in accordance with the law, can be used to collect debts are quite diverse:

  • arrest bank accounts debtor and writing off money from them;
  • arrest of the debtor's property, foreclosure on it with subsequent sale;
  • imposing a ban on traveling abroad;
  • suspension of a driver's license;
  • initiation of a criminal case for malicious non-execution of a court decision.

In general, the consequences for a debtor who does not repay a court debt in the course of enforcement proceedings are extremely unpleasant.
Imagine the situation: you are going to have a family vacation abroad, and when passing through passport control at the border of the Russian Federation, you will find out that there is a ban on traveling abroad, since there are unpaid debts to bailiffs that you did not even suspect (for example, traffic police fines not paid on time or unpaid taxes). Vacation will definitely be ruined.

How to find out the debt from bailiffs? How to pay debts?

There are several ways:

  1. Difficult: you can personally visit the department (division) of bailiffs of the FSSP of Russia, located in your city or district. If it turns out that there are unpaid debts, then you will be issued a receipt, for payment of which you will need to contact the bank. The money paid according to the receipt will be credited to the deposit account of the department (subdivision) of the FSSP of Russia, and then transferred to the claimant. This whole procedure will take a lot of time.
  2. Simple: you can find out the debt to the bailiffs on our official website in the section: Check the debt with the bailiffs - the easiest and convenient way! The service allows you to find up-to-date information (we receive it directly from Federal Service bailiffs of the Russian Federation and the State System GIS GIP) on debts to bailiffs by last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth. By filling in this data in the form, you will receive information about the existing debt.
  3. Similarly, it is possible to check the debt of bailiffs on the official website of the FSSP of Russia - Fssprus ru.

You can pay the existing debt for enforcement proceedings immediately on our website, as long as the information on the amount of the debt has not lost its relevance.
Finding out debts and paying them right now means securing your future!
However, if you, after checking the debt, do not agree with the amount of the debt to the bailiffs or think that some actions or inaction of the bailiffs are illegal or unreasonable, committed by them in excess of their authority, you can contact the lawyers of the Peni portal no, by writing to them in the chat directly on the site.

You can find out the debt by last name online on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service, and it is not necessary to stand in lines and spend a lot of time on it.

This method allows you to view not only your data, but also information about other persons.

Important:if you lived, for example, in Krasnoyarsk, but most recently moved, for example, to Cherepovets or Kaliningrad, then you should look for debt data in both cities, since the data may not be updated yet. It is best, of course, in such a situation to select a search in all regions.

Next, fill in the following fields. If you notice, then only the Last Name and First Name are mandatory, but for the accuracy of the results it is better to fill in both the middle name and the date of birth. After that, you may need to enter a captcha - in the field, enter the characters that are shown in the picture.

Now we can get information about debts.

The system may display a window with the inscription: "No results were found for your request." You do not need to re-fill the form and refresh the page, because this means that you have no debts or the court decision has not yet been updated on the site or has not yet entered into force.

If debts are found by your last name, the following window will appear:

So, now the following information is available to you:

  • Debtor, his surname, name and patronymic
  • Enforcement proceedings
  • Details of the executive document - on what basis the debt is collected from an individual
  • The service allows you to pay the debt
  • Subject of execution - type of debt (taxes, loans (, or), utility bills)
  • Bailiffs Department (name and address) - which court issued this decision.
  • Bailiff - his contact details.

For more information, you can contact the bailiff or drive to the bank.

Important:you can access the search engine as much as you want. Besides, this great way check those who want to start a business with you or those who ask you for a large amount of debt. With the help of the system, you can view the history of debts of any person, knowing only his last name and first name.

If you have already used the service, you have noticed that in each column of your debt there is a “Pay” button.

You are offered different ways payment: through a bank, electronic wallets and even through mobile phone.

  • Payment for public services. Money will be credited only the next day after payment. The debt will be repaid only a week later, since the amount must first go to the bailiffs, and only then go to the account of the claimant. If you made a mistake while entering data, you should immediately contact the FSSP. The commission in this case is 2.3%, and if payment is made via a mobile phone, then according to the tariffs of your operator.
  • Express payment. You don't need to enter anything as the system automatically redirects your details. Check your details and click "pay". The commission is 2.3%.
  • Bashkomsnabbank. You need to enter the data of one of the documents to choose from: , passport (should not be) or. The money will arrive in a day, and the debt will be repaid in a week. At the same time, payment is possible using a card or through the Bashkomsnabbank Internet banking system itself.
  • Robokassa allows you to pay via your Internet bank or online wallet. The service commission in this case is 3% and the amount of 20 rubles is charged, regardless of the size of the payment. Maximum size payment - 14900 rubles for one payment.
  • Qiwi differs from other services in that the system does not charge any fees if payment is made directly from the FSSP website. Maximum amount payment - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Webmoney is a common service used by most citizens. If the debt is paid by (including), then there is no commission, however, in the case of loan payments, it is 1500 rubles, regardless of the payment amount. There are no restrictions, but you must pay the entire amount at once. For example, if your debt is 300 rubles, then you can pay it through Webvoney with only one payment.
  • Yandex.Money, in principle, is no different from other services. Commission - 2.5%. After going to the payment page, you automatically get to a window with ready-made data, you just need to enter your last name, first name and patronymic. The final amount is indicated already taking into account the commission.
  • The system of "City". To use this system, registration is required, after which you will automatically be taken to the payment window. Payment is made from any card, while there is no limit on the amount of payment.

For those who are unable to access a computer, mobile app, which is no different from the service implemented on the official website. In addition, you can subscribe, and your e-mail will receive letters with current news, updates and offers.

You can download and install applications for free, you need Internet access. You can download the application from the official website of the FSSP through a special section.

If you do not trust modern technologies or do not know how to use them correctly, you can always contact your bailiff and find out all the information.

Bailiffs, find out debts

The text of the Complaint to the Prosecutor's Office of Moscow via the Internet Reception
(Tune it to your situation and send it, the answer from the prosecutor's office will be 100%, Do not be afraid! The prosecutor of Moscow is waiting for your appeal!)

for violation of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation”
and Federal Law No. 229-FZ of 02.10.2007 “On Enforcement Proceedings”

09/07/2016 by me to the Head of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for Moscow - the chief bailiff of Moscow at the address: st. Butyrsky Val, 5, Yugo-Zapadny AD, Moscow, 125047. A registered letter with an inventory was sent.
In which there was an Application for the adoption of the executive document and the initiation of enforcement proceedings on it and the executive document (sheet) series XX No. XXXXXXXXX dated 06/02/2016, issued by the Privolzhsky District Court of XXXXXX.
Subject of performance: Insurance compensationХХХХХХ (ХХХХХХХ thousand eight hundred and thirty eight) rubles 69 kopecks.
For the debtor: Russian Union auto insurers,
date of registration: October 14, 2002,
address: Moscow, st. Lyusinovskaya, 27, building 3,
TIN: 7705469845, KPP: 770501001, PSRN: 1027705018494
09/15/2016, according to the mail notification, Art. specialist of the 1st category of the UFSSP (full name).
In addition, on 10/01/2016, I sent an electronic appeal No. 221263500ХХХ through the Internet reception, in order to clarify the process of accepting the executive document and initiating enforcement proceedings on it.
On 10/04/2016, my electronic appeal was registered.
Having received no response to appeals, 11/10/2016. I sent an electronic appeal No. 221373439ХХХ dated 2016-11-10 through the Internet reception with a Complaint about inaction in accepting a writ of execution and initiating enforcement proceedings on it.
On November 11, 2016, the appeal was registered.
More than three months have passed, but no response has been received so far.
No action has been taken by the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for Moscow on the writ of execution against the respondent of the Russian Union of Insurers (RSA). Enforcement proceedings have not yet been opened. There are no written answers. Calling is not possible! Two repeated appeals through the Internet reception remained unanswered.
The FSSP in Moscow does not add writ of execution to its database, and they lie in piles without movement.
According to credible data, the leadership of the FSSP in Moscow INTENTIONALLY HOLDS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF COURT DECISIONS regarding the PCA! All decisions! And there are hundreds of such solutions! What is the reason for such concern of the FSSP for the city of Moscow about the RSA? One can only guess how much it costs? What is this? Corruption? But it still smells bad!
FSSP in Moscow systematically violates the federal law dated 02.05.2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering applications from citizens of the Russian Federation” and Federal Law dated 02.10.2007 No. 229-FZ “On enforcement proceedings”.
I ask the prosecutor of Moscow to submit a proposal to eliminate violations of the law and take prosecutorial measures against the Head of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for Moscow - the chief bailiff of Moscow for violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Date of. Signature.

Last update: 10/21/2019

To find an enforcement proceeding by the number of the enforcement order:

  1. go to the FSPP of Russia website http://fssprus.ru/iss/IP
  2. click "Search by IP number"
  3. enter the number of the writ of execution in the format NNNNNN/YY/DD/RR or NNNNNNN/YY/DDDDD-IP, where:
    • NNNNNN - serial number of enforcement proceedings (from 1 to 7 digits)
    • YY - last 2 digits of the year
    • DD - department code
    • RR - region in traffic police format
    • DDDDD - bailiff division index and region
  4. click "Search"

If there are problems with the search by number, try to find the executive document for physical. face. If you still have questions, read the article and comments to it.

Search for enforcement proceedings - in what cases is it necessary

After the trial, the plaintiff receives a writ of execution - a document confirming his right to collect debts and obliging the defendant to ensure execution this right. Some debtors deliberately evade performance this obligation, others simply do not know either about the existence of the debt or about the court hearings held. Revealing such information is an unpleasant surprise.

The need to find a court decision by the number of enforcement proceedings arises in a number of situations:

  • Errors in the work of the judiciary. Missing the deadlines for notifying a citizen about the occurrence of a debt by a court decision is a rare occurrence, accounting for a small percentage of debtors.
  • A more common case is the absence of a constant or temporary registration at the debtor. Bailiffs do not have the ability to deliver a notice to a citizen.

As mentioned above, every citizen has the right to check himself or his organization for debts by court order. additional verification needed for:

  • Planning overseas travel. Debtors in enforcement proceedings are subject to restrictions on leaving the country.
  • An administrative liability is imposed on a citizen who has missed the payment deadlines in the form of a fine equal to 5% of the amount of the debt (more than 500 rubles, if the percentage of the debt is less than this indicator).
  • For reinsurance. Regular checking of yourself or your organization (for legal entities) will save a potential debtor from misunderstandings and problems with the bailiff service.

How to find out if a person is in debt

The search for enforcement proceedings by the number of the writ of execution begins with the identification of debts from a particular person. To do this, you need to contact the official website of the FSS (Federal Bailiff Service). This service provides the public with information about the activities of bailiffs, including data on enforcement acts, presented as a register of enforcement orders.

Using any search engine, a request for an FSS address is entered. On the main page of the service, users are offered several tabs to check for authenticity and search for information about court cases, you should refer to the "Database" section. Depending on the type of production you are looking for (for an individual, organization), the required options are selected, the fields of the search service from the FSS are filled in.

If the system managed to find the case by the number of the writ of execution, it will offer the user a list of data:

  • The name of the judicial body that issued the writ of execution, its address;
  • Date of issue of the executive document, its number;
  • If there is an additional production - its number and date of issue;
  • Object of enforcement proceedings - the amount of debt, the payment period;
  • If the owner of the writ of execution has already applied to the bailiff service - the name of the department, its address.

To find the court by the number of the writ of execution, in the case of a search using the details of the debtor, you must use the data on the department of the bailiff service that works on judicial act. A simple call to this branch will help identify the number of the document of interest.

Effective search on the FSS website

It is not necessary to search for a writ of execution by number; the FSS website offers several options for entering data. The user specifies necessary set information in whole or in part if there is a lack of information, and the system issues a list of cases with a result that matches the request.

A search on the FSS service is carried out when specifying the data:

  • FULL NAME. individual or organization name;
  • Registration address (it is permissible to indicate the address of temporary registration in the absence of a permanent one);
  • Document Number;
  • The date of commencement of the enforcement of the judgment;
  • Address and name of the judicial authority that issued the enforcement act.

The more data the user specifies when starting the search program, the more accurate the results of the calculation of the service will be. At the same time, the time spent on searches is reduced. In the interests of the user, indicate full information in each field of the search program. The FSS search engine works according to the generally accepted principle, giving the most accurate results with sufficient data.

If the user fills out only a subset of the form fields, there is a high probability that a huge number of results will be returned that match the specified information. This approach will greatly increase the time of work with the service.

If enforcement proceedings are found, the system will provide detailed information about it, there will be the number of the writ of execution, the amount of the debt, the name and address of the relevant department of the FSSP, the name and contact phone number of the bailiff. You can contact the named FSSP officer for more information.

Lawyers recommend checking yourself for debt annually. Such regular tracking is guaranteed to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises in the form of debts and fines for missing the deadlines for paying funds by court order.

  1. Clauses 1.4, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 of the Procedure for creating and maintaining a data bank in the enforcement proceedings of the Federal Bailiff Service, approved by Order of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia dated May 12, 2012 No. 248

If you have questions about the topic of the article, please feel free to ask them in the comments. We will definitely answer all your questions within a few days.