Which societies are dominated by the economic system. Types of economic systems: market economy, traditional economy, command economy, mixed economy

Economic systems is a set of interrelated economic elements that form a certain integrity, economic structure society; the unity of relations that develop over the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of economic goods.

These relationships can be carried out in different ways, and it is these differences that distinguish one economic system from another.

The use of resources to meet needs is subject to the economic goals pursued in their economic activities.

Economic the purpose of the consumer is the maximization of the satisfaction of all .

Economic purpose of the firm stands for maximization or minimization.

The main economic goals of modern society are: , improve production efficiency, full and socio-economic stability.

Modern economic systems

In the capitalist system, material resources are owned by private individuals. The right to enter into binding legal contracts allows individuals to dispose of their material resources at their own discretion.

The manufacturer seeks to produce ( WHAT?) the product that satisfies and brings him the greatest profit. The consumer himself decides what product to buy and how much money to pay for it.

Since, under conditions of free competition, the establishment of prices does not depend on the producer, then the question " HOW?"to produce, the economic entity of the economy responds with the desire to produce products with lower prices than its competitor, in order to sell more due to lower prices. The use of technological progress and various management methods contribute to the solution of this problem.

Question " FOR WHOM?" is decided in favor of consumers with the highest income.

In such an economic system, the government does not interfere in the economy. Its role is reduced to the protection of private property, the establishment of laws that facilitate the functioning of free markets.

Command economic system

A command or centralized economy is the opposite. It is based on state property for all material resources. From here all economic decisions are made government bodies through centralized (directive planning).

For every enterprise the production plan provides for what and in what volume to produce, certain resources are allocated, thereby the state decides how to produce, not only suppliers, but also buyers are indicated, that is, the question is decided for whom to produce.

The means of production are distributed among branches on the basis of long-term priorities determined by the planner.

Mixed economic system

Today it is impossible to speak about the presence in this or that state in its pure form of one of the three models. In most modern developed countries exists mixed economy, combining elements of all three types.

A mixed economy involves the use of the regulatory role of the state and the economic freedom of producers. Entrepreneurs and workers move from industry to industry by their own decision, not by government directives. The state, in turn, implements social, fiscal (tax) and other types of economic policy which contributes to some extent economic growth country and improve the living standards of the population.

To better understand how the modern how humanity has learned to find answers to its main questions, it is necessary to analyze the thousand-year history of development economic systems civilization.

Depending on the method of solving the main economic problems and the type of ownership of economic resources, four main types of economic systems: 1) traditional; 2) market (capitalism);3) command (socialism); 4) mixed.

Of these, the most ancient is the traditional economic system.

Traditional economic system - way of organizing economic life, at which land and capital are in the common possession of the tribe, and limited resources are distributed in accordance with long-standing traditions.

As for the ownership of economic resources, in the traditional system it was most often collective, that is, hunting grounds, arable land and meadows belonged to the tribe or community.

Over time, the main elements of the traditional economic system ceased to suit mankind. Life has shown that the factors of production are used more efficiently if they are owned by individuals or families, and not if they are collectively owned. None of richest countries of the world, the basis of society's life is not collective property. But in many poorest countries of the world, the remnants of such property have been preserved.

For example,the rapid development of agriculture in Russia occurred only at the beginning of the 20th century, when the reforms of P. A. Stolypin destroyed the collective (communal) ownership of land, which was replaced by land ownership by individual families. Then the communists, who came to power in 1917, actually restored communal land ownership, declaring the land "public property."

Having built your Agriculture on collective property, the USSR could not for 70 years of the XX century. achieve food abundance. Moreover, by the beginning of the 1980s, the food situation had become so bad that the CPSU was forced to adopt a special “Food Program”, which, however, was also not implemented, although huge amounts of money were spent on the development of the agricultural sector.

On the contrary, the agriculture of European countries, the USA and Canada, based on private ownership of land and capital, has succeeded in solving the problem of creating food abundance. And so successfully that the farmers of these countries were able to export a large share of their products to other regions of the world.

Practice has shown that markets and firms are better at solving the problem of distributing limited resources and increasing the production of vital goods than councils of elders, the bodies that made fundamental economic decisions in the traditional system.

That is why the traditional economic system eventually ceased to be the basis for organizing people's lives in most countries of the world. Its elements have receded into the background and survived only in fragments in the form of various customs and traditions of secondary importance. In most countries of the world, other ways of organizing the economic cooperation of people play a leading role.

Replaced the traditional market system (capitalism) . The basis of this system is:

1) the right of private property;

2) private economic initiative;

3) market organization of the distribution of the limited resources of society.

Right of private property There is the recognized and legally protected right of an individual to own, use and dispose of a certain type and amount of limited resources (for example, a piece of land, a coal deposit or a factory), which means that and earn income from it. It was the ability to own such a type of production resources as capital, and to receive income on this basis, that determined the second, often used name of this economic system - capitalism.

Private property - recognized by society the right of individual citizens and their associations to own, use and dispose of a certain volume (part) of any kind economic resources.

For your information. At first, the right to private property was protected only by force of arms, and only kings and feudal lords were the owners. But then, having passed a long way of wars and revolutions, humanity created a civilization in which every citizen could become a private owner if his income allowed him to acquire property.

The right of private property enables the owners of economic resources to independently make decisions about how to use them (as long as this does not harm the interests of society). However, this almost unlimited freedom to dispose of economic resources has a downside: the owners of private property bear full economic responsibility for the options they choose to use it.

Private economic initiative there is the right of each owner of production resources to independently decide how and to what extent to use them to generate income. At the same time, the well-being of each is determined by how successfully he can sell on the market the resource he owns: his labor force, skills, products of his own hands, his own land, the products of his factory, or the ability to organize commercial operations.

And finally, actually markets- a certain way organized activity for the exchange of goods.

The markets are:

1) determine the degree of success of a particular economic initiative;

2) form the amount of income that the property brings to its owners;

3) dictate the proportions of the distribution of limited resources between alternative areas of their use.

The virtue of the market mechanism lies in the fact that he makes each seller think about the interests of buyers in order to achieve benefits for himself. If he does not do this, then his goods may turn out to be unnecessary or too expensive, and instead of benefiting, he will receive only losses. But the buyer is also forced to reckon with the interests of the seller - he can get the goods only by paying for it the price prevailing on the market.

market system(capitalism) - a way of organizing economic life in which capital and land are owned by individuals and limited resources are distributed through markets.

Markets based on competition have become the most successful way known to mankind for the distribution of limited productive resources and the benefits created with their help.

Of course, and the market system has its drawbacks. In particular, it generates huge disparities in income and wealth levels when some bathe in luxury, while others vegetate in poverty.

Such disparities in income have long encouraged people to interpret capitalism as an "unfair" economic system and to dream of a better way of life. These dreams led to the emergence of XI10th century social movement called Marxism in honor of its main ideologist - a German journalist and economist Karl Marx. He and his followers argued that the market system had exhausted the possibilities of its development and became a brake on the further growth of the welfare of mankind. That is why it was proposed to replace it with a new economic system - command, or socialism (from the Latin societas - "society").

Command economic system (socialism) - a way of organizing economic life, in which capital and land are owned by the state, and the distribution of limited resources is carried out according to the instructions of the central government and in accordance with plans.

The birth of the command economic system was a consequence of a series of socialist revolutions whose ideological banner was Marxism. The specific model command system was developed by the leaders of the Russian Communist Party V.I. Lenin and I.V. Stalin.

According to Marxist theory humanity could dramatically accelerate its path to greater prosperity and eliminate differences in the individual well-being of citizens by eliminating private property, eliminating competition and maintaining all economic activity countries on the basis of a single obligatory (directive) plan, which is developed by the leadership of the state on scientific basis. The roots of this theory go back to the Middle Ages, to the so-called social utopias, but its practical implementation came precisely in the 20th century, when the socialist camp arose.

If all resources (factors of production) are declared public property, but in reality they are fully controlled by state and party officials, then this entails very dangerous economic consequences. Incomes of people and firms cease to depend on how well they use limited resources. how much the result of their work is really needed by society. Other criteria become more important:

a) for enterprises - the degree of fulfillment and overfulfillment of planned targets for the production of goods. It was for this that the heads of enterprises were awarded orders and appointed ministers. It does not matter that these commodities might be of no interest to buyers who, if they had freedom of choice, would prefer other goods;

b) for people - the nature of the relationship with the authorities, which distributed the most scarce goods (cars, apartments, furniture, trips abroad, etc.), or occupying a position that opens access to "closed distributors" where such scarce goods can be bought free.

As a result, in the countries of the command system:

1) even the simplest of the goods needed by people turned out to be “deficit”. The habitual picture in the largest cities was "paratroopers", that is, residents of small towns and villages who came with large backpacks to buy food, since there was simply nothing in their grocery stores;

2) the mass of enterprises constantly suffered losses, and there was even such a striking category of them as planned unprofitable enterprises. At the same time, employees of such enterprises still regularly received wages and bonuses;

3) the biggest success for citizens and businesses was to "get" some imported goods or equipment. The queue for Yugoslav women's boots was recorded from the evening.

As a result, the end of the XX century. became an era of deep disappointment in the capabilities of the planning-command system, and the former socialist countries took up the difficult task of reviving private property and the market system.

Speaking about the planned-command or market economic system, it should be remembered that in its pure form they can only be found on the pages of scientific works. Real economic life, on the contrary, is always a mixture of elements of various economic systems.

The modern economic system of most developed countries of the world is precisely of a mixed nature. Many national and regional economic problems are decided by the state.

As a rule, today the state participates in the economic life of society for two reasons:

1) some of the needs of society, due to their specificity (maintenance of the army, the development of laws, the organization of traffic, the fight against epidemics, etc.), it can satisfy better than is possible on the basis of only market mechanisms;

2) it can mitigate the negative effects of market mechanisms (too large differences in the wealth of citizens, damage to environment from the activities of commercial firms, etc.).

Therefore, for the civilization of the late XX century. a mixed economic system prevailed.

Mixed economic system - a way of organizing economic life, in which land and capital are privately owned, and the distribution of limited resources is carried out both by markets and with significant state participation.

In such an economic system the basis is private ownership of economic resources, although in some countries(France, Germany, UK, etc.) there is a fairly large public sector. It includes enterprises whose capital is wholly or partly owned by the state (for example, the German airline Lufthansa), but which: a) do not receive plans from the state; b) work according to market laws; c) forced to compete on an equal footing with private firms.

In these countries main economic issues mostly decided by the markets. They also distribute the predominant part of economic resources. However, part of the resources is centralized and distributed by the state through command mechanisms in order to compensate for some of the weaknesses of market mechanisms (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. The main elements of a mixed economic system (I - the scope of market mechanisms, II - the scope of command mechanisms, i.e. control by the state)

On fig. Figure 2 shows a scale that conditionally represents which economic systems various states belong to today.

Rice. 2. Types of economic systems: 1 - USA; 2 - Japan; 3 - India; 4 - Sweden, England; 5 - Cuba, North Korea; 6 - some countries of Latin America and Africa; 7— Russia

Here, the arrangement of numbers symbolizes the degree of proximity of economic systems. various countries to one type or another. The pure market system is most fully implemented in some countries.Latin America and Africa. Factors of production there are already predominantly privately owned, and state intervention in solving economic issues is minimal.

In countries like USA and Japan, private ownership of the factors of production dominates, but the role of the state in economic life is so great that one can speak of a mixed economic system. At the same time, the Japanese economy retained more elements of the traditional economic system than the United States. That is why the number 2 (Japanese economy) is somewhat closer to the top of the triangle, symbolizing traditional system than the number 1 (US economy).

In economies Sweden and UK the role of the state in the distribution of limited resources is even greater than in the United States and Japan, and therefore the number 4 symbolizing them is to the left of the numbers 1 and 2.

In its most complete form, the command system has now been preserved on Cuba and in North Korea . Here, private property has been eliminated, and the state distributes all limited resources.

The existence of significant elements of the traditional economic system in the economy India and others like her Asian and African countries(although the market system prevails here too) determines the placement of its corresponding digit 3.

Location Russia(number 7) is determined by the fact that:

1) the foundations of the command system in our country have already been destroyed, but the role of the state in the economy is still very large;

2) the mechanisms of the market system are still being formed (and are still less developed than even in India);

3) the factors of production have not yet completely passed into private ownership, but such the most important factor production, like land, is in fact collectively owned by members of the former collective farms and state farms, only formally transformed into joint-stock companies.

To what economic system does Russia's future path lie?

What is an economic system?
Economic system - 1) a way of organizing the economic activity of a society, in accordance with which the problem of distribution of limited resources is solved;

2) an established and operating set of principles, rules, laws that determine the form and content of the main economic relations that arise in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of an economic product;

3) organization of economic life.

Types of economic systems.
The type of economic system is characterized by: 1) forms of ownership; 2) ways of distribution of limited resources; 3) ways of regulating the economy.

Classification No. 1: 1) traditional; 2) command (centralized); 3) market; 4) mixed.

1) Traditional economic system- a way of organizing economic life, in which land and capital are in the common possession of the tribe, and limited resources are distributed in accordance with long-standing traditions.
The questions of what goods and services for whom and how to produce are decided on the basis of traditions passed down from generation to generation.
Advantages: 1) stability of society; 2) enough high quality produced goods.
Disadvantages: 1) lack of technical progress; 2) poor adaptability to changing external conditions; 3) the limited number of goods produced.

2) Command (centralized, directive, planned) economic system- a way of organizing economic life, in which capital and land are owned by the state, and the distribution of limited resources is carried out according to the instructions of the central government and in accordance with plans.
Advantages: 1) the ability to concentrate all the forces and means of society to solve any problem (mobilization opportunities); 2) guarantees people the necessary minimum of life's blessings, providing confidence in the future; 3) avoids unemployment, although general employment is achieved, as a rule, by artificially curbing the growth of labor productivity.
Disadvantages: 1) the inability to accurately plan all the needs of society and allocate resources accordingly, which leads to overproduction of some goods and a shortage of others; 2) lack of incentive to produce quality goods; 3) lack of economic freedom among citizens.

3) Market economic system- a way of organizing economic life in which capital and land are owned by individuals, and limited resources are distributed through markets.
A market economy is an economy dominated by private ownership. economic activity is carried out by business entities at their own expense, all major decisions are made by them at their own peril and risk.
Fundamentals of the market system: 1) the right to private property; 2) economic freedom; 3) competition.
Private property is the socially recognized right of individuals and their associations to own, use and dispose of a certain volume (part) of any type of economic resources.
Advantages: 1) flexibility, the ability to adapt to changing conditions; 2) the presence of incentives to technical progress; 3) rational (???) use of resources.
Disadvantages: 1) inability to ensure income equality, a consistently high standard of living; 2) weak interest in fundamental scientific research; 3) development instability (crises, inflation); 4) inefficient use of irreplaceable resources; 5) absence full time and price stability.

Each economic system answers three questions differently: 1) what to produce?; 2) how to produce?; 3) for whom to produce?

What to produce? 1) traditional: products of agriculture, hunting, fishing, few products and services are produced, and what to produce is determined by customs and traditions; 2) centralized: determined by groups of professionals: engineers, economists, industry representatives - "planners"; 3) market: consumers themselves determine, producers produce what can be bought.

How to produce? 1) traditional: they are produced in the same way and with what the ancestors produced; 2) centralized: determined by the plan; 3) market: determined by the producers themselves.

For whom to produce? 1) traditional: most people exist on the verge of survival, the additional product goes to the leaders or land owners, the rest is distributed according to customs; 2) centralized: “planners”, directed by political leaders, determine who and how much will receive goods and services; 3) market: consumers get as much as they want, producers profit.

4) In many countries there is mixed economy, which combines the features of market and command economic systems, the economic freedom of producers and the regulatory role of the state.
A mixed economy is a way of organizing economic life in which land and capital are privately owned, and the distribution of limited resources is carried out both by markets and with significant state participation.

Classification No. 2: 1) market; 2) non-market (traditional and centralized); 3) mixed.

Classification No. 3: 1) commodity economy (centralized system, market system, mixed system); 2) natural economy.

Natural economy- 1) an economy in which people produce products only to satisfy their own needs, without resorting to exchange, to the market; 2) an economy that satisfies its needs at the expense of its own production.
commodity economy- 1) an economy in which products are produced for sale, and the connection between producers and consumers is carried out through the market; 2) an economy in which production is oriented to the market.

The term "property" is used in three meanings:
1. As a synonym for the word "thing" (ordinary, everyday meaning).
2. The legal right of ownership includes three powers (powers) that only the owner can have: 1) possession (actual possession of this property, legally fixed); 2) use (the process of extracting useful properties from this property) 3) disposal (determination of the future fate of this property = sale, donation, exchange, inheritance, leasing or pledge, etc.).

Lease (from lat. arrendare - to lease) - 1) the provision of property (land) by its owner for temporary use to other persons on contractual terms, for a fee; 2) the right to use without having the right to dispose.

Trust (from English trust - trust) - 1) the right of the owner to transfer the right to manage his property to another person, without the right to interfere in his actions; 2) the institution of trust property associated with the transfer of property and its property rights by the founder of the trust (beneficiary) for a certain period to the trustee.

Property as an economic category - 1) relations between people in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption regarding the appropriation of production resources, factors of production of material goods; 2) belonging of things, material and spiritual values ​​to certain persons, the legal right to such belonging and economic relations between people regarding ownership, division, redistribution of property objects.

Subjects of ownership: 1 person; 2) family; 3) labor collective; 4) social group; 5) population of the territory; 6) management bodies of all levels; 7) the people of the country.

Property objects: factors of production and finished products: 1) earth, land, land; 2) money, currency, securities; 3) material and property values; 4) natural resources; 5) jewelry; 6) buildings for social and cultural purposes; 7) basic production assets; 8) labor force; 9) spiritual, intellectual and informational resources.

Functional characteristics of the property: 1) ownership, 2) management, 3) control.

Which of these characteristics is the most important?
1. Karl Marx put ownership first.
2. In the XX century. property management is becoming increasingly important.

Technocracy (Greek ?????, “skill” + Greek ??????, “power”) is a socio-political system in which society is regulated by competent scientists and engineers based on the principles of scientific and technical rationality.
Technocratic ideas were expressed by A. A. Bogdanov, who introduced the term “technical intelligentsia” into circulation (in 1909 in the article “Philosophy of the Modern Naturalist”), the term “technocracy” itself is an Americanism that appeared in the 1920s. The idea of ​​technocracy as the power of engineers was originally described by Thorstein Veblen in his social utopia The Engineers and the Price System (1921). Veblen's ideas were developed by James Burnham in The Managerial Revolution (1941) and by John Kenneth Galbraith in The New Industrial Society (1967).
Thanks to the scientific and technological revolution, knowledge becomes the basis of power, subordinating both strength and wealth to itself. The very appearance of power is also changing - refusing direct and rough domination, it takes on softer forms of influence and domination. Now the level of knowledge, and not the presence or absence of private property, becomes the main source of social differences. Power in the information age passes from those who give orders to those who form the consciousness of people, lay in it certain stereotypes, images, behaviors.
The creators of meanings are the creative layer of the information society, the "creative class", which forms stereotypes of behavior, patterns of perception and action of means mass media and through them influencing the worldview and behavior of wide sections of citizens. Real power is increasingly fading into the shadows, to various non-governmental pressure groups, often international or simply foreign. The official government only draws up and implements the policy developed by these circles. Hard power based on violence has given way to "soft power" based on persuading people, ideological work, and subtle manipulation of public consciousness.
"Soft power" is a new historical type of power based not on direct violence or economic enslavement, but on persuasion and information manipulation. "Soft power" is turning into the main tool of power in the information age, when the old methods of domination are losing their effectiveness and there is a need for covert and unobtrusive subordination of people to other people's interests.
The material basis of "soft power" is formed by the triumvirate "1) creators of meanings - 2) non-governmental organizations - 3) mass media".

What is the difference Various types property?
Those who own the means of production, how and by whom the income from the use of property is distributed, who is a participant in economic activity.
Classification No. 1: 1) general (primitive-communal, family, state, collective); 2) private (labor = family, farm, individual labor activity; unearned = slaveholding, feudal, bourgeois-individual); 3) mixed (stock, cooperative, joint).
1) Historically, the first type of property was common property, in which all people were united in collectives and all means of production and produced goods belonged to all members of society.
2) The second in time of origin was private property, in which individuals treated the means of production as belonging personally only to them. Private property is a form of legal consolidation for a person of the rights to own, use and dispose of any property that he can use not only to satisfy personal needs, but also to maintain commercial activities. Private property was dominant in the economy until the 20th century. Opponents of private property pointed out that it is a source of exploitation of man by man, contributes to the separation of people, the development of such qualities as selfishness, individualism and greed, and creates inequality between people. Proponents of private property argued that the feeling of private property is a natural feeling of man, which expresses his nature. In their opinion, it is private property that gives the individual the opportunity not to depend on the state, being a guarantee of human rights.
3) In the XIX century. the main figure of the owner was the capitalist-entrepreneur. In the XX century. developed different kinds mixed (collective-private, group, corporate) ownership, which combines the features of the first two types. A typical form of such ownership is Joint-Stock Company(corporation).
Corporation (lat. corporatio - association, community) - a form of organization of an enterprise, where the right to property is divided into parts by shares, and therefore the owners of corporations are called shareholders.
Unlike the individual owner and members of the partnership, the maximum that a shareholder can lose is the amount paid by him for the shares. Shareholders can move in and out of a corporation simply by buying them. The capital of such a company is formed as a result of the sale valuable papers- shares, which are evidence that their owner has contributed - a share - to the capital of the corporation and is entitled to receive a dividend. Dividend - part of the profit that is paid to the owner of the shares (as a rule, in proportion to the amount of the share contributed by him).

Classification No. 2: 1) private (personal, individual); 2) state; 3) collective, joint.
Individual private property is widespread (agriculture, craft, trade, services).
Signs of an individual private enterprise: 1) ownership of the means of production used; 2) the use of the personal labor of the producer, his family, employees; 3) the right to single-handedly dispose of income from economic activity; 4) the right of economic independence in solving economic issues.
In the economy of the late XX century. the importance of state property is great (from 15 to 20%). Usually the state concentrates in its hands enterprises and industries of strategic importance ( railways, communication enterprises, nuclear and hydroelectric power stations).
Such forms of property as cooperative and collective property have also been preserved. With cooperative ownership, a group of people united to share some property (own or rented) manages this property. In a collective enterprise, the owner is the collective of this enterprise, which takes part in the management of the production process.
Municipal form of ownership is a form of ownership in which property is at the disposal, local authorities authorities.

Forms of ownership in Russia.
According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in Russia 1) private, 2) state, 3) municipal and other forms of ownership are recognized and protected in the same way. The list of forms of ownership specified in the Constitution and in the Civil Code (CC) of the Russian Federation is not exhaustive, since it is accompanied by a reservation, by virtue of which Russian Federation other forms of ownership are also recognized.

Privatization(lat. privatus - private) - 1) the transfer of state property to individual citizens or created by them legal entities; 2) the process of denationalization of ownership of the means of production, property, housing, land, Natural resources. It is carried out through the sale or gratuitous transfer of objects of state and municipal property into the hands of collectives and individuals with the formation on this basis of corporate, joint-stock, private property.
Nationalization(lat. natio - people) - the transfer of private property into the hands of the state.

Market and capitalism.
Version number 1. Capitalism = market system.
Capitalism is a type of society based on private property and a market economy.
In various currents of social thought, it is defined as a system of free enterprise, a stage in the development of an industrial society, and the modern stage of capitalism is defined as a “mixed economy”, “post-industrial society”, “ Information society" and etc.; in Marxism, capitalism is a socio-economic formation based on private ownership of the means of production and the exploitation of wage labor by capital.

Version number 2. Capitalism? market system.
Capitalism is not just a method of efficient economic activity that naturally arises in the bosom of a market economy. Capitalism is an intellectual, psychological and social breakthrough, inaccessible to a pagan, a man of traditional culture.
What distinguishes capitalism from the market is not so much the object of activity as its mode, scale, and goals. Fernand Braudel, describing this complex phenomenon, called it “anti-market”, since there is clearly a different activity, non-equivalent exchanges, in which competition, which is the basic law of the so-called market economy, does not take its rightful place.
Fernand Braudel (1902 - 1985) - an outstanding French historian. He laid the foundations of the world-systems approach.
Braudel's most famous work is considered to be his three-volume Material Civilization, Economics and Capitalism, XV-XVIII centuries. (1979). This book shows how the economies of European (and not only) countries functioned in the pre-industrial period. The development of trade and money turnover, much attention is also paid to the influence of the geographical environment on social processes.
Arnold Toynbee:
"I believe that in all countries where the maximum private profit acts as a motive for production, the private enterprise (market) system ceases to function."

What is capitalism?
Capitalism is a holistic ideology, plan and scenario of a specific world order, the essence of which is not the production itself or trading operations, but systemic operations aimed at controlling the market and aimed at extracting systemic profit (sustainable excess profit).
A rough, not too precise and absolutely unattractive analogue can serve as individual features of the mafia, moreover, in the "classical" sense of the concept, i.e. not as crime, but as a specific system for managing the world, controlling it, collecting tribute.
Capitalism acquires universal power not through administrative, national structures, but mainly through international economic mechanisms. Such power, by its nature, is not limited by the state border and extends far beyond its borders.
George Soros. Crisis of world capitalism. open society in danger:
“The analogy with the empire in this case is justified, because the system of world capitalism governs those who belong to it, and it is not easy to get out of it. Moreover, it has a center and a periphery like a real empire, and the center benefits from the periphery. More importantly, the system of world capitalism exhibits imperialist tendencies... It cannot be at peace as long as there are any markets or resources that are not yet drawn into its orbit. In this respect, it is not much different from the empire of Alexander the Great or Attila the Hun, and its expansionist tendencies may be the beginning of its death.
The nutrient medium of capitalism, its magnetic field, lines of force are historically formed in the nervous plexus of financial schemes and the trophy economy of the crusades, mainly in the coastal areas of Europe (the exception is the "land port" of fairs in Champagne). His family nests are, first of all, the city-states and regions of Italy: Venice, Genoa, Florence, Lombardy, Tuscany, as well as the North Sea coast: the cities of the Hanseatic League, Antwerp, and later Amsterdam.
The spiritual source of capitalism was, apparently, hetero-confessional, but quite united in its basis - and free from the specific restrictions imposed by the Christian worldview and culture - heresies. During this period, sects and heresies were actively spreading in Europe: the baton was passed from the Paulicians and Bogomils to the Patarenes and Albigensians. These are also the Templars, who were actively engaged in financial activities, the very system of organization of which is an impressive prototype of future TNBs and TNCs.
special role The Waldensians played a role in the emergence of capitalism. During the years of persecution that followed the Albigensian wars, the Waldensians divided, and the radical part, which refused to repent, moved to German-speaking countries, to the Netherlands, Bohemia, Piedmont, to the Western and Southern Alps, where, according to some information, communities that had left from state Christianity in the 4th century. There, in hard-to-reach areas, places of exile, a kind of "European Siberia", in the harsh conditions of the struggle for survival, the spirit of Protestantism is formed, marked by a special attitude to work, personal asceticism, enthusiasm, self-denial, honesty, scrupulousness, corporatism.
Former Waldensians are actively introduced into the wholesale and retail, which allows you to move freely and establish multiple connections. Contacts with the Waldensians are attributed to almost all significant figures of pre-Reformation Protestantism: from John Wycliffe to Jan Hus. Exiled from the legal world, forced to live in masks, to communicate indirectly, the sectarians found that it was precisely because of these circumstances that they had serious competitive advantages and were perfectly prepared for systemic operations. In other words, they have a mechanism for the successful implementation of collusion and control over the situation, for the development and implementation of complex, complex projects, the implementation of large (often collective) capital investments, the informal conclusion of trust agreements that require a long-term turnover of funds and active co-presence in different points earth.
On this basis, in Western Europe a new type of attitude is spreading, which is characterized by active fatalism, considering earthly wealth as a visible proof of vocation, and success as a sign of charisma. In medieval Europe, however, a completely different logic dominated: when labor was obligatory, the opposition of the necessary - necessitas - to the superfluous - superbia - was emphasized with the corresponding moral assessment, that is, the desire for profit was assessed as a shame and even the very activity of a professional merchant as hardly pleasing to God.

Read the information .

economic system- a way of organizing the economic life of society, which is a set of ordered relationships between producers and consumers of material goods and services.

IN study guide"Social science. Complete reference” edited by P.A. Baranov, the following definition is given:

« economic system- an established and operating set of principles, rules, laws that determine the form and content of the main economic relations that arise in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of an economic product.

To date, economists distinguish 4 types of economic systems, using such basic criteria as the form of ownership of the main factors of production and the distribution of resources:

1.Traditional economic system

  • land and capital (the main factors of production) belong to the community, tribe or common use,
  • resources are distributed according to long-standing traditions.

2.Command (centralized or administrative) economic system. type of economic organization in which

  • land and capital (the main means of production) are owned by the state,
  • resources are also distributed by the state.

3.Market (capitalist) economic system. type of economic organization in which

  • land and capital are privately owned,
  • Resources are distributed through the supply and demand market.

4.Mixed economic system. type of economic organization in which

  • land and capital (the main factors of production) are privately owned,
  • resources are distributed by the state and the market. See note below...

Types of economic systems

Key features


1. collective property (land and capital - the main factors of production belong to the community, tribe or in common use)

2. the main motive for production is the satisfaction of one's own needs (not for sale), i.e. dominates (farming, subsidiary farm and etc.)

3. economic order - economic problems are solved in accordance with customs

4. the principle of distribution of resources and material wealth - the additional product goes to the leaders or owners of the land, the rest of it is distributed according to customs.

5.development of the economy - the use of extensive technologies in production, which use the simplest tools and manual labor.

Command (centralized)

1. state ownership of all material resources and enterprises.

2. the main motive for production is the implementation of the plan.

3.Manufacturer's authority.

4. the principle of collectivism in public relations.

5.centralized planning, total control of the state.

6.equalizing principle of distribution of resources and wealth.

7. economic order - the introduction of strict administrative and criminal law measures.

8.strictly fixed and unified prices and wage.

Market (capitalist)

1.Different types of property (including private property).

2. the main motive for production is profit.

3.user power.

4. the principle of individualism in public relations.

5. freedom of enterprise, the power of the state is limited.

6. Entrepreneurial independence in matters of supply, production and marketing.

7.personal interest - the main motive of economic behavior.

8. prices and wages are determined on the basis of market competition.


1.private ownership of the vast majority of economic resources.

2.participation of the state in the economy is limited (consists in the distribution of centralized economic resources to compensate for some of the weaknesses of market mechanisms).

3. stake on personal freedom of entrepreneurship, the guarantee of the state for social support.

4. economic order - the main economic issues are decided by the markets.

5. market principle of distribution of resources and wealth.

6. The main motive for production is personal interest and profit.

7. The most efficient use of limited resources is achieved.

8. susceptibility to scientific and technological progress.

Consider examples .

Type of economic system

Traditional (patriarchal)

In the past, it was characteristic of primitive society.

At present, the features of the traditional economy prevail in the backward countries of South America, Asia and Africa and.
America: Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Venezuela, Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominica (both), Colombia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, etc.

Asia: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Jordan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, etc.
Almost all countries of the so-called. (Angola, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, etc.).

Wikipedia. List of countries by nominal (absolute) value of gross domestic product in dollar terms, calculated using the market or the exchange rate established by the authorities.

Wikipedia. economic system

Types and models of economic systems.

Wikipedia. List of states and dependent territories of Oceania

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BA_%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%81%D1 %83%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2_%D0%B8_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%81 %D0%B8%D0%BC%D1%8B%D1%85_%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0 %B8%D0%B9_%D0%9E%D0%BA%D0%B5%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B8