Deposit give life in Sberbank. Give life - what is it? Debit cards "Give life"

Cards Visa Gold and Classic "Give Life" are credit and debit cards that participate in the "Give Life" charity program. From each such card, Sberbank of Russia transfers to the Podari Zhizn fund a donation from the available funds on your card account in the amount of 0.3% of the amount of your purchases, as well as from its income in the amount of 50% of the fee for the first year of servicing a credit card and 0.3% of your purchases.

Every year in Russia, about 5,000 children develop cancer. Most often, cancer treatment requires significant amounts that parents do not have. The Gift of Life program makes it possible for you to help other people: when you make purchases with the Gift of Life Visa card, you simultaneously make donations to charitable foundation. Sberbank increases the amount of your donation by own funds. Each Podari Zhizn card holder can donate less than 10 rubles to a charitable foundation, but when there are many such participants, the total donation amount increases many times over.

The following amounts of donations are transferred to the Gift of Life Foundation:

50% of the amount of the fee that Sberbank charges when issuing a card Visa Classic or Gold "Give life";

6 rubles for every 1,000 rubles spent when paying for goods or services with a card (0.3% of the amount of purchases is debited once a month from the card account and 0.3% of the amount of purchases is transferred at the expense of Sberbank).

What does the Gift of Life Foundation do?

The Gift of Life Foundation was created by actresses Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun. The Foundation helps children who are being treated in federal cancer hospitals. Most of the children in hospitals are hospitalized from the regions of the Russian Federation.

The Fund provides assistance to children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases using the funds received from Visa Gold or Classic cardholders "Give Life":

Buys expensive medicines;

Pays for microbiological research;

Pays for the search and activation of bone marrow donors, etc.

On the official website of the Podari Zhizn Foundation you will find all necessary information on the activities of the Fund, reports on funds received and spent, information on children undergoing treatment and much more.

You can apply for a Gift of Life card at any branch of Sberbank of Russia.

What are the benefits of the Gift of Life Visa card?

1) Visa Card "Give Life" is a full-fledged payment card, which can be used to pay for goods or services in the Russian Federation and abroad.

2) You will be able to become a citizen with an active social position and provide assistance to children with severe oncological diseases.

3) You will be available remote services Sberbank - " Mobile bank"and the Internet bank" Sberbank-Online ".

4) Sberbank ATMs are located in almost every city in Russia, so you can withdraw cash without commission.

How can a Podari Zhizn Visa card holder transfer funds to the Fund?

1) You can pay for your purchases as often as possible with a Gift of Life Visa card, rather than cash.

2) You can also independently transfer any amount to the Gift of Life fund using the Mobile Bank service. Note that the transfer of funds to the Gift of Life fund is possible from any Sberbank card connected to " Mobile bank". To transfer funds, you must send an SMS to the short number 900 with the text "GIFT LIFE amount" or "GRANTLIFE amount". If the "Mobile Bank" was already connected to another card, and you connected the "Give Life" card to it, then you should indicate the last five digits of the card number after the amount.

Why does Sberbank charge an increased fee for issuing a Gift of Life Visa card?

Under the terms of the Give Life Visa card, 50% of the fee for the first year of servicing the card is sent by Sberbank to the Give Life Fund. The remaining 50% of the fee for the first year of servicing the card (for example, for Classic cards - this is 500 rubles) goes to Sberbank, however, this amount is less than the standard fee for the first year of service for other Sberbank cards (for example, for Classic cards - this is 750 rubles) . Thus, using the Gift of Life cards, Sberbank donates part of its standard income.

For this reason, the bank sets a higher fee for the first year of service for Visa cards "Give Life". So, as a result of issuing a card Classic Sberbank will donate 250 rubles to the Fund, and the cardholder will donate 250 rubles to the Fund.

Russian Sberbank, together with the well-known domestic charity fund Podari Zhizn, with the support of the well-known VISA payment system, presented Russian citizens with a special card, thanks to which customers can save children suffering from various serious diseases. When the Sberbank Gift of Life card is used for personal needs or for purchases, a small amount is transferred to the children.

The design of the card includes drawings of boys and girls whose lives depend on donations. Children have created beautiful drawings where they are next to their loved ones. The symbol of the background is a drawing of a golden sun, which was drawn by a girl named Dasha. This sun is the hope for a happy future, where exactly the guys will not face pain and suffering.

What is the essence of the program

The charitable foundation described above was founded about 10 years ago. Its main task is to help children suffering from oncological and hematological diseases. Children want to see their families again as soon as possible. And each of you has a real opportunity to help them. The Sberbank card "Give Life" is designed to provide support to such children. Sberbank of Russia transfers half of the income for annual service and 0.3 percent of the total amount of purchases made by customers directly to the fund.

What is typical for a debit card and how to get it

To fully support the charitable program, the international payment system VISA is issuing debit cards.

The Podari Zhizn debit card has the following terms of service:

  1. The 12-month maintenance cost is 1000 rubles.
  2. The owner can withdraw cash from ATMs and not pay a commission.
  3. One of the privileges is the ability to use bonuses and privileges from Sberbank.
  4. You can withdraw cash in other countries.
  5. 3 percent of all purchases go to charity.

Making a Gift of Life card is not considered the most difficult process. First you need to come to one of the offices of Sberbank with a certain set of documents. Then you will need to fill out an application form for receipt, and two days later the manager will call back and tell you what decision was made.

Moreover, the card can be issued on the terms of benefits if:

  • Your salary or pension is credited to the main Sberbank card.
  • You already have a debit card.
  • You are the owner of the deposit in this bank.
  • you carry out loan payments in Sberbank.

The specifics of obtaining and servicing the "Give Life" credit card

If you are a citizen of Russia between the ages of 21 and 65, then the Podari Zhizn credit card will be available to receive. This card can be obtained by borrowers who have been working at a particular workplace for at least 6 months and have a Russian residence permit. Moreover, it is necessary that in the last 5 years seniority was at least 12 months. For a year of servicing a credit card, you will need to pay 900 rubles (Classic type). gold card will cost 3.5 thousand rubles.

Now it is worth considering the features of servicing this card.

  1. It is valid for 3 years.
  2. The interest rate is always set individually and can range from 25.9-33.9 percent.
  3. There is access to the bonus program "Thank you" from the bank.
  4. Commission for cash withdrawal - 3 percent. In foreign terminals, the percentage increases to 4.
  5. Each purchase donates 0.3 percent of the amount to charity.

Deposit conditions

Deposits under the above program are short-term and calculated for 12 months. At the same time, bank customers can terminate the contract ahead of schedule without consequences. Replenishment of the account or frequent withdrawal of funds is not allowed. In case of early termination of the contract for the first year, the owner will receive 0.01% per annum, and then the amount will be equal to 2/3 of the previously established rate.

To activate the deposit, you will need at least 10 thousand rubles . The interest rate is 6.45 percent and is calculated quarterly. There is the possibility of multiple prolongation of the deposit. 0.3 percent per annum will be transferred to charity.

By the way, it is very interesting to compare credit card“Give Life” and a contribution under the same program. In the first case, for example, funds will be transferred to the fund constantly, and in the second case, only once a quarter. Moreover, the amount depends solely on the contribution. As for a credit card, the amount of the purchase plays a role here. In general, the owner of the deposit has the opportunity to transfer any amount on his own initiative.

Thus, the Gift of Life program was created to effectively financial assistance children suffering from serious diseases, the treatment of which requires a serious amount. Except voluntary donations, 50 percent of the amount for the year of service is also transferred to the fund. All accumulated funds are divided among the children who need your support. The conditions for obtaining the Give Life card are more than loyal, so almost anyone can apply for it.

Now you will hardly surprise anyone with an envelope, and some will even consider such a gift a sign of bad taste or the result of a lack of imagination. Consider what other ways to donate money to modern conditions twenty first century.

One of the most original and, at the same time, convenient ways can be considered a gift Bank deposit . Let's take a closer look at the ways how to donate, and also we will figure out whether this procedure is always associated with the design donation agreements.
Today, many banks offer their customers such a service as opening a deposit in the name of a third party. To do this, you need to contact any branch of the bank that provides such an opportunity. In addition to your passport, to open a deposit, you only need information about the person in whose name the deposit will be opened. In some cases, they may additionally request photocopies of a third party's passport, namely the first page, which indicates the name and date of birth, as well as the page with registration. Less often, they may require the presentation of the original passport and other documents. This way of giving a contribution attracts with its simplicity. In addition, until the moment when the gifted person for the first time announces his rights to a deposit in the bank, the possibility of both credit and expense transactions remains with the person who opened this deposit. This means that such a gift can be accumulated gradually, by a certain date, while at the same time allowing the funds to work and generate income in the form of accrued interest.

Quite often, this method is used to accumulate a gift amount to the age of majority of the child or any other significant event. At the same time, up to a certain age, the child's access to the deposit is either completely impossible, or requires the consent of the parents.

Donation agreement

In a situation where the deposit was made by you in your name, and subsequently you decided to transfer the rights to this third party deposit, it will be necessary to issue donation agreement. Lawyers that you hire yourself, or specialists from the bank in which the deposit was opened, will help you competently draw up an agreement.

IN in general terms, the donation agreement must contain the following information:

  1. deposit details
    • opening date
    • total amount
    • personal data of the person who opened the deposit
  2. Recipient data
    • Full name
    • Date of Birth

With such an agreement, you should contact the bank and re-register all documents in the name of the new account holder.
In a situation where the owner of the deposit cannot visit the bank branch on his own, it is possible to draw up a donation agreement on one's own, certify it with a notary and pass it on to the gifted person, who will be able to independently resolve all issues in the bank branch.

Which banks allow you to give a deposit

A number of banks provide the opportunity to make a deposit to a third party. Among them are Absolut Bank, Bank "Revival", SMP-Bank, VTB 24, Sberbank, Promsvyazbank and others. The latter presents several options for such deposits, which differ in the set of opportunities that open up to the owner of the deposit.

However, some banks present a number of restrictions to deposits opened in the name of a third party. In particular, it may be allowed to open a deposit only in rubles or only in the presence of the future owner of the funds.

Another common way to donate is a plastic card to which the funds were credited. In this case, the recipient of the card only needs to know the PIN code in order to have full access to the amount placed on the account.

Whatever way to donate Whatever you choose, such a gift will be appreciated, and you will appear to others as a modern person actively using banking technologies.

For most people who prefer to place free money on a bank deposit account, such a measure is primarily an investment, that is, a way to obtain passive income. However, at present, many banks allow you to combine earnings on deposit interest with other important social functions. In particular, all kinds of charitable programs, that is, such deposits that allow contributors to take a direct part in charitable actions. One of these deposit products is a term deposit Podari Zhizn offered by Sberbank of Russia.

The charitable deposit program, which will be discussed in this article, is directly related to the eponymous non-state fund Podari Zhizn, which has been successfully providing all possible assistance to children with hematological and oncological diseases for a long time and successfully. On this moment Sberbank depositors who have chosen this particular term deposit as their deposit program have the opportunity to transfer money from their own deposit account to the account of the Podari Zhizn organization - every three months, 0.3% per annum of the total amount placed will be credited to the fund for helping sick children on deposit.

Podari Zhizn - a deposit with increased profitability

In addition to the aforementioned charitable component, Sberbank also offers depositors an increased one - the profitability of the program here will be significantly higher than in the case of the vast majority of other term deposits bank (“Save”, “Replenish”, etc.) At the moment, the interest rate on the deposit Give Life of Sberbank is 7.25% per annum. In the event that the calculation of the rate takes into account the capitalization of interest, we will be talking about 7.45% per annum in rubles.

Unlike some other fixed-term deposits, interest on the Podari Zhizn charitable deposit will be credited to a deposit or any other account not monthly, but once every three months. If necessary, this amount can be credited to a card account opened with Sberbank, the conditions of which allow credit transactions.

Key Features of the Charity Program

There are several more important points that you need to know about this contribution. Firstly, under the terms of the Give Life program, the bank does not accept deposits in foreign currency– you can place money on a deposit that allows you to participate in a charity event only in Russian rubles. Secondly, minimum amount, which the depositor can put on his own deposit account, will be quite large here - in order to open a deposit, you must have at least 10 thousand rubles.

The deposit is non-replenishable (additional monetary contributions to the account are not accepted), it is also not allowed partial withdrawal funds from a deposit account. Such conditions at first glance may seem rather harsh, but it is precisely they that provide such high yield, which attracts the close attention of investors who dream of the highest possible interest rate to this program.

Deposit term

Given that this deposit program, as already noted, is urgent, a fixed period of validity is set for deposits, which is one year. In the event that at the end of the term the depositor does not close the agreement, the operation of the deposit account is automatically prolonged, taking into account interest rate operating in the bank at the time of prolongation. Depositors striving for maximum income will not be out of place to know that Sberbank of Russia allows you to extend the Give Life deposit program an unlimited number of times.

Early termination of the contract

It is not uncommon for such situations when the investor decides to terminate deposit agreement and withdraw the deposit. If it is necessary to close the deposit under the Give Life program early, the bank undertakes to pay 2/3 of the interest rate, provided that it has been kept on the account for more than 6 months - otherwise the deposit yield will be minimal and will be only 0.01% per annum.

How to make money on a deposit

In order to become a member of the Podari Zhizn deposit program of Sberbank, you need to make a deposit and conclude an agreement for servicing a deposit account at any bank branch. To open a deposit, many documents are not required - it is enough to have a citizen's passport with you Russian Federation or other proof of identity (passport, military ID, driving license etc.) After opening an account, the depositor can issue a power of attorney to use Money or make a testamentary disposition in favor of other people.

Sberbank has launched an unusual banking project for its clients - Give Life. It is a collaboration with a charitable foundation of the same name, whose contributions are transferred to the needs of children who need funding for the treatment of complex diseases. The Sberbank Gift of Life card provides an opportunity to participate in the financing of the fund, as well as provide assistance and support to sick children. Thanks to them, children who suffer from hematological, oncological or other diseases receive regular assistance in the form of medicines and care.

Features of the Gift of Life card in Sberbank

Of the entire list of plastic cards, the Give Life card series is the only one that participates in the financing of a charitable foundation. A feature of the card is that, regardless of its type, 0.3% of each purchase goes to the Podari Zhizn charity fund, thanks to which card holders help children fight serious illnesses.

In addition to the above features, a plastic card has all the main characteristics inherent in Sberbank debit cards. Also, the cardholder can accumulate bonus points for each non-cash payment goods or services in Bonus points can return from 0.5 to 20% of the funds spent, depending on the partner store. For the points accumulated on the bonus account, you can subsequently receive taxi rides, various ones, as well.

Debit cards "Give life"

Today, Sberbank presents 3 types of Give Life debit cards: Classic, Gold, and Platinum. Depending on the type, cards differ in the cost of servicing, as well as the limit for withdrawing funds in self-service devices and bank cash desks. Debit cards, including payroll, are issued in payment system Visa.

Classic card "Give life"

Terms of Service:
  • The cost of annual maintenance is 1000 rubles for the first year, and 450 rubles for the second year and beyond;
  • Maintenance cost additional card- 450 rubles for the first year, and 300 rubles for the second year and beyond;
  • Card validity period - 3 years;
  • Payment system - Visa;
  • Unscheduled card reissue - 150 rubles;
A cardholder can withdraw up to 1,500,000 rubles per month from ATMs and cash desks of Sberbank without charging a commission, and up to 150,000 rubles per day at a branch and ATMs of Sberbank. If the withdrawal amount at the cash desk of Sberbank exceeds the limit of 150,000 rubles, then a commission of 0.5% of the excess amount is charged. Also, if a client cashes money at ATMs of third-party banks, a commission of 1% of the amount, but not less than 100 rubles, is charged. If cashing out is carried out at a branch of another bank, then a commission of 1% of the amount is charged, but not less than 150 ₽.

An SMS notification service is also available for cardholders. To use this service, you need to connect the service . The service allows you to control accounts, as well as conduct payment transactions and transfers using. The first two months of using the package will be free, after which a fee of 60 rubles per month will be charged. If the use of SMS operations is not implied, then you can switch to a tariff, the service of which is free.

Gold card "Give life"

Terms of Service:
  • The cost of annual maintenance is 4000 rubles for the first year, and 3000 rubles for the second year and beyond;
  • Card validity period - 3 years;
  • Payment system - Visa;
  • Deductions to the Gift of Life fund - 0.3% of the amount of purchases + 0.3% from Sberbank, and 50% of the cost of the first year of service;
  • Planned card reissue - free of charge;
  • Checking the balance and receiving a statement of funds from the card in other banks - 15 rubles per request.
The main feature of the Gift of Life gold card is an increased withdrawal limit, which is 300,000 rubles per day and 3,000,000 rubles per month without commission. For cashing out the card at ATMs of other financial institutions a percentage is charged, identical for both the classic and the gold card.

Terms of Service:
  • The cost of annual maintenance is 15,000 rubles for the first year, and 1,0000 rubles for the second year and beyond;
  • The cost of servicing an additional card is 2,500 rubles for the first year, and 2,500 rubles for the second year and beyond;
  • Card validity period - 3 years;
  • Payment system - Visa;
  • Deductions to the Gift of Life fund - 0.3% of the amount of purchases + 0.3% from Sberbank, and 50% of the cost of the first year of service;
  • Planned - free of charge;
  • Unscheduled card reissue - free of charge;
  • Checking the balance and receiving a statement of funds from the card in other banks - 15 rubles per request.
The limit for withdrawing money from the Podari Zhizn platinum card is 500,000 rubles per day and up to 5,000,000 rubles per month. Also, the advantages of this card can be considered free, regardless of the tariff plan.

Design credit card"Give life" can every citizen of the Russian Federation, whose age is in the range from 21 to 65 years. The total experience for 5 years must be more than 1 year, and the work experience in the current job must be more than six months at the time of application. Maintenance fee throughout the year: for Visa Classic- in the amount from 0 to 900 rubles. and for Visa Gold - 3.5 thousand rubles.

Credit card Visa Classic "Give life"

Terms of Use:
  • Card validity period: 3 years;
  • : up to 300,000 rubles as part of a mass offer, and up to 600,000 rubles as part of personal offer;
  • Bonus programs: from Visa systems and "Thank you" from Sberbank;
  • Charity contributions: 0.3% - from the purchase, as well as 50% from the annual service fee;

Terms of Use:
  • Interest rate: 23.9% - 27.9% (set personally);
  • Interest free period: 50 days;
  • Card validity period: 3 years;
  • Credit limit: up to 600,000 rubles;
  • Bonus programs: from the Visa system and;
  • Application approval process: about 2 days;
  • Charity contributions: 0.3% - from any purchase, as well as 50% - from the annual service fee;
  • Cash withdrawal: 3% (more than 390 rubles) - in ATM devices and PVN of this bank, as well as 4% - in devices and PVN of third-party organizations.
Having issued a Podari Zhizn credit card (more on this in the branches of Sberbank of Russia), interest from any purchase using it will go to the fund of the same name. Also, before using a credit card, you should familiarize yourself with.


The unique conditions of the "Give Life" program provide for the possibility of stable financial contributions for seriously ill children. In addition to donations from the deposit and the Give Life card at Sberbank, which are made in voluntary, Sberbank also transfers half of the total amount of its income (50% of the annual service fee). The money collected in this way is distributed by the curators of the fund among those children who urgently need help.