Earnings on HYIPs (HYIP): the main thing is the right approach. Hype - what is it in simple words, what does it mean to hype or hype in youth slang, as well as differences from the Hyip project


HYIPs provide a great opportunity to make money, but the unprecedented risk scares off seekers of big profits. Every year, admins are becoming more and more agile in their desire to snatch the desired profit from us, but it should be noted that investors are also not born out of thin air. Among the hypers there are real virtuosos who have their own strategies and tactics of warfare - I will tell you about these super schemes for profit extraction in this article.

Is it possible to make money on HYIPs?

Before I delve into the very essence of the story of the great and ingenious tactics of working with projects, let's immediately indicate the answer to the main question - is it possible to get rich in this way at all and are there HYIPs that pay. If you are one of those who think this is all nonsense, then you have come to the right place and there is a lot of evidence on my blog that HYIPs do pay, and investors earn even more than many of those who have their own business in real life.

And without effort. No, well, you will have to make some efforts - analyze the project, make a deposit, withdraw profits - but these are mere trifles compared to what kind of life highly profitable investments can open up for you.

So, you have given up on hard daily work and are ready to rush into battle with HYIP admins, tearing out the way to another life with your teeth, arms and legs. Do not rush - not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance: working with HYIPs and earning money are two big differences. I will not overshadow my super-positive article with stories about how many of the clumsy investors poured all their capital into the pipe and left with empty pockets - there are such stories everywhere.

I will only note that in this environment it is necessary to be an analyst, take into account all factors, be aware of the risks - if you, with eyes burning with greed, rush into all serious and start debauching into everything in a row, then, most likely, this will not lead you to anything good . Therefore, the answer to the above question sounds like this - making money on HYIPs is possible, but only with competent investments. Well, how much you can earn on HYIPs depends on the tactics and investment methods that you will adopt.

HYIP investment strategies

Over the entire history of the existence of highly profitable investments, since the time of the first pyramid builders, a whole lot of various ways making a profit. As it turned out, not only admins are enterprising, and not only they can be insanely resourceful. In a word, investors have long learned to get away with hype creators in a confrontation with hype creators, and even with full wallets. So, I propose to go over the main strategies in HYIPs.

His Majesty is cunning

Hit and run in translation from overseas - "grab and run", which, in fact, reflects the essence of the strategy, which is simple to genius. Many investors cheat in the dark, but they themselves do not realize that they are using some kind of tactic - nature itself tells them how to quickly beat the profit.

The essence of the cunning is elementary: we enter the minimum circle, grab everything that we have earned and put our feet in our hands ... we forget about the project and depay into other HYIP products - and so on ad infinitum. An ideal option for cunning people is fasts, having run into the minimum circles of which, in a day or a couple of days you can skim off the cream and rush in search of a new project.

Features of the sly can be distinguished in a separate list:

  • It is a tactic with the least risk - ran in, ran out, and it's in the bag.
  • HYIPs suitable for a trickster are not so common - if you choose only worthy sites, and not just any slag, then you can sit and wipe your pants for a long time while your comrades-in-arms earn in other ways.
  • Admins do not like tricksters and put a spoke in their wheels - either limits on minimum circles, or generally plans with the shortest term are made the most expensive.
  • For middlemen, it’s not an option - in order to earn something significant, you need to invest a large amount, which means that the risk increases.
  • When cunning, it is important to enter the project as early as possible, and preferably right at the start.

In general, the attitude towards the tactics of the cunning, and the cunning runners themselves is rather negative, and not only among admins, but among all honest people - such actions wash money out of the cash register of projects, which means they shorten their lives. But, as they say, a bad dancer is hindered by tricksters - those who want to work lead the project without a hitch, even if all depas fly from tricksters.

Tactics for observers

If you like more relaxed earnings on HYIPs, the observer strategy is your option. In the network, it is also called a waiting tactic and its essence comes down to long-term monitoring of the project before making a deposit. If, with cunning, you need to fly into the project at the speed of light, then with the expectant method, you should see how the project works, in which direction it develops, and in general, figure out what the admin has in mind.

So, after following the project for a month or two, you can say with all confidence that the project pays, investors are satisfied, development is underway at full speed - that is, you can state that the admin did not come to quickly collect cash, he has far-reaching plans.

The wait-and-see method is mainly for low-income people, when a long life of the project is expected - fasts and even middlemen can come off even before you finish the observation.

Acceleration of the deposit

If the previous tactics seem like jokes from a bear, then there is a more interesting option, if this tactic works, then prepare your wallets for profit - it will be very significant. I don’t know who came up with the idea of ​​dispersing the deposit and let this idea go to the masses, but he was clearly a very gambling person who liked to walk on the edge of a knife, but also had excellent earnings. If you too love such risky, but wildly profitable equipment, then you will like the tactics that I will discuss next.

If everything is indiscriminate investment strategies in hyip can be called dangerous, then overclocking the deposit is the most risky of them. Brought fear? Now I’ll tell you in essence: overclocking begins with an investment - the amount can be any, depending on the degree of trust in the project. Further, when accruals arrive, we make a knight's move and do not withdraw anything from the project - not a penny. We carefully accumulate all interest and get increased profit, after which we accelerate the deposit until it smells of fried, and the moment comes to stop and withdraw everything.

But! This type of overclocking is valid only for those projects in which compounding works - that is, profit is accrued both on the deposit and on profit if it is not withdrawn. In the event that there is no such thing in the project, then the profit is made in the form of new deposits.

When can you fool around and disperse the deposit? In the event that the project is of high quality, and not some kind of school-hype slag. You need a site that pays daily profits, and the volume of investments is stable and solid - you don’t want your inflated deposit to shake the boat of admin peace of mind, do you? In a primitive hype, the amount you have accumulated can become a reason for a scam.

Reinvestment tactics

If your mind does not leave the thought of how to make money on HYIPs, but at the same time you want not only to get good earnings, but also not to give your hard-earned big risks, then I have an option for you. All that is required to implement the reinvestment strategy is to enter the project, receive a profit and a deposit, withdraw the deposit, invest the profit and spin it all the way to the scam. Thus, your money remains in your hands, and after the first round you no longer risk anything.

Mistakes are made not only by beginners, but also by experienced investors. It is very important not to lose self-control and a critical look at the situation even after the passage of time. It is a common problem that after 2-3 months of investment, a person begins to consider himself a pro. crown on head...

Reinvestment - according to the dictionary of a HYIP investor, this is a re-investment in HYIP, in professional slang this process is called "reinvestment". It may include earned interest, consist solely of the previous deposit body, or be only a part of it. Refunds can be double or…

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The fact that HYIP projects do not lead any real activity, we have already dealt with the material in detail - myths and legends. But this is not the only scam that most investors face. There are also tricks used by the project administration to lure people into their…

A lull in HYIPs is the exact opposite of a situation that is called a kooky in professional slang. There are several stages, some of which are signals of an approaching scam. Others, on the contrary, emphasize that the platform will probably work longer than average. In this article, we will teach you...

Zakidon is a term used in the professional environment for investing in HYIP projects. They denote an excessively large contribution or a large amount of deposits at the very start of the site, followed by a sharp decrease in volumes. In most cases, this leads to a scam, as the administration…

A rare variety of HYIP projects is the Life Queue. This is not the name of a specific site, although it was a 100% match. This is a kind of HYIP, there are dozens of them in the network and new ones appear every day. The developers do not hide the fact that payments to participants are made at the expense of new…

Good day! Who among us did not want fast and big money. The dream of any person is to invest where money is, so that it doubles for the maximum short time. On the Internet, you can find such proposals for doubling or even tripling deposits not even in a year, but in a month. Hyips promise such profitability. But is it worth contacting high-yield investments or are these all fraudulent schemes that are bred for money?

What is HYIP?

HYIP (English HYIP - highly profitable investment project) - sites that accept cash deposits under high interest without legal registration or representation. As a rule, for most investors, they turn out to be fraudulent, as they appropriate the money invested in them.

For more than a year now, I have been watching how new HYIPs are constantly being created and old HYIPs are being closed, how these projects are being discussed on the forums, people are actively sharing small successes at first, and then grieving for big losses. Why are these pseudo-investments of new people so attractive? The answer is obvious - the desire to make money easily. A rare human soul will resist the temptation to get +100% in a month.

  1. project creator;
  2. referrals (those who distribute their referral links to attract people).

They are the ones who make the most profit. The owners of the project, when they close the site, throwing all the investors. And the second - having timely withdraw the interest that has accumulated from the grief of investors who are tempted to make easy money on HYIPs. A few of those who invest money can also earn something if they stop in time and do not chase the higher returns promised for investing for a longer period.

The fact that all HYIPs are closed is the truth. Some die in the first week after opening, while others exist for several weeks and even months. Those that close a few days after opening do not pay money to anyone. Those who live longer pay at first, building a reputation for being reliable, and when the influx of gullible people peaks, the payments stop.

How are HYIPs organized?

After analyzing the activities of HYIPs, you can reproduce the approximate scheme of work of these projects.

The creator of the HYIP, who is also the future admin, buys a ready-made working website script. He embellishes it a little, creating his own design, connects several electronic payment systems to it. If you have start-up capital, then you can entrust all the setup and unification of the design to freelancers, and only control the process yourself.

After launching the project, it needs to be advertised. On the forums about earnings and investments, it is easy to find referrals who will be happy to advertise a new HYIP and at the same time earn extra money on an affiliate program. They often post screenshots on the network confirming payments, raising the site's trust, and inviting them with stories about easy and quick money.

From each investor's contribution, the admin takes a share for himself, gives a part to the referrals, and something else remains to be paid to the depositors on demand.

Some investors manage to withdraw money with earned interest at the stage of acceleration and active replenishment of the project balance from the influx of fresh investments. But it doesn't last long. The greed of the administrator determines the moment when you need to stop paying and take the entire cash register for yourself. The scam hype period is coming. Bankruptcy of the site occurs not when the outflow of deposits exceeds the income and there is nothing to pay, but when it is beneficial to its administrator.

That's all for me. Write your thoughts in the comments. See you!

I think many people would like to earn $1,000 per month on investments alone, and this is possible thanks to HYIPs! I will reveal the main secrets of success that will help you achieve this result.

But before moving on to all the secrets, I recommend reading the first part of the article in order to learn how to understand HYIPs and their types well. But if you are not interested, then follow the link "No. 3".

What is a HYIP project

HYIP(High Yield Investment Program) - translates as "highly profitable investment program". This designation is suitable for any site that offers to invest with a return of more than 5% per month.

HYIPs are also divided into several types:

Both types of investments have a beautiful history of how they will create profits for you. However, the difference is that venture fund brings 5-15% per month, while the pyramids can even offer 200% per month.

And if a venture fund is long term investment money, then financial Pyramide works in the short term. Where only the first few circles of investors earn (sometimes more circles, sometimes less).

Types of profitability of pyramids:

  • Low-income: up to 15% profit per month, project life from 6 months to 5 years;
  • Medium-income: 15-30% profit per month, lifespan 2-24 months;
  • Highly profitable: more than 30% per month, projects are unpredictable and live from a few days to 6 months.

When the hype is closed, it is called "Scam" (SCAM - deception). That is this project stops paying funds and it is not worth investing in it anymore.

Not so long ago, I talked about where I visually calculated the cost of creating a simple hype - $ 2,000. If you do a larger project, then the costs will be about $ 10,000.

For such a hype to work really well, he must receive more than $30,000. In practice, sometimes they receive such an amount of investment in the first week of work, which leads the creators to the idea of ​​​​closing the project.

Therefore, you need to look towards systematically developing HYIPs with the right marketing plans. Which allow you to return your money with a profit in just one month.

You can often see "test plans" they are called the minimum wage, where you can invest $ 10-100 for 7, 14 or 21 days. The investor is imbued with confidence in the project during this time and is ready to invest $500 already. — Such schemes prolong the life of projects!

What strategies do HYIP creators have?

  • Pre-launch - if a hype loudly declares itself before the start, but is already accepting money, then in 90% of cases it wants to recoup the project in the first few weeks and dump all investors.
  • Balanced - after the opening of the hype, it works for 10-20 days for nothing, draws statistics for itself on how many investors have swum, then goes to forums and blogs, where it begins to actively advertise itself. Such projects live up to several months.
  • Clear - declares itself in the first days of its existence, tries to keep real statistics of investors and investments, which it shows to everyone. At the same time, he is in no hurry to order advertising from bloggers, he does it on the 2nd or 3rd month of work, if the bloggers themselves do not pick it up for free.
  • Partizan - has a cheap design and offers up to 30% profit per month. They also pay 1-3% of the profit for the attracted partner. Usually they sit in the shadows until investors themselves begin to speak positively about the project on the forums. They can live for a very long time if investors arrive systematically.

I try to avoid almost everything except "balanced" and "clear". Where people really try to prove to us that their project is much better than the rest. Well, now let's move on to the main topic of the article.

There is a whole set of investor rules that must be followed. Ready to find out how professionals make money on HYIPs and how they differ good projects from the bad ones?

1. Hosting, domain, DDOS protection, SSL certificate
- Hosting must be non-Russian (even better if it is an American or German cdn);
- The presence of DDOS protection indicates long-term plans;
- SSL certificate, must be secure protocol https, preferably "LTD".

2. Design
The main thing here is not beauty, but the quality of the text. I recommend checking a few pages for spelling errors. Such errors indicate a poor quality approach to creating a project.

3. Legend (what they do)
The more convincing the legend, the more customers there will be. Many investors carefully read the whole story and look for the catch in everything before giving away their money.

4. Tariff plans
Investment plans must be no shorter than 10 and no more than 60 days (where we will invest). If they offer more than 1% income per day, with the return of the deposit at the end of the term, then the hype is unlikely to last more than 90 days.

We also pay attention to the number of plans, ideally there should be several (2-4 pieces), while the more money is deposited into the account, the longer the issuance period. As a rule, the latest tariff is the minimum period for which the HYIP is ready to work.

5. Seasonality
In the summer, everyone goes to rest, so most HYIPs are closed. In autumn there is a sharp influx of investors, but by December it fades, so December is also considered a dangerous time for investing. But spring is best time for investment.

6. Attitude of investors to the project
Be sure to read reviews on the forums, preferably on mmgp, where there are many experienced critics. In this way, we will find out if the project pays and what others think of it. Positive opinion? - Worth a look at the hype.

7. Attendance schedule
If it is smooth and growing upward, then this is the perfect time to invest. And you can view it using Alexa Rank.

8. Payments
It is important that as many as possible be connected electronic wallets. True, if there is webmoney in the lists, then this is a minus (it is closed after several complaints).

Payments should be daily and preferably in manual mode, so we understand that admins control the flow of money, which means they will not be robbed or hacked.

9. Methods of communication
The more ways to contact HYIP support, the more likely that the project wants to work in the long term. If there is a phone, then we check that they will answer the call.

Well, if you do not want to deal with all this, then the best option will follow, where I constantly add promising projects and show how much I managed to earn on each of them.

The best investing articles on the internet!

Lately, I've been getting a lot of questions. While reading them, I began to realize that some of my readers do not understand the basic things about investing. Influenced by these questions, I decided to write this article, which, I hope, will open someone's eyes.

Investing is a redistribution of funds.

It is important to understand the following thing: investing in HYIPs (like most other types of investing) is just a redistribution of money. Indeed, when investing in HYIPs (as well as PAMM accounts, Forex, precious metals, etc.), you do not produce or create anything, which means that there is nowhere for money to come from.

Thus, the system is closed and if you have more money, it means that somewhere there is less money. And it may seem that in order to be in the black, you need to be more successful than at least 50% of investors, but this is not so.

Do not forget that the funds also go to pay referral fees, and a significant part of the funds is taken by the project administrator. It turns out that in order to successfully invest in HYIP projects, you need to be among the 20-30% of the most “lucky” investors. But, as you know, lucky the strongest.

Why are the strongest lucky?

I often hear from novice investors: “ I tried to invest in 1/2/3 of the project, but no luck and I ended up in the red". But at the same time, I also know a lot of investors who are constantly in the black. So maybe it's not about luck, but about the approach to investing?

Of course, those people who think that they are investing in a real company are misinformed and cannot adequately assess their risks. Therefore, their investments are completely dependent on luck. But people who understand that they are investing in HYIPs also make a number of mistakes that also make them dependent on fortune.

The difference between successful and unsuccessful investors lies in knowledge and experience. And if in order to gain experience you have to fill the bumps yourself, then helpful information is freely available around and you just need to take it and study it.

I advise you to study the information obtained from different sources. Here are some tips that I recommend you listen to.

1. Diversification.

On all blogs and forums, experienced investors do not stop talking to newcomers about risk diversification. But, despite this, I can say (in my experience) that only a few have deposits in 10 or more projects (you can read more about the article on reducing risks through diversification). At the same time, even fewer novice investors use other investment instruments, except for HYIPs (read the article on 12 ways to invest).

Very often I am asked: This reliable project? », « Is it possible to invest here?», « How long do you think it will last?" These questions are asked by people who want to choose one of the most reliable projects and invest a large sum into it. But I cannot answer these questions. In addition, even the project administrator cannot know for sure how long his brainchild will last (unless, of course, he decided to arrange a “quick-start”).

In order to clear your head of these questions, you need not get hung up on one project. Break your portfolio into several parts and invest in several promising projects (). So you reduce the risks and even if some of the HYIPs stop paying, the rest will provide you with income and save your money.

2. Older doesn't mean better.

Again, often when people ask me questions about a project or recommend something, they give an argument: “ He pays and works for 1/2/3 years". For some reason, many are convinced that the older the hype, the more reliable it is.

I think the point is that these people are afraid that they will be thrown and simply not transferred the promised payment. Although you need to be afraid of another - scam. After all, not a single sane admin will throw his contributors ahead of time and will not spoil the reputation of the project, while it can still bring him profit.

If the life of a real company can really be regarded as an indicator of reliability, then with HYIPs the situation is quite the opposite. The older the project, the more likely it is to fold soon. Ideally, you need to enter long-term HYIPs in 1-3 months of their work.

3. Choose projects that care about their reputation.

As I said above, it is not profitable for such HYIPs to throw 1 person, who will then ruin their reputation. But the reputation can be spoiled only by serious projects. Therefore, when choosing them, pay attention that they are presented on the largest investment forums and blogs.

Forums and blogs are used by HYIPs for PR and attracting investors. But these tools can also play against the hype if its administrator decides to cheat.

On the forums, you can post evidence of project fraud. This will make him anti-PR. In addition, the forum moderator can mark this project as fraudulent, which will greatly affect its popularity.

This happened, for example, with payment system on the MMGP forum. Please note that the company is on the list of Internet scammers. And the reason was the unreasonable blocking of one of the clients.

4. There is no plus without minuses.

I am convinced that most novice investors are not able to competently manage risks, including because they have never lost their deposit.

So athletes begin to pay special attention to the warm-up only after a serious injury. And the “reckless drivers” who love to drive often begin to observe the speed limit after the first accident. A similar picture is happening with investors.

After several failures, a negative experience will deter the investor and protect him from increased risks. Mistakes are the best experience.

5. Study, study and study again.

Of course, the most effective way is to learn from your mistakes. But it's still too painful. To avoid this, it is better to learn from the mistakes of others and get the maximum amount of information on investing from various sources. Don't forget that knowledge is power.

Read more blogs and forums dedicated to investing. Follow breaking news HYIP industry. Connect with more experienced investors.


One of the most evil enemies of an investor is emotions. They prevent you from getting more profit and increase your risks. So don't be greedy, be cool, learn, don't give up, and success in investing awaits you.