Foreign HYIPs are long-lived. List of reliable HYIPs

Friends, colleagues! I am glad to welcome you again on the pages of my blog! Answering your questions that come on email, I realized that many beginners, considering the risks of investing in the field of investing in HYIP partisans, are increased, bypass such projects.

For myself, I confidently attribute partisans to HYIP projects that pay, and therefore I decided in today's article to talk about such investment programs, as well as how to make money on them.

Briefly, what questions we will discuss today:

In fact, there are several signs of a project that can be used to identify a "partisan" - the design of the HYIP is unoriginal, written in a standard script, as a rule, it is Gold Coders, it looks something like this:

In addition, the project does not conduct an advertising campaign, offers its investors long-term plans with an average or low return, usually no more than 1% per day with manual payments, their main task at the “underground” stage is to gain time. That is, hype is registered on monitors, quietly functioning, until one fine moment, by chance and in strict accordance with the plans of the administration, a transformation occurs - a boring design is replaced by a bright and original one, plans become more attractive, and advertising is carried out on a large scale. A hype partisan can be in a “sleeping” state from a couple of weeks to a year, and, having thrown off his miserable outfit and taken his first steps, this baby has behind him a multi-day status on the “project pays” monitors, and yesterday’s nondescript hype can be transformed, if not into opening of the year, then at least one of the best long-lived HYIPs that pay.

Hype partisan - a wolf in sheep's clothing

A pointless existence with no ads, no flow of deposits, stupidly spent funds for displaying on monitors, regular payments for topics for the few investors who nevertheless noticed and invested - wouldn’t it be easier, having passed this useless period, to immediately start with a high-quality website, effective advertising and interesting tariff plans? I hope you do not have similar questions, otherwise I have reason to suspect my readers of short-sightedness. In fact, everything is logical: to go out among other projects with good investment plans, excellent hype design and be inconspicuous in this motley mass, or to have a weighty argument in your favor in the form of many days of stable work, the trust of existing investors who consistently receive dividends, positive feedback on forums and “pays” stigmas on monitors – who has a better chance? I think the answer is obvious.

Admins who plan to launch a really worthwhile project and at the same time have such a valuable resource as time have a lot of advantages by choosing the hype partisan strategy:

  • Significant savings at the “underground” stage: no advertising, buying up a referral bonus system, template design and cheap hosting will not require significant capital investments.
  • As a result of a small number of depositors, low interest rates, small rewards for affiliate program the project is not loaded with significant financial obligations.
  • Reputation is, perhaps, one of the few components that cannot be bought not only in the sphere of investment risks, but also in any other. While the project is gaining an image, placed on monitors, its activity is not particularly noticeable. Imagine what happens as soon as a leap is made to a qualitatively different level: HYIP has in its arsenal not only the positive dynamics of development displayed on monitors (more details in the article). In addition, it has the image of a reliable project, which is paid by a whole community of loyal investors, who, in the face of fierce competition among HYIPs, are very problematic to get.

Partisans - highly profitable HYIPs and their features

Having caught the project in “underground” activity, it is possible to invest in the project with minimal risks, and, having overcome the break-even line, take the body of the deposit even before they talk about it. At that moment, when the caterpillar turns into a butterfly and the hype is transformed, it will take its rightful place in the ratings and lists of new and best HYIPs that pay, and now you can earn income without the slightest risk for yourself, I invest only the profits already received in the project

There is only one danger when investing in HYIP partisans - for a promising project with far-reaching plans, you can take ordinary cheap synthetic garbage, which will never become a good project.

Justified risk: the birth of the best hype centenarians who pay

I think you have already made certain conclusions for yourself, and you understand the benefits of investing in HYIP partisans, the main thing in this direction is to find the right project and stick to certain tactics.

If the project has not only a template simple design and cheap hosting, but also actively promotes itself on the Internet, offers very generous returns and referral bonuses - in 95 cases out of 100 we are talking about a primitive hype that will last a maximum of a month or two.

Sometimes you may have a question about how to properly invest in HYIP partisans, and here you should remember that these projects, aimed at long and productive work, are in the “guerrilla” stage for up to a year. If you are interested in the project, but there are doubts whether this inconspicuous hype will become a long-liver, or at least a good hype that pays, do not rush, watch a week, a month. Seeing that during this time the payments in the project please with stability, more and more positive reviews appear on the forums, only then make a decision. Worth investing small amounts from 50 to 100 dollars, remember the risks of investing in the field of HYIP partisans - they are not designed for large financial burdens, and, unable to withstand them, they can leave the race even before they take off. Having successfully invested and making sure that you are dealing with a partisan, in the active stage of projects you can do additional contributions- in the vast majority of such projects become long-lived and after their transformation.

And yet, friends, the ability to distinguish HYIP partisans does not mean protecting yourself from risks in an unpredictable area of ​​​​investment.

Therefore, I tirelessly urge all readers of my blog to distribute investments to various projects as much as possible, thereby minimizing risks! If you have difficulties with the correct distribution of funds, I am ready to assist you in creating an investment portfolio on free of charge, So !

with my actual investment portfolio you can find it on the link below:

Under control! (such projects look interesting to me, but I don’t have any specific information for the full implementation of the resource in TOP HYIP!)

Interesting new items with listing!

Proven Resources
(among projects without listing)!



Start date: 20.08.2018
Min. contribution: 10$;
Min. pay: 1$;
Payment type: manual;
Affiliate: 30% of your referrals income
Languages: English Russian;
DDoS protection from: cloudflare;
Script: unique;
SSL: COMODO for 1 year;
Plans: After replenishing your account, you need to select one or several traders and transfer your funds to them for management / Income up to 50% per month / Minimum term: 5 days
Payment systems: qiwi, yandex, payeer, perfectmoney, advcash, megatransfer, ibox, euroset, connected, promsvyazbank, alfaclick, bank cards, cryptocurrencies, overdraft
Refback from NewHyip: 30% from income(order once in two weeks)!
Registration link

Interesting news beyond monitoring!


Project news:

  • May 23, 2019– the program of regional representatives is open (representative ref 12-3-2-1%)
  • May 15-18, 2019 — Added PM

Start date: 16.06.2018
Min. contribution: 50$;
Max. contribution: 50 000$;
Min. pay: 5$;
Payment type: manual, up to 48 hours;
Affiliate: 7% -3% -2% -1% of referral deposits;
Languages: English;
DDoS protection from: KoDDoS;
Script: Gold Coders;
SSL+GreenBar: COMODO for 1 year;
Plans: with daily payment of profit and return of the deposit at the end of the term - 1.1% per day for 50 calendar days, 1.3% per day for 10 calendar days;
with payment of profit and deposit at the end of the term - 650% after 65 calendar days, 1950% after 135 calendar days, 380% after 21 calendar days, 1000% after 40 calendar days,
Payment systems: Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Ripple
Refback from NewHyip: 7% of the deposit!
Registration link

  • Many investors are trying to understand what determines the duration of the operation of HYIPs. After all, it often happens that potentially promising projects scam too early, and investors remain in a huge loss.

    Moreover, many of them showed a good start and had an excellent level of organization, but could not interest investors, so they were doomed to failure.

    A sufficient number of HYIPs have potential, but for various reasons they do not live up to expectations. Deceived participants in such investment projects unanimously say that HYIPs are being closed because of administrators who "hit the jackpot and disappeared." In the vast majority of cases, this happens, but sometimes resources are scammed due to the complete disregard of potential investors or because of their destructive behavior. After all, most of the investors are trying to scroll through and withdraw from the project cash as quickly as possible, without intending to reinvest.

    How to recognize a long-lived HYIP?

    Now the HYIP industry is going through hard times. better times. Many beginners who have been burned more than once prefer to bypass such sites. Investors with experience invest in HYIP projects quite selectively.

    Often, in order to invest, they need financial guarantees or the call of a well-known referral. Otherwise, they are able to ignore the next potentially successful resource. If the HYIP administration scrupulously follows modern trends and pursues the right marketing policy to attract potential investors, then the project has the right to claim the title of a long-liver.

    If you believe the numerous reviews about HYIP, then sites created by administrators with a good reputation differ in durability. Usually they do not differ in sparkling design and grandiose interest rates, but collect a sufficient number of contributors that allow them to function for a long time.

    How to find a HYIP long-liver?

    From correct selection project depends on whether the investor will make a profit or lose own funds, therefore, the search and analysis should be treated with particular seriousness.

    Before investing in HYIP projects, you need to carefully analyze each one. Many investors do not even use the basic postulates, but make an assessment purely intuitively.

    To find long term HYIP projects who pay, it is better to go to the monitoring page on our website. you will find the most truthful and up-to-date information and will be able to study each resource in detail.

    Long-term HYIPs that pay are analyzed through honest monitoring. Employees of our organization invest in several promising sites and monitor their work. Then a rating of TOP HYIP projects is formed, in which the most solvent and promising ones participate.

    On satya you can find out detailed information about any investment site. HYIP monitoring determines the most "honest" and promising of them. You do not have to spend a lot of time studying reviews on thematic forums. The employees of our site will do daily painstaking work to select the most promising sites for investment.

    Hyip monitor will help you find the best new HYIP projects. It is not possible to completely eliminate the risks, but it is quite possible to reduce them. Monitoring of paying HYIPs will allow the investor not to become a victim of scammers and choose the best option.

    Do not chase fabulous profits. Carefully analyze everything before investing. The best HYIP monitoring is designed not only to minimize risks, but also to always stay in profit.

    Almost everyone can invest their money in HYIP. But finding a proven HYIP project that will regularly pay at least for several months is already more difficult. Over the entire existence of HYIPs, you can list hundreds of thousands of different projects. Some were originally scams, the rest started very briskly and had a very significant potential, but for certain reasons they closed.

    What is the reason that seemingly very high-quality projects are closed so quickly? Many may say that the greedy admin is to blame for everything, who wanted to withdraw all the project's money on the sly and put it in his pocket. Let's be objective - in most cases it happens. But there is a certain number of projects that are closed due to the lack of new user flows, the absolute loss of interest on the part of current participants and their not quite adequate behavior. What is it expressed in?

    Pyramid in reverse

    Most of the people who invest in HYIP projects? rely solely on short-term investments. They invest their money and as soon as they get the minimum profit, they immediately withdraw it. At the same time, there is no talk of reinvestment and diversification. They just withdraw money and that's it. Of course, they themselves have the right to dispose own investments, but then the very meaning of investment is lost.

    Guess what this leads to? If the project does not attract people, and all current investors withdraw their money, then the hype simply falls apart. Moreover, in this case, the owner cannot even scrape off his project without putting anything in his pocket.

    HYIP prospects

    Let's be honest, today the HYIP sphere is not as profitable as it used to be. Today it shows more stability than active growth. Attracting newcomers and guaranteeing that the project will fulfill its obligations has become much more difficult.

    Of course, this state of the HYIP sphere directly affects new projects. In such an atmosphere, a priori, high-quality and original projects. Now it is very difficult to gain the trust of the audience, and in order to attract potential investors, HYIP owners are forced to respond to their requests. As a result - a lot of standard projects with template legends, unattractive design and the same strategy.

    Today, administrators who have gained a reliable reputation can afford to develop a long-lived HYIP today. And as a result, we get really high-quality and proven projects that work for a long time. But they do not have any unique solutions ...

    The overall picture is also spoiled by scammer projects that cause significant damage to the reputation of the entire industry of HYIP projects. As a rule, people who once ran into a scam naturally believe that this area does not deserve attention and is “generally a scam”. The main thing is to know how to distinguish quality project from an avid scammer. But people, not seeking to find detailed information about the sphere, wanting to quickly "remove the jackpot", they invest there and burn out.

    There are long-lived HYIPs. At the same time, there are also fraudulent projects. Of course, there are much fewer unique projects, but who said that it would be easy? Any earnings require the application of efforts, and investments even more so.

    How to check a HYIP project and always be up to date recent changes On the market? Very simple - visit our website regularly and study only the most up-to-date information about the most profitable HYIPs.

    Every year we invest $3,000 in HYIPs and try to show how much you can earn on investments. The last time we managed to earn $12,565, and the results are .

    good hype- must have a loud legend, the correct tariff scale, good design and be sure to develop systematically. Then its life span will be more than 60 days.

    This year was no exception and we again collected the best HYIPs paid in 2017. But now we are monitoring HYIPs with a report every week.

    HYIPs that pay in 2017

    Previously, there was a table with paying HYIPs, but they all closed. Therefore, we recommend that you look at a more relevant article in this area on our website.

    Attention: in this table, HYIPs that pay in 2017. But do not forget that any investment is associated with risks for investors.

    Memo for HYIP investors

    We understand that every year there are many young investors who want to make money on HYIPs. Therefore, we have compiled a memo that will help you get used to it faster.

    Rules for HYIP investors:

    1. Create a Payeer wallet, it allows you to do fast transfers for HYIPs without commissions
    2. Invest in young projects that are not yet two months old (less risk that it will close ahead of time);
    3. Do not believe the legends of projects and their long-term plans. The term of investment should not exceed 50 days;
    4. The word in the table "New" means that we have recently invested and added the project to the table (we recommend investing in them at the moment).
    5. Never invest money in December and January (hyips are most often closed).

    In addition, HYIPs can be divided into several categories:

    • low income- profit up to 15% per month and is able to live up to several years;
    • middle income- profit from 15 to 60% per month, but its lifespan is 2-18 months;
    • highly profitable- profit from 60% per month, his life is limited to two months.

    Many investment projects on the Internet are a complete scam and cannot live even a month. Therefore, it is worth investing in HYIPs from our table.

    The last 10 HYIPs that stopped paying (closed)

    Below are the HYIPs in which we invested money, but they stopped paying or closed. We calculate earnings in various projects.

    10 Scams 70 days on average+948$
    1 Chain Group20.07.2017 140 days+63$
    2 Ellir02.11.2017 30 days+12$
    3 skynet25.10.2017 28 days-12,5$
    4 biostry15.09.2017 55 days+149$
    5 CoinReum06.09.2017 62 days+180$
    6 Crypto Investments15.10.2017 22 days-77,9$
    7 vprofite31.01.2017 276 days+492$
    8 Coin Orbit07.10.2017 24 days+131$
    9 08.10.2017 11 days-25,5$
    10 28.09.2017 19 days+37,5$