Aizhk assistance program. How Aizhk Mortgage Assistance Program Works: Conditions, Requirements, Procedure for Obtaining and Reviews

In Russia, there is a social mortgage for poor people. This is a whole range of activities designed for people who are unable to get a loan under normal conditions. Mortgage with state support, for all its merits, involves a number of severe restrictions.

Let's consider what programs are operating in 2019-2020, what are their main nuances.

Forms of state subsidies

Mortgage programs with state support (social) allow people with low incomes to borrow from the bank a large amount needed to purchase a home.

Part of the costs is covered by the state.

There are several forms of social subsidies:

  1. Lending with a decrease in interest rates at the expense of the budget.
  2. Issuance of state support for part of the cost of the apartment.
  3. Providing subsidies for the purchase of housing from social fund in installments.

Each of these types of assistance has its own subtleties and nuances. In addition, the country has several programs aimed at different groups of the population. For example, young families, the military, state employees and some others are separately credited.

You can only receive state support for one program. This does not apply to the use maternity capital.

Goals of state support for mortgages

The essence of the program is as follows:

  1. Creation of conditions for the growth of well-being of the poor and other vulnerable categories of citizens.
  2. Activation of the real estate market, banking sector.
  3. Stimulating the construction of a well-maintained social housing(investment).

Five profitable programs

Mortgages with state support have been provided for several years. In 2016, the conditions changed slightly. They remain the same for the current period. When choosing a program, you should focus on the group for which it is written.

Let's take a look at the main features of the five most popular projects.

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Young family

A mortgage repayment certificate is provided to spouses who have not crossed the 35th anniversary. In addition, the family should be in line for improvement of living conditions in the local administration. Also, such a family must have sufficient income to take out a loan or cash. cash sufficient to pay the remaining cost of housing.

The amount of the subsidy depends on the composition of the applicant's family. By general rule it is:

  1. Childless couples will be provided with an amount equal to at least 30% of the estimated cost of housing.
  2. For families with children - 35%.

This type of support is used for down payment on a mortgage or as an addition to the already available amount for the purchase of an apartment. Also, the subsidy can be directed to the construction of housing.

You must prove your ability to pay your share:

  • income statements (of a certain level);
  • a document stating that the principal amount is available (bank statement).

Military lending

Servicemen who signed the contract later than 01/01/2005 receive a certain amount on a personal account every month. Transfers come from federal budget. The amount of contributions depends on the size of the annual funded contribution and the period of participation of the serviceman in the system. You can use it, for example, to make a down payment, after three years.

Only needy defenders of the Fatherland are provided with this subsidy. Police officers are equal to the military. They are entitled to a subsidy only after 10 years of service.

Banks issue mortgages to military personnel with the condition of its repayment until the age of 45.

Assistance to young scientists and pedagogical workers

Citizens who have devoted themselves to work in the field of science and education are also entitled to a mortgage with state support.

It is designed mainly for young people. The applicant should not be more than 35 years old, for doctors of science, the age is extended to 40 years. These citizens are required to confirm that they need to improve their living conditions, in accordance with the law. They must also have at least 5 years of work experience in the relevant organization.

The certificate for state support can be used as a down payment. The calculation of the amount of social benefits is based on the amount total area living quarters for a young scientist, equal to 33 sq. meters, and average market value 1 sq. meters of total housing area by subject Russian Federation, on the territory of which a scientific organization is located - the place of work of a young scientist.

Social program

It can be used by any citizen of the Russian Federation who has proven the need to improve living conditions. The program is implemented in three ways:

  1. Acquisition of apartments from the social fund, the cost of which is 1.5 - 2.5 below the market value.
  2. Reducing the interest rate at the expense of the budget.
  3. Subsidized down payment.

The beneficiary himself is obliged to have 10% of the total amount in the bank account.

IN social mortgage Only an officially employed citizen can take part.

Maternal capital

Quite often, families with children use the funds allocated by the state after the birth of the second and subsequent children to pay off the mortgage.

The certificate is allowed to be made as a down payment or to repay the balance of a previously issued mortgage.

Compatible with other types of social lending at the expense of the budget.

In addition, at the birth of the third and subsequent children after 01/01/2019, the state again allocates 450,000 rubles to pay off the family's mortgage.

Also, do not forget about state mortgage subsidies up to 6% for families in which the second and subsequent children were born after 01/01/2018. The program is designed for primary housing and cooperation with the country's largest banks.

General conditions of all state programs in 2019-2020

There are a number of conditions that the beneficiary and their proposed new home must meet.

  1. Budgetary funds can be spent both on the primary market and secondary housing. Some programs are also designed for the construction of a new individual housing construction facility.
  2. Entry fee - from 20% (except for young professionals).
  3. Mortgage is issued only in the state currency.
  4. The loan term is limited to 30 years.
  5. Mandatory property insurance.
  6. Calculation of the area of ​​future housing according to the established formula:
    • 33 sq. m. per citizen;
    • 42 - for two;
    • for each next family member, 18 square meters are added. m.
Citizens pay for additional space on their own.

Five profitable offers and their conditions in 2019-2020

Many financial institutions are involved in government activities. Their proposals differ in certain nuances.

Common to all is the following: the state mortgage program imposes restrictions on financial institutions. Cooperation with the budget does not allow to include in contracts additional terms aimed at increasing the bank's income.

Bank programs fully comply with the rules and restrictions established by government regulations regarding the choice of housing, loan terms.

Sberbank conditions

This financial institution has been providing government-supported mortgage loans for several years. The conditions for 2019-2020 are practically the same as before:

  • rate from 5%;
  • registration in the amount of 300 thousand rubles;
  • maximum amount established by the Central Bank: up to 6 million rubles. in the Russian Federation, up to 12 million rubles. - in Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • down payment - from 20%;
  • issued to citizens over 21 years of age;
  • the monthly contribution should not exceed 45% of the total family income.


We give only conditions that differ from those already mentioned for Sberbank. "VTB" allows early repayment debt. There are no additional fees for this.

This financial institution designated the initial contribution in the amount of 20%. But there are two attractive conditions:

  1. Minimum documents for registration: passport and official data on income.
  2. The co-borrower program allows you to bring in relatives.


The rate has been reduced here. It is only 4.7%. From the first month you can pay the entire amount, penalties and fines are not provided.

Age mortgage borrower does not depend on gender. The main condition is that the person must return the entire amount to the bank before the 65th anniversary. However, the bank takes up to 90 days to decide on the approval of the application.

If the client refuses insurance, the rate automatically increases (becomes normal).

"New building"

A project financed from two sources: the budget and citizens' incomes. It is aimed at people with low wages. Granted the right to cover debts:

  • maternal money;
  • tax deduction.

What is a tax deduction

Each taxpayer can apply to tax authority so that he would be returned part of the amount spent on the purchase of housing and a mortgage. The budget receives some of the money from wages citizens - tax. The Federal Tax Service will return 13% of the amount of purchased housing and interest paid under the mortgage loan to you.

According to the legislation, the amount of purchased housing is limited to 2 million rubles. That is, 260 thousand rubles can be returned from the main fee. (13% of 2 million). But interest payments are limited to 3 million rubles. Thus, the maximum refund amount can be 390 thousand rubles.

Interest payments are calculated as follows:

The amount of interest payments on the loan x 13% = tax refund.

If you spent, for example, 450 thousand rubles, then they will return to you:

450,000 × 13% = 58.5 thousand rubles

The operation is not automatically carried out by the state agency. You should apply to the tax office with a statement.

Additional mortgage costs

These include:

  1. A visit to a notary in order to draw up documents (the amount depends on the region).
  2. Appraisal of housing (under the contract).
  3. Purchase of insurance policies.
The above operations are the requirement of banks. They are not against the law.

Universal algorithm for obtaining a mortgage - 5 simple steps

Lending with state support is practically no different from the usual procedure for obtaining a mortgage.

All actions are strictly scheduled. They look like this:

Step 1: Collection of documents

This is the most important step. Rushing is not recommended. Read the legal requirements carefully. Make photocopies of the IDs of all family members. Collect certificates of income, property, current housing. Don't forget to check the State Aid Certificate. Some banks require proof of employment. You need to ask the administration of the enterprise for a work book or a certified copy of it.

The number of securities depends on the conditions of the credit institution.

Step 2. We select a bank

Here the conditions and preferences of the borrower are important. The main data that require close consideration are given above. You should evaluate your strength when considering the rates and the percentage of the amount that you want to deposit immediately.

Step 3. What will we buy

Citizens enjoying a budget guarantee are often limited in their choice of apartments. Some programs allow you to invest only in new buildings. As a rule, their circle is limited. Banks cooperate with their developers, who, in turn, receive budget resources. In this way, the state protects its money.

The easiest way would be to talk to the bank, ask for their recommendations. Based on them, choose an apartment to your liking and means. Banks often cooperate with real estate agencies and can help in the selection of housing.

Step 4. Drawing up an agreement with the bank

When all approvals have been passed, housing has been found that satisfies the conditions put forward, you should read the loan agreement.

Look carefully at the sections printed in small print.

There may be hidden future troubles in the form of consent to a fine in case of delay in payment for an hour and the like.

Ask if the agreement includes a condition for the early repayment of the mortgage. This may come in handy later.

Step 5. Registration of ownership

After the transfer of money and the signing of contracts (purchase and sale and credit), the buyer should fix his right to the property. To do this, the contract of sale must be taken to the Rosreestr branch. There it will be registered, thereby securing your right to real estate.

Until the entire debt is paid off, you will actually own the property that is pledged to credit institution. Therefore, it must be insured.

The bank's right to an apartment is legally registered as a mortgage. The mortgage is made by the credit organization, it is kept in the bank. This document guarantees the financial institution the return of the invested amount.

A mortgaged apartment cannot be sold, donated, etc. without the consent of the bank. In the most critical cases, experts should be consulted.

Results of mortgage programs and development prospects

The effectiveness of cooperation between the budget and citizens in obtaining mortgages has been proven by the activities carried out.

So, in 2015, an increase in the provision of residents of the country with their own meters was recorded. The indicator rose from 22 square meters. m. per person up to 24 sq. m. m. Share of families that can afford to purchase new apartment, is also growing.

In that year, it rose by 30%.

  1. The main positive outcome was the ability of people with low incomes to solve the housing problem.
  2. The loan is issued for long periods, overpayments on it are small.
  3. The payment schedule is loyal.
  4. The interaction of people with banks is under strict state control.

Negative points

Cons, unfortunately, not all are overcome.

  1. Some lenders delay the application process.
  2. List required documents is still significant.
  3. There are cases when mortgage money credit institution not in a hurry to release.

However, there is a growing interest in this species cooperation among citizens. People are beginning to trust state guarantees for the purchase of housing.

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Last changes

From April to the end of November 2018, Russians could issue soft loan for the purchase of finished wooden house from the manufacturer. The state provided the necessary subsidies to banks, covering 5% of initial interest on credit.

In April 2019, a law on “mortgage holidays” was signed, assuming that borrowers who find themselves in a difficult life situation will be able to count on providing them grace period: 6 months during which these persons will be able to suspend payments on the loan or reduce their size.
The new rules apply to citizens who have lost their jobs, received disability groups 1-2 or lost their breadwinner. Such rules of law will also apply to existing credit relations.

The exchange rate of the ruble is constantly changing. In this regard, some categories of people may suffer. Often this applies to borrowers who have foreign currency loans. Some of them are at risk of becoming bankrupt.

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To prevent negative consequences, legislative level some steps have been taken. They are associated with the support of mortgage borrowers who find themselves in a difficult situation. For them, a Government Decree was issued in 2015.

In March 2017, the program ceased to exist ahead of schedule. This was due to the fact that the funds allocated for assistance were spent.

In August of the same year, the Government of the Russian Federation issued a new decree. As part of it, an additional two billion rubles were allocated.

From that moment on, the House of the Russian Federation borrower assistance program has been successfully functioning. However, the conditions for its implementation in 2019 have undergone changes.

What it is

The state program is intended to provide assistance to citizens who are faced with mortgage problems. It is implemented for certain categories people with loans.

It is important that applicants justify a sudden financial hardship.

Assistance is provided for several categories of borrowers.

These include:

  • citizens whose families have one or more children under the age of 18;
  • persons participating in hostilities and having received the status;
  • or mothers/fathers of children with disabilities;
  • citizens who have, when studying full-time in educational institution the latter.

This support is working. Therefore, assistance within the framework of it was allocated to more than 18 thousand families in the Russian Federation. Their mortgages have been restructured.

To get help you need:

  • visit the bank where the mortgage loan was issued;
  • find out if there is a possibility of restructuring the loan;
  • study the conditions of participation in the program;
  • transfer the full package of documents to the creditor;
  • wait until a decision is made on the possibility of participation in the program.

How the program works

The rate on mortgages taken in foreign currency after restructuring is up to 11.5%. If we are talking about a ruble loan, then it will not exceed the key value at the time of the procedure.

It is up to the borrower to choose the appropriate option for assistance from the state. If we are talking about a foreign currency mortgage, then he can convert it into rubles. In this case, the lower exchange rate is taken into account.

You need to focus on the level set central bank RF on the date of application for restructuring.

The second option is debt relief. It will not be possible to completely eliminate it. However, it is possible to refuse any part if the payment to the credit institution is made.

No fees are charged during the procedure. The final decision is made by the lending institution itself. She has the right to refuse or agree to restructuring. If the bank agrees to satisfy the application, the final decision is made by AHML.

Application form for a mortgage loan:

How much can you expect

You can repay the loan up to 30% of the loan amount. You need to focus on the indicators available at the time of the conclusion of the restructuring agreement. In this case, the final payment cannot exceed 1.5 million rubles.

The creditor may apply to the interdepartmental commission with a relevant application. On its basis, a larger compensation is possible.

It is issued:

  • mortgage lenders;
  • mortgage agents;
  • joint-stock company AHML.

A portion of the expenses incurred by the organization is covered. The amount can be increased no more than twice. The procedure for reimbursement is prescribed in the Regulations on the Interdepartmental Commission.

Photo: child's birth certificate


The new version of the law does not prescribe the final date until which it is possible to submit applications for restructuring. However, it is not worth delaying the appeal.

Legislators note that the termination of the program is provided after the allocated funds are spent.

The amount is two billion rubles. It is important to have time to apply to a credit institution as soon as possible so that the money is allocated for this mortgage loan.

How to get help

To get help, you need to contact the credit institution that issued the mortgage loan. In it you can find out the list of documents that are required to provide for the restructuring.

Also, experts will tell you what is the procedure for concluding an agreement to reduce the amount of the payment or terminate the payment of part of the loan.

You need to find out the full list of documents in advance. This is due to the fact that a separate list may be provided for each person.

It is also reflected on the bank's website. If the citizen does not have any documents, then the credit institution will ask you to take them additionally.

What criteria should be met

There are several conditions that must be met in order to receive state financial support:

  • Only eligible to apply individuals who are dependent minor child or disabled. In addition, the list of categories includes combat veterans, disabled people of any group. It is important to confirm that during this period of time they are in a difficult situation. financial position.
  • Documents on the material condition are provided for the last three months.
  • Persons whose aggregate income is more than the minimum wage cannot participate in the program. In this case, the value should not exceed a double value. If the amount is higher, the applicants will be denied restructuring.
  • Specialists of a credit institution are guided by the date of execution of the contract. It must have been signed more than a year ago at the time of application.
  • The fact in which the mortgage loan is issued is not taken into account.
  • The borrower needs to collect a list of documents requested by the bank.

If a person does not meet the requirements, he will be denied consideration of the application.

Requirements for the subject of mortgage

Requirements are imposed not only on the client applying to the bank.

Separate conditions are observed in relation to real estate attracted as collateral:

  • Housing should be the only place for the borrower and his family members to live. It is also assumed that real estate is expressed in proportion. At the same time, a person should have no more than 50% of property rights.
  • The object must be located on the territory of Russia. It is used as collateral for a mortgage.
  • Any property can be used as an object. Housing is also allowed, which is divided into parts under an equity agreement.
  • The law sets limits on the area that real estate has. For one-room apartments it is 45 sq. m, for two-room apartments - 65 sq. m. If there are three rooms, the limit value is determined at the level of 85 sq.m.
  • price of one square meter housing cannot be lower than the cost of a similar area in any property in the primary market. Also, the amount should not exceed more than 60% of the cost per square meter of the secondary market.
  • These restrictions do not apply to families with three or more children.

If the object meets the established requirements, then the person can take part in the state program. You need to be careful when contacting AHML and a credit institution, as the latter may refuse to restructure.


To prove that the borrower is eligible to participate in the program, he needs to collect a certain package of documents.

They confirm his financial condition:

  • A person draws up an application, the form of which is provided by a credit institution. The form can be issued by the manager directly at the branch.
  • It is required to have documents confirming the possibility of receiving support due to family circumstances. These are birth certificates of children, certificates certifying the presence of a disability.
  • Financial status can be confirmed by a certificate from the employer, a copy work book. If a person does not work, you need to have an act of registration as an unemployed person. Papers on earnings issued by the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the department social protection. You may also need other papers that show the level of profit at the time of the loan, as well as at the date of the proposed restructuring. You need to testify that profits have decreased by 30 percent or more.
  • Attached are papers on a loan and collateral real estate. These are the copy loan agreement, a bank statement, a payment schedule and an appraisal report prepared at the time of the loan.
  • Extracts from the state register for real estate and other documents for the apartment must be available. It is shown that the person has no other real estate in the property. Statements remain valid for three months.
  • A copy of the agreement on participation in shared construction is required.
  • After drawing up the application, a new payment schedule is determined. The basis for its registration is an updated loan agreement.

Where to go

Since 1997 in Russia, public policy on the issue of providing affordable housing for the population Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML).

The main goal of the company is to provide state aid low-income families, including assistance in registration mortgage loans and full legal support.

When you go to the official AHML portal, you can register the borrower's personal account. With the help of a convenient online service, you can carry out a wide range of banking operations while being anywhere.

The need to use the personal account of AHML (Dom.rf)

Using the AHML personal account on the official portal Dom.rf, users have round-the-clock access to a specially designed service for the implementation following goals:

  • control over the current state of debt;
  • formation of numerous types of applications, including those for early repayment of the loan - in partial or in full;
  • obtaining comprehensive information regarding the current interest rate, the balance of the main body of the loan, the amount of the mandatory monthly installment, etc.;
  • amending current contact details;
  • formation of a request for the purpose of issuing various certificates, for example, to the tax authority, the FIU and other government departments;
  • familiarization with the schedule of regular contributions;
  • data control regarding the transfer of insurance premiums directly by;
  • control of the movement of funds;
  • obtaining advice on the possibility of lending online;
  • receiving timely notifications regarding changes in the activities of the agency and other important data.

Access is granted to the functions listed above personal account to all clients of the Agency without exception. Enough to register account.

Who can use

According to the established domestic politics Agencies, access to a personal account can be provided to all clients without exception.

However, in this case, it is worth knowing about the features. AHML clients who decide to register an account must sign a loan agreement between May 2014 and now. If this has been done before, registration is not possible.

Registration and entry procedure

The registration procedure does not entail any difficulties. To do this, it is enough to comply a clear sequence of actions.

In particular, when going to the main page of the official site, the user must click on the “Register” button. After that, it is necessary to without fail familiarize yourself with the offer offered by the service and put the appropriate mark in the specially designated field.

The next sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. A registration form opens on the monitor screen, which must be completed. You must specify: full initials, date of birth, current number mobile phone, details of the pledge agreement.
  2. After that, you need to click on the “Submit” button.
  3. Based on the generated request, a message is sent to the phone number specified during registration, in which the login for authorization is displayed - it must be used every time you try to enter your personal account.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that a 13-digit mortgage number is used as a password for primary access.

If desired, each user reserves the full right to subscribe in order to receive notifications in the form of SMS messages or to the specified address Email.

For this reason, you should pay attention to the following tips:

  1. After passing the mandatory registration procedure and initial authorization in your personal account, it is strongly recommended to correct the access key (password) for entering. The best option will use the one that includes the characters and numbers specified on the different keyboard layouts. Many agree that the original password is not strong, and it is almost impossible to crack a personal password.
  2. During the development of a new access key, it is strongly not recommended to use personal data that may be known to third parties (among them are: memorable dates, full initials, both of the user and his close people).
  3. In case of loss for various reasons of access to the mobile phone number specified during registration, it is strongly recommended to block it as soon as possible.
  4. In case of loss, or simply the user forgot the password code for authorizing a personal account, you should not postpone the recovery procedure for later - it is better to do it now to minimize the risks of access to personal data by third parties.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that there is one official portal of the Agency, which is why, when there is a desire to register or authorize a personal account, it is strongly recommended to check the accuracy of the specified details in the appropriate fields.

Step-by-step instructions for using the cabinet

  • personal login - the number of the signed agreement;
  • individual unique password - indicated in the field of the same name.

When logging in for the first time, it is required to use the password received by the user via SMS. Based on the generated request, the service will automatically require you to specify the old password, and then specify an individual one. The latter is indicated in the "New password" field.

In order to provide an opportunity to initiate the procedure for recovering a personal password, it is allowed to indicate a question in a specially designated field and get an answer to it as quickly as possible. Without exception, you need to remember all the new specified information without exception and click on the “Save” button.

After all the login details have been entered correctly, the system will redirect the user to the “Credits” page. This category provides information on:

  • provided;
  • mandatory payment schedule;
  • already paid contributions;
  • periods of repayment of debt obligations, etc.

In the event that for some reason the login or password was lost, it is possible to use one of the following options for recovering personal data:

  1. The best and simplest option is to contact the Agency's single hotline number. To do this, the user must have at hand an identity card, a loan agreement (you will need to provide its number). If a secret question and answer were specified when making changes, then this information will be of all possible assistance in solving the problem.
  2. Personally apply to a personal agent who was previously assigned to the client of the Agency as an accompanying person.
  3. Try to recover the lost information yourself. To do this, on the user authorization page, under the form for specifying a login and password, the entry “Forgot password” is displayed. You must specify a login (details of the agreement can be found on the document printed form) or email address and click on the green line “Restore”. In this case, the specified e-mail will receive a notification about an attempt to generate new code access.

The more personal information was specified by the user during registration (various additional questions, current mobile phone number, valid e-mail address), the higher the likelihood of a quick recovery of the access code without generating an application for help from an agent or dispatcher on the hotline.

Applying for a mortgage and telephone hotline

In order to draw up a mortgage lending agreement, users must follow the established sequence of actions, namely:

  1. Fill in mode online application, on the basis of which a representative of a financial institution will contact a potential borrower in order to select the most loyal lending conditions for him.
  2. At the next stage, you need to start collecting the required package of required documents in order to confirm the previously formed application. It is necessary to remember the terms of consideration of the request, which does not exceed 2 days.
  3. After that, the choice of the appropriate living space is made. Often, company representatives directly contact a potential borrower in order to select the most suitable property.
  4. At the final stage, you need to contact one of the representative offices banking institution, which acts as a partner of the Agency in order to sign an agreement on mortgage lending and receive it in general.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that you can get acquainted with the exhaustive list of partners in the category "Mortgage products" by first clicking on the "Our partners" button.

Based on the generated request, a window will open on the user's monitor screen with the ability to select a specific partner, which directly depends on the place of permanent residence potential borrower. Many banks provide mortgage lending services throughout Russia, which is why the borrower only needs to indicate his locality during the selection of one of them.

Additionally, remember to the possibility of forming an application for a mortgage at any time convenient for you.

When compiling the questionnaire, it is necessary to indicate in it:

  • full initials of the borrower;
  • up-to-date contact details for the possibility of feedback;
  • species of interest mortgage lending etc.

After that, the manager to the maximum short time contact future customer for more detailed information and, if necessary, will provide significant assistance in choosing the mortgage product of interest and the acquired property in particular.

In addition, the official site contains a specially designed online calculator, with the help of which you can determine absolutely free of charge in the shortest possible time:

  • the maximum allowable loan period;
  • required monthly payment.

To do this, the user will only need to specify:

  • the mortgage program you are interested in;
  • the preliminary cost of the residential property;
  • whether the initial contribution will be made at the expense of maternity capital or not;
  • the size of the down payment;
  • credit period.

You should pay attention to the fact that by becoming a user of the online service, you can feel the available advantages, the main ones being:

  • the ability to freely and as soon as possible to carry out numerous transactions, and at the state level, which can significantly minimize financial risks;
  • saving personal funds due to the absence of commission fees;
  • the use of a multifunctional service with which you can monitor various actions taken, including the procedure for repaying debt obligations, etc.

If you have any questions that require immediate resolution, you can call hotline 8-800-505-11-11 .

All calls are absolutely free from any region of Russia. Consultants will be happy to provide information of interest.

You can find out how to return money for certificates for participation in the AHML state program, see the video below.

It is constantly increasing, since many people do not have the opportunity to buy an apartment on their own for personal savings. Getting a mortgage is quite difficult, but possible, and after that you will have to pay quite significant monthly payments as a loan fee.

Often there are difficulties with the payment of funds, as the payer may be fired or reduced, and his income may decrease for other reasons. In this case, support from the state is required. An excellent way out of a difficult situation for each mortgage borrower will be appeal to AHML. This organization provides assistance to mortgage payers.

Legislative regulation

Assistance to mortgage borrowers is provided on the basis of Government Decree No. 961, which offers support to mortgage borrowers, both in rubles and in foreign currency.

It is this document that contains the opportunity for mortgage loan payers to receive certain assistance from the state, which is provided through AHML. Wherein important to prove that the citizen really found himself in a difficult situation, so his income decreased or payments on a foreign currency loan increased.

Assistance in the form of repayment of some part of the mortgage with state funds was provided until April 2017, but now the program has begun to operate again, since not all needy payers have yet been able to receive support.

Terms of Service

To be able to take advantage economic assistance from the state through AHML, must meet certain conditions. These include:

To receive support, it does not matter in what currency the mortgage was originally issued.

To obtain such assistance, you need to contact the bank or AHML branch directly with a full package of documents. At the same time, it is important that banking organization, in which the mortgage is issued, supported the program of assistance to mortgage borrowers.

Additionally take into account requirements for residential real estate purchased with borrowed funds. This includes the conditions:

During the study of the conditions for the provision of assistance, it is not taken into account how much money is still left to pay on the mortgage, and whether other methods of restructuring were previously used by the citizen.

Assistance form

The lending institution itself may take into account specific customer requirements.

Economic support can be independently determined by the payer, and is chosen by him one of the options:

  • writing off a certain amount of a mortgage loan in a single payment, and it is 10% of the remaining debt, but this amount cannot exceed 600 thousand rubles;
  • reducing the mandatory monthly mortgage payment by approximately 50 percent for up to 1.5 years;
  • a foreign currency mortgage is converted into a ruble loan, and for this, a lower exchange rate is used than the official value established at the time of the restructuring.

Maximum the payment can be reduced only by 10%, and the maximum write-off amount is 600 thousand rubles.

If loan currency changes, then changes and interest rate, it becomes equal to 12% per annum, which is considered optimal for each mortgage borrower. In the event of serious violations on the part of the client, it is possible to increase the percentage, and this moment is indicated in the loan agreement.

It is not allowed to use different commission fees or additional interest when providing government support. Assistance is aimed solely at repaying the main loan, so if a citizen has delays, accrued penalties or forfeits, then he must cope with them on his own.

Program duration

This program is stipulated in Decree No. 961, and this document does not contain information about when its action will be completed.

It is assumed that the provision of support from the state will stop when the funds allocated for these purposes are completely spent.

If a situation arises in which there are not enough funds to satisfy all submitted applications, then the program may be extended, for which the state will allocate additional funding for these purposes.

List of banking institutions

This program applies to all types of mortgage loans, in which buyers become owners of residential real estate.

To receive assistance from the state, payers must first visit the bank branch where the mortgage is issued to make sure that this banking organization cooperates with AHML, therefore it is offered the opportunity for restructuring.

Citizens most often turn to banks to obtain mortgages, which will certainly support different types government programs . These include:

To take advantage of the offer government agencies that involve assistance to mortgage borrowers, it is required to visit a bank branch in order to obtain comprehensive information from the employees of the organization regarding the possibility of obtaining support. Employees will be able to describe the main conditions that clients and the property they have purchased must meet in order to benefit from the restructuring. A complete list of documents that will be required for registration will be received. The main one is an extract from the register, which contains information about what kind of real estate belongs to a person on the right of ownership. You will have to pay a certain amount of money to receive it, it is issued within two weeks.

Thus, AHML, together with many big banks, providing citizens with mortgage loans, offers assistance to mortgage borrowers. This support comes in several forms, each with its own characteristics and benefits. To use it, payers must meet certain conditions. Due to its allocation, the credit burden on citizens is significantly reduced, so they can continue to cope with loan payments without any problems.

ABOUT state support citizens who can not cope with the payment of debt on a mortgage loan, see the following video:

Given the current difficult economic situation, The Government of the Russian Federation approved assistance to mortgage holders from the state: 600 thousand rubles could be received by borrowers who were in a difficult financial situation. Read more about the conditions for receiving compensation.

In 2017, for certain categories of borrowers, material assistance is provided in an even larger amount. It is necessary to focus on the fact that not everyone can get it.

State support for mortgage borrowers

The Government of the Russian Federation approved special program assistance to borrowers who have taken out a loan for housing. It lies in the fact that people who paid a mortgage to the bank will be able to receive an amount of up to 600 thousand rubles, as well as restructuring of foreign currency mortgages at the rate Central Bank. The duration of the program was set from 2015 to May 31, 2017 inclusive. But life made its own adjustments, and already on March 7, the program was closed ahead of schedule due to a budget deficit (all the funds that were originally pledged were spent). By the way, borrowers who managed to apply required package documents before March 7, 2017, may well count on receiving assistance under this program.

Return of 600 thousand on a mortgage in 2017 - who is entitled to the assistance in question?

Naturally, many now want to get a very decent amount to pay off the mortgage, but not everyone is entitled to it. So, the following categories of borrowers can count on the right to receive funds from the state in the prescribed amount for mortgage repayment:

  • Persons raising one or more children under the age of eighteen (or who are their guardians);
  • This service can be used by those citizens who are raising a disabled child, regardless of the disability group (by the way, this amendment was made in the previous project to help mortgage borrowers);
  • Borrowers who support adult children under the age of 24 who are studying at a university on a full-time basis;
  • Combat veterans.

That is, in order to write off the principal debt on a mortgage up to 600 thousand rubles in Sberbank or any other financial organization participating in the program, the borrower must prove their right to use this privilege.

Certain nuances that the program has to write off the principal debt on a mortgage up to 600 thousand rubles

If earlier all citizens belonging to one of the above categories were entitled to financial aid from the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) for partial repayment of a mortgage loan in the amount of up to 600 thousand rubles, but not more than 20% (previously, in 2016, it was 10%) of the balance of the principal debt, then starting from February 23, 2017 some adjustments have been made to this paragraph. These points will be considered in more detail below.

Restrictions on the amount of allocated funds

The amount of material assistance to mortgage borrowers has been increased to 1.5 million rubles, but at the same time it should not exceed 30% of the balance of the principal debt. This innovation is valid only for the following categories of borrowers:

  1. Combat veterans.
  2. Persons raising two or more minor children (or who are their guardians).
  3. Disabled persons or parents of a disabled child (regardless of the established disability group).
  • persons who have one child under the age of eighteen or who are his guardians,
  • persons supporting full-time students who have not reached the age of 24,
  • can receive financial assistance in the amount of 600 thousand rubles, while the specified amount should not exceed 20% of the balance of the principal debt.

How is financial assistance provided?

Contrary to popular misconception, no borrower will receive the specified amount in cash. Material aid from the state for the payment of a mortgage loan is to write off part of the principal debt.

How to reduce the mortgage by 600 thousand?

The fundamental points are listed below:

  1. First of all, you will need to contact the bank and apply for restructuring. Important point- it is not necessary that the borrower had an overdue debt on the loan at the time of the application.
  2. The time elapsed from the moment of signing the loan agreement to the submission of the application for restructuring from 2017 does not matter.
  3. Any mortgage is subject to restructuring, even the one that was issued as a social one.

What are the income requirements for a mortgage borrower who wants to use this service?

Average family income for the 3 months prior to application, after deduction average monthly payment under the contract during the same period does not exceed two living wages for each family member (both borrowers and co-borrowers are taken into account).

Considering a foreign currency mortgage, it should be noted that all the requirements set before this regarding maximum income have lost their relevance.

Which apartments are covered by the federal mortgage program (600 thousand assistance)

1. mortgage housing should be the only one.

3. In addition, there are strict restrictions on the area:

  • apartment - no more than 45 sq.m;
  • apartment - 65 sq.m;
  • apartment and more - 85 sq.m.

An important point is that if there are three or more minor children in the family, the requirements regarding the price and area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing are not relevant. However, according to innovations since 2017, in order to receive 600 thousand to pay off a mortgage from the state, a family cannot additionally own any other property, including more than half of the shares.

In which banks is a subsidy for the repayment of a mortgage of 600 thousand?

It must be understood that writing off a part of the debt to the client for mortgage loan, in this case, the bank does not incur losses. And receiving from the state 600 thousand rubles of mortgage compensation, the borrower does not spoil relations with the bank. It also doesn't affect it in any way. credit history. Therefore, the vast majority of banks that issue mortgage loans take part in the program under consideration.

But in any case, before you start preparing the documents necessary to receive assistance, you should check with bank employees about the possibility of obtaining compensation when working with this financial institution.

The list of documents that must be provided to participate in this program for the return of 600 thousand on a mortgage at Sberbank or another credit institution may differ in each individual case (depending on the terms of the loan, the size of the mortgage and other factors), so this question should be check directly with the employees of the bank whose client is the borrower.