characteristics of poor countries. The poorest country in the world

May 31 is World Inequality Day. We decided to recall 10 countries for which the problem of poverty and social inequality is especially relevant.


According to the ratings of numerous experts and agencies that study the level of welfare of countries, Zambia is regularly ranked in the top ten the poorest countries. In this country, 85% of the population is employed in agriculture, which means that almost all citizens are busy working to feed themselves and their families. All other sectors of the economy are empty and employ a minimum number of workers. Wherein economic efficiency agriculture is very doubtful: it provides only 18 percent of GDP. Animal husbandry is practically not developed: the prevalence of tsetse flies does not allow grazing animals. The country's main source of income is the mining industry, whose products are in especially high demand from China. At the same time, in Zambia, the healthcare and education sectors are almost completely absent.


Although this country is one of the ten most backward countries in the world, it is the most developed country in Tropical Africa. Although the standard of living of its inhabitants is low, at the same time in cities you can find more or less well-groomed quarters that vaguely resemble the peripheral areas of cities in developed countries. On the other hand, there are regular problems with energy supply, many residents have their own gasoline generators in this case. Most of the population is employed either in agriculture or in trade (they sell to others what they themselves have grown). Not in cities public transport but full of taxis. This country is also distinguished by a high level of crime: it is better not to leave the house at night, as you can be robbed or killed.


Despite the fact that Mozambique has huge mineral resources such as oil, gas, coal, it remains one of the poorest countries in the world. the USSR provided financial assistance republic, communist methods of managing the economy were introduced, which led to serious financial problems. Then the civil war began, which lasted until 1992 and ended with external intervention. After the provision of international assistance, the economy of the Republic of Mozambique began to develop slowly. As of today, 70% of the population is below the poverty line, 80% of people are employed in agriculture. Almost all lands in economic circulation are not cultivated, and have catastrophically low yields.


It is one of the most actively developing countries in Africa, many call this country the center of African trade. Most of Kenya's GDP comes from the service sector - tourism. Numerous parks, safaris, resorts - all this allows Kenya to seriously replenish the treasury. Most of the population (70%) is employed in agriculture, which brings only 22% of GDP. At the initiative of a large European community (Kenya was an English colony), in the eighties, the mining industry began to develop, thanks to which Kenya became one of the most advanced countries Central Africa.


The country is located in the south of the Arabian Peninsula, is one of the poorest countries in Asia. The welfare of Yemen depends on the price of oil, which is the main source of income for the state. Business, education and medicine are in their infancy. The country is distinguished by the strictness of Islamic traditions and the plight of women, who are practically powerless.


A country with the highest crime rate and most of the population living below the poverty line. It is not recommended for a white person to move around Nigeria on his own, as he can easily be robbed, kidnapped or simply killed: it is better to use security services. Otherwise, Nigeria is not much different from all of the above countries.


One of the oldest countries in the world, with a huge number of historical and cultural monuments. It is also one of the poorest countries in the world. Most of the population is employed in low-profit agriculture, the country has one of the lowest GDP in the world. After attracting investments from India and China, Ethiopia began to develop actively, but according to a number of parameters, it still remains on the last lines of the economic success ratings.

Central African Republic

The country's economy is based on natural resources. Due to the fact that this is one of the most sparsely populated countries in central Africa, the industry is extremely poorly developed. Most of the population lives below the poverty line, crime and unemployment thrive in the country.


It is one of the most densely populated countries and at the same time one of the poorest. Terrorism, religious clashes, unemployment, high crime, lack of medicine and education - a full bouquet of charms of developing countries.


According to numerous studies, it is the poorest country in the world. Terrifying inflation, rampant unemployment and devastation in all areas: from the economy to education.

Alexey Loktionov

The world's population is growing at an alarming rate. In 2018, its number will be 7.5 billion people. The increase is provided mainly by the poorest countries with high birth rates. Let's briefly characterize the ten poorest countries in the world.

I will try to write some kind of motivational article, which, perhaps, will make people budge... Looking through Internet forums, social networks and other communities dedicated to earnings and personal growth, I come across a lot of posts in which people complain that they are poor, that they not enough money, etc..

Well, firstly, if you sit and write these lines on the Internet, then you have money that you pay for this very Internet, and this is not so little. Secondly, instead of wandering around the forums and whining everywhere, it would be better to do something and start earning.

Do you think you are poor? Are you suffering from this!? But you are very lucky, compared to others. Who and what is it, read on.

Scale of poverty

The highest absolute poverty according to the UN for 2004, based on the established national border, was observed in Madagascar - 71.3%, Sierra Leone - 70.2%, Mozambique - 69.4%. If we take 1 dollar a day as the poverty line (this indicator is used by the UN for developing countries), then the highest poverty, according to data for 2005, is observed in Nigeria (70.8%), the Central African Republic (66.6%) and Zambia (63 ,8%).

The International Monetary Fund and the CIA Wrold Factbook in 2011 presented a list of the 10 poorest countries in the world. 9 of the 10 poorest countries in the world are in Africa. The wealth of a country is measured by GDP per capita. The value of GDP per capita: An estimate of how much a person spends as a consumer compared to the total amount spent by the population on goods and services.

1. Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Population: 81,680,000
  • GDP per capita: $328

Not to be confused with the neighboring Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been the poorest country in the world since 2010. The Democratic Republic of the Congo was known as Zaire until 1997. The Congo is the largest country in the world with French as its official language.

The population of DR Congo is about six million more than the population of France (71 million people in DR Congo versus 65 million in France). The Second Congo War since 1998 has devastated the country. The war, which involves at least 7 foreign armies, is the world's deadliest conflict since World War II, with 5.4 million dead. In Africa, the war is called the African World War. It is estimated that at least 45,000 people were killed in the Congo per month in 2010.

The Congo is also one of the last places on earth with cannibal tribes. Eating other people is a way to survive hunger, which affects about 67% of the population. The Congo is also considered the worst place in the world for women, with the most rapes per woman per year. Locals believe that sleeping with a virgin can cure AIDS.

2. Zimbabwe

  • Population 14,149,648
  • GDP per capita: $395

Thanks to hyperinflation, Zimbabwe has become the second poorest country in the world (was in first position in 2010). Huge inflation (87 sextillion percent) ruined the country's economy to ruins. They print 100,000,000,000 dollar bills - enough to buy a few eggs. During the year, prices double every 1.1 days. In addition to economic problems Life expectancy in Zimbabwe is the lowest in the world - 37 years for men and only 34 for women. One of the problems of early mortality is 20.1% of the population are sick with HIV and AIDS.

3. Liberia

  • Population 4,503,000
  • GDP per capita: $392

Liberia is one of the few countries in Africa that has not been colonized by Europe. Instead, Liberia was founded and colonized by slaves who had fled the Americas. These slaves were the elite of the country, and they created a government similar to that in the United States of America.

In 1980, the President of Liberia was overthrown, followed by a period of instability and civil war. After killing hundreds of thousands of people, Liberia is in deep economic crisis. Statistics show that about 90% of the population lives on less than $1.25 a day. As the third poorest country in the world, Liberia has an 85% unemployment rate.

4. Burundi

  • Population 11,178,921
  • GDP per capita: $410

Known for its wars between the inhabiting rival tribes. The reason for Burundi's poverty is that there has never really been a time of peace - only eternal civil war. Corruption, poor access to education, and high percent HIV infection and AIDS, all that Burundi is rich in.

About 80% of Burundians live in poverty and according to the World Food Programme, 57% of children under the age of 5 suffer from chronic malnutrition. 93% of Burundi's income comes from the sale of coffee. According to a study conducted in 178 countries, the people of Burundi have the lowest life satisfaction in the world. As a result of poverty, it is almost entirely dependent on foreign aid. No wonder Burundi is the 4th poorest country in the world.

5. Somalia

  • Population 10,816,143
  • GDP per capita: $600

Unlike many African countries, Somalia has never been formally colonized. The British Empire's efforts were successfully repulsed at least 4 times. Although Somalia is located in East Africa, it has close ties to the Arab world.

IN last years the poor people of Somalia found new way make money – hijack international sea ​​vessels with the crew and cargo as hostages. Piracy in Somalia has become so widespread that boys want to become pirates because it's money. International companies have been known to pay pirates between $1 million and $20 million just to get the ships back. oil tanker with oil can cost several hundred million dollars.

6. Eritrea

  • Population 6,380,803
  • GDP per capita: $681

Eritrea's location gives it the advantage of controlling the sea route through the Suez Canal. In 2009, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused Eritrea of ​​supplying weapons to the Somali militant group al-Shabab, which is believed to have ties to al-Qaeda. It is known in history that the Egyptian pharaohs used Eritrea as a supplier of war elephants. In recent times, however, the elephants are virtually wiped out. The whole country has only 824 schools and 2 universities - needless to say, illiteracy is a huge problem.

7. Central African Republic

  • Population 5,000,000 people
  • GDP per capita: $744

This is a former French colony in the heart of Africa. Being among the poorest countries in the world confirms that government control over the country is extremely weak. The well-being of the population is completely dependent on foreign aid and numerous non-profit organizations. About 40% of import income comes from the sale of mined diamonds.

The Central African Republic is indeed food self-sufficient, but many people still suffer from malnutrition and hunger. This is because the owners of the farms sell their products in foreign countries without thinking about compatriots.

8. Nigeria

  • Population 182,202,000
  • GDP per capita: $755

Nigeria is one of the poorest countries in Africa - more than 80% of its territory is covered by the giant Sahara desert. One day all of Nigeria could be swallowed up by a mighty desert. More than 5000 years ago this land was covered with fertile meadows - desertification has been going on for the last 2000 years.

Although the country is twice the area of ​​France, it has only less than 10,000 km of roads, of which less than 800 km are paved. All roads are paved inside cities. There are no paved roads connecting cities to each other. Nigeria is the world's largest exporter of uranium. Just like in the other poorest countries in the world, only 1 in 4 people have ever attended school. Nigeria also boasts a small army - about 12,000 troops and 4 aircraft.

9 Sierra Leone

  • Population 6,092,075
  • GDP per capita: $759

Sierra Leone is also one of the largest diamond producers in the world. Between 1991-2001, about 50,000 people were killed in a civil war that left people even poorer than they were before. At least 500,000 people fled to neighboring Guinea and Liberia. About 66% of the adult population is illiterate. The healthcare system also leaves much to be desired. Sierra Leone has one of the highest rates of infant mortality and low life expectancy in the world.

10. Afghanistan

  • Population 32,564,342
  • GDP per capita: $906

Over 70% of Afghans live on less than $2 a day. To earn money, many people went into the drug trade. Afghanistan is the world's largest exporter of heroin. The drug problem in this poor country is so big that doping tests show that 17% of the country's police officers have recently used drugs. Only 30% of the police can read!

About America and Europe

But even in developed countries such as the US and Germany, not all is well. In the US, the number of poor in 2010 is estimated at 46.180 million people, which is 15.1% of the total population. However, the poverty line in 2010, the US Census Bureau considers income of $ 22,314 per year for a family of four (that's $ 15 per day per person).

The number of the poor was at its highest level since 1959; and their percentage of the total population is the highest since 1984. The number of poor people in the US has increased for the fourth year in a row. Average income families decreased by 2.3% and now amounts to 49.5 thousand dollars a year. At the same time, the number of citizens without health insurance remains large - about 50 million people. Thus, approximately every sixth inhabitant of the country is forced to fully pay for the services of doctors, which are very expensive in the United States.

Today in Germany, almost a seventh of the population, 11.5 million people, live at or below the poverty line, a number that has increased by a third in the last ten years. Lithuanians have published data on the level of poverty for 2010. The poor in Lithuania are 670 thousand people, that is, 20% of the population.

Other countries

The State Council of China conducted a large-scale study and included about 128 million Chinese residents in the list of people in need of assistance. This study was conducted in connection with a change in the standards for determining the number of people in need in rural areas.

This category includes all residents of the village, clean annual income which fell below 2,300 yuan. For comparison, the exchange rate in China is 6.33 yuan per dollar. Under the new regulations, a much larger number of residents countryside fall under the category of the population in need of financial support.

At present, intensive work is being carried out in the fight against poverty of the population. Particularly active this work in 11 districts of China, in particular in the area of ​​residence of the inhabitants of Tibet, and the provinces of Yunnan, Sichuan and others. It is planned to actively support women and children, the disabled and national minorities who live below the poverty line.

March 13, 2012. Co-chairman of the Kharkiv Human Rights Group, Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union Yevhen Zakharov said that according to UN standards, 80% of the population lives below the poverty line in Ukraine. However, according to annual report human rights organizations "Human Rights in Ukraine 2011", a quarter of Ukraine's population consider themselves poor, UNIAN reports.

How are things in Russia

In the first quarter of 2011, Russians with incomes below living wage was 2.3 million more than in the same period in 2010, RBC reports with reference to Kommersant. Thus, the prevailing focus on reducing the number of the poor, observed over the course of several post-crisis years, has come to naught.

Rosstat data, correlated with the results of the All-Russian Population Census, show that today 22.9 million citizens (or 16.1% of the population) live in Russia with incomes of less than 6,473 rubles. (living wage for the first quarter of 2011). However, experts interviewed by the Kommersant newspaper consider these figures to be underestimated.

Thus, Igor Polyakov, a leading analyst at the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting, explains the growth in the number of poor people by an unequal ratio of the growth of the subsistence minimum (increased by 17% from the first quarter of 2010 to the first quarter of 2011) and the income of citizens. According to Mr. Polyakov, one can say that in Russia not only the number of poor people has increased, but also the standard of living of the population with average and below average incomes has decreased.

Rosstat data gave a clearer picture of the number of poor people, says Vyacheslav Bobkov, director of the All-Russian Center for Living Standards. He explains the increase in the level of poverty in the country by the fact that during the crisis “minimum social guarantees were frozen - minimum size wages, unemployment benefits, no special measures were taken in relation to the able-bodied population.

Despite the negative statistics on the level of poverty, there is a downward trend in the number of poor people among the working population. “Now, if a person has a job, then he is on the way to a decent level of pay,” notes Igor Polyakov. According to the expert, further stagnation in the growth of citizens' incomes can lead to a dangerous social border, beyond which negative public sentiments accumulate.

Poverty rate in Russia

The proportion of the population living below the poverty line in Russia, according to preliminary estimates for 2011, has grown to 12.8%, said today the head of Rosstat Alexander Surinov.

The highest level of poverty was recorded by Rosstat in 1992 - 33.5%; this figure fell below 20% only in 2004. Throughout the 2000s, the share of the poor was rapidly declining (except in 2005, when the monetization of benefits ruined everything). Then the crisis intervened, seriously hitting the level of salaries and incomes of Russians. The level of poverty increased in 2008, but already in the next crisis year, the department again recorded a decrease - the government indexed pensions several times, and inflation decreased.

In the next two years, those whose incomes do not reach the subsistence level, according to the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, will become more and more. A break in the trend may come only in 2014. The latest available data on the subsistence minimum in the country is 6287 rubles for an adult, 6,076 rubles. - for a child, 4,961 rubles. - for a pensioner.

The real incomes of the population, which had been growing rapidly before the crisis, remained almost unchanged for the whole of 2011, with inflation at a record low in the history. Even in 2010, the increase in income was more significant, however, largely due to the "enhanced" indexation of pensions. Last year, pensions were indexed not four, but only two times.

Against the backdrop of rising poverty, the so-called “funds ratio”, which is used to determine the level of inequality in society (the ratio of the average income level of the richest 10% of citizens to the average income level of the poorest 10%), has slightly decreased. In 2011, according to Surinov, the coefficient (and, hence, inequality) decreased slightly - 16.2 against 16.5 in 2010.

Immediately after the collapse of the USSR in 1992, the coefficient was only 8. If we compare not income (in addition to salaries, and pensions, and scholarships, and various benefits), but only the salaries of the richest and poorest, the difference will be “significantly higher ”, said the head of Rosstat.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, in his campaign op-ed on social justice, called income differentiation in Russia "unacceptably high" and admitted that he had failed to tackle this problem, as well as the high level of poverty. And he immediately promised to increase the salaries of teachers and doctors, scholarships for students, benefits large families. According to Sberbank analysts, the fight against inequality will cost the state treasury 5 trillion rubles. Whether the state is able to significantly influence the standard of living of the population, time will tell.

Oxford University in 2011 conducted a study according to which half of the world's poor live in South Asia (827 million), 29% - in sub-Saharan Africa (473 million). At the same time, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest poverty index in the world. However, the 26 poorest subnational regions of South Asia (with 519 million poor people) score higher than the 38 poorest countries in sub-Saharan Africa (473 million).

Differences between regions of the same country can be enormous. For example, in the department of Likuala of the Republic of the Congo, 74% of the population are poor, and in Brazzaville (the capital of the country) - 27%. In different parts of Kenya, the share of the poor can be between 4 and 86%, East Timor - 29 and 86%, Colombia - 1 and 15%.

The classification of countries by per capita income masks problems with poverty. For example, Kyrgyzstan belongs to low-income countries, but there are only 5% of the poor, while in Angola (a country with a middle income level) - 77%, and in Namibia (above average) - 40%. As a result, if you have housing, the ability to eat more than $ 1 a day, you have a computer and the Internet, then you are more fortunate than the other 2-3 billion people in the world who do not even have this!

Other than that, your success is in your hands! you can make money online or stock markets finally you can get another job and improve your financial situation instead of crying to everyone!

In the world there is no single position in the economy of states. In some countries, people live richer, in others poorer, but this difference is not very striking until you compare the representatives of the richest with the poorest.

In order to better trace the patterns, let's look at ten countries from each of the wealth poles. If speak about the poorest countries, then the tenth place will take Togolese Republic which was once a French colony. Things are somewhat worse in Madagascar, which is nevertheless ranked among developing countries. The republic of Malawi is on the eighth line of the anti-rating, it stands out in that, having significant mineral reserves, it does not develop them at all. However, Malawi has a small amount of land suitable for agriculture, so there are many hungry people in it.

In seventh position is the Republic of Niger, in which the lack of food and water has created a situation in which a large number of citizens suffer from hunger. In Zimbabwe, in sixth place, the problem is of a slightly different kind - catastrophic unemployment. The number of people not employed in labor activity citizens is 94%. In fifth place is Eritrea, a neighbor of Ethiopia. Its economy fell into complete decline after the civil war and still cannot return to normal levels.

The fourth place among the poorest countries in the world belongs to Liberia, which suffered for the same reason as Eritrea. According to statistics, its inhabitants "live" on $1.3 a day. However, they do not practice cannibalism, as do the starving in Democratic Republic of the Congo(previously called Zaire), which opens the top three countries with worst level life. The second place belongs to the state of Burundi. The country is actively engaged in agriculture, but is not able to provide food for the entire population. At the same time, a number of European companies extract minerals and export them abroad.

And the country with the most distressed situation - Central African Republic. There is only $500 of annual GDP per capita. At the same time, the CAR has the richest deposits of diamonds, oil, uranium and gold. And with all this, the country remains the poorest in the world.

What is the reason for this situation of these countries and what do they have in common? The first thing that catches your eye is the African states. Wars are the first problem that the locals face. For many, it is much easier to visit the neighbors and select necessary resources than making them yourself.

The inability to organize industrial production or develop agricultural technologies to a level at which the inhabitants will stop starving, originates in a low level of education. Often, residents of these countries did not even finish primary school.

And now you have to imagine richest countries in the world to reveal some common causes that led them to prosperity. Can it really be argued that it's all about education alone? In tenth place in the list of the richest countries is Sweden. For comparison, the level of GDP per person is $37.7 thousand, which is 70 times higher than in the Central African Republic. Sweden has a long history of peaceful life, during which it has developed a system of banks and a brand of its watches. Now Switzerland is synonymous with reliability. Among European countries, it is the second in terms of technology development.

Austria is in ninth place, and the Netherlands in eighth. Both states have large deposits of minerals and are successfully developing them. Tourism is a separate item of their income. At the same time, the Netherlands has its own gas reserves, which becomes key point, which led to the fact that GDP per person is more by $1.3 thousand and amounts to $40.7 thousand.

In seventh place is Kuwait , and in sixth is the United States . Both countries have large reserves of petroleum products, but Kuwait has virtually no products that it could export and subsists on black gold alone. The fifth richest countries in the world are United United Arab Emirates . Oil helped the seven monarchies quickly increase their wealth, but they did not stop there and began to actively develop business segments and equip tourist destinations. On both of these indicators, the UAE has achieved very great success, which made them one of the leaders in terms of living standards in the world.

However, the UAE managed to bypass Ireland, the number of tourists in which exceeds the state's own population by almost 1.5 times. However, although this is a very important area of ​​the Irish economy, it is still not the main one. Not having a large number of minerals, the country has significantly developed the livestock sector. As for production, the enterprises of the largest electronics manufacturers that came to the country from the USA are located here. Large investments have led to the fact that the standard of living of residents has increased significantly. Ireland has concentrated its own production in the field of medicine.

In third place is the state, which imports almost all the necessary goods. How do they manage to maintain such a high standard of living? Given this fact, the country's authorities have canceled import duties on all products, except for 4: alcohol, tobacco, cars and petroleum products. As for other taxes, they are also extremely small. As a result, this country began to be perceived by investors very positively, and foreign capital flowed there like an endless river. Today, research is being conducted in Singapore on the most progressive areas of the computer industry and biotechnology.

Luxembourg is in second place and Qatar is in first place. What is noteworthy in Luxembourg, taxes have a complex structure and take a significant part of the income of companies, while in Qatar they are only 10% for any type of activity. This is due to the fact that in the European state the main income is banking, which attracts investors due to the fact that the state is an offshore zone. Whereas Qatar earns quite well on oil imports, but its tax policy attracted foreign capital, which is now developing industry in the country.

One more distinctive feature leaders is a small number of the population. It is much easier to regulate the economy in small areas than in vast areas, so it can be argued that the division economic zone one state into several smaller ones, with the possibility of adaptive regulation "on the ground" can bring positive results.

As we can see, in many cases the difference between rich and poor states in the initial conditions is quite small. Even richest countries own not so many resources, but they managed to properly dispose of what they have. First of all - to become profitable partners. As for the poor countries, the recipe for getting out of the economic hole is obvious. It may take them prohibitively long to develop technology on their own, but it is enough for governments to provide a favorable economic climate for foreign investors and the situation will change in an instant. There are a huge number of places in Africa that already attract tourists and many of the currently distressed states are able to create new ones. Low rate taxes and a small economic zone are the recipe for prosperity in today's world.

Alexey Efedorov

Africa is a rapidly developing region. However, there are practically no countries on this vast continent that would have any significant impact on the rest of the world. More often they mention the poor, who for several centuries have not been able to move in their development from the dead point. Almost half of the entire population of the continent lives on less than a dollar a day. Political instability and incessant wars have made the existence of many people extremely difficult. In today's article, we look at the poorest countries in Africa in terms of gross domestic product per capita (in accordance with the classification of the International Monetary Fund) and analyze the prospects for the development of the region.

General overview of the economy

Africa's economy includes trade, industry, Agriculture And human capital. As of 2012, about 1 billion people live here. In total, there are 54 states on the continent. Twelve of them are described by the International Monetary Fund as poor countries in Africa. However, the continent has great development potential due to its rich resource base. Nominal countries GDP is 1.8 trillion US dollars. Recent growth has been driven by increased trade in goods and services. It is expected that by 2050 year of GDP Black Africa will reach 25 trillion US dollars. Income inequality will be a major constraint on the distribution of wealth. Today, however, most of the states on the continent are poor countries in Africa. According to the forecast of the World Bank, the situation may change as early as 2025, when the income per person in them will reach $1,000 per year. Great hope is placed on the younger generation. All experts recognize the importance of investing in social resource region.

The poorest countries in Africa

In terms of GDP per capita (in US dollars) in 2014, the following states occupied the lowest positions:

  • Malawi - 255.
  • Burundi - 286.
  • Central African Republic - 358.
  • Niger - 427.
  • Gambia - 441.
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo - 442.
  • Madagascar - 449.
  • Liberia - 458.
  • Guinea - 540.
  • Somalia - 543.
  • Guinea-Bissau - 568.
  • Ethiopia - 573.
  • Mozambique - 586.
  • Togo - 635.
  • Rwanda - 696.
  • Mali - 705.
  • Burkina Faso - 713.
  • Uganda - 715.
  • Sierra Leone - 766.
  • Comoros - 810.
  • Benin - 904.
  • Zimbabwe - 931.
  • Tanzania - 955.

As you can see, Somalia closes the top ten poorest. The country only a few years ago occupied the first positions in this ranking, but now its GDP is gradually growing. Closes the list of Tanzania. There are 24 countries on the list in total. All other states on the African continent have a GDP per capita of more than $1,000. Consider some countries from the above list.


This state is located in Southeast Asia. Malawi is the country with the lowest GDP in the world. More than half of its inhabitants are below the poverty line. Like many other countries in Africa, Malawi is plagued by corruption in public and private structures. Most of the national budget is made up of foreign aid. About 35% of GDP comes from agriculture, 19% from industry, and 46% from the service sector. The main export items are tobacco, tea, cotton, coffee, while the main import items are foodstuffs, oil products and cars. Malawi's trading partners are Egypt, Zimbabwe, India, China and the United States.


This state is known for the ongoing civil wars on its territory. There has hardly been one long period of peace in its entire history. This could not but affect the economy. The country of Burundi is second on the list. In addition to constant wars, it is talked about in connection with the spread of HIV / AIDS, corruption and nepotism. About 80% of the population of this state live below the poverty line.

Central African Republic

This state has been politically and economically unstable since the beginning of its independence. The Central African Republic is rich in mineral resources, but remains on the list of the poorest. The country exports diamonds. This article gives 45-55% of income. The country is also rich in uranium, gold and oil. And yet more than half of the inhabitants of the Central African Republic live below the poverty line. The main branch of the national economy is agriculture and timber industry. The main trading partners of the Central African Republic are Japan, South Korea, France, Belgium and China.


About 80% of the territory of this state lies in the Sahara desert. Niger is a politically unstable state in which corruption and crime flourish. The position of women remains disastrous. The advantage of the Niger economy is the huge reserves of uranium. There are also deposits of oil and gas. The weak side remains a huge dependence on foreign aid. The country has a poorly developed infrastructure, the political situation remains unstable, and the climate is bad with frequent droughts. The main branch of the national economy is agriculture. The uranium mining industry is also developing. The country has the most low level


This state is a unique place on the African continent. It's all about his story. The country of Liberia was founded by African Americans freed from slavery. Therefore, its system of government is very similar to that of the United States. About 85% of the population of this country live below the poverty line. Their daily income is less than $1. This deplorable state of the economy is due to wars and political instability.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

This state is the largest in the world. However, it is also one of the poorest countries in the world. the globe. The most terrible event in history was the second war in the Democratic, which began in 1998. It is she who is the main reason for such a low development of the economy.


This island is located in the Indian Ocean, 250 miles off the southeast coast of Africa. A piece of land about 1,580 km long and 570 km occupies Madagascar. Africa as a continent includes this island in its composition. The main sectors of the economy of Madagascar are farming, fishing and hunting. The population of the island is 22 million people, 90% of people live on less than two dollars a day.


As we have already mentioned, one of the fastest growing regions in the world is Africa. Ethiopia is one of those countries whose economic growth rate is the highest. However, it still remains one of the poorest states on the continent and in the world. About 30% of the population lives on a dollar a day or less. However, Ethiopia has significant development potential in the agricultural sector. Today, the majority of the population are small farmers. Small farms are particularly affected by fluctuations in world markets, droughts and other natural disasters. It should be noted that a few years ago, Ethiopia topped the list of the poorest countries. Therefore, the current situation shows a significant improvement compared to the past.


This state is located in West Africa. Its population is about 6.7 million people. The main branch of the economy is agriculture. Most of the population works in this sector. A significant part of the exports are cocoa, coffee, cotton. Togo is rich in minerals and is the largest phosphate producer in the world.

Sierra Leone

The economy of this state is based on diamond mining. They make up the majority of exports. Sierra Leone is the largest producer of titanium and bauxite, as well as gold. However, more than 70% of the population lives below the poverty line. Corruption and crime thrive in the state. Most transactions in foreign trade are carried out only with the help of giving and receiving bribes.

Causes of underdevelopment and prospects

The current problems of the growth of the African continent are difficult to explain with the help of modern economic theories. Among the reasons for the plight of the majority of the population are constant hostilities, instability, pervasive corruption and despotic regime in most countries. Played a role in the emergence of current problems and cold war between the USA and the USSR. Today, the poor remain a hotbed of underdevelopment. And they pose a threat to the whole world, since high social differentiation always leads to an increase in the level of conflict in international relations. The unfavorable situation in the field of education and health is combined with horrendous poverty. Africa's GDP structure is dominated by inefficient agriculture and extractive industries. And these are industries with low added value, which cannot provide a breakthrough in the development of these countries. In addition, most African states are the largest debtors. Therefore, they do not have the resources to pursue an active national policy aimed at developing their own economy. Corruption at all levels is a huge problem. During the years of independence of these countries, it has become a tradition. Most trade transactions are carried out only on the condition of giving a bribe. However, the situation is gradually improving due to foreign programs. Over the past decade, African economies have shown steady growth. It continued even during the world financial crisis. Therefore, the potential of the continent is perceived by many economists with increasing optimism.

Development prospects

Africa has huge reserves natural resources. It is also the continent with the highest proportion of young people. Many experts believe that high economic growth can be ensured by investments in the education of the new generation. With the right policies, Africa can become one of the most productive regions. Gradually, it is no longer considered a hopeless continent. Thanks to relatively stable growth rates, global actors have a desire to influence African markets and promote their brands here. However, so far most of the states of this region remain weak trading partners. They are heavily dependent on the sale of energy resources. Only 4% of Africans live on $10 a day. The situation is expected to change dramatically by 2050. By this time, most countries should enter the category of countries with an upper middle income. An important factor future success is to strengthen the middle class. foreign investment projects in technology, education and healthcare. It is expected that by 2060 99% of the population will be covered by broadband internet. The younger generation is the hope of the continent. The future of Africa depends on the success of their education.

Despite the fact that European countries are usually classified as the most prosperous, they also distinguish the ten poorest countries, each of which has its own rating. These states are usually called outsiders, and a characteristic feature for them is an insufficient level of wages, low income of the population and low standard of living of people.

Hotel Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

The population of the country is more than 43 million people. The capital of Ukraine is the city of Kyiv, the language recognized as the state language is Ukrainian. At the same time, the Russian language is no less common in the country. Ukraine is a unitary, parliamentary-presidential state that borders Poland, Belarus, Moldova and Hungary.

On this moment the state has all the prerequisites in order to raise the country's economy.

Moldova, together with Ukraine, is one of the poorest European countries. The state is located in southeastern Europe and is officially called the Republic of Moldova. The country borders Ukraine and Romania, has an area of ​​33,846 square km and a population of more than 4 million inhabitants. The capital of Moldova is the city of Chisinau. Moldova became independent in 1991, immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Despite this, economic development state leaves much to be desired so far. Interior gross product per capita in the country is about $5,700.

Moldova on the map

The well-being and economic condition of the state is highly dependent on the development of the agricultural sector and the volume of exports of agricultural products. By and large, it is agriculture and the textile industry that are the main activities of the state. As for energy resources, they are purchased.

In addition, minerals are not mined in the country and other activities are not developed. However, it is worth noting that the climate zone in which Moldova is located is very favorable for agriculture. One way or another, but the country was among the poorest countries in Europe and currently occupies the first line of the rating among ten similar states in the list.

The second poorest country on the list is the independent Republic of Kosovo. This state is considered not fully, but partially recognized in Europe, in the Balkans, in the Kosovo region. The capital of the state is Pristina, and Serbian and Albanian are recognized as official languages.

Kosovo on the map

In accordance with the constitution, Kosovo is part of the Serbian Republic, which is considered the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. But it is worth noting that Kosovo is not a controlled zone of Serbia in fact.

The economy of the Republic of Kosovo deserves special attention. Despite its low level, since 1999 there has been a steady upward trend in GDP, 70% of which falls on the service sector. The size of GDP per person per year is approximately 3,661 US dollars. Along with this, the country still has a high unemployment rate. Most of the youth work abroad. Well, inflation in the country is quite low.

The territory of the country is rich in minerals, including lead, cobalt, nickel and bauxite deposits. Among the minerals, cadmium, germanium, indium and so on are mined here. One of the developed industries in Kosovo is energy. In addition, enterprises operate in the state, including a shoe factory and a meat processing enterprise. Production in the country is poorly developed, and the state exists mainly due to foreign aid.

Another state in the ranking of the poorest European countries is Albania. The capital is Tirana. The state is small and is located between Greece, Kosovo and Montenegro. Gross per capita product in the country is $ 12,484, about 60% of GDP is the service sector and about 19% is the industrial area. The country's economy is based mainly on agriculture. For some time the state was in isolation, which excluded the relationship with the world.

On the territory of the country there are deposits of minerals: oil, gas and ores. And although there are not too many of them, according to many economic analysts, with investment, Albania may well turn into an industrial developed country high social level and a booming economy.

In this case, the possibility of attracting foreign capital is not excluded. And this despite the fact that Albania is a small southern European country. However, at the moment there is no development dynamics in these areas, and Albania is among the ten poorest European countries.

Fifth place in the anti-rating is occupied by part of the former Yugoslav Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The annual GDP per person per year is approximately $9,800. At the moment, the state is divided into two halves, in which self-government operates.

The population in Bosnia and Herzegovina is about 3.28 million people, these are Serbs and Bosniaks. Approximately equal number of them live on the territory of the state. The country's economy was recovering thanks to foreign aid. However, at the moment it cannot be said that it is at the proper level.

The same applies to people's living standards. The main emphasis in the country is on agriculture, earn here and on the export of wood, mining and electricity supply. industrial production takes place in the country, although it is underdeveloped.

The backwardness of this state can be explained by numerous wars, after which the country was repeatedly restored, but not fully. At the moment, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a state with a weakened economy that lacks investment.

Serbia includes autonomous regions: Metohija and Kosovo and Vojvodina. Serbia borders on Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.

Serbia owes its underdeveloped economy to frequent wars and blockades. At the moment, there is a gross product per person, the size of which is approximately 7,243 US dollars. It is sad, but Serbia is a corrupt state, which in no way contributes to economic growth countries.

In addition, in recent years there has been a gradual departure of specialists from the republic. One of the profitable industries that has been developed in the country is rural tourism. Concerning economic forecasts, then Serbia is gradually gaining momentum, although not too fast.