When will the subsidy for housing for the military be paid. For housing subsidies for military personnel

One of the types state aid servicemen is to provide them with housing. Until 2013, officers who were deemed in need of an apartment (or an increase in existing housing) received square meters from the funds of the Ministry of Defense.

Due to the fact that the number of departmental apartments did not correspond to the number of those in need of improvement, the queue for housing could stretch for several years. For this reason, legislative documents were adopted that make it possible to exercise the right to housing for military personnel through the issuance of a one-time cash subsidy.

Grounds for receiving a housing allowance

Receipt of payments from the state for the purchase of housing is guaranteed only to those military people on the waiting list who were accepted for housing registration until 2005. Military personnel who have received the status of needing housing in subsequent years can count on the purchase of an apartment only under the military mortgage program. Article 15 of Law No. 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel” establishes the grounds on which officers can apply for housing cash payments:

  • the conclusion of a military contract in the period up to 1998;
  • lack of ownership of housing;
  • the presence of the status of needing to receive an apartment or improve existing conditions;
  • at least 10 years of service;
  • dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit or state of health (with 10 years of service);
  • officers living in service apartments and having at least 20 years of service.

State provision financial assistance is purely targeted. A soldier can spend the money received on the purchase or construction of housing - both in a new building and in the secondary market.

The right to choose the type of dwelling and its geographical location remains with the recipient of the subsidy.

What determines the amount of housing subsidy for the military

The value of the state housing allowance allocated to military personnel directly depends on the following factors:

  • the size of the living space due to the applicant on the basis of legislation;
  • established average cost per square meter;
  • adjustment coefficient proportional to the military experience of the waiting list.

The size of the area for registration of subsidies

The norm of housing for the provision of subsidies is defined in Decree No. 76, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and fixing the procedure for determining the amount of subsidies.

In accordance with these documents, the state guarantees military personnel housing in the following sizes:

  • for single officers - 33 square meters;
  • for a family of two - 42 square meters;
  • for families consisting of three or more people - at least 18 square meters for each.

The basic standards for the provision of housing can be adjusted in one direction or another if there are objective grounds.

An increase in the current size of housing when calculating the subsidy is allowed for the following beneficiaries:

  • military teachers educational institutions or relevant departments in civilian universities;
  • officers holding scientific degrees or honorary titles accepted in Russian Federation;
  • military personnel who have risen to high ranks - marshals, generals, colonels, or having the position of commander.

If there are several reasons for increasing the housing that is eligible for financing, the serviceman has the right to choose only one of them.

The size of the footage established for calculating the cash payment may be reduced in the following cases:

  • if a serviceman has acquired property in property over the years of service (in Russia or abroad);
  • if during the last five years before applying for a subsidy, a potential person on the waiting list sold the existing housing;
  • if the officer and his family occupy an apartment on the basis of a social lease agreement and have the opportunity to privatize it.

In these situations, the amount of "paid" square meters, laid down for the calculation of the subsidy, is set minus the living space that served as the basis for reducing the footage.

To receive 100% financing for the purchase own housing military personnel living in municipal apartments on terms social recruitment, has the right to rent the existing apartment to the official owner. Termination of the contract of social employment and waiver of the possibility of privatization is made in writing.

Standard cost of housing

The base value of the average market cost per square meter of living space is calculated by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities in accordance with the prices in force in a particular region. The calculation of the standard for the purposes of calculating state subsidies is carried out twice a year. Yes, in the 1st semester current year fixed price of 1 square meter, equal to 37,208 rubles.

For individual cities of federal significance and individual regions, the Ministry of Construction calculates separate standards for the cost of 1m 2 of living space.

First of all, this applies to Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the price per square meter is respectively 90,400 and 58,112 rubles, as well as to the Moscow and Leningrad regions, the Crimean Republic, and Sakhalin.

Serviceman's service coefficient adjustment

Value housing finance directly depends on how many calendar years the military waiting list has given to the service of the Motherland. Decree No. 76 of February 3, 2014 lists the amounts of adjustment factors that are applied when calculating the subsidy:

Algorithm for calculating the housing subsidy

Veterans of military service with a length of service exceeding 21 years are legally set an annual increase in the coefficient by 0.075, subject to the continuation of their duties. The maximum value of the adjustment factor is 2.75.

The formula that underlies the mechanism for calculating a housing subsidy to a serviceman is as follows:

BC \u003d RM * NSZH * KK, where:

  • BC - the amount of the subsidy;
  • RM - the size of the prescribed footage, depending on the number of members of the officer's family;
  • NSZH - the size of the cost per square meter established by the Ministry of Construction;
  • KK - correction factor.

All values, with the exception of the average market cost per square meter, are variable and are taken into account for each specific case.

An example of calculating a one-time payment for housing

A soldier with the rank of colonel, who holds the position of head of the military department at a university, has a length of service of 17 years.

The number of family members living with him is 3 people. He has been registered and has the status of needing housing since 2003.

When calculating the grant, the following information must be entered:

  • the size of the footage according to the standard 4 * 18 square meters \u003d 72 square meters. meters. In addition, a benefit is applied to increase the allowable living space for one of the reasons - title or position held. The total footage, taking into account the benefits, will be 72+ 15 = 87 sq. meters;
  • cost standard for 2017 (first half of the year) = 37,208 rubles;
  • the adjustment factor for 17 years of service will be 2.25.

The total amount of a one-time housing allowance will be:

BC \u003d 87 * 37208 * 2.25 \u003d 7,283,466 rubles.

In situations where 2 or more family members who apply for registration live in one family housing subsidy, you must choose one, the most profitable option. Housing subsidies for individual family members are not subject to summation, the state will pay money only to one of the people on the waiting list.

If a serviceman died after reaching the maximum age of service or died during its performance, then the family of the deceased (deceased) person on the waiting list is entitled to an increase in the correction factor when calculating the amount of state assistance.

Documents for obtaining a housing allowance and the procedure for obtaining it

Registration of a housing subsidy is carried out on the basis of a package of documents collected by the beneficiary:

  • personal identity cards of the person on the waiting list and all family members (passports, birth certificates of children);
  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • a document confirming the current status of a person in need of improvement / acquisition of housing;
  • certificate of the presence and amount of military experience;
  • an extract from the house book or personal account of the tenant for the last five years;
  • a certificate from the USRN on the absence of real estate registered for a military waiting list;
  • documents confirming the availability of benefits for calculating the footage.

The listed papers must be accompanied by an application for the payment of a subsidy, which must contain the handwritten signatures of all family members. Contract is essential bank account for the transfer of government funds.

The generated package of documents is submitted for consideration to the territorial housing department of the Ministry of Defense, where the verification of the information provided is carried out for 20 days. At the same time, the housing department sends a request to the Rosreestr authorities to confirm the right of the beneficiary to receive funding.

After a statutory period of days, the authority housing The Ministry of Defense is obliged to make a decision on the provision of subventions for the purchase of real estate. Maximum term allocated by the legislator for a one-time preferential payment cannot exceed 30 calendar days. There is only one reason for refusing to transfer money - if the serviceman has lost the right to improve the area due to changes in his living conditions.

The law allows for the possibility of acquiring a waiting list of an apartment, the footage of which will exceed the established standard, taking into account all the benefits. In this case, the surplus will be paid by the military personnel themselves at the rate of average cost square metre. When calculating excess footage, take into account design features purchased housing. The decision to provide increased funding is not binding and is taken by the command, depending on the specific circumstances.


State subsidies for the provision of housing for representatives of military professions are not without drawbacks. In particular, in some regions, the price of 1 m 2 significantly exceeds the normatively calculated cost.

However, with the introduction of the financing mechanism, it gives a real opportunity to purchase an apartment for officers and their family members in almost any city in the country. And given the possibility of simultaneous use of military subsidies, maternity capital and other preferential instruments, you can qualify for the purchase of solid real estate.

According to the provisions of the law "On the status of military personnel", our state guarantees the provision of housing to the military. The traditional forms are: the issuance of certificates to residents of secret military camps with the possibility of resettlement in their chosen area, as well as the receipt of ready-made housing provided by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

A new type of housing provision since 2014 is the allocation of funds for its purchase or construction. In 2018, to solve this problem, the government plans provision to military personnel and their families 3736 residential premises, the area of ​​which is equal to 237 thousand square meters. Russian Ministry Defense provides data that at the beginning of 2018, about 30,000 military personnel are in need of permanent living space, 11,000 of which are waiting to receive housing subsidies.

In the federal budget of 2018 and in the planned budgets of 2018-2019, it is planned to spend 37 billion 780 thousand rubles annually on payments for the purchase of housing. The average size housing subsidy is 7 million rubles. In 2018, 5,397 military families should receive state assistance.

Who can apply for a housing subsidy for military personnel?

To calculate whether the area meets the standards, you need to multiply the standard square meters by the number of households and compare them with those already available. For example, there are three family members, the area of ​​​​the apartment is 44 square meters. meters:

18 x3 = 54; 54-44=10 - Living area less than normative. So, you can apply for a housing subsidy for military personnel.

  • After the death of an officer, his relatives can receive an apartment in accordance with the number of all its members. Of course, only in the case when they do not have their own living space and are recognized as needing it. In this calculation total area the entire family is taken, including the dead or deceased spouse. For such families, the maximum possible correction factor is applied - 2.75, which will be discussed below. It does not depend on the total length of service in the military. As a result, it is possible to receive a substantial amount of payment and solve the housing problem.

How to correctly calculate the housing subsidy for military personnel?

Algorithm for calculating housing subsidies servicemen is laid down in the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation. It has the following form.

P \u003d H * C * Ks. The components of this calculation are:

  1. H is the standard for the area of ​​​​the premises for military personnel;
  2. C - the rate of prices per square meter of housing in the Russian Federation, according to the Ministry of Construction;
  3. Kc - correction factor taking into account the service life.

The essence of these indicators is as follows.

1) The area standard is:

  • 33 sq. m. - per serviceman without a family;
  • 42 sq.m. - for a family of 2 members;
  • 18 sq. m. falls on each of the residents - on a family of three or more people.

This the norm will be reduced by the area of ​​​​the premises occupied by:

  • by right of owners;
  • under a social lease agreement, if it is not supposed to be terminated;
  • as a result of alienation due to a civil law transaction with a limitation period not exceeding five years.

This list is exhaustive.

2) Standard cost per sq. meters for the first half of 2018 is 37 thousand 208 rubles.

3) Correction factor has the following size, depending on the length of service:

10 — 16 - 1,85;

16 — 20 - 2,25;

From 20 - 21 - 2.375.

After 20 years, that is, from the beginning of the 21st year, when calculating subsidies, the coefficient will be increased by 0.075 for each subsequent year of service until it reaches the limit value of 2.75.

To calculate the amount of cash payments due in the form of housing subsidies, you can do the calculation yourself or resort to the help of an online calculator. There is such a calculator on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. There are detailed explanations and necessary hints here. To quickly calculate housing allowances for servicemen, it is sufficient to enter information containing data on the number of members of his family living with the serviceman and on his right to additional meters, if he has it.

Some features of obtaining housing subsidies

If the officer has multiple reasons for state aid in the form of subsidies, then he receives additional meters for one of them.

In the event that the family husband and wife are military, then they receive one subsidy for two. But one of them may be entitled to a larger amount of subsidy than the other and take advantage of it.

The Government of the Russian Federation provided for military personnel the right to deferment in receiving a subsidy. It can be postponed until the service life increases, and, consequently, the correction factor, and after it the size of the subsidy. Such an option may be acceptable for those who are provided with housing, since if it is not available, the costs associated with this fact may ultimately exceed the amount social payment.

Procedure for obtaining housing subsidies

To receive state assistance and purchase or build housing, a soldier must be placed in regional queue for those in need in living space.

For this:

1. A serviceman (including retired) is obliged to submit to the body authorized by the Ministry of Defense:

  • a signed agreement with the bank on opening an account for transferring the subsidy;
  • statement;
  • a package of documents that certify: the presence of all declared family members and the recognition of the need to improve living conditions.
  • documents for the right to own housing (an extract from Rosreestr or a social lease agreement);
  • extracts from the house book covering the last five years.

2. The body authorized by the Ministry of Defense sends a request to the State Register to clarify the data on his living space in order to make sure that he really needs to receive housing. The answer is given within 10 days.

3. The specified body makes a decision on payments within a period that is also no more than 10 days. Refusal is possible only if there are grounds for deregistration as a person in need of home improvement.

4. If a positive decision is made, it will be sent to the Ministry of Defense, to the department dealing with financial support, from which social assistance will be transferred to the account indicated in the application within one month.

Advantages and disadvantages of providing a housing subsidy to military personnel

The transition to housing the military through a housing subsidy has undeniable benefits for those in need of additional square meters or more comfortable living conditions. These are the following.

  • the subsidy is considered as already issued not upon receipt of it, but after signing the documents on its issuance;
  • it is difficult to purchase real estate in the capital region and in large Russian cities due to the high level of its cost.

Prospects for issuing a housing subsidy for the military

The interesting news is the fact that by the beginning of 2023 the Government plans to completely liquidate construction projects for the needs of the Ministry of Defense. Only them will be left minor share intended for office housing. To provide housing for the military plans to adopt new programs associated with mortgage lending. But at least until 2020, the suspension of subsidies instead of providing residential square meters will not be considered.

This prospect is supported by such facts as the expected positive impact of this method on increasing the birth rate in the country. After all, there is a directly proportional relationship between the amount of the subsidy and the number of children: more children - more money.

In addition, there are forecasts that predict military service extension. The explanation for this is the same direct dependence of the amount of state support on length of service: more length of service - more subsidies.

for the 2nd quarter of 2020

for the 2nd quarter of 2020

This online calculator allows you to calculate for the 1st quarter of 2020 the amount of a one-time cash payment for the purchase or construction of housing provided to former military personnel and members of their families who, before January 1, 2005, registered housing through military commissariats in government bodies local government(OVMSU) at the chosen place of residence, as well as former military personnel of Ukraine and persons equated to them who became citizens of the Russian Federation, after the Republic of Crimea was admitted to the Russian Federation, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 22, 2018 No. 116 "On the provision of housing premises of certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

Online calculator allows you to calculate for the 1st quarter of 2020 the amount of a one-time social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises for employees of institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and customs authorities of the Russian Federation and former employees Federal Service of the Russian Federation for drug control, who entered the housing register after January 1, 2013, in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2013 No. 369 "On the provision of a lump-sum social payment ...

Online calculator allows you to calculate the size monetary compensation for hiring (sub-leasing) housing, paid in 2020 to officers, including generals, ensigns, as well as other categories of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, or dismissed with military service, and their family members in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 N 909 (as amended on September 18, 2015) "On the procedure for paying monetary compensation for hiring (sub-leasing) residential premises.

The online calculator allows you to calculate the amount of monetary compensation for hiring (sub-renting) housing, paid in 2019 to officers, including generals, as well as ensigns undergoing military service under a contract or dismissed from military service, and members of their families in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation dated 12/31/2004 N 909 (as amended on 09/18/2015) "On the procedure for paying monetary compensation for the rental (sublease) of residential premises.

Online calculator allows you to independently calculate for the 3rd quarter of 2019 the amount of a one-time social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises for employees of institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and customs authorities of the Russian Federation and former employees of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation who entered the housing register after January 1, 2013 ., in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2013 No. 369 "On the provision of a lump-sum social payment ...

Online calculator allows you to independently calculate for the 4th quarter of 2019 the amount of a one-time social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises for employees of institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and customs authorities of the Russian Federation and former employees of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation who entered the housing register after January 1, 2013 ., in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2013 No. 369 "On the provision of a lump-sum social payment ...

This online calculator allows you to calculate for the 4th quarter of 2019 the amount of a one-time cash payment for the purchase or construction of housing provided to former military personnel and members of their families who, before January 1, 2005, registered housing through military commissariats in local governments (OVMSU) at their chosen place of residence, in accordance with the resolution.

This online calculator allows you to calculate the amount of social benefits for the purchase of housing for the 1st (first) half of 2020, provided under the State housing certificate(GZhS) to military personnel and citizens discharged from military service, who are registered with housing both at the place of military service and with local authorities at their chosen place of residence, as well as citizens who have the right to resettlement from closed military camps.

This online calculator of military disability pension for 2019-2020. for former military personnel allows former military personnel to calculate a disability pension with October 1, 2019 to October 01, 2020 . The specified pension is assigned to those military personnel who have not served necessary period for the appointment of a "military pension" for length of service.

This calculator allows you to calculate, taking into account the increase from October 1, 2019, the so-called "mixed pension" for former military personnel with a general seniority 25 calendar years or more, of which at least 12 years and six months is military service, and (or) service in the internal affairs bodies, and (or) service in the State Fire Service, and (or) service in the drug trafficking control authorities means and psychotropic substances, and (or) service in institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system. The calculator takes into account the presence of a qualification category for the flight crew, the regional coefficient.

The housing allowance calculator allows you to calculate the housing allowance online in the 2nd half of 2019

The calculator allows you to calculate the housing subsidy online in the 1st half of 2020 for the acquisition of residential premises by military personnel, taking into account the number of family members, the right to additional living space and the duration of military service (length of service). This subsidy has been paid to military personnel since January 2014, instead of providing in-kind housing. On the cases in which a housing subsidy is paid instead of providing housing in kind.

This calculator of military pension for years of service allows you to calculate the amount of military pension for years of service for the period from 10/01/2019 to 2020. The calculator takes into account the regional coefficient, the qualification allowance of the flight crew (surcharge for class qualification, class). Using the online calculator, you can understand how the military pension is calculated, how the military pension changes depending on the year of assignment of the pension, changes in the official salary or salary by military rank, seniority allowances, the presence of a regional coefficient, the qualification allowance for flight personnel (surcharges for class ). providing for an increase from 01/01/2019 of the minimum length of service required for the appointment of a military pension from 20 to 25 years. This online calculator calculates the military pension for those military personnel who have already acquired the right to the specified pension. The calculator takes into account the regional coefficient, the qualification allowance of the flight crew (surcharge for class qualification, class rating). Using the online calculator, you can understand how the military pension is calculated, how the military pension changes depending on the year of assignment of the pension, changes in the official salary or salary by military rank, seniority allowances, the presence of a regional coefficient, the qualification allowance for flight personnel (surcharges for class ).

Calculator of a one-time cash payment for the purchase or construction of a dwelling for 2 sq. 2018, provided to former military personnel and members of their families who, before January 1, 2005, registered housing through military registration and enlistment offices in local self-government authorities

Online calculator allows you to independently calculate for the 2nd quarter of 2018 the amount of a one-time social payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises for employees of institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and customs authorities of the Russian Federation and former employees of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation who entered the housing register after January 1, 2013 ., in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2013 No. 369 "On the provision of a lump-sum social payment ...

One of the measures of state support for the population is subsidizing. Military personnel can receive this state assistance in a special manner.

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The military personnel are provided with financial support by the state in the acquisition of housing.

The Government of the Russian Federation has developed regulations, according to which it is possible to allocate certain funds for the military in need of housing. This money can only be used for specified purposes.

Main Aspects

The purposes for which a soldier is allowed to spend the housing subsidy granted to him:

  • buy housing in a new building;
  • buy housing on the secondary market;
  • for building a house;
  • full or partial mortgage payment on housing;
  • to improve housing conditions, in particular, to expand it.

If speaking for mortgage credit lending, then as a contribution, you can use the funds of the certificate as a primary payment, as well as the last or intermediate. In this case, the state does not limit in terms, etc.

Required Concepts

Subsidy - material aid needy citizens, which is issued at the expense of the state or local budget, as well as the payment of special funds for legal and individuals, local authorities.

A military grant is a program of assistance to military citizens that is provided as a quick decision housing issue.

Support of this type is provided in kind (at the expense of own monetary and economic sources) or in cash (at the expense of budget funds) forms.

The housing subsidy is a monthly cash payment, which is allocated from the state. the budget to pay for the costs of housing and communal services or a one-time allowance that is allocated for the purchase of housing.

The allowance refers to irrevocable state assistance and does not affect the form of ownership of housing.

Who is supposed to

Count on state support military can:

  • actually be in need of housing and work under a contract concluded before 1998;
  • total service experience of 20 years or more;
  • use departmental housing and work for more than 20 years;
  • you can be fired, but at the same time have departmental housing and work experience of 10 years or more.

In addition to the soldier himself, his family has the right to a subsidy. Widowed wives can apply for housing if they do not have their own. When calculating the subsidy, the share of the deceased spouse will be taken into account.

The legislative framework

Legislative norms, behind which the provisions on housing subsidies for military personnel are fixed are:

  • the federal law“On the status of a serviceman in the Russian Federation” (Article 15);
  • Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 51);
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 510 for 2014;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the calculation procedure ..." for military personnel for more than ten years;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Military personnel have the right to receive, together with a housing subsidy, an additional 15 square meters in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 76 of 03.02.2014:

  • the right is available to teachers of military higher educational institutions;
  • scientists who are assigned to military affairs;
  • military who were awarded the honorary title of the Russian Federation;
  • commanders of military units;
  • colonels, generals, marshals.

The list of candidates is clearly formed, therefore there can be no deviations from it.

How to claim military compensation

First you need to prepare a number of documents, on the basis of which, after consideration by the federal authorities of the Russian Federation, a decision will be made on the actual recognition as needy.

The collected documents are submitted for the place of service, in particular, in the region where housing is going to be purchased.

The procedure for recognizing the status of those in need is established in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation under Article 51:

  • citizens living in conditions that do not meet the minimum living standards;
  • living in premises without a contract of employment;
  • living in housing that is less than the established norms;
  • living in communal apartments where there is more than one family.

So, what documents may be needed during registration:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • photocopies of the applicant's civil passport;
  • photocopies of passports of all family members (who have);
  • for children under 14 years of age, a birth certificate;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • other photocopies of documents that can confirm the absence of their own housing;
  • certificates or statement of financial accounts for the last five years in the name of each family member (who has);
  • extract from the house book for the last five years.

If it is problematic to get certificates for the last points, then you need to attach an appropriate statement, which will indicate the reason why it was not possible to get the documents.

It will take up to 30 days to process an application for a grant. The answer can be either positive or negative.

After you have received a response from the federal authorities, in case of a positive recognition of those in need of housing, you can proceed to the next step.

The result of the consideration should be notified to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, namely, send an application to the housing department.

The military subsidy can be used:

  • apartment purchase;
  • construction;
  • to improve living conditions.

In parallel, the applicant will need to have time to draw up a contract for the sale or construction of housing, after which, attach it to the application.

Conditions for the applicant for the purchase of housing

The following categories of military personnel can count on state support:

  • with a working contract from 1998;
  • dismissed, due to the end of service or age threshold, with a reduction in staff or for health reasons. At the same time, they had to serve at least 10 years;
  • the military, the service record of which exceeds 20 years already, having official living space;
  • dismissed after 10 years of service and living in office premises.

This also applies to all members of the military family. The housing subsidy is of a one-time nature, i.e. one-time.

It is provided in the form of a certificate and transferred to the payment details in non-cash form. An application form for a grant is available.

No money is handed out. The subsidy can only be used in specific areas, for what it is designed for.

How to calculate cash military subsidy

Or you can try to calculate the subsidy yourself. To do this, there is a formula for calculating subsidies:


  • Ct - price per square meter in the region where housing will be purchased;
  • Hn - area standard;
  • K is the coefficient for the correction for the length of service.

Correction "K" depends on the service life (under the contract). Set to the following size:

Due to the coefficient, the amount of the subsidy can be increased many times over. In other words, the longer you serve, the more the coefficient increases.

State aid payment deadline

As for the timing of the payment of the subsidy, after its confirmation to the military:

  • within 10 days after the submission of the application to the housing authorities. A check will be made whether or not the applicant has housing;
  • the military, who are retired, will also receive a response within 10 days after submitting the application;
  • decision will be sent to the department within 3 days financial support Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • a copy of the decision is issued to the military within three days;
  • the maximum period for receiving payment to a serviceman should not be more than 30 calendar days;
  • within 3 days after receiving the funds to his bank account, the military person or the financial organization that issued the funds to him must notify the housing authority about the operation.

The temporary period for receiving a military housing subsidy cannot be longer than 30 calendar days.

How is compensation for an apartment divided during a divorce?

According to the legislation, housing purchased on a mortgage, using a military subsidy after a divorce, imposes a restriction on living space.

Therefore, it is rather difficult to assert something when the spouses divorce and the living space is divided. It is known that according to the law, everything acquired in a legal marriage is considered equal and then divided equally.

But, on the one hand, purchased housing using a military subsidy is not considered as own funds(income) of spouses.

Therefore, it is not worth presenting such an argument in court, they will not pay attention to it. There is a lot of controversy around this topic.

On this moment, exists funded program, according to the rules of which, even in the event of a divorce of spouses from whom housing was purchased by military mortgage and attracting a military subsidy program, allows you to save and provide housing for the family of a serviceman.

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To provide military personnel with their own housing is the main task that the state has set for itself. Dozens of years earlier, the housing issue was resolved for a long time, queues were created for the allocation of preferential squares. Today, everything has become easier - a housing subsidy for military personnel solves the problem overnight, and the allocation of departmental living space has faded into the background.

Preference for the military is a support program designed specifically to solve the housing problem. The country's budget, unfortunately, does not allow to provide all people who pay their debt to their homeland on free terms with apartments. Therefore, the deputy apparatus introduced a strategy for the allocation of targeted subsidies (financial assistance), which can be directed to:

  • paying off an existing mortgage loan;
  • acquisition of real estate on the secondary or new building;
  • home construction.

In addition, subsidizing gives specific privileges to the applicant:

  • independent decision on the purposes for which the compensation will be spent;
  • it is possible to choose the layout, number of floors, number of rooms and even the region where the future property is located;
  • the waiting time for receiving your own property is reduced as much as possible;
  • the monetary payment increases in proportion to the length of service;
  • association of credit, personal funds with a subsidy.

The housing problem with the involvement of targeted financial assistance is solved with minimal family costs.

Legislative regulation

It is considered prestigious to marry a military man. Women feel like they are behind a stone wall, and when the state also helps, it is doubly pleasant. The provision process is regulated by legislative acts signed by the commander-in-chief of the country:

  1. By decree of the President of Russia, the procedure for the dismissal of military personnel is fixed. This is possible after he will have his own property.
  2. Guaranteed by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation is the allocation of housing to the military, the service life of which is over 10 years.
  3. The conditions for subsidizing are spelled out in the Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 510 (Article 15) “On the Status of a Serviceman”. Funds are allocated at the level federal budget for specific tasks - the purchase of housing.
  4. In a situation where a serviceman is recognized as a person in dire need of an apartment, the procedure for providing squares is regulated by Federal Law No. 76 (Article 51) Housing Code Russia.

Supervisory authorities check before dismissal of an employee in the stock of providing him with housing, subsidies for the purchase of real estate or the construction of a private building.

Who is eligible?

To understand who is entitled to a preference, you need to know the status of the fulfillment of the conditions:

  1. Until January 1, 1998, a contract must be concluded with a serviceman.
  2. Members of the commission recognize a person as in need of better housing conditions.
  3. The term of military service is more than 20 years, and a citizen lives in a departmental apartment.
  4. Dismissed to the reserve after 10 years of service for health reasons, upon reaching retirement age, as a result of staff reduction.

All members of the serviceman's family have the legal right to take advantage of the subsidy program. Even widows, provided that they need to purchase their own housing, can write an application. When calculating the amount of preference, the proportion of the deceased will be taken into account and the maximum adjustment factor will be applied.

Formula for calculating subsidies

The algorithm for calculating the size of the preference is regulated by law. Government Decree No. 76 approved a formula that includes three indicators:

Subsidiya \u003d S (the area due to all members of the military family, including the head himself) * Z (standard cost of 1 sq.m.) * K (correction factor).

Living space standard

By law, a person is entitled to 18 square meters. m. Total living space calculated from this indicator. How more family, the more squares they are supposed to. However, a childless couple is allocated - 42 square meters, and a single soldier - 33 square meters. In addition, the standard is reduced if the beneficiary has:

  • own property;
  • a contract of employment that is not planned to be terminated;
  • sold square meters during the last five years.

Increased rate + 15 sq.m. It applies to:

  • military personnel with a high rank (general, commander, captain of the 1st rank, colonel);
  • teachers of military universities;
  • serving in the armed forces of the country, having an academic degree.

Taking into account the information obtained as a result of collecting information about the applicant, it is necessary to calculate the rate as follows:

S \u003d Norm for a family + Preferential 15 sq. - Area of ​​own property.

Correction factor

Military experience affects the amount of the subsidy. Categories with a fixed indicator are regulated:

The amount of payments increases with the term labor activity. For each subsequent year after 21 years of service, the coefficient increases by 0.075 until it reaches a maximum of 2.75.

Price per square meter in the region

The federal standard for the cost of a square meter is determined by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation (Minstroy of Russia). For the 1st quarter of 2020, the average market price amounted to 37,208 rubles.

Depending on the administrative unit of the Russian Federation, it changes up or down.

An example of calculating a one-time payment for housing

The military, together with his family, has the right to choose and purchase an apartment in any region of the country, regardless of the place of actual service. Therefore, the military subsidy for housing will be calculated based on the value of square meters of real estate installed in the selected administrative unit.

Also, when determining the amount of compensation, the conditions for acquiring property are taken into account - the secondary market or a new building.

So, for example, a military man serves in the unit for 18 years. He has a family - a wife and two children. They decided to buy an apartment in Leningrad region. The calculation of the amount of the subsidy will be: 4 people. * 18 sq. m. *42 066 rub. * 2.25 = 6,814,692 rubles.

Provision procedure

Payments are made on the basis of an application registered by the housing authorities under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation from an applicant for a preference. The funds are transferred to Bank account to be opened in any branch financial organization. Provide information about the concluded agreement with the bank to the housing authority. After receiving compensation, purchase real estate on the primary or secondary market by signing a contract of sale.

Required documents

The applicant under Art. 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is obliged to collect a specific list of documentation, on the basis of which a decision will be made in providing compensation. Originals and copies required:

  • identity cards (passports) of all family members;
  • birth certificates of minor children and marriage;
  • other certificates confirming privileged status, for example, a combatant, veteran, large family etc.;

Also, a certificate of seniority is taken from the personnel department of the military unit at the place of service and details of the bank where the funds will be transferred.

Employees of the subsidy appointment department review the application for a month, check the documents and then decide on the allocation of funds from the budget for the solution housing issue. On average, the application is satisfied for 20 days.

Sample Application

The document has a standard form of appeal to departmental authorities.

  1. A cap. Information about the body under the Ministry of Defense. Name and registration data of the applicant.
  2. Body. Appeal. Information about the military rank, about the family. Passport data. Link to law.
  3. Signature.

A sample application for the transfer of a housing subsidy is posted online, so you can familiarize yourself with it in advance by downloading it from the Internet.

Payment terms

The military subsidy is paid to the beneficiary within the terms established by law.

Period Kind of activity
Within 10 days The body of housing for military personnel checks whether the applicant and his family members own real estate.

A decision is made after receiving a response on the appointment compensation payment a retired or active military person.

within 3 days The decision is sent to the department of financial support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

A copy of the decision is sent to the beneficiary's registration address.

The financial department of the Ministry of Defense notifies the housing authority of the transfer Money to the applicant's account.

After 30 days The money is transferred to the l / s of a soldier.

Provision of federally owned residential premises

Military personnel and their families who have been repaying debt under a contract since 1998, except for cadets, have the right to apply for the allocation of federal fund housing. The contract of social employment governs the relationship between official And:

  • officers, as well as their families, who have been working under a contract since 1998;
  • foremen, sergeants, midshipmen, warrant officers, soldiers, sailors and their families, working under a contract since 1998;
  • military men who, after 1998, received professional education and an officer's rank, and who live together with their families.

It is necessary to know that this property belongs to the state and is located in closed military camps. Persons serving in the garrison and those who received housing under a social contract of employment are not removed from the queue for the provision of their own housing.

To receive a subsidy, they must:

  1. Confirm the status of those in need of an apartment.
  2. Submit an application to the local Department.
  3. Wait for consideration and decision on the appointment of compensation.

Allocation of service housing

Contractors, regardless of military rank, are required by law to allocate official square meters. This type of housing means:

  • a room in a departmental hostel;
  • premises in buildings with social services for citizens;
  • an apartment allocated by social security at the request of an official of a military unit, at the place of service by the military;
  • residential premises intended for orphans or children who, for certain reasons, were left without parental care.

Housing is allocated by the state, is on the balance sheet of the municipal fund.

Possibility of privatization of municipal housing

The military, according to the Federal Law "On military personnel", have every chance of transferring ownership of the apartment that was allocated to them by the Municipality. Such privileges are granted to those who have served or
continues professional activity for 20 years and more.

Attention! In connection with latest changes in legislation, the legal information in this article could be out of date!

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