Congratulations on the day of the insurer. Beautiful and funny congratulations on the day of the insurer

Insurer, accept today
Congratulations on your holiday
Insure health, life
You chose your destiny.

I wish to live happily
Get a lot of money
From sadness and resentment
Get everyone insured.

May you be lucky in your work
In the life of personal and love,
And the will to win
May it always boil in the blood.

Insure everything you need:
House, car, cottage with a garden,
You have no equal in business,
Everyone benefits the customer.

Let money flow to you
There is a path to success
and favorite work
Let it pass carefree!

Congratulations on the Insurer's Day. I wish that there are no accidents in this world, I wish that there is always an even rhythm of success in work, and in life - bonuses of love and bonuses of happiness.

Professions "safer",
Probably not in the world.
Today is Insurer's Day
So, congratulations, agent.

I wish that the cases
Less insurance.
friendly clients,
And simple policies.

So that you also take care of people
From a variety of troubles.
Was full of insurance ideas
And insurance wins.

Congratulations, insurer
And I wish you well
Insure goodness and happiness
For life I call.

Joy, glorious contracts,
For profit to flow
And capricious fortune is near
To go with you.

To walk around the world
I wasn't scared anymore
I will insure in this life
Everything that can be resisted.

You can always help me
Just a call is enough.
It's good when you have
You're friends with the insurer.

Congratulations on the day of the insurer,
May your path be easy!
Customers are accommodating
Creative work!

I wish you success and luck
Wish fulfillment,
Prosperity and perseverance
In business - special agility!

Happy Insurer's Day
Congratulations, cheers!
You insure anyone from troubles,
Cases unpredictable!

And insure yourself
Be the happiest of all.
Let every trouble
You are gone forever.

Still good health to you,
Warmth and comfort in the house,
Strong, sincere love,
To have bright days.

insurance agents
Congratulations on the holiday
And the flow of customers
I wish you.

We wish that insurance
You designed
To be protected
We are head to toe.

To not be afraid
Fires and floods
accidents, thefts,
Thieves and raids.

We wish you all
Find a common language,
To make the client happy
And the insurer is happy.

You insure everything in the world
And all-all-all to one!
May your success shine brightly
You are the master of your craft!

Let your income grow
And all dreams come true
So that every day, year after year,
You became happier!

Insure anything
You are a great insurer
Never let it run out
Spring of inspiration.

Promotions at work
I wish on your holiday
Insured by love
Always be destiny itself.

Day of the Russian insurer - professional holiday insurance workers in Russia, which is celebrated in October. Oddly enough, many insurers do not want to celebrate this holiday, considering it not quite “their own”. Why did this happen, what date is Insurer's Day celebrated in 2019, what other dates could allow this holiday to become truly common and recognized by all insurance workers.

What date is Russian Insurer Day in 2019

Date of celebration of the Day of the Russian Insurer - October 6 every year. This holiday is not tied to any weekend, it always has a stable date. In 2019, this day falls on a Sunday.

So why is October 6th set as Insurer's Day and why isn't everyone recognizing this day? The fact is that it was on October 6, 1921 in Soviet Russia the Gosstrakh of the RSFSR began to work. This is the first Soviet institution engaged in insurance activities. Even then, 98 years ago, the economy could not do without such an institution.

It seemed like a really good date for the holiday. But today, the Soviet Gosstrakh still exists, even though it has been updated and looks like a completely modern insurance company, which is no worse than many others. It is called Rosgosstrakh, and for most competitors in the insurance market, October 6 is a corporate holiday for one particular company. That is why insurers are in no hurry to join this date, and for several years now they have been offering to find more compromise options for when exactly the holiday could be celebrated and what historical event to take as a basis.

What other dates are suitable for the Insurer's Day in Russia

Compromises do exist. It would be naive to believe that insurance in Russia appeared only under the Bolsheviks, and in tsarist times it did not exist.

In itself, insurance, as a way of some kind of mutual assistance in cases of unforeseen situations that require fairly large cash outlays, is rooted in community mutual assistance, which existed at least in the 11th century. At least, already then the annals described how the members of the community could jointly pay the fine imposed on one of its members.

Civilized and similar to modern insurance appeared in Russia in the 18th century.

We can choose from several historical dates at once the one that could serve as the basis for a modern holiday that would suit all insurers in the country:

  • June 28, 1786 - the State Loan Bank was established, which is allowed to work with houses given to it “at risk”;
  • December 23, 1786 - an insurance expedition is created, which deals with real estate insurance in Russian cities;
  • June 22, 1827 - the charter of the first insurance company is approved, which in its form is a real prototype of modern insurance companies, and it was the appearance of that company that gave impetus to the emergence in Russia insurance market.

The dates are given according to the Julian calendar in force at that time, and if you want to take one of them as the basis of the professional holiday of insurers, you just need to recalculate it to the modern Gregorian calendar.

Be that as it may, October 6 is currently considered the Insurer's Day. Therefore, we congratulate the employees of all Russian insurance companies without exception on their professional holiday on this very date.

Modern insurance is a set of types of obligatory and voluntary insurance life, health or property, as well as liability, financial and business risks, etc. Thanks to insurance, in many cases, we can all protect ourselves from the huge costs of our treatment or the restoration of lost property. That is why the developed insurance market in modern world- a sign of the development of the economy and the relatively high well-being of people.

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Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it takes place where it is felt, where it is expected. Behind last years Much has changed in our lives, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

The holiday "Day of the Russian Insurer" is celebrated in Russia on October 6th. In 1921, on this day, state property insurance appeared for the first time in the RSFSR. This document laid the foundation for the activities of the Gosstrakh of the RSFSR. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this organization was renamed Rosgosstrakh.

The adopted document ordered to start insuring the property of citizens and citizens themselves throughout the USSR against various incidents: fires, accidents, floods, catastrophes, robberies, accidents, etc.

History of insurance

The Day of the Russian Insurer is a great occasion to look at a page of history.

Initially, all types of insurance were exclusively state-owned. However, then the process of demonopolization of the insurance market began. A new stage in history Russian insurance started in 1988. The impetus for it was the adoption of the law on cooperation, which was adopted on May 26, 1988. This law provided for the emergence in our country of cooperative insurance institutions. He gave cooperatives the opportunity to carry out mutual insurance. A year later, the first insurance company appeared in the USSR.

Then, throughout the country, the first non-state insurance companies, which became an alternative to the USSR State Insurance system. A little later, the law “On Insurance” was also adopted, and this happened in 1992. After that, a huge number of new insurance companies began to appear in Russia. Currently in modern Russia there are already about 1200 joint-stock insurance companies.

Insurance is special kind economic relations. It exists in order to provide people and their affairs with insurance protection against dangers of various kinds.

It should be noted that in Rus' the institution of insurance appeared at the end of the 17th century. Empress Catherine II in 1786 signed a Decree stating that stone houses should be insured in every city. This innovation also spread to factories and plants. Emperor Paul I in 1797 ordered the establishment of a special insurance office at the State Bank.

In 1826 a special commission was created. Her activities led to the creation of the first joint-stock insurance company in our country. Since 1827, this organization began its activities. And in 1925, insurance became a monopoly of the Soviet state.

If you look even deeper, it becomes clear that the institution of insurance has a much longer history. During this time, he managed to evolve from a non-commercial into a commercial type.

Initially, there was only mutual insurance. It was based on the idea of ​​collective mutual assistance. The earliest examples of such insurance were found in the laws of King Hammurabi in Babylonia. They date back to around 1760 BC. e.

Examples of this form of insurance also existed in Ancient Greece and Rome. There was a process of gradual formation of permanent organizations, collegiums and unions. They were formed on a professional or religious basis and had their charters.

In the period of the X-XIII centuries, workshops and guilds began to deal with insurance.

The further development of commodity-money relations led to the fact that natural insurance was replaced by insurance in monetary form. The possibilities of mutual insurance were significantly expanded by the layout of damages in cash.

In the second half of the 15th century, there was a significant development of insurance. Europeans during this period began to actively develop new lands. This led to the development of shipping and international trade. And, consequently, new dangers appeared that were associated with new activities.

Even then, marine insurance policies were used. The first such document was issued in 1347. This means that even then there was a development of commercial insurance. At the same time, the first professional insurers began to appear.

In London in 1666 there was a terrible fire that destroyed almost the entire city center. This event contributed to the further development of property insurance. Then the world's first insurance company was established. In its activities, this society began to use actuarial calculations. This led to an increase in the effectiveness of insurance.

It is believed that in the same place, in Britain, life insurance first appeared. It was here that the first insurance company appeared in 1762. She is still in the life insurance business.

It should be noted the great benefits of insurance. It has become a reliable support for many people in various extreme situations.

Insurance can be the last hope for people who find themselves in a difficult life situation. But insurance is also relevant for those who are quite prosperous and well provided for. After all, as you know, the better people live, the more actively they seek to protect their property, their health, and life. Insurance companies have significant resources. They invest this money in circulation, which stimulates the development of the country's economy.

Insurance capital is strong enough investment mechanism. If the insurance market is stable, it contributes to the development of the regional economy.

Insurers help all of us to feel more confident in the future. With their work, insurers have earned the Day of the Russian Insurer.

There are two main types of insurance: personal and property. Insurance may be compulsory or voluntary.

Everyone who is related to insurance is celebrating the Day of the Russian Insurer. An insurance agent searches for clients in order to conclude insurance contracts with them.

This easy profession is suitable for people of almost any age. The big advantage of this job is its free schedule. This work requires from a person such personal qualities as sociability, perseverance and learning ability. You don't even need to get a job like this. higher education. But, it should be noted that the salary of an insurance agent mainly consists of a percentage of sales.

We sincerely congratulate insurers on the occasion of the Russian Insurer's Day!

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Are you confident in your tomorrow? Are you sure about your property? So you are insured. And this is wonderful, because a person who boldly looks into the eyes of tomorrow, calmly lives today. And in Russia, this reliability and peace of mind are provided by many insurance companies, whose professional holiday is October 6th.

History and meaning of insurance

To provide a person with a reliable tomorrow, not to leave a sick, ruined person in trouble, to guarantee a reliable existence for children and relatives in the event of a sudden death of a person could already several thousand years before our era. Such laws were in Babylon, in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. People united in organizations according to professions, helped each other, making contributions to the mutual fund.

In the Middle Ages, workshops, guilds appeared, where caring for a person, guaranteeing his tomorrow was also important. With the beginning of the development of new lands, new ways to prevent disasters appeared, that is, new types of life and property insurance developed. Thus, the first marine insurance policy was issued in 1347.

Life was insured for the first time in history by the vice-burgomaster of London in 1583. By the way, after his death, this insurance had to be obtained in court, since insurance agents came up with different ways avoid payments.

In 1666, after a huge fire in London, people thought about how easily life and well-being could be destroyed, this sad event led to a surge in insurance in the UK. In the same place, in 1762, the first insurance company, the Equitable Life Assurance Society, appeared. This company thrives and allows many people to feel secure until now.

In today's world, life without insurance is unimaginable. In the automobile industry alone, millions of transactions are made every day since February 1, 1898, when an American driver decided to insure against a car collision with a horse, since there were a thousand times more of the latter.

Insurers in Russia

First insured events appeared in Rus' in the Middle Ages, when the state undertook to redeem people from Tatar captivity for the money of the treasury, and this money came from people who at any moment could be kidnapped by the Mongol-Tatars in one of their raids. So, for the first time, people paid for their risks themselves.

Catherine II established the State Loan Bank in 1786 to insure all stone houses in Russia. Subsequently, all Russian rulers dealt with insurance problems and carried out reforms in this direction. So, in 1861, the law “On Auxiliary Partnerships” (insurance of the life and health of workers) was issued, and in 1912 a whole insurance company was tested. state system, which was taken as a basis after the revolution of 1917.

The holiday of the insurer in Russia is celebrated on October 6, because on this day in 1921 the “Decree on State Property Insurance” was first adopted in the country. According to it, any person could receive help in case of fires, floods, loss of livestock, crop failure, various kinds of accidents. Insurance premiums were at the same time available to almost all citizens of the country. The organization involved in observing all the conditions for collecting money and paying out if necessary was called Gosstrakh of the RSFSR, later it was transformed into Rosgosstrakh. Today there are many insurance organizations in Russia, there are enough types of insurance to choose the best option.

How is the insurer's holiday celebrated?

Insurer's Day is, first of all, a holiday of ordinary people, ordinary agents who in any weather bypass their sites, calling for life, property, and finance insurance. They have the gift of persuasion, are polite, tactful and inspire respect and trust. Others simply could not work in this system. The heads of insurance organizations congratulate their employees in a solemn atmosphere, make corporate gifts, pay bonuses dedicated to this day. Organizations often hold solemn meetings, followed by a vacation or a trip to a restaurant.

The better the country's insurance system is developed, the higher the level of development of this country, the more reliable people's lives. Therefore, the Russian Day of the Insurer is a holiday, although not of national importance, but of social significance. And let the insurance business continue to do well in the future, and we will all get a reliable tomorrow and help in a difficult situation.

Insurer's Day is celebrated in Russia annually on October 6th. On this day in 1921, the Rosstrakh of the RSFSR began its activities. The development of property insurance in Russia was initiated by the decree adopted by the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR "On State Property Insurance". in cities and rural areas it was supposed to carry out insurance of farms against the loss of livestock, fires, accidents on the ways of land and water transport, hail damage to crops. Supervision of insurance activities was carried out by the Main Department state insurance, created on the basis of the People's Commissariat of Finance, rural and urban insurance bodies were also created locally. The first cooperative insurance institutions appeared in the USSR in 1988 in connection with the signing of the law on cooperation by the Supreme Council. In 1992, when the organization of insurance companies became massive, the law "On Insurance" was signed.

On this day the insurer
I wish you an easy life
And health for centuries
Strength, luck, optimism.

More sincere friends
More profitable clients
And, of course, in the whole life
Only happy moments!

Insurer, let me congratulate
Happy holiday to you.
I wish that the client
Was appreciated and loved.

Policy of happiness and good luck
Let fate write
Let love insure you
Life is always difficult.

I want a lot of money
Let things go uphill.
In the insurance business
May you always be lucky.

Congratulations on the holiday - the day of the insurer! We wish you a growing client base, profitable deals, promising innovations and hyper-profitable offers. Be healthy and confident, persistent and successful. Personal happiness and desired well-being!

Insure everything you need
You always give good advice
You are an excellent insurer
There is definitely no better place in the world.

On a professional holiday
I wish fate
Lifetime happiness insurance
I gladly gave you.

Let work give profit
May success bring you
I wish peace in my heart
Move towards your dream.

To avoid problems
Everyone needs to be insured.
So you insurers
We really, really need it.
May misfortune and trouble
You will be forgotten forever.
May success and joy come
And a little bit of luck.
Fresh ideas in your minds,
And big love in the hearts.

There are so many of you now
Not enough pedestal
To accommodate you friendly row.
"Insurer!" everyone is screaming at you.

I want to wish good luck
It means a lot
So that there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bclients,
To make everyone happy.

So that the boss appreciates you very much,
To resolve any issue.
And to raise the salary
They gave you some bonuses.

And, of course, rest is needed,
He has been well deserved by you.
And so it's time
You to Malta, il Goa.

He's not scary, the insurer,
And not annoying
It's just that he's into different details
Very fastidious.

Don't risk yourself in vain
Protects himself,
That's why everything is insured:
Life, apartment and car,

On this holiday I wish
Find peace in business
And do not meet on the road
Another case of insurance!

When the car sticks out in the spruce,
And the documents all burned down,
Fell while climbing a horse
All the troubles in an armful ...

But there is one superman here,
He's the insurer, invincible
There will be a lot of problems all of a sudden.
He will always figure everything out.

And if suddenly unlucky,
He will do trouble in spite
He is the provider of salvation
Congratulations, insurer!

Congratulations to the defenders today
Who is on guard of property, life.
Who prepares their proposals,
Who insures the assets of the Motherland!

Let congratulations sound from the heart:
From friends, relatives, insurers.
You large-scale income and profits,
Grateful attentive customers!

Let the holiday please with finances,
Well, the premium is very high.
Positive tender new,
Well, the rear of the family is reliable!

May happiness come to you forever from afar,
I sincerely congratulate you on the Insurer's Day!
You give people safety, because you insure against trouble,
May all your cherished dreams come true,
May your goodness be counted, may fate give a prize:
Joy and love, health, will fulfill any whim,
May career advancement come,
The wind of change will blow and bring fun!