Design as a special kind of activity. Design as an activity and a component of social and cultural technologies

Social and cultural design is a specific technology, which is a constructive, creative activity, the essence of which is to analyze problems and identify the causes of their occurrence, develop goals and objectives that characterize the desired state of an object (or area of ​​project activity), develop ways and means to achieve the set goals. goals. The advantages of design technology over other methods of targeted social and cultural change is that it combines the normative and diagnostic approaches that are characteristic of programming and planning. As an object of designing, a complex formation is used, which includes two subsystems overlapping each other: society and culture. In this regard, the main goals of problem-targeted design are: - creation of conditions for the development of the SC of the subject (personality, community, society as a whole), self-realization of a person in the main areas of his life by optimizing his connections with the SC environment, resolving or minimizing problems that characterize unfavorable the circumstances of his life, the activation of joint activities of people to maintain the cultural environment in a livable state, its constructive change by their own efforts; - providing favorable conditions for self-development cultural life by stimulating the mechanisms of self-organization, a meaningful combination and support of historically formed and new socio-cultural technologies, elements, phenomena. Tasks of the project activity: - analysis of the situation, i.e. comprehensive diagnostics of problems and a clear definition of their source and nature; - search and development of options for solving the problem under consideration (on an individual and social levels) taking into account the available resources and assessing the possible consequences of the implementation of each of the options; - choosing the most optimal solution (i.e., socially acceptable and culturally sound recommendations that can produce the desired changes in the object design area) and its design; - development of organizational forms of implementation the project into social practice and the conditions that ensure the implementation of the project in logistical, financial, legal. The main results of the technology of socio-cultural design are the program and the project. The program is a detailed document that works out on the scale of a specific territory (district, city, region, federation) the entire set of conditions necessary to optimize cultural life (i.e. processes of creation, preservation, transmission and development of cultural values, norms, traditions, technologies) and including, in addition to analyzing the socio-cultural situation and substantiating the priorities of cultural development, functional and content models of institutions and organizational and managerial structures, as well as material and technical, organizational , personnel and Information Support implementation of the activities, actions, ideas, initiatives planned within the framework of the program. The project can exist in two forms: a) as an integral part of the program, which is a form of concretization and content filling of priority areas for the development of the socio-cultural life of the territory; b) as an independent option for solving a local problem, addressed to a specific audience. In the first and second cases, the project is, as it were, a local program focused on overcoming or preventing various kinds of problems through meaningful and structural changes in the socio-cultural environment and in the main areas of an individual's life , creating conditions for successful self-realization of a person by optimizing his lifestyle, forms and methods of his interaction with the environment. According to the content of the problems that determine the relevance of the project and the novelty of ways to resolve them, projects can be typical and unique. If typical ones are reproducible in other situations with a slight adjustment in accordance with local conditions (for example, projects of standard cultural institutions), then unique ones cannot be replicated due to the uniqueness of the situation and the object design area (for example, projects related to the restoration and use of unique architectural structures, natural landscapes, etc.). The most important structural element of design technology is research activity, since it is the designer who, firstly, must know, see the real problems of the functioning of a particular object area (for example, the culture of the region, the environment and living conditions of an individual, a social group, etc.); secondly, to have an idea of ​​the ideal state of the whole and ways to support it. However, regardless of the radius of the project being developed, it is necessary to take into account the problems of all levels, because they are all interconnected: the problems of a national scale significantly affect the content and nature of a person’s life, regardless of his place of residence, regional problems may be common to most of the territories of Russia, and the problems of a social group identified in specific life circumstances can be considered as typical problems for this category of the population throughout the country.



Course 4


Compiled by:

Murzagalieva E.T.

Almaty, 2017

Practical lesson number 1.

Introduction to design.

Design of chemical pharmaceutical industries is the careful development of scientific, technical and economic solutions. The basis is a comprehensive analysis and forecast of the planned construction object.

Design of chemical production- this is the process of forming a plan for an object in a given industry, which begins with the definition of chemical technologies for processing the target product or with the implementation of various studies, and ends with the commissioning of the erected enterprise, i.e. the process of creating engineering, technical and technological design solutions that meet the requirements and rules of the GMP standard.

Design chemical and pharmaceutical industries has its own specifics and requires the designer to understand the general patterns and special knowledge in a particular chemical process. It must be understood that with the variety of existing processing technologies in the chemical industry, they are based on the main methods and stages of production. Traditionally, the main processes used in such enterprises are reaction, heat exchange, mixing and separation processes.

The creation of a chemical production project consists of two interrelated stages:

· structural or technical;

· technological or functional.

Creating a chemical production plan is not an easy task and requires a lot of effort and resources.
At the stage of project formation, a lot of issues (technical, economic, environmental, etc.) can be solved, the solution of which should take into account modern developments and achievements in technology and science.

Tasks of designing chemical plants:

Formation of documentation of a competitive enterprise based on advanced technologies;

· technical equipment of the enterprise with the possibility of ensuring the consumption of natural raw materials in the complex;

· development of efficient production cycles, with minimal emissions of air and other pollution, recycling of factory waste and modern treatment facilities;

· for the purpose of rational exploitation of regional natural resources, design of chemical industry enterprises;

· provide with step-by-step, cyclical technology. Initial extraction of raw materials - chemical processing (granulation, enrichment or other chemical processes) - release of the finished product range;

  • development of a production technology that takes into account options for raw materials and materials, the stage of obtaining a semi-finished product and a finished product, taking into account risk analysis, as well as all requirements and restrictions;
  • compliance with the flow of the process, building all stages and operations into a single sequential technological chain, eliminating the possibility of confusion or omission;
  • compliance with the requirements for clean rooms and protection zones of critical operations of the technological process, compliance with the required cleanliness classes and pressure drops;
  • implementation of architectural and constructive solutions subject to GMP requirements;
  • determination of measures to prevent cross-contamination;
  • Creation engineering systems and clean media systems according to technological needs;
  • rational arrangement of personnel workplaces.

Design stages:

· terms of reference from the customer for the design of a chemical-pharmaceutical plant;

· Feasibility study (technical and economic justification of the object);

prospective business plan;

selection of the region, district and site for the construction of the enterprise, taking into account natural resources;

· development of project documentation taking into account the basic principles, rules and norms for designing chemical industry facilities.

Scope of work

The scope of work is determined by the technical specifications of the customer: stage "P" and "P" or only the working stage. Design regulates the presence of special sections in the documentation:

production management;

· labor protection, civil defense and emergency situations;

· protection measures and assessment of the impact on the spatial environment;

· norms and calculations of maximum allowable waste and emissions with subsequent disposal and disposal are mandatory.

Modern production are characterized by multi-stage obtaining of target products, complexity of technological solutions, high energy saturation and material consumption, large length and complexity of pipeline and cable communications, deep functional interdependence in material, energy and information flows of individual stages. To accommodate such complex industries, communications and all services, it becomes necessary to create specialized buildings, underground structures and flyovers.

The architectural and spatial organization of chemical enterprises is characterized by an abundance of open technological and pipeline equipment and a developed network of railway transport.

The design of chemical and related industries is a complex, diverse and labor-intensive process that must be considered as a combination of a number of socio-organizational and engineering stages.

Project documentation is intended for the so-called customer. An industrial enterprise, a ministry and a private person can act as a customer, i.e. organizations and persons interested in the release of products by future production.

Project documentation is developed by the designer. This is either an independent organization or a subdivision of a design and construction association. A designer is an organization that has a license for design activities.

In the development and implementation of the project, in addition to design organization (general contractor), specialized enterprises take part: construction, installation, commissioning, etc., which are called subcontractors.

Project industrial enterprise is made up of three main parts:

- production technology, as a system of equipment for the manufacture of products based on the latest achievements of science and technology in this and related fields of pharmaceuticals. production;

- a space-planning solution that provides an optimal technological process in its constant development, simplicity and versatility of an economical engineering and construction solution, creation of labor and domestic comfort for workers, ideological and artistic expressiveness of the image of the structure as a whole;

– rational building structures and engineering equipment providing best conditions for the organization of the technological process and its development in time, meeting the conditions of mechanized construction industry and which are the organic basis of the space-planning construction of a structure or complex.

The project consists of a graphic part and a settlement and explanatory note. Instead of a graphic part, a layout of a workshop (section, apparatus, etc.) can be made. The graphic part and the explanatory note should be interconnected.

The explanatory note to the course project should include the following sections:

1. Title page.

2. Design task.

4. Introduction.

5. Analytical review.

6. Technological part.

7. Engineering calculations.

8. Conclusions on the project.

9. Application.

10. List of references.

The introduction formulates the main tasks of the industry and provides general characteristics projected object in accordance with the received task. The analytical review contains an analysis of the state of technology and production technology of the industry related to the projected object (both according to domestic and foreign data).

The technological part contains a detailed description and justification of the selected technological scheme with its drawing, made on tracing paper or graph paper.

Engineering calculations include material and thermal calculations, calculations and selection of auxiliary equipment, indicating its brands and main specifications, technological and technical calculations, hydraulic, mechanical calculations, etc.

Project composition:

1. Master plan and transport- a brief description of the area and the construction site is given; decisions and indicators on the situational and general plan (taking into account the zoning of the territory), on-site and external transport, the choice of mode of transport, the main planning solutions, measures for the improvement of the territory; decisions on the location of engineering networks and communications; organization of enterprise security.

This section contains drawings:

situational plan for the location of an enterprise, building, structure, indicating on it the existing and planned external communications, engineering networks and ancillary territories, the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone, specially protected territory. For linear structures, a plan of routes (internal and external sites) is provided, and, if necessary, a longitudinal profile of the route;

cartogram of land masses;

a master plan, on which existing and projected (recommended) buildings and structures to be demolished, environmental protection and landscaping facilities, landscaping of the territory, fundamental decisions on the location of on-site engineering lines and transport communications, planning marks of the territory are applied. The objects, networks and transport communications included in the launch complexes are distinguished.

2. Technological solutions contain:

1) data on the production program;

2) description and justification of decisions on production technology;

3) data on the complexity of manufacturing products, mechanization and automation technological processes;

4) the composition and justification of the equipment used (including imported);

5) decisions on the use of low-waste and waste-free technological processes and industries, recycling of resources;

6) proposals for the organization of product quality control;

7) decisions on the organization of repair facilities;

8) data on the amount and composition of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and discharges into water sources for individual workshops, industries, structures;

9) technical solutions to prevent (reduce) emissions and discharges of harmful substances into environment; assessment of the possibility of emergency situations and solutions to prevent them;

10) type, composition and volume of production waste to be disposed of and buried;

11) fuel and energy and material balances of technological processes;

12) the need for basic types of resources for technological needs.

The main drawings of this section:

fundamental technological schemes production;

layout drawings (plans and sections) for buildings (workshops);

functional and schematic diagrams of automation of technological processes and power supply of technological equipment;

traffic patterns.

3. Architectural and construction solutions- they provide information about the engineering-geological, hydro-geological conditions of the construction site. given short description and justification of architectural and construction solutions for the main buildings and structures; substantiation of fundamental decisions to reduce industrial noise and vibration; household, sanitary services for workers. Measures are being developed for electrical, explosion and fire safety; protection of building structures, networks and structures from corrosion.

Basic drawings: plans, sections and facades of the main buildings and structures with a schematic representation of the main load-bearing and enclosing structures.

4. Engineering equipment, networks and systems– the section contains solutions for water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply, power supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. The engineering equipment of buildings and structures is given, including: electrical equipment, electric lighting, communications and signaling, radio and television, fire fighting devices and lightning protection; dispatching and automation of engineering networks management.

Main section drawings:

plans and schemes of heat supply, electricity supply, gas supply, water supply and sewerage, etc.;

plans and profiles of engineering networks;

drawings of the main structures;

plans and diagrams of intrashop heating and ventilation devices, power supply and electrical equipment, radio and signaling, automation of engineering networks, etc.

1. Master plan and transport

For the optimal choice of the area for the construction of a new industrial facility the following information is required:

1) estimated need for raw materials;

2) location of sources of raw materials;

3) placement of markets for the finished product;

4) the need for energy (thermal and electrical);

5) quantity and quality of process water;

6) indicative dimensions construction site taking into account the prospect of expanding the facility;

7) the need for labor force (according to qualifications);

8) the amount and composition of waste to be disposed of, methods of their neutralization.

Situational and master plan- one of the most important parts of the project of an industrial enterprise, containing a comprehensive solution to the issues of planning and landscaping, placement of buildings and structures, engineering networks, organization of economic and consumer services systems.

The situational plan of an industrial enterprise is called a part of the project, which includes a plan of a certain area locality or the surrounding territory, which indicates the location of the designed enterprise and other objects that have direct technological, transport and engineering communications with it. The situational plan is developed on a scale of 1:5000, 1:10,000, 1:25,000.

To reduce the gas content of a residential area with emissions from industrial enterprises, they are located taking into account the prevailing wind direction, which is determined by the average wind rose of the summer period based on long-term observations (50 ... 100 years) of meteorological stations.

The wind rose is placed on the situational and master plans in the upper left corner of the drawing and is built on the appropriate scale as follows; the circle is divided into 8 or 16 equal parts and as a result 8 or 16 points are obtained: C, NE, B, SE, S, SW, W, NW. From the center of the circle (the origin of coordinates), the percentage frequency of winds throughout the year (the result of long-term observations) is plotted on the selected scale according to the corresponding points. The resulting points are connected. The most elongated side of the resulting figure shows the direction of the prevailing winds.

Within the production and sanitary protection zones of enterprises, it is not allowed to place residential buildings, hotels, hostels, building gardening and summer associations, preschool and educational institutions, buildings of boarding educational organizations, medical and preventive institutions and recreation, sports facilities, etc. public buildings not related to production service.

Pharmaceutical industry enterprises with a sanitary protection zone of up to 100 m are not allowed to be located on the territory of industrial zones (regions) with enterprises of the metallurgical, chemical, petrochemical and other industries with hazardous industries, as well as within their sanitary protection zones.

Using the situational plan, a general plan of the projected enterprise is developed on a scale of 1:500, 1:1000, 1:200 or 1:5000.

On the master plan of an industrial enterprise depict:

Placement of all buildings and structures;

Location of workshops by groups;

The width of fire and sanitary gaps between buildings;

Driveways and entrances to workshops, roads and railways;

Network engineering;

Fencing of the territory indicating the entrance and gates to the territory of the plant;

Placement of fire hydrants, landscaping areas, wind rose.

When developing a master plan, first of all, zoning of the territory of the projected enterprise is carried out, i.e. dividing it into four zones :

I - pre-factory, where auxiliary buildings are located (administrative buildings, parking lots for passenger transport);

II - production, where the main and auxiliary shops are located;

III - auxiliary, intended for energy facilities and for laying engineering communications;

IV - warehouse with marshalling yards and depot.

Normative base when designing, equipping pharmaceutical industries and project documentation: SPDS, ESKD, GOST, ISO, technical regulations, DIN, etc.

In the development of the territory of the pharmaceutical plant, a corridor is being designed between the buildings. Buildings and structures should be oriented with their ends to this corridor. Technological material pipelines, heat supply networks, circulating water supply and some types of industrial sewerage, power supply networks are placed in the communication corridor. The main way of laying communications should be ground, with the exception of gravity pipelines or pipelines of household and fecal sewerage, fire-fighting water supply.

In order to improve working conditions industrial buildings and installations in open areas and shelves with equipment that emit industrial hazards should be located in relation to other production facilities and the administrative area on the leeward side. The position of the territory of the enterprise should be such that the conditions of direct solar radiation and natural ventilation are provided.

The development of territories of enterprises of the chemical and petrochemical industry can be of four types:

With open equipment;

Semi-open and closed equipment;

Solid (pavilion);


The buildings of enterprises with open equipment are platforms and whatnots on which various types technological equipment (columns, reactors, heat exchangers, etc.).

Equipment and engineering structures fill almost the entire space of the plant, with the exception of a few service buildings. Enterprises of this type have a developed network of overpasses and communications through which liquid and gaseous products are transferred.

Design as a kind of engineering activity.

One of the main functions of an engineer is the design of objects of a particular purpose or technological processes for their manufacture. Design in the general view can be defined as a process of directed action by a designer (a group of designers) necessary to develop technical solutions sufficient to implement the created object that meets the specified requirements. The final stage design work is the release of a set of documentation showing decisions made in the form required for the production of the object.

During the execution of the project, the design engineer must technological calculations auxiliary equipment, all transport devices (belt and screw conveyors, pneumatic transport, etc.), as well as calculate the required performance and select the appropriate types of feeders, batchers, measuring tanks, cyclones, etc.

“Chapter 2. PRODUCT DESIGN AND PRODUCTION PROCESS 2.2. Product development and selection...»



2.1. Design as a type of human creative activity

2.2. Product development and process selection in the manufacturing sector

2.3. Service design and service process selection

2.4. Production and service quality management

2.5. Accelerated product development

2.1. Design as a type of human creative activity The concept of "design", as well as the concept of "project", does not have an unambiguous interpretation. Two approaches to the definition of the concept of "design" are quite clearly traced: an engineering approach and a business approach. The engineering approach connects design with the process of creating new objects and technological processes. The business approach considers the design process more broadly and includes the engineering approach as an integral part.

There are more than 30 definitions of the concept of "design". Let's give brief description just some of them.

Design is:

Finding the components of any physical structure (Alexander);

Purposeful activity to solve problems (Archer);

2.1. Design as a type of human creative activity

Making decisions in case of uncertainty with severe consequences in case of error (Azimov);

Modeling of proposed actions before their implementation, repeated until there is complete confidence in the final result (Bukker);

Determining factor for those parts of the product that come into contact with people (Farr);

Making a product in accordance with the situation with the maximum consideration of all requirements (Gregory);

The implementation of a very complex act of intuition (Jones);

Optimal satisfaction of the sum of true needs under a certain set of conditions (Matchett);

Identifying and resolving conflicts in multidimensional situations (Matchett);

An inspirational leap from the facts of the present to the possibilities of the future (Page);

Creative activity that brings to life something new and useful that did not exist before (Rizwick);

The process of creating a model of optimal quality for a non-existent product or phenomenon (Konovalov).

It can be seen from the above definitions that Alexander, Farr and Gregory take an engineering approach in defining the design process. All other authors attach to the term "design"

broader meaning.

There are methods of collective and individual search for design solutions, some of them can be implemented using information technology. The most common method of collective creativity is the method of brainstorming.

A group is selected to generate ideas;

A rule is introduced forbidding criticism of any idea, no matter how absurd it may seem;

The task is to obtain the maximum number of ideas;

Participants should attempt to combine or refine ideas received by others;

Ideas are captured and evaluated.

60 Chapter 2. PRODUCT DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING PROCESS A brainstorming session has a chain reaction of ideas that leads to an intellectual explosion: 50-150 ideas are generated in 15-30 minutes, while individual work- only 10-20 ideas.

The brainstorming method is universal. It can be used in solving technical problems, solving business problems, planning military operations, investigating crimes, etc.

1. Effective number participants 5-12 people. With the number of participants less than five, the key functions of innovation management are not always performed. With more than 12 participants, the controllability of the process is practically lost. The optimal number of team members is seven people.

2. Two subgroups are created: the core ("professionals") and temporary members ("dummies"). "Dummies" can become generators of non-standard ideas, and "professionals" will not miss the wrong decision.

3. When implementing the method of "direct" brain attack, when a solution is sought, the participation of skeptics and critics is not allowed.

On the contrary, when implementing the “reverse” brainstorming method (when evaluating a project), constructive criticism is highly desirable.

4. Mandatory participation of specialists from related industries.

5. The participation of women is desirable. Practice shows that in the presence of women in men, the effectiveness of intellectual activity increases.

6. The participation of "outsiders" ("fresh blood") is desirable.

7. A relaxed atmosphere is welcome: fantasies, jokes, laughter.

8. The total duration of the session is no more than 1.5–2 hours. This is due to the fatigue of the human brain.

9. It is advisable to set the problem 2-3 days before the session, so that “subcortical thinking” is turned on.

10. For psychological reasons, it is impossible to hold a meeting in the director's office.

11. The effectiveness of the attack increases if the reward (fee) is announced in advance.

2.1. Design as a type of human creative activity System approach is the basis of Matchett's fundamental method. The purpose of the method is to learn to understand and control your way of thinking and relate it to all aspects of the project situation.

The Matchett Private School (Great Britain) trains specialists from the world's leading companies of a wide range of professional activities. As a rule, after completing a training course, the effectiveness of specialists increases dramatically.

The learning technology is closed for two reasons:

a) trade secret;

b) in the process of training, psychological methods of influence are used, which is unsafe for human health if they are used incorrectly.

Specialists are trained to master the following modes of thinking:

Thinking in strategic schemes;

Thinking in parallel planes;

Thinking in "images";

Thinking in basic elements.

The purpose of the consumer research method is to collect information known only to consumers of a given class of products or systems. There are three types of application of the method: consumer interviews, questionnaire survey, consumer behavior research.

When conducting an oral survey (consumer interviews), it is fundamentally important:

Obtain permission to conduct an interview from the interviewee, his immediate supervisor and the head of the enterprise;

Encourage the person to answer your questions;

Organize the flow of the conversation in the right direction;

Draw appropriate conclusions from the information received.

When conducting a questionnaire (written) survey, it must be borne in mind that the accuracy of the information received is in quadratic dependence on the number of respondents.

Determine the objects and category of interviewed persons;

Compile and distribute a trial questionnaire (~ 10 copies);


Based on the results of the responses to the trial questionnaire, draw up and distribute the main questionnaire in mass circulation;

Carry out statistical processing of information.

The study of consumer behavior is carried out in the case of the design, production and sale of complex objects and systems, the reaction to the use of which is difficult to predict. For example, automakers create prototypes of new car models and test them on potential buyers.

According to the results of testing, appropriate adjustments are made to the design of serial models of cars.

The boundary search method is more of an experimental than a logical method. The purpose of the method is to find the limits within which acceptable solutions lie. It is advisable to search for boundaries for a company that expects to occupy key positions in the market and outperform competitors for 1–2 years, or for a company with independent financing.

When implementing the method, the following sequence of actions is used:

Define Full description basic requirements for an object or system:

Determine as accurately as possible the range of values ​​in which the uncertainty lies;

Create an operating model that allows you to adjust the main parameters in the uncertainty interval;

Carry out operational tests of the object or system.

For example: determining the top and bottom dimensions of a chalkboard;

determination of the thickness of the legs of a chair made of polymeric material. In the above examples, implicitly, there is such a parameter as comfort, which is almost impossible to calculate.

The goal of Page's cumulative strategy is to accumulate resources in one direction; eliminating the need to develop bad projects.

The probability of achieving the set goals of the project largely depends on the number of options for the proposed design solutions. If only one solution is offered, then statistics show that the probability of a favorable outcome is 60%; two solutions - 80%;

three solution options - 90%, etc. However, it should be remembered that the more options, the more costs the project customer will bear. This leads to the conclusion that at a certain point in time it is necessary to make an expert assessment of the advantages and disadvantages

2.1. Designing as a type of human creative activity of the proposed options, choose one of them for further development, directing all available resources to its implementation.

The sequence of actions when applying Page's cumulative strategy:

The essential goals of the project are determined;

Criteria are established to unambiguously judge the acceptability of the design solution;

Tests are being carried out with the rejection of design options;

All efforts are focused on the chosen design solution.

It should be noted that Page's cumulative strategy in the main positions is in good agreement with the systemic technology of intervention.

Page's cumulative strategy was successfully implemented in the creation of a single European aircraft (Airbus). After World War II, no country in Europe was able to compete with the United States (Boeing). By combining the resources of several countries, it was possible to create a company that develops and manufactures world-class aircraft.

The essence of cost analysis is to conduct an analysis to evaluate the functions of an object or system and reduce all unnecessary costs.

The method is implemented in the following sequence:

The functions of the elements of the product or system are determined;

The cost of performing each function is estimated;

“Missing”, “superfluous” functions and functions with excessive implementation costs are identified;

Elements with the necessary functions are included, elements with unnecessary functions are excluded and the most rational solutions for elements with excessive costs are selected;

The results of functional cost analysis (FSA) are being implemented.

When designing new products and technologies;

During the modernization of products mastered in production;

During the reconstruction of firms;

With a decrease in the costs of the main and auxiliary production, raw materials, fuel, materials and energy;

To save human resources.

64 Chapter 2. PRODUCT DESIGN AND PRODUCTION PROCESS The FSA method has been actively used in our country on the scale of the Ministry of the Electrical Industry since 1977. When conducting the FSA, it should be remembered that the main elements (functions), which make up 5% of the total number of elements, have a share in the total system cost equal to 75%. It is to this group of elements that it is necessary to pay attention first of all.

The error of the final costing when conducting the FCA should be an order of magnitude less than the amount of cost reduction.

Typical mistakes during the FSA: weak involvement of specialists from other services; distraction to one of the first ideas; receiving too much or too little information.

The method of heuristic techniques has found wide application in the design technical objects. A heuristic device contains a brief prescription or indication of "how to transform the existing prototype" or "in which direction to look." The main heuristic techniques (Table 2.1) are systematized into groups.

Table 2.1 Groups and number of heuristic tricks

–  –  –

The method of morphological analysis and synthesis of design solutions was developed by the Swiss astronomer F. Zwicky in the 1930s. the last century.

The method is based on combinatorics and is as follows:

A group of main features of the object or system under consideration is selected;

For each feature, a set of alternatives is selected;

Combining options, get a lot of solutions.

Examples of using the method: designing a new type of business, designing individual construction and etc.

2.1. Designing as a type of human creative activity The efficiency of the method application increases with the use of computer technologies.

There are five methods for studying the structure of the problem: the matrix of interactions, the network of interactions and system transformation, the design of innovations by shifting boundaries, the design of new functions.

The interaction matrix provides a systematic search for the relationships of elements within a given problem. An example of an interaction matrix can be a description of the main functions performed by departments or individual employees of an enterprise; analysis of the interaction matrix allows you to identify hidden reserves.

The network of interactions is a matrix of interactions, depicted as a graph, block diagram, flow diagram. An example of a network of interactions can be a diagram of the organizational structure of enterprise management. Special algorithms and programming languages, such as ARIS, have been created to describe business processes and build interaction networks.

System transformation is the definition of new types of system components that can eliminate its shortcomings. An example would be the introduction of an automated enterprise management system.

Designing innovations by shifting boundaries can be seen in the case of hydrofoils: wings traditionally used for flight were used to move through the water.

The biggest challenge is designing new features. The purpose of applying the method is to create a radically new design or system that can lead to new patterns of behavior and demand.

Examples can be: the creation of a personal computer, a cell phone, private space flights, etc.

When implementing the strategy switching method, the following sequence of actions is used:

1. Start working on a strategy that fits the task at hand.

2. Acting in accordance with the strategy, write down spontaneous thoughts.


3. Analyze each spontaneous thought for its acceptability in the project.

4. Compare the directions in which the planned strategy and spontaneous thoughts go.

5. Assess whether they can be mutually linked with the goal of strengthening.

The strategy switching method was successfully applied to create a fundamentally new device for reading the blind, based on image-to-sound conversion using a scanner and a computer.

The systems engineering approach to design allows achieving internal compatibility between the elements of the system and external compatibility between the system and the environment.

When implementing a systems engineering approach, a hierarchy of design tasks is applied, for example:

The level of social groups (in particular, the design of the urban economy in general);

The level of production systems (in particular, enterprise design);

Subsystem level (particularly road design);

The level of objects (in particular, the design of a specific building).

The systems engineering approach must also be applied in the design of "man-machine" systems. In this case, fundamentally important issues are: the definition of functions that are assigned to people and machines; determination of the necessary teaching methods, auxiliary devices, designs of means of communication between a person and a machine; ensuring compatibility between man, machine and environment.

The connection of the design process with other types of human activity is presented graphically in fig. 2.1.

It follows from the figure that design is a complex activity and is at the crossroads of various paths: from the achievements of science through technical disciplines (from left to right); from the possibilities of production through the achievements of technology (from right to left); from politics through sociology, psychology and economics (top to bottom); from art through technical aesthetics and architecture

Registration No. 94–0603 DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ACUTE INTESTINAL INFECTIONS Instructions for use Institutions-developers: Belarusian State Medical University, Viteb...» _specialties_ (specialties/professions) 38.02.07 "Banking"_deep _training_. (code and name of specialty or profession) Authors: _ scientist ... "

The change in the nature of mental work associated with the development of information technology, the emergence of new labor functions, specialties, professions, the emergence of international standards for quality, ecology, and management necessitated the search for new methods of system design of mental work.

The understanding of organizational design has expanded. At present, according to unified methodological schemes, methods are being formed for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of managerial work, design of automated workplaces, automated systems management, rational division and cooperation of labor.

A systematic study of the organization of management processes in Russia, Belarus, contributed to the formation of such new areas of organizational design as the regulation of managerial work and the design of management system standards for organizations.

The development of organizational design in the United States and the European Union led to the emergence of organizational reengineering, the formation of the methodology of structural analysis and design (SADT) and the IDEF methodological system.

The development of organizational design is currently going in the direction of creating a methodology and methodological tools for the integrated design of systems for improving the work of managerial personnel. Organizational design in the modern sense is a set of methodological tools that allow you to streamline, bring management processes into a system.

2. Design as an activity

Design as a process, depending on the design object, can be represented as: strategic; organizational; investment; design; technological.

The design of any object is associated with the creation, transformation and presentation in the accepted form of the image of this object, more often its constituent parts. For strategic design the created image can be presented in the form of a set of strategies, for organizational design- in the form of a special organization of the object under consideration, organizational decisions that increase the efficiency of management and, accordingly, economic activity.

Designing begins when there is a design assignment, and the result of the design is a set of management decisions, expressed in the form of a complete set of documentation.

From a decision-making point of view, design is the process of developing managerial, design, social, economic decisions aimed at obtaining the desired effect. From an information point of view, design there is a process of converting input information about the design object into output information in the form of design - technological, economic, organizational documentation. From an organizational point of view different approaches can be applied to the design process. First of all - block - hierarchical. According to which the designed system is divided into hierarchical levels. At the highest level, only common features and features of the designed system. At the next levels, the degree of detail of consideration increases.

Each system has its own internal structure (structure, functions, factors that ensure the integrity of the organization). For example, the system of organizing managerial labor includes: living labor itself (expenditure of labor power), objects of labor, means of labor, which serve as a measure of the development of the labor force, as well as an indicator of social relations. The functions of such a system constitute a manifestation of the internal content of the system in its relations with the external environment. To reveal the structure of an object means to mention its parts and the ways in which it enters into relationships.

Organizational design differs from other types of design not only in the form of the result and the scope of the study, but also in the need to take into account the nature and interconnections of a large number of factors that affect the construction of the object under study and determine its economic efficiency.

The difference between organizational design is also the need for mandatory structural and parametric optimization of the objects under consideration (using structural and functional models).

At present, the systematic approach is used without exception in all fields of science. The application of a systematic approach to the study of an object means endowing it with the properties and patterns of the system's existence.

Under system should be understood as a complex whole, which consists of many elements, united by various relationships and separated from what surrounds them by some kind of boundaries. System element- this is an object that, being an integral part of the system, performs a certain function, and is not subject to further dismemberment during this study.

The most important property of the system - integrity "cannot be considered without using the concept" relationships" and "connections".

Connection characterizes the totality of new properties that arise and exist in the process of mutual influence of objects. Communication is impersonal, and relationships imply the interaction of subject and object.

Relationship presuppose the presence of a subject and an object of relations, the presence of an active driving force that initiates relations. The subjective component of the concept " relationship", not only reflects


A.E. Roslyakov

Department of Public Relations Institute of Management and Economics Omsk State University of means of communication pr. Marksa, 35, Omsk, Russia, 644046

The article discusses the role of methodology in understanding and organizing design processes. The concepts of projects and programs are analyzed. The importance of introducing the two-dimensionality of programming and the integration of multidisciplinary activities in the course of the implementation of project tasks is substantiated.

Key words: design, activity meaning, methodology, formative sphere, integration.

The spread of computer technologies and interactive forms of communication has rid the world of many of its former problems in the political, economic, and cultural spheres, but has created new ones. The growing importance of information creates fundamentally new opportunities. "The amount of information quickly conveyed is seen as something of value in itself, regardless of content and purpose." The unjustified confidence that technological perfection can automatically solve social problems provokes an irresponsible attitude to acute social conflicts, and carelessness leads to irreversible natural disasters.

Today's information priorities have emerged in accordance with general trends in social development and changing values. Ever since the 20s and 30s. 20th century the idea of ​​permanent design appears, it unequivocally determines the focus not on the project as such, but on the design process, which involves the parallel deployment of work aimed at the direct implementation of innovations, and any afterburner here is always expedient exactly as much as it is dictated by the effectiveness of the project itself, its social or commercial benefit for the near or relatively near future.

The Latin prolicto translates as “I throw forward”, “I hold in front of me”, and projectum literally means “thrown forward”. The modern concept of "project" has retained traces of the ancient meaning. When we talk about a project, we mean the mental construction of some change that is planned in advance and, in principle, can be implemented. Such a design is able to appear as a model, prototype, prototype of some materialized actions, and now the scope of design has expanded its boundaries so much that it concerns literally all aspects of human life.

Individual design almost replaces all other types of it. Moreover, not only personal fate, prospects for life are projected.

growth, etc., but also an environment in which one or another perspective will be more fully and successfully implemented, which often removes the question of general, collective, social expediency.

An alternative to such projects can be the practice of the Moscow Methodological Circle (MMC), which focuses on the design process and how to implement project ideas. At a meeting of this circle, design is comprehended as special kind activities. A plan-map of scientific research was developed, which should ensure the functioning and development of project activities. The concept and program of social and socio-cultural design design are proposed. Actualizing the category of “thinking”, which was developed in detail in the works of G.P. Shchedrovitsky, members of the circle considered issues related to methodology and science, based on their comparative functional analysis.

Officially, work on fundamentally new areas in design began in 1964, when a laboratory began operating at the All-Union Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics (VNIITE) on the theory and methodology of design. The laboratories were entrusted with the development of a methodological, theoretical and strategic framework for the socio-cultural and organizational design of design in the Soviet Union. According to S.V. Naumov, "the further history of the development of design (from the mid-60s to the present) can be considered as the result of the interaction of these three fairly autonomous development channels" . We are talking about interprofessional design, design in certain areas and methodology.

Of course, this kind of work was carried out constantly and in all countries, but they were fundamentally local in nature, both in relation to the territory and in relation to the disciplinary sphere. Taking into account even adjacent spaces and scientific spheres, especially global scales in the spatial-territorial sense and in the field of thinking, no one occupied themselves. Naumov states: “The situation in the field of design in many respects resembled the modern situation in the field of programming; despite the mass production of project documentation in various professional fields and areas ... there were no methodological characteristics of the content of projects and project activities, the widespread intrusion of project ideas, project methods of work was not recognized as fundamental, radically changing the means and methods of thinking and activity in various fields " . There were objective reasons for the lack of relevance. The time for globalization had not yet come.

The development of design problems turned out to be very fruitful for the field of methodology: “an analysis of design ways of thinking made it possible to begin the development of a design approach as giving fundamentally new form organization of thought. This new form in socio-cultural terms was opposed to the form of organization of natural-scientific thinking. Similar thoughts can be found in A.G. Rappaport, who also noted that the methodological style of thinking began to be characterized as combining research and design forms of thinking.

Engineering ideology has penetrated into the sphere of managing social processes, which has led to attempts to artificially and technically shape social relations. The production of knowledge becomes an industrial task, and this subject falls out of the usual sphere of thinking. There was a need to realize that in the general theory of activity, on the one hand, design is considered as one of the forms of activity, on the other hand, design can offer the formation of theoretical ideas about the field of activity itself. It becomes clear that the idea of ​​the field of activity is one of the normative methodological directions, it is not an image of the professional sphere, for example, the professional sphere of design. It can be used only as one of the methodological tools to develop a project and program for this professional area.

Developments on the spheral organization of activity made it possible to identify the main processes of a complete spheral organization, such as reproduction, production, functioning, development and organization (ie leadership, management). It follows from this: for design to exist as a sphere, programs and projects must be implemented. The result must appear as a done thing that has become a material force in all five spheral processes. Linking everything together, Naumov concludes that such a sphere of design has not yet been organized, since there is no springboard for practical thinking, although it is quite fixed in communicative and theoretical forms. If we proceed from the fact that production cannot be only in communicative and mental forms, then the methodology that formed the sphere of design and did not have a practical springboard could not organize the sphere of design. It can be said that today the sphere of design exists in the thinking and activity of designers only as a formative sphere; it has not yet become a real practicing force.

In addition, Naumov drew attention to a very important circumstance. The concepts of program and project, programming and design, project and program are most often used as synonyms. However, if we raise the question of the development of means of organizational and management activities, then these concepts are specified and acquire different functions, which determines the need for special theoretical and methodological developments. The initial distinction between programs and projects is seen in the traditional function of the project, which necessarily sets the idea of ​​the final result of the activity. The program is focused on understanding the process of activity itself. Hence the question: can a program be designed? It turns out it can. The result of this dual use of the project approach is plans that are uniquely aimed at the materialization of programs, which becomes a fundamental point for distinction and specification.

Program and design activity involves organizational, managerial, design and methodological activity of a person. Fact-

In a nutshell, this means that the area of ​​methodology is the third mandatory participant in those situations where the question of comparing programs and projects can be raised. The need to distinguish between the concepts of a program and a project arises if they claim the same functions. Such a situation has become possible only recently, with the emergence of a reciprocal expansion of design into the sphere of organizational and managerial activity and since the formation of organizational design. Or, in other words, against the background of the transformation of the design of a thing into the design of systems of activity. It was then that the term “project” acquires a second meaning, “large target systems for organizing work (in the military industry, in space development, in healthcare, ecology, etc.) begin to be called a project” . Any organizational and managerial activity refers to the need to develop and draw up plans designed for a specific result.

This scheme undergoes serious complications depending on how much and which more or less independent aspects are involved in a single organizational process. If fixed principles, rules, orders and directives are somehow applicable to monosyllabic organizational tasks, then in complex programs, especially if interdisciplinary tendencies of ambiguous situations are involved, where it is impossible to foresee the final results, rigid guidelines not only do not justify expectations, but are also harmful from the point of view of in terms of social security, as they work against the social order. In this context, the practice of organizing by programs can be contrasted, for example, with the practice of organizing by plans. The impossibility of using plans under the uncertainty of the control situation is obvious and, apparently, today it is sufficiently recognized by specialists. The planned form of organization requires not only a strict specification of the final results of activities, but also means, a sequence of actions, the timing of their implementation, resource provision, etc. The project, aimed at the realization of the future, offers the identity of the object of organizational action for design and programming.

The MMK methodology unfolds the ideas of permanent design in two directions: 1) the object of design is a system of activity, and not a specific thing; 2) the appearance of foreign types of work within the framework of the project process (for example, on situation analysis, forecasting, strategy development, etc.) is recorded, which rather act as means, ways to achieve the set goals. In this regard, MMK became interested in the problem of "centration", which emphasized the need for co-organization of heterogeneous systems of activity in relation to the central activity of design.

The formation of the design sphere sharply raises the question of interaction with managers and methodologists. Works in this case are devoted to the most important substantive topics of situation analysis, formulation and solution of the problem. They precede any projective activity that is at the stage of implementation.

leniya outgrows only after the transition from the problem to the tasks. It is in this situation that MMK, as a means of global organization of problem-oriented systems of activity, offers programs. Organizational-activity games according to a certain program just mean a form of active and productive interaction between methodologists, designers and managers. The preservation of the projective approach occurs at the expense of limiting the scope of its application. Are given individual functions specifications for design, programming, prediction, staging, and so on.

Programming ensures development through artificial, technical work with a problem. It is presented as a process of a certain type, the technology of which Naumov proposes to structure in the form of five units: analysis of the situation, thematization, goal setting, setting and solving problems, problematization. Worthy of attention is his idea that programming unfolds simultaneously along two axes of time: horizontal and vertical. In the horizontal direction, there is a parallel movement of the mentioned five conveyor belts. On the vertical axis, material is transferred from tape to tape: goals are translated into tasks or problems, a description of the situation - into the formulation of goals, etc. . In other words, there is a formation of divergent lines that establish a feedback and thus create the possibility of not a linear, but a two-dimensional representation. If, on the basis of the linear principle of organization, two variants of technologies are obtained, then on the basis of the two-dimensional one, one can appeal to all five directions.

It is obvious that linear processes cannot provide much-needed feedback on the results of activities either with previous or predictive processes. In this regard, the distinction between programs and design becomes mandatory. Design equates to goal programming. Accounting for various kinds of reality, presented in five technological units, requires the creation of a very complex system, which can be referred to as a program. When comparing design and programming, the MMK methodology considers this point to be one of the disciplinary moments: programming works with fundamentally heterogeneous realities. Wherever it is possible to "homogenize" reality, we have the right to count on the application of the project approach.

2D programming gets rid of the "linearization" problem and makes the action an actively running process. Departure from simplification and schematization sets the operational content of the technological unit, which allows using the methods of a systematic approach. From here, such concepts as “task”, “goal”, “problem”, “program”, which appear to be procedural, acquire a fundamentally new content. However, the danger of “bad infinity” also lurks here - it is necessary to decide on the question of the time of termination of the programming process, to really know how and by what exactly the goal is defined. It is believed that the more dynamic the situation, the less certain should be the means of the organization.

Thus, serious and clear-cut two-dimensional programming requires taking into account the maximum number individual characteristics, without which modern conditions The very concept of programming loses its meaning. Based on this, its main content is complexing, which should give a qualitatively new type of knowledge and a qualitatively new form of organization of interdisciplinary activities. The focus on integration necessarily suggests a restructuring of the traditional structures of subject-professional activity.

The introduction of the concept of complexing is a landmark in the art of design. It introduces a special state of the knowledge complex into the field of comprehension. This is not a simple systematization of knowledge, which, of course, does not provide a comprehensive presentation. The subject-professional approach is opposed to the complexity of the approach as a polymorphic, interdisciplinary one. The main reason for this opposition is seen not in the ratio of parts of the whole, but in the fact that professional consciousness does not include the analysis of the reality of its own activity in the program goals. In this regard, it is not superfluous to recall the statement of G.P. Shchedrovitsky about modern professional culture, in which there are no ideas about professional activity itself. Professional and substantive training does not provide the ability to "see" one's activity, does not create the means for adequate reflection of the activity itself, the substantive content practically distracts and eliminates it.

It is not representations and knowledge that are subject to integration, but those means, methods and methods by which they are acquired. The source of the activity ideas themselves is the methodology. It follows from this that not only the fate of design as a form of activity, but also the project itself depends on the complex organization.


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Public Relations Chair The Institute of Management and Economics Omsk State Communication Lines University

Marx ave., 35, Omsk, Russia, 644046

The axis of the publication is the role of methodology as a factor promoting the understanding and organization of project planning processes. The notions of projects and programs are analyzed. The rationale for the relevant introduction of the two-dimensional array of programming and polydisciplinary activity complex in the course of project tasks implementation is provided.

Key words: project planning, activity-related meaning, methodology, formative sphere, complex introduction.