The modern period of the construction of the armed forces of the Russian Federation briefly. Construction of the Armed Forces and military reforms in the history of Russia

The organizational development of the Russian Armed Forces has always been at the center of attention of military scientists and practitioners. The process of reforming them, which began back in 1992, is being carried out in a constant search for optimal structures for the types and arms of the troops. However, even today the struggle of opinions continues.

One of the platforms for discussions on the issue organizational building The Supreme Council became a cycle of "round tables" held in the State Duma Russian Federation.

Some leading military experts expressed the opinion that the Armed Forces of our country in their organizational structure should have four types: traditional Ground Forces (SV), Air Force (Air Force) and Navy (Navy), as well as the new kind- Aerospace Defense Forces (VKO), on the basis of which it is proposed to create an aerospace defense system of Russia and its allies. It is expedient to assign full responsibility for the combat use of troops subordinate to them, their condition, development and support to the main commands of types and branches.

“In modern armed struggle, the value of inter-service groupings of troops is increasing, especially when it comes to a strategic scale”

Other, no less authoritative experts, referring to personal, domestic and foreign experience, as well as to the decisions of the Security Council of the Russian Federation in 2005, propose to form an organizational structure according to the spheres of combat use of the Armed Forces: the earth's firmament - the NE, the ocean - the Navy, the sky and space - Air Force. At the same time, the aerospace defense system (EWS, air defense, missile defense and air defense systems) is proposed to be built on the platform of the main command of the Air Force.

With a very wide range of opinions, which is not limited to the above options, it is extremely difficult to make an informed choice, there is a threat of subjective decision-making. And this is extremely dangerous. Therefore, this problem should be considered through the prism of theories of the construction of the armed forces and military art.

Basic principles

The fundamental laws of military development, unlike the laws of nature, cannot be described by strict formulas. These are rather logical constructions, built theoretically principles, which are the basis for expedient activity in this direction.

This, according to Karl von Clausewitz, is the only meaning of any theory. It equips us with principles, thereby reducing the inevitable distance that exists between theory and practice.

Taking into account the special geostrategic position in the construction of the Armed Forces, Russia, like most countries of the world, adheres mainly to basic organizational principles.

basis modern structure The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are made up of the branches of the Armed Forces - the Ground Forces, the Air Force and the Navy, as well as the types of troops (forces).

The specific formation is determined by the mastered spheres of combat use of troops and forces (land, sea, airspace) and is formed on the basis of the principle of unity of responsibility for the development of forces and means intended for conducting armed struggle in a certain sphere of combat use.

The type of troops is an integral part of the Armed Forces (RVSN, Airborne Forces and Troops of the Aerospace Defense) or part of the branch of the Armed Forces. The principle of their construction is the identity of the main weapons, as well as the forms and methods of their combat use.

The types and types of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are headed by commanders-in-chief (commanders), whose status predetermines the centralization of command and control of troops (forces) on the basis of the principle of unity of command. The corresponding commander-in-chief has the necessary powers to organize the combat use of all forces and means subordinate to him. At the same time, the main commands are also responsible for the development of their troops and their comprehensive support, and these are administrative functions. Thus, until recently, the commanders-in-chief (commanders) of branches and branches of the RF Armed Forces were assigned both operational and administrative functions simultaneously.

current version

Since 2010, at the strategic level, the principle of delimitation of rights and responsibilities between military control bodies for operational and administrative functions has been implemented (Fig. 1). Interspecific groupings of troops (forces) and their operational control bodies were created - four joint strategic commands (USC). Associations, formations and units of the SV, Air Force and Navy were transferred to their direct subordination.

As follows from the presented organizational structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the process of delimitation of functions has not been completed. The commanders of the armed forces still retain the operational and administrative functions of command and control of the troops.

In addition, the presence in this structure of the Air Force and a separate type of troops - the Troops of the Aerospace Defense Forces, which some experts propose to raise to the rank of a branch of the Armed Forces, indicates a violation of the principle of unity of responsibility for the development of forces and means intended for conducting armed struggle in the aerospace sphere. This inevitably entails duplication of tasks, dispersion of resources and dilution of responsibility in an area whose importance is not disputed by anyone. This is confirmed by the ongoing discussions about the place, tasks to be solved and the combat composition of this new kind of troops.

Similar examples took place in the Soviet and Russian history. In the organizational structure of the USSR Armed Forces, for example, there were the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces of the country, intended for operations in one area. The shortcomings of this structure, which manifested themselves in peacetime, were seen by Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. He foresaw the complexity of the interaction and the possible consequences in a combat situation. That is why he became the initiator of the unification of the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces of the country. Unfortunately, the planned structural transformations were sabotaged by some officials of the military-industrial complex and the air defense headquarters based on narrow departmental interests (Makhmut Gareev, “Seven Years in the Life of a Marshal”).

In the end, objective reality demanded the creation of a unified air force and air defense system, which exists in all the leading armies of the world. The merger was carried out in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997 No. 725 "On priority measures to reform the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and improve their structure." At the same time, the same document, contrary to the principles of organizational development, announced the creation of a “new” type - the Strategic Missile Forces with the inclusion of the Military Space Forces (VKS) and the Rocket and Space Defense Forces (RKO). However, it did not last long and was disbanded after three years and three months.

Rational approach

But how to avoid gross mistakes, senseless waste of resources and reach the optimal structure of the Armed Forces?

It is well known that modern warfare is based on the principle of the coordinated use of troops and forces of different species (genus) affiliation. In this case, the advantages of military groupings inherent in combat systems are noted to the greatest extent. This is not only the sum of the qualities of the types and branches of the troops. Such a system manifests emergence, that is, properties appear that none of its constituent elements, taken separately, have. In other words, the value of interservice groupings of troops (forces) is increasing in modern armed struggle, especially when it comes to a strategic scale.

The validity of this conclusion is consistent with the position of the President of the Academy of Military Sciences, General of the Army Makhmut Gareev. In particular, he notes that common system active coordinated actions of all branches of the Armed Forces acquire decisive importance in armed struggle. This circumstance, in his opinion, should be reflected in the new organizational structure of the Armed Forces.

Indeed, taking into account the modern nature of the armed struggle in the Armed Forces of most foreign states, inter-service groupings of troops (forces) and their operational control bodies have already been created in peacetime. At the same time, operational and administrative functions, as a rule, are not combined. A similar principle is being implemented in the organizational development of the US Armed Forces and NATO states. It should be emphasized that the separation of operational and administrative functions is also an effective mechanism that makes it possible to ensure unity of command among interservice groupings of troops (forces).

The logic behind this type of military organizational structure is centrally coordinated functional specialization at the strategic level. At the same time, it is reasonably considered that it has a number of advantages:

  • ensures the convergence of the structures of the strategic link of peacetime and wartime management;
  • makes it possible to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of armed forces in various crises and military conflicts;
  • stimulates the improvement of the quality of activities and the realization of the creative potential of employees of management bodies;
  • provides resource savings.

Building the structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation according to the functional and generic principles will entail a deepening of the division of command and control functions into operational and administrative ones, will require an increase in managerial structures and additional financial costs.

Thus, on the basis of the relatedness of the sphere of application, all troops (forces) should be reduced to branches of the armed forces (arms of service) endowed with administrative functions. By sign designated purpose, the order of combat use and effective control - into combat systems of various purposes and scales under the direct control of the relevant operational control bodies (commands), such as the aerospace defense system, joint interspecific groupings in strategic directions.

Separation of functions

In our opinion, it is expedient to create a number of new commands in the structure of the RF Armed Forces in addition to the already established commands - the four USCs and the Aerospace Defense Forces: strategic offensive forces (deterrence forces), special operations forces, cyber command, and some others. Naturally, under each of them there should be appropriate combat systems.

A variant of the proposed organizational structure of the RF Armed Forces is shown in Figure 2. It is mainly based on the logic and principles of organizational building and military art. They should be viewed as a series of ideas that require further systematic study with the involvement of research organizations of the Ministry of Defense. Nevertheless, this organizational structure makes it possible to overcome the long-standing contradiction between the interspecific nature of the use of troops (forces) and means and their subordination to the specific type. This provision confirms the experience of the previous inclusion of the Aerospace Forces and the RSC troops in the Strategic Missile Forces, which led to the emergence of an intermediate level of command - the High Command of the branch, reduced the efficiency of decision-making and the completion of tasks.

The expediency of creating a system of operational and administrative control bodies is stimulated by another circumstance. It excludes the possibility of reorientation of combat arms to solve tasks in the interests of one branch of the Armed Forces to the detriment of others, which took place in the recent past. It will make it possible to free the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from tasks unusual for it in the daily leadership of troops, transferring them to administrative control bodies. In addition, there will be created real conditions to switch to a three-species structure, which is not disputed by most experts.

The first condition is the inclusion of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Aerospace Defense Troops in the Air Force (Aerospace Forces) by the combat arms. At the same time, only part of the departments and services of the command of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Aerospace Defense Forces, which implement administrative functions, should be included in its main command. This will create conditions for the coordinated construction and development of troops and combat systems intended for operations in the aerospace sphere, as well as the organization and implementation of special types of support.

The remaining departments and services of the indicated branches of the military, together with the operational staff, must be included in the operational commands: strategic offensive forces and aerospace defense.

The second condition is the inclusion of the Airborne Forces in the SV by the armed forces. At the same time, it is expedient to give the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces only a part of the departments and services that implement administrative functions, on the basis of the rights of departments and services of the Airborne Forces.

Uninvolved departments, services and operational personnel that implement operational functions can form the basis of the command of special operations forces.

For the good of the cause

The ideas outlined in the article are intended to stimulate a discussion around the problems of the organizational development of the Armed Forces, which is being carried out in Russia today without proper scientific justification. And this, judging by the zigzags of the reform of the Armed Forces, is extremely dangerous, since, according to Marshal Ferdinand Foch, "the outcome of lightning clashes between ... armies ... is predetermined by the organization and preparation of peacetime." To avoid tragic consequences and costly deviations as a result of the implementation of decisions based on narrow departmental interests and subjective opinions, scientific expertise and public recognition of the correctness of the ideas of the organizational construction of the Armed Forces are necessary. The most talented initiator of reforms will be powerless to do anything significant without the support of military personnel, without a carefully selected team of performers and an appropriate organization of work.

The principles of military development are understood as the fundamental ideas and rules for its implementation. The principles of military construction are derived from the general principles state building. Some of these principles, which underlie the multifaceted activity of military construction, can be combined into the following groups: military-political, socio-economic, socio-political, organizational, training and education.

The principles of military organizational development are to one degree or another expressed and directly objectified in the norms of law. In legal norms, first of all, organizational and socio-political principles are fixed. In some cases, as the legal foundations of military development, it is, in essence, its principles that are considered, i.e. the principles of military construction reflect the most characteristic features legal regulation public relations in this area.

It should be noted that on present stage development of society and the state in the Russian Federation, a comprehensive study of the principles of military organizational development (especially socio-political ones) from the point of view of their legal expression, as well as the legal foundations of military organizational development, has not been carried out.

Very significant aspects of the nature and purpose of the military organization, the foundations of its relationship with social life countries, the properties of a certain part of the relationship between servicemen reflect the socio-political principles of military organizational development.

Implementation of measures to ensure decent social status and the standard of living of military personnel in our country, both before the October Revolution and after it, was not always consistent, depending on objective and other circumstances. In the modern period, the approval of the mentioned principle is complicated by the process of canceling some of the benefits provided for military personnel, associated with an increase in their monetary allowance. For several years, decisions have been implemented that have a negative impact on the guarantees of legal and social protection of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families. This trend is sustainable. It has become a practice to suspend the operation of norms establishing the rights of military personnel and a number of other citizens by federal laws on federal budget which does not contribute to ensuring the stability of the legal and social status of these persons.

The Armed Forces perform a significant amount of tasks for the implementation of the social function of the state, which is entrusted to the bodies of military control, is the responsibility of commanders (chiefs). The specifics of the military organization are most clearly expressed by the organizational principles of military development, which are closely connected with its socio-political principles. In accordance with organizational principles, the structure of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies, the forms and methods of organizing internal relations in them, as well as command and control of troops, are determined. With this in mind, the organizational principles of military construction should include the centralization of command, unity of command on a legal basis, and military discipline.

In addition, we can talk about the principles of state management of military development, including the principles of centralization of leadership in military development and the control of the main components of the military organization by federal government bodies.

By their nature, some of the principles of military organizational development are common to all components of the military organization. Relatively independent groups may combine the principles of building the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies, as well as the principles of building a part of the country's industrial and scientific complexes designed to ensure military security tasks. In particular, the centralization of leadership and control, unity of command on a legal basis, and strict military discipline are the principles for building such components of a military organization that are designed to fulfill military security tasks by military methods.

For the purposes of military development, a system of political, economic, military, social and other measures is being implemented. These measures include measures of a legal nature. The construction and development of all components of the military organization of the state is carried out in accordance with the regulatory legal acts regulating their activities, according to coordinated and coordinated programs and plans.

Relations arising in direct connection with military construction are regulated by the norms of many branches of law, including constitutional, administrative, labor, civil, and military legislation. So, in order to carry out the function of national defense, the state needs a certain system government agencies and relevant legislation, which determines the nature, direction, methods of activity of these bodies and their officials, as well as the behavior of servicemen in relations directly related to their military service. The area of ​​military construction is one of the areas of state life in which the most complete legal regulation is carried out.

Regulatory legal acts containing these norms, military legislation can be considered as the legal foundations of military organizational development. The legal foundations of military construction include certain norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation. The structure of the legal foundations of military construction is heterogeneous, it is formed by numerous regulations. These acts, which constitute the legal foundations of military construction, can be systematized according to a number of features. So, taking into account the differentiation of the principles of military development in the structure of its legal foundations, it is necessary to distinguish between the relevant elements, including norms that are important general provisions for military construction in general; legal foundations for the construction of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies; legal foundations for the construction of a part of the industrial and scientific complexes of the country, intended to ensure the tasks of military security.

It is necessary to ensure the correct understanding and implementation of the legislation in force in the field of military organizational development by all who are subject to the requirements of its norms. This goal is achieved, in particular, by streamlining and systematizing legislation, eliminating gaps and contradictions in it, improving the ways of presenting legal norms and implementing other measures to improve their quality.

1. The formation of the armed forces and they were reformed in the pre-capitalist period of Russia's development.
2. Military reforms in capitalist Russia.
3. The development of the armed forces and the results of military reforms at the turning points in the development of the Fatherland.

The development of the armed forces is directly dependent on the ongoing reforms in the country, including in the army and navy. History shows that the defense capability of the state largely depends on their success or failure. The experience of major, fundamental military reforms in the history of our country both in the 19th and 20th centuries suggests that the ideal model has never been achieved immediately, on the move. Today, adjustments and clarifications can and are already being introduced into the plans for military development. The problem of military reform is very important for solving the main question: how and by what means, under the conditions of Western economic sanctions, the crisis and the growing technological breakthrough in the military field in the 21st century, to ensure the national and military security of Russia? This question can only be answered by analyzing the previous military reforms that have taken place in the history of our country.

In the interpretation of the Military Encyclopedic Dictionary (M., 1983), military reform is a set of significant transformations in the military organization of the state, aimed at bringing it into line with changed external conditions. If we proceed from the definition that a reform is a fundamental transformation or change, then there were not so many such transformations in the military field in the history of our country. At the stage of pre-capitalist development of Russia, such transformations, which radically changed the entire military system of the country, should include the reforms of Iv. Grozny and Peter I.
The formation of a strong Russian state in the middle of the 16th century required the creation of powerful armed forces. The Russian Tsar Ivan IV understood this well. Therefore, he tried to find like-minded people, rally them around him and begin the planned transformations. Among them were: Archbishop Macarius, clerk Ivan Viskovaty, Kostroma patrimony Alexei Adashev, warrior Ivan Peresvetov and others. So, in particular, Peresvetov, who is rightfully considered the ideologist of the military reform of Ivan the Terrible, proposed to solve the country's defense by creating a permanent army armed with firearms. Moreover, the warriors had to systematically undergo military training.
The main content of the military reform of Ivan the Terrible:
1 Streamlining the system of recruitment and military service in the local army;
2 Organization of centralized control of the army;
3 Creation of a permanent archery army;
4 Allocation of artillery to an independent type of troops;
5 Centralization of the supply system;
6 Creation of a permanent guard service on the southern borders of the country.
Thus, we can conclude that under Ivan the Terrible, for the first time in Rus', a new system of military administration was formed. If earlier it consisted of individuals who carried out the prince's will, then in the course of the military reform in the middle of the 16th century it became a state body that had its own clear structure and responsibilities.
The next direction of military reform during the reign of Ivan the Terrible is a change in the system of recruiting the army.
The most important document that laid legal basis the creation of a permanent army in the Russian state, was issued by Ivan the Terrible in October 1550, the decree (verdict) "On the placement in Moscow and the surrounding counties of a chosen thousand service people."
In 1556, the provision on the recruitment of the noble local army was legislatively fixed in the "Code of Service".
Creating a permanent army, Ivan the Terrible understood that its strength during the years of hard times would be clearly not enough to conduct serious hostilities, therefore, the Russian army also included the “landing army”, i.e. civil uprising. These warriors were recruited from both the urban and rural populations and were intended for secondary actions, and sometimes played the role of a combat reserve. In the course of the military reform in the middle of the 16th century, there were also serious changes in the armament of the Russian army. To edged weapons, which were then used in the troops in en masse, firearms began to be added. At first it was squeaks, guns, pistols, a little later - artillery, which was turned into an independent branch of the military.
After conducting a socio-political analysis of the military reform of Ivan the Terrible, we can draw the following conclusions.
1. The creation of a permanent army was the most important achievement of Russia in the middle of the 16th century, which allowed it to significantly strengthen its statehood, ensure military security and independence from the country's numerous enemies.
2. In the course of the reform, a fundamentally new system of the military organization of the state was created, which includes the regular army, military and state administration, and support agencies. There was an allocation of artillery to an independent branch of the armed forces.
3. The reform was often carried out by repressive methods, which led to significant casualties among the population of the country, caused indignation of the people with the forms and methods of its implementation.
4. The implementation of the military reform allowed Russia to expand the territory of the state, eliminate feudal fragmentation, put an end to the isolation of nobles and boyars.
5. The transformations carried out in the course of the military reform significantly increased the combat effectiveness of the army, contributed to the success of Russian weapons in the wars of the 16th-17th centuries.
History shows that by the end of the 17th century, the military organization of Russia had a number of serious shortcomings that directly or indirectly affected its position both in the country and in the international arena. The military system of that time could not ensure the successful solution of the urgent domestic and foreign policy tasks of the state, which predetermined the military reforms of Peter I (1698-1721). For many centuries he remained in the public mind as a brilliant reformer who turned Russia into a great power in the world.
The main content of the military reform of Peter the Great:
1 Creation of the Russian regular army and navy;
2 Introduction of a recruiting system;
3 The abolition of heterogeneous military formations, the introduction of the same type of organization and weapons in the infantry, cavalry and artillery;
4 Creation of a unified system of training and education of military personnel;
5 Adoption of statutes;
6 Centralization of military command;
7 Replacement of orders by the Military Collegium;
8 Implementation of military-judicial reforms;
9 Opening of military schools for officer training;
10 Clear perlamation of military service.
The need to reform the army was realized by Peter I after the unsuccessful Azov (1695-1696) campaigns. The young tsar realized that the only way to solve the problem of access to the sea was by military means, and this required a radical reform of the Russian army, the creation of a powerful regular navy. Since that time, his work began on a radical reorganization of the Russian army.
In the reforms of Peter I, it is necessary to note his desire and constant concern for the creation of a system for training domestic military personnel, their training and education. At his request, all young nobles from the age of 15 were obliged to serve as soldiers in the Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky Guards regiments for ten years. In the decree of 1719, it was strictly stipulated that no person, in any officer rank, should be allowed from officer children and nobles who would not be a soldier in the guard. After receiving the officer rank, they were sent to army units, where they were supposed to serve for life. But such a system of officer training could not fully satisfy the growing needs of the army and navy for command personnel. Therefore, a number of special military schools were established.
The reforms made it possible to create a rather harmonious and uniform domestic system of training and education for all troops. In the course of it, fundamentally new instructions and regulations were developed and adopted, which reflected the changes taking place in the practice of military affairs and were quite progressive and advanced for that time. Among them, one should single out the “Naval Charter”, “Military Charter” (1716), “Rules for a field battle”, “Military articles” (1715), etc. They used the experience of the advanced countries of Europe. During the reign of Peter I, more than a thousand legal acts were adopted. The main feature of these acts was the new principle of "military hearing". Military service in them was defined as a service on a regular basis, and it was a service not only to the king, but also to the state. Fatherland.
The main thing in the life of Peter the Great, as well as in carrying out his military reform, was the creation of a regular navy. Peter I fully understood the importance of Russia as a great maritime power. He noted that “Every potentant (ruler, ruler. - Approx. ed.). who has one land army, has one hand, and who has a fleet, has both hands.

Serious trials fell on Russia in the 19th century: the Patriotic War of 1812, the Russian-Turkish (1828-1829), the Crimean (1853-1856) and again the Russian-Turkish (1877-1878) wars, which were marked by major battles on land and at sea. During the hostilities, the shortcomings of the military organization of the state were clearly revealed. The Russian government was forced to learn from victories and defeats, to take measures to improve the entire military system. The sovereign entrusted the implementation of military reform in Russia to the Minister of War D. Milyutin.
D. Milyutin saw the main task of military reform in coordinating, as far as possible, the required reduction in peacetime available troops with another no less important condition- preparation of all means for the greatest development of forces in case of war.
Military transformations in Russia continued throughout Milyutin's twenty-year tenure as Minister of War. However, military reforms could not be completely consistent, as their implementation was hindered by the remaining feudal-serf remnants. Despite this, the War Department managed to achieve a lot. The reorganization of military construction contributed to the strengthening of the Russian army, turning it into a regular and combat-ready one.
The main result of the military reform of D. Milyutin was the creation of a mass army of the bourgeois type, which corresponded to the level of socio-economic development of Russia in the middle of the 19th century.
After the defeat of Russia in the Russo-Japanese War, the question of military reform in the country became very obvious in order to avoid larger defeats in the new century.
Military reforms in Russia in the 60-70s of the XIX century The main content of the military reform of D. Milyutin:
1 Reorganization of the War Department, leaving it in charge of matters of importance to the entire army.
2 Establishment of military districts in order to eliminate excessive centralization of administration and free the War Ministry from resolving military administrative issues of local importance.
3 Creation new system manning the army and navy. The introduction of universal military service. Definition of terms in active service and in the reserve.
4 Change in the general organization of the armed forces (permanent troops and state militia).
5 Military judicial reform. Creation of permanent military judicial bodies in accordance with the new structure of the army and navy and the introduction of bourgeois principles of the military judiciary and legal proceedings.
6 Rearmament of the army (rifled small arms and artillery weapons).
7 Reorganization of the command personnel training system. Creation instead of cadet corps of military progymnasiums, gymnasiums, military and cadet schools.
8 Reforms in the fleet (centralization of fleet management, changes in the officer training system, creation of schools for junior specialists, etc.).
9 Improving the combat training of troops. Training the army only what is needed in the war.
10 update legal documents regulating the life and activities of the army (the introduction of a new Regulation on the field command and control of troops in wartime, new charters, etc.).
The post-war restoration of Russia's military power became the subject of discussion not only in the highest political and public circles, but also in the public domain. The organization and implementation of the military reform at the beginning of the 20th century is associated with A. Rediger and V Sukhomlinov. The latter in the period from 1909 to 1915 was the Minister of War of Russia.
In the course of military reform, by 1914 Russia began to have the largest army in the world, numbering 1 million 423 thousand people. After the announcement of mobilization, its number increased to 5 million 338 thousand people. The maintenance of a large army required large expenditures, which had an extremely negative effect on the standard of living of the population. Suffice it to say that Russia spent more than a fifth of its budget on military needs during the period under study. The total amount of spending on armaments in 1898-1913 amounted to 2,585,000,000 rubles (not counting the regular budgets of military departments). The total budget, according to departmental reports, amounted to 8,381,367,000 rubles. Such huge expenses were a serious cause of the social upheavals of 1917.

After the end of the Civil War and military intervention in Russia, the question arose of the need for military reform. It was necessary to bring the military organization of the new type of state into line with peacetime conditions. It was necessary to redistribute scarce post-war resources for raising the living standards of the population, restoring the ruined economy of the country, building industry and raising agriculture.
The main content of the military reform of 1805-1912.
1 Increased centralization of military command.
2 Introduced territorial system "acquisition.
3 Reduced service life.
4 The officer corps has been significantly rejuvenated.
5 New curricula for military schools have been developed and adopted.
6 New statutes have been introduced.
7 Created corps and field heavy artillery.
8 New types of weapons and military equipment have been developed and put into service.
9 Improved financial situation officer staff.
Bring it to life decisions made was entrusted to M. V. Frunze. He was appointed deputy of L. D. Trotsky (chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Red Army), and also concurrently chief of staff of the Red Army and head of the Military Academy. A number of circumstances contributed to the military reform in the country. Among them, the following should be highlighted: the end of the war and the impossibility of maintaining a huge wartime army; understanding by the country's leadership of the need for technical re-equipment of the army and navy; bringing the military potential of Russia into line with the existing military dangers and the economic capabilities of the state.
The main content of the military reform of 1922-1990.
1. The transfer of staffing of the army and navy was carried out according to a mixed principle.
2. Extensive training of potential recruits in military affairs outside the location military units.
3. The organizational structure of the Red Army has been changed.
4. The command and political composition of the army and navy has been updated.
5. The supply system of the Armed Forces has been reorganized.
6. Foundation laid planned system combat training.
7. The system of political training of servicemen has been rebuilt.
8. Political bodies have been strengthened at headquarters and military units.
9. New regulations have been created and introduced into the troops.
10. The technical re-equipment of the army and navy has begun.
11. Introduced unity of command.
12. The Armed Forces are brought into line with the new conditions for the development of a socialist state
In conclusion, considering this period of development and military transformations in Russia, it is necessary to draw the following conclusions:
- the military reform of the new socio-political system in the country was of a conscious nature, was aimed at increasing the combat readiness of units and subunits while reducing their numbers;
- at the head of the ongoing transformations was the Communist Party, which directed the activities of the country's defense management bodies, made its own adjustments, linked together the needs of the people and defense, placed military personnel, and determined priorities in defense and state building;
- in the course of the reform, the talents of Soviet military leaders, scientists, and economists were clearly manifested, who, in the most difficult conditions for building a new society, not only maintained the combat readiness of the army and navy, but also significantly increased it due to mechanization. equipping the Red Army and the Red Army Fleet with new equipment and weapons;
- moving the army to the militia principle of recruitment allowed the country to save a huge amount of manpower and resources, directing them to boost the economy, develop industry, and solve the problem of unemployment;
- the material and social situation of the military personnel of the army and navy was improved;
- the governing bodies of the army and navy underwent a radical transformation;
- the issues of recruitment and military service are legally formalized, the class essence of the army and navy is defined.
Thus, in the course of the military reform, a new type of army and navy were created and further developed. They proved to be a reliable military organism capable of ensuring the military security and independence of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War.
In the post-war years, the development of the army and navy of the Soviet Union was associated with equipping them with nuclear missile weapons, the appearance of the Strategic Missile Forces, nuclear submarines and the entry of the USSR Navy into the ocean. But during this period, reforms were not called reforms.
In the history of our country, many transformations in the military fence are associated with the names of the first persons of the state. Being in power M.S. Gorbachev was marked by a desire to bring the country's military mechanism in line with the new political and economic realities. Quite a lot was said and written about the military reform at this historical stage, even two versions of the military reform were published. failed to become official document in connection with the demise of the USSR and its Armed Forces.
It is no coincidence that B.N. Yeltsin, having barely come to power, set about "reforming" the country's Armed Forces, actually continuing the work begun by M.S. Gorbachev, to destroy the military component of the state. At the end of the 20th century, the reforms were reduced to thoughtless reductions, reorganizations, reorganizations, mergers and separations of various structures of the Armed Forces. Behind all these "reforms" there was a struggle for personal influence, a career, at best, the corporate interest of the armed forces, but by no means Russia's strategic interests. For ten years, not a single decision has been made that would create a strategic perspective for the strengthening and development of the Armed Forces.
“Reform,” noted the then Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation I.D. Sergeev, is our only opportunity to preserve the Armed Forces and lay the foundations of the army of the 21st century.” But in its implementation, the marshal was not entirely sure even then, in 1997, when he considered it the most difficult thing to start a reform, and to implement it "only with the consolidation of the efforts of government and society." In the article by I.D. Sergeev " New Russia, a new army ”(“ Red Star ”, 1997, September 19), plans for military reform were somewhat adjusted, but in fact, the directions of military reform were revealed, the question of its necessity was raised, it was said what should be done for its implementation, the timing was determined . In his opinion, the state ideology of the reform of the Armed Forces should proceed from the fact that the life of servicemen is a state value, their personal freedoms are inviolable, and the inevitable restrictions and risks should be compensated by additional rights and benefits, the prestige of military service.
The main directions of military reform in Russia at the beginning of the XXI century:
1. Structural changes in the country's defense management bodies.
2. Changes in the branches and types of the Armed Forces.
3. Gradual transition to recruitment of the army and navy under the contract. Reducing the terms of service of military conscripts.
4. Improving the system of training military personnel.
5. Reducing the strength of the Armed Forces.
6. Rearmament of the army and navy with modern types of weapons and military equipment.
7. Increasing the level of combat training and combat skill.
8. Reforming the military-industrial complex.
9. Optimization of defense spending. Redistribution of the military budget to priority areas of defense.
10. The release of the Armed Forces from the performance of their unusual functions. Introduction of alternative military service and outsourcing in the army. Improving the defense consciousness of the country's population.
11. A cardinal increase in the monetary allowance for military personnel and an increase in pensions for military pensioners.
12. State concern for providing military personnel and members of their families with housing, providing material and other assistance.
13. Reducing the number of military camps and obsolete types of weapons.
The stage of military reform at the beginning of the 21st century is directly connected with the name of V.V. Putin. Becoming the President of the Russian Federation, V.V. Putin, not in words, but in deeds, decided to fundamentally reform the military system of Russia. To thus make the defense of the country reliable, safe and less burdensome for society.
A very serious and controversial period of military reform at the beginning of the 21st century was the time interval of 2007-2012, when the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was headed by A.E. Serdyukov. After the well-known events of August 2008, when Russia was forced to use military force to force Georgia to peace, it became clear that the country's military machine needed a serious upgrade. According to the former chief of the General Staff, N Makarov, it was the war with Georgia that became the catalyst for the military reform, and the reform itself had been prepared for a long time. In September 2006, the country's leadership set the task of forming a new image of the Russian army. Historians have yet to analyze and evaluate this period of domestic military reform for its ambiguous results and consequences. However, it can already be stated that it was during this period that the most fundamental changes took place in the military organization of the state. modern Russia. And so cardinal that the subsequent leadership of the country and the Ministry of Defense in the person of V.V. Putin and S.K. Shoigu was forced to cancel some earlier decisions and bring them into line with the requirements of the time, the existing threats and the country's capabilities.
The measures taken in Russia during the first decade of the new millennium to transform its military organization may well be defined as military reform. They are already producing positive results. The army and navy became combat-ready again. Live firing exercises began to be conducted regularly. For the first time in many years, our ships and aircraft went to the World Ocean, participated in joint exercises with the Indian Navy, the United States, NATO, conducted land exercises within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), with the armies of China, India, and the CIS countries. The personnel of the army and navy of the Russian Federation performed very well during the well-known events in the Crimea in March 2014.
What else was positive about the military reform in modern Russia? An important achievement was the transition to a three-service structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Instead of six military districts, four were created: Western, Eastern, Central and Southern. In the Armed Forces, centers for combat control of the daily activities of the troops are being deployed. This system covers the military command of the Armed Forces, and thus allows coordinating the efforts of ministries and departments involved in the implementation of the country's defense plan.
On December 31, 2010, the President of the country approved a new State Armaments Program, calculated until 2020. An unprecedented amount of almost 20 trillion rubles is allocated for its implementation. Within its framework, by 2020, the share of modern weapons and modern equipment in the troops should be brought to a level of at least 70%.
Along with the supply of new weapons, the modernization of existing weapons is envisaged.
To be fair, it should be noted that for several recent years the negative trends in the development of the Armed Forces were reversed, the situation changed somewhat for the better. This is a considerable merit of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, who correctly believes that an army without new weapons, without strengthening its combat capability and without new developments in the military field has no future.
V.V. Putin noted that it is necessary to take all the best that was in the previous system, and at the same time offer new methods and programs that help young people prepare for modern conditions emergency service. That is why the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army S.K. Shoigu wants to give the army a new moral image by changing the system of education of military personnel, improving the moral and psychological state of his subordinates.
In the course of modern reforms, our country is also getting rid of obsolete weapons, the maintenance of which in Russia takes a different amount of manpower and resources.
In the course of the military reform, strategic reserves, reserves and resources are brought to optimal parameters. The new Russia assumes the presence of certain reserves that it needs for emergencies, which, however, are not related to preparation and maintenance plans. large-scale war, but with possible natural disasters, accidents, local conflicts, etc. The practice of defense construction in recent years shows the correctness of creating strategic reserves.
Finishing consideration of the problem of reforming the military system in modern Russia, we can draw the following conclusions:
- military reform of the beginning of the XXI century. in Russia, it gave its positive results, allowed the Armed Forces of the country to acquire a modern look, make defense more reliable and effective;
- society has realized the need for fundamental changes in the entire military sphere, necessary to bring the defense of the state to parameters corresponding to the capabilities of the country and sufficient to ensure its military security;
- the problem of military reform has become the subject of deep scientific and practical study, the result of which is the developed concept of military reform, which cannot be scholastic, but should be practically oriented, i.e. determine approaches, techniques, stages, methods and methods for solving specific problems of modern defense construction;
- in the course of the military reform, the Armed Forces, other troops, the military-industrial complex, the country's defense management system are brought into line with the degree of existing or potential military threats and dangers;
- carrying out military reform is not an end in itself, but a necessary condition for our country, which is going through difficult times and needs a radical renewal of all its systems, incl. political, economic, social and military;
- reforming the Armed Forces should bring them to a new, higher level of combat readiness, technical equipment, ensuring the social security of military personnel, and increasing the social significance of military service.
The ultimate goal of military reform in Russia should be bringing the country's military power to optimal parameters, creating the Armed Forces that meet the requirements of the 21st century, i.e. more compact, efficient, capable of ensuring military security in any conditions. The modern military power of Russia in the new conditions should not be based on the numerical indicators of its components, but, above all, on high combat capability and combat readiness, technical equipment, mobility and the ability to effectively use forces and means.

When considering the first question, one should pay attention to the first steps in the field of creating a regular army and navy, reveal the main directions of their reform, show the role of Ivan the Terrible and Peter I. In the second question, it is advisable to consider the directions of the military reform of the armed forces of capitalist Russia at different stages of its development, reveal the reasons for military reform. In the third question, it is necessary to refer to guiding documents, such as the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation (2014). National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020, May Decrees V.V. Putin, which regulates the development of the Armed Forces of modern Russia, as well as to consider the ways of developing the army and navy in modern conditions.

Recommended Literature:
1. Military doctrine of the Russian Federation. M., 2014.
2. National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020. M., 2009.
3. Putin V. Being strong: guarantees of national security for Russia // Russian newspaper- 2012, February 20.
4. Shoigu S. "Reform of the army needs common sense." // Komsomolskaya Pravda, February 12, 2013.
5. Nikolaev A. Defense of Russia. M „ 2003,
6. Milyutin D. First experiments of military statistics. Book. 1. St. Petersburg, 1874.

Reserve Captain 1st Rank Viktor KIRILLOV, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

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1. Fundamentals of the theory of construction of the armed forces of the Russian Federation

2. The organizational structure of the armed forces and the strategic purpose of the types and types of troops

3. The main directions of the construction of the armed forces of the Russian Federation




The development of modern Russian statehood is carried out in the conditions of increasing military instability in the world. At the beginning of the 21st century, the Russian Federation faced the problem of overcoming new challenges and threats in the field of ensuring its military security, which determines the need to build such Armed Forces that could effectively counter all challenges, dangers and threats, both real and potential. In this regard, the problem of a significant adjustment of the main priorities in the development of the Armed Forces has arisen in the interests of guaranteed ensuring the interests of the military security of the Russian Federation. These circumstances also determine the need to improve the legal support for the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in modern conditions.

The construction of the Armed Forces is one of the areas of public life in which the most complete legal regulation is needed, which has not yet been achieved in the proper amount. In the legal regulation of the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the development of the necessary legislative acts is lagging behind the requirements imposed by the military-political leadership of the state in the field of defense and ensuring the military security of Russia. Thus, to date, the issues of reforming and building up the Armed Forces, the exercise of civilian control over the activities of the military organization of the state and the financing of national defense expenditures, the activities of the Strategic Deterrence Forces and Forces general purpose and others have not yet found their fixation on legislative level.

In matters of legal regulation of the construction of the domestic Armed Forces, the practice of increasing the number normative documents of a conceptual nature, adopted at the sub-legislative level, however, at the legislative level, the development of the necessary regulatory legal acts lags behind the needs in the field of building modern Armed Forces. The gaps in the legal support for the construction of the Armed Forces should be filled not only by the adoption of long-term planning conceptual documents at the sub-legislative level, but also by raising their legal status by fixing them in the relevant federal laws.

There is a need to develop and put into effect new regulatory legal documents on the use of the Armed Forces in modern armed conflicts, on providing a system of state and military command and control in strategic areas, as well as on recruiting the army and navy with military personnel passing through military service under the contract, ensuring their social protection.

An analysis of the practice of building the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation allows us to conclude that the development of military legislation, as well as the law enforcement practice emerging on its basis, is significantly ahead of the theory of military law. Despite the obvious achievements of domestic military legal science, the theory of Russian military law today lags behind real demands in the field of development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In general, at present there is a contradiction between the need to improve the legal support for the development of the Armed Forces and the lack of a sufficient theoretical basis for obtaining new scientific knowledge that can ensure the optimization of the legal regulation of practical activities in the field of military development.

1. Fundamentals of the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The problems of military construction and defense of the state were studied by a galaxy of domestic specialists who received wide scientific recognition in Soviet period. Among them are the studies of Yu.M. Biryukova, A.S. Emelina, Yu.D. Kazancheva, N.N. Korolkova, I.F. Pobezhimova, P.I. Romanova, V.G. Strekozov, and other scientists.

Modern problems of reforming and building the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are considered in the works of V.F. Akulich, R.A. Zagidulina, N.I. Zvinchukova, V.A. Ozerova, S.A. Karaganova, S.V. Kornishina, A.M. Krivenko, A.L. Krivodubsky, A.G. Tolstobrov and others.

The noted works serve as a theoretical basis for further research of various aspects of ensuring the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. At the same time, noting the undoubted significance of the conducted research in the field of defense and ensuring military security, it must be recognized that the problems of topical theoretical and methodological issues of military organizational development have not yet been resolved.

Despite the presence scientific works on various issues of military construction, the problems of ensuring the construction of the Armed Forces of modern Russia still remain unexplored. Thus, in domestic military science there is still no holistic view of the mechanism of legal support for the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a unified approach to the legal regulation of civilian control over them has not been developed, the problems of using military formations in emergency situations, as well as their use outside territory of Russia, only the first steps have been taken to study and generalize the domestic experience of manning the army and navy with military personnel undergoing military service under the contract.

Let us consider the essence and correlation of the concepts of "building up the armed forces" and "military building". The term "construction of the armed forces" is mentioned in paragraph 4 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Defense", but the essence of this term is not disclosed in domestic legislation. The term "military development" is used in the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, in addition, the term under consideration is used in a number of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation on defense and military security. However, at the legislative level, the term "military construction" is also not used and its legal content has not yet been determined. Only in the "Interim Guidelines for Planning the Development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" the following definition is given: the construction of the Armed Forces is a system of measures carried out by federal government bodies aimed at transforming, equipping, maintaining and training the Armed Forces to fulfill the tasks assigned to them, peaceful and military time.

According to the generally accepted opinion, military construction is understood as the activity of the state aimed at the creation and development of its military organization, as well as the implementation of its management.

The construction of the Armed Forces is understood as activities aimed at the creation and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as the core of the military organization of the state and the basis for ensuring its military security, as well as their leadership. The construction of the Armed Forces is carried out in inseparable connection with the construction of the entire military organization of the state and is the basis of military development.

The distinction between the concepts of "building up the armed forces" and "military building" is connected with the separation of the Armed Forces from the military organization of the state, which, according to paragraph 12 of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, includes all troops, military formations and bodies intended to perform military security tasks by military methods, bodies their management, as well as part of the industrial and scientific complexes of the country, designed to ensure military security.

Thus, military construction encompasses measures for the construction and development of the entire military organization of the state, while the construction of the Armed Forces covers only the army and navy.

Military construction is a system of economic, socio-political, military and other measures of the state carried out in the interests of strengthening its military power. The general goals, content, and practical tasks of military development are determined by the military policy (military doctrine) of the state and depend on the immediate threats to national security, the nature of state power, and the state of the country's economy.

The main components of military construction are the construction of the armed forces, the development and functioning of the military-industrial sector of the state economy, the distribution of material and human resources in the interests of defense. The most important role here is assigned to the development of military science, the creation of governing bodies, the preparation of the country's territory for defense, and the population for the defense of the Fatherland. These and other components formed the basis for the construction of the Russian army after the collapse of the USSR. The Russian army and navy were actually recreated anew.

In March 1992, the Ministry of Defense was formed in the Russian Federation, the concept of building the Russian Armed Forces was developed and began to be implemented, which determined the goals and priorities of military policy.

On May 7, 1992, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" was issued. It confirmed the continuity of the best military and heroic traditions of the Russian army, the use of the Armed Forces to protect the freedom and independence of Russia, ensure its security and sovereignty.

Based on the Decree, the Armed Forces of Russia included military command and control bodies, associations, formations, military units, institutions, organizations, military educational institutions of the former Armed Forces of the USSR stationed in Russia, as well as groupings of troops and fleet forces outside the Russian Federation under its jurisdiction.

In order to prevent the weakening of command and control of troops (forces) before the adoption of the relevant legislative acts of the Russian Federation on defense, the leadership of the Armed Forces was entrusted to the President, and direct control - to the First Deputy Minister of Defense.

In accordance with the new conditions, the military-administrative division of the territory of Russia was clarified. The territory of the country was divided into eight military districts: Moscow, Leningrad, North Caucasian, Volga, Ural, Siberian, Trans-Baikal, Far East.

The Armed Forces included the Strategic Missile Forces, the Ground Forces, the Air Force, the Air Defense Forces, and the Navy.

The Navy included four fleets - the Northern, Pacific, Baltic, Black Sea, and the Caspian flotilla.

Russia, having become the successor of the USSR, withdrew troops from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Germany, the Baltic states, Transcaucasia and Central Asia (more than 300 thousand people), as well as more than 45 thousand units, to its territory. military equipment.

The number of Russian Armed Forces has reached more than 2.7 million people. At that time, the state could not afford to maintain such an army. We needed to transform the entire military system. Military reform became inevitable. By this time, some legislative acts in the military sphere had appeared. The Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation adopted the federal laws "On Defense", "On Military Duty and Military Service", "On the Status of Servicemen", etc. They define the main goals, principles and tasks of building the Russian Armed Forces.

The main goal of building the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation was proclaimed the creation and development of troops (forces) capable of protecting the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, the security of citizens and other vital interests of society and the state, corresponding to the military-political and strategic situation in the world and the real possibilities of the country.

The following principles formed the basis for the development of the Armed Forces:

- controllability of military command and control bodies and officials to state authorities;

observance of general civil political rights and freedoms and social security of military personnel in accordance with the specifics of military service;

centralization of military leadership and unity of command on a legal basis;

compliance of the organizational structure, combat composition and number of troops (forces) with the tasks assigned to them, legislation, international law and economic opportunities in Russia;

· ensuring a high level of professionalism of the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation;

· providing opportunities for building up the combat power of the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation adequately to the increase in the military threat, the advance accumulation and preparation of a mobilization reserve;

taking into account the geopolitical and geostrategic position of the country;

· use of domestic and world experience in military development.

The main efforts in the construction of the Armed Forces were aimed at:

creation of groupings of troops (forces) on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with their purpose and tasks;

Improving the specific structure of the troops;

completion of the withdrawal of formations and units located outside of Russia to its territory;

Continued transition to mixed system recruitment, combining service on a voluntary basis (under contract) with conscription service on an extraterritorial basis;

· Reducing the strength of the Armed Forces to the established level;

in 1996 - 2000:

· completion of the reorganization of the structure of the Armed Forces, their transition to a mixed manning system, the creation of groupings of troops and military infrastructure on the territory of the Russian Federation.

To solve these grandiose tasks, a deep reform was needed not only in the Armed Forces, but also in the entire national security system.

For the success of the reform, it was important to understand:

firstly, that the development and implementation of military reform is a nationwide project, to which all branches of government and government bodies are involved at the state level;

secondly, that Russia should have such Armed Forces that would correspond to its economic and financial capabilities, contribute to stability in the country and reliably protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity;

thirdly, that in order to carry out military reform, legislative and legal foundations are needed to ensure social protection of servicemen and members of their families. At the center of the transformation should be a person to whom the Motherland entrusts weapons and military equipment, the country's security.

The tasks of carrying out military reform were set in the messages of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly, they determined the contours of the reform in the field of defense and security.

In the first Address of 1994, the idea of ​​military legal reform was put forward for the first time. During 1994 - 1995. the task was to complete the formation of the Armed Forces in relation to the new conditions and create the basis for their profound transformation.

The key problem hindering the normal course of the reform of the Armed Forces was the lack of a coherent mechanism for making decisions in the field of ensuring military security.

In this regard, the task was to create effective system government controlled defense and military security, which required:

· to achieve an increase in the prestige of military service, the authority of the Armed Forces and other troops, the readiness of citizens to conscientiously fulfill their duty to protect the Fatherland;

· to create and improve the regulatory legal framework for military construction, the functioning of the Armed Forces and other troops, and the defense industry potential;

· ensure the coordination of the activities of the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation;

· clarify and coordinate the tasks of the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation in accordance with modern requirements for ensuring defense and national security;

· to provide on the basis of the Ministry of Defense a coordinated system of orders for weapons and military equipment, R & D for the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation;

· create unified and coordinated systems of technical, rear and mobilization deployment based on the territorial principle for all troops of the Russian Federation;

· to transform and continue the development of the military-industrial complex by concentrating efforts on the development and creation of the most promising weapons and military equipment that ensure the development of the Strategic Nuclear Forces;

· streamline the formation and execution of the defense budget, make its structure more in line with the tasks of sustainable long-term development of the Armed Forces and their technical equipment.

This is how the tasks of military reform were defined in the Message of the President of the Russian Federation in 1997: "Russia, as before, gives priority in the prevention of wars and armed conflicts to politico-diplomatic, international legal and economic means, collective actions of the world community in relation to the threat peace, violations of the peace and acts of aggression. But to protect national interests, it must be ready to use other means as well - the Armed Forces, the entire defense power of the state."

The Address noted serious shortcomings in the development of the Armed Forces. By general level technical equipment of the Armed Forces of Russia lagged behind the most powerful armies of the world by 5 - 10, and in other areas - by 15 years. The modernization of weapons and military equipment was practically curtailed. A difficult situation developed with the organization of military service and training. There was a decrease in the level of combat and mobilization readiness of the troops.

The level of monetary allowance of military personnel did not correspond to the complexity, intensity, significance and special nature of military labor, which undermined the prestige of military service and economic fundamentals recruitment of military personnel.

The head of state was greatly concerned about the fact that the Law "On the Status of Servicemen", which determines the rights and benefits enjoyed by servicemen in accordance with the terms of the military service contract, was not fully implemented. The timely payment of salaries to military personnel was also not ensured.

The Armed Forces, other troops were then in a difficult situation, which continued to deteriorate. That is why every day was precious in carrying out the military reform, in transforming the military organization of the state as a whole. Any delays were detrimental to Russia's defense capability.

Military reform was planned to be carried out in several directions:

1. The entire military organization of the state had to be brought into line with potential threats and challenges to Russia's security, and the country's economic opportunities.

To this end, it was supposed to optimize the structure of the types and branches of the Armed Forces, reduce the number of ministries and departments that are allowed to have armed formations in their composition, and reduce the number of the Armed Forces and other troops. Already in 1997, the staffing of the Armed Forces was reduced by 200 thousand people.

2. Improved social security, social Security, retraining in civilian specialties of officers and warrant officers dismissed from the Armed Forces and other troops.

3. Taking into account the fact that Russia has the longest state border in the world, the idea was put forward that there is no need to have equally strong groupings of troops along its entire perimeter. Therefore, it was supposed to create, on a regional basis (as part of military districts), highly mobile forces capable of conducting autonomous operations and in as soon as possible localize and neutralize threats in any direction.

During 1997, the tasks of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations were clarified, plans for their construction and training were coordinated, management efficiency was improved, systems of technical, logistic and other types of support were integrated, capital construction, training, military education and military science.

The main goal of these measures was to achieve the integrated use of the Armed Forces and other troops, eliminate parallelism, eliminate duplicating links and direct them to other tasks.

4. The recruitment of the Armed Forces and other troops was planned to be transferred to a contract basis as the necessary infrastructure for the service and life of military personnel and their families is created.

5. In military-technical policy, the main efforts were concentrated on ensuring high-quality technical equipment, increasing the combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces and other troops, on optimizing the range, standardization, unification and extensive modernization of weapons and military equipment.

When organizing scientific research, priority was given to the readiness of the Armed Forces to function effectively in conditions rapid development information technologies and new types of weapons.

The reform of the Armed Forces and other troops at that time took place with the steadfast observance of the principle of Russia's preservation of the ability to exercise effective deterrence, including nuclear, from aggression against it and allied states.

The ultimate goal of the military reform was the creation of sufficient defense, qualitatively new, significantly smaller Armed Forces and other troops, equipped with modern military equipment and possessing high professional skills.

At the same time, strengthening the country's defense capability required active moral and political support from society and the creation of the necessary regulatory and legal framework.

Basically, the attitude to this reform as something artificial, imposed from above, has been overcome. And although there is still no unity in the views on the way of its implementation, on the whole, the military reform is recognized by society as an urgent and objective necessity. After all, it will determine the fate of the Armed Forces, other troops, the defense complex of Russia on the threshold of the third millennium.

The measures taken and planned for 1998 were based on strict economic calculations linked to the financial capabilities of the state. A course was taken for the qualitative improvement of all components of the military organization of the state, the search for the most rational ways to ensure the defense and security of the country.

Tough but achievable targets were set.

First. In 1998, the number of military personnel had to be reduced to 1,200,000. This would have freed up significant resources to solve the problem of delays in the payment of monetary allowances and to increase the level of combat training of soldiers and officers.

Second. Organizational changes were planned to make it possible to more rationally use the resources allocated to ensure the defense and security of the country.

In the Armed Forces, the Strategic Missile Forces, the Military Space Forces, and the Rocket and Space Defense Forces were united into a single branch. In 1998, the unification of the Air Force and the Air Defense Forces was started and was to be completed. It was planned to withdraw military construction units, agricultural and commercial enterprises from the Armed Forces.

However, it was not possible to implement all these plans for organizational reasons. The President of the country did not use his constitutional right to control the activities of state bodies to reform the Armed Forces.

The frequent change of defense ministers and chiefs of the General Staff of the Armed Forces led to the disorganization of management, created personnel confusion and the impossibility of fulfilling the plans for reforming the army and navy within the specified time frame.

During this period, many erroneous decisions were made. I will give just one example. On the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997, the Main Command of the Ground Forces was transformed into the Main Directorate of the Ground Forces. Such a lowering of the status had an extremely negative impact on the development of the Ground Forces as a branch of the Armed Forces. Subsequently, this error was corrected by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated January 16, 2001, the Main Command of the Ground Forces was restored. It cost the state a lot. financial resources.

As the practice of building and transforming troops from 1992 to 1998 showed, serious miscalculations were made, the consequences of which turned out to be very serious.

During the second military operation in Chechnya in 1999, the General Staff needed to strengthen the group to 65,000 military personnel, but it turned out that there were 55,000 in combat-ready units, and they were scattered throughout the country. There was no one in the almost one and a half million army to fight, no one was able to fight.

There was a failure in the provision of the Armed Forces: the amount of financial resources allocated for the purchase of food, fuel, medical and clothing items did not even meet the current needs of the troops.

Low allowance, chronic delays in payments, exacerbation housing problems military personnel led to a sharp drop in the prestige of military service, mass layoffs, especially junior officers. For 10 years, 580 thousand officers quit the Russian Armed Forces.

Lessons and conclusions from the failed reform of the 90s had to be drawn by the new leadership of the country. The problems accumulated by 2000 required the adoption of urgent measures. It was about a large-scale reform of the military organization of Russia, its optimization in relation to the new geopolitical conditions and the country's real economic opportunities.

By the beginning of 2001, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin approved the "Plan for the Development of the Armed Forces for 2001-2005" developed by the Security Council of the Russian Federation. and the "State program of armaments, military and special equipment for 2001-2010".

During this period, the Security Council of Russia became the main body of state administration for the entire power bloc of the country, which determined the new look of its military organization.

A new stage of military reform began, during which changes took place in the organizational and staffing structure of the Russian defense department.

Today there are noticeable positive changes in the attitude of society and authorities to the army and the military-industrial complex. The best evidence of this is the year-on-year increase in the military budget, which has already become a steady trend.

Measures for civilian control over the Armed Forces have begun to be implemented in the Russian Federation. For example, a Public Council has been set up under the Ministry of Defense, and parent committees have been set up in military units. According to the Ministry of Defense, such an approach will have a positive impact on the level of Russians' confidence in the Armed Forces and, in combination with other measures, will have the most favorable effect on raising the prestige of military service.

Undoubtedly, work in the field of military construction is expected to be large-scale and costly.

Over the next few years, it will be necessary to significantly increase the equipment of the strategic nuclear forces with modern long-range aircraft, submarines and launchers for the strategic missile forces.

As part of the general-purpose forces, by 2011, about 600 units and formations of constant readiness were formed. If necessary, mobile and self-sufficient groups can be quickly created in any potentially dangerous direction, the backbone of which is professionally trained units and formations of constant readiness.

In the coming years, we will have to qualitatively change the appearance of the Russian Armed Forces. In this regard, it is necessary, first of all, to stabilize the personnel of the army and navy.

To date, the foundations of legal regulation of the development of the Armed Forces and ensuring the military security of Russia have been formed. The defense function of the state organically follows from the norm established by Part 3 of Article 4 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, where it is determined that "the Russian Federation ensures the integrity and inviolability of its territory." The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains references to laws on defense and military security, including three references to federal laws. Thus, in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Constitution, three federal constitutional laws on questions of defense and military security have been adopted: "On Martial Law", "On the State of Emergency" and "On the Military Courts of the Russian Federation." In addition, the references to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, directly or indirectly, provide for the following federal laws on defense, development of the Armed Forces and ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation:

1. On ensuring the integrity and inviolability of the state territory (Part 3, Article 4 of the Constitution);

2. On state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection for military personnel (part 2 of article 7, parts 1, 2 of article 39 of the Constitution)

3. On countering organizations whose goals or actions are aimed at forcibly changing the foundations of the constitutional order and violating the integrity of Russia, undermining the security of the state, creating armed groups, inciting social, racial, national and religious hatred (part 5 of article 13 of the Constitution);

4. On state secrets (part 4 of article 29 of the Constitution);

5. On military duty and military service (parts 1, 2, article 59 of the Constitution);

6. On alternative civil service (part 3 of article 59 of the Constitution);

7. On defense (clause "m" of article 71 of the Constitution);

8. On security (clause "m" of article 71 of the Constitution);

9. On defense production (clause "m" of article 71 of the Constitution);

10. On the procedure for the sale and purchase of weapons, ammunition, military equipment and other military property (paragraph "m" of Article 71 of the Constitution);

11. On the status and protection of the state border (paragraph "n" article 71, paragraph "e" article 106 of the Constitution);

12. On the status of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (clause "g" of Article 83 of the Constitution);

13. On the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation (paragraph "d" of Article 102 of the Constitution);

14. On the ratification and denunciation of international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of collective defense and international security(clause "d" article 106 of the Constitution);

15. On issues of war and peace (paragraph "e" of Article 106 of the Constitution).

The existing laws relating to the development of the Armed Forces and ensuring the military security of Russia can be classified into the following groups:

1) defining the foundations of defense, development of the Armed Forces and ensuring the military security of the state;

2) on mobilization preparation and mobilization;

3) determining the procedure for military service;

4) on issues of social protection of military personnel and members of their families;

5) concerning military-technical aspects of defense and military security;

6) relating to the activities of other troops and formations performing defense tasks.

The list is not exhaustive, since the issues of defense, development of the Armed Forces and ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation are contained in many federal laws.

At present, the military construction of the Russian Federation is also carried out in accordance with the conceptual documents of long-term planning, including:

Parameters for the formation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation by 2020;

Concept for the development of aerospace defense for the period up to 2016 and beyond;

State armament program for 2007-2015;

Federal target program"Improving the system of recruiting the positions of sergeants and soldiers with military personnel transferred to military service under a contract, and implementing the transition to recruiting the positions of sergeants (foremen) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, as well as sailors of the sailors of the Navy with military personnel, passing military service under the contract (2009 - 2015).

In addition, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has developed other documents that have importance to ensure the military security of Russia, including:

The concept of building the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2021;

The plan for the construction and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2016;

Federal state program of operational equipment of the territory of the Russian Federation until 2025;

The strategy of social development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 and others.

It should be noted that the transformations in the army are supported by all branches of government and are implemented under the direct control of the Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces. This is the most important guarantee that the adopted programs for the construction of the Armed Forces will be implemented on time.

2. The organizational structure of the Armed Forces and the strategic purpose of the types and arms of the troops

Russia is one of largest countries world with a unique geographical location, significant resource potential and has always been the object of close attention from foreign states. Therefore, protecting the country from armed attack has always been the most important task.

World development at the present stage is characterized by a weakening of ideological confrontation, a decrease in the level of economic, political and military influence of some states and their unions and an increase in the influence of other states claiming to have a comprehensive dominance, multipolarity and the globalization of various processes. At present, the likelihood of unleashing aggression against Russia has significantly decreased. In this regard, there is objectively no need to maintain a multimillion-strong army.

In the course of the ongoing reform, fundamentally new Armed Forces, equipped with modern weapons and military equipment, are being created, the high mobility of which will make it possible to quickly respond to threats to Russia's military security, no matter what direction they come from.

In order to bring the structure of the Armed Forces in line with the changed conditions, four were formed on the basis of six military districts, with the fleets, air force and air defense commands and all formations and military units stationed on their territory subordinate to them.

In the event of an immediate threat of aggression against Russia, it is planned to build up the combat and numerical strength of troops (forces) of constant readiness. The stocks of weapons and military equipment available at the storage bases will make it possible to additionally form a significant number of new formations and military units of all types and branches of the Armed Forces for wartime. For this purpose, the corresponding mobilization base has been preserved in the military districts and the procedure for mobilization deployment has been determined.

Taking into account the change in the content and direction of threats to the military security of Russia, the nature and scale of military conflicts in which it may be drawn, the economic capabilities of the state to ensure national security and a number of other factors, the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation defines the tasks of the Armed Forces, which they must be able to solve. in peacetime and wartime.

Targets for bringing the composition, organizational structure and combat capabilities of the Armed Forces in line with the tasks assigned to them are also defined in the Military Doctrine and are currently being implemented in the course of the military reform.

New military administrative division

Structurally, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of three types Armed Forces: Ground Forces, Navy and Air Force and three branches of service: Strategic Rocket Forces, Airborne Forces and Space Forces.

The main military administrative unit of the Russian Federation and the interspecific strategic territorial association of the Armed Forces is the military district.

Based on the nature of potential military threats, the purpose of a particular military district, and taking into account the borders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, four military districts have been formed on the basis of the existing six military districts, the leadership of which is entrusted to the joint strategic commands. Several reasons contributed to the change in the military-administrative division of the Russian Federation.

First, the military-administrative division has ceased to meet the existing military threats. To repel aggression, it is necessary to unite the troops and forces of several military districts and fleets.

Secondly, there were no bodies in strategic directions capable of uniting the efforts of ground, air and sea forces. Therefore, during the crisis, it was necessary to create additional temporary, uncoordinated bodies to control interspecific groupings of troops.

Thirdly, the absence of bodies designed to manage interspecific groupings entailed a shortage of commanders capable of planning and conducting interspecific operations in theaters of war. In addition, with six military districts and seven armies, there was also a serious personnel imbalance, which made it difficult to select generals and officers to fill higher positions on a competitive basis.

Fourth, the territorial boundaries of the military districts did not correspond to the boundaries of the zones of responsibility for air defense.

Now all troops on the territory of the military district are subordinate to one commander, and he is personally responsible for security in the region.

In general, the unification of the combined arms armies, fleets, air force and air defense commands under the unified leadership of the military district commander has made it possible to qualitatively increase the combat capabilities of the new military districts by reducing the reaction time in crisis situations and increasing their combined strike power.

Armed Forces Command

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of central bodies of military administration, associations, formations, military units and organizations that are part of the branches and branches of the Armed Forces and troops that are not included in the branches and branches of the Armed Forces.

In order to separate operational and administrative functions, two functional trunks of responsibility have been formed in the Ministry of Defense: the first is planning for the use and development of the Armed Forces, the second is planning for the comprehensive provision of troops (forces).

A transition has been made to a three-level principle of responsibility: the main commands of the branches, formations and formations are responsible for combat training, and the General Staff, joint strategic commands and formations are responsible for operational training.

As a result of the transformations carried out, the General Staff was freed from duplicating functions and became a full-fledged strategic planning body that organizes and manages the Armed Forces in the performance of assigned tasks.

The main commands of the branches concentrate their efforts on the construction of branches, the organization of combat training, the training of junior specialists, the planning of peacekeeping activities and the provision of special types.

The joint strategic command of the military district, which is designed to plan and manage all formations, formations and military units that are part of the interspecific grouping of troops in the strategic direction, with the exception of those that are part of the Strategic Nuclear Forces, becomes the interspecific control body.

The commander of the troops of the military district is personally responsible for ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation within the established boundaries.

As a result of the measures taken in the Armed Forces for the transition to a new look, not only the number of combined arms formations and military units has been reduced, but their organizational and staffing structure has been optimized and combat capabilities have been increased.

Self-sufficient inter-service groupings of troops (forces) have been created in strategic directions, united under a single command, the basis of which is formations and military units of constant readiness, capable of bringing themselves to the highest degree of combat readiness in the shortest possible time and performing tasks as intended.

So, for example, after the reorganization, the combat potential of the Western Military District increased 13 times compared to the Leningrad Military District, which indicates the state’s well-planned and stage-by-stage approaches to improving the Armed Forces.

As a result of the release of financial resources, a decrease in the number of formations and military units, the Russian Ministry of Defense has the opportunity to actually re-equip the army and navy, rather than endless modernization and repair of morally and physically obsolete weapons and military equipment.

At the same time, very critical shortcomings can appear in the built-up control of the Armed Forces. So, according to the opinion of Colonel VAKKAUS M.F. in a centralized system that has a hierarchical nature, the mistakes made at a higher level of management, in principle, cannot be corrected at its lower levels, then the validity of decisions made at its top is extremely important.

In particular, the existing decision-making mechanism does not provide for the maximum possible justification procedure. The rigidly centralized command and control system of the armed forces makes it possible to carry out any, even the most absurd decisions, but during the war, unlike in peacetime, they immediately receive an adequate assessment by the enemy, and the leaders who make them bear personal responsibility. It seems that a competitive environment should be artificially created for military leaders, forcing them to justify the proposed measures to the maximum extent possible, including by considering them on an equal footing with alternative options. And only on this basis, the political leadership, as the main representative of civil society, should give them the authority to implement them. At the same time, they will be able to judge the degree of their competence.

From the experience of state building Western countries, one of these elements is the division of the Ministry of Defense into three components: the army, air force and navy, whose leaders participate in decision-making, but have the right to put forward and defend alternative options until a political decision is made.

The validity of the administratively determined and repeatedly subjected to adjustments in the number of officers raises doubts. In particular, as many officers are needed as necessary to ensure the performance of management functions in peacetime and in wartime. And this is connected only with the number and characteristics of controlled objects and the process itself, and not with the number of soldiers. A certain reserve of officers may also be kept outside the army (for example, as in the United States in the National Guard).

In the substantive part of the military reform, the problem of a fundamental nature is the determination of the general goal of activity. If we consider the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as a means of solving the problems of foreign policy in a war, then they have only one goal - a military victory. If war breaks out, it will be only as a result of the actions of one of the states seeking to establish control over our natural resources, mostly under other slogans. At the same time, it is obvious that the war will be waged in order to bring to power the opposition loyal to the interests of the enemy and to dismember Russia into a number of independent states with its help.

However, the Military Doctrine defines the goals of the first operations: covering the state border and repelling aggression. If the enemy attacks, then, as follows from the experience of recent wars, first of all he will seek to solve the problem of our nuclear weapons and aviation, then air defense, and then he will destroy ground forces with aviation. Then, by violating the system of providing the population with food, electricity, fuel and disseminating discrediting information, it will provoke dissatisfaction among the population with the "treacherous" government, which "plundered" the country and "destroyed" the army. This scenario is also possible without military operations, but the US Armed Forces are potentially capable of implementing its military version as well. As Barack Obama stated: "We have a military force unparalleled in world history, and we will do everything to strengthen them. They must be able to defeat any enemy that threatens our national interests."

3. The main directions of the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Over the past 10 years, military spending by the world community has increased by 45% and currently stands at $1.46 trillion. This is stated in the report published on June 8, 2009. Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

Russia, having military spending, twice the military spending of India, Turkey, Iran, buys new equipment for its Armed Forces 3-4 times less. The answer lies in the inefficient use of funds.

The United States adopted the Doctrine of the first, disarming strike with 80,000 cruise missiles against administrative and military centers, including silo launchers with an accuracy of 1.5-2 meters and with a launch rate of 1,000 missiles per day.

According to the nuclear doctrine of the period cold war, developed by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, necessary condition nuclear strike on the USSR was the destruction of 25% of the population. Mid-April 2009 The Federation of American Scientists has published a report on the formation of a new US nuclear doctrine. He substantiates the idea of ​​President Barack Obama on the need for nuclear disarmament, arguing that the current US nuclear potential is not only useless, but also dangerous for America itself. The authors of the report propose to reduce the number of nuclear warheads to a minimum, as well as redirect missiles from densely populated cities to 12 key sites. Russian economy- enterprises of Gazprom, Rosneft, Rusal, Norilsk Nickel, Surgutneftegaz, Evraz, Severstal, German E.ON and Italian Enel. The United States now has 5,200 nuclear warheads, of which 2,700 are on operational duty and another 2,500 are in storage. The flight time of NATO strategic strike aviation from the Estonian border to St. Petersburg does not exceed 4 minutes, to Moscow - no more than 18. NATO troops consisting of 24 divisions and 254 brigades with in service only in Europe up to 13 thousand tanks, 25 thousand armored combat vehicles, several thousand aircraft. The NATO division, equipped with modern means of control, communications and navigation, is more than 3 times superior in combat effectiveness to a modern Russian division built according to the models of the 1980s.

In table. 1 according to the data shows the balance of forces in the Western strategic direction.

The capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces in this strategic direction are an order of magnitude lower than the grouping of the US and NATO Armed Forces.

Over the past 8 years, China's military spending has quadrupled, and despite the crisis, the country's military budget is growing by 14-17% per year.

In September 2006, China held an unprecedented ten-day exercise of the Shenyang and Beijing military regions of the People's Liberation Army of China, the two most powerful in terms of their potential of the 7 Chinese military regions. During the exercise, units of the Shenyang Military District made a 1,000 km throw into the territory of the Beijing Military District, where they held a training battle with units of this district. The objectives of the exercises were to develop the skills of maneuvering army formations at a great distance from their bases and to increase the level of management of the rear support of troops. According to experts, such a scenario of exercises can only be considered as preparation for a war with Russia, and it is the offensive, not the defense, that is being worked out. During the 2008 maneuvers, the PLA carried out a throw of 4 divisions for 4 thousand km. The only directions for such a powerful thrust on land can be either Russian Siberia or Kazakhstan. Chinese missiles will not reach the United States and, in any case, they will not overcome the American missile defense system, but they are quite capable of reaching the cities of the European part of Russia.

Under these conditions, there is an acute problem associated with the implementation of the main directions for the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, capable of withstanding modern challenges.

The directions related to the improvement of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are defined in the Concept for the construction and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020.

It was approved by the President of Russia on April 19, 2010. The main priorities are:

improvement of the strategic deterrence forces as part of the Strategic Nuclear Forces and Aerospace Defense Forces;

building up interspecific groupings of troops (forces) in strategic directions;

creation of a command and control system for the Armed Forces in accordance with their prospective composition and structure;

implementation of measures to re-equip formations and military units with modern models of weapons, military and special equipment within the framework of State program weapons (GPV-2020);

creation of a new system of universities and training of officers and sergeants;

solution of a complex of issues of social security of military personnel.

In the Ground Forces:

the formation of sets of troops in strategic directions that meet the requirements of modern combat operations, balanced in terms of combat and support formations;

ensuring the mobility of military formations and groupings of troops.

In the Air Force:

increasing the capabilities of Air Force aviation to perform tasks and support combat operations of land and sea groupings of the Armed Forces;

improving the grouping of military transport aviation and the airfield network, which ensure the strategic mobility of the Armed Forces.

In the Navy:

maintaining the composition and combat readiness of the naval strategic nuclear force grouping;

serial construction of multi-purpose nuclear submarines, surface ships of the far and near sea zones.

In the Strategic Missile Forces:

preservation of the existing structure of the grouping of ground-based strategic nuclear forces;

completion of re-equipment with fifth-generation missile systems.

In the Space Forces:

deployment of formations equipped with promising means of warning about a missile attack and controlling outer space;

deployment of the full complement of orbital constellations of promising space systems.

In the Airborne Forces:

improving the quality of troop training, taking into account the interspecific nature of modern wars and armed conflicts;

re-equipment with modern models of weapons, military and special equipment.

The provisions of the concept are detailed as part of the development of medium-term (Plan for the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the next five years) and short-term planning (annual update of the Plan for the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), for which appropriate cost justifications are developed.

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