The theme is the economic sphere of society. Test in social science "economic sphere of society"

What are the main areas of society? What are the main areas of society? What does the economic sphere include? What does the economic sphere include? What role does the economy play in people's lives? What role does the economy play in people's lives? How are the subsystems of society interconnected? How are the subsystems of society interconnected?

3. Political 2. Economic 4. Spiritual 1. Social totality of social communities And groups, relations between them And special institutions and institutions. Material production and relations arising between people in the process of production of material goods, their exchange and distribution. Covers various forms and levels of knowledge. includes policy State law

Lesson Objectives:______________ Lesson Objectives: Lesson Objectives: To give an objective analysis of the economic sphere. Give an objective analysis of the economic sphere. Form ideas about economic systems ah in modern world. To form ideas about economic systems in the modern world. Analyze the relationship between the economy and the state. Analyze the relationship between the economy and the state.

Factors of production of the working-age population of the country and the amount of time Volume labor resources society depends on the size of the country's able-bodied population and the amount of time that this population can work in a year with land areas, volumes water resources or minerals Dimensions of individual elements natural resources usually expressed in terms of land areas, volumes of water resources or minerals, the total monetary value of the production and technical apparatus. The amount of capital is measured by the total monetary value of the production and technical apparatus. The volume of entrepreneurial resource cannot be measured The volume cannot be accurately measured

Economy as a system. UE 2 Purpose: to identify forms of organization economic activity. Task 1. List the types of economic systems.____________________ _____________ Task 2. What questions does the economy solve? ____________________ _______________ Task 3. What influences the choice of economic systems? _______________________ ___________________ Using the diagrams and the teacher's story, complete the tasks. Applications 5 (5 minutes)

Economic system A specially ordered set of connections and relations between producers and consumers of goods and services Socio-economic relationship economic mechanism systems Organizational and legal forms of economic activity Economic relations between entities Non-market Market Traditional system farms administrative system Mixed economy Market economy Directive planning Administrative Methods management. Self-supporting incentives Competition Market structures. State regulation

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS. market administrative command Place, bazaar Sphere of monetary circulation All issues of production are decided depending on supply and demand Government All issues are decided by central authorities ( government plans)

Work in groups 1st group. Market economy. 1st group. Market economy. 2nd group. Command-administrative economy. 2nd group. Command-administrative economy. 3rd group. Mixed economy. 3rd group. Mixed economy. 4th group. traditional economy. 4th group. traditional economy.

Man in the world economic relations. 1st group. Man is a manufacturer, entrepreneur, businessman. 1st group. Man is a manufacturer, entrepreneur, businessman. 2nd group. A person is a consumer, an owner engaged in individual labor activity. 2nd group. A person is a consumer, an owner engaged in individual labor activity. 3rd group. Man - as a means and subject of labor. 3rd group. Man - as a means and subject of labor. 4th group. A person is a private owner, a labor force. 4th group. A person is a private owner, a labor force.
The role of the state in the economy STATE Protection of the competition mechanism from unfair competition Creation of stable legislation Regulation of funds Assistance to the socially disadvantaged Protection of consumer rights Control over the quality of goods Protection of the economic interests of the country Environmental protection

Mandatory minimum content requirements for secondary (full) and basic general education to the content line " Economic sphere the life of society":

· Economics: science and economy. Economic culture. The economic content of property, its main forms.

· Economic systems.

· Variety of markets. Competition. Meters economic activity.

· Economic cycle and economic growth. Specialization.

· Exchange. Money and their functions. Banks. Inflation.

The state in the economy. Methods state regulation economy. Economic policy. The state budget. State debt.

· Money-credit policy. Tax policy.

· World economy Keywords: foreign trade, international financial system.

consumer economics. Producer economics.

· Labor market. Unemployment.

· Standard of living. Living wage.

· Russia in a market economy.

Basic concepts: economics, economic relations, production, distribution, consumption, macroeconomics, microeconomics, state regulation of the economy, economic policy, factors of production, property, private property, state property, municipal property, powers of the owner, economic system, traditional economy, command economy, market economy, mixed economy, market, demand, supply, money, price, price liberalization, privatization, securities,

banks, entrepreneurship, economically active population, gross national product, state budget, money supply, budget deficit, budget surplus, inflation, taxes, economic culture, economic interest, family budget.

Level A tasks Choose one correct answer out of four.

A1. The term "economy" originally meant:

1) rural estate management

2) the art of housekeeping

3) natural exchange

4) money turnover

A2. The meeting of the government was devoted to the discussion additional sources state revenues and compiling state budget next year. This is a type of economic activity in the field:

1) consumption

3) production

4) distribution__

A3. Are the following statements about economics correct?

A. Economics - the science of the economy, the ways of its conduct by people, the relationship between people in the process of production and exchange of goods.

B. The economy is an economy used by people to ensure life, meet needs by creating the necessary benefits, conditions and means of subsistence.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

A4. The total value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a year reflects the following economic indicator:

1) national income

2) gross national product

3) labor productivity

4) gross turnover

A5. The behavior of the producer in a market economy, in contrast to the command - administrative characterizes:

1) economical attitude to resources

2) economic independence

3) work ethic

4) the desire to improve skills

A6. The main functions of the state in a market economy include:

1) setting the required production volumes

2) ensuring the protection of the rights of owners

3) pricing regulation

4) distribution of resources between producers

A7. The economic relations of producers and consumers based on mutually beneficial exchange are:

1) division of labor

2) competition

4) specialization

A8. Are the following statements about supply and demand correct?

A. Demand is directly dependent on the price of the product.

B. The supply is inversely related to the price of the goods.

3) A and B are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A9. budget policy states govern:

1) corporate lending

2) foreign trade

3) volumes money supply in circulation

4) government spending

A10. Which of the following is a measure monetary regulation economy?

1) regulation of taxation

2) resale valuable papers

3) registration of licenses for private services

4) change in the rate of bank reserves

A11. Are the following statements about the causes of the government budget deficit correct?

A. The state budget deficit arises as a result of the excess of expenditures over revenues.

B. A government budget deficit is always the result of an economic crisis.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) A and B are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A12. Zoom in consumer spending affects:

1) increase income tax

2) decline social payments

3) increase in consumer income

4) decrease in labor productivity

A13. What is the condition for an employee to achieve high labor productivity?

1) use of credit

2) variety of forms of ownership

3) division of labor

4) Internet use

A14. The standard of living of the population is largely determined by:

1) the number of private enterprises

2) the level of political freedoms provided

3) the volume of goods and services produced

4) type of electoral system

A15. The economy is mainly designed to:

1) make the rich even richer

2) provide income to entrepreneurs

3) satisfy social needs

4) increase the number of owners

A16. If demand is higher than supply, then the price of the product is:

1) will not change

2) will grow

4) will fluctuate

A17. to measures social protection relate:

1) anti-inflationary regulation

2) state tax system

3) antitrust policy

A18. Are the following statements about inflation correct?

A. Inflation is typical only for countries with underdeveloped economies.

B. In economically developed countries there is no inflation.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) A and B are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A19. Market means:

1) place of sale of goods

2) place of production of goods

3) the system of economic relations regarding the purchase and sale of goods

4) competition between manufacturers

A20. Economic development country is determined by:

1) her budget

3) education costs

4) the number of enterprises

A21. The conditions for a country to specialize in the production of a particular product are:

1) low shipping costs

2) the presence of an advantage in the production of a particular product

3) the presence of demand for this product in other countries

4) all of the above

A22. What cannot be owned:

1) household items

2) production equipment

3) knowledge and skills of the employee

4) buildings and dwellings

A23. The tax is:

A. Payment for the use of state property.

B. Mandatory payment established by the state for enterprises and citizens.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) A and B are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A24. Economics as a science studies:

1) the operation of the objective laws of history

2) methods of production and distribution of material goods

3) a system of features that determines social structure

4) principles and norms for the exercise of state power

A25. In developed countries there are national systems social security population, contributing to the growth of living standards, the development of education and health care. This is a type of activity in the field:

1) production

2) distribution

4) consumption

A26. Producers want to sell products at high prices and consumers want to buy at low prices. In a market economy, this conflict is resolved with the help of:

1) government

2) business associations

3) financial authorities

4) competition

A27. Regulating production volumes, the state adopts plans that are mandatory

for the manufacturer, under the economic system:

1) market

2) traditional

3) command

4) mixed

A28. Are the following judgments about economic interaction between peoples correct?

A. The higher the level of production, the more intense the economic interaction between peoples.

B. Interethnic economic ties contribute to solving the problems of peoples' livelihoods.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

A29. The quantity of products produced per unit of time characterizes:

1) labor productivity

2) labor intensity

3) production costs

4) enterprise income

A30. The release of prices from government regulation is called:

1) voucher

2) default

3) liberalization

4) inflation

A31. Are the following statements about macroeconomic development goals correct in market conditions?

A. The goal of macroeconomic development is to maintain full time working population.

B. The goal of macroeconomic development is to change the form of ownership of an individual enterprise.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

A32. Which of the following examples does not apply to entrepreneurial activity:

1) buying potatoes on the market for the winter

2) car sales

3) home delivery of flowers

4) warranty repair of household appliances

A33. Profit is characterized by:

1) revenue minus taxes

2) revenue minus wages

4) income minus expenses

Level B assignments

The answer to level B tasks is a word, a sequence of letters or numbers. In the matching tasks, you need to write the letters of your chosen answers in the correct sequence.

IN 1. Enter the concept corresponding to the definition: "The organization of people's activities aimed at creating benefits that can satisfy their needs."

Answer: _________________

AT 2. Insert the missing word: “The science of economics belongs to the category of …….. sciences.”


AT 3. In the list below, mark the types of economic systems:

1) Advanced 2) Command

3) Traditional 4) Industrial

5) Industrial 6) Market

7) Technotronic 8) Mixed

Answer: _____________

AT 4. Complete the sentence: “The desire and ability of a consumer to buy a specific product at a specific time and in a specific place is called ……..”


AT 5. Establish a correspondence between the concepts that characterize the economy of the consumer, given in the first column, and their definitions, given in the second column.

AT 6. Find examples in the list below that characterize capital as a factor of production.

1) Factory building 2) Skilled workers

3) Machine tools 4) Information

5) Tools 6) Management staff


AT 7. The economy is a set of complex and simple actions performed by people in the field of:

1) Production 2) Distribution

3) Governance of the state 4) Maintain order in society

5) Consumption of products of labor


AT 8. Complete the sentence: "The main goal of the state in relation to monopolies is ........."


AT 9. Match the forms of ownership given in the first column with the examples given in the second.

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Insert a concept corresponding to the definition: “The totality of citizens of working age (from 15 years old to retirement age) who do not suffer from diseases that preclude participation in labor is called ………. »


Level C assignments Give a detailed answer.

C1. Determine what form of ownership the enterprise illustrates in the following example, and name the rights of its employees: Employees of the Start enterprise strive to make production more efficient, as they receive part of the enterprise's income by owning its securities. This right to income remains with them even after dismissal.

C2. Note the real, not declarative, advantages of a market economy:

· Constant stimulation of production efficiency.

· Identity of personal and public interests.

Efficient (through customized, decentralized solutions)

Functioning and adapting to change.

Providing needs in order of importance (necessities first, then luxuries).

· Individual economic freedom.

C3. "Competition is the life of commerce and the death of merchants" (E. Hubbard)

1) How do you understand the words of E. Hubbard?

2) Isn't the "death of merchants" a manifestation of the inhumanity of competition?

3) What are the functions of competition in a market economy?

4) Give two examples of the influence of the market on production.

C4. Two economists were arguing on the topic: "Which is more correct to pay more attention to in such a difficult time that Russia is going through now - economy or culture?" One assured: “Of course, the economy! It is the root of the problem!” The second objected: “Is it right: this? Perhaps the truth lies precisely in the reverse logic: if you abandon culture, education, then any initial successes in the economy will eventually come to naught, since it cannot eventually achieve great results in an uncultured, spiritually degraded society.

· What is the issue raised in this dispute?

Who do you think is right in this dispute? Why?

· Give two sayings, proverbs illustrating the relationship between economics and education, economics and culture.

· Give two examples of modern reality or from history, confirming, in your opinion, the correctness of one of the disputants.

C5. Read the text and do the tasks for it.


The greatest progress in the development of the productive power of labor, and a considerable share of the art, skill and ingenuity with which it is directed and applied, were, apparently, the result of the division of labor ...

For example, let's take... the production of pins. A worker who is not trained in this production (the division of labor made the latter a special profession) and who does not know how to handle the machines used in it (the impetus for the invention of the latter was probably also given by this division of labor) can hardly, perhaps, with all his diligence make one pin a day and, in any case, will not make twenty pins. But with the organization that this production now has, it is subdivided into a number of specialties, each of which, in turn, is a special occupation.

One worker pulls the wire. the other straightens, the third cuts ... Thus, the complex labor of production of pins is divided into approximately eighteen independent operations ... I have seen ... a manufactory of this kind, where only ten workers were employed and where, consequently, some of them performed according to two and three different operations ... These ten people worked out over 48,000 pins a day.

... The division of labor in any trade, in whatever extent it may be introduced, causes a corresponding increase in labor productivity. Apparently, the separation of labor from each other of various professions and occupations was caused by this advantage. At the same time, such a distinction usually goes further in countries that have reached a higher stage of industrial development: what in the wild state of society is the work of one person, in a more developed ... is done by several.

.. .Each individual worker becomes more experienced and versed in his particular specialty; on the whole more work is done, and a great increase in the production of every kind of object leads, in a society properly governed, to that general welfare which extends even to the lowest strata of the people. A. Smith

1) What economic problems does the author consider? List two of them.

C6. Indicate three ways to overcome the alienation of the worker from property, conditions and results of work.

C7. From the proposed problematic statements, select one and express your thoughts about the problem raised in the form of an essay based on the use of knowledge of the social science course, facts public life and personal experience.

1. "There are no free breakfasts." (Barton Crane )

2. "We need to think not about what can be useful to us, but only about what we cannot do without." (D. Jerome)

3. "Money doesn't smell" (Vespassian)

The textbook contains materials on issues that reveal the content of the life of society and its individual aspects: economic, political, spiritual, cultural, the formation and functioning of the state, the emergence and development of forms of social consciousness. The textbook meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Economic sphere of society

4.1. The concept of "economic sphere and "economy". Resources and their limitations

Economic sphere - decisive in the life of society - regulates the issues of production, ownership, exchange, distribution and consumption of material and spiritual goods.

The economic sphere is formed historically. Its development is due to changes in social production, the need to stimulate the activities of producers in such a way as the nature and content of labor require.

concept "economy" often used to characterize social production. Exist different approaches to the definition of the content of the economy.

Firstly, the economy is considered as a set of industries and types of material production and non-productive sphere. It creates goods and services, without which human society cannot exist and develop.

Secondly, the economy is usually associated with a set of economic relations that develop in the system of production, distribution, exchange and consumption. These relations form the economic basis of society.

Third, economics is understood as a branch of science that studies the functional or sectoral aspects of economic relations.

Fourth, researchers have in mind the economy when they distinguish micro- and macroeconomic production and intereconomics. Microeconomics acts as a separate production or enterprise. Macroeconomics appears as National economy. Intereconomy characterizes the patterns of emergence and development of the world economy.

Fifth, distinguish various forms of the economy: market, mixed, etc.

At sixth, the economy is given a leading place in the system of social relations. It determines the content of the political, legal, spiritual and other spheres of public life.

IN real life production always has a certain socio-economic form and is distinguished by the relations that develop between people.

So, economy is a sphere of human activity in which the material goods necessary to satisfy the various needs of people are created.

Resources- this is all that is spent in the process of producing goods and services and from which a person benefits for himself.

Resources can be divided into:

natural (natural forces and substances);

material (all supernatural, "man-made" means of production that are the result of production);

labor (population of working age);

financial (cash allocated by society for the organization of production);

informational (facilities mass media). All resources have one thing in common: they are available in limited quantities. Indeed, except for air, solar heat and rain, all other means of satisfying human needs exist to a limited extent.

Limitation- this is the insufficiency of production resources to create the volume of goods (goods and services) that people would like to receive.

To satisfy their material needs, people organize production.

4.2. Production

Production- this is a certain process of creating vital goods necessary for the development of human society.

Social production is a complex economic concept, which combines material and non-material production into a system. material production- the basis for the development of human society in general, non-material production in particular, the role of which is steadily increasing.

History knows two main forms of social production - natural and commodity.

natural production- this is a form of management in which the products of labor are intended to satisfy the producer's own needs, for on-farm consumption.

Subsistence economy is a closed system in which everyone works for himself, for his own internal needs. The main features of natural economy are isolation and conservatism, manual labor, slow pace of development, direct links between production and consumption. The law of the development of natural economy is the repetition of production in the same volumes. However, despite its primitiveness and relative hopelessness, subsistence farming has a stable character and exists to this day. The commodity economy is more developed and complex in comparison with natural economy.

Commodity production- this is a form of economic organization when products are produced by separate, separate producers, each specializing in the development of one particular product, so that the purchase and sale of products on the market is necessary to meet social needs.

In the process of production, people enter into relations with each other, that is, in relations of production. They represent a complex system that includes property relations, as well as forms of distribution of the production product, its exchange and consumption.

Production for society is an objective necessity. Since human needs are limitless, constantly changing and growing, this encourages society to develop production. For this, factors of production are used.

Factors of production- These are the elements of the production system and the processes affecting it.

The following main factors of production:

Earth (all types of natural resources available on the planet, suitable for the production of goods);

work (human efforts that are expended in the production process);

capital (material and spiritual resources with which you can increase the productivity of land and labor);

entrepreneurship (special abilities of people who can coordinate and manage production);

information (knowledge and information that people need for conscious economic activity). In the production process, each factor performs its function and has its own income share:

rent (land owners);

wages (wage-earners);

percent (owners of capital);

profit (entrepreneurs);

control (managers, shareholders of mass media).

In order to produce, the factors of production should connect. By the nature of the combination of factors of production can be carried out:

on a voluntary basis (if the means of production are owned by the producers themselves);

V compulsory order (if the means of production are separated from workers and are the property of other members of society).

In its turn, compulsion to the combination of factors of production can be:

non-economic (slavery and feudalism did this directly with the help of armed force - they forced slaves and peasants to work for themselves under the threat of arms);

economic (capitalism realizes this with the help of commodity-money relations, i.e., the capitalist does not force the worker to work for him, but the worker is forced to take a job in order not to die of hunger).

The result of social production is the total social product (SOP), consisting of objects, things and rendered services.

In its own way economic role The total social product is divided into:

material costs(raw material, energy, materials);

pure product (labor of workers employed in social production for certain period time).

In turn, a pure product includes:

necessary part (which serves the reproduction of the labor force, satisfying both the material needs of people in food, clothing, housing, and helping to realize their spiritual and social aspirations);

surplus part (which is necessary for the expansion of production and forms social savings). The total social product can also be measured using the following indicators:

gross social product (GSP), which is the total value of all final goods and services produced in the country during the year;

national income (ND) - this is a part of the total social product, containing the value newly created during the year;

End of introductory segment.



Part A tasks.

1. Russian government provided financial assistance to those affected by the severe flooding. What sphere of economic activity does this fact illustrate?

A) distribution b) consumption c) exchange d) production.

2. Economic systems differ:

A) the amount of investment in the economy b) ways of distributing limited resources c) the amount of money supply in circulation d) the skill level of workers.

3. The consolidated plan for collecting state revenues and using the funds received to cover all types of its expenses is called:

A) financial plan b) accounting report c) state budget

d) economic calculation.

4. Are the judgments correct:

A. The size of the profit received by the manufacturer is one of the factors in the growth of supply.

B. An increase in price usually leads to an increase in supply.

5. Direct taxes are characterized by the fact that they:

A) are charged only from enterprises-monopolists b) are not charged from citizens c) are used only to reduce the state. debt d) are a mandatory fee in favor of the state.

6. State in a market economy:

A) provides legal protection of private property b) sets prices for essential goods c) centrally distributes resources d) determines the rates and salaries of workers in enterprises.

7. The types of enterprises identified depending on the form of ownership include:

A) Production Association b) a joint-stock company c) a natural monopoly d) a branch of a factory.

8. The market of economic resources includes:

A) labor market b) commodity market c) stock market d) foreign exchange market.

9. State budget expenditures include:

A) government profits enterprises b) % according to the state. bonds c) social security contributions d) excises.

10. Are the judgments correct:

A. The main purpose of the activities of the Bank of Russia (Central Bank) is to make a profit.

B. The most important task of the Central Bank is to protect and ensure the stability of the ruble.

A) only A is true b) only B is true c) both are true d) both are false.

11. Economic indicator, expressing the market value of all final goods and services produced in the territory of a given country in a year:

A) GDP b) GNP c) personal income d) national income.

12. Growth in demand for management services reflects the situation in the market:

A) capital b) labor c) stock d) goods and services.

13. Are the judgments correct:

A. In the process of privatization of the state. property becomes private property.

B. Joint-Stock Company is a form of collective ownership.

A) only A is true b) only B is true c) both are true d) both are false.

14. A security giving the right to receive dividends is:

A) share b) credit c) certificate d) promissory note.

15. What is not typical for the period of recovery in the economic cycle:

A) reducing investment b) reducing unemployment c) increasing wages

d) an increase in the volume of loans.

Part B tasks.

1. Fill in the gaps in the scheme:


Traditional Team Market ______________.

2. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) In the early 1990s, there were only about 10 state institutions in Russia. banks that serviced all settlements in the country. (2) According to official data of the Central Bank, as of May 1996. 2568 banks are registered in Russia, including 1556-share and 1012-joint-stock. (3) Despite the rapid growth in the number of commercial banks, the formation of an optimal banking system is still far away. (4) Experts believe that the Russian banking system is decades behind the Western one in terms of technical level.

Determine what positions are:

A) the actual nature B) the nature of value judgments. Write your answer as a sequence of letters.

3. Establish a correspondence between the factors of production and examples. Write your answer as a sequence of letters.

EXAMPLES: 1. lathe 2. hard coal 3. equipment adjuster 4. company office 5. manager.

FACTORS OF PRODUCTION: A) land B) labor C) capital.

Part C tasks.

1. List three features of a command economic system.

2. Use three examples to show the sources of family income.

3. Read the text and answer the questions to it.

Should the state regulate the economy?

The growing role of government is a major reason for the deterioration of our economy. Incorrect implementation by the government of monetary and budgetary policy contributed to the instability of the aggregate product and inflation. Government regulation is the main reason for the slowdown in productivity growth and the decline in research and development. The expansion of government income redistribution programs has exacerbated the instability of family life, and may have led to a drop in the birth rate. Low level accumulation and slow growth of fixed capital is a consequence of the taxation system, government policies and the expansion of social insurance programs. A. Feldstein

Everyone is aware that the market needs rules to avoid such dangers as monopolies and oligopolies. But wealth is just as bad for a monopoly. The state must not abandon its role of redistribution; it also cannot give the market its role in development. The main challenge is to establish equality, and for this the state, which globalization considers a passed stage, is vital. Only it can establish progressive taxation, adequate regulation of privatized public services, support for small and medium-sized companies, greater efficiency in public spending, and significant improvements in education and health care. R. Alfonsin.

3-3. Specify three negative consequences, to which, according to the author of the first text, the state leads. market regulation. Based on the knowledge from the course of social science, try to prove the groundlessness of one of these consequences.

Studying economic issues in the courses of social science and economics at the basic level in high school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Mastering basic knowledge about the economic activity of people, firms and the state, about the Russian economy;

Acquaintance with the functioning of the labor market, the sphere of small business and individual labor activity, orientation in choosing a profession and the trajectory of further education;

The development of students' skills to approach the events of social and political life from an economic point of view, to critically comprehend information about the economy, state economic policy and develop their own reasoned opinion 1 .

Studying economic theory helps to adapt to modern conditions life and labor activity. What are the advantages of an economically literate person compared to those who did not have the opportunity to acquire economic knowledge? Having mastered the "rules of the game" in force in market system, such a person will be able to fully realize his talents and abilities in any chosen field of activity. A person who knows the basics of economic theory is able not only to develop new ideas, but also to evaluate possible options to make effective decisions in conditions of limited resources.

Requirements for the level of graduate training include the following positions:

Know/understand: the functions of money, banking system, causes of differences in the level of wages, main types of taxes, organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship, types of securities, factors of economic growth;

Be able to give examples: factors of production and factor incomes, public goods, Russian enterprises of various organizational forms, global economic problems;

Describe an action market mechanism, the main forms of wages and labor incentives, inflation, the role of trade unions, the main articles of the state budget of Russia, economic growth, the globalization of the world economy;

Explain the mutual benefit of voluntary exchange, the causes of income inequality, types of inflation, problems of international trade;

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life for: obtaining and assessing economic information, drafting family budget, assessment of one's own economic activities as a consumer, family member and citizen 1 .

Economy: science and economy. Economic systems and property. Measures of economic activity

Students should be able to:

Define the concepts: needs, benefits, factors of production;

Characterize the essence of the problem of limited resources;

Describe the main issues of economics;

Describe the features of types of economic systems: traditional, command, market;

See the educational standard of secondary (complete) general education in economics of 2004 (basic level).

Define gross domestic product;

Define economic growth;

Show the differences between extensive and intensive economic growth.

Key points

1) Goods that satisfy needs can be free and limited. Limited goods are economic, paid goods.

2) For production economic benefits resources are required: labor, land, capital, entrepreneurship. Incomes of owners of factors of production: wage, rent, interest, profit.

3) The main problem of the economy: the needs are unlimited, and the available resources are limited.

4) The three main questions of the economy - "What to produce?",<■ Как производить?», «Для кого производить?» -ак­туальны в любом обществе.

5) Depending on how society answers the main questions, a certain type of economic system is formed: traditional, command or market.

6) The presence of "failures" of the market makes it necessary for the intervention of the state and the formation of a mixed system.

7) The main indicator of the level of economic development is the gross domestic product (GDP). GDP measures the market value of goods and services, takes into account the final products produced within the country.

8) The level of well-being of citizens is determined by the value of GDP per capita.

9) The country's economy is developing unevenly: after
acceleration of growth comes a downturn in business activity.

10) External causes of cycles are possible: world from
cover, wars, trade agreements - and internal
ranks: government activities, changes in investment volumes
items and consumption.

Economic growth is a long-term increase in real GDP, both in absolute terms and per capita. Growth can be the result of an increase in the quantity and/or quality of resources (extensive or intensive factors). Scientific and technological progress ensures intensive economic growth.


1. There are several meanings of the concept of "economy". What position
illustrates economics as a science?

1) study of the functioning of the labor market

2) provision of educational services to the population

3) development of mobile communication networks

4) production of a large batch of new cars

2. Economic theory is

1) the science of housekeeping

2) the science of using limited resources to meet the needs of people

3) the ability to maintain and increase capital

4) knowledge about the consequences of scientific and technological progress

3. Economics as a field of knowledge directly studies

1) ways to regulate social conflicts

2) ways to effectively use limited resources

3) social consequences of the scientific and technological revolution

4) ways of optimal management of society

4. Are the following statements about economics correct?

A. Economics is the science of how best to use limited resources to meet unlimited needs.

B. The economy is an economy used by people to ensure life, meet needs by creating the necessary benefits, conditions and means of subsistence.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

5. Are the following judgments about economics as a science correct?

A. Economics belongs to the social sciences.

B. Methods of studying economics suggest its close connection with mathematics.


1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

6. Which of the following applies to natural resources?

1) raw materials not included in production

2) machines operating in production

3) skilled workforce

4) fuel in wagons on sidings

7. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of one,
characterize the concept of "measuring economic growth".

Gross domestic product, national income, GDP per capita, amount of taxes, inflation index.

Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept.

8. Illustrate with two examples the various manifestations of the impact of the economy on the social sphere (in each case, write down the manifestation first, and then the corresponding example).

9. The transition of enterprises from the hands of private entrepreneurs to state ownership is the essence of

1) nationalization

2) inflation

3) privatization

4) denationalization

10. The transition of enterprises from the hands of the state to private ownership
ness is the essence

1) nationalization

2) inflation

3) privatization

4) denominations

11. Which of the listed securities represents a corporation
tive form of ownership?

1) bond

2) insurance policy

4) banknote


12. The owner of the company decided to give a retiring employee as a gift
nick car. This example primarily illustrates the
into the owner

1) dispose of property

2) use the property

3) own property

4) inherit property

13. Distribute the following as follows: three
first positions should represent forms of private property
veins, the next three - the state. Numbers in each
write down the three in ascending order.

1) Family farm

2) Armed Forces of the country

3) Agricultural cooperative

4) An apartment privatized by a citizen

5) Property of the country's diplomatic missions abroad

6) National Park

14. A necessary feature of a market economy is

1) free pricing

2) use of resource-saving technologies

3) high quality products

4) foreign economic activity of the state

15. Characteristics of a market economy

1) the predominance of state-owned enterprises

2) independence of enterprises in matters of production

3) government pricing

4) the predominance of energy-intensive technologies in industry

16. A market economy differs from a command economy in that it

1) the question of what and how to produce, manufacturers re
walk on their own

2) employees at the enterprise are paid increased
- salary

3) government plans are adopted, binding on manufacturers

4) there is a division of labor between workers, enterprises, industries


17. Are the following judgments about a market economy correct?

A. Competition in a market economy is incompatible with monopoly.

B. The task of the state in a market economy is to eliminate competition by legal means.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

18. To the objective conditions for the functioning of a market economy
mics can be attributed

1) economic independence of entrepreneurs

2) public ownership of factors of production

3) the predominance of universal labor.

4) direct links between production and consumption

19. The basis of the traditional economic system is

1) free distribution of resources /

2) directive pricing

3) distribution of resources by the state

4) use of resources in accordance with customs

20. The market necessarily suggests

1) competition from independent manufacturers

2) state regulation of production activities

3) the presence of a significant sector of state property

4) the complete absence of state intervention in the economy

What are the characteristics of a market economy?

1) private ownership of the means of production

2) egalitarian distribution of manufactured products

3) state regulation of pricing

4) centralized production planning


22. In country A, the existence of enterprises of various
other forms of ownership. The success of these enterprises is 1¥attributable to
dependent on consumer demand for the product. K ka
type of economic systems can be attributed to the economy of country A?

1) planned

2) command

3) market

4) traditional

23. Write down the word missing in the diagram.


A) variety of forms

B) control over production by the state

B) distribution control
by the state

D) centralized pricing E) economic independence of commodity producers

Write down the selected letters in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet (without spaces or other characters).



26. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“In the modern economy, there are three main ^______ (1):

producers of an economic product, its consumers and ______

___ (2). Between them there is a very intense __________ (3)

goods, services, money, information. gosu
the gift provides a certain orderliness of economic
legal processes, their legal _____ (4), protection of rights and interests from
efficient participants in economic relations. At the same time, the state
The gift acts as a very large ________ (5) goods, services,

information. At the same time, the state is ________ (6), it

purchases from manufacturers military equipment for the army, food for state stocks, computer equipment for state bodies and institutions.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used one once.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

A) manufacturer B) exchange

D) state

D) an offer

E) subject

G) regulation

i) consumer

The table below shows the pass numbers. Write under each number the letter corresponding to the word you have chosen. Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet.

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