Types of banking operations list of services provided. Types of banking services

Banking services for legal entities is everything that banks do for companies and entrepreneurs: settlement and cash services, salary projects, loans. The list of services may vary depending on the bank, but there are standard services for legal entities.

Settlement and cash services

Settlement and cash services or RKO - the main type banking services for legal entities. Within the framework of the RKO, the company pays the employee's salary, conducts foreign exchange transactions and receives loans.

Payroll project

A salary project is a banking service for legal entities, with the help of which a company issues salaries to employees. The bank allocates a special account for the company to pay salaries. Opens current accounts for employees and issues salary cards. On the day the money is issued, funds are received from the main account of the organization to the salary account. The company sends a payroll to the bank, according to which the bank credits money to employees' cards.

A salary project is needed to facilitate the work of accounting and simplify the process of issuing salaries to employees.

Currency control

Currency control is a banking operation that bank customers go through when they send or receive money from abroad. During currency control, the client confirms that he received the money legally.

Under currency control fall:

  • entrepreneurs who receive money from a foreign company;
  • entrepreneurs who pay money to a foreign company or individual.

Control currency transactions the Central Bank needs to know that the company does not finance terrorists, does not receive illegal money from abroad and does not sell prohibited goods.

If foreign company pays for your services, the bank first receives the money and stores it in a transit account until you pass the currency control.

The organization has 15 days to find out that the money has arrived, bring an agreement with a foreign partner to the bank and fill out the documents. If the company delays the document, the bank imposes fines.

Lending to legal entities

Lending to legal entities is a bank service for legal entities, when the bank gives the company money for time and for interest. The bank receives interest on the loan amount given to the organization. Loans are classified by term, by purpose and by the method of granting the loan.

Loans by term

Term loans are loans that the bank issues for a specific period. Short-term - up to one year, medium-term - from one to two years and long-term, which the company takes more than two years.

Loans by purpose

Loans for business development. The bank studies the turnover of the company and assigns the loan amount. The repayment period and interest depend on the amount that the bank lends to the company. The bank does not require collateral when it issues loans for the purpose.

Loan for the purchase of fixed assets

To get a loan for the purchase of, for example, a car or special equipment, the bank must provide data on the company's income during the last year. If the bank decides to issue a loan, the company leaves as collateral the goods that are in circulation. This type of loan must be repaid in equal installments - every month the bank withdraws the same amount from the company's account.

commercial mortgage

Loan for the purchase of an office, warehouse, any non-residential premises. The bank takes collateral commercial real estate. IN commercial mortgage interest rates are higher than in housing.

Investment loan

The bank will ask the company for a business plan investment project And financial statements over the past three years. The loan must be repaid within three to ten years. The bank takes the company's assets as collateral.

According to the method of granting a loan

According to the method of granting a loan, there is a one-time, overdraft and credit line.

  • One-time loan The bank issues companies once and at a fixed percentage.
  • Credit line- this is when the bank issues a loan in parts during the time specified in the contract.
  • Loan through overdraft- this is when a company urgently needs money in excess of what is in the bank account. The bank debits all funds from the client's account and automatically adds the amount necessary to make the payment on top. For using the loan, the bank takes interest - no more than 50% of the average amount of receipts to the client's account over the past three months. After the company has borrowed overdraft funds, all the amounts that come to the account go to repay the loan. Some banks give Grace period when the company can use the loan without interest.

To get a loan, you need to apply to the bank. The bank's management examines the documents, employees conduct an interview with the head of the company that takes out a loan. The manager at the bank asks about the purpose and amount of the loan, talks about the interest rate and the repayment period. If the bank approves the loan, the parties sign a loan agreement. More detailed information read the article

Modern banking services for individuals and unique offers for entrepreneurs. Options for profitable investment and secure storage of funds. More about these and other banking products on our website.

Development banking business flows in enough strict conditions. In order to outperform competitors and take a leading position in the market, you have to diversify your activities and offer customers new banking services. In this article, we will take a closer look at the current solutions. At the same time, not only banking services for legal entities will be described, but also products for ordinary citizens.

However, initially it is necessary to strictly define the meaning of the concept itself. banking product». This definition first began to be applied after the transition of the economy to the current one market system. Bank products are transactions performed credit institution in order to improve the quality of functioning. But this is not the only interpretation, because besides this, banking products and services can be understood as the result of activity, which is a product that enters the market.

Basic concepts used for banking products

All bank services can be conditionally divided into several categories. The first of these concerns individuality, that is, products either for a specific consumer (single), or differing only in the type of asset (mass). Separate banks banking services and limited. In addition to products that are not limited by the number of products, there are also limited products (credit agreements, bonds, etc.) aimed, as in the first case, at a specific consumer.

The types of banking services in terms of content are the first on financial market or novelties of the domestic segment, and according to the form they are divided into property ( banknotes, gold bars, securities etc.), as well as legal (agreements, contracts, etc.). As for the categories into which banking products and services are distributed, they are as follows:

Issue of cards;

Operations with lending and deposits;

Support for the client's current account;

Issue of securities;

Swap transactions and leasing;

Operations with foreign currency and so on.

CSC and deposits are one of the most popular products in banks

Extremely popular Financial services commercial banks are RKOs or, in other words, settlement and cash operations. Previously, payment for this type of service was not charged by credit organizations. However, this led to the fact that institutions began to face large queues of customers, for which there was simply not enough time and resources to serve.

Then such bank services became paid, and their price is usually higher than the cost of similar operations in self-service terminals. Nevertheless, even taking into account the fact that all foreign exchange and various other transactions can only be carried out through the cash desks of banks, CSOs are not the main source of income for them.

First of all, it is necessary to single out such types of banking products and services as deposits. In this way institutions accumulate temporarily available funds into your activities. The money received can be used in various financial transactions that provide the bank with a profit. Of course, since these types of banking services involve working with the client's funds, a part of the income is necessarily transferred to the latter as a reward.

For this reason, the Central banks of all countries require financial institutions to create their own reserves of funds to fulfill their obligations. By the way, it is the deposit investment products of banks that are the most popular investment options during the crisis, since they provide the lowest risks. Even if you do not receive income from such an investment, the deposit compensates for inflation.

Lending as an integral part of the banking sector

Lending, together with deposits and cash settlements, is the most demanded banking operations and services. A loan is the provision of funds to an individual or legal entity for temporary use on certain conditions. In such cases, the products of the bank and the transactions themselves may be referred to as loans or lenders. However, when the credit institution itself attracts funds from outside for its activities, then we are talking about passive transactions.

For citizens and legal clients banks create special agreements that specify the obligations and rights of each party. Most often, other services of commercial banks allow you to finance the lending sector. Usually, loans are closely related to deposits, and if the rate on the latter is high, then loans are also likely to be issued to customers at a higher interest rate. By the way, a bank needs a fee for servicing an agreement when issuing a loan not only in order to make a profit, but also to cover the costs of deposits.

Other types of services

Behind last years the sale of boxed products by the bank became more popular. They are a more convenient type of classic insurance. Customers are offered several options of boxed products to choose from, allowing them to protect their health, life, finances and real estate. To purchase any option you are interested in, just contact the nearest branch of your bank. The cost of a particular product depends on its content, and you can read more about such services in a separate section of our website.

IN separate category stand out Special offers banks, which may even differ between different institutions. You can learn more about them in the corresponding section of our website. Now we are not talking about special offers of banks, but about narrowly focused services that may be required only by exceptional or especially large customers. These include, for example, a bank cell. Such banking services individuals have both their advantages and disadvantages.

The main ones are shown in the following table:

Advantages Flaws
Impeccable privacy. Items accepted for storage are not checked by bank employees. Costs safe deposit box quite expensive, so it is advisable to open it, for example, to store a large amount of funds for major transactions (buying an apartment, car, etc.) or family jewels.
When funds are frozen on client accounts (for example, by decision judicial authority) the cash in the safe will still be available for use. If you wish to withdraw from the account a large sum needed in without fail notify the bank of your decision. In addition, no profit is accrued on the stored funds, regardless of their volume.
You can specify authorized persons who will be granted access to the safe. For convenience, the client receives two duplicate keys at once. You can't just get access to a cell. It is necessary to provide not only a key, but also a passport, and in some cases a concluded agreement for servicing a bank cell.

Intermediary banking services for legal entities are also very popular. Thanks to the automatic conduct of all operations by modern banks, various business clients get the opportunity to significantly simplify their lives and make their work more efficient. At the same time, new types of banking products and services are constantly appearing on the market, performing the tasks of previously existing solutions, but offering a different, more modern approach.

An alternative approach to lending

Modern banking services open up much more opportunities for customers of credit institutions than before. For example, very interesting solution, which can be chosen as an analogue of classical lending, is leasing. What are these retail banking services? This is the full financing of the client's transaction instead of issuing funds to him for the purchase of the object of interest. In this case, the bank leases the property and retains ownership. At the same time, customers can independently choose sellers, goods and companies that will be engaged in financing.

We can also highlight other financial services of commercial banks, the basis of which is lending. For example, this is true for factoring. The essence of such transactions is that the factoring organization acquires claims from customers for an average of 80% of their real value, paying for everything within a few days. The rest is repaid after payment by counterparties of the debt. At the same time, the customer can independently decide whether it is necessary to notify his customers about the sale of debt to a factoring institution.

Undoubtedly, modern banks banking services are offered in much more wide variety. However, for a better understanding of them, you need to talk about them in all the details and details. On our site you can also read about what is the sale of boxed products by the bank, about other intermediary services, including trust. The latter involves the transfer of funds by the client to the bank for their subsequent investment in various markets in the interests of the customer. In a sense, these services are similar to classic deposits, but with more features, such as performing transactions with securities, preparing tax returns and payment of taxes, insurance of assets, collection of funds, as well as property management and other tasks. You can find out best deals banks currently operating in credit institutions by clicking on the following link.

Bank cards

If a person needs to perform a single operation in a bank, then this will not require opening his own account. However, regular use of the services of a financial institution is impossible without a bank card. The latter are a plastic payment instrument attached to accounts. This allows you to quickly access your savings if the client needs to top up the phone or balance of the provider, pay for purchases in supermarkets and other outlets, perform foreign exchange and other transactions.

According to their varieties, cards can be divided into standard and accumulative, personal and corporate, as well as credit and debit. There is a division by payment systems, among which the most popular in the world are MasterCard, VISA and American Express. At the same time, for each payment system it is important to use your own classification by maps. For example, Maestro cards and VISA Electron may only be used in the country in which they are issued. Standard and Classic options are applied in all states, and for Gold and Platinum it is also possible to receive bonuses, participate in special programs customer loyalty and so on.

Internet banking

Most of the operations mentioned above can be carried out even without having to leave your home or office. To do this, it is enough to have access to the Internet on your computer or smartphone. Everything else is provided by the bank itself in the form of home banking. Now such an opportunity is available in almost any financial institution. Of course, small banks may not provide access to all functions, because the development of a full-fledged and secure system requires an impressive investment. However, large institutions allow you to transfer funds between cards, pay bills, purchases and public utilities, as well as receive loans and even change currency, if this is provided for by card products opened by the client.

Service Efficiency

All banking operations and services can be evaluated according to a certain set of characteristics. They indicate how a particular product meets the needs of customers. The speed of the service, its quality, the duration of the work of the departments, the qualifications of consultants, the absence or presence of errors are taken into account. To achieve the required level, the bank takes into account such criteria as the cost of correcting errors, the degree of automation of work processes, labor productivity, motivation of specialists, and so on.

According to researchers from the United States, the most important parameter among all of these is precisely the qualifications of workers. Personnel must not only be endowed with a certain list of skills required for their field of activity, but also well-versed in business ethics, basic psychology and negotiation technology.

As for improving the quality of products, this can be done by increasing their diversity. For example, leasing, factoring, securities issuance and high-quality remote services are products that, unfortunately, are not currently available in all banks. Such low activity of managers is explained credit institutions when introducing new products into their activities, an increased level of risks. Without competent capital management, anti-money laundering, regular monitoring of profitability and other nuances, the bank can simply collapse.

The effectiveness of products, in turn, is directly proportional to the level of quality. For example, improving the approach to lending can make banking services more attractive and profitable for customers. The ability to obtain a loan when needed without tedious paperwork will attract more customers and increase the overall degree of satisfaction with the system. This also includes the introduction remote service bank of its clients, opening branches in small settlements and so on.

Banking service - the activity of the bank, carried out on behalf of and in the interests of the client in order to meet his needs for banking services. A service is usually associated with an end result.

This is the result of useful activities aimed at meeting the specific needs of business entities, the population. Service is an action aimed at the consumer, i.e. on bank client. The peculiarity of bank services is, in contrast to goods, services of enterprises, that the client not only accepts the bank's service, but also participates in the process of its provision. The client's needs for banking services are satisfied through a set of separate operations in which the client and the bank participate.

Bank customers want to receive not only traditional (basic) banking services, but also comprehensive assistance to their business. Bank services must be tied to a specific client. The goal is to tie customers to a competitive advantage over other providers of such services. Comprehensive banking service - the provision of a certain set of services to customers for more than favorable conditions than if these services were offered separately. The following points are taken into account in the basis of customer service:

services are provided for all clients (legal entities and individuals);

· easy and quick reorientation and expansion of the services provided;

security, accessibility, confidentiality of banking services;

Possibility of transferring the client to non-traditional methods of service.

A banking service is a form of possible customer satisfaction in a loan, settlement and cash services, purchase and storage of securities, purchase (sale) of currency, technical, technological assistance, etc. Banking services are thus formed in the market of banking resources (purchase of resources from customers); On the market banking assets(resource hosting services); in the market of specific services (trust, consulting, custody, assistance in payment transactions, circulation of securities, etc.).

In an environment where banks provide basically the same, traditional services, the quality of these services becomes an important tool for banks to compete for customers, as well as the provision of services on a new technological basis. The quality of a banking service is a set of its properties, elements that ensure the satisfaction of already formed (established) and expected (potential) needs of customers. At the same time, the requirements for the quality of banking services are expressed in the form of established or expected needs of the user of services in the form of quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

Unlike a service, a banking product must have a material embodiment. With regard to banks, it can be conditionally attributed to the product: bank shares, bonds, certificates, bills, checks, cards, etc.

Banking operations - a set of interrelated actions (transactions) of banks and customers carried out on behalf of the bank, taking into account the exclusive right of banks to these operations. This is a specific implementation of banking services, which, as a rule, provides for the movement of funds.

Banking operations are transactions that regulate the procedure, list and forms of documents, the sequence of their movement, the technology of operations, the procedure for the movement of funds, securities, the actions of bank employees - executors and the client.

Banks can carry out operations at their own expense, but they are carried out mainly at the expense of attracted resources and execute them on behalf of the bank. These can be own operations for the bank, for example, the acquisition of property, the formation of bank funds, remuneration, payment of dividends, participation as founders of other legal entities, etc. But banks conduct the main operations for clients (legal entities and individuals).

According to the Banking Code of the Republic of Belarus (2000 with additions and amendments in 2006), banking operations include:

· attraction of funds of individuals and (or) legal entities in contributions (deposits);

placement of attracted funds on its own behalf and at its own expense on the terms of repayment, payment and urgency;

opening and maintenance of bank accounts of individuals and legal entities; opening and maintaining accounts in precious metals;

implementation of settlement and (or) cash service individuals and legal entities, including correspondent banks;

currency exchange operations;

· transactions with precious metals and precious stones (storage, purchase and sale, attraction and placement in deposits (deposits), etc.);

issuance bank guarantees;

· trust management cash under the contract;

· collection (transportation) of cash, currency and other valuables (precious metals and stones), as well as payment instructions, their transportation between banks, banks and customers, etc.

· issuance of bank plastic cards, operations with them;

Issuance of securities confirming the attraction of funds in deposits (deposits) and their placement on accounts;

· factoring (financing under concession of the monetary claim);

· services for the storage of funds, securities, precious metals and stones, etc. .

In addition, banks and non-bank financial institutions, in addition to banking operations specified above, has the right to carry out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus:

Guarantee for third parties, providing for the fulfillment of obligations in monetary form;

· trust management of precious metals and stones;

· leasing activity;

operations with securities (issue, sale, purchase, accounting, storage, etc.);

consulting and information services, etc.

The rules and procedure for carrying out banking operations are established by law and regulations. central bank. Banking operations require a special permit (license). Banking operations are carried out in national currency (Belarusian ruble), and in foreign currency.

Banks and non-bank credit and financial organizations are not entitled to carry out production and (or) trading activities, except in cases where such activities are carried out for their own needs. They are not entitled to carry out insurance activity as insurers.

According to Article 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On state regulation foreign trade activities", services are recognized " entrepreneurial activity aimed at meeting the needs of others, with the exception of activities carried out on the basis of labor relations.

As for the concept of "banking services", despite the fact that it is repeatedly used in various legal documents, it has not received any definition either in banking or in antimonopoly legislation. In the works of domestic scientists there are various definitions of banking services. So O.I. Lavrushin defines "a banking service as one or more bank operations that satisfy certain needs of the client, and the conduct of banking operations on behalf of the client in favor of the latter for a certain fee" .

According to Yu.V. Golovin, "a banking service is a set of operations representing a complete set of services that satisfy any need of a client" .

Speaking about banking services, it is necessary to take into account the factors affecting the scope of banking services, which can be divided into: internal and external (Table 1).

According to Bokova M.F., the development of banking services Russian Federation influenced by the following factors:

Legal base;

The social status of the population;

Location of the credit institution;

Organizational and economic characteristics of the bank,

A set of services provided by the bank;

Ethics and culture of customer service;

Professional and qualification level of personnel.

Table 1 - Factors affecting the banking sector

Internal factors

External factors

Organizational and economic position of the bank (size of the bank, size of its assets and liabilities, capital structure, technological equipment of the bank)


Monetary policy of the state;


Specialization and clientele of the bank

Bank's marketing policy

Social ( social status citizens)

Range of banking services and tariff policy of the bank

Technological (information technology)

Bank management (bank staff and qualifications)

Political factors

State policy towards banks;

Legal field.

Strategic and tactical forecasts of the bank

Geographic - (regional) boundaries of the market in which it operates given bank, expansion prospects

Types of banking services provided to the population

By Russian legislation The main banking operations related to the provision of services to the population include the following:

Attraction of funds of individuals in deposits on demand and for a certain period;

Providing loans on its own behalf at the expense of its own and borrowed funds;

Opening and maintaining accounts of individuals;

Making settlements on behalf of clients, including correspondent banks;

Collection of funds, bills of exchange, payment and settlement documents;

Management of funds under an agreement with the owner or manager of funds;

Purchase from individuals and sale of foreign currency to them in cash and non-cash forms;

Carrying out transactions with precious metals in accordance with applicable law;

Issuance of bank guarantees.

In addition, in accordance with Russian banking legislation, commercial banks, in addition to the banking operations listed above, are entitled to carry out the following transactions:

Issuance of guarantees for third parties, providing for the fulfillment of obligations in cash;

Acquisition of the right to claim the fulfillment of obligations from third parties in cash;

Provision of consulting and information services;

Renting out to individuals special premises or safes located in them for storing documents and valuables;

Leasing transactions.

A credit institution is also entitled to perform other transactions inherent in it as a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. All banking operations and transactions are carried out in rubles, and in the presence of an appropriate license from the Bank of Russia and in foreign currency.

Let's take a closer look at the main banking services.

a) Deposit transactions.

Among the banking services provided to the population, first of all, it is necessary to single out deposit operations. Deposit operations are called banks' operations to attract funds from individuals in deposits either for a certain period or on demand. The share of deposit operations usually accounts for up to 95% of the liabilities of commercial banks.

The objects of deposit operations are deposits - the amounts of money that the subjects of deposit operations deposit with the bank and which, by virtue of the current procedure for conducting banking operations, are concentrated in bank accounts for a certain time.

According to their economic content, deposits are usually divided into three groups:

Term deposits;

Demand deposits;

Savings deposits of the population.

In turn, each of these groups is classified according to different criteria. It is customary to distinguish term deposits depending on their term:

Deposits with a term of up to 3 months;

Deposits with a term of 3 to 6 months;

Deposits with a term of 6 to 9 months;

Deposits with a term of 9 to 12 months;

Deposits with a term of over 12 months.

Savings funds, depending on the characteristics of their storage, for example, are divided into urgent, urgent with additional contributions, winning, cash and clothing winning, youth premium, conditional, to bearer, to current accounts, on demand, savings certificates, plastic cards. Each type of deposit has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Demand deposits are the most liquid. Their owners can at any time use the money on demand accounts. The features of a demand deposit account are as follows:

Money is deposited or withdrawn to this account both in parts and in full without restrictions;

It is allowed to take cash from this account in accordance with the procedure established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

For demand deposits, the bank is obliged to keep a minimum reserve in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in a larger proportion than for term deposits.

The main disadvantages of demand deposits are:

For their owners - practically no payment of interest on the account;

For a bank, the need to have a higher operating reserve to maintain liquidity.

Term deposit accounts have a fixed term, pay a fixed interest rate to their holders, and are generally subject to early withdrawal restrictions. For funds held in time deposit accounts, a lower required reserve ratio is set than for demand deposits.

The advantage of term deposit accounts for the client is to receive a high interest, and for the bank - the ability to maintain liquidity with a smaller operating reserve.

The disadvantage of term deposit accounts for clients is low liquidity and the inability to use funds in term deposit accounts for settlements and current payments, as well as for cash withdrawals. For the bank, the disadvantage is the need to pay increased interest on deposits and thus reduce the bank margin.

Savings deposits are beneficial to banks in that they are long-term in nature and, therefore, can serve as a source of long-term investments. Their disadvantage is the exposure of these deposits to a variety of factors (political, economic, psychological), which increases the risk of a rapid outflow of funds from these deposits and loss of bank liquidity.

Today in banking practice, certificates of deposit have been widely developed in banking practice. Deposit certificate, according to Art. 142, 143 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a security indicating that term deposit fixed term and interest rate. There are two types of deposit certificates - non-transferable, which are kept by the depositor and presented to the bank upon maturity, and transmitted, which are freely sold on the secondary financial market.

For individuals, savings certificates are used, issued both for a fixed period and on demand.

Commercial banks in the conditions of competition in the market of credit resources need to constantly take care of both quantitative and qualitative improvement of their deposits. The activities of a commercial bank are as follows:

Deposit operations must facilitate profit or create conditions for future profit;

Deposit operations should be varied and conducted with different entities;

Particular attention in the process of organizing deposit operations should be paid to term deposits;

Interrelation and consistency between deposit and credit operations in terms of terms and amounts of deposits and credit investments should be ensured;

Arranging deposit and credit operations, the bank should strive to minimize its free resources;

The Bank should take measures to develop banking services that facilitate the attraction of deposits.

Speaking of bank deposits it is necessary to raise the issue of insurance of bank deposits. Russia has a system state insurance deposits. The Deposit Insurance Agency was established in January 2004 on the basis of Federal Law No. 177-FZ dated December 23, 2003 "On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation". In order to ensure the functioning of the deposit insurance system, the Agency pays compensation to depositors on deposits upon the occurrence insured event; maintains a register of banks participating in the deposit insurance system; controls the formation of the deposit insurance fund, including at the expense of bank contributions; manages the funds of the deposit insurance fund.

With the adoption of the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 No. 121-FZ "On Amendments to the federal law"On the Insolvency (Bankruptcy) of Credit Institutions" and the Recognition of Certain Legislative Acts (Provisions of Legislative Acts) of the Russian Federation as Invalid "in Russia, the institution of a corporate bankruptcy manager for insolvent banks has been introduced, the functions of which are entrusted to the Agency. Currently, the list of banks is 892 banks ( data as of December 5, 2012).

On October 27, 2008, Federal Law No. 175-F 3 "On Additional Measures to Strengthen Stability" was adopted banking system until December 31, 2014", according to which the Agency was also vested with the functions of financial rehabilitation of banks.

b) Bank plastic cards as one of the types of services for the population

IN developed countries In practice, a general trend towards the transfer of cash settlements to a system of non-cash payments has now clearly manifested itself. For example, in the USA, about 90% of the total value of transactions and commodity-money turnover is covered by settlements without the use of cash.

The most widespread among the means of non-cash monetary settlement are money checks, and more recently - electronic money and its variety - plastic cards.

Check is money document prescribed form, containing the order of the account holder in a credit institution to pay the amount specified in the check to its holder. The basis of check circulation is deposits (hence the name - deposit money). Thus, non-cash money on current bank accounts with the help of a check easily turns into a means of payment.

A plastic card is a personalized payment instrument, which provides the person using the card with the possibility of non-cash payment for goods and / or services, as well as receiving cash in branches (branches) of banks and ATMs (ATMs).

In addition to the fact that a bank plastic card provides round-the-clock access to bank account, its holder has a number of advantages over cash. These include:

1) Reliability.

A loss bank card does not mean the money is gone. The card can be stolen, you can lose it, it can burn in a fire, but the client's money will still be safely stored in a bank account. Even if someone takes possession of the card, he will not be able to use the client's funds due to reliable protection.

2) Convenience.

The card holder also has no problems associated with change when paying for goods, services or work, they will not be able to hand over counterfeit banknotes, shortchange and short change, the wallet will not swell from banknotes of small denomination, besides not always sterile.

3) Simplicity.

When traveling abroad, the holder of a bank card has much fewer problems than when exporting cash. The card is the key to access the funds in the bank account, which means that it does not need to be declared. There is also no need to exchange currency for a local one, since when paying for goods and services, the conversion is carried out automatically.

4) Economy.

When performing foreign exchange transactions outside of Russia, the associated costs are reduced, since the conversion is carried out at more favorable exchange rate than in exchange offices.

Unlike cash, which is a dead weight, funds placed on a bank account used by the holder when conducting transactions using a card bring additional income in the form of interest on the balance of funds.

6) Control.

Having a card, it is very convenient to control family budget and lead home bookkeeping. The cardholder does not need to rack his brains, remembering how much and what he spent, as you can always get an account statement.

c) Lending to individuals

Loan (credit) operations are operations for the provision (issuance) of funds to the borrower on the basis of urgency, repayment and payment. Loan transactions related to the purchase (accounting) of promissory notes or the acceptance of promissory notes as collateral are accounting (accounting and loan) transactions.

The Law "On Banks and banking"provided that a credit institution may provide loans secured by movable and real estate, government and other securities, guarantees and other obligations in accordance with federal laws.

Loan (credit) operations, as a rule, bring banks the bulk of their income. On a macroeconomic scale, the significance of these operations lies in the fact that through them banks turn temporarily inactive cash funds into the existing ones, stimulating the processes of production, circulation and consumption. The purpose of consumer loans is to meet the individual needs of borrowers.

Bank loans provided to the public are called consumer lending. Consumer credit is loans provided to the population to meet their consumer needs.

Obviously, this interpretation includes both the purchase of goods and services for current consumption, as well as durable goods and the purchase of real estate. last view consumer credit taken to be singled out in separate industry due to its specificity. This industry is called mortgage lending.

A consumer loan has certain features that are different from other types of loans:

Firstly, these legal relations are characterized by a special subject composition: in this case, the creditor is a bank or other credit organization that regularly, professionally, on the basis of a specially issued Central Bank The Russian Federation permits (licenses) carries out such operations for profit as the main purpose of its activities, and the debtor is an individual.

Secondly, if under a loan agreement or as a result of the provision of a commodity or commercial loan not only cash, but also other things defined by generic characteristics, the subject of a bank loan agreement can only be cash.

Thirdly, a feature of a bank loan agreement is its reimbursable nature, i.e. payment by the client of interest for the use of funds of a credit institution for a certain period - in contrast to the usual loan agreement, which implies both a compensated and non-compensated nature of the legal relations of the parties.

Fourth, the security of the loan. To ensure the timely repayment of a loan, banks accept a pledge, surety, guarantee of another bank, as well as obligations in other forms permitted by banking practice.

Fifthly, the loan agreement must be concluded in writing. The obligatory nature of such registration is determined by the current legislation (Article 820 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), while non-compliance writing entails invalidation. loan agreement, which is otherwise called a bank loan agreement. The rules for granting a loan, the procedure, steps and conditions for concluding loan agreements are developed by commercial banks independently, taking into account the recommendations and instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The economic and social role of consumer credit is as follows:

The issuance of a consumer loan, on the one hand, increases the current effective demand of the population, and on the other hand, accelerates the implementation inventory and services;

Consumer credit contributes to the development of individual housing construction;

Consumer credit contributes to the provision of durable goods to the population;

Consumer credit is used to solve various social problems (credits to young families, pension loans, etc.).

Consumer lending is carried out according to the following scheme. The seller of the goods immediately presents the buyer's (consumer's) invoice for payment to a financial institution (bank, finance company) serving the customer; this scheme is usually served by three independent agreements: a purchase and sale agreement between the consumer and the seller, a loan agreement between the consumer and a financial institution, and a member agreement between the bank and the seller on the transfer of invoices issued to the consumer to the bank at an agreed discount .

It is worth pointing out the nature of the discount paid by the enterprise retail bank for accounting for the buyer's account, which is, in fact, a discount for cash payment. The fact is that in the practice of commercial enterprises it is customary to provide a discount (usually 3-5%) from the standard price to customers who pay for the purchase in cash. When paying credit card the consumer does not receive such a discount. On the other hand, the seller, by presenting an invoice to the bank, actually achieves the same effect as in the case of receiving cash. Thus, the buyer, using a credit card, saves on the need to receive cash from the bank (bank commission for cash withdrawal), but loses the right to a discount, which passes to the bank.

The discount rate mainly depends on the terms of the participation agreement, but, as a rule, it is 5%, i.e., it is at the level of the discount rate for cash payment.

The purpose of consumer loans is to meet the individual needs of borrowers, while the recipients of loans can be individuals with different creditworthiness. The duration of the loan may also vary. But these differences in the economic content of the need for a loan should not be reflected in the liquidity of the bank, i.e. should not lead to untimely repayment of loans issued. Therefore, banks organize the process of lending to customers, highlighting the types of loans that make it possible to differentiate the object of lending, the mechanism for issuing and repaying loans, and the forms of monitoring their repayment.

There are the following conditions for granting a consumer loan:

Repayment terms.

In the consumer lending market, there are short-term and medium-term loans. The average repayment period for a short-term loan is usually between six months and one year. Medium-term loans are provided for a period of one to three years. Basically, medium-term loans are provided when buying cars.

Sum down payment, interest rate on loans.

The amount of the down payment varies, as a rule, within 5-10% of the total amount.

Repayment method.

There are two methods here. First of all, these are loans repaid by a lump sum (payment) on the part of the borrower. In consumer lending, this type of loan is currently rarely used. There are also loans repaid in installments over the entire term of the loan agreement. Specific conditions (order) of return are determined by the contract.

Availability of collateral.

Secured loans are the main type of modern bank consumer credit, expressing one of its basic principles. Any property owned by the borrower on the basis of ownership can act as collateral: real estate; securities; products; deposits placed with the lending bank.

Recently, trust (blank) loans have become widespread in consumer lending, the only form of security for the return of which is directly a loan agreement.

Special purpose.

With a tripartite loan agreement, there are targeted loans that imply the need for the borrower to use the resources allocated by the bank solely for solving the problems specified by the terms of the loan agreement. There are also consumer loans of a general nature, used by the borrower at his own discretion.

The number of loans.

Perhaps a one-time transfer of borrowed funds to the borrower's current account or a credit line - transfer of borrowed funds to the borrower's current account in installments (tranches) as the need arises.

Documents provided by the borrower.

Here allocate standard loans, in which the borrower submits a rather voluminous package of documents (guarantees, income statements, etc.) and express loans, in which the borrower provides a passport and some other document, for example, a driver's license. Express lending is used primarily in a tripartite lending scheme.

In addition, when granting a loan, the borrower's age, place of registration, etc. play a role.

Let us illustrate the methodology for calculating the parameters of a consumer lending transaction using the example of gradually repayable loans).

Financial activities to provide a loan involve the use of various methods of debt repayment, as well as sequences for determining the parameters of a credit transaction, the choice of which most often depends on the status of the creditor (if a bank or a credit institution takes an interest rate as a base parameter, then a retailer may start from the schedule developed by him debt repayment).

At the same time, when announcing the loan repayment schedule to the buyer, the retailer must clearly understand what interest rate he applies and what financial burden ultimately falls on the borrower. For example, in the practice of consumer credit in the United States, these parameters are among others that the lender must "disclose" when concluding a transaction.

For determining annual rate Consumer loan providers usually use special tables of annual interest rates, which allow you to get the rate based on the debt repayment schedule.

In consumer credit simple interest, as a rule, are charged on the entire amount of the loan and are added to the principal amount of the debt already at the time of issuing the loan. The repayment of the debt with interest is made in equal installments throughout the entire term of the loan. Thus, the amount of debt with interest is equal to:

S = P(1 + ni), (1)

where S is the accumulated amount of debt;

P - issued loan;

n - loan term in years;

i - interest rate for the period

The one-time payment will be calculated as

where q - the amount of a one-time redemption payment;

m is the number of redemption payments per year.

Due to the fact that interest is accrued on the entire amount of the debt, and its actual amount periodically decreases over time, the effective interest rate (on the actually used loan) turns out to be noticeably higher than the rate on the condition of a consumer loan.

To measure the effective interest rate, we interpret the repayment payments as a constant term annuity, and the issued loan - as the current (reduced) value of the annuity. The current value of the flow of payments, including financial rent, is understood as the sum of all discounted members of such a flow at the "zero" point in time. To determine the current value of the annuity, annuity reduction coefficients are used, calculated as the sum of members of a geometric progression consisting of discount multipliers for each payment period. The values ​​of these coefficients (anj) depend only on the interest rate and the number of annuity members, they are calculated for a wide range of rates (j) and the number of payments (n) and are given in special tables. Thus, the current value of the annuity is equal to:

A = R / anj, (3)

where R is the annuity term

Grade effective rate reduces, therefore, to the calculation of the coefficient of reduction of such rent according to the data characterizing the conditions of consumer credit. Let us equate the current value of payments (discounting at an unknown rate j) to the amount of debt:

anj = n/(1 + ni). (5)

The value of the desired rate is calculated from the resulting reduction coefficient. The resulting annual rate compound interest significantly higher than the rate applied when lending. For example, with a three-year period of consumer lending at 10% per annum, the actual rate will be 19.46%, i.e., almost twice as much.

Since the practice of consumer credit involves the accrual of interest immediately on the entire loan amount, one of the tasks that arise when planning debt repayment is to determine the balance of the debt at any time of the loan term, in other words, how to divide the repayment payment into the amount of principal repayment and interest on the loan . For this, the so-called rule of 78 (rule of 78) is applied. The name of the rule follows from the sum of the ordinal numbers of the months of one year (it is equal to 78). Suppose a loan is taken for one year with monthly repayment. According to the "rule 78", at the first payment, the payment of interest is equal to 12/78 of the total accrued interest, the remaining part of the amount goes to repay the principal debt. From the second payment, 11/78 of the total accrued interest goes to pay interest, etc. The last payment of interest will be 1/78. Thus, interest payments represent a decreasing arithmetic progression, i.e. interest payments are accelerated.

We generalize this rule for n years and p payments per year. Then the successive numbers of the months in reverse order are the values ​​t = pn, pn-1, pn-2, ..., 1, and the sum of these numbers will be equal to:

Q = pn(pn + 1)/2 (6)

Shares of the total interest, therefore, will be t / Q. Now you can find the absolute amounts of interest payments:

where P is the initial amount of debt (7)

"Rule 78" allows you to use the method of equal urgent payments when repaying a consumer loan. In accordance with this method, throughout the repayment period, the borrower regularly pays a fixed amount, part of which goes to repay the debt, and the other part is paid in the form of interest on the loan. The amount of debt is systematically decreasing. Due to the fact that interest payments decrease, the amounts going to pay off the debt increase. A fixed amount of one regular payment, equal to Y, can be considered as a constant annuity, therefore, by equating the initial amount of debt with the current amount of this annuity, we get:

where anj is the annual annuity reduction factor with rate j. (8)

Knowing the size of the urgent payment, it is possible to develop a loan repayment plan, provided that interest is charged on the balance of the debt.

The success of the development of consumer credit in developed countries is largely associated with the functioning of specialized information agencies on the market: the so-called credit bureaus and credit and detective bureaus (Another name for credit and detective bureaus is collection agencies).

In December 2004, the Federal Law "On Credit Histories" was adopted in the Russian Federation. From March 1, 2006, banks are required to transfer data on their borrowers who have expressed voluntary written consent to the bureau credit histories(BKI).

According to analysts, the services of collection agencies in Russia will undoubtedly be in demand and the agencies can count on the prosperity of their business. At the end of October 2004, the establishment of the first in Russia collection agency"Sequoia Credit Consolidation", the main task of which was declared the return problem debt unsecured bank loans individuals. At the moment there are already dozens of collection agencies in Russia.

d) Commission banking services

Commission services are those operations that the bank performs on behalf of its customers and charges them in the form of commissions. The number of these operations is constantly growing, and the bank does not divert its own or borrowed funds for their implementation. The main commission transactions include:

Settlement and cash operations;

Trust operations;

Operations with foreign currency;

Information Services.

Settlement and cash transactions are associated with the maintenance of accounts in rubles and foreign currency, the implementation of settlements and payments of the client.

e) Operations with precious metals

Banks have the right to carry out the following operations and transactions with precious metals:

Buy and sell precious metals both at your own expense and at the expense of clients (under commission and commission agreements);

Attract precious metals in deposits (on demand and for a certain period) from individuals and legal entities;

Place precious metals on its own behalf and at its own expense to deposit accounts opened with other banks and provide loans in precious metals;

Provide and receive loans in rubles and foreign currency secured by precious metals;

Provide services for the storage and transportation of precious metals in the presence of a certified storage.

All monetary claims and obligations arising from transactions with precious metals between residents of the Russian Federation must be expressed and paid in the currency of the Russian Federation.

Banks of the Russian Federation carry out operations with precious metals with the opening of metal accounts. Metal accounts are opened for individuals and legal entities, including banks.

To store precious metals, banks open metal accounts for safekeeping.

Precious metals accepted from the client for storage are not borrowed funds of the bank and cannot be placed by the bank on its own behalf and at its own expense.

To carry out operations to attract deposits and place precious metals, banks open unallocated metal accounts.

Precious metals accounted for on unallocated metal accounts have quantitative characteristic mass of metal (for coins - quantity in pieces) and cost balance estimate.

The Bank of Russia exercises control over transactions with precious metals.

In the course of their activities, all commercial banks carry out a variety of operations and provide a wide range of services to individuals and legal entities. Which sector of the population the bank will work with depends on its reputation in the financial market and on its size. However, almost all credit organizations cooperate with individuals and provide them with a large number of services. Below are the most common banking services provided to individuals.

Deposits or deposits in banks. A deposit is understood as free funds of citizens or organizations placed in a bank at a certain interest rate prescribed in the depositor's agreement with the bank. Thanks to this, the bank uses the money received by providing loans, and depositors receive a certain percentage specified in the agreement for the opportunity to use the funds provided. Savings accounts for commercial banks, they are one of the main methods of raising funds, and for depositors, this is a chance to save and increase their existing savings. In turn, bank deposits differ in purpose:

Short-term (imply a deposit of up to 6 months), medium-term (from 1-5 years) and long-term (over 5 years). Generally, the longer the period bank deposit the higher the interest rate on it and vice versa.

- Replenishable and non-replenishable deposits. It should be noted that for replenished deposits there are restrictions on the amount of replenishment and restrictions on the number of contributions for the specified period.

- Demand deposits. They enable the depositor to use the funds placed in the bank at any time, as soon as it is required, that is, to withdraw money without any restrictions. This type of deposit is characterized by the lowest interest rates, it is a kind of transfer of money to the bank for temporary storage.

- Term deposits These are deposits in the bank for a certain period of time. For time deposits, banks usually set the most high interest. In turn, if the depositor wishes to withdraw money ahead of schedule, then he loses the accumulated interest.

- Deposits with minimum balance , which is not removed. This form combines two types of deposits - urgent and demand deposits. Thus, the depositor contributes a certain amount of money, which he can
withdraw only after the end of the deposit period, but all funds above this non-withdrawable balance can be withdrawn without penalties imposed by the bank, and they accrue the general interest rate for the deposit account.

Lending. Today, more and more citizens are resorting to using bank loans to solve their current problems. Thus, lending is becoming the most popular and demanded banking service. A loan is issued to a borrower in predetermined amounts, for various purposes, for a certain period, and also with a certain interest rate. In each individual case, commercial banks provide various types of loans: secured or unsecured; with or without a guarantee and others. Depending on the purpose for which loans are provided to individuals, they can be divided into several large groups:

Mortgage loans- These are loans issued by the bank secured by the borrower's real estate.

Auto loans– i.e. loans provided by a bank to a borrower for the purchase of a car and, as a rule, the purchased car acts as collateral.

Consumer loans- these are loans issued by the bank to individuals for any urgent needs (purchase of household appliances, electronics, furniture, as well as a loan for apartment renovation, for recreation, for education, etc.).

Leasing or financial lease - lease of property for temporary use with the subsequent right to purchase it.

IN different banks loans can be absolutely different names, however, the principle of their issuance always remains the same: some are provided for urgent needs, others - for the purchase of a car, and others - for the purchase of an apartment.

Plastic cards. A plastic card is a card that has certain means of protection against hacking, stores any amount of money and differs in its purpose, functions and technical specifications. Today, any modern person uses plastic cards. Its capabilities are very wide and multifaceted: paying for purchases without leaving home, charging wages or scholarships, convenience of payments in stores and much more. The most common types of bank cards are the following:

Savings cards is a tool for storing and multiplying your savings, is additional source income. Savings card allows you to receive accrued interest on your savings.

Payroll cards - bank card, intended for the issuance of wages and other cash payments to an employee by a company that has entered into a service agreement with the bank as part of a salary project.

Student cards– credit cards to meet the needs of students. These cards usually have a low credit limit.

Retirement cards - a plastic card for which monthly pensions are calculated. At the same time, an increased interest is charged on retirement savings.

Debit cards - banking payment card used to pay for purchased goods and services, as well as to receive cash from ATMs. This card makes it possible to make payments for an amount not exceeding the amount of the deposit in the deposit account. Function debit cards- replacement paper money for non-cash payments.

Credit cards - a bank payment card issued to depositors in order to make non-cash payment goods or services, and for which a certain limit is set in accordance with the terms of the signed loan agreement. Main difference credit card from the debit card is that the first card contains funds provided by the bank on loan, which are then returned, and the debit card stores the depositor's own funds.

Payments and transfers. Banks also earn income through the implementation of the most various payments And bank transfers in the form of a commission. If before the majority money transfers happened with the help of post offices, today to produce this operation possible in any commercial bank for a certain fee, set individually by each credit institution. At the same time, there are such payments that do not provide for the payment of a commission, for example, payment for utilities. The most common way to transfer money for individuals in our territory is postal orders"CyberMoney". An equally well-known method is a bank transfer, which is an operation to transfer a certain amount of money from one account to another on behalf of the client. A bank transfer also means receiving a salary, scholarship or pension from the bank, as well as paying utility bills. In addition to bank transfers, special transfer systems are also known, the agents of which are banks. Most popular systems: Western Union, Anelik, Contact, STB-Express, Unistream, MoneyGRAM. Translation takes from a couple of minutes to several days.